How do sports affect character? Exercise increases sex drive and feelings of attraction

Physical activity helps to strengthen the heart, has a beneficial effect on its work and endurance. Moreover, it is hypodynamia - the lack of adequate physical activity - that is one of the risk factors for the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. At the same time, everyone is well aware that professional athletes- Frequent patients of cardiologists. How, in fact, sport changes the heart and where is the acceptable line, the MedAboutMe portal understood.

The heart pumps blood around the body, which, in particular, delivers the necessary oxygen to organs and tissues. In the event that the myocardium does not work enough, the body may experience hypoxia - a dangerous condition not only for its symptoms (shortness of breath, weakness, etc.), but posing a direct threat to human health and life. It is difficult for patients with heart failure to withstand even minimal physical exercise such as climbing stairs. At some point, they can cause collapse - a critical drop in blood pressure, with a possible fatal outcome.

Sport allows you to avoid such dangerous conditions. With any physical activity, the muscles' need for oxygen increases, which means that the heart begins to work harder to be able to pump more blood. Thus, the myocardium trains, gets used to possible increased loads and quickly returns to normal operation after them. A trained person is not afraid of even sudden loads, because his heart is able to quickly rebuild (change the rhythm) without any damage.

In addition, an increase in the intensity of the work of the heart activates metabolic processes, and this allows the myocardium, blood vessels and blood itself to recover and renew itself more easily. In particular, the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood decreases, which causes atherosclerosis - the main cause coronary disease heart followed by myocardial infarction.

Harm of sports for the cardiovascular system

Despite the benefits of exercise for of cardio-vascular system(CCC), sports can still cause serious disturbances in the work of the heart. And this is due to how exactly the myocardium changes, responding to constant loads.

The most common violations in athletes are:

Hypertrophy (enlargement) of various parts of the heart, usually the left ventricle. Due to the fact that the myocardium during training is forced to pump large volumes of blood, the muscle begins not only to contract more intensively, but also to stretch, because in this way it can capture a larger volume of blood at a time. In the event that the muscle is stretched by more than 35%, the heart ceases to cope with its functions. Firstly, the myocardium can no longer completely relax, which affects its work. Secondly, the stretched parts of the heart stop pumping blood efficiently. As a result, another physical activity of great intensity can lead to cardiac arrest and death.

Frequency reduction heart rate. Normal at healthy person pulse is 60-80 beats per minute. But if the heart is constantly receiving loads, which means it begins to pump blood more efficiently in one contraction, the resting heart rate can be much lower. If the frequency of beats becomes less than 60 per minute, cardiologists diagnose "bradycardia". At the same time, for an ordinary person, such a condition can be a threat to health and life, but the bradycardia of athletes, as a rule, is early stages does not affect health.

Foto: Shutterstock

Cardiomyopathy. A change in the structure of the myocardium, thickening of the walls of the heart also occurs as a result of increased muscle work for a long time. The disease can affect the endurance of the cardiovascular system, as well as cause death even at an early age.

Hypotension. Decrease blood pressure also associated with increased stress on the vessels due to increased blood flow. The arteries of a trained person are larger in diameter, which means that at rest with an average need for oxygen, the blood will pass through them with less intensity - the pressure will be lowered.

What is heart rate and why is it important

Why can sports affect the work of the heart in such different ways? Why in some cases does it prolong its work, while in others it leads to the development of pathologies? The main reason for this different influence is the choice of training intensity. And it is easiest to calculate it by increasing the heart rate (HR), because it depends on this, with what force the blood is pumped.

Workouts are divided into:

Warm-up, load for people with CCC diseases - 50-60% of the maximum.

Cardio training, aerobic exercise, acceptable training for a healthy person who wants to support the heart is 60-75%.

Strength exercises, anaerobic exercise, training that can lead to myocardial pathologies - 75-90%.

Dangerous load, risk of death - 90-100%.

It should be understood that such calculations are very individual, and depend on other factors. For example, for a trained athlete whose heart is used to enduring heavy loads, even the maximum heart rate may not be dangerous. But for hypertensive patients, classes in "safe" values ​​​​of cardio loads can cause a significant deterioration in the condition.

Fitness rules for a healthy heart

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing the intensity of your workout. If they are, it is better to give preference to smaller loads.

Stress. Emotional stress, like physical stress, increases the heart rate. Therefore, in this state, it is best to start training with relaxing exercises, and move on to intense ones only after the pulse normalizes.

If increased loads for untrained muscles end in dorepatura (delayed muscle pain), then the heart can react with various malfunctions - heart rhythm disturbances, increased pressure, and so on. Therefore, for training the heart, the systematic loads are more important, and not their maximum possible intensity. It is necessary to exercise at least 3-4 times a week if the intensity exceeds 60%, and if you choose minimum load- daily.

Being athletic is great! If only because sport is recognized as one of better ways change your life for the better. You are literally building yourself, and it's not just physical changes.

Command website will tell about why you need to play sports. Ready to be convinced that it changes lives?

What are the effects of sports

Change does not begin when you lose weight, but from the first workout. Already after 30 minutes of training, certain chemical processes occur in the body, after 3 weeks of regular training, loads become a habit, and after 10-12 weeks ... Well, see for yourself!

Hormonal explosion

Physical exercise stimulates the release of endorphins into the blood. Already during training, the mood begins to rise sharply, and after an hour or two peace comes. That's the reason why sport is the best stress reliever.

Tempering character

A healthy mind in a healthy body, but what exactly happens to inner world a person who started playing sports? Some qualities are being developed:

  • perseverance
  • patience
  • responsibility
  • sociability
  • confidence

You will learn to wait and work for the result, your ability to concentrate will rise to a new level, and a feeling of freedom and looseness will also appear. Communication skills in sports and just when active way lives also increase, especially when training together and working as a team.

Healthy heart

Particularly good in this regard aerobic exercise like running, but sports in general reduce the risk of stroke by 50%! Also this is great prevention of coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

body beauty

Some people need to lose weight, some people need to gain weight, but a lean, flexible and strong body that anyone can achieve has always been something to be proud of. After about 3 months of playing sports, the old body fat and the muscles begin to show through.

long youth

Did you know that athletes are 40% less prone to premature aging? Look at athletes in their old age - they are energetic, look younger than their years and are strong in spirit. Such people are always young at heart. This is partly due to physical training and sports enthusiasm, but there is also a scientific explanation.

The skin of people who play sports is less prone to aging due to the fact that it is more hydrated and protected. Due to the production of collagen and elastin, wrinkles appear much later.

Sport is the fastest and most natural way to change your body and soul! What can we say about how it affects health? Bones are strengthened, memory is improved, immunity is increased and the risk of developing many serious diseases (type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer) is reduced.

The benefits of sports undeniable. Feel for yourself all the effects it has, and share this information with your friends!

Sport is a way of life. And it changes not only your body, but also thoughts, views, aspirations. Develops will and character. Having overcome himself, his laziness, a person understands that now he can do anything. That's what sport is capable of, it's not just everyday stress.

We want to tell you the story of our student Ksenia @kshenia

This is a girl with one of the most interesting stories at Bodylab! She came to school to recover from childbirth. She didn't have much excess weight, rather, the birth of a baby affected the quality of the figure. The changes took place smoothly, without stagnation, but also without rapid abrupt changes. But they were, motivated, and over time, Ksenia fell in love with the sport so much that she decided to connect her life with it. She first became a BodyLab summer instructor, doing free workouts at fresh air in his hometown- Nizhny Novgorod.

And then, in spite of higher education engineer, went to study at personal trainer! Starting with moderate workouts in the gym (goal: weight loss), Ksenia has improved her level of training so much that she is now training in a rather intensive class of Miss Olympia Natalia Melo - she works on relief.

Our students will agree that for many at school Ksenia has become a real motivation! She has an excellent figure, a hobby to which she is devoted and which gradually becomes her work, and complete harmony between body and soul. We are very proud of Xenia!

Here is what Ksenia writes about BodyLab:

This will be a post about online school, as I periodically receive questions about this. Many people know that I started my last “coming” into the world of fitness after the second birth with BodyLab, even before this whole coaching topic began. I have an unlimited subscription there, so I am still a student of the school and I can tell about my view from the inside.

I have not tried all the classes that exist there, I did not have homework in fact, but there are things that I can safely recommend.

And first of all, these are the classes of Natalia Melo. A really interesting and slightly different approach to fitness, there will be various variations of the usual presses and pulls, and an analysis of the main mistakes (it helps me in working with clients, by the way) and inclusions of functionality in strength work. In general, this is a little different from the classic Kachkov schemes, but it works, and it's interesting. So thank you @nathaliamelofit for broadcasting your experience!

In addition, I studied in the classes of Iveta Statsenko @iveta_fitness, a professional, perhaps, of the highest level in the field of training performing athletes. These classes have their own
placement of accents, where you can make the proportions of bikini models and learn about the criteria for evaluating the form on stage. If you follow the given diet, you can get an awesome body. And if you are planning to perform, but do not know where to start, then this is a very cool opportunity to apply the methods of a coach of this level on yourself. And if you also show an extraordinary result, then I am sure that you will be noticed by Iveta.

We know for sure that playing sports is good for our health: numerous studies confirm that regular physical exercise reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, promote mental well-being, and help build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. No less favorable physical activity affects our appearance, not for nothing that beauty and health always go hand in hand. We tried to understand this issue in more detail and present you with ten additional reasons for exercising.

Your overall health is reflected in your appearance

While the standards of beauty gradually change from century to century, youth and health will always remain in fashion, as they directly testify to the reproductive abilities of a person. Dr. Kavita Mariwalla, a New York-based dermatologist, says that moderate exercise, by improving overall health, contributes to rejuvenation (read attractiveness) appearance. Yes, you yourself could more than once observe that a person who has lost a certain amount of extra pounds looks much younger than before.

Sweating can solve your skin problems

Sweating regulates body temperature, hydrates your skin, and regulates the balance of sodium and calcium in your body. “Sweat is released through the pores, and this helps clear the pores of dirt, oil, dead cells, and bacteria,” says Dr. Mariwalla. “It leaves the pores clear and the skin healthier.”

A study by scientists from the Eberhard-Karls-University in Tübingen in Germany has shown that sweat contains a natural antibiotic that helps fight certain bacteria on the skin. However, sweat, if it stays on the body for a long time, can also have a negative irritating effect, so do not forget about the soul.

Exercise stimulates blood circulation, which improves skin tone, tone, and texture.

The Texas Heart Institute reports that a person who actively and regularly exercises has lower levels of stress-related hormones that help improve blood vessel health. Moderate exercise strengthens the heart and arteries, making it more efficient for skin cells to be oxygenated and nutrients. This results in your face having a more natural color and your skin looking much younger.

Healthy looking eyes

Our eyes are the mirror of the soul, so you probably don't want them to look faded, tired and inflamed. Do you know what makes the skin around the eyes look great? Lymph flow. This process of your lymphatic system detoxifies and exercise helps to stimulate it. Dr. Mariwalla explains, “Because exercise improves lymphatic flow, it can help reduce water retention in our body and reduce puffiness under the eyes and dark circles.”

Exercise can improve hair health and promote hair growth

Exercise increases blood flow to the skin, which is good for our hair follicles. “Just like it works on our skin, blood supplies our cells and hair follicles with the essential nutrients and oxygen needed for hair health and growth,” says Dr. Mariwalla. This is one of the reasons why scalp massage is recommended for men and women suffering from hair loss. Exercise also helps reduce DHT, the hormone that stops hair growth, and lowers cortisol levels in the body. Research has shown that high level cortisol can cause hair loss.

Exercise delays the appearance of wrinkles

Our skin is made up of two proteins that give it a youthful appearance: collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin degrade over time, which can be caused by a variety of factors, including sun exposure, oxidative stress, and chronological aging. Prolonged exercise stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in improved skin appearance. Exercising contributes to the fact that the skin becomes more hydrated, more protected and more resistant to wrinkles.

Exercise increases sex drive and feelings of attraction

Exercising not only provides us with a healthy body, but it can also significantly improve our sex life. A Pennsylvania State University study found that older women felt more attractive after four months of walking and doing yoga regularly, even if they hadn't lost any weight! But physical exercise not only gives us good mood and self-confidence, but can also have a great impact on the "chemistry of love." Studies show that athletic people can have up to 25 percent higher levels of testosterone, the hormone responsible for sex drive, than sedentary people.

Exercise improves mood and boosts self-confidence

A positive and confident person is always more attractive than a dull whiner. It's no secret to anyone that in the process physical activities special substances are released - endorphins, which reduce stress levels, increase self-confidence and bring a good mood.

Exercise gives you better sleep

It is quite natural that heavy physical exertion makes us tired, and with it a sound sleep. But it's not just that. Exercise optimizes the level of cortisol, a special hormone responsible for the active state of our body. Just stick to the rule of not exercising later than three hours before going to bed.

It is no secret that sport helps us to be healthy physically and become stronger in spirit. If you don't know how to change your character into better side, go in for sports. Find out how popular species sports can help you succeed in life.

Sport teaches perseverance and creativity

Most athletes fail the first time to achieve desired result. From month to month, or even year to year, they try to overcome the same milestone until they reach their goal. These tests allow a person to form such as perseverance. At the same time, sport helps to constantly feel the growth of one's own capabilities. Today you have achieved what you did not know how and were afraid of yesterday.

In addition, many popular sports teach us to be resourceful. After all, a person must think over his actions and movements move by move in order to achieve what he wants.

Sports help you concentrate

is the most important key to success in any business. The ability to solve a problem, the correctness of decisions taken and memorization of the received information. Most popular sports require us to concentrate. For example, if a footballer is distracted during a game, he will miss the pass. And the loss of concentration of attention by an athlete-alpinist is generally fraught with serious injury or death. And physical activity teaches a person to concentrate at the right time.

How to be patient? Go in for sports!

A person who lacks patience becomes overly emotional. Remember how in a fit of anger you often did things that you later regretted for a long time. How to change your character?

Sport helps to stock up on patience, because the result usually does not come immediately. Whatever popular sport you play, it teaches you to overcome the fear of failure, makes you try again and again to achieve the goal. As a result, a person becomes more patient with himself and others.

Responsibility and communication skills in sports

Responsibility and communication skills are very important character traits. They help you achieve success in your career and build good relationships with others.

Many popular sports are team sports. Each member has their own functions. Everyone is responsible for the overall success and health of team members. Team sports help you learn how to quickly navigate in a new environment and make smart decisions. But even if you are doing individual view sports, you also hone such character traits as sociability and responsibility when communicating with rivals.

This or that person in different ways affects the traits of his character. For example, football helps to become self-confident. Running and swimming teach a person to overcome himself, and yoga helps the world around him. If you want to change your character, take up the sport that will best help you improve the necessary traits.
