Everything you need to know about love and dating. Everything you need to know about caring for lemons at home Everything you need to know

Sagittarius thrives on new experiences and is in constant search for higher truth. Piloted by an archer, the centaur is a mythical creature, half man, half horse. This symbolism represents the soul with animal instincts seeking the truth. Passion, curiosity and truth are the main driving force of their nature.

He is an optimist

Sagittarius lives in the understanding that he is surrounded by limitless possibilities and constantly seeks wisdom. This is a bright and independent personality who inspires others to be the best versions myself. Those who enter their environment question their own perspective. Sagittarius refers to the exotic and the undiscovered. They appreciate those who can broaden their horizons. To keep a Sagittarius, you need to accept its complexity, teach, explore, create and have an open mind.

The word "impossible" is not in the dictionary of this individual

The key to understanding their soul is opportunity. They know what it is, but they want you to think about what it could be. Sagittarians are idealistic and open to all experiences that broaden their horizons.

He is cheerful, giving and without malice

Sagittarius is a selfless educator, ready to lend a helping hand if it makes life easier for another person. He is the one who will let you move things to a new apartment, take you to work or look after your animals while you are away. Free of charge. Karma always reciprocates.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, luck and optimism. The stars touch his soul. From the outside it seems that he is always lucky. However, luck is his partner. Passion, intuition, perseverance, truthfulness, hard work and dedication lead Sagittarius to success.

The crisis brings out his best qualities

Most people consider Sagittarius to be irresponsible and reckless, however he can overcome any setback with strength, grace and responsibility.

A seducer who attracts most passions from afar

Passion and adventure subdue the desires of Sagittarius, as well as other fiery signs. You can't get them if you don't intrigue them. Those who fall in love with a Sagittarius are mesmerized by his wit, flirtatious demeanor, enthusiasm, and humor. The hunt won't end until Sagittarius gets what he wants.

Sagittarius opens up when in a romantic relationship

He exudes a special charm when in love. Nothing captivates a Sagittarius more than romance and danger. Independent and free-spirited, Sagittarius is extremely loyal. He is a delightful life companion and will always strive to keep the spark in a relationship.

The one who keeps everything a secret

Sagittarians are always said to be silent. They will never betray or slander you, because Sagittarians are honest, decent and principled people, and their principles are consonant with the honesty of the intentions of others. However, on the other hand, Sagittarius can be harsh and tactless, expressing what he thinks. If you ask him what's on his mind, trust me, you'll get a direct answer.

Sagittarius is very smart

He has no time to cling to the past. In addition, he sensitively captures meanness. Be sincere in your intentions with him. Nothing repels a Sagittarius more than indifference or covert behavior. Don't know what you want? Sagittarius won't wait for you to figure it out. He can't stand being one of the options.

Squats - great way keep legs, hips and buttocks in good shape. Requiring no additional equipment and a lot of space, it becomes a versatile warm-up that can be done anywhere!

But doing 100 classic squats is pretty boring and few people can do it. Another thing - 10 to 10! This complex exercises will take less than 10 minutes, and the result will be noticeable in 1-2 weeks.


Before performing the complex, be sure to do a warm-up: it will help make the muscles more plastic, and the workout more effective. Plus, it will reduce the chance of joint damage.

For better work gluteal muscles squats should be done as deep as possible. In order not to hurt knee joints do not make sudden movements.

The workout works the lower body: legs and buttocks. But keep a close eye on the top as well:

  • tighten your stomach;
  • straighten your back;
  • look straight ahead.

Perform each exercise 10 times with minimal rest breaks.

Additional equipment is not needed. In fact, you don't even need a form. If your clothes do not hinder movement, you can perform this complex anywhere: at home, at work or on vacation.

1. Regular squats

Regular squats improve the condition of all leg muscles.

Get down as low as you can. But make sure your back stays absolutely straight. The angle of the back should be approximately the same as that of the shins. Distribute weight evenly between heel and toes.

2. Plie

Plie helps to make the legs slim and the buttocks more rounded.

Turn your socks to the side. Ideally, you want to form one line of feet, but the angle of turn depends on your flexibility and coordination of movements. Gently lower yourself as deep as possible, feeling the tension. inside hips. Keep your head down and don't look at your feet.

3. Squats and side leg raises

In addition to the muscles of the legs, raising the leg to the side involves the oblique muscles of the abdomen and the lower back.

Raise your leg as high as you can without tilting your torso to the side. Do 10 repetitions, alternating legs.

4. Carousel

Rotation of the pelvis allows you to work deeper on the inner surface of the thigh.

Dropping down to the right foot, rise through the left. Change direction. Go as deep as you would in a regular squat and keep your back straight.

5. Squats and leg raises

Raising the leg from a standing position allows you to additionally work out the back of the thigh, buttocks and abdominal muscles.

Remember to keep your back straight while squatting. Do not lean forward when you take your leg back. Do 10 repetitions, alternating legs.

6. Triple Spring Deep Squat

Regular squat, complicated by swinging at the bottom.

Sitting deep down, move your pelvis up and down with an amplitude of no more than 10 cm. Then smoothly return to initial position. Despite the tension in your legs, try to avoid jerking while lifting.

7. Sumo + kick

Deep squatting, and then lifting and turning the legs in a circle give additional load on the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the inner and back of the thigh.

Raise your leg about 45 degrees. Try not to bend your leg during the lift, and your back during the deep squat.

8. Side Squats

From the starting position (standing), take a step to the side and lower yourself as deep as possible. Try to place your legs as wide as possible.

This will allow you to work out the inner side of the thigh as much as possible and lower muscles buttocks.

9. Ski Squats

The springing motion in the bottom position works deeper on the back of the thigh.

Crouching deeply, make two swings of the pelvis with a small amplitude and return to the starting position. “Pick up” imaginary ski poles but don't jerk.

10. Jump Squats

The final plyometric exercise: deep squat with jumping. Plyometric exercises help to form a harmonious figure and avoid overdeveloped buttocks.

Jumping as high as possible, do the exercise at the highest possible pace. But at the same time, make sure that the squats are deep.

If this is too easy for you:

  • repeat the complex (1-3 times);
  • take a weight (dumbbells, bottle, zucchini or chihuahua).

As the famous saying goes, if you get a lemon, make lemonade out of it. It would be nice if there were fewer such “lemons” in our life ... But growing a lemon tree on our window and making REAL homemade lemonade out of it is a much more pleasant and, most importantly, useful activity. You can find out how to get a full-fledged citrus tree from a stone here, and today I will talk about all the nuances of caring for a lemon at home.

Home Lemon Care: Heat + Light + Persistence

Indoor lemon has a wayward character, which is manifested in its exactingness to the conditions of detention.

In particular, it does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, humidity and reacts painfully to drafts. A moderately humid and warm microclimate and abundant lighting are essential for the well-being of your green pet.

Just don't put the pot in direct natural light, as the lemon doesn't like to roast in the sun either. For example, you can put the plant on the southern or southwestern windowsill and shade it with a tulle curtain or gauze.

Interesting fact- Lemon does not like to be near strong-smelling house flowers, so do not put lilies or rhododendrons next to it.

Autumn, winter and in early spring homemade lemon requires additional lighting with (at least 40 watts). On average, a lamp is enough to turn on the lamps for 3-4 hours a day (2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening). However, keep in mind that a lemon plant needs at least 8 hours of sunlight or artificial lighting in winter and from 10 to 14 hours at other times of the year.

Lamps are installed at the rate of 2-3 pieces per square meter. At the same time, they should be located at least 40-50 centimeters above the level of the highest branch.

Regular and sufficient watering

Homemade lemon loves to swim!

Waterlogging adversely affects the development of a citrus plant, so moderation is important when watering. In the heat, the soil in pots is moistened 3 times a week, on ordinary days the frequency of watering is reduced to one or two times.

How do you know when it's time to water a lemon?

There is a simple test - take a pinch of soil from a pot with three fingers and squeeze. If it sticks together, then you don’t need to water it, if it falls apart, it’s time to go for a watering can.

Irrigation water should be warm and settled (filtered). The ideal option is melt water, which is obtained from pure snow or after ice has melted. No less good is rain or spring water. Three or four times a month, you can add drunk tea to the water for watering.

Avoid stagnant water in the container - the containers used must have drainage holes.

A couple of times a month, loosen the top layer of soil in a pot (just try not to damage the roots!). It will be easier for oxygen to reach the roots and the lemon will grow better.

A native of the tropics, lemon loves to take a shower Spray the plant regularly with a spray bottle and wipe the leaves with a soft, damp cloth. In general, I advise you to turn such water procedures into a weekly ritual.

If your lemon stands next to the central heating battery, then to eliminate dry air, I recommend turning on an electric humidifier in the room (an ordinary bowl of water can also serve as a replacement for it).

We make a menu for homemade lemon

The phase of active growth in a room lemon falls on the period from February to September. At this time, it is useful to treat the tropical guest with organic and mineral supplements (it is better to alternate them). Fertilizer irrigation is carried out every 10-14 days, not more often.

When caring for lemon at home, I advise you to turn Special attention for special fertilizers for citrus plants, which, in addition to the main nutrients, also include zinc, boron and manganese. To minimize the risk of burning the roots, fertilizer mixtures are served exclusively in liquid form and use reduced concentrations (no more than 1-2 grams per liter of water).

In addition, do not forget the most important principle of feeding any home and garden plant - it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

Please note that after transplantation (which will be discussed later), the lemon can not be fed for 2-3 months - at this time the plant is enough nutrients contained in the soil mixture.

When and how to transplant a homemade lemon

With good care, the lemon tree “rushes” literally before our eyes. Up to 10 years, the lemon is transplanted once a year, then the plant is transferred to a larger pot every 2-3 years.

To do this, choose a container 5-7 centimeters wider and deeper than the previous one. Since the roots of citrus plants need a lot of oxygen, it is better to choose containers made of breathable materials, such as clay or wood, for transplanting.

The optimal time for transplanting a lemon is June; in the cold season, this operation is carried out in February.

When compiling a mixture for transplanting a lemon, the age of the plant should be taken into account. For young lemons, a light soil mixture is better, and for older plants, it is more dense, with a high content of clay.

Here are some options for potting mixes for indoor lemons different ages:

  1. Plants up to 4 years old: leaf soil, mature manure, high-moor peat, fine river sand (1:2:1:0.5).
  2. Plants from 4 to 10 years old: soddy soil, leafy soil, high-moor peat, lake silt, river sand (2:1:1:1:0.5).
  3. Plants over 10 years old: soddy soil, leafy soil, high-moor peat, lake silt, coarse river sand (3:1:1:2:0.5), ash from straw combustion at the rate of 200 grams per 10-liter bucket of earth.

It is good to enrich any of the mixtures with 100-200 grams of granular superphosphate per 10 liters.

With each transplant, up to 50% of the length of the tap root is removed from the plant. The remaining roots are also shortened by 1.5 -2 centimeters and immersed in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 5 minutes. For disinfection, you can also powder the cuts with wood ash.

Rules for seasonal lemon care at home


For lemon, spring comes in early February. From now on, start slowly feeding your green friend. In addition, at the end of winter it is good to do grafting work.

In February and March, lemon plants begin to bloom actively. Indoors, you need to maintain a temperature regime of +16 to +20 degrees.

Shade the plants from the May sun by moving the pots 50-60 centimeters from the window.


In the warm season, follow the regularity of watering and the timely application of fertilizers. If desired, the lemon can be put on Fresh air(but not in direct sun!).

Lemon care in the summer also involves intensive feeding (but, again, no more than once every two weeks).


Gradually prepare the plant for moving indoors: first bring it into the house for one to two hours, then for half a day, and so on.

From mid-autumn, begin to illuminate the plants with fluorescent lamps.


In the winter months, make sure that the lemon is not in the through wind, and also that there is no hypothermia of the earthen clod in the pot. Reduce watering to once a week.

If the lemon blooms in the cold season, do not allow all the buds to open (leave no more than 1 flower for every 15 leaves). Let me remind you that in the first year, all the buds from the plant are cut off, not even allowing them to open.

I also present to your attention an overview video about all the rules for caring for lemon at home.

This article is part of a series on growing lemons at home. The first part, containing detailed instructions for obtaining a lemon seedling from a stone, can be found. And in order not to miss the release of new articles, I advise you to subscribe to blog updates!

Squats are a great way to keep your legs, hips, and butt in good shape. Requiring no additional equipment and a lot of space - it becomes a universal warm-up that can be done anywhere!
But doing 100 classic squats is pretty boring and few people can do it. Another thing - 10 to 10! This set of exercises will take less than 10 minutes, and the result will be noticeable in 1-2 weeks.


Before performing the complex, be sure to do a warm-up: it will help make the muscles more plastic, and the workout more effective. Plus, it will reduce the chance of joint damage.

For a better study of the gluteal muscles, squats should be performed as deep as possible. In order not to damage the knee joints, do not make sudden movements.

The workout works the lower body: legs and buttocks. But keep a close eye on the top as well:

  • tighten your stomach;
  • straighten your back;
  • look straight ahead.

Perform each exercise 10 times with minimal rest breaks. No additional equipment is needed. In fact, you don't even need a form. If your clothes do not hinder movement, you can perform this complex anywhere: at home, at work or on vacation.

1. Regular squats

Regular squats improve the condition of all leg muscles.

Get down as low as you can. But make sure your back stays absolutely straight. The angle of the back should be approximately the same as that of the shins. Distribute weight evenly between heel and toes.

2. Plie

Plie helps to make the legs slim and the buttocks more rounded.

Turn your socks to the side. Ideally, you want to form one line of feet, but the angle of turn depends on your flexibility and coordination of movements. Gently lower yourself as deep as possible, feeling the tension of the inner thigh. Keep your head down and don't look at your feet.

3. Squats and side leg raises

In addition to the muscles of the legs, raising the leg to the side involves the oblique muscles of the abdomen and the lower back.

Raise your leg as high as you can without tilting your torso to the side. Do 10 repetitions, alternating legs.

IN modern world depilation is one of the stages of skin care, as important as manicure and pedicure. After all, every woman wants to have smooth, well-groomed skin without signs of vegetation.

We will talk about all the nuances of female and male depilation, contraindications and home care with Ekaterina Silantieva— practicing master, technologist-teacher for depilation and sugaring of ItalWax and Gloria brands training center Star Beauty Service company.

Is it better to do hair removal in the salon or can you save money and do it at home?

Depilation is an exclusively salon procedure. Firstly, depilation is not only the removal of unwanted hair, but also a multi-stage procedure using special lotions, scrubs, creams and emulsions that cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin. Secondly, for the procedure for removing unwanted hair, the qualification of the master and the availability of sanitary access are extremely important. A professional master knows different techniques of work, has a wide range of depilation products. He will provide an individual approach to each client, create a comfortable and trusting atmosphere, apply his knowledge and skills in working with different types of hair and skin. We are all different, and if you do not have sufficient skills in removing unwanted hair, do not take into account the presence of individual skin reactions, health conditions, this is fraught with serious consequences that will not only disappoint you in the depilation procedure, but also require a long treatment.

IN Lately Lots of home service offerings. And in order to save some, when choosing where to do depilation, they give their preference low prices without thinking about what they save on themselves. It should be remembered that at home it is impossible to create and maintain the sanitary standards that are required for the procedure. Do not skimp on your beauty and health! What should you pay attention to when choosing a salon, a master?

When choosing a salon, I advise you to pay attention to:

  1. Suitability of the room for the procedure. The waxing procedure is considered cosmetic, so the salon must have a specialized beauty parlor.
  2. Qualification of the master, the presence of the master of sanitary access to work. In institutions providing depilation services, personnel are recruited with appropriate education. But masters at home often sin by the fact that they got their skills from courses on YouTube, they start working without mastering the techniques, not knowing the characteristics of the materials, etc. It is very important to establish psychological contact with the master. A highly qualified specialist will always be able to find a common language with the client and make the procedure as comfortable as possible.
  3. Tools for the procedure. All accessories for work must be disposable, the procedure itself is carried out by the master only in disposable gloves. A good master in your presence will spread a disposable sheet on the couch and take out a new disposable spatula, which will carry out the procedure for you.
  4. Materials for the procedure, waxes. The professional will only work with materials that are produced for professional use. High-quality professional materials, of course, differ in price from cheaper analogues. But here it is already worth prioritizing: either qualitative results, or an economical option with the ensuing consequences: skin trauma, burns, unclean hair removal and much more.

Do not hesitate to find out all the information from the master before the procedure, a good specialist will always explain everything in detail, tell and show. If something bothers you, you always have every right to refuse the procedure and leave the office. Do not trust your health to amateurs.

What are the contraindications for depilation?

It is worth considering some contraindications for waxing.

  • Violations of the integrity of the skin (cuts, wounds, cracks, etc.).
  • Inflammatory processes of the genital area (thrush (candidiasis), STIs, herpes, etc.).
  • The presence of an allergic reaction to any of the components.
  • Pustular elements on the skin.
  • Acne.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Poor health at the moment (physical malaise, nervous tension, etc.).
  • Varicose veins 3-4 tbsp.
  • Pathology of pregnancy associated with increased muscle tone.

Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication to depilation, however, with such a diagnosis, there are features in the work that every specialist should know.

Warts, moles, papillomas are not a contraindication, but during the procedure they must be bypassed.

How to prepare for waxing?

  • The day before, the day before the procedure, do a body scrub. This will help cleanse the skin of dry scales that can cause hair to stick to the skin (most often on the shins).
  • It is best to do depilation in the middle menstrual cycle to avoid hypersensitivity of the skin. The most painful period is considered 3 days before and during menstruation. This is an average, but do not forget about individual characteristics.
  • Drinking alcohol before the procedure does not reduce the sensitivity of the skin, but rather exacerbates it.

On the day of the procedure, you should not apply creams, lotions, because. this can prevent the wax from sticking to the hair.

Remember that it is better to come to depilation in good mood, not irritated and not tired, and then the hair removal procedure will seem as easy and pleasant as possible.

What can you advise to those who are embarrassed to go for a depilation procedure?

  • Think about the fact that you are not the first client, so no one will treat you with passion.
  • To dispel doubts, call the master by phone, ask your questions. Chat with the master personally.
  • To feel confident, before visiting, perform the necessary hygiene procedures.
  • Deal with your emotions and tune in to a positive way. Your beauty is in your hands.

You decided to do a deep bikini waxing for the first time, but did not expect that it would be so painful? I recommend starting depilation with a classic bikini, secondary depilation is already less sensitive, and next time it will be possible to move on to deeper areas. Listen to your girlfriends less: everyone has a different threshold of sensitivity and it is wrong to lean towards the opinions of others. You should always try it yourself.

I would also like to note: fear tends to disappear as soon as an unusual situation becomes familiar. If you find a suitable master for yourself, the second time you will have no fear, no embarrassment, no discomfort.

Tell us more about the depilation procedure itself? What to expect from the master?

The waxing technique takes place in several stages:

  1. We treat the intended depilation area with a special cleansing cosmetic. The marker of a good qualification of the master here is the fact that already at this stage special professional tools are used, and not pharmaceutical preparations. The use of professional products allows you to qualitatively prepare the skin for the procedure and make it less painful and more effective.
  2. Then the heated wax is applied to the area to be depilated in the direction of hair growth. After hardening, the wax is removed along with the hair against its growth. The more wax is applied to the same area of ​​the skin, the greater the risk of skin injury, the longer the procedure itself lasts. How better quality wax, which is used for the procedure, the more comfortable the client: good professional waxes are almost imperceptible on the skin. If you feel how the wax bakes, this is the first sign that you are being depilated with low-quality waxes and unprofessionally. And most importantly, low-quality waxes provoke hair breakage, and not its extraction. As a result - the meaninglessness of the depilation procedure and ingrown hair with all the subsequent "pleasures".
  3. After all the hair has been removed, a special final anti-inflammatory, soothing agent is applied. Here, as at the beginning of the procedure, an unskilled master is no, no, and will try to save on you using a cheaper product or even a cream from the mass market. But the indicator highly qualified the master will use special tools after depilation. After all, the tender follicle exposed after the procedure requires reliable protection from harmful effects environment, the skin needs a soothing ingredient, and the client needs a relaxing aroma and a velvety finish on their "new" perfectly smooth skin. Moreover, the master should have not one such means, but a whole arsenal, since they are different in action, seasons of use, and effects.

After the procedure, as a rule, a point irritation remains, which lasts from 1 hour to a day, depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

Hair after waxing grows in 3-4 weeks. As practice shows, the constant use of depilation leads to the following results:

  • The amount of hair decreases
  • Hair becomes thinner and lighter
  • Each time the procedure is less painful.
  • The skin becomes more delicate and silky due to the absence of a constant irritant - a razor.

For each zone, a certain depilation technique is used and a certain type of wax is used. The depilation master determines which technique and type of wax should be chosen, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, hair, as well as other factors. If your master uses only 1 type of wax on all clients, this is a very “alarm bell”. If the master picks up a half-used cartridge, do not hesitate to interrupt the procedure and leave.

What waxes do you work on and what waxes do you recommend to other masters?

During my many years of practice, I have worked on waxes from various manufacturers. Each brand has its advantages and disadvantages. I chose Italwax professional waxes, which are made in Italy. I recommend them to anyone who comes to me for a recommendation. Italwax waxes have advantages that are important for both masters and clients:

  • They have a low melting point, which eliminates the likelihood of burns.
  • They have high plasticity and adhesiveness, which ensures good adhesion to the hair. This means that the time for the procedure is reduced, and they allow you to remove hair with one application without breaking off the hair and discomfort.
  • When depilating with ItalWax waxes, unwanted hair can be removed from the entire surface of the body, even if it is very short.

Recently, the ItalWax line of film waxes has been replenished with ideal products for delicate and sensitive areas.

Italwax synthetic film waxes perfectly solve the problem of removing coarse and even short hair in areas with increased skin sensitivity. Of course, this is, first of all, the bikini area and armpits, but they work great in the most “fastidious” area for women – the face. Capturing the absolute maximum of unwanted hair, the wax does not interact with the skin. It is important that all ItalWax products meet international quality standards.

  • The first 6 hours after depilation, you should not take a shower.
  • The first day after depilation, you should not visit the pool, sauna, swim in ponds, especially sunbathe, go to the solarium - this can provoke the appearance of age spots.
  • After waxing your underarms, do not use deodorants for two days, instead you can use talcum powder or baby powder.
  • After waxing your bikini, do not wear underwear at night before going to bed.
  • It is recommended to use body scrubs, for the prevention of ingrown hairs, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.
  • Not recommended to wear tight clothes from synthetic fabric. However, this advice is relevant not only in the context of care after depilation.
  • If you have fast growing hair or have a predisposition to ingrown hair, use special products that slow down hair growth and prevent ingrown hair. The result of their application is really noticeable.

Why do hair grow after depilation?

Often, hair begins to grow in after a home depilation procedure due to non-compliance correct technique or work with low-quality products, not enough good home care.

During depilation, we only remove upper part hair, while the bulb is preserved. After a while, a thinner and weaker hair grows out of it, which is unable to grow through the skin, as a result, it often grows into it.

And how to deal with it?

  • Do body scrub at intervals of 2 times a week (after depilation, start a week later). In this way, you will remove dead skin cells, and it will be easier for the hairs to grow through the skin.
  • After taking a bath (shower), it is necessary to moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream, milk or other means.
  • Do not try to remove an ingrown hair yourself: this can lead to scarring, which disappears after a few years. If there is inflammation, treat it with an antiseptic. After a while, the hair will grow and come out on its own. However, if the hair is stuck deep, contact your hair removal specialist.
  • If you have fast growing hair, or have a predisposition to ingrown hair, use an anti-ingrowth and regrowth-slowing product.

Depilation for men is gradually becoming popular. And what are her features? To what extent is this direction developed in Belarus?

Being well-groomed, taking care of yourself is the right trend among modern men. Therefore, male depilation has long been not exotic, but a demanded procedure. More and more men are coming for waxing. However, it should be understood that men's depilation has its own specifics: men's hair is tougher than women's, has stronger roots. In addition, men have more sensitive skin and a lower pain threshold. All these points must be taken into account when depilating, therefore a special wax is also needed. For example, in my practice for male depilation, I use the POUR HOMME film wax of my favorite Italwax brand. This wax is well suited for removing body, underarm and bikini hair, as well as facial hair. I can also recommend this wax for barbershop masters: with the help of wax it will be easy to remove hair on the neck, to make the perfect contour of a haircut, beard and mustache. But it is known that hair removed with wax grows much more slowly.

In my practice, I also use POUR HOMME wax for female depilation.

And in conclusion, I would like to say: “Beauty does NOT require sacrifice!”. Consider all of the above nuances, and you will always be irresistible, without harm to your health.

Reference:EkaterinaSilantieva- technologist for depilation and sugaring brandsItalWaxand Gloria. A practicing master with a medical education and a qualification of a cosmetic esthetician in wax and sugar epilation for more than 8 years. Winner of the 1st Depilation Championship of the Republic of Belarus. Training Center LecturerStar Beauty Service».

Star Beauty Service LLC is a distributor of professional products for beauty salons in the Republic of Belarus. For more than 10 years, it has been providing services for the training and advanced training of masters in the areas of manicure and pedicure, nail modeling and design, cosmetology, depilation, and hairdressing.

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