Structure and stages of sports training. General physical training What are the conditions of sports training

Special physical training

general physical preparation

The structure of physical training





1. The structure of physical training

2. General physical training

3. Special physical training

3.1. sports training

3.2. Professionally applied physical training

PHYSICAL PREPARATION - the process of formation motor skills and skills, development of human physical abilities.

Training(process) forms preparedness:

PHYSICAL FITNESS - the level of formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of physical abilities.

There are general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (SFP).

GENERAL PHYSICAL TRAINING is the process of forming motor skills and abilities, improving physical abilities aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious physical development of a person.

OFP tasks:

1) Health promotion.

2) Ensuring a comprehensive and harmonious physical development.

3) Creation of a basis (base) for special physical training.

The means of physical training are physical exercises that provide overall impact on the human body. In particular, these include: running, skiing, swimming, cycling, moving and sport games, weight training, etc.

Versatile physical development contributes to a better adaptability of the body to changing environmental conditions.

SPECIAL PHYSICAL TRAINING is the process of forming motor skills and abilities, developing the physical abilities of a person, taking into account the type of his activity (labor or sports).

SFP ensures the selective development of individual muscle groups that carry the main load when performing exercises specialized for a particular sport or profession.

The types of SFP are sports training and professionally applied physical training.

SPORTS TRAINING (training) is a purposeful educational process of training an athlete to achieve specific sports results.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish between elite sports and mass sports:

The goal of elite sport- to achieve the highest possible results in competitive activities.

The goal of mass sports- improve health the physical state, promote active recreation.

Structure sports training identical in elite sport and in mass sports.

Components of sports training:

· Technical training - the process of mastering the technique of movements of a particular sport by an athlete.

The structure of technical training includes basic and additional movements:

The basic ones include the movements and actions that form the basis of this sport.

Additional movements include minor movements and actions that do not violate rationality, are characteristic and necessary for a particular athlete.

· Physical training as part of sports training, in turn, is also divided into general physical training of an athlete and special physical training.

In this case OFP is the process of comprehensive development of physical abilities, not specific to the chosen sport, but one way or another determining the success of sports activities.


in the process of general physical training of gymnasts, work is underway on the development of all abilities, but more attention is paid to the development of coordination and flexibility, less to the development of general endurance. The runners on long distances On the contrary, a significant place is given to exercises for the development of general endurance, less - flexibility and coordination.

The athlete's means of physical fitness are exercises from their own and other sports.

SFP sent on the development of physical abilities that meet the specifics of the chosen sport. At the same time, it is focused on the maximum possible degree of their development.

Tasks of the SFP:

1) The development of physical abilities necessary for a particular sport.

2) Increasing the functionality of organs and systems that determine the success of an athlete in a chosen sport.

3) Development of the ability to manifest the existing functional potential in specific conditions of competitive activity.


In swimmers, the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) at standard loads in laboratory conditions averages 70 ml/kg/min, and when swimming at a competitive speed - 46 ml/kg/min, i.e. only 65% ​​of the IPC.

4) Formation of the physique of athletes, taking into account the requirements of a particular sports discipline.


Physique indicators (height, weight, constitution) of athletes who specialize in running at different distances (eg, short, long), as a rule, differ significantly from each other.

Main athlete's means of SFP are competitive and special-preparatory exercises.

Ratio OFP funds and SFP in training depends on the tasks to be solved, the age of the athlete, his qualifications and individual characteristics, as well as on the type of sport, stages and periods training process etc.

Rationally organized physical training allows an athlete to achieve such a level of preparedness (development of physical abilities) that is necessary for competitive success in a particular sport.

· tactical training - the process of mastering sports tactics and the formation of tactical skills in the chosen sport.

Tactics is a set of forms and methods of conducting wrestling in competition conditions.


Individual tactics;

group tactics;

Command tactics.

A highly qualified athlete must be able to impose his tactics on the opponent during the competition.


In middle-distance running, a higher-level sprinter will tend to slow down the entire distance in order to achieve victory with a short, fast finishing sprint..

· Psychological preparation - the process of formation of such mental functions, processes, states and personality traits that provide a successful solution to the problems of training and participation in competitions.

Psychological training is usually divided into general and special.

General psychological preparation It is aimed at the development and improvement of mental functions and qualities in athletes, which are necessary for successful sports in general. This type of psychological training is also called moral-volitional training. This includes the development of:

Purposefulness (the ability to clearly define immediate and long-term goals and objectives);

Decisiveness and courage (reasonable risk combined with thoughtfulness of decisions);

Perseverance (desire to achieve the intended goal);

Self-control and endurance (the ability to control your thoughts and actions in conditions of emotional arousal);



Special psychological training It is aimed at developing and improving in athletes exactly those mental functions and qualities that are necessary for successful practice in the chosen sport.


A) for those involved in sports games, the necessary psychological qualities are: sociability, the ability to cooperate, heuristic abilities (anticipation, tactical instinct);

B) for gymnastics - artistry, sensory-motor qualities, self-control;

C) for those involved in martial arts - courage, decision-making ability, mental endurance, heuristic abilities, sensory-motor qualities.

In the sport of the highest achievements, psychological preparation is also distinguished, aimed mainly at the formation of an athlete's psychological readiness to participate in a particular competition.

Physical training- this pedagogical process aimed at educating physical qualities and development of functional capabilities that create favorable conditions for ensuring human life. The concept of "physical training" is used when it is necessary to emphasize the applied orientation physical education in relation to labor, military, sports and other activities. There are general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (SFP).

general physical preparation(OFP) is the process of improving motor physical qualities aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious physical development of a person. Physical fitness contributes to an increase in functionality, overall performance, is the basis (base) for special training and achievement of high results in the chosen field of activity or sport. The means of physical training are physical exercises (running, swimming, sports and outdoor games, skiing, cycling, weight training, etc.), the healing forces of nature and hygiene factors. Physical fitness is associated with the achievement of physical perfection - the level of health and the comprehensive development of physical abilities corresponding to sports, military, professional and other activities.

The need for a wide variety of means of general physical education is determined by the fact that in the field of occupations exercise with a general preparatory orientation, almost all segments of the population are involved - from infancy to old age.

The objectives of the physical training are: 1) strengthening and maintaining health, improving the physique, harmonious physical development, maintaining the overall level of the body's functional capabilities, long-term preservation high level ability to work; 2) the development of all basic physical qualities - strength, endurance, flexibility, speed and dexterity; 3) creation basic foundation for special physical fitness to specific types of activity - labor, military, domestic, etc.

General physical education is the main target task of the pedagogical process of physical education of students, focused on strengthening their health, increasing the overall performance and efficiency of educational work. However, it should be remembered that even a sufficiently high general physical fitness often cannot ensure success in preparing for a particular type of profession or sport. In these cases, additional special training is required: in the field of sports - special physical training, in professional activities - professionally applied physical training.

Special physical training(SFP) is characterized by the level of development of physical abilities, capabilities of organs and functional systems that directly determine achievements in the chosen sport.

sports training

Physical training (both general and special) is carried out in the process of sports training.

The term " sports training" largely coincides in its content with the term "training of athletes." However, they must be distinguished. Training of an athlete is a broader concept.

sports training- this is the expedient use of knowledge, means, methods and conditions, which allows to influence the development of an athlete and provide the necessary degree of his readiness for sports achievements. Sports training includes the technical, tactical, mental and physical training of an athlete.

sports training- this is that part of the athlete's training, which is built on the basis of the exercise method. For example, if an athlete performs any physical exercises, this means that sports training is carried out during the preparation. If he studies the features of the competitive activity of rivals by watching videos, then in this case, preparation is carried out, but training is not. The positive effect of training should be expressed in an increased level of functional capabilities of the athlete's body, general and special performance. Functional state athlete, his fitness is the main object of control in the process of sports training. In turn, the athlete's training system includes such processes as competition, sports training, material and information support for training conditions.

In training, and especially in competitive activities, none of the types of sports training is manifested in isolation. They are combined into a complex multifunctional process aimed at achieving the highest sports results.

Technical training- teaching the technique of actions performed in competitions or serving as means of training. In the process of technical training, an athlete masters the technique of the chosen sport, masters the appropriate motor skills and abilities, bringing them to the highest possible degree of perfection.

tactical training for an athlete involves the assimilation of the theoretical foundations of sports tactics, the practical development of tactical techniques, their combinations, options, the development of tactical thinking and other abilities that determine tactical mastery.

Physical training. As mentioned above, physical training is divided into general and special physical training. Each sport imposes its own specific requirements on the physical fitness of an athlete - the level of development of individual physical qualities, functionality and physique. Therefore, there are certain differences in the content and methodology of physical training in a particular sport and among athletes of different ages and qualifications. The ratio of GPP and SPP in the training process depends on the tasks being solved, the age, qualifications and individual characteristics of the athlete, the sport, the stages and periods of the training process. In the process of long-term training, with the growth of the athlete's skill, the proportion of SPP funds increases and, accordingly, the amount of physical fitness funds decreases. The effectiveness of the training process can be determined by the quality of such concepts as fitness, readiness, sports form.

Fitness athlete is characterized by the degree of functional adaptation of the organism to the training loads, which is formed as a result of systematic physical exercises and contributes to an increase in working capacity.

Training is divided into general and special.

General fitness is formed under the influence of exercises of a general developmental nature, which increase the functional capabilities of the body.

Special fitness is acquired as a result of performing a specific type muscle activity in your chosen sport.

Fitness always focused on a specific type of athlete's specialization and is expressed in:

  • - increasing the level of functional capabilities of his body;
  • - specific and general performance;
  • - the achieved degree of perfection of sports skills and abilities.

Preparedness- this is a complex result of the physical, technical, tactical, mental training of an athlete.

Sports uniforms - this is the highest degree of preparedness of an athlete, characterized by his ability to simultaneously implement in the competitive activity of various aspects of the athlete's training (technical, physical, tactical, mental). The sports form is associated with the manifestation of a complex perception of competitive activity in the chosen sport: "sense of water", "sense of ice", "sense of the ball", etc.

Technical training is the process of teaching an athlete the technique of movements inherent in this sport and bringing them to perfection. The higher the level of physical fitness, the more successful the training and improvement.

Under sports equipment understand a specific generally accepted and fundamentally natural way of solving a sports-motor problem, which has developed in sports practice. Sometimes, "sports technique" is understood as a certain way of performing a motor action, which is characterized by a certain degree of efficiency of the athlete's use of his motor capabilities to achieve a sports result.

The role of sports equipment in various types sports is not the same. There are four groups of sports with their characteristic sports technique.

1. Speed-strength sports (sprinting, throwing, jumping, weightlifting, etc.). In these sports, the technique is aimed at ensuring that the athlete can develop the most powerful and fastest efforts in the main phases of the competitive exercise, for example, during repulsion in running or in long and high jumps, when performing final effort in javelin throwing, discus throwing, etc.

2. Sports characterized by a predominant manifestation of endurance (long-distance running, ski race, cycling, etc.). Here, the technique is aimed at economizing the consumption of energy resources in the body of an athlete.

3. Sports based on the art of movement (gymnastics, acrobatics, diving, etc.). Technique should provide the athlete with beauty, expressiveness and accuracy of movements.

4. Sports games and martial arts. Technique should provide high performance, stability and variability of the athlete's actions in constantly changing conditions of competitive struggle.

The technical readiness of an athlete is characterized by what he is able to perform and how he masters the technique of mastered actions. A sufficiently high level of technical readiness is called technical mastery. Criteria technical excellence are:

volume of technique - the total number of techniques that an athlete can perform;

versatility of technology - the degree of diversity of techniques. So, in sports games, this is the ratio of the frequency of using different game techniques.

These indicators of technical skill are especially significant in those sports where there is a large arsenal of technical actions - sports games, martial arts, gymnastics, figure skating.

The effectiveness of sports technique possession is characterized by the degree of closeness of the sports action technique to the individually optimal variant.

The central task of technical training is the formation of such skills for performing competitive actions that would allow an athlete to use his abilities in competitions with the greatest efficiency and ensure the steady improvement of technical skills in the process of many years of playing sports.

The main objectives of technical training are.

1. Expansion of the stock of various skills and abilities, which allows you to correctly perform new movements and master them faster.

2. Ownership rational technique(the correct structure of movements, their implementation without undue stress).

3. Improving the details of the technique by identifying the causes of errors (when performing techniques) and eliminating them.

4. Improving the technique by changing the form of movements, creating certain difficulties in the performance of techniques.

5. Improving the technique of playing in competitive conditions.

Distinguish between general and special technical training:

general technical training is aimed at mastering a variety of motor skills and abilities necessary in sports activities. The tasks in the process of general technical training are solved as follows:

1. Increase (or restore) the range of motor skills and abilities that are a prerequisite for the formation of skills in the chosen sport.

2. Master the technique of exercises used as a means of technical training.

special technical training is aimed at achieving technical mastery in the chosen sport. It provides the following tasks:

1. To form knowledge about the technique of sports activities.

2. To develop individual forms of movement technique that most fully correspond to the capabilities of the athlete.

3. To form the skills necessary for successful participation in competitions.

4. To transform and update the forms of technique (to the extent that this is dictated by the laws of sports and tactical improvement).

5. Form new variants of sports equipment that have not been used before.

Technical preparation is a multi-year process that can be conditionally divided into two main stages:

the first is the actual training, the primary mastery of the technical element.

the second is the process of in-depth technical improvement, mastering the heights of sports and technical skills.

At the basic stage, initial education sports equipment, a rich basic arsenal of technical skills and abilities is created (elements and bundles are enough simple exercises), on the basis of which further in-depth improvement of the technique of the chosen sport is developed. This process can be characterized as the acquisition by an athlete of general technical readiness.

At the stage of in-depth sports and technical improvement, the athlete’s special technical readiness is improved, the specific content and forms of the athlete’s technical training change.

In the process of technical training, a complex of means and methods of sports training is used. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: means and methods of verbal, visual and sensory-correctional influence. These include:

a) conversations, explanations, story, description, etc.;

b) showing the technique of the studied movement;

c) demonstration of posters, diagrams, films, videotapes;

d) the use of subject and other landmarks;

e) sound and light leading;

f) various simulators, recording devices, urgent information devices.

Means and methods, which are based on the performance of any physical exercises by an athlete. In this case, apply:

a) preparatory exercises. They allow you to master a variety of skills that are the foundation for the growth of technical skills in your chosen sport;

b) special-preparatory and competitive exercises. They are aimed at mastering the technique of their sport;

c) methods of integral and dissected exercise. They are aimed at mastering, correcting, fixing and improving the technique of an integral motor action or its separate parts, phases, elements;

d) uniform, variable, repeated, interval, game, competitive and other methods that mainly contribute to the improvement and stabilization of movement technique.

The specific choice of certain means and methods of technical training, their correlation, sequence, predominant use depend on the characteristics of the technique of the chosen sport, the goals of long-term training, the tasks of the stages of training, age features and the level of preparedness of the athlete, training conditions, the complexity of the structure of the studied techniques, the age and qualifications of the athlete, the stages of technical training in the annual and multi-year training cycles and other factors.

From the whole variety of principles and rules, one can single out the main provisions that serve as the fundamental basis for the correctness and effectiveness of training. The learning process is built on the implementation of the following fundamental didactic principles: consciousness and activity, visibility, accessibility, systematicity and consistency, etc.

The optimization of training is largely determined by the principle of accessibility, but is not limited to the use of methodological approaches "from simple to complex" and "from easy to difficult".

It is equally important to take into account the fact that you first need to master the basic techniques and methods. And finally, new motor skills are formed faster on the basis of previously mastered ones. Therefore, one should use the natural relationship and structural commonality of various techniques and methods.

The implementation of all these principles will be more effective if the individual psycho-physiological characteristics of the athlete are taken into account in the learning process. This is explained by the difference in the properties of the central nervous system: strength, balance, mobility.

Thus, when determining the optimal sequence, it is necessary, if possible, to take into account all the circumstances mentioned here, and not be guided by any one.

General physical training (GPP) is a process of improving motor physical qualities aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious physical development of a person.

Physical fitness contributes to an increase in functionality, overall performance, is the basis (base) for special training and achievement of high results in a chosen field of activity or sport. The following tasks can be assigned to the OFP:

to achieve a harmonious development of the muscles of the body and the corresponding strength of the muscles;

acquire general, endurance;

increase the speed of performing various movements, general speed abilities;

increase the mobility of the main joints, muscle elasticity;

improve dexterity in a wide variety of (domestic, labor, sports) activities, the ability to coordinate simple and complex movements;

learn to perform movements without undue stress, master the ability to relax.

Special and sports physical training

Special physical training is the process of educating physical qualities, which ensures the predominant development of those motor abilities that are necessary for a particular sports discipline (sport) or type of work.

Special physical training is very diverse in its focus, but all its types can be reduced to two main groups:

sports training;

professional-applied physical training.

Sports training (training) is the expedient use of knowledge, means, methods and conditions, which makes it possible to directly influence the development of an athlete and provide the necessary degree of readiness for sports achievements.

At present, sport is developing in two directions, which have a different target orientation - mass sport and sport of higher achievements.

The purpose of sports training in the field of mass sports is to improve health, improve physical condition and active recreation.

The goal of training in the field of elite sports is to achieve the highest possible results in competitive activities.

The structure of an athlete's preparedness includes technical, physical, tactical and mental elements.

Technical readiness should be understood as the degree of mastering by an athlete of the technique of the system of movements of a particular sport. It is closely related to the physical, mental and tactical capabilities of the athlete, as well as to the conditions of the external environment. Changes to competition rules, use of other sports equipment significantly affects the content of the technical preparedness of athletes.

The structure of technical readiness always contains the so-called basic and additional movements.

The basic ones include movements and actions that form the basis of the technical equipment of this sport. Mastering the basic movements is mandatory for an athlete specializing in this sport.

Additional movements include secondary movements and actions, elements of individual movements that do not violate its rationality and at the same time are characteristic of the individual characteristics of this athlete.

Physical fitness is the capabilities of the functional systems of the body. It reflects the necessary level of development of those physical qualities on which competitive success in a particular sport depends.

The tactical readiness of an athlete depends on how much he masters the means of sports tactics (for example, the techniques necessary to implement the chosen tactics), its types (offensive, defensive, counterattacking) and forms (individual, group, team).

Mental preparedness is heterogeneous in its structure. It is possible to distinguish two relatively independent and at the same time interrelated aspects in it: volitional and special mental preparedness.

Volitional readiness is associated with such qualities as purposefulness, determination and courage, perseverance and perseverance, endurance and self-control, independence and initiative.

In the structure of the athlete's special mental readiness, it is necessary to single out those aspects that can be improved in the course of sports training:

resistance to stressful situations of training and competitive activities;

kinesthetic and visual perceptions of motor actions and the environment;

the ability to mental regulation of movements, ensuring effective muscle coordination;

the ability to perceive, organize and process information under time pressure;

the ability to form anticipatory reactions in the structures of the brain, programs that precede real action.

Organization and discipline play almost the main role in sports. Therefore, the process of sports training is a combination of many factors, which are a solid basis for the development of any athlete. It is the development in sports plan, and there is an end in itself for the training of athletes.

Sports training or training

Quite often, the concepts of "sports training" and "sports training" are combined, making them synonymous. But in reality, things are somewhat different. That is, the first concept is an integral part of the second.

Consider an example: if an athlete performs certain physical exercises, then this is a training as a center of sports training. And if an athlete is honing his technical skills while using video material, then training as such will not be carried out. But the training of the athlete will still continue.

Thus, it is worth noting that training is part of the preparation of athletes, but is not its main method.

The purpose of sports training

Like any purposeful activity, the preparation of an athlete has a specific goal, namely, obtaining the maximum level of physical, tactical, technical and psychological fitness within a certain sport in order to achieve high results in competitions.

Tasks of sports training

For achievement main goal sports training of an athlete is required to perform a number of tasks:

  • a high level of theoretical and practical competencies within a particular sport;
  • a high level of physiological preparation and stability of the main body systems that carry the main load in this sport;
  • achievement of a high level of tactical and technical competence in the chosen sport;
  • development of psychological preparedness, at the level necessary for the implementation of sports activities, in the chosen sport;
  • implementation of integral training, which includes a complex interaction of the main types of athlete's preparedness in competitive activity.


Sports training is a process that is implemented by certain means. These means characterize this process as a purposeful physical activity. These include exercise different types. They are classified according to the necessary sports improvement, namely: aimed at preparing for competitions, at general training athletes and specially trained.

Competitive exercises include conditions similar to those sports competitions, and have rather high requirements for the level of preparedness of an athlete. This makes this type of exercise not as effective as specially-preparatory ones, since the second type takes into account the characteristics of a particular sport, and is not aimed at achieving high results during training.

These exercises are distinguished by their variability and the ability to develop different aspects of physical fitness by using them in different ways. For example, for an athlete, special preparatory exercises will imitate running as the main technical unit of a sport, but at the same time they will vary in order to more successfully achieve the goals of sports training. These will include: running with obstacles, with accelerations over segments of distances, etc.

General preparatory exercises also occupy their niche in sports training, which contribute to the improvement of the general physical form. During the time when special exercises aimed at developing those sports skills that are inherent in this sport, general - contribute to the growth of desired results against the background of strengthening general sports training.

Sports training methods

Also, sports training is a combination and methodological distribution of methods. They, in turn, are grouped into three types:

  • The acquisition of knowledge.
  • Development of motor skills and abilities.
  • Development of general motor abilities.

The first group includes:

  • Oral: explanations, stories, conversations, descriptions.
  • With the help of printed resources: work with textbooks, manuals, cards.
  • With the help of visibility: direct visibility (when the demonstration takes place with the active participation of one of the subordinates), indirect visibility (video recordings, drawings, diagrams, etc.) and active methods (with explanations on the example of the participant himself).

The second group consists of two methods of working on physical exercises: a divided and a holistic exercise.

The third group includes:

  • repetition method;
  • interval method;
  • method of circular repetitions;
  • a game;
  • change method;
  • uniformity method;
  • competition method.

Conditions for sports training

Like any other activity, sports training has a list of its own conditions necessary for the successful achievement of the goal. These include:

  • appropriate environmental conditions;
  • the simplest structures on the ground;
  • outdoor sports facilities;
  • indoor sports facilities;
  • sports centers and bases.

Stages of training athletes

According to the generally accepted standards of sports training, its main stages are determined, which are aimed at long-term activity. Main stages:

  • elementary or sports and recreation;
  • initial sports training;
  • educational and training;
  • improvement of sportsmanship;
  • stage of higher sportsmanship.

Types of sports training

The preparation of an athlete is a complex pedagogical process, which includes many factors that contribute to the achievement of the goal in integrity. Therefore, there are 6 types of sports training:

  • Theoretical training. The base or center of sports training consists of all the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills that are necessary for successful physical development within a particular sport.

  • Physical training. The process of developing the physical qualities and functional capabilities of the body, in order to realize the possibility of achieving high sports results.

  • Technical training. This type of training involves mastering certain technical skills. motor activity that are specific to certain sports.
  • Tactical training. This is the process of mastering rational tactics for conducting effective competitive activity. At the same time, special technique is an integral part of this training.
  • Psychological preparation. Sports activities are directly related to psychological pressure. Therefore, the training of an athlete should provide for the development of stress resistance, his moral and volitional qualities.
  • Integral training. Recently began to allocate another complex view training of athletes. This process is aimed at developing the abilities for a variable, but integral implementation of all the above types of preparation for competitive activity.

It should also be noted that sports training is a purposeful pedagogical process that must be competently and methodically correctly organized in terms of alternation and combination of all types.


The sports training program is a part and basis of a long process of preparation for competitive activity in any sport. It provides:

  • key concepts and components of all types of athlete training, taking into account the characteristics of a particular sport;
  • methodical, theoretical and practical for leading the process of training athletes;
  • features and nuances of control and monitoring of the level of development of athletes.

Athlete Training Standards

All the above parts, components and terms related to the specifics of individual sports are regulated at the state level. More precisely, this federal standards sports training, which are a set of minimum requirements for the level of sports fitness in both Olympic and non-Olympic sports. These requirements must be observed by all organizations that carry out sports training of athletes in accordance with the relevant laws of the Russian Federation.

Sports activity is the upbringing of the spirit and character, which must be properly organized and controlled.
