Here are the most vulnerable spots of each zodiac sign. Did you know that? The most vulnerable spots of the Ford Focus Weak spots of the human head

The term "vulnerability"in the computer sphere, they indicate flaws in the system, using which you can deliberately harm its work. Such vulnerabilities arise as a result of programming errors, flaws that were made in the design of the system, weak passwords, viruses and fraudulent malware, script and SQL injection.

Not only websites, but also of various kinds Software can have vulnerabilities and suffer from them over time if they are found by intruders and perform illegal actions. Indeed, some vulnerabilities are very dangerous for sites and can significantly harm your projects. Therefore, it is important to know what vulnerabilities exist and how they can affect an online project.

Simple steps to make your site more secure.

I will consider the most dangerous types of vulnerabilities according to the TOP 10 OWASP project in 2017. Let's start with the most important ones, and those that are less significant will be at the bottom of the list. Be sure to read this information, perhaps it will help protect your site from dangers.

What types of site vulnerabilities are worth highlighting?

  1. Injection / Injection

The most popular types of injection are SQL, OS, XXE and LDAP. These are vulnerabilities that appear in the process of passing unverified user-entered data to the interpreter for execution. That is, any user can execute arbitrary code in the interpreter. With the help of them, the fraudster gains access to the database, reads hidden data and can even write down his values. Injection occurs when data is not checked for escape sequences and commands, such as quotation marks in SQL.

  1. Authentication and session validation errors

For most applications, it becomes necessary to identify users to work with them. There are times when functions for authentication and session management are not implemented correctly. This enables hackers to gain access to user accounts without using passwords. In this case, session keys or tokens are intercepted.

  1. XSS vulnerability

The first two points discussed relate to sites and the server. The XSS vulnerability is more dangerous for the user than for the server machine. XSS works in the user's browser and makes it possible to steal his information. XSS or Cross-Site Scripting works in JavaScript on the same principle as injection. The hacker passes a special string in some field, in the JS code line, the browser decides that this code was sent by the site and launches it. This code can be anything. To avoid this situation, you need to escape all special characters using the htmlspecialchars function or similar methods.

  1. Access control errors

There are times when, by mistake, information becomes available to administrators for ordinary users, which in fact should be hidden. This happens most often on popular CMS. For example, because of files in the site root: the wp-config.php file with database access passwords is not available due to the php extension. If you edit it in Vim and save it incorrectly, a backup copy is created with the extension .swp, otherwise it can be opened in a web browser without problems.

Access control errors also include errors in the application code that open access to hidden data for unauthorized users.

  1. Incorrect configuration

To ensure maximum security for any application or site, you first need a well-designed application / framework-level configuration and properly configured servers. These settings must be constantly maintained and updated to avoid future problems. As you know, the default configuration of most services is not secure enough, and the software must be kept up to date.

  1. Unprotected confidential data

Unfortunately, a large number of web applications, sites and APIs do not protect the user's confidential information and transfer it to open form... And it can be not only passwords, tokens and keys, but financial information that must be protected at the maximum level. First of all, this can be done using the https protocol, which is connected after purchase.

  1. Poor defense against attacks

This problem is seen in many applications and APIs that do not even have basic capabilities to detect, prevent, and respond to manual and automated attacks. Protection against attacks, of course, is not only a basic check for matching username and password. This is the detection, logging and even blocking of invalid login attempts and other unauthorized actions. All this is done for the safety of the user and to protect his information from theft by hackers.

  1. CSRF vulnerabilities

Using a CSRF or Cross-Site Request Forgery attack, the scammer forces the victim's browser to send an HTTP request, including cookies, session files, etc., to the vulnerable web application.

That is, the hacker is able to generate requests from the victim's browser, which the application considers correct and sent by the victim itself. Such a situation may arise, for example, when you simply open a link, and the Internet resource is already sending your friends a notification with advertising without your permission, or even deletes your account.

  1. Using components with vulnerabilities

Components (libraries, frameworks, and software modules) operate with capabilities that are similar to applications. Therefore, if the component has a vulnerability, then the attacker can steal important data or even gain access to server management. Applications and APIs that use components with vulnerabilities can expose themselves to attacks and greatly compromise their security.

  1. Insecure APIs

APIs are very important and demanded additions to every application on the web. They can work with SOAP / XML, REST / JSON, RPC, GWT protocols. But it often happens that they are also not safe and have a lot of errors that open vulnerabilities for sites.

What internet projects are the most vulnerable?

Positive Tehnologics conducted a special study and provided a report on the most vulnerable sites. They turned out to be Internet resources that were written in PHP using their own engine. And the safest are resources using Java / ASP.NET technologies and commercial CMS. Remember that the main goal of a cybercriminal is to control the site, and the presence of vulnerabilities will only help him reach them. Therefore, it is better to spend money on developing a secure site than to “cure” vulnerabilities and suffer from them later.

How to find and eliminate vulnerabilities in Internet resources?

Many developers and site owners are interested in this question. As we have already considered, the most common reasons for a threat to the security of sites can be: poor-quality site / server code or Open-Source CMS. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the emergence of possible vulnerabilities on your Internet project using special tools. For example, special programs have been developed for these purposes.

It is also worth considering the fact that cybercriminals, for their part, have many tools to automatically test each type of vulnerability, to search for vulnerable sites and to search for vulnerabilities on the server. Therefore, it is really important to update the CMS in time, because the bulk of the known errors are located in free systems.

How to ensure online safety? to work on the web.

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7. Vulnerable areas body

I love the brave; but it is not enough to be a swordsman, -
you also need to know who to cut!

Friedrich Nietzsche

It is common knowledge that swipe an arm or leg causes severe pain and extensive bruising anywhere on the body. However, in a fierce fight (especially with multiple opponents), square strikes are an unacceptable luxury. Oznobishin stated the following about this: “The strategy of a serious battle does not pursue the task of simply“ hurting ”the enemy: if the latter is dangerous, then the effect of pain will only cause despair and anger, which will increase his strength tenfold. Strategy requires bringing the enemy into a state of inability to resist. " *

Therefore, the targets for your blows should be not only what, but the most vulnerable places of the human body. These are nerve nodes, large blood vessels, fragile bones, joints. Their defeat - on the one hand - does not require great strength, on the other - inevitably entails significant consequences. These can be: painful shock; semi-faint (what is called "groggy" in boxing); loss of consciousness; mechanical injury (dislocation, fracture, bleeding, rupture of muscles or ligaments); death. As a result, the enemy loses the ability to continue fighting for a period of time from several seconds to infinity.

Before continuing to consider this issue, I would like to make two clarifications. First, I'm talking here about blows with limbs, not weapons. Indeed, to hit with stabbing, cutting, chopping objects, our body is vulnerable anywhere from the top of the head to the heels. Secondly, for now I am only talking about blows and do not touch upon such methods of influence as bites, pinches, twisting, levers.

There is no consensus among experts about the total number of vulnerabilities on the human body. For example, Chinese masters identify about 200 nerve points that are highly sensitive to poking and pressing with your fingers. The specificity of this technique is that the impact on these points requires minimal effort, but gives the maximum results: a person experiences severe pain, or his arms and legs seem to be paralyzed, or he instantly loses consciousness.

It would seem, what more could you want ?! Learn the location of two or three dozen of these points, learn to hit them with the fingers of both hands, and that's it! You will become a very dangerous subject. However, everything is not so simple. First, most of the nerve points vulnerable to finger injury are almost always covered by clothing. Punching a jacket, raincoat or coat, knitted sweater, tight jeans with your finger only by those who have undergone special training. Secondly, to defeat even a naked body, you also need to have well-hardened ("stuffed") fingers, otherwise their dislocation or fracture is guaranteed. Thirdly, during a street brawl, its participants usually cannot instantly determine the exact location of these points, since the position of the torso and limbs of each of the fighters is constantly changing, and their attention is scattered.
Where is the exit? It is not about attacking microscopic nerve points, but rather large areas of the body and doing this with a more massive weapon than fingers. As for such zones, hitting any point throughout their area causes devastating consequences. By "massive" weapons I mean the base and edge of the palm, elbow, knee, foot, head, fist, and fingers, but tied together like a beak or knife.

By bringing together tables, lists and anatomical diagrams from manuals on hand-to-hand combat for special forces units, I identified 30 "targets" that are indicated more often than others, and the destructive effect on which, in fact, does not require special strength: the one that is inherent in a teenager is enough 14-15 years old.

These targets are arranged in an order based on their availability. The most vulnerable part of the body, of course, is the head, but it is more difficult to get to it than to the legs or groin, especially if there are several opponents and they are taller (and I take this situation as a basis). Therefore, the sequence for choosing targets for attack is as follows: legs from feet to knees, center line of the body in front, body on the sides, head, center line of body behind, arms.

If you are armed, your hands are the number one target. The explanation is simple. Whatever the aggressor tries to do with you, he does it with his hands - he grabs them, pushes, hits, strangles, brandishes a knife or a stick ... Therefore, crushing his fingers, breaking his forearm, deeply cutting or piercing the back of the palm, you will reliably remove its out of order. However, it is hardly possible to cause any serious damage to the hands of an attacker without weapons, unless you are a master of sports in sambo. For example, we managed to catch the massive forearm of a gorilla-like "hulk" with a grip. Try to break it "with one sharp movement", as the authors of some textbooks recommend: you won't have enough strength ...

So, I will list the affected areas that combine the above 30 targets (together with paired targets there will be more, not 30, but 45):

1) ankle joint - lower leg;

2) the knee joint;

3) perineum - the lower abdomen;

4) solar plexus - cardiac plexus;

5) interclavicular cavity - throat - chin;

6) hypochondrium - ribs;

7) clavicle - the side of the neck;

8) upper lip - base of the nose;

9) the bridge of the nose - eyes;

10) temple - ear;

11) the back of the head - the seventh cervical vertebra;

12) between the shoulder blades - the central part of the spine;

13) lower back - kidneys;

14) elbow - armpit - shoulder;

15) fingers.

Rice. 24. The most important vulnerable points human body

As for some other parts of the body, often called "vulnerable", they, in my opinion, do not meet the main requirement - to cause severe pain in case of defeat and disable a person for at least a few seconds.

Let us now consider the consequences that occur as a result of blows with limbs on the targets listed here.


It is struck by a "trampling" kick from top to bottom, or by a "football" kick in the horizontal plane from the front or from the side. It is better to have the attacking foot in the shoe. This place is very sensitive for almost all people, because from childhood it is protected by shoes, but there is no muscle cover (Fig. 25).

Relatively weak blows to the ankle joint cause severe pain and deprive the opponent of the opportunity to actively use the foot. A stronger impact leads to the destruction of the small bones of the foot, causes a crack, or even a fracture of the lower end of the tibia (small or large, depending on which side the blow is struck from). A strong blow from the back at the level of the instep of the foot tears the Achilles tendon if the attacked leg is under load during this time and does not fly forward.

Rice. 25. Defeat ankle

2. SHIN ("BONE")

The two tibia bones (small and large) located here are almost not covered by muscles, so the pain from a blow to them pierces the whole body, like an electric discharge. It is possible to attack the shin both with the inside (with a "football" impact) and with the outside (with a side impact) side of the foot, best of all with the stiff edge of your shoe. However, you can hit with the heel (heel) and the sole (Fig. 26). Just do not hit the shin with your toe, as it can slip off and then the blow will not cause significant harm to the opponent.

Relatively weak blows to the shin cause acute pain and huge bruising, damage the periosteum. A strong effect leads to painful shock up to loss of consciousness, a crack or bone fracture.

The direction of the blows to the shin is mainly from the front or from the side. Attacking from behind on the leg, which is loaded at this moment with body weight, can cause temporary paralysis of the gastrocnemius muscle.

Rice. 26. Lesion of the lower leg ("bones")


It is unambiguously considered by all experts that the knee is the best target for low kicks. It is convenient to hit it from all sides, with any part of the foot, at any angle (top to bottom, bottom to top, horizontally), by any movement - pushing, swinging, trampling (Fig. 27).

Relatively weak blows to the knee cause severe pain and force the opponent to moderate their ardor. A stronger impact leads to rupture of the knee ligaments, fragmentation of cartilage, dislocation or fracture of the bones that form the articular joint. Often a person becomes disabled after this. Hit medium strength behind (in the popliteal fold) is also accompanied by acute pain and partial destruction of the joint.

Rice. 27. Defeat knee joint


This target can be hit with anything — with the toe and instep, heel, knee, fist, rib, and base of the palm, with the tips of the fingers pressed together (Figure 28). You can not even beat, but simply grab the genitals with your hand and pull them towards you - to the side. However, this place is protected by men from childhood. We all tend to reflexively cover our crotch with our hand or thigh when we try to attack it. Therefore, an attack here takes place only with the distraction of the enemy's attention, for example, with a lashing blow of the hand in the eyes.

Even a slight impact on the neurovascular bundle located in the genitals causes acute pain and incapacitates for several tens of seconds. Stronger blows entail painful shock up to loss of consciousness and guarantee severe injury with internal bleeding.

Rice. 28. Lesion of the genitals (perineum)


There is no muscle armor in the lower abdomen, and there are numerous neurovascular plexuses inside the abdominal cavity. It is better to strike here with the toe of a shoe, with a knee, a fist, with the tips of fingers pressed together (Fig. 29).

A relatively weak blow to the lower abdomen is accompanied by severe pain and fainting. A stronger effect causes painful shock up to loss of consciousness, internal bleeding, fracture of the pubic bone or rupture of the bladder.

Rice. 29. Lesion of the lower abdomen (pubis)


It is located directly below the xiphoid process of the sternum. It is convenient to hit it with an elbow, knee, fist, the base of the palm, the second phalanges of the fingers, clenched in the manner of the so-called "devil's paw" (Fig. 30). For "jocks", overgrown with powerful muscles, it is difficult to break through the sun, but even they cannot keep their abs constantly tense. On inhalation, the abdominal muscles relax and this target is opened for defeat.

A relatively weak blow to the solar plexus causes acute pain, temporary respiratory arrest, reflexive inhibition of the heart, a drop in blood pressure and, as a result, fainting. The person bends in half, loses the ability to move for one or two minutes. A strong blow leads to suffocation, loss of consciousness and even death if it was directed from the bottom up.

Rice. 30. Damage to the "solar" nerve plexus


This target is located just below the left nipple. Everything that has been said about the "sun" is also true here. I will only add that with a strong blow to the area of ​​the heart, it can stop and then death will instantly occur. It is necessary to know about this, since the cardiac nerve plexus is more vulnerable than the solar one (Fig. 31).

Rice. 31. Damage to the cardiac plexus


It is located below the Adam's apple (the so-called "Adam's apple"), between the collarbones. There are no muscles here, so even a weak blow injures the trachea, which is accompanied by a strong cough, tears, and a feeling of suffocation. A strong impact causes throat bleeding, respiratory arrest, loss of consciousness and often death, especially if the blow was made by some object: the end of a stick, a ballpoint pen, etc. (fig. 32).

Strikes in the interclavicular cavity are best applied with the "beak" of the fingers gathered together, or with the thumb. In some situations, for example, if you are on the ground under an attacker, a "pit" attack between the collarbones may be your only chance of escape.

Rice. 32. The defeat of the interclavicular notch ("fossa")


This refers to the thyroid cartilage of the larynx protruding from under the skin. They beat him with the edge of the palm, with its base (if the head is thrown back up), with a fist of the "devil's paw" type, and also with a fork formed by those bent in opposite directions thumb and the rest (fig. 33).

A light blow causes severe pain and suffocation. Consciousness, as a rule, remains, but the enemy loses the ability to take active actions for a period of time from fifteen to twenty seconds to a minute. A stronger effect leads to profuse bleeding from the mouth, painful shock and loss of consciousness, or a fracture of the thyroid cartilage, rupture of the windpipe and death.

Rice. 33. Throat affection (Adam's apple)


The main methods of hitting this target are as follows: punching from the bottom up, directly under lower jaw("Uppercut"), an elbow strike from the side or from below and, finally, a short straight strike with the base of the palm with the direction of the trajectory of movement to the crown (Fig. 34). The last of the three is the best. If you lead it exactly in the center, lightly and relaxed, having gathered only at the last moment, then it affects the cerebellum and knocks down the most powerful "pitching". If you try to punch on the chin with your fist, you can break your arm in the wrist joint.

In scientific terms, with a blow to the chin, the vestibular apparatus is shaken and the activity of the cardiovascular system to provide the brain with oxygen is temporarily inhibited. Both, taken together, cause fainting. In addition, sometimes from such a blow, a person strongly bites his tongue with his teeth.

Rice. 34. Lesion of the chin

11.RIBS (LIVER AND Spleen)

As you know, a person has 12 pairs of ribs. Of these, 7 pairs are called upper, and 5 are called lower, or false. On the right side of the body, behind the lower ribs, is the liver, on the left side is the spleen. Strikes on the lower ribs are applied with anything: knee, feet, elbow, fist, base and edge of the palm, but not with fingers (Fig. 35).

As a result of bruised ribs with relatively weak blows, a person experiences acute pain, he reflexively has an instantaneous release of blood from both the liver and spleen. Both of them incapacitate him for a while. With a stronger blow, two or three ribs can break, which in itself makes it difficult to breathe and move. But it is much more significant that from a strong blow there is a rupture of the liver or spleen. And since both of these organs contain a large amount of blood (they are a kind of "blood depot"), the case may end in death.

Rice. 35. Lesion of the ribs


This is the name of the part of the body below the false ribs. A blow to this area, directed in a straight line from the right or left side into the body, causes intense pain and internal bleeding. This is due to the fact that large blood vessels pass in the areas of the abdominal cavity adjacent to the sides, and there are numerous nerve nodes. If the blow is directed from bottom to top, as if under the ribs, then it injures either the liver (and located under it gall bladder), or the spleen. Such a blow, moreover, easily breaks the tenth rib (Fig. 36).

Of course, in order for the blow in the hypochondrium to penetrate into the body, it is necessary to produce it with a small striking surface - the toe of a shoe, a fist "devil's paw", a beak of fingers clenched together. Better yet, the end of a stick. It is good to beat upwards with a knee, base and edge of the palm, with a fist.

The matter is facilitated by the fact that the muscles of the lateral surfaces of the torso are poorly developed in most of today's urban residents. They don’t mow the grass, sawn wood, don’t dig the ground - where do strong lateral muscles come from?

Rice. 36. The defeat of the hypochondrium (left - spleen, right - liver)

13. KEY

Even from a weak blow to the collarbone, a person experiences acute pain, and in order to break it, an effort of only 25 kilograms per square centimeter is required. Such an effort is available to both a teenager and an untrained woman. The direction of the blow is from top to bottom, the weapon of the body is the edge or base of the palm, the lower part of the fist, the head, and sometimes the elbow (Fig. 37). It is important that a person with a broken collarbone cannot hit hard with the other hand or even with their legs.

With stronger blows, the collarbone does not just break, but completely collapses and injures the tops of the lungs, bronchi, and large blood vessels with its fragments.

Rice. 37. Lesion of the clavicle


The carotid artery, jugular vein and vagus nerve pass through this site. As a result of even a weak blow with an edge or the base of the palm, fist, elbow, a person's blood pressure drops, breathing becomes difficult, and orientation in space is disturbed. But the main thing is that he feels acute pain. With a stronger impact, loss of consciousness occurs (although blows of this kind are not dangerous for life), or, at least, a person falls to the ground (Fig. 38).

Rice. 38. Lesion of the neck from the side (carotid artery)


To be precise, this refers to the area of ​​the face between the base of the nose and the upper lip. He is considered one of the most vulnerable places in humans. Here the nasal cartilage grows together with the cranial bone and the nerve node is located (Fig. 39).

Even from a weak blow with the edge of the palm, a "fork", or a fist directed deep into the face, your opponent will feel a sharp pain. If you hit harder, then there will be a painful shock, concussion, loss of consciousness and, possibly, death. It all depends on the force of the blow, its trajectory and the accuracy of the hit. In any case, blood will pour out, not from the nose, but from the upper lip.

Rice. 39. Lesion of the upper lip (filtrum)


It is best to strike here with a “fork” between the thumb and the rest of the fingers, with the fist “devil's paw” (ie the second phalanges of the bent fingers) or with the base of the palm. The nose is a very sensitive organ, so a short jab is enough for any "pumping" to throw his head back and bleed from his nostrils. A blow to the base of the nose does not require any force, however, it is hardly possible to "knock out" a strong man with it. It should be used as a means to force the opponent to open his throat. He threw back his head and you hit him in the Adam's apple with the same hand or push him in the chest, while doing the footrest at the same time (Fig. 40).

Rice. 40. Lesion of the base of the nose


They hit it with the edge and base of the palm, fist, elbow, head. A light blow causes acute pain, a blow of medium strength - painful shock (up to loss of consciousness), profuse bleeding, complete loss of combat capability. A strong blow crushes the nasal bone and the cartilage attached to it into fragments, which can penetrate the brain and cause instant death (Fig. 41).

Rice. 41. Lesion of the bridge of the nose

18. EYE

A blow to the eye is made with one thumb, with the beak of all fingers folded together, and also with the tips of four fingers during whipping blows (Fig. 42). However, there are cases when it was possible to knock out the eye with the base of the palm. Never try to poke both eyes at once with two fingers outstretched, as recommended in some of the instructions. This will break your fingers rather than gouge your opponent's eyes out.

Human eyes are very vulnerable. Virtually no force is required to injure them. However, it is not so easy to get into the eye. More often, an attack in the eye is used as a maneuver that distracts the enemy's attention from the main blow. Well, in those rather rare cases when your finger actually sticks into the enemy's eye, the latter experiences acute pain and loses orientation in the surrounding space. Simply put, after that he is exclusively concerned with the state of his organ of vision.

The eyes, together with the bridge of the nose, the base of the nose and the nasolabial fold, form the so-called "T-zone" of the lesion. It is the primary target for face-to-face attacks.

Rice. 42. Eye damage


Blows to the temple are extremely dangerous. A relatively weak blow is accompanied by painful shock, concussion and loss of consciousness; a stronger impact breaks the temporal bone. It, in turn, pierces the adjacent part of the brain and cuts the blood vessels passing there, as a result of which instant death occurs (Fig. 43).

The fact is that the temporal bone of the skull is very thin, and the cerebral artery passes directly under it. The temple is usually hit with a fist (more precisely, with the knuckle of the index finger), the base of the fist, the phalanx of the bent thumb and sometimes with an elbow if the opponent is short.

Fig. 43. Damage to the temples

20. EAR

It is an organ not only of hearing, but also of balance (semicircular canals of the inner ear). A simultaneous blow to the ears is most effective with the palms of both hands bent like cups. As a result, a person feels a painful shock, dizziness, he feels sick, he loses orientation in space. With stronger exposure, the eardrums can burst, and internal brain hemorrhage with a fatal outcome is also possible (Fig. 44).

They also beat in the ear with the edge of the palm, the knuckles of the fist, its base, and the elbow. It is not difficult to pierce the eardrum with your thumb, forcibly driving it into the opening of the auditory concha, which entails wild pain.

Rice. 44. Affection of the ears


This is where the neck meets the skull. A blow with the edge of the palm, its base, fist, elbow in this place is accompanied by acute pain, loss of orientation, semi-fainting - if it is relatively weak. A more powerful blow displaces the cervical vertebrae, infringes or breaks the spinal cord, as a result of which a person ends up in intensive care, or even in a cemetery (Fig. 45). In either case, the enemy is instantly incapacitated for a long time. Only now it is good to kiss the back of the enemy's head, especially if this enemy is tall and strong in build, it is very, very difficult.

Rice. 45. Lesion of the base of the skull (occiput)


As you know, the human spine consists of 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar vertebrae, as well as the sacrum and coccyx, formed by fused vertebrae. The nerve trunk of the spinal cord runs inside the vertebrae. Spinal injuries associated with displacement or fracture of the vertebrae are accompanied by severe injuries (partial or complete ruptures) of the spinal cord. The rupture of his cervical regions completely paralyzes a person. Tears in the thoracic region paralyze the abdominal and intercostal muscles, making breathing extremely difficult, and paralysis in the lumbar region lower limbs(fig. 46).

Any blows to the spine with the edge and base of the palm, fist, and even more so powerful weapon like the head, elbow, knee, foot are extremely painful and very dangerous. With a weak blow, a person feels an acute pain, on a short time depriving him of the ability to continue the fight. A strong blow knocks him to the ground and completely incapacitates, death is also possible.

Rice. 46. ​​The defeat of the back of the neck (cervical vertebrae)


The three main targets on the back are: the cleft between the shoulder blades, the center of the back, and the loin (Figures 47, 48, 49). As mentioned above, blows to any part of the spine are very painful and dangerous. Sometimes the tailbone is also indicated as a weak spot in the lower back, but any trauma doctor will tell you that this is far from the case. The blow to the tailbone should be strong and directed exclusively from the bottom up so that the person feels acute pain. But even if you manage to break him, this will not prevent the enemy from fighting, he will suffer from pain later.

Rice. 47. Lesion of the spine between the shoulder blades

Rice. 48. Lesion of the central part of the back

Rice. 49. Lesion of the lower back


The kidney is a large internal organ, its length in an adult is 10-13 cm, and its width is 5-6 cm, and the left kidney is longer and thicker than the right one. The kidney is a very sensitive organ, in addition, in the place where it is located, a large nerve runs under the very skin of the back - a branch from the spinal cord. Therefore, even a light blow to the kidney area is accompanied by acute pain. And the stronger it is, the higher the likelihood of rupture of the kidney with bleeding, painful shock and death.

Impacts to the kidney area can be performed with both hands and feet, elbows, knees and head. But, I repeat again, the stronger the blow, the more dangerous it is for health and life (Fig. 50).

Rice. 50. Kidney damage


Every adult has hit his elbow on some hard object more than once, and knows how painful it is. The whole body seems to be pierced by an electric discharge. But pain in this case is not the main evil. Worse, the elbow joint is rather weak, it is not difficult to dislocate or break it.

A blow to the elbow with feet, knee, fist, base of the palm from below causes acute pain, partial or complete rupture of ligaments, dislocation, fracture (Fig. 51). The stronger the blow, the harder you hold the opponent's hand, the more serious the consequences it entails. It is clear that with a broken elbow, the enemy is no longer a fighter. One hand is completely disabled, the other is forced to support the broken one, otherwise the slightest movement is given in the broken joint by acute pain.

Rice. 51. Lesion of the elbow joint


Here is the brachial plexus, the median and ulnar nerves, subclavian artery and vein, there are numerous lymph nodes and vessels (Fig. 52). A blow with a fist, beak of fingers gathered together, with one thumb, with the toe of a shoe in a given place, with a relatively weak impact, causes acute pain, making it impossible to attack. A strong blow is accompanied by partial or complete destruction of the bag of the shoulder joint, painful shock, and sometimes leads to death.

Rice. 52. Damage to the armpit


Shallow glenoid cavity, big sizes heads humerus and the weakness of the ligaments of the articular bag make the shoulder joint the place where most often, in comparison with all other joints, dislocations occur (during falls, jolts, bruises, etc.). Dislocation of the shoulder is often accompanied by a fracture of the upper end of the humerus. Thus, anatomical features this joint make it one of the most vulnerable places in the human body.

A relatively weak, but sharp blow to the shoulder from the front or back leads to a dislocation quite easily. A blow to the shoulder from above causes acute pain, muscle numbness, ligament rupture or intramuscular bleeding - it all depends on the force of the blow, and on how well you "kissed" the shoulder. Meanwhile, athletes usually kick on the shoulder from the side-in, which is completely safe. It is clear that you cannot hit the shoulder joint with your foot from above, in front, in the back, they beat there with the base and edge of the palm, knuckles and the base of the fist, sometimes you can hit with the elbow - if the enemy is bent over. In a lying opponent, the shoulder can be knocked out with a blow of the foot (Fig. 53).

Rice. 53. Defeat shoulder joint


It is common knowledge (at least for trauma doctors) that the fingers of the hands are easily injured. They can be easily knocked out of the joints or broken with a blow to the base of the palm, its edge, elbow, knee, or feet. More easier fingers break. For example, if the enemy caught you in a grip, do not waste your strength to tear his hands off yourself. Better start breaking his fingers. Let go immediately. Any finger can also be bitten off, cut off, crushed, if there is a desire (Fig. 54).

Rice. 54. Breaking fingers

* * *

So, in order to incapacitate a person, make him suffer from pain, maim or kill, it takes much less strength than "teapots" usually think. You just need to not waving your limbs randomly (maybe I'll get somewhere), but purposefully attack the most vulnerable places.

Remember this not only during a fight, but also in training with partners. Otherwise, you will kill each other.

* Oznobishin N.N. The art of hand-to-hand combat, p. 78.

The temple is one of the weak points of the skull. Deep under the temple is the artery of the cerebral membrane. The average thickness of the skull is 5 millimeters, in the thickest place its thickness is 1 centimeter, in the temple area the thickness of the skull is only 1-2 millimeters. A blow to this area can result in concussion, loss of consciousness, and death.

A blow to the base of the skull.

The point is located at the base of the skull, at the junction of the occiput and the first cervical vertebra. A weak blow to this area leads to loss of consciousness, a strong blow interrupts the nerve and leads to immediate death.

A blow to the top of the head.

The point is located at the top of the head. This is a rather weak point of the skull. A gentle blow to this point can cause a concussion. A severe blow can damage the brain, cause hemorrhage and ultimately death.

A blow to the back of the head.

This point is located in the center of the back of the skull at the junction of several bones and is felt as a slightly elongated structure. This cavity is the weak point of the head. With a weak blow to this point, concussion and loss of consciousness occurs. If the blow is strong, it can lead to hemorrhage and death.

Blow on the browbone.

These points are located above the eyebrows. Blood vessels and nerves pass through these areas. A moderate blow can damage them and cause bleeding in the eyes and loss of consciousness.

A blow to the lower jaw.

This point is located at the corner of the jaw below where it articulates with the ear. A blow to this area breaks the bone into small pieces. This area is also known as the "knockout area" as a side impact directed at it will cervical spine spine, which leads to the fall of the enemy. This is one of the reasons why, in real combat, fighters often lower their chin to cover the point of the lower jaw.

A blow to the nasal bone.

This point is located on the nasal bone, between the eyebrows. The nasal bone is thick on top and tapers downward, with a small vein running in the center that leads to the nasal cavity. A blow to this area can easily damage the nasal bone and lead to severe bleeding and breathing difficulties. In addition, a blow to the nose is very painful and impairs vision.

Blow to the cheek. (Above the lateral part of the jaw)

This point is relatively weak. A blow to it leads to a fracture of the jaw and damage to the surrounding blood vessels and nerves. If the opponent's mouth is open and the blow is struck at a downward angle, the jaw falls out of the joint, causing severe pain.

Blow or slap on the ears.

Many blood vessels and nerves pass near the ears. A blow to the ears damages the outer ear and eardrum.

The most vulnerable points of the neck.

Chopping blow to the back of the neck.

This point is located near the third vertebra of the neck. A weak blow to it causes the vertebrae to dislocate, which as a result put pressure on the spinal cord. A moderate blow will knock out the opponent and can lead to serious complications. A violent blow that cuts the nerves of the spine leads to immediate death.

Chopping blow to the throat. (Thyroid cartilage)

The thyroid cartilage (in the common people, Adam's apple) is surrounded by numerous blood vessels and nerves, behind it is the thyroid gland. A blow to the throat causes severe pain and loss of the ability to breathe. If the opponent's head is tilted back when hitting, the effect will be much greater.

The most vulnerable points of the torso.

Blow to the sternum. (Solar plexus)

The sternum is centered on the body. In this area is the heart, below the liver and stomach. There is no protection in the form of ribs. Therefore, a blow to this area directly affects the heart, diaphragm and nerves between the ribs. A blow to the solar plexus causes severe pain in the walls of the stomach, difficulty breathing. The enemy loses the ability to defend. A severe blow can lead to stomach bleeding, heart failure, liver rupture, internal bleeding, unconsciousness and, in some cases, even death.

A blow between two ribs.

Usually, the blows are directed to the 7th, 8th and 9th ribs and their connective cartilage. On the left is the region of the heart, on the right is the liver. Ribs 5 through 8 are the most curved and the easiest to break, especially where bones connect to cartilage. A hard blow to this area can lead to heart attack, liver damage, internal bleeding, and possibly death.

Impact on movable ribs.

Movable ribs are at the bottom chest... These are the 11th and 12th ribs. They are not attached to the sternum. Since the ribs are not secured in front, the impact will cause them to fracture inward. This, in turn, can lead to their penetration into the liver or spleen, which is deadly.

Impact or pressure on the armpit.

Many blood vessels and nerves pass through this area. In addition, this cavity has no muscle or bone protection. Attacking this area with the fingers can cause an electric shock-like sensation and a temporary loss of movement in the hand. Strong pressure can damage the nerves and blood vessels, making it difficult to move the arm.

Kicking or punching the pubic bone.

This area is very sensitive. A blow to it is quite painful and leads to the inability of the enemy to continue resistance.

Kicking or punching to the crotch

Many nerves pass through this point, and the genitals and bladder... A light blow to this area will cause very severe pain. A violent blow can rupture the bladder and cause shock.

A blow with a leg or hand on the tailbone.

In this area, the nerves are relatively protected and a strong blow can damage the central nervous system, causing severe pain and possible paralysis.

A blow to the kidneys

The kidneys are very close to the back wall of the abdominal cavity. From an anatomical point of view, the kidneys are not protected by ribs and are very vulnerable. on impact, severe pain occurs, kidney rupture is possible, profuse bleeding.

A blow to the back in front of the heart.

A blow to this point can cause shock, since there is a direct effect on the heart. This exposure can be fatal.

The most vulnerable points of the legs.

A blow to the kneecap.

A blow to this area causes severe pain. The greatest effectiveness occurs when the supporting limb, on which the body weight is concentrated, is attacked. The result of this effect will be damage to the tissues under the fibula and tibia.

Blow to the outside of the knee.

This effect will cause the joint to move in an unnatural direction, bending inward, and will damage the ligaments, as well as rupture between the bones of the joint. In addition, a hard blow can damage the main peroneal nerve, causing severe pain.

Blow to the inside of the knee.

This effect will cause the leg to bend outward, damaging the ligaments and tendons around the patella. The best angle to hit is a sharp downward angle towards the back.

Ford Focus is one of the leaders of the Russian car market from year to year. In the secondary market, this model is also in great demand, but in this case, you need to choose the right car. First of all, the future owner of "Focus" should pay attention to the most problematic areas.

Representatives of the second generation of "Focuses" seem to crowd out even domestic products. And although you can hear from skeptics that this machine is devoid of individuality, and it is only suitable for office plankton, this is not so. Indeed, from the very founding of Ford, the most important task was to produce mass cars that would combine high quality and the minimum price. If someone wants something more original, then you can buy, for example, the third "Mazda", which technically does not differ at all, standing out only with a different "package". However, it is worth disassembling "Focus" on the shelves. Comparison of this with "Mazda 3" will also come in handy.

Interior and body of Ford Focus

Both Mazda and Ford have a body that feels confident in the conditions of the Russian winter. The problem is Ford's rapidly cloudy paintwork. In addition, in places such as sills, arches, hood and bumper, paint can even begin to peel off after just a few years. However, due to the good galvanizing of the body, it does not come to corrosion. For Mazda, the situation is about the same, with the only difference that a softer metal is used here.

With the interior that "Ford", that "Mazda" everything is decent and they are similar even in interior design. By the way, good view the interior retains even when the vehicle's mileage exceeds 300 thousand kilometers. This undoubted plus is worth considering when buying, so as not to consider an older car fresher than it really is.

Ford Focus Suspension

The similarity between Ford Focus and Mazda 3 is largely determined by the universal C1 platform, which was noted on such cars as Mazda 5, Ford Focus C-Max, Volvo S40, and not only. I must say that this platform is available on both generations of the third Mazda. The whole difference between the first and second generation lies in the different setting of the silent blocks, springs, stabilizers and shock absorbers. As a result, the second generation Mazda 3 lost some of the qualities that were valued most of all in this car - agility and sharpness. However, despite this, even it remains somewhat more reckless than the Ford Focus II. But if some rationalizer decides to "outweigh" the "Ford" suspension on Mazda, it will not lead to anything worthwhile due to some differences. These differences concern most of the front end: the lower arms and subframe at Mazda are somewhat different.

The service life of the running elements is approximately the same for both vehicles. How long the suspension can live is difficult to say, since its condition is affected by mass various factors... But in general, we can say that under normal operating conditions, both the rear and front suspension live on average 80,000 km (with original spare parts). After this period, as a rule, all silent blocks and suspension assemblies with levers are changed. Sometimes they are replaced separately by non-original spare parts, but experience shows that this practice does not justify itself and the result will not be enjoyed for long.

It should be noted that even if the car has low mileage and ideal condition, but it is five to six years old, you should not rely on the same resource as a new car. The reason for this is the rubber bushings, which lose their qualities over time and can break by 25-30 thousand shoots.

The front shock absorbers are also sensitive to operating conditions. If the roads are bad, then they can last 120 thousand meters, and only 60 thousand meters. The first option is more likely in the case of driving on flat roads. Support bearings fail along with shock absorbers, so it makes more sense to change them at the same time. Usually by this time the front wheel bearings, which are assembled with the hub, have exhausted their resource. Rear bearings can last twice as long.

Another feature is the tenacious ball joints even in Russian conditions, which, on average, overcome the boundary of 150,000 km. On Mazda they need to be changed together with the levers, but on Ford it can be done separately: for this it is enough to cut the rivets and put the part on the bolts. I must say that the "grinder" can be very useful when repairing a Ford Focus chassis, in light of the fact that its threaded connections tend to stick strongly. As for Mazda, it does not have this problem and, most likely, this is due to other components.

There were no particular complaints about the brakes. However, if the rear discs can properly "brake" about 100,000 km, then the front discs are able to endure much less - about 60,000 km. On average, brake pads travel about 30 thousand km, but not in a megalopolis, where this period should be reduced.

Ford Focus Engines

The Russian-assembled Focuses had five engine options. All of them can be conditionally divided into two groups: with a chain drive for 1.8 and 2 liters and "belt" for 1.4 and 1.6 liters. The most reliable and, moreover, the most easy-to-maintain "belt" versions 1.4 and 1.6 for 80 and 100 hp. Structurally, they are almost no different from each other, and every 80-90 thousand km is enough for their maintenance. change the belt with rollers and every 30 thousand km - candles.

It is better not to delay when replacing spark plugs, as they often turn sour. This is especially true for 1.6 liter engines. And if, when unscrewing, the candle breaks off, you will have to change or repair the block head.

Ti-VCT 1.6 liter 115 hp engine also belongs to the "belt" group, but has a difference in the form of a mechanism for changing the valve timing. Its clutches do not differ in reliability, and this is especially true for the first versions of the car. Therefore, it is advisable to change them every second belt replacement.

The 1.8 and 2 liter Duratec engines (125 and 145 hp) will be a little more hassle, especially with the 1.8. Here, troubles can be caused by the firmware of the ECU unit, which is deservedly considered unfinished. This results in a lack of traction, starting from a second or third attempt, and erratic idling. In addition, on both engines, upon reaching the hundred thousandth kilometer mileage, the generator may fail. By the way, similar problems often appear after washing the engine.

After the plant increased the service mileage to 20,000 km, the engines began to gradually absorb oil, even in such quantities that the owners of the "Focus" had to add it a liter weekly. With such a run, especially in "plug" conditions, the properties of the oil are lost, which translates into a decrease in efficiency and the "occurrence" of oil scraper rings. As a preventive measure, you can call an oil change at ten thousand km.

Mazda has similar problems - its three-liter unit hardly differs from Ford's. As for the 1.6-liter engine, there are already noticeably more differences. Unit for 105 HP almost does not need service and has a timing chain drive, capable of living up to 300,000 km under normal operating conditions.

Another feature of Ford engines is the lack of a separate fuel filter. In the case of the "Focus", it is built into the fuel pump. You can get to it by removing the gas tank. And if you use high-quality fuel, it will last at least 150,000 km.

Ford Focus transmission

And on "Focuses" and "Mazda" it is quite reliable. The Ford "mechanics" with a 1.8-liter engine underwent the greatest criticism: an aggressive environment can damage the pinion axle in the differential. True, this rarely happens. In order not to bring to the costly complete bulkhead of the box, you should contact the service as soon as strange noises begin to come from somewhere below.

There are no complaints about the "machine" at all. It is very reliable, although not very fast. Both on automatic machines and on mechanics, an oil change is recommended upon reaching 50-60 thousand km. mileage. But on "Focuses" with a two-liter unit and an "automatic", the inner CV joints wear out rather quickly - their average mileage is about 100,000 km. True, in the early versions, both the internal and external CV joints had a resource of over 200,000 km.

Steering Ford Focus

Although the steering racks of "Ford" differ from the rails of "Mazda" in different mountings and characteristics, but with all the differences, they are equally good. There are almost no problems, and in trouble-free operating conditions, the oil will flow not earlier than after 200,000 km. As for the steering tips, their lifespan is 100-150 thousand km. On cars with a "chain" unit, there are reliable electrohydraulic boosters, which almost never cause problems.

As for the versions with 1.4 and 1.6 liter engines, they are equipped with a classic power steering, which in the spring can behave quite capriciously, however, not always. This is caused by a build-up of condensate in the system, which causes the by-pass valves to freeze. If this happens, there is a high likelihood that the oil pipes will "leak" while turning the steering wheel. You can prevent this by waiting for the engine compartment to warm up and the steering wheel will gain freedom when rotating. Changing the oil in the system every 50,000 km can also be beneficial.


The third generation Ford Focus has become more structurally complex and, accordingly, more expensive. In this regard, the "Focus" of the second generation is perceived as the optimum: the disadvantages inherent in the first generation have already been eliminated, and the complexity of the power units has not yet reached the degree that can be observed on the third model. The lack of unnecessary complexity in a used car is generally a definite plus.

In view of this, the second generation "Focus" and "Mazda 3" are, perhaps, the best representatives of the aftermarket in the golf class. The engines and transmissions are both reliable and the interior trim is resistant to damage. And since the number of examples on the market is very large, there is always the opportunity to choose a unworn vehicle. A big plus is the affordable service and an abundance of spare parts. Today none of the competitors can boast of such a thing.

The most vulnerable in our world are children

Childhood is the brightest and brightest part of a person's life. Coming into this world, a weak and defenseless child can rely only on the help and care of adults. The child begins to learn the surrounding reality, depending on how it is presented to him. How a baby grows up largely depends on how his parents relate to this life. What values ​​prevail in the family, what takes priority position - material or spiritual, is an indicator of what the present child will give preference to in the future. Children are very soft and pliable material. , what prevents to bring up a harmoniously developed personality, and what helps this process? It seems to me, first of all, the behavior of the parents themselves, which of them thinks about the soul of a little person when, in front of him, starts a scandal with a neighbor or begins to condemn friends, acquaintances who care about what scars are left in the memory of unseemly actions of adults. Deceive the child once, and he will remember this for the rest of his life, and then following your example, he will deceive everyone, but you will be the first. Are you disrespectful to your parents? Change, because someday you will be in their place, and your child will do the same to you. A person brought up in lies and hatred will sow and grow the same. Teach a child to love, and he will be grateful to you, because he is happy only because he gives love to others and he bathes in this love. Teach a child to love, as they teach this wise books who have come to us from the depths of centuries, how much light they bring to our wounded souls. For many decades people have perceived the Bible as a fairy tale, but was not the Apostle Paul right when he wrote beautiful and, undoubtedly, still relevant words, think how simple it is: " Love is longsuffering, merciful, love does not envy, love is not exalted, is not proud, does not rage, does not seek its own, does not get irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in untruth, but rejoices at the truth; it covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything "Moms and dads, grandparents, teach us to love!

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