Respiratory gymnastics of the bronchi. Effectively Treating Bronchitis With Exercise

Bronchitis is very dangerous for children and adults. A disease of this kind is quite difficult to cure, since its focus is practically in the center of the body. If acute bronchitis is treated incorrectly, it may well turn into chronic bronchitis, which will remind of itself for many years. Most experts recommend treating this disease in a comprehensive manner, that is, combine medications and inhalation, warming up and breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises with bronchitis - one of the most effective measures that promotes coughing. It is thanks to the implementation of special exercises that you can restore the mucous membrane, increase its protective function and facilitate the process of expectoration. Also, thanks to gymnastics, you can develop the capabilities of your lungs. It is prescribed by many specialists and simply to improve the general condition of the body, since oxygen saturation in the blood has a beneficial effect on the level of immunity.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis

The role of complex gymnastics in the treatment of bronchitis should not be underestimated, since it is with its help that you can increase the protective functions of the body and accelerate the healing process. Gymnastics plays a huge role as a preventive measure to prevent the development of chronic bronchitis. Only with its help can the condition of the entire respiratory system and prevent the development of infections.

There are many different gymnastic complexes, however, before choosing the best one for yourself, you should consult your doctor. There are several fairly serious contraindications for the use of this kind of exercise. Gymnastics can be done only in case of good health, the absence of high fever and exacerbations.

The training period differs depending on the type of bronchitis. In the acute form of the disease, experts recommend doing gymnastics on the 4th day. Respiratory gymnastics for chronic bronchitis is performed immediately after confirmation of the diagnosis, since timely therapy will help improve general state sick.

There are several of the most effective breathing exercises, these include:

Exhale through the water

The exercise is very simple, to perform it you need to take a container and fill it with water. You will also need a regular straw. The essence of the exercise is to inhale with your nose and smoothly exhale air through a tube into the water. You need to do the exercise every day for 30 minutes.

Back gymnastics

This exercise allows you to work out breathing through the diaphragm very well. You need to perform it while lying on your back. The abdomen must be drawn in while inhaling and protruding during exhalation. At the end of the exercise, you need to clear your throat well.

Knees to chest

The exercise is aimed at working out the upper airways and diaphragm. Starting position - lying on your back, knees must be pulled towards you. On exhalation, the knees should be lowered, and on inhalation, squeezed. You need to perform the exercise for 5 minutes twice a day. It is good to clear your throat after exercise.

"Hug yourself"

This exercise is done while standing. As you exhale, you need to hug yourself as sharply as possible, and while inhaling, loosen your grip. You need to perform the exercises 5 times during three approaches.


The essence of the exercise is that you need to perform it in bent position... Hands need to be raised up and taken behind the head. As you exhale, bend forward, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.


Respiratory gymnastics includes non-standard inclinations. The starting position for them is standing. The next action is bending forward on inhalation, and on exhalation, extension of the back. In this case, you need to put your hands behind your back as much as possible.

One of the most effective methods treatment of bronchitis - performing breathing exercises according to Strelnikova's method. The main goal her technique was not only to cure the disease, but also to develop skills correct breathing... The basic principles of breathing according to her method:

  • The inhale is sharp. If breathing is through the nose, it should be fast. If through the mouth, inhale should be smooth and soft.
  • The exhalation should also be soft and deep.
  • It is always necessary to observe the rhythm of the respiratory process.
  • The breath must always match the movement.
  • Respiratory gymnastics can be performed in different positions.
  • Different forms of bronchitis involve different starting times for breathing exercises.
  • Respiratory exercises with obstructive bronchitis should be more gentle.

Respiratory gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method must be performed in a complex manner. The most effective exercises according to her method:


This exercise is in the nature of a warm-up. It must be performed while standing, hands must be lowered down. At the time of exercise, you need to relax as much as possible. On inhalation, clench your hands into a fist, and on exhale, relax. You need to repeat the exercise four times, five approaches.

Discard unnecessary

The exercise begins in a standing position. The essence of the exercise is that as you inhale, you need to lower your hands as sharply as possible, and as you exhale, return them to their original position. You need to repeat the exercise ten times over three approaches.

Pump up the ball

You need to breathe in sharply through your nose, while standing with your back straight, and exhale, smoothly rounding your back. Repeat the exercise five times for eight sets.

Attention: breathing exercises for children with bronchitis should be in the form of a game in order to make it easier to interest the child and correctly perform all the exercises.

The exercises that are best suited for the child are those that are aimed at exhaling. Also one of the most simple exercises for children are:

Cat dance

You need to start the exercise while standing. On exhalation - sit down and turn your head to the side. This position must be maintained for three minutes, only with each breath change the direction of the head.


The essence of the exercise is that in a standing position on the exhale, it is necessary to bring the straightened arms behind the back. And when you inhale, return to starting position.

Head tilts

The essence of the exercise is to change the position of the head while inhaling. You need to start the exercise while standing. On inhalation with the right foot, step forward while holding out your arms, and on exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.


Perform the exercise lying down. On exhalation, the head must be pulled up to the chest and maximum pressure on the stomach. On inhalation, you need to take the starting position.

Respiratory exercises according to the Stelnikova method can help treat the most serious cases. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and regularly perform the set of exercises. However, breathing exercises alone will not bring significant results if not combined with other methods of treatment. With bronchitis, it is very important not only to improve the general condition of the body, increase respiratory functions and provide expectoration, but also remove the focus of infection, that is, get rid of the very cause that caused such a serious disease.

Respiratory exercises improve well-being and lift your spirits. Respiratory exercises for bronchitis in combination with drug treatment contribute to the rapid recovery of the body. It helps to relieve the inflammatory process and has a positive effect on all vital systems of the body.

Such gymnastics will perfectly help with chronic and acute course of the disease. Breathing exercises have also been shown to be effective in obstructive bronchitis. The use of breathing exercises for children is especially important as prevention of colds and strengthening of the respiratory muscles.

Respiratory gymnastics tasks

With childhood bronchitis, breathing exercises in combination with therapeutic treatment helps to quickly and effectively overcome the disease. The result is achieved due to the fact that with the help of breathing exercises, many tasks are simultaneously solved:

    • Reduces the inflammatory process in the bronchial tree.
    • Blood circulation improves.
    • Hemoglobin rises.
    • Immunity is strengthened.
    • Sputum discharge improves.
    • The drainage properties of the bronchi are restored.
    • Prevention of complications is carried out.

The basics of proper breathing

Any breathing exercises for bronchitis will be effective only if the patient begins to breathe correctly during their implementation. In the process of performing breathing exercises, the inhalation carried out through the mouth should be sharp and strong. Exhalation after each breathing movement is passive, voluntary, performed with the mouth. Inhales should be taken in turn with the mouth and nose. When air is inhaled through the mouth, the nose does not participate in the respiratory process.

Basic principles of breathing:

  • Taking into account the general condition of the person and the stage of the disease, the patient can start performing breathing exercises from any convenient starting position - sitting, lying or standing.
  • The rhythm of breathing is maintained by a count similar to the rhythm of a march.
  • Inhalation must be performed in conjunction with movement.
  • Inhalation through the nose is short, sharp, energetic and strong enough.
  • It is necessary to draw air through the nose actively and noisily, breathing through the mouth should be soft and inaudible.
  • Exhale through the mouth - slowly, calmly and smoothly. Air leaves the lungs freely and unimpeded.

Strelnikova complex

The vocal teacher A.N. Strelnikova believed that most diseases are associated with improper breathing, air congestion, insufficient ventilation of the lungs and disruption of the diaphragm. Based on this assumption, she developed a special breathing system.

By repeating breathing exercises every day, you can significantly improve your well-being and improve your mood. Therapeutic gymnastics restores the correct functioning of the lungs, normalizes nasal breathing, and reduces inflammation. Therefore, Strelnikova's gymnastics for bronchitis is recognized as irreplaceable and very effective in complex treatment.

The main clinical manifestation in bronchitis is a severe cough with sputum production. This breathing exercise facilitates coughing and improves the excretion of phlegm from the body. The main principle on which breathing exercises are based is that inhalation through the nose is sharp and short. Thanks to this, the blood is enriched with oxygen, hemoglobin rises, the blood composition improves, and the heart rate returns to normal.

How to Exercise?

During the complex treatment of bronchitis, it is necessary to perform a complex of breathing exercises 2 times a day. The duration of the course is from 14 to 21 days. The most effective breathing exercises for bronchitis are "hug your shoulders" and "pump", so they are recommended to complete each session.

Take 16 nasal breaths alternately, followed by 16 mouth breaths at once. After a short break (3-5 seconds), repeat both exercises - 3 sets of 32 inhalation-exhalation. When a large amount of phlegm accumulates in the bronchi, the "figure eight" exercise should be done more often.

Basic exercises

Starting position - arms are freely lowered along the body, the body is slightly tilted forward. Breathe in noisily through your nose, leaning slightly downward, as if smelling flowers. As you exhale, rise slightly. The exercise should be performed without tension, freely. Take a short break after every 8 breaths. If you feel unsatisfactory, the exercise can be performed from a sitting position.

Exercise "hug your shoulders"

This is the most effective exercise that contains breathing exercises for bronchitis. Starting position - sitting or standing, bend your arms at the elbows and raise them to shoulder level. Performing a sharp breath, direct your arms crosswise towards each other, as if trying to hug yourself by the shoulders. Spread your arms slightly as you exhale. Do not strain or change hands, they should move in parallel. To improve the flow of mucus while doing this exercise, alternate 16 nasal breaths and 16 mouth breaths.

Exercise "figure eight"

The starting position is to tilt the body forward. Inhale sharply and quickly through your nose and hold your breath. Then you need to count out loud to eight several times - the more, the better. This exercise is not included in the main set of exercises, but it helps the effective discharge of phlegm from the lungs.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with bronchitis should be performed regularly. It is better to conduct the first classes under the supervision of an instructor, or before starting breathing exercises, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. It takes half an hour to complete a set of exercises.

Features of working with children

Therapeutic breathing exercises are one of the most effective and safe methods of treatment. It is especially important for children. The respiratory system of babies is more vulnerable, it is difficult for her to cope with the removal of phlegm from the lungs and bronchi, so the healing process is slower.

For acute obstructive bronchitis in children remedial gymnastics you can start only after the acute process subsides, when the body temperature returns to normal and the child's condition improves. It is best to start breathing exercises a few days after starting drug therapy.

First, you should pay attention to static breathing exercises, gradually moving to dynamic ones. At the first stages of performing gymnastics, you need to especially carefully monitor the correct exhalation and discharge of sputum. Then you can move on to general strengthening activities.

With a chronic course of the disease in children, the respiratory muscles should be strengthened. Drainage exercises should be included in the set of exercises for easier coughing up of sputum.

After examination, the attending physician may prescribe breathing exercises for children. He will determine the type of exercises needed and make recommendations for their implementation. It is better to conduct classes in special group Exercise therapy under the supervision of an experienced specialist who will be able to control the correct implementation of the entire complex.

If this is not possible, you need to do the exercises at home. In this case, it is worth convincing the kid of the need for gymnastics and interest him. If the child refuses to do the exercises, put them in a play form and practice with the baby.

We play and strengthen the baby's breathing

It is very difficult to interest a child in breathing exercises, therefore, classes are best carried out in the form of a game. You can invite your kid to inflate colorful balloons in a race. Or to interest him in blowing bubbles, let the child try to inflate the largest bubble. You can also put paper boats in a basin of water, and invite the child to turn into the wind for a while and direct the sailboat.

Do not be upset if a child with bronchitis cannot play useful games for a long time.

It is important to remember that 10 minutes of such exercises is quite enough for the necessary additional oxygen to enter the lungs, and the respiratory muscles become stronger.

Breathing exercises should be completed with a drainage massage, which is performed by patting movements along the chest in front and behind. This simple procedure will help your child cough up phlegm more easily.

Respiratory gymnastics gives good results in the complex treatment of bronchitis, allowing you to reduce the dosage of medicines and speed up the healing process. Respiratory exercises stimulate the movement of the ciliated epithelium and improve the rheological qualities of bronchial mucus, which contributes to the rapid removal of phlegm and impurities from the respiratory tract. In addition, breathing exercises help to activate the hidden reserves of the respiratory system, accelerate their regeneration after illness, and restore free breathing.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with bronchitis

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova helps in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. Initially, her exercises were created to restore the voice of singers and artists after injuries, but it soon became clear that, with regular exercise, breathing exercises contribute to recovery from bronchitis, corrects the patient's condition during and even helps to alleviate the patient's condition during a heart attack.

The basics of proper breathing according to Strelnikova:

    Active short inhalation and natural passive exhalation. The air is inhaled through the nose, making a short strong and noisy movement, and exhaled through the mouth;

    The breathing movement should coincide in time with the inhalation;

    Observe the rhythm of breathing according to the rhythm of the march;

    Breathing exercises are performed while sitting, lying or standing, depending on the patient's condition; to improve efficiency, it is recommended to conduct them on fresh air, you can even while walking.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis

As an independent means of treating acute bronchitis, breathing exercises are not used, but exercises can be performed already two days after the start of antibiotic therapy. Effective exercise Strelnikov gymnastics that make it easier to cough up and make breathing free:

    Cams. Starting position - standing with hands down, legs apart shoulder-width apart, relax the muscles. Take a strong short breath through the nose, while clenching their hands into a fist. Exhale through the mouth, without making additional efforts, while exhaling, the fingers are extended. The exercise is repeated four times in a row, after a break of 5 seconds, the following approach is taken. You need to do 6 approaches.

    Dropping the load. The exercise is performed from the starting position, standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands are kept on the belt, hands are clenched into a fist. During a short and noisy inhalation, the shoulder muscles are strained, after which the hands are lowered, at the same time unclenching their fists and stretching out the fingers, as if they got rid of a heavy burden. When you exhale, the lips are slightly unclenched, take their starting position. The number of approaches is 12, in one approach 8 inhales and exhales are made.

    Ball pumping. Starting position as for the exercise "Cams". During an active, sharp breath, the body is tilted forward, the head is lowered, the shoulders are rounded, and the arms are extended forward and relaxed so that they hang down. In total, you need to do twelve approaches, eight bends and breaths in each. The play form of this exercise for children is carried out with a ball, which must be inflated with each breath. So it will be easier for the child to learn the correct technique for performing the exercise, and gymnastics will not be a burden for him.

    Cat dance. Starting position - standing with relaxed lowered arms, legs apart shoulder-width apart. During inhalation, the arms are bent at the elbows, and the hands are clenched into a fist, squatted, turning the body to the left. On exhalation, they return to their original position, on the next inhalation, the exercise is repeated with a turn to the other side. Based on the name of the exercise and the nature of body movements, you can offer children its play form - in the process of doing it, imagine yourself as a cat tracking down prey.

    A tight hug. The initial position is standing with straightened shoulders and legs shoulder-width apart, arms are put in front of the chest slightly bent at the elbows, palms are facing down. During a short noisy breath, the fingers squeeze strongly and move the hands behind the back as much as possible, as if in an attempt to hug oneself. On exhalation, take the starting position. At correct technique executions, the hands move parallel to one another. They do 12 trips of 8 breaths in and out.

    Slopes. The starting position is standing with your shoulders straightened, your legs are shoulder-width apart, and your arms are at your sides. When inhaling, they lean forward, the arms are pulled forward to the level of the knees, while exhaling, they return to their original standing position, but do not freeze, but continue to move the body backward, bending slightly in the lower back, while the hands are pulled behind the back. After that, they again stand upright and take a new breath.

    Head turns. The exercise is performed from the starting position, standing, arms relaxed along the body, muscles abdominal They take a short and intense breath, while simultaneously turning their head to the left, exhale calmly, returning to their original position, and immediately take a new breath with a turn to the other side.

    Head tilts. The starting position is the same as for the exercise "Turning the head". With a sharp and short breath, tilt the head, pressing the ear to the left shoulder, exhale smoothly, return to the starting position and, without a pause, inhale again and tilt the head to the right. In total, twelve approaches are made with eight breaths in each.

    Head tilts back and forth. The starting position is the same, while inhaling, the head is tilted so that the chin is pressed against the chest, they exhale calmly, returning to the starting position. Repeat 12 approaches 8 times, do not pause between inhalation and exhalation in one approach. At the same time, head movements should be smooth and calm.

    Cheerful dance. The exercise is performed from a standing position with relaxed arms and shoulder girdle, legs are brought together. On inhalation, take a step forward from the left leg, transferring body weight onto it. The left leg is slightly bent, the right leg is on the toe, the arms bent at the elbows are pulled forward and to the left. When exhaling, they return to the starting position. Without a pause, at the next inhalation, they take a step with the other leg, repeating the movement of the arms in the opposite direction. On exhalation, they again take their starting position.

    Step forward. Starting position as for the exercise "Cheerful dance". During active and noisy inhalation left leg bend at the knee and pull up to the stomach, while at the same time squatting a little on right leg, when exhaling, return to the starting position. During the next inhalation-exhalation, the legs change.

    Step back. The starting position is the same as for the Step Forward exercise. Now, during inhalation, the leg is pulled back, trying to bend it so that the heel touches the buttocks, while squatting on the other leg. On exhalation, return to the starting position. The exercise begins with the left leg, on the next inhalation, the leg is changed.

An exercise that allows you to quickly calm down a coughing attack at the first stage of its occurrence: the initial position is standing or sitting, palms are freely on the stomach so that the umbilical fossa is located between them. Each time, before the cough starts, slightly press your palms on your stomach from top to bottom, as if trying to "push" the cough to the floor.

After completing a complex of breathing exercises, it is recommended to complete gymnastics with the exercises "Hug your shoulders" and "Pump". In the treatment of chronic bronchitis and obstructive pulmonary disease, it is recommended to perform all Strelnikova gymnastics exercises daily in the specified sequence. During the exercise, you need to monitor your well-being - gymnastics should not bring discomfort and discomfort.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis in video format:

Features of working with children

Respiratory gymnastics is of great importance in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system in children. If the treatment is carried out only with medication, the healing process may slow down, since sputum is not removed from the respiratory tract in time. The respiratory organs finally finish forming by the age of twelve, therefore, severe bronchitis at an early age can provoke further pathologies and, in general, is more difficult to treat.

Strelnikova's gymnastics not only helps to strengthen the processes of self-cleaning of the bronchi, but also strengthens the respiratory muscles. The child can perform the exercises together with an adult, so that breathing exercises with bronchitis do not seem tiresome and boring to him, the classes are carried out in a playful way. Therapeutic gymnastics is practiced only when the child's condition has stabilized - the aggravation is behind, the body temperature is normal, and at least three days have passed since the beginning of drug therapy.

We play and strengthen the baby's breathing

If it is necessary to conduct breathing exercises with a small child, then the main thing is to captivate him with the process, giving the exercises a playful form. So, as a breathing exercise, children can be offered to blow bubbles or inflate balloon, launch sailboats in the bath, using your own breath like the wind. 10-15 minutes of such exercises daily is enough, and after a few weeks you will find the first results. Respiratory muscles are strengthened, the inhalation process is normalized and oxygen exchange in tissues is enhanced, the respiratory organs restore their function.

To consolidate the effect after breathing exercises, it is recommended to carry out a drainage massage - with light tapping movements of the palms, walk from the front and back sides chest... This stimulates the process of coughing up and the discharge of phlegm.

Education: Moscow Medical Institute. IM Sechenov, specialty - "General Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 "Occupational Diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

The best exercise for removing phlegm from the respiratory tract, what is it? Read about breathing exercises in this article. Physical exercises always useful. However, for diseases of the lungs and bronchi, gymnastics is especially useful. Yoga, exercises involving a ball, gymnastic stick, massage - all this helps to cough up and remove phlegm from the lungs, thereby alleviating the disease. The drainage function of such a complex allows you to remove cough and strengthen muscles in a short time.

Exercises: breathing exercises Strelnikova

Respiratory gymnastics can be performed both in a medical institution and at home. These exercises help restore the voice, remove pain and phlegm, and improve blood circulation. This gymnastics from the Strelnikova complex is not obtained the first time, because you need to understand the technique of a sharp inhalation and a smooth exhalation. You should start with three exercises, gradually adding the following episodes.

You need to master these movements well, and then move on to others.:

  1. The first exercise is to unfold the palms, bend the elbows, palms should be near the head. A powerful breath in through the nose and simultaneous clenching of hands into fists, repeat several times. Be sure to exhale only through the mouth and slowly. Then interrupt for a few seconds and repeat again. In general, the exercise should be repeated 24 times.
  2. Exercise number two - the person is standing straight, feet at shoulder level. The shoulders are lowered, the head is raised, the hands are clenched into fists and are at the waist level. Inhale - sharply throw your hands down and unclench your fists. If everything is done correctly, the muscles in the arms will feel tension. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times in 5 sets with a break of 6 seconds.
  3. The third exercise - the legs are shoulder-width apart, lower the shoulders directly, arms along the body. Slow tilt, take a powerful breath and exhale slowly, smoothly. Do 8 of these reps, rest for 6 seconds, and again. There should be a total of 10 sets.

These exercises are performed twice a day, immediately after bedtime or 2 hours after dinner. Breathing exercises give vigor, strengthen immune system, help relieve fatigue, improve well-being.

The best breathing exercises

Other exercises can help you feel better.

Here are the best of the series:

  1. Stand in the middle of the room, relax. Wave your arms in different directions, pronouncing "ah" as you exhale. Repeat at least 10 times.
  2. Another exercise is to stand with your back straight, legs together, and arms apart in different directions. Inhale, clap on the legs, exhale with a cry "a", repeat.
  3. It is useful to do exercises as in exercises - to stand and walk, while making movements in a circle with your hands, like a mill. Breathe evenly and freely.
  4. Stand straight, put your legs together, arms along the body. Exhale when bending over, inhale when straightening. Exhale with a sound, as if a mosquito is flying, hands slide freely. Repeat at least 5 times.
  5. It is useful to squat and swing the press while inhaling and exhaling sharply and powerfully to the rhythm of the exercises. You need to do it without fanaticism, that's enough 10 times.
  6. In another exercise, you need to stand up like a skier and imitate walking, exhale through the nose, while humming, perform a couple of minutes.
  7. Walking, while inhaling, raise your arms, while exhaling - lower it with a long sound "y". Repeat the exercise for about one minute.
  8. Sit down, bring your legs together. Hands need to be raised in different directions and gradually lower them, exhaling with the sound "s", repeat 5 times.
  9. Sitting in a meditation posture, inhale strongly through the nose and exhale evenly through the mouth in parts.

By doing these exercises regularly, you can prevent many diseases of the respiratory system, normalize blood pressure, and even lose weight. With a runny nose, bronchitis, tracheitis, breathing exercises will help ease breathing, relieve swelling and relieve cough and phlegm.

Effective breathing exercises for bronchitis

Breathing exercises are especially helpful for bronchitis. In addition to taking medications and massage, you can also exercise. This exercise will help increase the flow of mucus, relieve coughing and breathing.

Exercises for diseases of the bronchi are as follows:

  1. For the first exercise, you need to stand up straight, take a strong breath and a slow long exhale, repeat 5 times.
  2. Sit on the exhale with a sharp wave of the hands. Touch the feet, inhale and sit down again. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Lying on your stomach, bend at the waist several times, this position is also called "bow". As you inhale, rise, when you exit, return to the starting position.
  4. Then lie down on the floor on your back and place your arms along the body. Slowly raise them while inhaling, reach for them with your whole body, on a long exhale, lie down to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Also lying down with one arm extended along the body, and the other behind the head. Breathe freely, change the position of your hands in a minute, repeat 5 times.
  6. In the same position, take a deep breath and spread your arms in different directions. As you exhale, press your knees to the body, you can help yourself with your hands. Repeat 7 times.
  7. Then bend your knees and raise your pelvis. Raise as you inhale, exhale slowly as you exhale. Repeat 12 times.

Gymnastics should be repeated a couple of times a day on an empty stomach or a couple of hours after the last meal.

Video: breathing exercises for bronchitis

Videos of breathing lessons will help you do the exercises yourself at home. This procedure is especially useful after acute bronchitis to get rid of the residual effects of the disease in the form of cough, shortness of breath and mucus in the bronchi.

You need to breathe through the nose during exercise, each should be performed at least 5 times:

  1. Inhale forcefully while standing upright, then exhale slowly, Roundabout Circulation hands, bend over, stand up again. Repeat.
  2. Hands in different directions, inhale and exhale, touch your shoulders with your hands. Do this exercise at least 15 times.
  3. Take a gymnastics stick and hold it behind your back. Inhale, lean back, exhale and lean forward without stopping.
  4. Place the stick in front of you, take a breath and raise your arms up, make a backbend, put your foot behind on your toe. Exhale and return to starting position.
  5. Squats when the hands touch the floor as you exhale. While inhaling, straighten up and raise your arms.

Additionally, during bronchitis and lung diseases, you can use whistles, inflate balloons, jump and run to breathe more. Be sure to drink plenty of water to thin the phlegm and make it easier to pass.

How is breathing exercises done for the lungs and bronchi

During breathing exercises for the lungs and bronchi, you should adhere to some rules that will help make gymnastics as effective as possible.

You need to exhale through the mouth, breathe easily, freely, do not take a deep breath sharply.

Exercise is best done before breakfast or 2 hours after dinner. With severe dizziness and nausea, you should stop gymnastics.

With chronic bronchitis, you should do universal complex exercise to relieve symptoms:

  1. Lie on your back with your legs bent and close to your chest. They take a deep breath with their mouths, the knees are pressed closer. Then exhale slowly and release the knees, repeat the exercise several times.
  2. Standing or sitting position close one nostril, take a large breath through the mouth and exhale through the free nostril. Repeat with the other nostril.
  3. The last exercise: stand up straight, arms out to the sides. Then, while inhaling, cross tightly hug yourself by the shoulders and exhale.

You may feel dizzy while exercising, but this should go away quickly. If you feel unwell, you should pause or stop exercising altogether. With acute bronchitis, it is very useful to sing songs, for children - to jump and run. Some even practice hand-walking, that is, the patient is held by the legs while he walks on his hands. This helps the phlegm to drain away. Exercises for the diaphragm are effective, for example, blowing air through a tube into a glass of water. It is enough to repeat this several times a day for 5-10 minutes and it will become easier to breathe.

The above exercises help to improve breathing, clear the lungs and bronchi of mucus and phlegm. However, too deep and harsh breaths can provoke a spasm, so therapeutic exercises should be done slowly and gradually.

Exercise therapy for bronchitis

With bronchitis, it is useful to combine exercise therapy, massage and breathing exercises. It helps to develop the muscles of the chest, improve breathing, strengthen the lungs.

Depending on the exercise therapy diseases changes, may pursue the following goals:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve blood flow to the lungs;
  • Strengthen immunity.

Yoga classes, swimming, long walks are also useful. With a protracted course of the disease, it is recommended to go for a massage to get rid of phlegm, shortness of breath and relieve coughing. Regular treatments will help as soon as possible cure diseases.

Respiratory gymnastics for bronchitis (video)

It is very useful for pneumonia, asthma and acute obstructive bronchitis, respiratory failure and expectoration. physiotherapy and breathing exercises. Moreover, it is suitable for both children and adults, and you can even do it at home. Such gymnastics is useful for sputum discharge, restoration of lung function and internal organs. Correct execution provides lightness, well-being, proper breathing.

Improves the general condition of the patient, improves mood. Special exercises for the respiratory system give good results in the complex treatment of bronchitis. This reduces the amount of drugs used and speeds up the healing process.

Exercise stimulates the movement of the ciliated epithelium, quickly removing phlegm and impurities from the respiratory system. The hidden reserves of the respiratory system are turned on, and there is a rapid restoration of free breathing.

Benefits of breathing exercises for bronchitis

Respiratory training helps to better sputum discharge and significantly reduces inflammation, the patient feels better. The effect of exercise therapy:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the level of hemoglobin rises;
  • recovers healthy function bronchi, sputum is excreted.

Exercise prevents development, and the volume of the lungs increases. As a result, the cells are better saturated with oxygen. They begin to carry out remedial gymnastics within a few days after the drugs are prescribed.

Basic rules of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

There are many methods of exercises for the respiratory system, but breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are considered the most effective. Alexandra Strelnikova, a vocal specialist, believes that all problems with the lungs arise due to their poor ventilation and improper functioning of the diaphragm.

This technique also helps with asthma, restores breathing, relieves cough, relieves spasm and relieves the condition during a heart attack.

The exercises must be performed correctly, maintaining a specific type of breathing. This requires:

  • An active short breath and a calm, almost inaudible exhalation.
  • Inhale quickly and sharply through the nose. A correctly inhaled breath is accompanied by a noise that comes out of the nose.
  • Breathe in only while driving.
  • Breathing should be soft and soundless. Exhale slowly, smoothly, so that the air comes out freely from the lungs.
  • The rhythm of breathing coincides with the rhythm of the march.
  • Count only in your mind.
  • Respiratory gymnastics is performed while sitting, lying, standing. It depends on the condition of the patient.
  • For better result it is better to conduct classes in the fresh air.

All exercises must be done under the supervision of a specialist. If at the same time the condition worsens, you need to stop exercising.

Strelnikova's technique has contraindications:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • trauma to the brain, spine;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • high intracranial pressure.

The main exercises from the complex of breathing exercises, developed by Strelnikova

The main breathing exercises in the process of treating bronchitis should be performed several times a day, a course of at least one month.

  • Stand straight, arms lower, palms facing forward.
  • Take a sharp breath and clench your fists with force.
  • During exhalation, the hands need to be relaxed.
  • At the beginning of classes, take 4 breaths, gradually increase to 96.

  • In lung time tilt the body forward, hands must be lowered and relaxed.
  • When leaning forward, take a noisy breath.
  • Exhale - take the original position.
  • Do the exercise slowly and without stress.
  • Do this at least 8 times.

"Hug your shoulders":

  • The arms should be bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level.
  • Take a sharp breath, while crossing your arms, as if hugging your body.
  • When exhaling, spread your arms.
  • The muscles are relaxed.
  • Repeat 13-16 times.

"Eight" - exercise helps to get rid of phlegm from the respiratory system:

  • Tilt the body forward a little and inhale quickly and hold the exhale.
  • Mentally count to 10 several times and exhale calmly.

"Drop the load":

  • When standing straight, clench your palms into a fist, hands on your belt.
  • A sharp noisy breath, lower your hands down, relax your fists.
  • Do it as if you have thrown a load off yourself.
  • Exhale, return to the original position, relax.


  • In a standing position, straighten your shoulders, arms lowered, legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Inhale - bend forward, stretch your arms to your knees.
  • Exhale - return to starting position.
  • Continue, backward movement, bend slightly in the lower back.
  • Hands behind the back.
  • Then stand upright, repeat the exercise.

Respiratory gymnastics for bronchitis according to Buteyko

Not everyone agrees with this technique, so it is not recommended to use it on your own. Experts believe that gymnastics is not suitable for curing bronchitis, is not only ineffective, but also dangerous, and can cause a decrease in lung volume.

The essence of therapeutic charging for bronchitis is reduced to breathing control. Konstantin Buteyko (a well-known physiologist) suggests that the cause of all respiratory diseases lies in deep breathing, which leads to. In his opinion, shallow breathing is much healthier for the body. Gymnastics according to Buteyko has shown its effectiveness in asthma, it has a positive effect on metabolism in general, cures respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract and heart.

The patient makes shallow breaths for 2-3 seconds, then exhales quickly and calmly. Do as much as possible between breaths. At first, a person experiences unpleasant sensations:

  • fear, refusal from gymnastics;
  • lack of air, dizziness, rapid breathing, weakness;
  • appetite decreases, pain appears;
  • exacerbations of diseases are possible.

At the same time, you cannot stop and quit classes. Continuing gymnastics, these sensations disappear completely.

The technique is convenient because it can be done in any convenient place, it is simple, affordable, and a patient of any age can do it.

A complex of respiratory measures for bronchitis from Yuri Vilunas

Gymnastics "Sobbing Breath" was used by the author against diabetes mellitus. But observations have shown that the technique helps with various diseases, especially in therapy and.

The method consists of a short inhalation and a long exhalation.

In order to prevent bronchitis, the following exercises are done:

  • shallow, calm breath through the mouth;
  • exhalation is sharp, accompanied by the sound "ha";
  • pause 3 seconds.

The whole procedure takes one minute. The exercise can be done several times a day.

Gymnastic exercises for obstructive or chronic bronchitis help to get rid of the viscous mucus from the body, which is formed when coughing. It is important to follow some rules:

  • exhale through the mouth;
  • breathing is shallow. Deep breaths can cause bronchospasm;
  • the lesson is held in the morning and in the evening;
  • if the condition does not improve, they stop doing gymnastics.

Breathing exercises for patients with bronchitis:

  • Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees and press them as much as possible to your chest.
  • Simultaneously with the movement, inhale through the mouth. Repeat several times slowly.
  • While sitting or standing, close one nostril, inhale and exhale through the other.
  • Do the same with the other nostril.
  • Standing, spread your arms to the sides, cross your arms on your chest, inhale, hug yourself by the shoulder blades.

With obstructive bronchitis, all actions must be done with resistance. Take a glass container with water and a straw. Take a deep breath, exhale through the tube. Do the exercise several times a day for 15 minutes.

Recreational exercises for bronchitis with the inclusion of the abdominal diaphragm should be done while lying on your back. Take a deep breath, exhale sharply. In this case, it is good to suck in the stomach. When breathing like this, you need to make sure that the stomach protrudes.

By doing this breathing, you can make several coughing movements. This will improve the work of the diaphragm, the phlegm will go away easier and faster.

All the main techniques are completely safe and effective for the child. The child's respiratory organs and respiratory muscles are poorly developed, so the disease can give serious complications. Respiratory gymnastics for bronchitis is a good prevention.

Carefully carry out gymnastics for obstructive bronchitis. They start it after an acute period, when there is no temperature, and drug treatment spent at least 3 days. Increase the load gradually. Children should practice in specialized exercise therapy, under the supervision of a specialist.

For a small child, gymnastics is carried out in a playful way. How to exercise the baby is offered to inflate balloon, blow bubbles, launch boats in the bathroom, using your breath as the wind. A quarter of an hour a day is enough and the result will already be noticeable in a few weeks.

To consolidate the result of gymnastics, drainage gymnastics is carried out or. Tap lightly with the palm of your hand on the front and back side chest. This will make it easier for the baby to cough up phlegm from the respiratory tract.

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