Operator commands in Minecraft. Analysis of selection methods for national teams of individual sports How teams are selected

Many of the possibilities that are present in the game are achieved only with the help of commands, so we have prepared a list of commands in Minecraft for you. Most of them work only in multiplayer mode and for admins, but some of them are also suitable for single player... Do not forget that you should enter commands in the chat window, which can be invoked with the T or / key.

Click to go:

Minecraft Single Player Commands:

me<сообщение> - Displays the entered message on behalf of a third party: "Player_name message text". For example: "The player is exploring a cave."

tell<игрок> <сообщение>, w<игрок> <сообщение> - Sending a private message to another player. Useful if you want other players on the server not to see the content of the message.

kill- Allows you to kill your character, useful if you are stuck in textures. After using the command, the chat displays the message "Ouch. That look like it hurt."

seed- Allows you to find out the grain of the world in which you are.

Minecraft admin commands:

clear<цель>[object number] [additional data]- Clears the specified player's inventory of all items or specific IDs.

debug - Starts debug mode or stops it.

defaultgamemode - Allows you to change the default mode for new players on the server.

difficulty<0|1|2|3> - Changes the difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - hard.

enchant<цель>[level] - Enchants an item in hand, to the level specified in the command.

gamemode [goal]- Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventrure, a or 2). For the team to work, the player must be online.

gamerule<правило>[meaning] - Provides the ability to change several basic rules... The value must be true or false.


  • doFireTick - if false, stops the spread of fire.
  • doMobLoot - if false, no drops will drop from mobs.
  • doMobSpawning - if false, prohibits spawning of mobs.
  • doTileDrops - if false, items do not drop from destructible blocks.
  • keepInventory - if true after death, the player does not lose the contents of the inventory.
  • mobGriefing - if false, mobs cannot destroy blocks (explosions of creepers do not spoil the landscape).
  • commandBlockOutput - if false command block does not display anything in the chat when executing commands.

give<цель> <номер объекта>[number] [ Additional Information] - Gives the player an item indicated by the block ID.

help [page | command] ? [page | command] - Lists all available console commands.

publish- Opens access to the world over the local network.

say<сообщение> - Shows all players a pink message.

spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z]- Allows you to set the spawn point for the player in the specified coordinates. If no coordinates have been specified, the spawn point will be your current position.

time set<число|day|night> - Allows you to change the time of day. Times can be specified numerically, where 0 is sunrise, 6,000 noon, 12,000 sunset, and 18,000 midnight.

time add<число> - Adds the specified amount of time to the current one.

toggledownfall- Allows you to enable or disable precipitation.

tp<цель1> <цель2>, tp<цель> - It makes it possible to teleport the player specified by name to another or to the entered coordinates.

weather<время> - Allows you to change the weather for a specific time specified in seconds.

xp<количество> <цель> - Gives a specific player the specified amount of experience, from 0 to 5000. If you enter L after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, the levels can be lowered, for example, -10L will decrease the player's level by 10.

ban<игрок>[cause]- Allows you to block the player's access to the server by nickname.

ban-ip - Allows to block the player's access to the server by ip address.

pardon<никнейм> - Allows you to unblock the specified player access to the server.

pardon-ip - Removes the specified IP address from the blacklist.

banlist - Allows you to see a list of all players blocked on the server.

op<цель> - Gives the specified player operator privileges.

deop<цель> - Removes operator privileges from the player.

kick<цель>[reason] - Kicks the specified player from the server.

list- Lists all players online.

save-all- Forcibly save all changes to the server.

save-on - Allows the server to perform automatic saves.

save-off - Prevents the server from doing automatic saving.

stop- Shuts down the server.

whitelist list- Displays a list of players in the whitelist.

whitelist <никнейм> - Adds or removes a player to the whitelist.

whitelist - Enables or disables the use of the whitelist on the server.

whitelist reload- Reloads the whitelist, that is, it updates it in accordance with the white-list.txt file (can be used when white-list.txt is manually modified).

/ region claim<имя региона> - Saves the selection as a region with the specified name.

// hpos1- Sets the first point according to your current coordinates.

// hpos2- Sets the second point according to your current coordinates.

/ region addowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Adds the specified players to the owner of the region. Owners have the same capabilities as the creator of the region.

/ region addmember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Adds the specified players to the region's members. Members have limited options.

/ region removeowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Remove the specified players from the owners of the region.

/ region removemember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Remove specified players from region members.

// expand<длина> <направление> - Expands the region in a given direction. For example: // expand 5 up - expands the selection by 5 cubes up. Allowed directions: up, down, me.

// contract<длина> <направление> - Reduce the region in the given direction. For example: // contract 5 up - will decrease the selection by 5 cubes from bottom to top. Allowed directions: up, down, me.

/ region flag<регион> <флаг> <значение> - The region can be flagged if you have sufficient access.

Possible flags:

  • pvp - is PvP permissible in the region
  • use - is it permissible to use mechanisms, doors
  • chest-access - is it legal to use chests
  • l ava-flow - is lava spreading acceptable
  • water-flow - is water spreading acceptable
  • lighter - is it permissible to use a lighter


  • allow - enabled
  • deny - disabled
  • none - the same flag as not in the private zone

WorldEdit Plugin Commands

The selection of the active area on which we will work using WorldEdit is as follows:

You can simplify actions with regions using.

// pos1- Sets the block on which you are standing as the first coordinate point.

// pos2- Sets the block on which you are standing as the second coordinate point.

// hpos1- Sets the block you are looking at as the first coordinate point.

// hpos2- Sets the block you are looking at as the second coordinate point.

// wand- Gives you a wooden ax, by clicking with this ax with the left mouse button on the block, you will set the first point, with the right button - the second.

// replace - replaces all selected blocks with those specified in the selected region. For example: // replace dirt glass - replaces all dirt with glass in the selected area.

// overlay - Cover the region with the specified block. For example: // overlay grass - will cover the region with grass.

// set - Fill the empty area with the specified block. For example: // set 0 - Will remove all blocks in the region (fill with air).

// move - Move blocks in the region by<количество>, v<направлении>and replace the remaining blocks with .

// walls - Creates walls from<материал>in the selected region.

// sel- Clears the current selection.

// sphere - Creates a sphere from , with radius ... Raised can be yes or no, if yes, then the center of the sphere will move upward by its radius.

// hsphere - Creates an empty sphere with the specified parameters.

// cyl - Creates a cylinder from , with radius and height .

// hcyl - Creates an empty cylinder with the specified parameters.

// forestgen - Creates a forest area x blocks, with type and density , the density ranges from 0 to 100.

// undo- Cancels the specified number of your actions.

// redo- Restores the specified number of actions you undone.

// sel - Allows you to select the shape of the selected region. cuboid - selects a box. extend - the same as cuboid, but when you set the second point, you expand the region without losing the selection from the already selected one. poly - selects only in the plane. cyl - cylinder. sphere - a sphere. ellipsoid - ellipsoid (capsule).

// desel- Removes the selection.

// contract - Reduce by the specified amount region in the selected direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), if a number is specified - then in the opposite direction.

// expand - Will increase the region by the specified number of blocks in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), if the reverse-amount is specified, then in the opposite direction.

// inset [-hv] - Narrows the selected region in each direction.

// outset [-hv] - Expands the selected region in each direction.

// size- Shows the number of blocks in the selected region.

// regen- Re-generates the selected region.

// copy- Copies the contents of the region.

// cut- Cuts out the contents of the region.

// paste- Pastes the contents of the copied region.

// rotate - Rotates the contents of the copied region by the specified number of degrees .

// flip- Reflects the region in the buffer in the direction of dir, or in the direction of your view.

// pumpkins- Creates a pumpkin field with the specified size.

// hpyramid- Creates an empty pyramid from a block, with a size.

// pyramid - Creates a pyramid from a block, sized.

// drain - Remove water at a specified distance from you .

// fixwater - Corrects the water level at the specified distance from you .

// fixlava - Corrects the level of lava at the specified distance from you .

// snow - Covers the area with snow at a specified distance from you .

// thaw - Removes snow at a specified distance from you .

// butcher [-a]- Kills all hostile mobs at a specified distance from you ... Using [-a] will kill friendly mobs too.

// - Gives you a super pickaxe for breaking blocks quickly.


I wrote this material based on observations of the performances and results of some WKF national karate teams. In addition, since 1997, he himself was directly involved in the formation of the national team of Ukraine in karate WKF. Having great potential, the teams of the countries of the former USSR are not among the leaders of the world karate. It is highly likely that karate will enter the program of the 2020 Olympic Games. In this case, the attitude and financing of karate as a sport will change. But the requirements for the result will also increase.

Antonio Oliva Seba: “If karate enters the Olympics, then Russia, Ukraine and the countries of the former USSR will become leaders, because in these countries finance Olympic sport at a professional level "

But the article is of a general nature. You can consider it as a guide to action, but this is general information.



In WKF karate, the competition is unusually high. More than 20 countries are included in the medal standings of the World Championship. Successful performance the command depends on several factors:

  • Team building, selection
  • Team preparation
  • Psychological preparation
  • Recovery measures directly between fights.


This is the most responsible and tricky part work of trainers. Moreover, it is least covered. For example, in the movies we are shown only grueling training before responsible fights. These fights, by the way, can be qualifying. But you will rarely find information about the selection procedure itself.

There are 2 known methods for selecting a team in individual sports - American and Soviet.

The American way is very simple and straightforward - you won the US Championship and you are in the national team.

The Soviet method is more complicated - it is not enough to win the National Championship, you still need to be the best at the training camp, i.e. in preparation. It developed historically, back in Soviet times. Those who lived at that time remember that the USSR national team had to be represented not only by the strongest, but also morally and ideologically loyal to the ideas of socialism. Therefore, they came up with tricks in order to push “trustworthy comrades” into the team. But nevertheless, this method is good enough.


  1. It is possible to check all candidates for the national team
  2. All candidates are under coaching supervision
  3. It is possible to correct referee or organizational errors made at the qualifying tournament
  4. There is a possibility of team building, creating a healthy team


  • Athletes are in an indeterminate state for a long time, which negatively affects his psyche. This is especially true for young men and cadets;
  • There is a high probability of coaching shenanigans;
  • The athlete is not preparing for the tournament itself, but for the training camp, where qualifying matches will be held to determine the composition;
  • A long absence from home does not add positive emotions;
  • Often, being in the same team contributes not to team cohesion, but, on the contrary, to the deterioration of relations with the team and the coach;
  • The possibility of getting an unplanned injury;
  • Those athletes who are still selected will not give their all at the training camp, they will save their strength for the qualifying match.


TCB is certainly necessary, but not for the selection to the team, but for the preparation of the team.
The fees should be organized at a high level, with good food and living and recovery conditions. Often TCB is carried out "for starvation". This is possibly done to strengthen the character of the athlete, to harden him. But, these fees do not carry any semantic meaning.
Fees before a responsible start will have a positive effect if they are short-lived.



  • The athlete won the national championship - entered the national team and is calmly preparing for the World Championship;
  • Tickets are purchased in advance and preparation for the tournament is organized;
  • There is no way to "push through" our own;
  • The athlete and his coach are independently responsible for performing at the championship.


  • In the event of an injury, the champion must be included in the team of the second number, who may already "give up" his hands, not hoping to get into the team;
  • The role of the head coach of the national team is being leveled;
  • You must go to the championship personal trainers, this complicates the organization of the trip and makes participation more expensive. At the training camp, the coach of the national team has the opportunity to get used to the athlete and get to know him in order to help in securing;
  • Lack of control over the preparation and state of the collection;
  • In the national championships, especially at the preliminary stage, there are referee errors that affect the result;

At the moment, many countries are using these methods, and at the same time, they show good results. They work according to the "Soviet" method in China, African countries, Iran, Russia and others. In Iran, for example, he gave results in cases where the training camp was held in several stages, and there was unlimited funding for the preparation of the team.


For example, Anton Nikulin in Ukraine introduced a system for determining the team based on the results of the Premier League K1. It has its pluses and minuses, but it gives a stable result. The same method is used in many European countries. It is convenient because the athlete shows the result in conditions as close as possible to the European and World Championships.

A very interesting method of defining a team in Russian judo. There italian coach enjoys unlimited power and practically determines the composition of the team. Moreover, the team does not always include prize-winners of Russian championships. The result is the first team place of the Russian national team at the Olympic Games in London. An unprecedented result. He managed to get away from stereotypes of defining a team and personally invited athletes to the training camp who, in his opinion, have the style of wrestling that can bring a medal in Europe or the World. The practice of inviting foreign coaches exists in many countries. But here it is necessary to change them more often than domestic ones. Let's see what result the Italian will show at the 2016 Games.

There are small countries in which there are no selection methods at all. Those who are involved. Here the individual training system comes to the fore, not selection.


There is no universal methodology for defining a team. For every case and for every country, determining the first numbers is a difficult task.

The use of the Soviet method is impractical. Teams using it are not showing consistent results. This method can only be used with a large number of applicants in the category of equal athletes. But qualifying matches cannot be held at the training camp.

The personality of the coach is of great importance. And not only for preparation, but also for defining the team. But for this he needs to be given complete carte blanche.

It is a mistake to book a place in the national team in advance for some athletes and not select a team in some categories. This leads to a loss of competition and will affect the future.

Any system depends on funding.

  • The selection method should be transparent and understandable for everyone.
  • There should always be an extended list of candidates. The doors to the national team should not be closed to any of the applicants for the national team.
  • The system must be flexible and mobile. For example, adjustments can be made if necessary.
  • Any system depends on funding and, based on this, is implemented.
  • Therefore, first of all, understand the possibilities (they are not limitless)
  • Full trust and assistance to the head coach of the national team. He is responsible for the result.
  • Like any team member, the coach is also replaceable.

Endangered species. How Russian national teams are selected for Rio

Less than a year before the start of the Games, none of the Russian teams in game types didn't get a ticket to Rio. And there is no one especially to receive them.

He has worked with the team since December 2012. It gave great excuse take a look at the state of affairs not only in water polo itself, but in all seven team sports that will be presented at the Olympics. Alas, the analysis of the situation gives absolutely no reason for joy. Of course, qualifying competitions is still in full swing, but so far none of the 14 Russian national teams that could play at the Games have booked a ticket to Rio. However, the worst thing is that there is no one especially to book.

Water polo. Living with dreams of success

The reason for Nakoryakov's dismissal from the post of head coach of the women's team was the fact that the team under his leadership for the first time since 2001 failed to make it to the semifinals of the competition and remained in eighth place. In the quarterfinals, the Russians lost in a bitter struggle to the future vice-champions from the Netherlands. However, the Olympic prospects for the women's team do not look entirely bleak. You can get to the Olympics from the European Championship or the world qualifying tournament. Most likely, it is not worth waiting for a victory in the continental championship from our girls, but getting into the top three in the selection in March 2016 is quite. By the way, this is how our team got to the 2012 Olympics.

The situation is much more sad for the men's team, which now can only dream of the Olympic Games. A vivid confirmation of this - 14th place in home championship peace in Kazan.

Fans of water polo can only remember the glorious Games in Sydney, when both our teams won medals, or the 1972 and 1980 Olympics, which ended in triumph for Soviet water polo players.

Handball. On the golden shards of glory

More recently, the mere mention of the Russian national handball team made the opponents very nervous. Unfortunately, those days are gone, and our once powerful men's team is now unable to qualify from the group at the World Championships in order to compete for an Olympic ticket. However, the handball players still have chances of a trip to Rio: for this you need to get into the top three at the European Championship. But the Russian national team does not seem to be the favorite of the competition, and hardly anyone will be very surprised if our men do not make it to the second Olympics in a row.

As for the women's team, its task of getting out is no easier. The Russians completely failed the European Championship, finishing it in 14th place out of 16 possible. However, our team will still participate in the World Championship. The winner of the tournament gets a direct ticket to Brazil, but the fact that the Russian team will be the first looks unlikely, despite the fact that it won four times in the new century. The lot of the modern Russian national team is to fight for getting into the top seven and to prepare intensively for the world qualifying tournament. Handball regularly brought medals to the USSR and Russia, but the success of the Montreal Games when both Soviet handball teams won olympic tournament, it will not be possible to repeat it in the near future.

Volleyball. An island of stability in a stormy sea

The only game sport that seems to be more or less okay is volleyball. According to the results of the World Cups Russian teams failed to book a ticket to the Olympics, since they simultaneously took fourth place, but this cannot be considered a disaster. The next stage of selection is the European qualification, which will take place in early January in Berlin and Ankara. Russian teams have every chance to win this tournament and go directly to the Olympics. ... If you fail to take first place, then closer to summer you will need to fight in the world qualifying tournament. But I want to believe that it will not come to such a hassle. Both the men's and women's teams are obliged to resolve the issue of the exit, not postponing it until the last. After all, we know that Russians are able to repeat the success of 2012 and become Olympic champions... Better to take an example from the 1980 Olympics and compete with two sets of gold medals at once.

Basketball. Shock is our way

Probably, only shock therapy will help Russian basketball get out of the abyss into which it fell in three years. Three recent Olympics our teams have consistently won one bronze medal. And in London, the Russians almost achieved historic success - both teams could climb into the top three at once. It seemed then that things were going well in our basketball. But the next Olympic cycle turned into a disaster: the devastation in the federation led to a sharp and natural fall athletic performance... For the first time in history (aside from the 1984 Games), both national teams from countries with great basketball traditions are unlikely to make it to the Olympics.

Both the men's and women's teams in the current cycle have failed every possible competition. The three-time European champions at the 2015 women's continental championship became the sixth, and once the champions of the Old World at a similar continental championship shared 17th place. These results did not allow them to qualify even for the qualifying tournaments, which will be held in July 2016. There remains only a ghostly chance to be chosen as the host of such a tournament and get a "wild card". , to once again make sure that the approach to the sport needs to be changed dramatically and urgently?

Field hockey. Apply ice to avoid pain

In field hockey, everything is short and simple - this is not our business! And the entire sports community has long come to terms with this, completely forgetting that at the Olympics-80, both the men's and women's teams managed to win bronze medals. Now, not just medals, but just getting on Olympic Games- a pipe dream. In the World League, which allows you to qualify for main tournament four years of six male and seven women's teams, the Russian national teams simply do not take part. And to qualify through the fine sieve of the European Championship with such an attitude to the matter is practically unrealistic - our men tried, but finished in last place. Field hockey is not a Russian topic at all, at least without a well-thought-out program for the development of this sport, which does not exist. So the easiest way is to apply ice to the sore spot so that it hurts less.

Football. Number one sport?

By the way, football on the grass for Russian Olympians is also a very difficult topic. Ours play great on the floor, on the sand, in the swamp, and, probably, on the ice we would have no equal, but all these types of games in Olympic program are not included. And in traditional form football teams of Russia for the Games again failed to qualify, and, frankly, they could not, since they did not even take part in qualifying tournaments. So our football still has to live on the memories of the glorious 1988 Olympics in Seoul, when the national team Soviet Union under the direction of Anatoly Byshovets beat in final match famous Brazilian team.

Rugby 7. Ladies First

Many rugby-7 fans in Russia rubbed their hands together when they learned that this sport would appear in the program of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The fact is that in the new discipline our country can even dream of medals: the Russian women's team is a world-class team. She simply must be selected for the Games based on the results of the world qualifying tournament, which will be held in next year... The Russians were two steps away from a ticket to the World Series, where they became seventh, one step away from the European Championship, where they were second, and now, when all worthy rivals are already packing their bags, we must take this very step. About men, alas, the same cannot be said - they are in a cohort strongest teams of the world are not included, and therefore do not particularly pretend to win the qualifying tournament. I would like, of course, to believe in a miracle, but without the intervention of Hottabych, the Russians will have to be extremely difficult.

How was it before?

To be objective, let us remember how the brightest and most unsuccessful Olympic Games in the history of our country were held. Speaking specifically about Russia, the best were the Games in Sydney, when in team sports our athletes received five awards, one of which (in men's handball) was gold. But after all, four years before that success, our country experienced the most unsuccessful Olympics: in 11 disciplines Russia was represented by five teams, and none of them managed to climb into the top three. In London, there were six teams, but already in 12 disciplines, since women's water polo was added, and they received two awards: volleyball gold and basketball bronze. And if we talk about the most successful Olympics in the history of our entire country, then these are, of course, the Games in Moscow. Soviet teams in game types did not qualify, but confirmed their high level winning ten out of ten medals!

Any work can be done faster and better with the help of your colleagues, that is, in a team. It is the teams, their characteristics, strengths and weaknesses that this article is devoted to.

Any company is designed in such a way that communication takes place in it between a limited number of people who have the same goals and closely interact with each other - this is a team.

Does your company have a team?

I offer a short test that will allow you to understand whether your company employs teams or just groups of professionals.

Answer “yes” if you agree with the statement, or answer “no” if the statement, in your opinion, is not true.

    Team members only show their own strengths afraid to show vulnerabilities(weak sides).

    Team members trust each other.

    Team members communicate openly with each other and can express criticism of each other.

    The team has common goals for which it works.

    Team members know each other's tasks and try to take part in solving them (lack of indifference).

    Team members work on the result of the team, not a personal result (the result of a department or employee).

    Team members understand that if the team has not achieved results, then it is the responsibility of all participants (they are not looking for the culprit).

    The team evaluates its performance against clear, measurable criteria.

    From time to time, conflicts occur in the team.

    Team members are happy / use all their strength to achieve the goal.

    Team members jointly make decisions after discussing / clarifying all the pros and cons.

    The team members have developed standards for the quality of work.

    Team members demand high-quality work from each other, without fear of ruining relationships with colleagues.

If you agree with most of the statements, then you actually have a team. Otherwise, work remains to be done on its formation.

Who conducts the orchestra ...

The core team that sets the direction, the “headliner” of the entire company, is the team of top executives. It is she who is responsible for the stability of the business in the market and ensures the development of the company (let me dwell on two goals, although we understand that the number of goals and their formulation may be different for each company).

The top team meets in meetings and communicates regularly between meetings. In addition to communication at the top level, each team member forms his own team, which allows to ensure the achievement of indicators in a certain area (this is how we went down to the level of the department / department, depending on the size of the organization).

The owner of the company is the ideological leader, delves (as far as possible) into all issues and takes an active part in the life of the company.

The company employs energetic, development-oriented employees who are ready to help, but the company does not have a team as such. And weekly meetings, where the leader of each direction must report on certain indicators, turn into useless chatter on abstract topics and a waste of two or more hours. Anything is discussed: how they took the inventory, visited the exhibition, but there was not a single time when one of the team members asked another: “Why hasn't the result been achieved? What have you done to achieve the result? " Everyone is just listening to information.

When someone takes the initiative and talks about an opportunity, the CEO chokes it down in the bud by using unflattering language against the employee and accusing him of not being committed to the company's mission. In such an environment, over time, the leaders of the directions ceased to show initiative, and their work was reduced to fulfilling the requirements of the general director and the desire to please him (creating imaginary harmony and fear of conflict).

Having collected the leaders separately, I found out that they do not know the overall goal to be achieved, do not believe in their company and do not see the CEO as their leader. Moreover, none of the leaders wants to take the place of the leader and take responsibility for themselves - this is a clear manifestation of indifference. The leaders said: "We will sit out, so long as they do not touch us."

The consequence of this situation in the company was the loss of production, a decrease in the number of customers, loans that could not be given back, staff turnover of more than 70%.

How to disassemble a team by cogs ...

There was another story ... There are companies whose owners or top managers deliberately strangle their teams, trying to make their employees "cogs" that are easy to replace. This is usually done using the following methods:

    Lack of information: you only know what you need to accomplish and do not see the whole picture (this situation applies to managers as well).

    They set tasks for you and talk over ways to achieve them, but do not discuss the possibilities of achieving them, terms or methods of implementation.

    Psychological pressure (fines, strict time frames, threats of dismissal, etc.).

    All communications go from the person setting the task to the executor. Feedback does not exist in principle. The executor's reports on the completion of tasks become the only form of communication with him.

    Lack of corporate events, isolation or opposition of employees.

Using such methods, the company builds a rigid hierarchical structure of performers, at the head of which is the translator of the desires of the owners.

The result of such "work" sooner or later (this directly depends on the level of competence of "Translator") is a failure due to the loss of the creative potential of employees and the need to restore and maintain the number and quality of personnel.

Where do the commands come from?

There are three ways to build teams in a company.

1. Buying a ready-made team. A business owner or other authorized person comes to the conclusion that he will achieve a greater effect if he is able to get a ready-made, well-coordinated team of professionals from the foreign market. By purchasing such a team, we get a "state within a state", since it will carry out work on the basis of the "Customer - Executor" principle. The relationship with the implementing team lasts until the planned result is achieved. The leading factors in the formation of such a team are professional skills.

2. The team is formed within the company. Gradually, you select specialists, establish relationships within the team, distribute responsibilities. It may take more than one year to create such a team, but at the end you will get a well-coordinated and loyal team that shares the goals and values ​​of the company, perfectly knows the business processes and effectively solves the assigned tasks. Psychological factors play a significant role in team building (compatibility, the same values, work speed, work rhythm, communication skills, etc.).

3. Creation of teams "for the project". In an organization with a project structure, from time to time, for a short time, formal teams are created to implement a specific project. The process of creation and disintegration of such structures in the company is permanent. Moreover, one and the same employee can be a member of several teams at once and perform different roles and functions in each of them. As a rule, the choice of employees regarding participation in the work of the project team is made for economic reasons (the profit from each project may be different) and interests (the most interesting area, question).

How the "players" are selected

If the question of buying a team is more or less clear - negotiations are underway with the leader (manager) about the tasks, deadlines and cost of work, then when forming teams, there are many open questions:

1. How to select the right employee for the team (what kind of person do we need)?

2. How to evaluate candidates (what methods are necessary and sufficient)?

3. How to evaluate the effectiveness of the team?

Based on practice, the following parameters are statistically significant for team formation:

1. level of intelligence;

2. degree of professionalism;

3. value constructs;

4. temperamental characteristics (communication and information processing speed);

5. preferred social roles.

Based on these criteria / competencies, we can build a vacancy profile and select a test base to determine the level of competence development.

I use the following techniques:

Indicator / criterion


Assessment method


Intelligence (IQ)

Eysenck test

Working with numbers

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

65 and more

Hall test

Managing your emotions

Collection and analysis of information

66 and more

Test "Individual styles of thinking" (A. Alekseeva, L. Gromova)

Analytical thinking style

Emotional stability

Cattell test

Perseverance in achieving the goal

Factor G

Cattell test

Role in the team

Belbin, Myers-Briggs Test (MBTI)

In addition to tests when forming a team, we practice meeting candidates who have passed interviews with employees of the department over a cup of tea in an informal setting. Such communication helps both the team and the applicant to form a more complete impression and make the right choice.

"Who is in attack, who is in defense?"

We have selected employees, forming only a group so far. Now, within the group, phenomena will occur that will allow to distribute intragroup roles and highlight the leader: setting / agreeing on goals, engaging in work, establishing trust, participating in a conflict, making decisions, defining a leader, building a role structure, creativity, communication. By the way, with the arrival of new members to the team, they will be renewed.

Currently, the following roles are distinguished (the classification is given according to Belbin):

    Implementator (worker bee) - transforms ideas into practical deeds;

    Controller - brings the activity to the result, relieves the team of errors, seeks to obtain best result of the possible;

    Leader (leader) - distributes tasks, has the skills to delegate authority;

    Motivator - pulls the team along, pulls out of the routine, often reaches a high pace;

    Analyst - committed better idea is able to evaluate competing offers;

    Idea generator - puts forward new ideas, ways to solve a problem;

    Harmonizer (vdonovitel) - defuses the situation, smooths out contradictions;

    Prospector (supplier) - discovers new things in the external environment (ideas, resources), establishes useful external connections.

A team can achieve results if there are participants who can perform the following functions: clearly understand how to make a result out of an idea and coordinate (direct) the work of all participants, find resources and keep abreast of market developments, perform direct work and conduct negotiation.

In general, everything fits into 4 functions:

1. Leadership;

2. Analytics;

3. Communication (negotiations);

4. Execution.

In the table below, you can see how the team roles are allocated by function.





The implementer




Idea's generator



As practice shows, not all people are inclined to work in a team; there are also those who find it easier to do the work themselves and not take responsibility for others. Such candidates, as a rule, at the interview immediately voice their desire to work independently and independently. In the company, such employees can be useful in positions that do not require frequent intra-company and external communications: for example, an accountant for a certain area of ​​work, a copywriter, a financial manager, etc.

Ideal and productive teams do not always include all of these roles. You can also meet teams that consist of 2-3 strong "players". If you refer to your practical experience, then be sure to remember how the teams were formed: there was a close-knit core (these are the strong players mentioned earlier), and newcomers stood under their wing.

Formal and informal leaders may not always coincide. In the event of a mismatch, the employees of the personnel department must keep their eyes on the alert, since in such teams, conflicts are possible in the struggle for leadership.

The team has been assembled ... Will it be effective?

HR professionals and leaders, when building teams, pursue one single goal - to make something more effective. Consequently, the team must achieve concrete results.

A lot of information on the effectiveness of teams can be found in various sources, but it will all boil down to the following.

1. The effectiveness of teams is influenced by the personal qualities of its members: intelligence ( analytic skills), communication skills (extra- and introversion), professional knowledge. The most effective teams consist of an intellectual leader (IQ above 90, analytical skills above average) and performers with an average IQ.

2. The most effective, according to the results of practical experiments conducted by R.М. Belbin is a team of 8 people - this is the ideal. But teams of 6 members work just as well. A team of more than 10-12 people becomes ineffective and is divided into smaller teams. This is due to the difficulty of establishing and maintaining contact with a large number of opponents.

3. Team members should fulfill different social roles, and not consist of one leader, mastermind, etc.

4. The effectiveness of the entire team depends on the effectiveness of each of its members (the factor of professionalism of the participants).

In my work, I use following formula to calculate the effectiveness of the team.



Strongly agree (3 points)

I am at a loss to answer (1 point)

Disagree (0 points)

1. Team members achieved results

2. I understood the goals of the team

3. I took an active part in the discussion

4. My opinion was heard

5. The team had a friendly, open atmosphere

The more answers there are in the green zone, the higher the team's effectiveness.

The team must have common motivation

If we proceed from the assumption that the entire company is a collection of teams, then the following teams can be distinguished:

1. top executives;

3. brigade.

Top managers set goals and parameters for evaluating indicators, then various departments are assigned agreed indicators based on the principle of functionality, which are then broken down into each specific employee (decomposition).

With this logic, motivation should be built of 3 components:

1. personal achievement of the set goals;

2. achievement of goals by the department;

3. achievement of goals by the company.

The ratio of the listed parameters may vary depending on the level of the employee. To build a motivation system, I propose to use a visual scheme, and each company will be able to use its own numbers.

"When there is no agreement among the comrades ..."

The team is created, works, achieves the set goals, but over time it ceases to show the planned results. What to do in this situation?

Of course, the first thing to do is to observe all team members: who stopped working for overall result and puts the achievement of their goals ahead of the results of the team, through whose fault the implementation of tasks is disrupted.

If such an employee is identified, then talk to him and find out the reasons for the failure. Perhaps, after communication, he will be able to correct his behavior and everything will go “as if on a knurled one” again.

But, unfortunately, employees are not always able to cope with themselves (alcohol, chronic delays, personality traits), and the manager needs to make a cardinal decision. You should not be too reverent about your employees: they are real professionals who have helped the company more than once, but perhaps now they are the ones who are slowing down general work and, most likely, these people will be better off working on a different team. Replacing the roster will benefit the team - you will find a new member who will bring new ideas and experience, while the former employee will be able to realize his ambitions in another project.

From practice ...

A strategic session is held with top managers, where a decision is made on the strategy for the next year. The leaders work hard for two days. The result of the work should be an action plan, or, as they say now, “ road map". One of the leaders is instructed to collect everything into a single list, group it in order to continue working. How long do you think the assigned work took? I will not torment - it has not been done to this day (a year has passed).

What happened to the employee? Nothing, he continues to work ...

Is the company a success? No, the company is losing money ...

Remember that you are personally responsible for the result of the team and in your area of ​​influence the main resource is people.

So, to summarize ...

Not every like-minded group is a team.

In order to become a team, you should forget about your ambitions and apply all your strength and knowledge to achieve the goals of the team.

An effective team always gets things done.

If the effectiveness of the team's work drops, change the participants (look for the non-working link).

The team can be motivated by establishing a bonus that is paid in case of achieving the planned result.

Alexandra Zenirova

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