Mudras. Finger yoga for rejuvenation and health promotion

It took me a little time to figure it out, as there are many numbers and a lot to remember. But everything is easy to understand here.

So. The hand is innervated by 5 major nerves that emanate from 5 holes in the vertebrae from the spinal cord. 4 of them are located in the cervical spine, and 1 in the thoracic spine. The vertebrae are called C5, C6, C7, C8, T1.

In fig. 2 - the front surface of the right hand, the biceps area. Here you can see that 3 of these nerves are closer to the front surface, and 2 are closer to the back. The 3 upper nerves form the letter M and are responsible for the innervation of the front of the arm. The 2 lower ones innervate the back of the arm (shoulder, triceps, etc., more on that later).

fig. 2

Nerve names:

Group with the letter M:
Superior nerve - Musculocutaneous
Medium - Median
Lower - Loktevoy

Blue line:
Upper small branch - Axillary nerve
Lower thick branch - Radial or radial nerve

If the nerve contains fibers from the higher parts of the spine, then it is responsible for the work of the upper arm, if from the lower, respectively, the lower one.

Thus, the work of each nerve depends on whether they are in the front of the hand or in the back, and on which points they come from.

Now more about who is responsible for what.

1. The musculocutaneous nerve, is created from the fibers of the C5 and C6 nerves. Only he is responsible for the work of the upper front of the arm (shoulder). This is the bicep area. In addition, it partly shares work with other nerves in the forearm part (in the figure, this part is indicated in green). At the top of the figure, you can clearly see the letter M and how this nerve emanates from there.

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The areas that move due to it - the shoulder, elbow, are circled in red in the figure below.

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2. Median nerve, Median Nerve - C6-T1. It should immediately be clear that if fibers from the lowest innervating section are involved, then this nerve should work in the lower arm. In fig. 5 areas of its action are marked in blue. I will write more about this nerve separately in the post about carpal syndrome.

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Rice. 6 - He also participates in the work of the elbow. It is logical, because it, like a musculocutaneous nerve, has fibers from C6.

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3. Ulnar nerve, Ulnar Nerve - C8-T1. It is easy to remember the name, as it runs in the area of ​​the ulna (English name - Ulna). And it is clear that he will use the lowermost parts of the arm. In fig. 7 they are marked in red and blue in the palm of your hand. It innervates almost all the internal muscles of the palm, the rest is innervated by the median nerve. And half of the forearm from the ulna side.

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4. Axillary nerve, Axillary Nerve - C5-C6. Same starting points as musculocutaneous, but because it is at the back, it controls the upper part of the back of the arm. In fig. 8 - right hand, back view. The arrows show the areas that he uses - the delta of the shoulder and the small round muscle. I will write about muscles in more detail later, so for now I don't have to memorize. But from this it can be understood that this nerve acts only in the upper part of the arm, in the shoulder area.

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5. Radial nerve, Radial Nerve - C5-C8. In fig. 9 - right hand, rear view. Blue denotes the areas that it innervates. Triceps and muscles of the back of the forearm. It is involved in flexion of the elbow and wrist. It also affects the work of the thumb and fingers. Since it does not have fibers from T1, it acts on the area of ​​the palm and fingers due to the tendons. They are easy to find on the back of the hand and run from the wrist to the fingers. These tendons are attached to the muscles in the forearm that it innervates. And he does not innervate the internal muscles of the palm.

In the life of every person there are different "stripes". Of course, I want them to be only light and bright, but even in difficult situations there is always a way out.

Almost a month ago, my dad was admitted to the hospital with a stroke, he was in intensive care for two weeks, and now, for more than a week, he was discharged home. Yesterday he was able to sit down on his own, and at his feet, little by little begins return mobility.

Lately, I have read and reviewed a huge amount of information on how to recover from such difficult situations. However, one of the most effective remedies was suggested to me by a friend, a rehabilitation therapist.

Exercises for the feet

When a person has limited mobility as a result of a disease (heart attack, stroke, polyarthritis), he has a thirst for life, a thirst for movement and nothing can make him remain confined to a wheelchair or bed. Here in these cases comes to the rescue recovery exercises... Well, the one I want to tell you about, dear reader, is just a miracle!

This method was developed hundreds of years ago by Tibetan lamas, but it became known to modern man quite recently. Editorial staff "So simple!" invites you to familiarize yourself with the amazing finger interlacing exercise which will help return youth and mobility of the legs.

It is also worth doing this exercise to prevent feet, if you do not want old age to catch you by surprise.

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Healthy feet and knees can mean the difference between walking alone and wheelchair. Diligent practice of this exercise will help repair the damage done to the feet throughout life.

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"Interlacing of fingers and toes" in a sitting position

  1. Sit on a chair or on the floor. Bend your left knee towards you, and then wrap your left foot with both hands.

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  2. Interlace the fingers of your right hand with the toes of your left foot.
  3. Pull the tips of your toes with your heel muscles towards the knee and spread them out to the sides.

  4. Maintain this position for 1 minute, and then repeat the exercise on the other leg. After completing the exercise, notice how the color of the foot changes due to the increased blood circulation.
  5. If you can't get your fingers through your toes, try wrapping your hands around the sole of your toes, pressing the bottom of your hand against the rounded bone under the toes on the sole. Pull your toes towards the knee and spread them as wide as possible to the sides.

  6. After a week of doing this stretching feet you can start simultaneously pressing the different reflex points on the big toe with your thumb. In this case, the thumb of the other hand can add additional stretch to the big toe, pulling it even further away from the second toe. And also spread the little fingers and big toes in opposite directions.

    Try to increase the duration of the exercise every day. Start from 5 minutes a day.

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    "Interlacing of fingers and toes" in the supine position

    And do not be discouraged if not at the first stage this exercise will cause you discomfort. Since, the more painful the toes stretch with, the more useful this exercise will be for you. Try to remember something good that can bring a smile to your lips, breathe deeply and slowly, and you yourself will be surprised at how quickly the pain and stiffness go away.

    After all, it is much better to endure this weak pain in the feet than to suffer from much more severe pain in the whole body!

    © DepositPhotos

    Even the ancient Chinese noticed that the legs were the first to age, and then the whole body. After all, it is on the legs that many nerve endings and reflex zones are concentrated.

    Therefore, I suggest you find out some useful recommendations that will help maintain the health of your feet, and with them youth and good condition of the whole body.

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    As you can see, everything is much simpler than it seems. Use this exercise as a preventive measure and in severe cases as an effective recovery method.

    The interlocking fingers and toes exercise will help learn to walk again if you are patient enough and demanding of yourself. Don't forget that you have 10 toes on your feet, and each one needs to be given due attention!

    We hope this simple exercise will help you keep your legs youthful and mobile for longer. Tell your friends on social networks about this truly miraculous method, perhaps for some of them now it may be very important!

Incredible facts

Sometimes our actions speak louder than words about our close relationship.

Holding hands gives us a sense of trust and a special connection with the person.

A simple gesture like touching your hands can even reduce pain.

Often we hold hands without thinking, and this can tell a lot about how you feel about this person.

Sign language in relationships

© Kseniia Perminova

This is one of the most common ways to hold hands. Usually, the one with the palm facing down plays the dominant role in the relationship.

It can also be interpreted as a protective gesture inherent in men. They often resort to it, holding their partner's hand when crossing the road or passing through a crowd.

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Couples that intertwine their fingers when holding hands tend to have a deep connection. They are no longer connected just by physical attraction to each other, but by deeper feelings.

In this way, partners show how much they care for each other. They are able to show their weaknesses and be honest with each other.

© kyryloshevtsov

When your partner leads you by the finger, it can mean several things.

You may be both independent individuals with your own interests and hobbies outside of your relationship.

It is more likely, however, that you prefer to spend time alone and try to maintain your individuality, but in general you have a strong and confident relationship.

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Holding on to one finger is an easy, relaxed way to bond with your partner.

While this method may seem less intimate, it can be very romantic and playful.

In most cases, your partner is holding on to one of your fingers, as if flirting with you.

The psychology of gestures in relationships

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Just like with intertwined fingers, this position brings you closer to your partner, creating a loving and intimate bond.

It's not just a way to hold hands anymore. In the case when the partner, as it were, wraps around you, he makes a protective, but relaxed gesture.

If you throw your hand over your shoulder, it means that you are proud of your relationship and ready to protect your partner from any danger.

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With this method, you gently but firmly covers your partner's hand with your palm, or vice versa.

None of you are attached in a relationship, and each of you has well-established rules and boundaries.

This is a great way to add tenderness and gentleness to a relationship without showing the relationship to everyone around you.

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This is one of the most regal gestures often seen in wedding photographs. He demonstrates the vitality of a relationship, but also strong and mutually protective.

The woman's hand looks small and graceful in her partner's strong hand.

There is a very healthy relationship between you, full of respect for each other, based on trust and adoration.

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This is one of the most confident ways to hold hands. It means that you and your partner trust each other completely, and have reached the stage of emotional stability.

Although outwardly such an interlacing seems relaxed, it makes it possible to close the partner's hand and at the same time passionately pull him towards him.

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Outwardly, such a gesture seems slightly aggressive, demanding and self-confident.

However, all this is not true. On the contrary, you are not only intertwining your palms, but also the lower part of your arms.

This gesture is more intimate and passionate and speaks of an urgent need to be together.

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If your partner seeks to completely wrap his hands around your palm, experiencing full body contact, this indicates his need for a very deep connection with you.

Many ancient peoples with a large baggage of esoteric and spiritual knowledge believe that a person's hand is a kind of key to his soul and body. On the surface of the palm there are energy outputs from all internal organs, as well as a drawing of specific lines. These features gave rise to many teachings that make it possible to decipher data about a person's character and health, as well as talk about his past and predict the future. Suffice it to recall palmistry and gypsy fortune telling by hand, ancient Chinese teachings that help to influence the internal organs by massaging the palms and feet. In yoga, a certain set of finger gestures is used, which has several meanings and is associated not so much with the healing of the body as with a deep philosophical awareness of one's own "I".

What it is

It is impossible to one-sided and narrowly interpret this concept, which is difficult for a European. Yoga mudra is a wide variety of gestures performed with the fingers of both hands and carrying a multifaceted load. It is both a sign language, and a kind of gymnastics, and a magical action, but first of all, it is a way of synchronizing the body and soul, the ability to tune in to direct contact with your own subconscious.

Hindus consider mudras to be a gift from the gods who, with their help, contacted people during a dance. And today, Indian dance is a complex multi-layered action, more a theatrical performance and an appeal to the deity than simple dance moves. God Shiva is called “the world-creating power of the cosmic dance,” therefore all his images reproduce specific poses and gestures from ritual dances. From Hinduism, mudras were adopted by Buddhism. In order to designate and characterize the stages of meditation, 9 basic gestures were used, which are called "mudras of Buddha". Subsequently, all images of the Buddha began to be accompanied by characteristic gestures that have a sacred meaning.

What are they used for

It is believed that all finger movements carry a certain semantic load, these are methods of non-verbal communication with the outside world. Mudras can be compared with the language of the deaf and dumb, only in it gestures are aimed at communication between two individuals with speech and hearing impairments, and finger yoga is a way of contacting the body with its own consciousness and subconsciousness, and through it - with the supreme invisible forces that control everything in this world.

In general, mudras are special healing movements and combinations of finger positions that help to balance the energy potential, save from physical and emotional overload, and align the character. With their help, you can cope with various diseases, get rid of the state of constant irritation and chronic fatigue, achieve the desired and harmonize the entire body as a whole.

Magic or a way of self-awareness

Finger yoga excludes simple mechanical repetition of a number of movements; it is a kind of ritual that includes not only gestures, but also a certain spiritual tension. Only by connecting a deep meditative state to gestures can one reach the level where every movement becomes a reflection of the actions of the soul. As a result, mudras acquire healing properties, since in a peculiar way they "tune" the body for proper functioning, just like a tuner works with a valuable musical instrument and returns it to the divine sound.

In the West, there are many uses for these ritual gestures. Some attribute almost magical, magical properties to them. Numerous publications and the Internet are filled with a variety of "wish fulfillment", "recovery", "wealth" and even "weight loss" mudras. You cannot treat this phenomenon as something related to magic or the occult. This practice has ancient roots and connects the hands as an energy channel to the brain and consciousness. In fact, this is a way of influencing your body through the subconscious and cosmic energy, and has nothing to do with witchcraft or any form of magic. That is why a simple repetition of actions on pictures or descriptions will not give any result. To obtain the desired effect, you need a special meditative attitude and awareness of your own actions.

Detailed description

Each finger in the hand has its own meaning and is directly associated with a specific organ or group of organs. By combining the movements of the fingers in a certain order, you can create the necessary vibrations that will affect these organs and establish their normal work. In this way, yoga for the fingers resembles asanas for the body, only here the role of the limbs and the body is played by the hand and all its five fingers.

Values ​​attributed to each finger

Each of the fingers belongs to a certain element and is responsible for the work of one or more organs:

  • Big - Wind, associated with the root chakra and the brain. The first phalanx controls the gallbladder, the second controls the liver, and massage of the entire thumb helps to improve brain function and regulate the functioning of the human lymphatic system.
  • Index - Fire, throat chakra. The first phalanx is associated with the small intestine, and the second with the heart. The index finger massage helps to improve the functioning of the intestines and other digestive organs, as well as the functioning of the nervous system, brain and spine.
  • Medium - Earth, solar plexus chakra. Exposure to the first phalanx will affect the functioning of the stomach, spleen and pancreas. Massaging the middle finger is very beneficial for health, as it stimulates the proper functioning of many organs: intestines, circulatory system, brain, removes manifestations of allergies, nervousness and anxiety, instills a feeling of calmness and security.
  • Nameless - Metal, frontal chakra. The first phalanx is responsible for the large intestine, the middle one for the lungs. By massaging the ring finger, you can improve the functioning of the endocrine system and liver, forget about the dreary state and depression.
  • Little finger - Water, heart chakra. His first phalanx is associated with the bladder, the second with the kidneys. Massage helps to improve the functioning of the intestines, duodenum and heart, and also affects psychological balance, removes fears and phobias, relieves panic attacks.

1. According to people who have studied this issue, there are more than 80 thousand different mudras. However, more often than not, several dozen of the most important and frequently used gestures are studied, most of which have healing properties: Shankha - a shell. It stabilizes the general condition of the body, debugs energy flows, improves the sound of the voice and relieves diseases of the throat and larynx. Thanks to this property, it is especially recommended for people for whom the voice is the main working and creative tool (actors, singers, announcers, teachers, orators, and so on). To do it, four fingers on the right hand grasp the thumb on the left hand, pressing the pad of the thumb to the pad of the middle left hand. Mudra is fixed at chest level. It is recommended to recite the mantra Om.

2. Surabhi is a cow. With its help, they successfully fight joint lesions, rheumatic pains, radiculitis, diseases of the nervous system and bones. The thumbs do not touch, and the rest touch each other with their pads. The middle finger of the right hand touches the index of the right hand, and the index finger on the left hand touches the index of the right. The little finger of the left hand is in contact with the ring finger of the right hand, and the little finger of the right hand touches the ring finger of the left hand.

3. - contemplation. This mudra is considered one of the main and most important, it is used at the beginning of any course of gestures and in meditation. Often combined with the mantra Om. To perform it, the thumb and forefinger are connected in two ways - the fingers touch the tips - passive acceptance, or the thumb is pressed from above to the first phalanx of the index finger - active recoil.

4. Shunya is the sky. This gesture helps to establish contact with higher forces, to develop the ability to clairvoyance, predictions, foresight. It is very useful for people with memory problems, hearing loss or suffering from various diseases of the ears, hearing impairment. Opens closed hearing channels for people who are "blocked" from information coming through the organs of hearing. For mudra, you need to press the middle finger with a pad to the base of the thumb, forming a ring. Straighten the rest of the fingers without straining them.

5. Vayu is the wind. This mudra is designed to deal with tremors of the limbs, head, neck spasms and rheumatism. It activates the energy of the wind, which literally "blows out" the disease, purifying the energy and improving the patient's condition. To do this, we press the index fingers with the pads to the base of the thumbs in the form of a ring, the rest of the fingers are straightened in a relaxed state. With your thumbs from below, slightly support the pads of the index fingers, resting on their base.

6. Linga - rise. Purpose - treatment of throat diseases, colds, coughs, pneumonia, rhinitis and sinusitis. It helps people suffering from meteorological problems well, treats impotence and coldness. If you follow a special diet, it promotes fast and safe weight loss. Both hands are joined together, the fingers are intertwined, the thumb should be set aside and surrounded by a ring from the second thumb of the other hand.

7. Apan Vayu is life-saving. With a heart attack, pain in the heart, tachycardia and even developing myocardial infarction, the timely execution of this mudra on both hands can stop the disease and even save life. Press the pad of the index finger to the joint of the last phalanx of the thumb, and connect the thumb and middle finger with a ring. Run on both hands at the same time.

8. - life. A very important gesture that activates the energy of the whole organism, accelerates the flow of all energy flows, increases tone, gives a cheerful, cheerful state, stimulates endurance. Relieves weakness, visual impairments, treats eye diseases and gives activity and efficiency. It acts not only on the physical plane, but also on the energetic and psychological level, increasing self-esteem, giving courage and bravery, and helping in new endeavors. For mudra, they connect the ring and thumb, little finger with the pads, and the rest are straightened without tension.

9. Prithvi is the earth. It is indicated for people with a weak mental constitution, prone to hysteria, psychosis and neuroses. It helps to protect yourself from negative external influences, to feel confident in your abilities, stimulates a positive attitude and a qualitatively new assessment of your capabilities and abilities. Resumes the loss of energy at its significant cost due to stress and nervous strain. In addition, the mudra of the earth improves the sense of smell, improves balance, stimulates the growth and strengthening of hair, helps to maintain good skin quality, and strengthens the bone structure of the skeleton. Connect the tips of the thumb and middle finger into a ring, straighten the rest.

10. Varuna - water. Since a person is almost entirely composed of water, this mudra is extremely useful for all people, especially those who are prone to water imbalance. Edema, accumulation of fluid and mucus in the lungs, intestines, liver and kidney disease can be healed with regular use of this gesture. To do this, press the little finger pad of the right hand to the base of the thumb, then press the little finger with it from above. Then we put the right hand into the left hand so that the thumb of the left hand lies on the right, crossing with it.

Since there are so many such movements, it is not possible to list all of them. There are many guidelines for using this ancient technique to achieve your own goals, including those not related to treatment and recovery. Mudras can be used to achieve the desired, since they harmonize the inner energies of a person and help him, at the subconscious level, find the optimal solution to the issue. There is no mysticism here, only the activation of the body's own forces with the help of finger movements, stimulating contact with the eternal and all-embracing universal mind. Correct practice can greatly help a person by strengthening his body and developing his spirit.

Like yoga for the body, exercises for the fingers require a special state, meditation, deep immersion in your consciousness. You need to control your breathing, the recitation of mantras is encouraged. You can do it in any room, but solitude, silence or light quiet music, the sound of dripping water and the rustle of leaves, the splash of waves are especially conducive to a meditative detached mood. Fully immersed in a relaxed state, it is easier to comprehend the deeper meaning of this ancient practice.

Each couple shows their feelings in public in different ways. According to psychotherapists and sex experts, joint gestures can tell a lot about a relationship between two people.

1. Woven hands.

If the lovers hold hands, then this indicates that they are together against the whole world. There is a real union between partners. The intertwined arms symbolize the traditional relationship and deep inner affection of lovers.

2. Hands at the waist.

People hugging each other around the waist are very sensual and loving. However, with this gesture, your partner also sometimes wants to show that you belong to him.

3. Holding hands.

At first glance, holding hands may seem childish. But it also shows affection, close connection and understanding between partners. Some scientists say that holding hands is quite the opposite - it indicates a lack of passion and emotional connection between partners.

4. Interlacing of fingers.

This gesture signals a relationship that is full of determination and passion. The interlacing of the fingers proves the seriousness of the intentions of the partners.

5. Eye contact.

Eye to eye gaze allows partners to get information about each other without words. Couples who have been together for a long time recreate the feeling of falling in love by looking into each other's eyes.

6. Kisses.

The carelessness of kissing in public proves deep affection. Lovers are not ashamed of each other and show the whole world that they love each other.

7. Touching the knees.

Intimate touch on the knee, ear, or shoulder shows that partners trust each other. When talking, they testify that lovers know how to listen and listen to their soulmates.

8. Stroking the back.

This gesture gives a sign to the partner about the desire for intimacy. A more gentle back stroke is a symbol of comfort, and a stronger one is a symbol of the desire to control another person.

9. Stroking the neck.

Such touching triggers a relaxation response. When a lover realizes that his significant other has experienced stress, he uses a soothing touch. Couples using this gesture are in harmony with each other's emotions. Such people are able to help and comfort each other.

10. Hugs from behind.

This gesture is an unexpected expression of love. He is unique and always makes you smile and gives you comfort.

11. Playing with your fingers.

By playing with your partner's fingers or hands and talking to others, you make it clear that you are not hiding or ignoring them.

12. Lack of joint gestures.

Some couples think that the lack of joint gestures indicates a lack of intimacy and affection. This is not entirely true. Certain people feel good enough in their relationships that they don't need to flaunt their feelings. The lack of gestures does not mean that the couple has lost the spark, they are more secretive and conservative.

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