Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises for intimate muscles

Arnold Kegel's exercises are a real find for men! LK muscles (Kegel muscles) are always in good shape, even more enjoyment from sex and prevention of diseases.

Strengthening muscles pelvic floor is an important therapeutic and prophylactic procedure that is recommended for all men. Kegel exercises are a training complex that allows you to quickly and easily strengthen the muscular apparatus of the perineum, which contributes to the normal functioning of the pelvic organs, increasing sexual activity and eliminating some pathological conditions.

V Everyday life the use of the pelvic floor muscles is quite limited, so over time they can lose tone and elasticity. Under the influence of negative risk factors, the process is significantly accelerated and leads to many negative consequences. Kegel exercises a man keeps the muscles in tension, thereby preventing them from atrophying. However, the implementation of such a complex requires prior consultation with an andrologist, who will examine the reproductive system and exclude the presence of contraindications.

This is not always possible, men should know the basic prohibitions:

  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Any pathology of the genitourinary system in the acute stage;
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms;

Kegel exercises considered part of traditional medicine. They are actively recommended by urolologists, sexologists, andrologists and gynecologists to solve the following problems:

  • Elimination of the weakness of labor and other pathological conditions during pregnancy and delivery (regular Kegel training reduces soreness during the natural birth of a child);
  • Treatment and reduction of the risk of urinary and fecal incontinence, more often in older women or girls who have undergone surgery;
  • Therapy and prevention of prolapse of the pelvic organs ( Kegel exercises a woman strengthens the pelvic floor, which prevents the loss of anatomical structures);
  • Strengthening sexual activity and the intensity of orgasms (reaching peak pleasure directly depends on how trained muscle vagina);
  • Prevention of aging processes and increasing the resistance of the reproductive system to inflammatory diseases;
  • Restoration of the birth canal after the birth of the child, since their stretching is noted (if during childbirth there were ruptures or other complications, then before performing Kegel exercises it is necessary to consult a gynecologist).

In the presence of serious diseases of the reproductive system associated with a decrease in the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, it is recommended to use a more serious therapy, as how to do Kegel exercises may be impractical.

How do you find the muscles you want?

There are several ways to find the right one. muscle for subsequent training. The easiest way to feel the desired muscular apparatus is during urination, during which urine should be retained. For this you have to strain Kegel muscles which will later have to be trained. It is not recommended to conduct training in this way, as you can get the opposite effect.

If the first method did not help to understand where the desired anatomical structures are located, then Kegel muscles can be found by inserting a clean finger into the vagina. A woman should squeeze her finger inside, feel the muscles that are involved. You can visually detect the required muscle frame using a mirror. Only after understanding which structures will be involved should you understand, how to do Kegel exercises.

Preparing for a workout

The preparatory phase is very important to get the right results and to avoid negative consequences. Kegel training should be painless, not cause discomfort. To do this, you must first empty the bladder so that it is not compressed.

Correct body position:

  • Make the system exercise should be done while lying on your back with one hand on the abdominal cavity;
  • All nearby muscles should be relaxed, and during training, only the pelvic floor structures are involved;
  • Legs should be bent at the knees for comfort and complete relaxation of the muscles;
  • Performance Kegel exercises can be done while sitting on a chair.

After graduation, one of the factors indicating the correct execution is the absence of any uncomfortable sensations.

How to do Kegel exercises?

Execution method Kegel exercises may differ in intensity and duration, depending on the initial condition of the muscles and the duration of the course. There are two options for conducting a workout: isolated exercises for muscle contraction or a combination of compression and expulsion.

The first technique

Includes 4 types of exercises:

  • The man should perform three sets of quick squeezing and unclenching of the muscles for 10 seconds at the same interval. Then kegel exercise accelerates: repeat squeezing and unclenching 9 times for 5 seconds with the same interval. The last stage consists in static muscle tension for 30 seconds, after which the woman relaxes for the same time and repeats the procedure twice more.
  • Second option Kegel exercises consists in quick squeezing and unclenching of the muscles for 5 seconds, followed by rest. The procedure is repeated 10 times. Then tenfold tension and relaxation of the muscles is carried out three times. The last stage consists in the maximum prolonged (but not more than 2 minutes) tension of the pelvic floor, followed by 120 seconds of rest.
  • Following kegel exercise consists in a quick 30-fold tension and relaxation of the muscles, after which the musculature tenses as much as possible for 20 seconds and relaxes for half a minute. Then you should carry out 40 quick squeezes and relaxations, gradually reaching 100.
  • The most technically simple among Kegel exercises an option is to continuously squeeze and unclench the muscle apparatus for two minutes. The duration is gradually increased to 20 minutes.

Second technique

The workout includes three exercises:

  1. Gradual compression. The muscles of the perineum should be tense as it was done during stopping the flow of urine. Then count to 3 and relax.
  2. Reduction. The fastest possible contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor. You can use any of the instructions above.
  3. Ejection. Moderate straining of the muscular apparatus, as during childbirth or the act of defecation.

V Kegel exercises the main factors for obtaining a positive result are: systematic training, their correct implementation, adequate selection of intensity and a gradual complication of the course. Women who cannot understand the text descriptions of the exercises and want to see the process visually can download special videos or descriptions in pictures.

Kegel exercises for men

Arnold Kegel was a renowned gynecologist and developed an effective exercise system for the female reproductive system, but practice has shown that men can also use it. Training helps:

  • Reduce the risk of hemorrhoids;
  • Restore the functionality of the prostate gland after surgery;
  • Improve control over the urinary organs;
  • Increase blood flow to the penis area (increased erection).

In men, the desired muscle group is called the pubococcygeal muscle and can be found by placing two fingers behind the testicles without pressure on them. Then the man tenses, as if trying to stop the process of urination, under the fingers the contraction of the desired muscle is felt.

The location of the muscular apparatus in women differs from that of men, so the question is relevant: how to do Kegel exercises men. The training method is as follows:

  • It is necessary to slowly strain the muscle, not keeping fingers on it, but feeling its work inside the body;
  • You should keep the muscle in a tense state for 5 seconds, then relax;
  • Kegel Exercise repeated 10 times, three times a day, every day;
  • The time for classes should be gradually increased, as well as the duration of static stress (ideally up to half a minute);
  • It is recommended for beginners to train while lying down, but subsequently a man should be able to do exercises while sitting, standing, while walking.

It is easier for men to incorporate training into everyday life, so how to do Kegel exercises they may, while urinating, try to hold back the flow of urine for a few seconds.

Expected results

So how to do Kegel exercises it is necessary continuously, for a long time, then the first tangible results will appear only after 4-6 weeks. The effectiveness of the training will appear only if correct execution all recommendations. In the course of improving the pelvic floor by the technique Point size, should closely monitor general condition reproductive and urinary systems, especially women who have pathologies of these organs.

Improper breathing is a big mistake that can affect the effectiveness of training. Many women will find out how to do Kegel exercises, but not interested in breathing movements. During training, you should breathe slowly and deeply, in no case holding the air in the lungs with muscle tension. It is also unacceptable to exceed the intensity of the exercises, so as not to get the opposite effect.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor are used for urinary incontinence, prolapse of the kidneys and other diseases accompanied by pathology of the pelvic organs.

There are medicinal techniques: biofeedback, remedial gymnastics and physiotherapy, aimed at stimulating the muscles of the perineum.

The procedures have gained popularity in clinical practice for mild urinary incontinence in patients of different ages.

Biofeedback is based on Scientific research gynecologist from California Arnold Kegel. The method was developed back in 1949, but so far more effective treatment not developed.

The essence of biofeedback is a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure using specialized equipment, to which the pelvic floor muscles respond with refractory contraction.

The disadvantage of the procedure is that in half of people, the pelvic floor muscles cannot contract in isolation. With external stimulation, the antagonistic muscles are stimulated - femoral, gluteal, abdominal. Side effect is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

With the help of methods of biological reverse stimulation, it is possible to achieve contraction of individual muscle groups. Control muscle tone carried out by special devices(balloons for assessing the structure of the vaginal muscles, rectal pressure devices, probe electromyographs). Computer installations are used to assess the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. They allow you to optimally adjust the intensity of the load.

The equipment consists of special sensors that detect the tone of the working pelvic floor muscles. The information is visualized on a computer screen, which helps to track the effect of gymnastics directly during exercise.

Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor is carried out by the following activities:

  1. Biofeedback;
  2. Medicines;
  3. Physiotherapy (electrical myostimulation).

Did you know that for a symptom such as frequent urination, doctors prescribe physical therapy? can be completely different, depending on age and gender. Read about the diagnosis of the disease and the principles of treatment.

Read about whether to sound the alarm if pyelectasis is found in the fetus in the block.

And here you will find out that nephrosis can cause kidney intoxication. Symptoms of the disease and drug treatment different types nephrotic kidney damage.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles with biofeedback

Biofeedback (biofeedback) in Russian clinics is carried out on devices "Ambliokor".

The average duration of treatment is 3 programs (the total number is 15 procedures). Depending on the scheme, classes are held daily or every other day with a duration of ½ hour.

The most common exercise regimen for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles using biofeedback includes phase and tonic contractions of the urethral and anal sphincters. Tonic muscle contractions are muscle fiber spasms lasting more than 15 minutes.

Phase contractions - short-term (less than 1 second) and strong spasm.

Biofeedback is carried out according to 3 programs:

  • 1 program - impact on the phase tone of the muscle fibers of the pelvic floor;
  • Program 2 - a combination of phasic and tonic contractions;
  • Program 3 - exclusively tonic mode.

To increase the effect, muscle relaxants are administered before the procedure - drugs for relaxing the muscles. Their use helps to speed up the time to achieve post-isometric relaxation.

Clinical experiments have shown that the use of this group medicines reduces the number of relapses in urinary incontinence in women.

Common muscle relaxants used for biofeedback:

  1. Baclofen;
  2. Tolperisone;
  3. Tizanidine.

Biofeedback strengthening of the pelvic floor can be combined with drug therapy.

Such combinations lead to rapid muscle relaxation in young women. The method is especially effective for mild urinary incontinence in girls.

Physiotherapy to strengthen the pelvic muscles

When biofeedback and conservative treatment do not give results, electrical myostimulation is performed to stimulate the contractions of the pelvic muscles. The technique involves the use of electrical impulses of a certain intensity and frequency to influence individual muscle fibers.

Results of electrical myostimulation

The therapeutic effect of the procedure has not been evaluated by clinical experiments, but electrical muscle stimulation is the only way to restore the tone of the pelvic muscles while other procedures are ineffective.

Medication stimulation of the pelvic floor muscles

Hormone replacement therapy is performed in women with estrogen deficiency. Hormonal treatment stimulates contraction of all the pelvic floor muscles - agonists and antagonists.

The structure of the pelvic floor muscles in men and women

Hormones increase the concentration of collagen by synthesizing new muscle fibers, which increases the elasticity and strength of the pelvic floor muscle framework.

The selection of hormone replacement therapy is carried out by an endocrinologist.

Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence

Kegel exercises are used for urinary incontinence, as they are the most in a simple way muscle stimulation.

Clinical practice shows that when daily execution Kegel exercises by pregnant women, the daily spontaneous excretion of urinary drops decreases.

Types of gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles:

  1. Maximum contractions and relaxation;
  2. Squeezing (slowly) relieves involuntary urination. The essence of the procedure is a periodic complex of relaxation and compression of the pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds. After completing the primary complex for 1-2 weeks, the interval increases by a duration from 4 to 20 seconds;
  3. Ejection - stimulation of muscle fibers by "straining". Women who have given birth are very familiar with this gymnastics, as it is similar to labor pains.

A set of Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence and prolapse of the uterus

The most difficult exercise is the "lift". The procedure involves a gradual slight compression of the muscles (floor). Then, while maintaining the tone, the muscle contraction is intensified for 5 seconds (2nd floor). When a person reaches the 5th-7th floor, a reverse “descent down the stairs” is performed.

The procedure involves gradual relaxation of the muscles in reverse frequency.

On initial stage it is enough to do an easy level of Kegel gymnastics, which helps against involuntary urine flow. Gradually every week, the intensity of the exercise increases.

Gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

An indicative list of Kegel exercises for men and women:

  • Standing position, hands on buttocks, feet shoulder-width apart. Tighten the pelvic muscles inward and upward;
  • In a position on all fours, squeeze the muscle fibers of the pelvis inward and upward;
  • Bend one leg at the knee (lying on your back). Tighten and relax the pelvic muscles one at a time;
  • Spread your legs apart (with bent knees). Lean with one hand on your buttocks and the other on your lower abdomen (supine position). Tighten your pelvic muscles;
  • Contract your pelvic floor muscles while sitting position(back straight, legs crossed).

Biofeedback is best combined with conservative treatment.

The effectiveness of the combined approach is achieved by targeted stimulation of the sphincters, the possibility of correcting the desired group of muscles.

Practical medical experience shows that the urethral-detrusor and anal-detrusor reflexes in pathology are activated only through electrical local stimulation.

All procedures are painless and non-invasive, which allows them to be used in patients with different pain thresholds.

Nephroptosis or prolapse of the kidneys is a disease that most often worries women and people involved in hard physical labor. set out in the next article. About when to get by remedial gymnastics and when only surgery is possible.

Did you know that frequent urination can be due to both infectious and non-infectious processes. all about the causes of painful urination in men and women.

Video on the topic

A person has such muscles, the state of which does not affect appearance his body, but can cause a number of diseases and disorders. These are the muscles of the pelvic floor. Figuratively speaking, they are a hammock stretched between the pubis and the coccyx. The function of these muscles is to support the pelvic organs (bladder, urethra, vagina, intestines), ensuring their correct functioning. It is impossible to pump up the muscles of the pelvic floor in the gym, and it is not necessary! Exercises that strengthen them, a woman can perform in a comfortable home environment.

You can read about who needs to strengthen this muscle group, about the technique of performing exercises, as well as about contraindications to such training in our article.

Historical reference

It is known that even women from Ancient India, China, Egypt and other countries trained the muscles of the pelvic day. For this purpose, they had special simulators in the form of a stone egg suspended on a thick strong thread. Women needed to advance this egg with the muscles of the vagina, preventing it from falling out. Of course, not all women were engaged in this - basically, strong pelvic floor muscles were necessary for women of intimate professions - priestesses and geishas. Unfortunately, since the knowledge of this area was considered secret, most of it is lost today.

In the first half of the 20th century (more precisely, in 1932), a doctor from America, D. Davis, was the first to propose the use of exercises that strengthen the muscles of this group for the treatment of urinary incontinence. A little later, in 1948, A. Kegel, a scientist from the same country, finalized the complex proposed by his colleague, substantiated the mechanism of its action from a scientific point of view, and even suggested special simulator, which increases the effectiveness of training many times over. It was then that exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor became popular and were named after the author - "Kegel exercises". They have not lost their importance to this day.

Who should exercise the pelvic floor muscles?

As we said above, the training of these muscles is extremely important, because they support all the pelvic organs, ensuring their normal functioning. Muscles can be weakened from birth, but more often their condition changes for the worse during a woman's life, especially after pregnancy and childbirth. This is fraught with urinary incontinence, prolapse and even prolapse of the vagina, a decrease in a woman's sex drive and sensitivity during intimate relationships.

So, in what situations should you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles?

  1. For girls planning a pregnancy. Strong muscles will provide the uterus with good support and reduce the likelihood of prolapse of the pelvic organs after childbirth.
  2. Pregnant women (in the absence of contraindications, which we list below). Such training will make the muscles more elastic, which will facilitate the process of childbirth, and reduce the risk of tearing the vagina and perineum.
  3. The period after the birth of the child. Childbirth leads to stretching of these muscles, which entails all of the above unpleasant consequences. Daily exercises performed in a month or two will return the muscles to normal tone and all the troubles associated with this problem will disappear.
  4. Women over the age of 30. During this period, the risk of prolapse of the pelvic organs gradually increases. This significantly impairs both the woman's quality of life and her sexual relationship with her partner. Regular muscle strengthening exercises will prevent the development of this pathology.
  5. If the omission has already happened, do not be upset. Exercise will help strengthen the weakened muscles and improve the anatomical position of the descended organs.
  6. If you have an increased risk of urinary or fecal incontinence, or if you already have this problem, exercises will come to the rescue to help prevent the problem, reduce its manifestations, or even eliminate it altogether.
  7. Weakened pelvic floor muscles can cause stagnation in the small pelvis, leading to various diseases, including inflammatory ones. Regular exercises to strengthen the muscles of this group will reduce the risk of developing these pathologies.
  8. Reduced sex drive women ruined the lives of many couples. Kegel exercises help to increase a woman's libido and sensitivity, as well as make sensations during intimate relationships brighter, sexual intercourse longer, orgasm more powerful. This moment is extremely important for the full life of both young women and those who are approaching menopause or have already entered this period. The latter regularly performed Kegel exercises help to live a full-fledged intimate life for many more years.

Summarizing the above, we conclude that healthy strong pelvic floor muscles are necessary for a woman of any age. If for some reason they are weakened, you need to make a little effort and bring the muscles to the desired tone.


In some cases, it is undesirable for a woman to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, since such training can cause a number of complications that aggravate her condition. Contraindications are:

  • acute or chronic in the stage of exacerbation inflammatory diseases pelvic organs (cystitis and others);
  • benign and even more malignant neoplasms of the reproductive or urinary system;
  • acute or chronic bleeding (gastrointestinal, uterine), as well as a high risk of their development;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of any localization, proceeding with an increase in temperature and other symptoms of general intoxication of the body;
  • illness vascular system leading to severe;
  • recent surgery;
  • during pregnancy - increased uterine tone, gestosis, spontaneous abortion or a history of premature birth.

In any of these situations, classes should be postponed at least until it is eliminated, and it is better to obtain the approval of the attending physician before the planned start of training.

How to tell if the right muscles are working

When you exercise on a sports machine, the muscle groups that are currently working are visible to the naked eye. It is more difficult with the muscles of the pelvic floor - their work is invisible to us. That is why, before starting the exercises, it is important for a woman to understand which muscles should function during exercise - this will help to increase the effectiveness of the workout. To determine this, she should delay the stream of urine during the act of urination, but not by squeezing the legs or tension gluteal muscles... We will train the muscles that are holding back the stream.

Exercise technique

Any woman can perform Kegel exercises, regardless of her level physical fitness... It is allowed to do them at any time of the day, on an empty stomach or after eating, in any position of the body - lying, sitting or standing, absolutely in any setting - at home, in the office, on the bus or while standing in line. Do not worry, no one will poke a finger at you, because the fact that you are doing gymnastics will not be recognized by the people around you and will not notice anything. Nevertheless, many women find it comfortable to train at home, alone with their thoughts, emotions and sensations.

It should be practiced when empty bladder and intestines.

There are only 3 techniques of exercises - compression (when the muscles contract for a few seconds and then relax), contraction (rapid alternations of compression and relaxation), pushing out (almost every woman is familiar with this technique - it is similar to straining, pushing during childbirth). These techniques should be alternated during training.

So the exercises:

  • strain the muscles of the perineum for 3-5-10 seconds (depending on individual training), then relax them for the same period of time; repeat the exercises 10-15 times; as the muscles strengthen, increase the time of its contraction to 60-90 seconds;
  • a very effective exercise with the conditional name "Lift"; you should slightly contract the muscles of the lower "floor" of the perineum, holding them in this state for 5-10 seconds, then strain them a little harder for the same period of time, using the more highly located muscles - to rise to the next "floor"; then even stronger and higher, and yet - in total, our elevator must "go up" 4-5 floors; having reached the top, to the very cervix, when the muscles are tense as much as possible, you should relax it in reverse order- gradually, lingering for 5-10 seconds on each "floor";
  • as quickly as possible, you should alternately contract and relax the muscles of the pelvic floor; do this in "steps", doing the exercise for 5 seconds, then give the muscles a rest for the same amount of time; 1 workout should include at least 3-5 such steps;
  • strain for 5-10-20 seconds alternately the muscles of the vagina and anus; at the initial stage of training, repeat 5-10 times; this exercise is called "Wave";
  • perform moderate straining, such as when trying to recover or during childbirth, holding the muscles in this position for 5-7 seconds; the minimum number of repetitions of the exercise is 5.

To achieve the expected result, training of the muscles of the perineum should be carried out daily, 4-5 times a day. The number of repetitions of each exercise at the initial stage of training is minimal - 5-10. Gradually, they should be increased up to 30-40 times in 1 approach. The time for which the muscles tense is also short at first - 3-5 seconds, and it should also be gradually increased as much as possible.

Performing exercises every day, after 3-4 weeks, in some cases after 2-3 months you will feel the desired effect.

Other ways to train the muscles of the perineum

There are special vaginal simulators - cones made of plastic, which a woman must insert into the vagina and hold them in it by the strength of the muscles. The weight of these machines varies. You should start with a small weight, gradually increasing it.

The effectiveness of performing such gymnastics can be determined with a special device - a perineometer - the sensor is inserted into the vagina, the woman squeezes her muscles as much as possible and the device records the force with which she does it. Of course, such devices are not widely available. As a rule, they are used by specialists from physiotherapy departments.

special instructions

If you want to achieve the expected result from the above-described training as quickly as possible and prevent the development of undesirable consequences, you should follow these recommendations:

  • during exercise, breathe deeply evenly, do not hold your breath (this is especially important for pregnant women, since a woman's improper breathing in position can cause oxygen starvation of her body tissues, including the uterus and the fetus);
  • use exclusively the muscles of the perineum in the exercises; buttocks, abdominal muscles and thighs should not be involved in the process;
  • carry out training regularly, without gaps, repeat the complex several times a day, gradually increase the intensity of the load on the muscles;
  • loads, of course, are needed, nevertheless, overstraining is contraindicated; the number of repetitions of each exercise per day should be no more than 200 times;
  • when it is not difficult for you to complete the seemingly highest load, think about purchasing a simulator - this will increase the effectiveness of your workout; Before buying, be sure to check with your doctor.


Strong, trained pelvic floor muscles provide reliable support to the pelvic organs, preventing prolapse, prolapse, impaired function (such as urinary incontinence), and high level a woman's sexual attraction, are the key to her sensuality, make orgasm brighter. If, for some reason, the muscles of this group are excessively stretched, relaxed, special gymnastics - Kegel exercises - will help restore its elasticity and tone. Performing them day after day, week after week, you will be pleasantly surprised by the positive results in a few months. The main thing is to show willpower, to be persistent and not to indulge yourself for a day or two.

However, while these exercises are practically safe, in some situations it is undesirable to perform them. That is why, in order to avoid complications, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor before starting classes.

Other exercise options for training the pelvic floor muscles are presented in the video:

Kegel exercises are a set of exercises for the muscles of the pelvis and intimate muscles women. The developer of this set of exercises is Arnold Kegel (1894-1981), a gynecologist in the middle of the 20th century.

Kegel exercises- These are exercises to increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. In everyday life, these muscles are practically not used, and therefore, over time or under the influence of negative factors, they can lose their elasticity and become weak.

Deterioration of elasticity and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles leads to the fact that the muscles cease to cope with their main function - holding the pelvic organs, which can lead to various diseases, as well as to a deterioration in sexual life.

For long-term maintenance of sexual health, prevention of inflammatory processes in the genital area, and resistance to the effects of aging on the body.

For effective preparation for an upcoming pregnancy and a successful painless childbirth;

Pregnant women to learn to fully relax those muscles that would normally prevent the baby from being pushed out during labor

For the prevention and treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence;

For recovery after childbirth of tissues that have experienced strong stretching;

For the prevention and treatment of prolapse of the pelvic organs;

So let's get down to the exercises themselves. In order to perform them effectively, you need to determine for yourself where these same pelvic floor muscles are located.

Method one.

When you go to the toilet "small", spread your legs and try to stop the flow of urine without moving your legs. The muscles that are used for this are the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Method two.

If the first method did not help to find exactly the same muscles, then you can try the following: place your finger in the vaginal opening and try to squeeze it. The muscles we need should be compressed around the finger. In this case, neither the muscles of the buttocks, nor the muscles of the abdomen or back should be involved.

Once you learn to define the right muscles, go directly to the exercises.

Option 1

Performing exercises only to compress the muscles of the pelvic floor at a different pace.

Exercise 1.

Step 1. For 10 seconds, quickly squeeze and unclench your muscles, then rest for 10 seconds. Do this exercise in 3 sets.

Step 2. Squeeze and unclench the muscles for 5 seconds, then rest for 5 seconds, squeeze-unclench repeat 9 times.

Step 3. Contract the muscles, hold for 30 seconds and relax them for 30 seconds, repeat 2 more times. And repeat step number 1 again.

Exercise 2

Step 1: squeeze the muscles and hold for 5 seconds, then relax, repeat 10 times.

Step 2: quickly squeeze and unclench the muscles 10 times, repeat 3 times. Contract the muscles and hold them for as long as possible (maximum 120 seconds). Rest for 2 minutes and repeat the exercise from the beginning.

Exercise # 3

Step 1: squeeze and unclench your muscles 30 times. Then go to step 2, gradually the number of squeezes in the first step should reach 100 times.

Step 2: Squeeze the muscles as hard as possible and hold for 20 seconds, then relax them for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 4

Start simply contracting and relaxing your muscles for 2 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 20 minutes. This exercise must be performed at least 3 times a day.

So, the main thing. If you want to achieve good results, remember to exercise regularly, and the more often the better.

Option 2.

Performing not only muscle contractions, but also "push" exercises.

Exercise 1. Slow Compression:

Tighten your muscles as you did to stop urination.

Count to three slowly.


Exercise 2. Abbreviations:

Tighten and relax your sexy muscles as quickly as possible.

Exercise 3. Ejection:

Push down moderately, as in a chair or childbirth.

Start your workout with ten slow contractions, ten contractions, and ten push-ups five times a day.

After a week, add five exercises to each, continuing to do them five times a day.

Add five to each exercise every week until there are thirty. Then, keep doing at least five sets a day to keep you toned. You must do 150 Kegel exercises correctly every day.

In order to feel the perineal muscles and check their increase, the woman during the exercise can insert one or two lubricated fingers into the vagina.

To enhance the effect, during exercise, you can hold an object in the vagina.

Modern women today pay Special attention their appearance, beauty, keep track of their figure, body and face skin, go to fitness to maintain muscle tissue in good shape. But at the same time, not many people know that the pelvic floor muscles also need special gymnastics.

The location of the pelvic floor muscles, their main functions

The pelvic floor muscles are located between the pubic part and the coccyx, in the form of a loop. They play very important role during childbirth, they support the genitals located inside, in particular, the uterus, and also control the work of the rectum and bladder.

Under the weight of the fetus, which presses on the bottom, the muscles of a pregnant woman stretch, their elasticity is lost. This can also happen during menopause as a result of the active action of certain hormones.

The restoration of muscle tissue may not occur, they will remain weak and stretched, and this is fraught with the following consequences:

  • urinary incontinence;
  • the presence of constipation;
  • lack of orgasm, control over it;
  • the presence of pain;
  • prolapse of the walls of the vagina, the development of inflammation in it.

Kegel exercises designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, their effectiveness

To strengthen the muscles of the perineum, it is necessary to do a set of exercises every day, which was specially developed by the gynecologist Arnold Kegel back in the 40s in America.

If you regularly perform this set of activities before pregnancy, you can avoid many diseases while waiting for the baby and after his birth. You can perform the exercises while the child is waiting after the first trimester, and finish by the 30th week. High muscle tone will keep the extra weight, reduce the amount of pushing, and help restore the shape of the muscles after the baby is born.

Gymnastics is recommended for those who have problems with urination, have had operations in the perineum and pelvis, problems in sex, when the partner does not get an orgasm or experiences weak sensations that do not give the desired results.

Such training will be a good prevention of the development of diseases of the genital area.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles before and after childbirth, basic techniques

Strengthening the pelvic muscles can be performed using such simple techniques - compression, contraction and pushing, they are the main groups of gymnastics.

Classes can be carried out both lying down and standing.

  1. Compression - the muscles must be strained in the same way as when trying to hold a stream of urine. Squeeze and hold in a tense state for three seconds, then relax;
  2. Contraction is a more energetic activity, it must be alternated with relaxation, the pace is fast;
  3. Pushing - you need to imagine that you need to push something out of the crotch area. Gotta push with medium strength hold the muscles for as long as possible.

It is necessary to perform 10 exercises of each technique in the morning and in the evening. The best option is 5 sets per day. Increase the number of sessions each week until you reach 30 times.

A set of effective exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, solving basic problems

  1. Urinary incontinence . You need to start with a lying position on your side or back. When the tone becomes higher, do them in a standing or sitting position. Good result give classes where the legs are spread apart.

Any exercise must be done with an empty bladder... Lie on your back and squeeze your muscles as if you were holding a stream of urine in the toilet. Squeeze and hold for 5 seconds, then relax, repeat 10 more times. Breathe evenly, without delay, do not strain the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks.

One more effective occupation according to the Kegel system is called "in the elevator."

You must imagine that you are going upstairs in the elevator and with each new floor increase the tension in the perineum, then relax in the reverse order, as if you are going down. With this training, you can learn to control the muscles.

You can do it while waiting for the baby if the woman is suffering from incontinence. Up to 30 times, after the first trimester, do it while standing or sitting;

  1. Prolapse of the uterus. The uterus descends after difficult childbirth, surgery, a sedentary lifestyle, low body weight. To increase muscle tone, there is a separate set of training, however, such a charge to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and increase their tone is effective only at the onset of the disease, but if the disease has stages 3 and 4, then physical training will not help.

You can do it anywhere, even in transport, at work, at home, in a store.

So, classes include stages such as:

  • Muscle tension around the urethra (urethra). It is necessary to squeeze them as if holding a stream of urine.
  • Tension of the muscles of the pelvis and its bottom. Squeeze the pelvic muscles and pull them inward, then up. Do it slowly at first, then more rhythmically.
  • Contraction of the vaginal muscles. Squeeze and hold for a while.
  • Imitation of attempts. Contract and contract muscles quickly and rhythmically.
  1. Uterus removal . When a woman's uterus is removed, she may have problems with urinary incontinence, bowel movements. You can train in any position with an empty bladder.

Gymnastics is performed as follows: strain the muscles of the pelvis as if you want to hold back gases and the process of urination at the same time. It will shrink and rise slightly upward. It is not necessary to strain the buttocks and stomach. Perform in the morning and evening. Squeeze and hold for a few seconds, then relax, then hold for 10 seconds and gradually increase the delay time.

Special gymnastics for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, execution options

Gymnastics means a set of activities that include different variants a combination of the basic techniques of the Kegel system with relaxation of the pelvic muscles. They are performed in different provisions and pace.

In principle, there are basic techniques performed in a slow rhythm.

You need to master gymnastics in stages, start with a simple one, then move on to more complex training, increasing the level of complexity and duration of training.

  1. Slow compressions. Lie comfortably on your back, tighten your crotch, count to three, and relax. Repeat this several times. Next, hold for 5-20 seconds and relax smoothly, repeat 10-20 times. Reduce on inhalation, relax on exhalation.
  2. Fast cuts... Do rhythmic contraction and relaxation alternately.
  3. Ejection. Straining the perineum, as if pushing on the toilet or giving birth.

You can create your own set of exercises in different poses and combinations, which you will do every day, the main thing is to do up to 300 contractions per day.

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