Bowls filled with passion and secrets. History of the oldest Moscow stadiums

Reading 2 min. Published 02.09.2017

Questions to the first pair of players

Dmitry Shepelev and Sabina Pantus (400,000 - 0 rubles)

1. What does a catfish have?

2. What is another name for a zipper?

3. Who is Kuzya from Tatyana Alexandrova's fairy tale?

4. Which actress unexpectedly gave a name to a musical group in 2003?

5. What kind of renovation does the old house need?

6. What is the name of the cut-off piece of clothing?

7. In which country was the escudo currency used before the changeover to the euro?

8. Which beetle was sacred to the ancient Egyptians?

9. What is the name of the central square of Amsterdam, where the royal palace is located?

10. What color is missing on a classic dart board?

11. What did the creators of "Pobeda" originally want to call the car?

12. What poet did the hero of the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” called “a very promising guy”?

Questions to the second pair of players

Evelina Bledans and Ekaterina Gordon (400,000 - 0 rubles)

1. What do drivers call a car's parking brake?

2. Who rode a broomstick in Chukovsky's fairy tale "Cockroach"?

3. What is not included in the personal safety equipment for an air passenger?

4. What question is usually not expected to be answered?

5. What is the bombniere used for?

6. How did the Shooting Manual instruct you to keep your rifles in the guardroom?

7. Who did not help the girl in the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" by Alexei Tolstoy?

8. What building is located not on the Palace Square in St. Petersburg?

9. What kind of footwear have been fashioned by the surfers?

10. What was planted in large numbers in 1942 on the football field of the Moscow Dynamo stadium?

Answers to the questions of the first pair of players

  1. snake
  2. brownie
  3. Uma Thurman
  4. capital
  5. yoke
  6. Portugal
  7. dung beetle
  8. blue
  9. "Homeland"
  10. Evgenia Evtushenko

Answers to the questions of the second pair of players

  1. handbrake
  2. parachute
  3. to rhetorical
  4. for sweets
  5. in the pyramid
  6. Swan geese
  7. Tauride Palace

In St. Petersburg, there is a monument that not everyone knows about - a monument in memory of the footballers of besieged Leningrad. The legendary football match, which took place 75 years ago, had a powerful ideological and psychological impact on the inhabitants of the besieged city and on the enemy. Famous Leningrad footballers of that time changed their tunics to T-shirts to prove that Leningrad is alive and will never surrender.

In August 1941, two months after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a powerful offensive of the fascist troops began on Leningrad. The German command hoped to seize the cradle of the revolution as soon as possible, and then move to Moscow. But Leningraders - both adults and children - stood shoulder to shoulder to defend their hometown.

But they failed to take Leningrad, and then the Nazis decided to strangle the city in a blockade. In August, the Germans managed to block the Moscow-Leningrad road and the blockade ring on land was closed. There were 2.5 million people in the city, of which about 400 thousand were children. And even in the hardest conditions of the city and the bombing, Leningraders continued to work and fight. During the blockade, more than 640 thousand people died of hunger and more than 17 thousand died from shells and bombs.

In the spring of 1942, Nazi planes periodically scattered leaflets over the Red Army units: “Leningrad is the city of the dead. We do not take it yet, because we are afraid of a cadaveric epidemic. We have wiped this city off the face of the earth. " But it was not so easy to break the inhabitants of the city.

Today it is difficult to say who first came up with the idea of ​​football, but on May 6, 1942, the Leningrad City Executive Committee decided to hold a football match at the Dynamo stadium. And on May 31, a football match took place between the team of the Leningrad Metal Plant and Dynamo. This match refuted all the arguments of fascist propaganda - the city did not just live, it also played football.

It was not easy to recruit 22 people to participate in the match. Former footballers were recalled from the front line to participate in the match. They understood that they would not only please the residents of the city with their game, but would demonstrate to the whole country that the city was alive.

The Dynamo team included players who played for this club even before the war, but the factory team turned out to be heterogeneous - those who were still strong enough to enter the field and knew how to play football played for it.

Not all athletes were able to enter the field. Many were so emaciated that they had difficulty walking. The very first ball that Zenit midfielder Mishuk took on his head knocked him down. After all, he had recently been discharged from the hospital after undergoing treatment for dystrophy.

We played on the reserve field of the Dynamo stadium, since the main field was simply “plowed up” by bomb craters. The fans were wounded from a nearby hospital. The masts were held in two shorter halves of 30 minutes each, and the second half had to be spent under bombing. It seems incredible that exhausted and exhausted footballers would have been able to hold out on the field for so long.

At first, the players moved so slowly that the action on the field looked a little like a sporting event. If a football player fell, then his comrades raised him - he couldn't get up himself. During the breaks, they did not sit on the lawn, because they knew that they would not be able to get up. The athletes left the field in an embrace - it was much easier to walk this way.

Needless to say - this match was a real feat! Ours, Germans and residents of Leningrad learned about the fact of this match. The last match really lifted the spirits. Leningrad survived and won.

In 1991, a memorial plaque was erected at the Leningrad Dynamo Stadium with the words “Here, at the Dynamo Stadium, in the most difficult days of the siege on May 31, 1942, the Leningrad Dynamo team played a historic blockade match with the Metal Plant team” and the silhouettes of football players. And in 2012 in St. Petersburg, at the Dynamo stadium, a monument to the participants of a football match was opened, the author of the monument is People's Artist of Russia Salavat Shcherbakov.

Traditionally, on Saturdays, we publish for you the answers to the quiz in the "Question - answer" format. Our questions are very different, both simple and quite complex. The quiz is very interesting and quite popular, but we just help you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen the correct answer from the four proposed. And we have another question in the quiz - What was planted in large numbers in 1942 on the football field of the Moscow Dynamo stadium?

  • Tulips
  • Potato
  • Corn

Correct answer C. POTATO

The technique of the blockade game was also special: the players did not run across the field, but played pass, with short passes in order to save energy and hold out until the end of the game, since there were no substitutions.

Another peculiarity was that the Dynamo stadium, like any vacant plot of land in the city that spring, was used for vegetable gardens, and in May the first sprouts of potatoes appeared. To save them, the players agreed not to kick the ball out of the field.

Even the shelling that happened that day did not interfere with the match, during which 228 shells were fired through the city. At the alarm signal, the participants in the match and the fans - soldiers from the nearest hospital - went into hiding, but as soon as the shelling was over, the athletes went back to the field. After the game ended with the victory of Dynamo 7: 3, the players left the field in an embrace.

On June 22, 1941, at the Dynamo Central Stadium in Moscow, a large sports festival "Masters of Sports for Children!" In the midst of the competition, terrible news broke into the stadium - war! ..

On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began - the bloodiest war in history, which lasted 1418 days and nights.

We, Dynamo Moscow, are proud that representatives of the Dynamo Society, together with athletes from other societies, contributed to the victory over Nazi Germany. They fought on the fronts and behind enemy lines, worked in factories and factories of our Motherland in the name of the Great Victory, prepared reserves for the Red Army, became the initiators of the "thousand-strong" movement, pledging to train a thousand fighters for the needs of the front.

The main sports arena of the country, the Dynamo stadium, has turned into a training center for young fighters, into a military training camp. Already on June 27, detachments of OMSBON (Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of Special Purpose) began to form there, from among the volunteer athletes of the Central State Institute of Physical Culture and the Dynamo Society, who were then sent to the rear of the enemy.

The Dynamo stadium itself was camouflaged from enemy air raids and was carefully guarded. In the winter of 1942, young spruces were planted on the football field for the purpose of camouflage, which clearly demonstrated the state's concern for the preservation of the main sports attraction of the capital.

During the battle for Moscow, OMSBON, as part of the 2nd motorized rifle division of the special forces of the NKVD, was used on the front line, but even at this time, combat groups were formed within it, intended to be thrown into the enemy's rear. In the winter of 1941/1942, OMSBON mobile detachments conducted many successful raids and raids behind German lines.

OMSBON terrified the German fascist invaders, conducting daring and decisive operations behind enemy lines. The functions of the OMSBON included: conducting reconnaissance operations, organizing partisan warfare, creating an agent network in the territories under German occupation, directing special radio games with German intelligence in order to misinform the enemy.

The war brought grief to every family, to every home, and disrupted the peaceful life of millions of people. The people defended their homeland at the cost of huge losses. Our brave soldiers defended their native land, turned back the fascist hordes and defeated them.

Over the years, the greatness of the feat of our soldiers and officers, home front workers, women, children - everyone who brought Victory Day nearer does not fade. We are proud of the heroism, perseverance and dedication of our compatriots. These days will never be forgotten. That is why, by the decree of June 8, 1996, June 22 was established in Russia - the Day of Remembrance and Mourning. In all cities of our country and many neighboring countries, mourning events are held on this day, we remember everyone who died a heroic death on the battlefield, who died of wounds in hospitals, and was tortured in concentration camps. Eternal memory and glory to them!

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Photo: RIA Novosti,,

For its 85 years, the Dynamo stadium has played an important role in the history of national football, and the whole country. It was built in 1928 according to the project of architects Alexander Langman and Leonid Cherikover for the All-Union Olympics. In just a couple of years, the Dynamo stadium has grown up in one of the most beautiful corners of old Moscow.

At first, it had the shape of a horseshoe half a kilometer long - an unprecedented structure in its scope for that time. The stadium could accommodate about 40 thousand spectators, before its appearance, the football players of the Moscow club "Dynamo" could not even dream of such a thing. The stadium opened on 17 August 1928. On the same day, the first football match between the national teams of Belarus and the workers' clubs of Switzerland took place here.

Attempts to hold matches under electric lighting have been made since 1933. And in 1940, high towers with searchlights were finally installed at the corners of the stadium. The first match under the light of lanterns took place at the Dynamo stadium on November 8, 1940. The owners of the snowy field received Dynamo from Riga. Muscovites beat the guests with the second line-up with a score of 4: 2. But the first final of the USSR Cup with electric lighting was held at the Dynamo stadium only on October 10, 1953.

Over time, the stadium required modernization. The reconstruction lasted from the fall of 1934 to the beginning of 1936. Dynamo has become even more roomy and comfortable, the horseshoe has turned into an oval. And in 1938, a small stadium for 10 thousand spectators was also built here. The sports complex grew and developed, but then the war began. June 19, 1941 at the stadium is the last peaceful match, within the framework of the USSR championship "Dynamo" Moscow will host the Stalingrad "Tractor". The game ended in a draw with a score of 1: 1. The game was watched by 30 thousand spectators.

1941 - 1944, military training camp

During the war, the stadium was carefully camouflaged; there are no more athletes here. Except that snipers and shooters were engaged in the shooting range. At Dynamo, special detachments of the famous separate motorized rifle brigade of special purpose or OMSBON are being formed.

For camouflage during the war, spruce was planted on the Dynamo.

The first match after a long break took place at the stadium on July 18, 1944. As part of the capital championship, Dynamo beat Torpedo with a score of 3 - 2. Until 1956, when the Luzhniki stadium was built, Dynamo remained the country's main arena.

On that day, for the first time in the USSR, a live TV broadcast of a football match was organized. On June 29, 1949, the first match in the USSR took place at the Dynamo stadium, which spectators could watch at home. The meeting was shown in full live. At the Dynamo stadium CDKA defeated Dynamo Minsk with a score of 4: 1. Radio announcer Vadim Sinyavsky commented on the match. And after that, live broadcasting and the presence of television in general became the norm at all major events.

Dynamo Stadium. 1949 year.

1980, XXII Olympic Games

From 1977 to 1979, there was another reconstruction at Dynamo. The stadium is being prepared for the 1980 Moscow Olympics. The large stadium plays host to football matches, while the small arena hosts the Olympic field hockey tournament. The team of the country of Soviets takes on the "Dynamo" football players from Cuba, Kuwait.

Here Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia meet in the semifinals. In total, the stadium hosted 7 meetings of the Olympic tournament. And on August 1, 1980, with 45 thousand spectators, the USSR national team won the match for third place against Yugoslavia with a score of 2: 0. Gold of the Olympics in Czechoslovakia, silver was won by the GDR team.

Dynamo stadium after reconstruction for the 1980 Olympics.

After the Olympics, the stadium was also used as a concert venue. The legendary group Deep Purple performed for the first time in Russia at a festival organized by the Europa Plus radio station. On June 23, 1996, Status Quo, Nautilus - Pompilius, The Untouchables, and the Moral Code were also sung at the Dynamo Stadium at a rock concert. Deep Purple lit the audience for 1.5 hours, 20 thousand fans came to watch them. By the way, the festival was originally planned on the 22nd, but Yeltsin issued a decree to postpone the concert, because this is the day the war began.

It was here, at Dynamo, that Michael Jackson played in 1996, during his second visit to Russia as part of the HIStory world tour. It was a huge event. The stadium, designed for 54 thousand seats, gathered 71 thousand fans of the king of pop music. The concert was postponed for three hours, because the stage was not prepared on time. The famous trainer Edgar Zapashny, who was at this Jackson's performance with his brother, said that people fainted while waiting for the star to come out. The crowd was so dense. The show began with a grand fireworks display.

In 2008, the stadium celebrated its 80th anniversary. A year later, in 2009, a large-scale reconstruction will begin here. And on November 22, 2008, a farewell match takes place at Dynamo, and the Moscow team takes on Tom. A full stadium and goodbye to the home arena are two great reasons to win, which Dynamo is doing. The score is 2: 0.

2016 ...

Z It is planned to complete the reconstruction of the stadium by 2016. Only the wall facing Leningradka will remain of the old Dynamo. The new football arena will meet all UEFA requirements.

This is how the Dynamo stadium will look like after reconstruction.


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