Ice hockey youth world championship schedule and results. Russian national team at the youth World Cup

On December 26, in the Canadian cities of Vancouver and Victoria, the youth world ice hockey championship starts. Sport24 tells the main story about the most anticipated tournament of the New Year holidays.

Who will play for the Russian national team?

Before the start of the tournament coaching staff Russian youth entered into the application the names of 21 hockey players:

Goalkeepers:Pyotr Kochetkov (Ryazan), Amir Miftakhov (Bars), Daniil Tarasov (Toros);

Defenders:Alexander Alekseev (Red Deer), Daniil Zhuravlev (Bars), Ilya Morozov (Siberia), Alexander Romanov (CSKA), Mark Rubinchik (Toros), Dmitry Samorukov (Gelf);

Forwards:Artyom Galimov (Bars), Grigory Denisenko, Kirill Slepets, Nikolay Kovalenko (all - Lokomotiv), Vitaly Kravtsov (Traktor), Kirill Marchenko, Ivan Morozov, Vasily Podkolzin (all - SKA-Neva), Ivan Muranov (Dynamo), Klim Kostin (San Antonio), Stepan Starkov (Sochi), Pavel Shen (Salavat Yulaev).

At the moment, defenders Yevgeny Kalabushkin and Savely Olshansky, forwards Alexander Khovanov and Nikita Shashkov have not been included in the application. Valery Bragin will have the opportunity to add two of these players.

Elena Rusco,

What about the format of the tournament?

At the group stage, the teams are divided into two fives, in each of which tournament will be held in one circle. As a result, four best teams from each group will advance to the playoffs, where they will begin to determine the winners of three sets of awards, starting from the quarter-final stage.

In a group, participants will receive 3 points for winning in regular time and 2 points for winning in overtime or a shootout. The defeat in the extra five minutes or in a series of free throws will bring the teams one point. In case of equality of points between two or more teams, the personal meetings will be considered priority, and then the goal difference.

The 2019 World Youth Hockey Championship is the 43rd edition of the hockey championship for players under 20. The tournament will be held in Canada, on sports arenas Vancouver and Victoria, where the teams of Canada, Russia, USA, Sweden, Finland will clash. For which team will the upcoming release of the World Cup be happy ?! Sports commentators put the host country on the hockey squad. But fans of other participating teams have a different opinion ...

Where and when the 2019 World Youth Hockey Championship will take place

The 43rd edition of the hockey championship will be held from December 26, 2018 to January 5, 2019. Ice fights will be hosted by the Canadian cities of Vancouver and Victoria.

Hockey players will have two sports complex: Rogers Arena and Save-on-Foods Memorial Centre". The first SC is located in the Canadian capital, and the second - in the city of Victoria.

Rogers Arena

home playground a competition that seats nearly 19,000 spectators. It is on its territory that the final of the 2019 World Cup among youth teams will take place. In addition to the climax, the Vancouver arena will host Group A matches.

"Save-on-Foods Memorial Center"

A multifunctional building on the territory of which exhibitions, concerts and large-scale sports events are held with equal success.

The capacity of the Save-on-Foods Memorial Center is modest - just over 7,000 seats.

World Youth Hockey Championship 2019 Games Schedule

The competition will last 11 days. Here's what the tentative calendar of future fights looks like:

  • 26 - 31 December 2018: group stage matches;
  • January 2 and 4, 2019: consolation round (2 face-to-face matches, in which the two worst teams from Groups A and B will challenge the right to remain in the top division);
  • January 2: Quarterfinals
  • January 4: semi-finals;
  • January 5: final and bronze medal match.

Teams 2019 IIHF Ice Hockey U20 World Championship

10 teams will compete for the trophy of the tournament. At the first stage, they will be divided into two quintets:

Group A:

  1. Canada;
  2. Russia;
  3. Czech;
  4. Denmark;
  5. Switzerland.

Group B:

  1. Sweden;
  2. Finland;
  3. Slovakia;
  4. Kazakhstan.

According to the results of the meetings, the four best participating teams from each quintet will advance to the playoff round. The two worst teams will compete for the right to stay in major league... The loser of the confrontation will go to seek happiness in Division B.

Russian national team at the 2019 World Youth Hockey Championship

The attention of domestic fans, of course, is riveted on the Russian team - the constant contender for the gold medals of the championship.

Our guys ended up in the same company with "maple leaves". Therefore, already at the group stage, the spectators of the hockey "mundial" will face an epic confrontation between the two strongest national teams in the world!

All other rivals are quite tough for Valery Bragin's wards. In fact, domestic hockey players in the quintet have only two serious opponents - the Canadians and the Czechs. Switzerland and Denmark are hardly capable of confusing the plans of the Russians.

Results of the hockey World Cup 2019 among youth teams

The current champion is the Canadian national team. The North Americans at the last World Cup defeated the Swedes in the final meeting. For Maple Leaves, this is a record 17th gold!

Canadians will fight on their own land. And at home, as you know, walls help. Therefore, the Canadian squad is the # 1 contender for the champion title!

Other hockey teams can also encroach on the trophy. First of all, these are the neighbors of the "maple leaves" - the Americans, as well as the Swedes and Finns. The chances of the rest of the participating teams on the first line in standings 2019 IIHF Ice Hockey U20 World Championship minimal.

Another potential winner is the Russian national team. V recent history domestic hockey players 4 times managed to listen to their native anthem in the World Cup final. Last time the title was submitted to our guys in 2011. Since then, the Russians have played three more times in the climax, but have always been content with silver.

Valery Bragin's wards cannot add the last edition of the competition to their assets. Domestic hockey players performed poorly in the group, and already at ¼ said goodbye to the chances for medals. The fans were upset ... So the Russians will have to work hard to regain the trust of their fans!

The 2018 World Youth Hockey Championship starts on December 26, 2017 and ends on January 5, 2018. The next draw of the tournament, like last time, will take place on the territory North America- in the American city of Buffalo. The presenters will come to the championship hockey teams... The audience will see the teams of Canada, Sweden, Czech Republic, Finland, USA - only 10 national teams. But only one of them will conquer the trophy of the 42nd edition of the championship.

Where and when the World Youth Hockey Championship 2018 will take place

Spectators will see the sports action from December 26, 2017 to January 5 next year... Hockey players will gather in the American city of Buffalo. They will have three modern sports complexes at their service: "New Era Field"," Kibank Center "and" Harbor Center ".

Harbor Center

A multi-purpose complex that is widely used for exhibitions and concerts. The capacity is very low - 1,800. It seems that the organizers will seriously think about how to increase the number of seats.

"Cybank Center"

The home arena of the Buffalo Sabers, a local hockey team, with a capacity of 19,000 spectators. Both semifinal matches and the World Cup final will take place within the walls of the SC.

"New Era Field"

Huge football stadium in the open air, in the stands of which more than 71,000 fans can fit. But viewers shouldn't worry. The organizers are not going to freeze them the whole tournament at all. Only one match will be played on the New Era Field ice. But what - the USA vs Canada! The game will take place within group stage.

The schedule of the hockey World Cup 2018 among youth teams

This is how the calendar of matches of the upcoming tournament looks like:

  • 26 - 31 December 2017: group round;
  • 2 january 2018: quarterfinals;
  • The 25th of January: consolation round;
  • 4 January: semi-final;
  • 5 January: final and bronze medal match.

The consolation round should be mentioned separately. This is a three-match series of games, which is held up to 2 wins. It is where the two worst band members meet. The winner of the confrontation gets the opportunity to stay in the top division, and the loser is relegated to the league one level below.

Ice Hockey U20 World Championship 2018 Teams

The “hockey world championship” will be attended by 10 ice teams, staffed by players not older than 20 years. The organizers of the tournament have already divided them into two quintets.

Group A:

  • Canada;
  • Denmark;
  • Slovakia;
  • Finland.

One match each will take place at New Era Field and Harbor Center, and all the rest at Kibank Center.

Group B:

  • Russia;
  • Sweden;
  • Czech;
  • Switzerland;
  • Belarus.

Hockey matches will be held on the ice of the Kibank Center and Harbor Center.

Russian national team at the World Youth Hockey Championship 2018

Our “young growth” will again try to win the gold medals of the competition. The schedule of games of the Russian national team in the group round of the World Cup is as follows:

  • 26 december 2017: Russia - Czech Republic;
  • December 28th: Russia - Switzerland;
  • December 29th: Russia - Belarus;
  • Dec. 31: Russia - Sweden.

The group is even. It is hard to imagine that the domestic squad will not be able to make it to the playoffs. The main opponents for the first place in the quintet are likely to be the Swedes and the Czechs.

Final of the World Cup 2018 in ice hockey among youth teams

It is difficult to predict who will qualify for the final. But if we turn to statistics recent years, then the list of potential participants looks like this: Russia, Canada, USA, Finland and Sweden.


16-time winners of the competition. Especially a lot of gold was stamped by Maple Leaves in the mid-90s and 2000s. There is no doubt that the Canadians will try to bring the number of their victories to 17!


The patriotic squad can boast of 13 awards of the highest standard, 4 of which it won in the modern period. The last time our guys won gold was in 2011. Since then, Valery Bragin's charges have been very close to success. But so far they manage to take only silver and bronze.


The Suomi national team was the best 4 times. The last gold went to them in 2016. It is noteworthy that already in the next edition, the Finns almost flew out of the elite division. So you don’t know what to expect from these weird Finnish guys ...


The Scandinavians took the World Cup trophy only 2 times. Not too much for such a serious hockey country. But Tre Krunur has a chance to improve!

The tournament will take place in an American city. Therefore, there is no doubt that the US team - the winner of the 2017 World Cup - will tear and throw, supported by their native stands!

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