Top secrets on how to properly perform a kegel exercise for men. Kegel exercise for women: recommendations on how to perform with photos and videos

The pelvic floor refers to all the anatomical structures located at the bottom of the abdominal cavity. It consists of three layers of muscles: external, middle and internal. They form circular connections (sphincters) of the anus, the entrance to the vagina and the urethra. In men, they are found around the pubic bone and prostate. Muscle function pelvic floor- retention of organs correct position, an obstacle to descent. The general well-being of a person, the health of the genitourinary system and rectum, and the labor activity of a woman depend on the state of all three layers of muscles.

Arnold Kegel, an American gynecologist, developed a course of exercises in the mid-20th century to maintain the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles.

Initially, Kegel gymnastics was aimed exclusively at women. It helps the development of the muscles of the perineum, in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and rectum. It also supports the regulation of sexual functions.

Attenuation problems pelvic muscles familiar not only to women. Kegel exercises will also be useful for men, especially those who want to prevent impotence. Such gymnastics strengthens the muscles and makes them elastic.

  1. Some types of urinary incontinence in women and men (stress, drip, functional, partially mixed and total).
  2. Diseases of the rectum and fecal incontinence, prevention and improvement of hemorrhoids.
  3. Prevention of prolapse of the pelvic organs and treatment of prolapse (including the bladder and uterus).
  4. Prevention of erectile dysfunction and recurrent erection problems.
  5. Women planning a pregnancy (for successful delivery).
  6. Pregnant women (muscle relaxation is needed to relieve attempts).
  7. Restoration of elasticity, firmness, strength of muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor after childbirth.
  8. Prevention of occurrence inflammatory diseases sexual sphere.
  9. Support sexual activity, health and improve the quality of sex.
  10. Delaying the action of aging.

Differential diagnosis of various forms of urinary incontinence

Symptomshyperactive bladder stress incontinencemixed incontinence
Imperativity (strong sudden urge to urinate)+ - +
Number of urges to urinate (>8 times in 24 hours)+ - +
Urine output during physical activity (coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting weights)- + +
The amount of urine produced for each episode of incontinenceLarge (in case of non-hold)Smallvariable
The ability to "run" to the toilet after the urge to urinateOften notYesVariable
Nighttime awakening to urinateUsuallySeldomMaybe

Women's technique of performing Kegel gymnastics

The principles of exercise are muscle contraction, muscle contraction and muscle pushing.

1. Stop

An exercise for beginners to help determine exactly where the muscles are. When urinating, you should stop and start urine several times (at least four) without using your hips and lower press. It is necessary to completely block the jet, avoiding leakage and dripping.

Involves the muscles responsible for the cessation of urination. Breathing is even.

Option 1. The muscles are compressed as much as possible and held in this position for 5 to 20 seconds (as long as there is enough patience). Repeat 10 times.

Option 2. Muscles contract and hold for three counts, relax. Repeat 10-20 times.

Option 3. Muscles are compressed for 5 seconds and unclenched. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Compression / decompression 5 seconds. Rest 5 seconds. Repeat 9 times. Compression for 30 seconds, then 30 seconds of relaxation. Repeat 2-3 times. At the end, repeat the first step of the exercise.

Refers to slow muscle contractions. Squeeze the outer muscles and fix for 3 seconds. Then squeeze the muscles harder to achieve an average level. Count to three and squeeze the muscles as much as possible to engage the last (inner) layer.

Upon reaching the "top floor" (maximum degree of compression), you should keep the muscles clamped for about 3-5 seconds. Then gradually, in reverse order all layers of the muscles relax. The last step is the complete relaxation of all muscles.

This exercise is most effective for the muscles of the vagina, which form "floors" in the form of a ring.

Rapid muscle contraction/relaxation. Breathing should be monophonic and constant: INHALE - compression, EXHALE - relaxation (or vice versa). You need to perform the exercise with maximum speed.

5. Flashing

Alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the vagina and anus. The muscles of the vagina contract, delay from 2 to 5 seconds, relax. Then the contraction of the muscles of the anus, a delay of 2-5 seconds and relaxation. Repeat 10-15 complete flashing cycles. Breathing: EXHALE, breath holding, muscle contraction, INHALE, relaxation, EXHALE.

The muscles with which a person pushes are involved. In a sitting position, with medium effort, you need to push (as well as during a bowel movement or during attempts in childbirth). Delay with muscle tension - as long as possible. Repeat 10 times.

1. Volitional stop

The exercise is aimed at finding lower muscles abdominal cavity, which are then worked out. It is difficult to feel them, because they are almost atrophied. During urination, stop and start the stream again without resorting to the legs and the press. At the same time, the pelvic floor muscle will tense at a distance between the scrotum and anus. Breathing: INHALE - contraction, EXHAUST - relaxation. Repeat exercises for beginners from 10 to 15 times. It is necessary to block the jet sharply, avoiding leakage and drops.

2. Compression

Slow muscle contraction, delay for 10-15 seconds, relaxation. Repeat 15 times.

Squeeze the muscle with little effort, hold for 10 seconds. Then contraction with medium effort and hold for 10 seconds. The last "floor" is the third. Compression with maximum effort, maximum possible delay.

With subsequent sessions, the number of "floors" and the duration of the delay gradually increase. Such an activity expands and increases the controllability of the muscle.

With the maximum possible force, squeeze the muscle and hold for as long as the body can withstand. Repeat 10 times. Muscle strength increases.

5. Vibration

Quickly compress and relax the muscle, getting the effect of its vibration. Execution time from 30 to 60 seconds. Subsequently, a few seconds are added.

Exercise Features

A set of exercises must be repeated at least three times a day (morning-afternoon-evening). The best result will be when doing repetitions up to five times a day, every day.

The practicality of Kegel gymnastics is to perform anywhere, in any position and unnoticed by others. You can do compressions and contractions in public transport, at work, in front of the TV, in the car, lying on the couch or before going to bed. Starting positions: standing, sitting or lying down. Exercise can be done before coughing, sneezing, and standing up to prevent drip incontinence.

Beginners should not exceed the recommended number of repetitions, because this will not give a greater result, but may cause muscle fatigue and aggravate existing problems. First, when doing gymnastics, you can get a workout of the pelvic floor muscles along with the surrounding muscles (abs, hips). Correct execution largely depends on the time and frequency of classes. Retracting the abdomen and holding the breath, followed by a slowing down of the IN-EXhalation rhythm, pushing the muscles down with the lower abdomen, instead of pushing them out with the pelvic muscles. When the body gets used to and understands which particular muscle needs to be strained, then the exercises will turn out better.

Breathing should be even, not confused. It is necessary to press the tip of the tongue to the upper palate (for the redistribution of energy so that headaches do not appear). Proper breathing provides half the success of these exercises. Breathing in through the nose, EXHALE through the mouth (slowly, lips folded into a tube) helps not to go astray.

After mastering all the exercises with the recommended number of repetitions to the proper extent, you need to add 5 pieces to each approach. The delay time is also increased by 3-5 seconds. The number of repetitions for a moderate workout is 30 pieces, for a complex workout of advanced and strengthened muscles - 50 pieces. Gradually increasing the number of repetitions, to the advanced level of performing Kegel exercises, a person does up to 150 repetitions of one circle or up to 300 compressions every day.

Verification of correct execution

It is possible to check whether the gymnastics of the pelvic floor muscles is performed correctly only after a month of regular classes, because they are not pronounced. If the muscles are almost atrophied, then the process of the appearance of training results is doubled.

Muscle strength is tested only with a specially designed device (perineum meter), which is inserted into the vagina in women and into the rectum in men. Feedback allows you to see on the monitor how active the pelvic floor muscles are. For regular exercise and to maintain a high degree of motivation, Arthur Kegel insists on constantly measuring the strength of the device.

Video - About Kegel exercise machines

The absence of even the smallest result within three or four months indicates an erroneous determination of the pelvic floor muscles by a person or an incorrect performance of gymnastics. If such a problem arises, do not be ashamed of your inexperience and try to find a solution to the problem on the Internet or on medical sites. You should contact a gynecologist or urologist for an internal consultation. The doctor will help to correctly determine the location of the muscle and give personalized recommendations on the performance of Kegel exercises for your body type and muscle fitness.

Gymnastics results

More than half of the people who perform pelvic floor exercises note a positive trend in the treatment of diseases of the abdominal organs and the genitourinary system. In 70-80% of patients, drip urinary incontinence decreases and disappears, because bladder support is enhanced.

The effect of gymnastics is manifested from a month to three or four (in cases where the muscle has practically atrophied). Classes should be held every day, not interrupted for a day, because. irregular execution can spoil all the efforts made.

In addition to enhancing the positive dynamics in the treatment of fecal and urinary incontinence, such gymnastics has a good effect on moral and sexual health. Knowing that every day he takes a small step towards controlling his sexual flows, a person becomes more confident in himself, learns to get new sensations from sex and looks for new ways to give pleasure to a partner using the muscles being worked out.

In men, the inclination of the penis decreases, controllability increases. In women, they become stronger and more elastic circular muscles vagina, which allows you to control the intimate process.

Kegel exercises are shown not only to treat existing diseases, but also to prevent their occurrence. Preventive exercises are no different from therapeutic gymnastics and activities to manage sexual energy. The number of repetitions and the delay time are the same.

Exercise can be performed at all stages of pregnancy. This will not only not interfere with gestation, but will also help to give birth to a child quickly, painlessly and without breaks. Women who have practiced daily Kegel exercises during pregnancy report rapid recovery in the postpartum period.

Video - Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence and organ prolapse problems. Gynecologist's consultation

Video - Kegel Exercises

Greetings ladies and gentlemen! Do you know that according to statistics 15% married couples dissolve their marriage because of bed relations, or rather, dissatisfaction in the marriage bed. Besides, 45% women are not satisfied with their intimate relationships and the subject that provides them. Today we will work on this unusual topic for the project and figure out how Kegel exercises can help us (both men and women) in amorous affairs.

So, intrigued? Okay, then let's get started.

Kegel exercise: what, why and why

To begin with, I would like to warn that an article marked 18+ , therefore, remove children from the screens or, if you yourself have not yet reached this mark, then postpone reading the note until the age of majority, come when you mature :). On the other hand, if you really want and prick, then you can, because you won’t hear anything beyond the forbidden. And given the early maturation of young people, the proposed information will seem to many just childish babble.

In modern society, it so happened that when a face-to-face conversation turns on intimate issues, we blush, we become uncomfortable, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. At the same time, they say such vulgar things over the black box and show pictures of such content that one becomes ashamed of just turning it on. Here is such a paradox. However, awareness of love affairs the thing is necessary, archival, and it is expensive. Therefore, it is highly desirable to be well-versed in intimate matters. Those. know the ways and methods by which you can strengthen your male / female health. We will talk about one of these methods, which is associated with physical activity and is called the Kegel exercise.

Before moving on to the essence of the story, I want to warn the young ladies that many male chips will be fired in this note. Guys - I'm sorry that I'm renting our brother :).


For better assimilation of the material, all further material will be divided into subchapters.

Actually, it started...

It can be said for sure that all representatives of males are polygamous by nature. This means that even though they have a beautiful wife, they (us) are still drawn to the left. Moreover, this “pulls” can manifest itself in different ways: for someone it’s easy enough to flirt with a girl - to achieve her location, for someone (and most of them) necessarily need a physiological discharge or satisfaction of their deep male needs. I think the ladies are familiar with this saying: sailed and quit, so this is from this series.

Also, so that the readers of the project do not build castles in the air, I will say that any man is not against going over to the side of the enemy for a while, or, as I call it, to the camp of a competing company. It's just that someone allows himself this, but someone wants to, but he controls himself and does not allow it. The reason for such castling is banal. A man is a conqueror and earner, he is also a terrible owner. If he understands that the girl has already become his, and he receives / receives love joys from her, then the focus begins to shift towards the search for other “victims”, new sensations. And this is not necessarily intimacy with another woman, often it's just a light hobby and flirting.

He needs to prove to himself (and the woman who is currently next to him) that he is a hoo-hoo male and many “want” him. And most importantly, he can provide these Wishlist.

In this regard, it is important for him that his male device works properly, i.e. so that the torpedo is always in a state of combat readiness. In this case, he can count on a “walk to the left”, and his shares will be listed on this market for a long time. Also, intimate life with a beloved woman depends on the quality of the device, because there is Indian wisdom that goes something like this: if a man is able to please a woman, then he does not need any flowers and courtship.

I will share with the ladies another feature, which is called the flashing process. It consists of the following...

It does not matter whether you are walking hand in hand with your beloved husband, young man, or he is walking alone, when he sees a pretty girl, he immediately thinks of her. In the language of the Bible, this is called sinning not in the body, but in the mind. Those. he immediately imagines in his head various images and pictures that his companion would obviously not like. How to deal with this girl?

Good question. First, it is necessary to understand that such “kobelizm” has a place to be. Secondly, you need to take this calmly, and thirdly, monitor your own “facade”, the degree of pumping in bedding and women's health.

About the latter, namely about male and female sexual health and improving amorous relationships with the help of exercise, we'll just talk further.

What is Kegel exercise

As you noticed from the title of the article, today we will talk about Kegel exercises for men and for women. And that's why…

Lifting weights and working out in the gym/fitness rooms makes you stronger and more self-confident, it helps to strengthen the muscles. Kegel exercises also help strengthen muscles, only the latter you cannot see and demonstrate. However, they are, and the quality of intimate life depends on the degree of their pumping. And since everything should be harmoniously developed in a person, then it was decided to highlight the topic “below the belt”.

So in 1940 Arnold Schwarzenegger Kegel, an obstetrician-gynecologist in California, developed an exercise of the same name to help women manage urinary incontinence after childbirth. Further research and application by Kegel of his exercise on men and women revealed its more advanced capabilities.

Target muscles are the pelvic floor muscles (pubococcygeal). The PC love muscles are found in both sexes and provide support for the pelvic organs.

Age and weakening of PC muscles

As we age, the pelvic floor muscles weaken and stretch. As a result of which (including) the former valiant agility in bed is lost. Also, how can you strengthen the muscles of your arms or legs by doing special exercises, so you can strengthen the muscles of love. During daily life, they are little used, so it is necessary to make targeted efforts to strengthen them.

How to find the muscles of love?

To know what to train, you must first determine the target muscle. To find the pubococcygeal muscle, it is necessary in the restroom, during urination, to try to hold the jet. The muscle that allows this to be done will be needed. The ease and speed with which you can complete your plan will be the current indicator of the strength of the PC muscle. A sure sign of finding the PC muscle in men is the raising of the testicles during the stop of urination. Also, this muscle restrains a person from gas formation, which can suddenly appear in a noisy company.

A woman can also find her love muscles if she places a clean finger inside her vagina and tries to tighten the muscles around the finger.

What are the benefits of doing Kegel exercises?

This exercise is from the category of “small spool, but expensive”. Despite all its simplicity, it carries a bunch of benefits to improve the quality of an intimate (and not only) human life. Performing it on an ongoing basis, you will receive the following benefits:

  • restoration of urinary control;
  • avoid uterine prolapse and bladder displacement;
  • help with incontinence;
  • erection improvement;

Performing Kegel exercises on an ongoing basis helps to achieve the pumping effect, i.e. more blood flow to the penis. This has a positive effect on improving the quality (force, degree, angle) erections.

  • improvement in the strength of ejaculation;

In addition to a larger magazine volume, the “range” of shooting is also improved :).

  • ejaculation delay - longer maintenance of the combat state;
  • increased sexual desire (libido);
  • better prostate health;
  • orgasm improvement;

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can lead (both sexes) to more powerful and deeper orgasms. This is primarily due to improved blood flow to the pelvic area and increased sensitivity in the genital area.

  • multiple orgasms;

A woman in the process of sexual intercourse with one partner can experience several orgasms at once.

Kegel exercise and the physiology of male erection

This subchapter will be extremely useful for the male audience of the ABC of Bodybuilding project.

Any man should be able to competently use the tool entrusted to him. After all, this directly affects the degree of satisfaction of his partner. In addition, he must be enlightened in various intimate matters so that his missus receives the maximum possible pleasure. Therefore, it is extremely important, at least in general terms, to have an idea about the principles of the work of your wand of love, in particular, about the mechanism of erection.

The latter clearly demonstrates the following image.

Performing the Kegel exercise (and others like it), your love stick will not become longer, but some of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics will improve. That's what it's all about.

Kegel exercises in practice .: how to do it right

I must say that the main idea of ​​this Kegel exercise is to work with two positions: start and stop. In other words, you must first relax, then tighten. (hold state) and relax again.

So, classical technique and the sequence of actions is as follows.

Determine (correct identification) their pelvic floor muscles.

Empty your bladder and lie on your back. Straining the PC muscles, carry out their contraction (hold in squeeze position) during 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds. Complete 10 repetitions by 10 seconds of relaxation between contractions.

Work only with the pelvic floor muscles and do not use the abdominal muscles of the thighs or buttocks. Total Complete 10 repetitions in 3 approaches and 3 circles.

Tangible results in the quality of your intimate life can begin to be assessed after 4-6 weeks.

There are plenty of places and ways to perform this simple movement, for example:

  • in the toilet during the very process of realizing a small need;
  • standing at a bus stop while waiting for public transport;
  • sitting in a car in a traffic jam;
  • sitting on a chair in front of a PC;
  • at night / in the morning lying in bed.

A more advanced option at home is to contract the PC muscles and lift the pelvis up.


Don't get in the habit of using Kegel exercises while emptying your bladder, it can actually weaken your muscles and increase your risk of urinary tract infection.

How to use the Kegel exercise correctly

The main reason for the rapid climax (premature ejaculation) men in the process of making love is the inability to relax the right muscles and the use of Kegel exercises (who knows about it) constantly during intercourse. In other words, during the process itself, it is necessary to keep the pelvic floor muscles relaxed and use the Kegel exercise just before the onset of ejaculation. Those. no need to strain the PC muscles ahead of time, have fun, but when you “reach the handle”, then by squeezing the PC muscles, you can delay the onset of the climax.

Actually, I have everything, it remains to take stock and wave to each other with a pen.


Well, our amorous article has come to an end, in it we figured out how to strengthen the muscles of love with the help of Kegel exercises. I am sure that now your bed business will go uphill, and you will have much less time to follow the news of the ABC Bodybuilding project :).

That's all, give your woman or man truly sweet minutes, hours of pleasure and enjoyment!

PS. Do not forget to unsubscribe about the results in the comments, I'm waiting!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Many girls know that there is a Kegel exercise for women that helps keep intimate muscles in good shape. However, few people know how to properly perform the whole complex of such gymnastics. Instructions with photos and diagrams, as well as videos will help you learn how to train on your own and maintain your health in excellent condition.

Indications for implementation: who will benefit from Kegel training

As a preventive measure, a gymnastics complex to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor doctors recommend doing it to every girl, regardless of whether she is pregnant.

However, for ladies planning the birth of a child, training will be shown doubly. By increasing the tone and elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles, the expectant mother will facilitate the process of childbirth both for herself and for the child, and will be able to prevent the likelihood of perineal muscle ruptures, which are very painful in postpartum period.

Therapeutic indications for the implementation of the Kegel system are the following conditions:

  • prolapse of the walls of the vagina;
  • urinary incontinence, including after childbirth;
  • weakening of the pelvic floor muscles after childbirth.

Exercise during pregnancy and after childbirth

Kegel exercises for women at home can be useful both during pregnancy and after childbirth, helping to survive this important, but painful event as prepared and relaxed as possible.

Gymnastics is performed lying on the mat - this is the main position at the beginning of training. In the future, having learned the correct technique, basic exercises muscle contraction and relaxation can be performed in Everyday life without being distracted from reading a book or watching TV.

With regular performance of Kegel exercises for women at home, they will help:

  • tone the muscles of the perineum both before and after childbirth;
  • restore the uterus to a prenatal state;
  • restore elasticity to tissues that have experienced severe stretching during childbirth.

Kegel exercise for women how to perform with a photo or video instruction will be much easier to figure out:

Before doing gymnastics, you must definitely check with your doctor whether it is possible to start doing exercises or whether you need to wait a while, giving the body the opportunity to recover from stress.

In addition, the gynecologist can advise on how best to start the complex and where to start doing Kegel exercises for women. At home, do not forget about video lessons.

Urinary incontinence complex

Kegel exercises for women at home with urinary incontinence can be a very productive method to get rid of this unpleasant condition. Subject to development correct technique gymnastics can be avoided surgical intervention and severe consequences of conservative treatment, independently maintaining muscles in good shape.

Regardless of the type of incontinence and the reasons why it may be caused (for example, severe stress), exercising regularly will help you forget about such problems. In the absence of contraindications, they can be performed by both pregnant women suffering from bedwetting, and all other girls with similar disorders.

It is important to remember that you can not start the complex in case of such contraindications as:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • oncological diseases;
  • vascular problems in the lower half of the body.

To understand how effective Kegel exercises are for women at home, especially with urinary incontinence, you can watch a video with detailed instructions for doing it:

Also, the Kegel exercise for women how to perform with photos or pictures can be understood very quickly:

How to learn to train yourself

If something doesn’t work out, you need to remember that a qualified gynecologist or urologist will be able to suggest how to properly master the complex and advise on the technique of performing training.

Part 1

Preparing for Kegel Exercises

    Feel the muscles in your vagina as you stop urinating. Before you start doing Kegel exercises, it is important to understand where the pelvic muscles are located. These are the muscles that form the floor of your pelvis. The most common way to find these muscles is to stop urinating in the process. Squeezing is the main movement in the process of Kegel exercises. Then release these muscles and resume urination, and you will better understand where these muscles are. if you have medical contraindications, be sure to go to the doctor before you start doing Kegel exercises.

    • Do not stop urinating as daily exercise Kegel. In fact, if you do Kegel exercises while urinating, you can achieve the opposite effect - weakening the muscles.
  1. If you still can't find your pelvic floor muscles, insert your finger into your vagina and squeeze the muscles. You should feel the contraction of the muscles and the lifting of the pelvic floor. Relax and you will feel your pelvic floor descend. Before inserting a finger into the vagina, make sure it is clean.

    • If you are sexy active woman, you can ask your partner if he feels like you "cover" and release his penis during sex.
  2. Use a small mirror to find your pelvic floor muscles. If you still can't find these muscles, place a small speculum near your perineum (the area covered by skin between your vagina and anus). Practice squeezing and releasing what you think are the pelvic floor muscles. If you do it right, you will feel the contraction of the perineum as the muscles contract.

    Empty your bladder before beginning Kegel exercises. It is important. Do not do Kegel exercises with full or partial full bladder otherwise you may feel pain when exercising and a little urination. Before starting the exercises, check the condition of the bladder to make the exercises as efficient as possible.

    Concentrate only on squeezing the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises should only target these muscles, so avoid squeezing other muscles, such as the buttocks, thighs, or abdominals. To concentrate and increase the efficiency of movements, make sure that you inhale and exhale with each set of exercises, and do not hold your breath. This will help you relax and achieve best results in these exercises.

    • Place one hand on your stomach and make sure it is relaxed. This is one way to keep the muscles relaxed.
    • If you feel a slight pain in your stomach or back at the end of the exercises, this is a sign that you did not exercise correctly.
  3. Take a comfortable position. These exercises can be done while sitting on a chair or lying on the floor. Make sure that the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen are relaxed. If you prefer to do the exercises lying down, then lie flat on your back, stretch your arms along the body, tighten and bring your knees together. Keep your head down to avoid neck pain.

    Move on to contracting your pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds at a time. You can increase the duration of muscle contraction every week. There is no need to do this longer or do more than one set at a time. When you reach 10 seconds, stick to that time and continue doing one set of 10 reps of 10-second exercises 3-4 times a day.

    Pull in your pelvic floor muscles. This is another variation of Kegel exercises. To draw in the muscles, imagine that the pelvic floor muscles are a vacuum. Tighten your glute muscles and push your legs up and in. Stay in this position for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times in a row. Everything should take you about 50 seconds.

Part 3

We get the result

    Do Kegel exercises at least 3-4 times a day. If you want results, you should include them in your routine. 3-4 times a day is not a lot, since each set of Kegel exercises does not take much time, and you can find the opportunity to include Kegel exercises in your routine. You can do them in the morning, afternoon, and evening, so do them like clockwork and don't worry about when to do the exercises.

    Incorporate Kegel exercises into your busy schedule. The best thing about Kegel exercises is that you can do them without anyone knowing about it. You can make them at the office table, having lunch with friends or relaxing on the couch after a busy day. However, lying down and focusing on isolating the pelvic floor muscles is very important for beginners, and once you understand the process, you can do the exercises anywhere and anytime.

    • You can even get in the habit of doing them during your business hours, like checking your email.
    • When you see the first results of your exercises, you can do them more often. If you overdo it, you may experience pain when urinating or move the intestines.
    • Remember that stopping urination is good way find the pelvic floor muscles, but you should not do Kegel exercises while urinating too often, otherwise you may have problems associated with incontinence.
  1. Results can be expected after a few months of regular Kegel exercises. For some women, the results are stunning; for others, they help avoid problems with urination. Some women may become frustrated because after a few weeks of regular exercise, they don't feel a difference. Do them long enough to feel the changes in your body. According to the National Institutes of Health (USA), you will be able to feel the result after 4-6 weeks.

  2. Get help if you feel like you're doing your Kegel exercises wrong. Your doctor will help you find the right muscles so you can exercise. If you feel like you've been doing Kegel exercises for quite some time, like several months, and you're not seeing results, you should seek medical help. Here's what your doctor can help you with:

    • If necessary, the doctor can use bioelectronic feedback. This means that a monitoring device will be placed inside your vagina and there will be electrodes outside. The monitor will be able to show how successfully you are contracting your pelvic floor muscles, and how long this contraction lasts.
    • The doctor may also use electrical stimulation to locate the pelvic floor muscles. During this process, a small electrical voltage will be applied to these muscles. The current will automatically contract the muscles. After using this method, you will be able to achieve the same effect yourself.
    • You can do slow and quick exercises Kegel at any time, and no one will guess what you are doing. Some women find it easier to incorporate these exercises into their routine while they are driving, reading, watching TV, talking on the phone, or sitting at the computer.
    • Try to eat healthy food.
    • Pregnant women can do Kegel exercises.
    • Imagine that the lungs are in the pelvis, relax the perineum on the inhale and strain on the exhale.
    • Certain yoga exercises have the same effect as Kegel exercises. If you find it difficult to perform Kegel exercises regularly, you can take a break for a while and do yoga.


    • Always empty your bladder before doing Kegel exercises. Doing these exercises with a full bladder will weaken your pelvic floor muscles and increase your risk of getting a urinary tract infection.
    • Don't Do Kegel Exercises in the Toilet, Unless It's Just for Discovery the right muscles initially. The result of interruption of the act of urination can be an infection of the genitourinary system.

When the famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed a unique set of exercises to strengthen the female intimate muscles, he did not think that his technique would become so popular. Now it is known in almost all corners of the globe. And there is a perfectly logical explanation for this. The technique for performing Kegel exercises is simple and straightforward, and you can do them at home. In addition, the technique gives visible result, which is tested and approved by women around the world.

On a note! The exercises that gained wide popularity were developed by Arnold Kegel in 1952.

What are Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises for women physical exercise on the muscles of the pelvis, aimed at strengthening them. The main task is to help the pelvic muscles hold internal organs in natural position. As you know, with age, their elasticity and tone decrease. Kegel exercises help bring them back to their previous state. It is based on the technique of compression and extrusion.

On a note! Problems with intimate and pelvic muscles in women occur not only with age, but also after childbirth, and may also be the result of certain diseases.

Kegel exercises help women restore the tone of the muscles of the vagina, which has a positive effect on intimate life. Thanks to this, the hormonal background is restored and sexual desire increases. Kegel exercises for women at home are also the prevention of aging.


Indications for performing Kegel exercises are:

  • treatment and prevention of urinary incontinence;
  • diseases localized in the rectum;
  • prolapse of the uterus;
  • weakness of the pelvic and intimate muscles after childbirth;
  • lack of orgasm during intercourse;
  • recovery after operations performed on the pelvic organs;
  • prevention of uterine prolapse, which is often observed in older women.

If you perform Kegel exercises regularly, you can achieve the desired result.

On a note! First of all, you need to understand exactly where the muscles that require Kegel training are located. It is very easy to do this. It is enough to strain, as if stopping the process of urination. Thus, it will be possible to feel the muscles that need loads.

A set of Kegel exercises for women at home

Before starting to perform Kegel exercises, a woman needs to completely empty her bladder and take a comfortable position. It is advisable for beginners to practice in a prone position, but as you acquire skills, you can do gymnastics while sitting or even standing.

The undeniable advantage of such exercises is that Kegel exercises for women can be performed not only at home, but even in transport or in the office, and completely unnoticed by others.

Basic exercises

First you need to master the basic Kegel exercises:

Having mastered such simple exercises you can move on to more complex ones.

For urinary incontinence

Kegel exercises are used for the treatment, as well as for the prevention of urinary incontinence in women. The main ones are the following:

  1. Legs shoulder width apart. The palms are on the buttocks. Tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor, perform compressions followed by relaxation.
  2. Starting position: on all fours. The pelvis is slightly above the shoulders. Tighten the muscles, feeling compression deep into the pelvic floor.
  3. Lying on my stomach. Bend the leg at the knee, alternately perform compression and relaxation of the muscles.
  4. Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Put one hand under the buttocks, place the other on the stomach. Squeeze the muscles of the vagina, helping with your hand, and unclenching them.
  5. Sitting on a chair or floor, legs crossed. Hands rest on the floor, back is straight. Tighten the muscles, as if the buttocks are rising above the surface.
  6. Standing on the floor, bend forward slightly, hands on knees, legs straight, spread apart. Compress and decompress the muscles of the pelvic floor up and inward.

All exercises with descriptions are presented in the photo below.

By doing Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence regularly, you can see improvements in just a few weeks.

For pregnant

Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the perineum, which helps with childbirth. Therefore, they are recommended for women during pregnancy. The most common exercises are:

On a note! When performing Kegel exercises, it is recommended to use small balls.

After childbirth

Kegel exercises after childbirth help women recover by strengthening the pelvic muscles. However, it is important to remember that not everyone can do them. Contraindications relate to exacerbations of diseases of the pelvic organs, too much bleeding, cardiovascular diseases in the acute stage, birth injuries of the perineum and other things. In the case of suturing after childbirth, Kegel exercises are also prohibited.

You should also know exactly how long after giving birth you can perform Kegel exercises. There are the following recommendations in this regard:

  • in case of successful delivery, if there were no gaps and injuries, you can do Kegel exercises 3 days after labor, the load is minimal at first;
  • after childbirth with injuries and ruptures, Kegel exercises can be performed only on day 10 and only after consultation with a gynecologist.

After childbirth, the following Kegel exercises are performed:

  1. During urination, hold the flow of urine for about 15 seconds, then continue urinating again. During one trip to the toilet, such exercises must be done at least 5 times. This will help strengthen the pelvic muscles, as well as learn how to control them. Moreover, it is important to be able to not involve other muscles in the work.
  2. After childbirth, simple basic exercises also help. For example, the usual squeezing and unclenching the pelvic muscles.
  3. Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees and wrap your arms around them. Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles, hold for 5 seconds and release. Perform the exercise 10 times, gradually increasing the load. You can also use special balls to train the muscles of the vagina.
  4. Training the pelvic muscles is possible even when performing normal exercises on inner part hips. Thus, ordinary squats will help. At the same time, it is important to keep your back straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, point your socks in different directions. You need to try to perform the deepest possible squats, lingering at the bottom point for a few seconds.
  5. The next Kegel exercise is recommended to be performed a few days after childbirth. However, it can be difficult at first. According to a well-known gynecologist, the muscles of the vagina consist of several floors. It is necessary to gradually strain each, from the bottom to the top and vice versa. As a result, the exercise was called "Elevator". It is performed lying on your back, bending your knees and placing your hands on your stomach.
  6. This Kegel exercise is similar to the previous one with one exception. The pelvic floor muscles contract in the same way, but not from top to bottom, but from front to back.

The above are not all Kegel exercises that a well-known gynecologist recommends for women to perform after childbirth.

On a note! If, when performing Kegel exercises, a woman feels discomfort and even pain, her health worsens, you should immediately stop exercising and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

To get the desired effect, you must perform each Kegel exercise at least 10 times.


Kegel exercises are not for everyone. There are certain contraindications for this type of gymnastics. These include the following:

  • oncological diseases;
  • the first two days after childbirth;
  • complications that arose during pregnancy and after childbirth - such complications include the opening of the cervix at a relatively early date, low placement of the fetus, increased uterine tone, and so on;
  • before removal of sutures after childbirth by caesarean section;
  • infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.

If there are doubts about the dangers of Kegel exercises for health, a woman should consult a doctor and conduct a comprehensive examination.

Video Tutorials: How to Do Arnold Kegel Exercises for Women at Home

It's no surprise that Kegel exercises have gained such notoriety, as they have so many benefits. They do not require a lot of time and effort to complete. And why not work out if you can do it anywhere - even at home, even at work. Kegel exercises are performed not only to restore the elasticity and firmness of the pelvic muscles. They are recommended to be done even just for prevention, so as not to encounter similar problems in the future.

Video tutorials will help women perform Kegel exercises correctly.
