Exercises on a gymnastic bench for preschoolers. Lesson: Exercises with a gymnastic bench

ORU complex on a gymnastic bench

Exercises on a gymnastic bench, designed for middle and high school students, can be performed in the introductory and main part of the lesson, alternating with other general developmental exercises. It is recommended to fill the intervals between individual exercises and series with relaxation exercises, light jogging. Gym benches should be used not only in lessons that are held in sports hall but also practicing on fresh air... Exercises on a gymnastic bench in class are especially useful. athletics.

It is easy to see that all the recommended exercises on the gymnastic bench are given in a clear sequence. So, exercises 1-4 are used to develop the strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Exercises 5-17 focus on muscle development abdominal improving mobility in hip joint... Exercises 18-25 increase the flexibility of the spine, especially in the chest, improve mobility chest, develop the strength of the back muscles and lateral muscles torso. Some of these exercises can be done with weights (dumbbells, light discs). Exercise 26- -31 are used to develop jumping ability, leg muscle strength.

Sports and physical education at school


Flexion-extension of the arms in the lying position.

Schoolchildren master this exercise from the first grade. The technique can only change according to age. But already in high school, students must clearly understand how the body should move when performing the exercise. More often, nevertheless, when bending-unbending arms on the floor, they imitate the technique of performing the exercise: shoulder girdle when bending the arms and, accordingly, moving down, does not cross the plane elbow joints.

When performing this exercise on a gymnastic bench, you can trace the execution technique, visually show the student his mistakes. Besides, correct execution flexion-extension of the arms is better fixed in muscle memory precisely when performed on a gymnastic bench.

After the technique is fixed, and the muscles, instead of painful sensations, gain sufficient strength, you can try different options doing the exercise. But this does not mean that all exercises will be the same in terms of mastering time.

1. Flexion-extension of arms on parallel gymnastic benches: hands shoulder-width apart.

2. Flexion-extension of the arms on the floor: on the fists, on the fingers (four - three - two).

3. Flexion-extension of arms on a gymnastic bench with a clap in the palm: in front, behind the back, when turning left, right. First, do the exercise on the floor.

4. Flexion-extension of the arms: hands together, on the edge of the palm, on back side palms.

5. Flexion-extension (from a lying position, legs wider) on one hand: emphasis on the palm, on the fist or on the fingers.

6. Support lying, arms wider. Bend and straighten one arm first, then the other.

To perform these exercises, you only need a floor, a bench, and a gymnastic ladder. But you can always organize simple competitions, even with a minimum number of participants, using the above exercises. It is not difficult to come up with team exercises: for example, the first participant can perform the specified exercise once, the second - two, the first - three, the second - four, and so on - who is more.

With some preparation, exercises can be performed with weights well supported on the back. It could be medicine ball, damn barbell, dumbbell. Exercises can be applied and how homework... If a student does each exercise at home at least 3 times, the result will be 24-30 movements. If a student has not been able to do an exercise for a long time, there is reason to think.

In many schools today there are still problems with equipment and gyms. But through exercises that can be performed in a confined space, even without equipment, you can also diversify the lessons. physical culture and make them not only interesting, but also beneficial to the health of students.

Exercises on a gymnastic bench.

Strength exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

1. I. p. - emphasis on your knees, hands on the bench. Straightening of the legs and trunk in the lying position and slow return of the VP.

2. I. p. - lying position, feet on the bench. Flexion and extension of the arms.

3. The same, the leg is lifted back - up.

4. I. p. - standing on a bench in a half-squat. Falling to close-up lying on straight arms. Stepping over your hands, return to SP.

5. Flexion and extension of the arms in support from behind (on the bench).

6. The same, but rest with hands on the floor, and feet on the bench.

7. Moving on all fours on the bench rail. Can be used as a balance exercise.

8. Walking on hands on the rail with support of the legs by the partner.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs.

1. I. p. - wide stand legs apart, one leg in front (on the bench). Bending your legs, touch the knee from behind standing leg floor.

2. I. p. - standing on one leg (a step away from the bench), the other on the bench. Slow squat.

3. The same in pairs, holding hands.

4. Jumping to and from the bench on both feet: forward, backward, with a turn of 90 180 degrees. The same on one leg.

5. The same, standing sideways to the bench, and jumping over the bench.

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

1. I. p. - standing on one leg, the other on a bench. Back bends of the torso with different hand positions.

2. The same bending the leg on the bench.

3. I. p. - standing on one leg with his back to the bench, the other, laid back, resting his toe on the bench. Springy back bends of the trunk.

4. I. p. - sitting on a bench, legs extended. To group, clasping the shins with your hands (with a delay in the grouping position and without delay); then slowly return to i.p.

5. I. p. - the same, holding the edge of the bench with your hands. Without lifting the feet from the floor, tilt the body back.

6. I. p. - too. Lie down on the bench, taking a horizontal position, and return to SP.

7. The same, but in a horizontal position, raise your legs vertically up.

8. I. p. - Sitting at an angle. Movements with straight legs forward, backward and crosswise.

9. I. p. - lying on a bench, holding the edge with your hands. Sitting at an angle, raising the legs high (with a delay and without delay in this position).

10. I. p. - lying on the bench, holding the edges outstretched upward. Bending, reach with your feet a bench behind your head.

11. Exercises with a partner. I. p. - blue on the bench, hands forward. Back bend of the trunk with support of the legs by the partner and return to I.p.

12. The same, but the partner keeps his legs raised high.

13. I. p. - Sitting astride a bench. Torso bends forward and backward. The same with the toes hooked on the sides of the bench when leaning back.

Gymnastic bench - equipment available in any gym... Also, a hinged transforming bench can be completed without any problems. Swedish wall for home. With a cold snap when outdoor workouts are not readily available, a gym bench can be a great base for complex training indoors, will help bring an element of novelty into it and thereby create additional motivation for playing sports. In this article, we will show you what exercises you can do with a gymnastic bench.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

The photo shows how compact a gymnastic bench can be stored in the limited free space of a city apartment.

Sitting on a gymnastic bench, you can stretch your neck by performing back and forth, right and left, as well as turning your head to the sides. Repeat each warm-up element 8 times. These exercises can help you get rid of the clamps. cervical spine spine, which are often the causes of headaches. Avoid rotating your head, however. This movement is considered unnatural and can harm the condition of the cervical vertebrae.

In the same way, while sitting on a bench, you can stretch the shoulder girdle by performing shoulder rotations back and forth - 8 times in each direction.

You can perform a soft back stretch while sitting on a gymnastic bench by raising your arms up and stretching the crown of your head towards the ceiling. This exercise helps to correct posture and avoid such an unpleasant disease as osteochondrosis.

The gymnastic bench is an excellent base for strength exercises... Lying with your back on the gymnastic bench, do 15-20:

1. dumbbell presses up from the chest;

Photo by Natalia Grishko

2. dilutions of straight arms with dumbbells to the side (exercise "butterfly");

Photo by Natalia Grishko

3.Establishing hands with dumbbells behind the head (triceps exercise).

Photo by Natalia Grishko

A gymnastic bench is also useful for performing. Taking an emphasis on the bench with your hands, take the position of a straight bar at an angle to the floor and perform 15 push-ups.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

Then do 15 more push-ups, fixing not your arms, but your legs on the bench. This exercise tones up almost all of the main muscle groups: muscles of the arms, abs, buttocks, chest, back.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

Also, with the help of a gymnastic bench, you can perform. To do this, sit with your back to it and take an emphasis with your hands on the surface of the bench, stretch your legs in front of you. Bend your elbows and knees, lower your buttocks down. Triceps works. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

A gymnastic bench will also be a good helper when doing cardio. So, taking an emphasis on it with the palms of straight hands, alternately raise the knee of one or the other leg to the chest. This exercise is called "Climber" because it really resembles a climber climbing a mountain. Repeat the exercise 20 times with each leg in three sets. As a result, we have an excellent fat burning effect.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

We turn to training the gluteal and thigh muscles using a gymnastic bench. We stand with our backs to the bench, place the foot of one leg on its surface and perform 20 squats on one leg. Then we change the supporting leg and do 20 more squats.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

The queue for the "gluteal bridge". To do it, spread a gym mat in front of the bench and lie on your back. We bend our legs at the knees, place our feet on the surface of the bench. We tear off the buttocks from the floor so that the whole body from knees to shoulders forms one straight line. We repeat the exercise 20 times in three sets. Remember that the closer you place your glutes to the bench, the more difficult it will be for you to perform the gluteal bridge.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

Now the press.
We lie down on the bench with our back, with our hands we hold on to its edges at the level of the ears, we raise our straight legs up and take them behind our head, we tear our buttocks off the bench. The number of repetitions is 20 times in three sets.

Larisa Lukanskaya
Thematic lesson with a gymnastic bench in the senior group of the preschool educational institution

Thematic lesson with a gymnastic bench

in the senior group of the preschool educational institution

1 part. Alignment. Command: "Group, level up, at attention!" Column formation. Walking around the hall is usual, walking on a bench ( normal walking, arms to the side, walking on the bench (sideways step, running around the hall as usual, running on the bench, walking around the hall. Calculation for "First, second!"

Part 2. ORU on a gymnastic bench:

1. I. p.: Sitting astride a bench, legs bent, arms down. 1- raise your hands up through the sides, look at your hands - inhale; 2- and. n. - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times

2. I. p.: Sitting astride, hands on the belt. 1-bringing the shoulders, elbows forward; 2- and. n. Repeat 6-8 times

3. I. p.: The same, hands on the shoulders in front of the seated person. 1- tilt to the right (left) - exhale; 2- and. p. - inhale. Repeat 3-4 times

4. I. p.: The same, legs bent, hands on the waist. 1- stand up, arms to the sides - inhale; 2- and. n. - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times

5. I. p.: Standing in front of the bench, hands up. 1-lean forward, put your hands on the bench; 2- lower your hands to the floor behind the bench; 3- hands on the bench again; 4- and. p. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. I. p.: Sitting on a bench, holding on to it with your hands, legs straight. 1- without moving your legs, bend them at the knees, sit on the floor; 2- and. p. Repeat 5-6 times

7. I. p.: Legs slightly apart, hands down. Jumping around the bench (one lap) and walking in place. Repeat 2 times.

Basic movements:

Jumping over the bench sideways with support on hands.

Climbing a bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your hands.

Walking on a bench with stepping over objects (cubes, stuffed balls, then performing a deep jump (on the mat).

You can use both the streaming method of completing the task, and the subgroup.

P / and "Flight of birds"

Children sit on benches with their legs (legs bent at the knees). At the signal: "Flight of the birds" children jump off the benches, run around the hall, depict birds. At the signal: "Tempest" children quickly "take off" on their bench ("tree"). Whose team took off faster, that one won. Repeat the game several times.

Part 3. Game of low mobility "Guess who's gone." Children sit on a bench, the driver stands with his back to them with closed eyes. One of the children quietly goes into the next room and hides. The driver turns around, looks at who is gone. Play the game several times. The driver changes all the time.

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Among the various means that increase the physical and volitional readiness of young men studying at the Novgorod Chemical-Industrial College, exercises with weights deserve special attention. In his work, as burdens for doing general physical fitness in the lesson I use gymnastic benches. The main difference between these exercises from others is that the guys perform them in groups, which contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism and helping comrades. Exercises with a gymnastic bench allow you to work on various muscle groups: arms, shoulder girdle, abdomen, back, legs, etc. They improve joint mobility, flexibility of the spine. Weighty arguments in favor of these exercises are their accessibility, emotionality, the need to act cohesively, in concert, which, of course, helps to improve discipline in the lesson. The use of exercises with a gymnastic bench has its own specificity - they are performed only in the frontal way. The trainees are divided into groups of 4-6 people, moreover, it is necessary that in each group there are children of approximately the same height and the same physical fitness. The distance between the groups must be safe for simultaneous exercise. Assistants provide additional insurance during exercise. Before doing each exercise, I always explain the peculiarities of collective actions in it and warn of the consequences of neglect of safety rules. In the course of performing a series of exercises, I follow the basic didactic principles: go from simple to complex, alternate the work of some muscle groups with the rest of others. I do not strive for too much density of classes, after several exercises with weights, I give the guys breathing exercises and relaxation. Before these exercises, a warm-up is always carried out in order to prepare the body for work with weights. Sometimes, for senior students, I give these exercises specifically against the background of fatigue - for the development of volitional qualities.

Exercise 1 (fig. 1):

I.p. - standing feet apart with the right side to the bench

1-grab the bench with your left hand for the far edge with a grip from above, with your right hand for the near edge with a grip from below;

2-lift the bench up on straight arms;

3 - bend your arms;

4 - straighten your arms.

Repeat 10-12 times. The exercise requires special care, the arms should not be bent to the end so as not to hurt the head.

Exercise 2 (fig. 2).

3 - swing with the left leg to the side;

4 - put the left one;

5 - max right foot to the side;

6 - put the right one.

Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 3 (fig. 3).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - tilt to the left;

4 - straighten up;

5 - tilt to the right;

6 - straighten up.

Repeat 8-12 times. Option: performing the exercise, you can do not one at a time, but two or three springy slopes.

Exercise 4 (fig. 4).

3-lower the bench to the left - down to the level of the belt, hold for 3 seconds;

4 - lift the bench up on straight arms.

Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 5 (fig. 5).

3 - bend your arms;

4 - hands forward;

5 - hands back;

6 - lift the bench up on straight arms.

Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 6 (fig. 6).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - tilting your head forward, put the bench on your shoulders (position of the loader);

4 - lift the bench up on straight arms.

Repeat 6-8 times. The exercise requires maximum synchronization of movements, clarity of command execution.

Exercise 7 (fig. 7).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - lower the bench to the right shoulder;

4 - lift the bench up on straight arms;

5 - lower the bench onto the left shoulder;

6 - lift the bench up on straight arms.

Repeat 10-12 times.

Exercise 8 (fig. 8).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - sit down slowly;

4 - get up slowly.

Repeat 10-12 times. Pay attention to synchronicity of movements.

Exercise 9 (fig. 9).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - alternately on the command "Pull up!" in each group, students numbered 3 and 4 are pulled up from the hang while standing.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 10.

I. p., 1, 2 is the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - lower the bench from the opposite (left) side;

4 - lift the bench up on straight arms;

5 - lower the bench on the right side;

6 - lift the bench up on straight arms.

Repeat 4-5 times in each direction. The exercise can be performed while standing on another bench.

Exercise 11 (fig. 10).

I. p., 1, 2 - the same as in exercise. 1;

3 - slowly lowering your hands, put the bench on your head;

4 - sit down;

5- walking forward in a squat 10-20 m.

Exercise 12 (fig. 11).

Moving through the hall with a step, jogging with a bench on the right (left) shoulder.

Exercise 13 (fig. 12).

I. p. - standing feet apart in front of the bench.

1,2 - sitting down, pass your hands between the upper and lower rails of the bench with a grip from below for the far edge;

3 - stand up, bench on straight arms;

4 - bend your arms;

5 - straighten arms, bench on outstretched arms;

6 - bend your arms.

Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 14 (fig. 13).

I. p. - lying on your back on gymnastic mats with your head to the bench.

1- pass your hands between the upper and lower rails of the bench with a grip from above with both hands behind the far edge of the bench;

2 - without taking your legs off the floor, slowly raise the bench and gently lower it onto your hips;

3- In the opposite movement, carefully place the bench on the floor.

Repeat 6-8 times. Exercise helps you overcome feelings of fear. When performing the exercise, the concentration of each student and the coordination of movements are especially necessary.

Exercise 15 (fig. 14).

I. p. - lying on your back on gymnastic mats with your feet to the bench.

1 pass both legs between the top and bottom rails of the bench;

2,3 - slowly raise the bench above the floor;

4.5 - slowly lowering your legs, put the bench on the floor.

Repeat 8-10 times. The exercise must be performed with insurance.

ORU on a gymnastic bench

1- sitting legs apart;

2 - sitting at an angle (hold for 3-4 sec.);

3 - an emphasis lying behind (3-4 sec.);

4 - with an angle;

5 - gray legs apart.

Repeat the series 3-4 times.

Episode 2

1- rest lying hands on the bench;

2 - flexion and extension of the arms (5-10 times);

3 - flexion and flexion of the body in the lying position (3-4 times);

4 - emphasis squatting legs on the floor;

5 - support lying.

Repeat the series 2-3 times.

Episode 3

1 - sitting on a bench;

2 - sitting at an angle (hold for 3-4 sec);

3 - an emphasis lying behind (hands on the bench, feet on the floor);

4 - flexion and extension of the arms in the support lying behind (3-6 times);

5 - sitting on a bench.

Repeat the series 3-4 times

1 - an emphasis lying on a bench (hold for 3-4 sec.);

2 - emphasis standing on one knee (3 sec.);

3 - the same on the other knee;

4 - lying emphasis.

Repeat the series 2-3 times.

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