Shuttlecock refers to sports throwing equipment. Basics of throwing technique

] Main article: Throwing in athletics

Throwing in athletics

Athletics throwing are sports exercises, which include: shot put, javelin, disc and hammer throw. In addition, they should include throwing a small ball and grenade, which are considered applied types.

The ultimate goal of throwing- to carry out the most distant movement of the projectile by throwing or jerking movement into a certain area in compliance with the rules of the competition. At the same time, the difficulty of throwing lies in the fact that these movements are performed by shells having a certain weight and different shape, and occur in a limited place in the stadium sector.

Specific motor activity throwing belongs to two groups of exercises. The group of acyclic types includes shot put and discus throw. Here, in a holistic exercise, the movements are not repeated. The complex group (cyclic-acyclic) includes throwing a javelin, a small ball, a grenade and a hammer. In these exercises, in the preliminary part of the acceleration of the projectile, the movements are cyclically repeated, and in the final part they are acyclic.

According to another classification, throwing refers to speed-power sports. This characteristic reflects the manifestation motor qualities in the process of throwing.

Throwing can also be viewed from the standpoint of the predominant direction of the impact on the projectile during its acceleration. So, in shot put "jump", in throwing a javelin, a small ball and a grenade, preliminary acceleration occurs by means of a rectilinear run, in shot put by "turning", throwing a disc and a hammer with a rotary-translational motion.

From the point of view of mechanics, the projectile's flight range (S) in throwing depends on a number of reasons. The main ones are: the initial velocity of its departure (V), the departure angle (a), the resistance of the air environment and the height of the projectile release (Table 2).

The throw distance is determined by the formula

where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

The formula illustrates that the most significant factor that ensures the effectiveness of the throw, should be considered the initial velocity of the projectile departure. It can be seen from it that the flight range directly depends on the magnitude of the square of the speed achieved by the projectile during its release. Average values initial speed(generalized for men and women), according to the classical types of athletics throwing among qualified athletes are presented in table. 2.

The initial velocity of the projectile's departure reaches its maximum value as a result of the addition of the velocities gained in the take-off phase and in the final effort phase. Table 3 shows the different ways to achieve the release speed depending on the structure of the throwing method used. The greatest increase in speed in the final effort is carried out with shot put (85%) and javelin throw (80%). In hammer throwing, the main contribution to the initial velocity of the projectile (85%) occurs in the takeoff run (by performing preliminary rotations of the projectile and turns). In discus throw, the values ​​of takeoff run and final effort for speed gain are approximately the same.

Table 2. Basic conditions that determine the range of the projectile (average values ​​and level of significance)

Table 3. The ratio of the projectile acceleration speed indicators at the end of the main phases of movement (from 100% of the initial projectile departure speed)

The initial velocity of the projectile departure is directly related to the magnitude of its travel path during acceleration. The longest path is overcome by the hammer both during the takeoff run (more than 60 m when throwing from three turns and more than 72 m when throwing from four turns), and in the final effort (more than 6 m). The shortest is the core. So, during the "jump" takeoff run, its average path is 1.20 m, and by the "turn" - 2.30 m; in the final effort, the path length is within 1.70 m (Table 4).

The acceleration time of the projectile is inversely related to the initial velocity of its departure, i.e., a decrease in the acceleration time leads to an increase in velocity.

Another factor affecting the range of the projectile is the projectile departure angle (a). It is defined as the angle between the velocity vector (which in the direction corresponds to the tangent to the projectile's flight path at the time of its release) and the horizontal (Fig. 3). In almost all types of throwing, the departure angle is always less than the theoretically advantageous angle of 45 °. A decrease in the departure angle to optimal values ​​is associated with the aerodynamic properties of the projectile (disc, spear), the resistance of the air environment, the height of the projectile release and the conditions under which the most advantageous use of the main muscle groups of the thrower occurs during the throw. The average values ​​of the departure angles were given in table. 2.

Air resistance affects the throw range in all types of throwing, but the extent of this influence is different. The air has the greatest effect on the disc and the spear, and to a lesser extent on the small ball. When throwing a hammer, grenade and shot put, this effect is negligible.

Rice. 3. Indicators that determine the trajectory of the flight of the nucleus

In all types of throwing (except for throwing gliding shells), the headwind reduces the throw range, and the passing wind increases it. When throwing gliding shells, the headwind, on the contrary, can significantly increase the range, and the tailwind can somewhat reduce it. This is especially evident when throwing a disc, where, for example, a headwind with a speed of 5 m / s can increase the result by up to 10%. This is due to the aerodynamic properties of this projectile, when the air creates a lift, which manifests itself on the downward segment of the flight path. However, it should be remembered that the gliding property of the disc imposes the necessary requirements for the accuracy of the final effort to create the required angle of attack.

The angle of attack is the angle formed by the plane of the disk (or the axis of the projectile when throwing a javelin) and the tangent to the trajectory of its flight. The angle of attack, depending on the direction, wind strength and aerodynamic properties of the projectile, can be positive (increasing the range) or negative (decreasing the range). Its value during disc throwing against the wind ranges from 10-12e. With a fair wind or calm, it decreases.

Table 4. The ratio of the length of the path of movement of the projectile in the main phases of movement (averaged indicators)

For a stable position in flight, after release, the disk rotates around the vertical axis, and the spear around the longitudinal axis.

Projectile release height (h) as a factor affecting the throw range, highest value(of all types of throwing) has during shot put (Fig. 3). All other things being equal, the higher the height of the thrower and the length of his arms, the higher the point of release of the projectile and thus the further its flight. At the same time, the height of the projectile release is related to the angle of the terrain.

Terrain angle (p) is the angle formed by the line connecting the point of impact of the projectile with the point of its release and the horizontal. The change in the angle of the terrain is directly related to the height of the projectile release and vice versa with the throw range. The biggest corner of the terrain is in the shot put. Its magnitude is within 5 -10 °.

Along with the considered conditions that determine the effectiveness of the throw from the standpoint of mechanics, there are others, the knowledge of which is necessary for effective implementation throwing. These include:

  • features of the technique of throwing movements (the sequence of the inclusion of individual muscle groups, starting from the lower parts of the body, when throwing, the correct rhythm of the movement; "whip-like" execution of the final movement by timely braking in the joints to transfer the total amount of movement to the projectile, etc.);
  • the accuracy of hitting the edge of the projectile when throwing a disc and into the axis of the projectile when throwing a javelin;
  • the shape and design of the projectile (discs are ordinary and with better gliding characteristics, the hammer ball can be of different diameters - the distance of its center of gravity from the handle of the projectile depends on this, where a greater distance contributes to an increase in the throw range).

Structurally, athletics throws consist of two parts: the take-off run and the final movement. They, in turn, are subdivided into a number of sequential and interconnected phases, where the take-off includes the holding of the projectile, the starting position, preliminary movements and the phase of the main take-off. The final movement includes the phase of the final effort and the phase of maintaining balance after the throw.

Holding the projectile... The projectile in all types of throwing (except for hammer throwing) is held with one hand. In hammer throwing, the "grip" of the projectile is carried out in a peculiar way with two hands. Correct holding of the projectile provides the necessary conditions for precise application of forces in the final movement.

Starting position ... In this phase, by occupying the most comfortable position, individual conditions are created that adjust the thrower to further movement. In throws, in which the projectile is accelerated in a limited space (in a circle), the athletes occupy the starting position, with their backs in the part of the circle opposite to the direction of the throw. In throws in which the acceleration is performed on the track, the athletes occupy a position at the beginning of the track with their face in the direction of the throw.

Preliminary movements... In the preliminary phase, the projectile is given the necessary impulse by its initial acceleration. In shot put "jump" - "swing" by tilting forward and "tuck". In shot put by "turn" - "swing" by twisting in the direction opposite to the direction of the turn. In discus throwing - preliminary waving. In hammer throwing - preliminary rotations. In javelin, small ball and grenade throwing, the run begins without preliminary movements.

Main takeoff... The main task of the takeoff run is to give the projectile optimal speed and create a "thrower-projectile" necessary conditions before the final part of the throw.

When throwing a javelin, a small ball and a grenade, the takeoff run is carried out in running steps in combination with throwing steps along a straight path. When the shot is put in a "jump", it is performed by a jump. When pushing the shot with a "turn" and throwing a disc, the takeoff run is performed in one rotation, and when throwing a hammer, in three or four turns.

The achievement of the linear velocity of the projectile in rotational movements depends on the angular velocity and the radius of its movement in the turn. The angular velocity is directly related to the speed of movement of the thrower during rotation, and the radius depends on the length of the thrower's arms and the method of performing the movement. The optimal ratio of the angular velocity and the length of the radius leads to obtaining the required value of the linear velocity at the end of the takeoff run.

In the final part of the run in all types of throwing, athletes need to take such a position so that there is an advanced movement of the lower links of the body (legs and pelvis) in relation to the upper (body and arms with a projectile). This movement is called "overtaking" the projectile. Its purpose is to pre-stretch the muscle groups involved in the throw, for their active contraction by the time the projectile is released.

Final effort... The task of this phase is to give the projectile additional speed, up to maximum, and release it at the optimal angles of departure and attack. The final effort is a continuation of the previous movements, and therefore it is very important that the transition from the takeoff run to the final phase of the throw is as coordinated as possible.

The effectiveness of the final is associated with the length of the path and the acceleration time of the projectile, as well as with the direction and magnitude of the impact efforts on it.

The final effort takes place in a two-bearing position.

It is necessary to maintain the state of "overtaking" until the moment of a timely stop of the lower links of the body and the transfer of the total amount of motion to the upper links and the projectile. It is necessary to observe this sequence of stopping the motor links and start it with a stopping movement of the left leg (for right-handers) in combination with the correct operation of the right, up to the release of the projectile.

An important condition for an effective final is the accelerating speed-power rhythm of throwing and the maximum degree of realization of the speed-power potential of the thrower.

Maintaining balance. The stop after the release of the projectile is carried out either by a stopping movement of the legs, resiliently standing on the support, or by jumping from foot to foot, or by rotating around the left leg.

The correct distribution of efforts in the final contributes to a stable balance after the release of the projectile. It is important to take into account the requirement of the competition rules, which indicates that the throwers must remain in the circle or sect of re until the projectile has touched the ground.

One of the criteria that determines the level of mastery of the technique as a whole and its parts is the difference in throwing the projectile from a full run and from a place. In shot put it is 1.5 - 2 m, in javelin throw - 25 - 30 m, in discus throw - 8 - 12, in hammer throw - 25 - 32 m.

Task any type of throwing - moving the projectile in space as far as possible. Throwing requires powerful explosive efforts from the athlete. Throwing lessons, speed,.

Throwing in athletics

Depending on the method of execution, athletics throws are divided into three types: 1) push (core); 2) a throw from behind the head (spear, grenade); 3) with a turn (disc, hammer).

Main article:

Shot put. The shot put as a sporting exercise was preceded by the pushing of heavy stones and, later, heavy pieces of metal. The homeland of the shot put is Great Britain. This explains that the weight of the shot and the size of the pushing area are determined by the English system of measures. To achieve high sports results in this kind of athletics, a perfect execution technique and high level development of power and speed-power qualities.

Material support. The male nucleus weighs 16 English pounds (7,260 kg) and the female weighs 4 kg. The diameter of the pushing circle is 7 English feet (2.135 m). At the front outer part of the rim of the circle, a wooden block (segment) with a height of 10 cm, painted white, is installed. The core is a ball with a smooth surface, it must be made of cast iron, brass or other material.

In the sector for the landing of the core, as well as the disc and the hammer boundary lines diverge at an angle of 34.92 °... The side lines of the 5 cm wide sectors are not included in the area of ​​the sectors.

Main article:

Javelin, grenade and ball throwing... If javelin throwing was used in the physical education system of the ancient Greeks, then euro grenade throwing has been included in competitions in our country since the 20s of the last century. Currently, grenade throwing is not included in the program of major competitions. At the same time, grenade throwing is widely used in schools and in the army, and is also used as an auxiliary exercise for mastering certain elements of the javelin throwing technique. Throwing a small ball according to the technique of movements is performed in the same way as throwing a grenade.

Material support. A spear consists of a shaft, a tip and a winding. Men throw a spear weighing 800 g and 260-270 cm long, women 600 g and 220-230 cm respectively.

The place for the javelin throwing competition is a track (4 m wide, at least 30 m long) for performing a run with a javelin and sector marked at an angle of 29 ° for the landing of projectiles separated by a curved bar (7 cm wide) from which the athletic performance is measured.

Sports grenade can be wood, or other suitable material with a metal cover, or all-metal. Grenade weight - 700 g for men, women and middle-aged boys throw a grenade weighing 500 g.

The weight and diameter of the balls used for training and practice may vary. In competitions for boys and girls, balls weighing 155-160 g are used.

Throwing a grenade and a ball at small-scale competitions is carried out from a place and with a run into a 10 m wide corridor, and at competitions above a city scale, the sector angle, as in javelin throwing, is 29 °.

Discus throw was one of the favorite physical exercises in ancient times. The disk is a gliding projectile, as it has aerodynamic properties. Interestingly, discus throwing is one of the few types of athletics where both world and Olympic records held by women are higher than those set by men.

Material support. The disc is thrown from a circle with a diameter of 2.50 m.

To ensure the safety of participants, judges and spectators, a 7 m high safety fence is installed around the perimeter of the circle.

The disc is made of wood or other suitable material, surrounded by a metal rim. The male disc weighs 2 kg, the female disc weighs 1 kg.

Hammer throwing... As a form of athletics, it originated in Scotland and Ireland, where initially some kind of massive load was thrown with an attached wooden handle. Modern technology hammer throwing is based on the rotational-translational motion of the "thrower-projectile" system in a space limited by the size of the circle. Requires strength and coordination of movements from athletes. Rotational motion is the best way to impart high velocity to the projectile. Therefore, at present, the hammer is thrown from three or four turns, both by men and women..

Material support. The shell is similar in composition, shape and weight to the core (7.260 kg for men and 4 kg for women), to which a steel wire with a handle at the end is attached. For the safety of throwing, a circle with a diameter of 213.5 cm is limited by a metal net.

Safety measures and prevention of injuries during classes and competitions

When conducting classes, the following rules must be observed:

  • in throwing classes, use only serviceable equipment, while its weight and dimensions must correspond to the age and fitness of the students;
  • do not conduct counter throwing; not be located on the side of the throwing hand, but be behind the thrower;
  • before each throw, warn others, and those in the field must face towards the thrower;
  • throw and collect shells only at the instructor's command (prohibit the transfer of shells by air);
  • immediately before throwing the shells, perform special exercises for the muscles and ligaments of the elbow and shoulder joints, and in damp weather, carefully wipe the shells;
  • when throwing a disc and hammer, the throwing area must be fenced off with a safety net.

When preparing equipment for the competition, in addition to what has already been said, it must be remembered that before each competition it is imperative to check the fencing nets, their correct attachment to the racks, and the strength of the racks themselves. The fencing must be such that there is no danger of the projectile bouncing or ricochet towards the athlete or flying over the top of the fence.

Fundamentals of Athletics Throwing Technique

In athletics, there are 5 types of throwing - nucleus, disk, spear, hammer and grenade.

The main goal of throwers is to throw (throw, push) the projectile as far as possible, observing certain rules that limit the actions of athletes. Throwing is based on three main methods of throwing shells: 1) over the shoulder (spear, grenade); 2) from the side (disc, hammer); 3) from the shoulder (core). These methods determine the form of the takeoff run and the final effort in throwing.

Javelin and grenade throwing is performed with a rectilinear take-off run - facing forward. Shot put is mainly carried out with the back towards throwing, where the straightness of the takeoff (jump) is combined with the turning movement of the body at the moment of throwing the projectile. Finally, when throwing a disc, hammer, and in recent times and the core, a take-off run is used in the form of a turn, where translational and rotational movements are simultaneously combined (with one turn in the disc, the core and 3-4 turns in the hammer). Despite the different shape and weight of the projectile, for different conditions and methods of throwing, there are many patterns that determine the rational throwing technique.

Factors affecting the flight range of athletics equipment

All throwing is subject to the general laws of mechanics. Any projectile thrown at an angle to the horizon is subject to the same factors that determine its flight range. Based on the laws of mechanics, the range of the projectile is equal to:

S = (V 0 2 Xsin2a) / g

where V 0 - the initial velocity of the projectile departure; a - the angle of departure of the projectile; g is the acceleration of gravity.

This equation, however, does not take into account the effect of the atmospheric environment and the fact that the projectile leaves the hand of the thrower at a certain departure height (h 0).

The height of the starting point of take-off (h 0) depends on the height of the thrower, the length of his arms, and technique. The higher the altitude of the starting point of departure, the better. But since it is almost impossible to increase the height of the starting point of departure for the same athlete, it is not necessary to count on an increase in the result due to this.

Rice. 9. Projectile flight system: S - horizontal flight length; V0 - initial departure speed; a - departure angle; I am the take-off altitude; h0 - initial departure height; z - terrain angle

The above formula can be used to determine the range of the projectile, but other parameters should always be considered. So, in general, the following factors affect the result in throwing athletics equipment(fig. 9):

a) the initial velocity of the projectile departure (V 0);

b) the angle of departure of the projectile (a),

c) the effect of the atmospheric environment (air resistance, wind strength and direction);

d) the height of the projectile release above the ground (h 0);

e) the aerodynamic properties of the projectile;

f) the angle of attack of the projectile (β).

All factors determine in each specific case the effectiveness of throwing, but the value of each of the parameters is far from equal. In practice, the most important are the initial speed, the angle of departure and the effect of the atmospheric environment. Their analysis is necessary, first of all, for a correct assessment of all the movements of the thrower who is throwing the projectile. Let us consider in more detail each of the main factors affecting the range of the projectile.

The initial velocity of the projectile departure to the range of its flight

Considering the composite values ​​of the above formula, it becomes obvious that the main factor in increasing the range of the projectile in all throwing is the initial velocity.

In theory, there is no limit to increasing the starting speed. In the formula, the initial speed is squared (V02), so if the speed doubles, then the flight range, all other things being equal, increases by 4 times, with an increase of 3 times - 9 times, etc. For example, a nucleus take-off speed of 10 m / s corresponds to a result of 12 m, and a speed of 15 m / s corresponds to about 25 m, i.e. an increase in speed by 1.5 times leads to an increase in the result by 2.25 times.

In throwing, the projectile departure speed is created as a result of the use of speed:

  • preliminary waving;
  • preliminary movement ("thrower + projectile" in the takeoff run);
  • the final, final effort of the thrower at the moment of the throw itself.

In this case, the degree of communication of speed in the takeoff run and the final movement for acceleration of the projectile in different types throwing is different. So, the starting acceleration speed in shot put is 15-20%, javelin throwing - 15-22%, discus throwing - 40-45%, hammer throwing - 80-85%, and the rest of the speed is reported to the projectile in the final effort.

As you can see, in shot put and javelin throwing, the final movement is of greater importance for the acceleration of the projectile; in discus throwing, these parts of the throwing technique are of approximately equal importance, and in hammer throwing, the preliminary speed is much higher than the final one. It is characteristic that high-class athletes have a more uniform increase in the speed of the projectile from start to departure. Significant fluctuations in speed are visible and observed, as a rule, in athletes of younger sports categories. High-class athletes are distinguished by a greater increase in the speed of the projectile in the final effort.

The initial velocity of the projectile departure is the result of summing the velocities of individual body links - legs, trunk, arms. In this case, which is especially important, there is a sequential acceleration of the links from the bottom up, i.e. each subsequent link begins to move when the speed of the previous one reaches its maximum. The initial speed is communicated to the projectile due to the work of the muscles of the legs and trunk, and the final speed is communicated to the inclusion of muscles shoulder girdle and hands (spear, core, disc, grenade).

In addition, the velocity of the projectile departure depends on the magnitude of the force applied to the projectile and the time that this force is applied to it. If we proceed from Newton's second law (V = Ft / m), then it turns out that the speed is directly proportional to the force and time of its application (the mass of the projectile is a constant value). This means that the more force we act on the projectile and the longer this impact is, the faster the projectile will leave the hand of the thrower. If the length of the path of application to the projectile is taken as the degree of the athlete's technical skill, then ultimately we come to the conclusion that the initial velocity of the projectile (and the result in sports throwing) is directly dependent on the special power readiness and technical skill of the thrower.

It is important to emphasize that in order to provide an impact on a projectile moving at a relatively high speed, the muscles of the thrower must be not only strong, but also fast. Moreover, the athlete during the entire throwing must communicate the speed not to one projectile, but to the whole body and the projectile, that is, to the "thrower + projectile" system. Only in the second half of the final effort is only one projectile accelerated.

Two more conditions should be noted that affect the increase in initial speed in spinning throws (disc, hammer). An important role for the creation of the initial velocity of the projectile is played here by the magnitude of the angular velocity and the radius of rotation, that is, the distance from the axis of rotation to the center of gravity of the projectile.

The radius is influenced by the length of the thrower's arm (when throwing a disc), the length of the projectile and the location of the center of gravity in the projectile itself (when throwing a hammer). The larger the radius of rotation at a given angular velocity, the higher the initial flight speed and the better the throwing result.

The influence of the angle of departure of the projectile on sports performance

The next factor on which the flight range largely depends is the projectile departure angle.

Departure angle (a) is called the angle built at the point of departure of the projectile and enclosed between the horizontal line and the velocity vector of the disk (tangent to the beginning of the flight path). As you know, if a projectile is thrown in an airless space at an angle of 45 ° to the horizon, then it will fly the greatest distance. But in practice, the optimal angles of departure of various projectiles are less. First, this is due to the fact that sports equipment is produced on average at a height of 160 to 220 cm.The presence of a difference in the departure and landing levels of the projectile (the so-called terrain angle) is the first reason for the decrease in the theoretical exhaust angle.

Secondly, throwing at a lower angle allows you to increase the path of impact on the projectile and, thirdly, the structure muscular system the athlete contributes to more effort at a lower angle of departure. In all types of throwing, except for disc throwing, with an increase in the take-off speed, the take-off angle slightly increases (in disc throwing, it decreases). In addition, in gliding shells (disc, spear), the direction and magnitude of the wind also affects the change in the departure angle.

Thus, the departure angle depends on the height of the projectile release above the ground, the aerodynamic properties of the projectile (for the disk and the spear), the state of the atmosphere (wind direction), and the takeoff speed.

In sports throwing, it is necessary to use the so-called optimal angles of the projectile departure. In this case, the optimal angle is understood as the most favorable angle for the range of the projectile.

  • when throwing a javelin: 30 -35 °;
  • when throwing a disc: 36 -38 °;
  • shot put: 38-41 °;
  • when throwing a hammer and grenade: 42 -44 °.

The impact of the atmospheric environment on the range of the projectile

After the projectile has left the hand of the thrower, two forces of the air immediately begin to act on it: 1) the force of resistance (or frontal resistance); 2) lifting force.

Resistance force directed against the speed of the projectile and thereby reduces the range of its flight. It mainly depends on the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile and on the square of its speed.

Lifting force- This is the force that holds the projectile in flight, opposing the force of gravity. If the projectile moves in such a way that the air flows around it evenly both from above and below, then the lifting force will not act on it. If the direction of the velocity does not coincide with the direction of the longitudinal axis of the projectile (plane of the disk), then the air flows from above and below will be unequal. In this case, air particles from above will flow around the projectile faster and at the same time travel a greater distance than from below, and, therefore, the air pressure on the projectile will be less than the pressure from below. As a result of the pressure difference above and below, a lifting force arises.

It is essential to remember that the lift is not necessarily upward; its direction may be different. It depends on the position of the projectile and the direction of the air flow relative to it. In cases where the lift is directed upward and balances the weight of the projectile, he begins to glide. Planning the javelin and the disc significantly improves throwing performance.

During the flight of such heavy projectiles, such as a cannonball and a hammer, the effect of these forces is practically insignificant and practically does not affect their flight in the air. It is different with the so-called gliding projectiles, like a disc and a spear, which are significantly resisted in flight by the atmospheric environment (air density, wind strength and direction). An important role in throwing gliding projectiles is played by the angle of attack, which is formed by the longitudinal axis (plane) of the projectile and the direction of the incoming air flow. It can be positive, zero, or negative. If the air flow runs on the lower surface of the disc and spear, then the angle of attack is positive, if on the upper surface it is negative.

Rice. 10. Forces acting on a gliding projectile in flight: g - gravity; X is the resistance force of the medium; Y is the lifting force; a - departure angle; β is the angle of attack; V - departure speed

As can be seen from Fig. 10, the projectile is subject to gravity (g), medium resistance (X), and lift (Y). The angles of departure (a) and attack (β) are fixed.

In discus throwing, it is better if the value of the angle of attack at the beginning is equal to the angle of departure. In other words, the thrower should strive to direct the effort exactly into the plane of the projectile. In this case, the disk will not make lateral movements in flight. Javelin throwers strive for the angle of attack to be close to zero (to hit exactly the spear "). When the ball, shot and hammer are flying, there is no angle of attack.

It should be borne in mind that with an increase in the angle of attack (β), both the lift and the drag of the air medium increase, but the increase in the lift will go much faster than the increase in the drag. Subsequently, the drag continues to increase, and the lift begins to decrease, and when the plane of the projectile becomes perpendicular to the direction of velocity, the lift becomes zero. Consequently, there are sections on the trajectory where the lift force is greater than the drag, and the section where the drag exceeds the lift. Hence it follows

the need to find the optimal angles of release and attack, at which the lift force over a large section of the flight path would exceed the drag, which means that the projectile could fly a greater distance.

The direction of air movement has a great influence on the flight of gliding shells. When throwing a disc and a spear against the headwind, the force of the frontal resistance of the air increases and the lifting force increases proportionally. This creates an aerodynamic increase in the projectile's flight range. When throwing against the wind, for better use of the lifting force, the angle of projectile departure is somewhat reduced as the wind speed increases. Calculations show that a headwind of the order of 5 m / s, for example, increases the flight range of the disk by 10%, and a tailwind decreases it by 2.5%.

Interestingly, the aerodynamic properties of the female disc are higher than that of the male. At the same initial speed, the female disk flies longer than the male one. Moreover, with a strong headwind, this advantage increases even more. With a tailwind, its speed coincides with the direction of flight of the projectile and a decrease in aerodynamic force occurs. But since this also reduces the force of frontal resistance, then this circumstance must be used to increase the throw range. This is achieved by increasing the departure angle.

The most inconvenient for the spear and disc is the action of the crosswind, which violates the basic laws of projectile planning in flight.

The main parts of athletics throwing

All existing throws are holistic acyclic exercises.

However, for the convenience of analyzing the technique, each throw conditionally consists of six interconnected parts:

I - holding the projectile;

II - preparation for takeoff run and takeoff run (turn, jump);

III - preparation for the final effort ("overtaking" the projectile);

IV - final movement (effort);

V - braking and maintaining balance after the release of the projectile;

VI - departure and flight of the projectile.

Holding the projectile

The task of this part is to hold the projectile in such a way as to throw freely, with an optimal range of motion, ensuring the most effective application of its forces. The correct holding of the projectile depends on its shape, weight, throwing method and allows you to use the length and strength of the limbs to the fullest, if possible, to relax the muscles of the throwing hand until the final effort and to maintain control over the athlete's movements. All this contributes to the transfer of the thrower's force to the projectile in the right direction and in the longest way, which provides a high initial velocity of the projectile departure.

When throwing a disc and hammer, from the point of view of biomechanics, you need to hold the projectile so that its center is far away from the athlete's axis of rotation. This increases the radius of rotation, which means that the initial take-off speed increases.

Preparing for the take-off run and take-off run

The main task of this part is to create a preliminary (optimal) speed of movement of the thrower with the projectile and to provide favorable conditions for the final effort. During the run, the thrower makes up, as it were unified system with a projectile, where the acceleration acquired by it is transferred to the projectile. The takeoff run is performed in the form of an accelerated run (throwing a grenade and a spear), a jump (throwing a shot) and turning (throwing a disc and a hammer, and also, more recently, putting a shot).

The run-up in some throws is preceded by the performance of preliminary movements by the athlete. In shot put, this is swing (body tilt) and tuck, in discus throw - swinging, in hammer throw - preliminary swinging. Only in throwing a grenade and a javelin, the athlete from the starting position immediately begins the run.

The main task of the preliminary movements is to focus on the execution of throwing in general, to take a rational starting position, to create the most favorable conditions for maximum muscle work in subsequent movements. In hammer throwing, these movements (hammer rotation) also make it possible to give the projectile considerable speed before the turns.

When performing a take-off run in the form of one (disk) or several turns (3-4 in the hammer), a significant centrifugal force arises (when throwing a hammer at 75 m, it is equal to 300 kg), which makes it difficult for the thrower to move. The athlete must not only resist the increasing centrifugal force, i.e. to provide stable position body, but also complete the technically correct powerful release of the projectile.

In the takeoff run (in the form of turns or leap), the thrower can give speed to the "thrower + projectile" system only when the feet are on the ground, since in the two-support position it can act on the projectile with greater force than in the single-support position and, therefore, give projectile high speed. In this case, the time spent in the unsupported position, during which the thrower is not able to increase the speed, should be minimized.

Preliminary movements (take-off, jump and turns) are not performed at too high a speed. This speed in various throws should be optimal, at which the athlete is able to control his actions to create favorable conditions when performing the final movement. The speeds of movement of the thrower and the projectile must correspond to the technical, speed and power capabilities of the thrower.

Regardless of the movements and efforts of the thrower, a more perfect throwing technique should be considered one when the speed of the projectile must necessarily increase by the end of the throw. The takeoff speed should always be selected with strict consideration of the thrower's capabilities, allowing to fully “transfer” the “energy” acquired by the thrower during the takeoff run to the projectile. The highest speed of movement of the projectile is created in hammer throwing, where the ball at the end of 3-4 turns reaches a speed of 23-24 m / s, passing a path of 60-70 m.When throwing a disc, the projectile develops a speed of 10-12 m / s, passing during the turn path 12-15 m. When throwing a javelin, the speed of movement of the projectile and the thrower reaches 6-8 m / s. The slowest take-off run is about 3 m / s.

The transition from the takeoff run to the throw in throwing is the most difficult component of the technique, and it turns out to be the more difficult, the higher the speed of the thrower in the takeoff run (especially in a spear, hammer, disc).

The following facts speak about the role of the take-off run in throwing: when the shot is put, the difference in the distance between the throw from the spot and from the take-off is on average 1.5-2 m, when throwing a disc - 7-10 m, when throwing a javelin - 20-25 m. These data can serve as a criterion for the effectiveness of the takeoff run.

Preparation for the final effort ("overtaking" the projectile)

In the second part of the run, having accelerated the projectile to a certain horizontal speed, the thrower prepares for the final effort. This preparation is not a simple transition from the takeoff run to the release of the projectile, but rather a complex redistribution of the efforts of individual muscle groups, and the greater the speed of the movements, the more difficult it is to perform it. The task of this part is to stretch the muscles of all body links with a minimum loss of the linear velocity of the projectile by accelerated movement of individual parts of the body so as to create conditions for their sequential contraction.

In preparation for the final effort, the thrower should do the following:

b) at the end of the takeoff (turn) overtake the projectile;

c) lower common center body mass for better use of leg strength when throwing;

d) ensure the correct stable starting position before the final effort.

Let us dwell in more detail on these actions of the thrower.

In different throws, such actions occur differently, however, in all cases, great importance is attached to the creation of prerequisites for increasing the speed by the end of the throw.

If the thrower cannot maintain sufficient horizontal speed, then the takeoff (turn) loses its meaning and even interferes. Overtaking the projectile is the action of the thrower during the run, when the lower part of the athlete's body (legs, pelvis) overtakes the upper (torso, arms) and the projectile. In other words, overtaking the projectile is carried out by increasing the speed of the lower part of the thrower's body relative to the upper part. In this case, overtaking the projectile occurs not only in the anterior-posterior direction, but also by twisting the body in lumbar region in the direction opposite to the direction of throwing. Overtaking the projectile, the athlete increases the impact on it in the final effort.

In the process of preparing for the final effort, the thrower lowers the overall center of mass of the bodies due to wider placement and bending of the legs. This is done in order to increase the vertical velocity of the projectile. The thrower should strive to displace the OCMT as low as possible and thereby increase its lifting path in the final effort. Moreover, the lower the OCMT is displaced, the more time is required for

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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TYPES OF THROWING Throwing is characterized by short-term, but maximum neuromuscular efforts, in which not only the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and trunk, but also the legs are involved in the work. Throwing shells requires a high level of development of strength, speed, agility and ability to concentrate their efforts. Throwing is an exercise in throwing a grenade and a ball, as well as in putting the shot at a distance. Depending on the method of performance, athletics throws are divided into: throws from behind the head (grenade, ball); push (core); throwing (hammer, disc, spear).

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The history of throwing Throwing is the oldest form of athletics, which had great popularity back in Ancient Greece and included discus and javelin throwing. Excavations have shown that in ancient times discs were made of various materials: stone, dense wood, iron, lead. In the VI century BC. lenticular sports discs began to appear different masses and volume. Javelin throwing was included in the competition program for Olympic Games ah in Ancient Greece. First, the spear was thrown at accuracy, and then at range. In the modern Olympic Games, javelin throwing has been included (in men) since 1908. Olympic champion in javelin throwing was the Swede E. Lemming - 54 m 44 cm. For women, javelin throwing was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1932. The first champion was the American athlete M. Didrikson - 43 m 68 cm. Javelin throwing has long been considered an elite form of athletics ... Members of aristocratic and wealthy families were engaged in it. Currently, javelin throwing is widespread in Europe, the USA, and Cuba. In the countries of South America, on the Asian and African continents, javelin throwing is not widespread.

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Hammer throw is a relatively young form of athletics. Its history begins in the middle of the 18th century. In those days, the blacksmiths of Ireland and Scotland often competed in dexterity and strength, throwing an ordinary hammer at range - their main production tool. Over time, this hobby became very popular and was included in the program of athletics competitions. The first championship of England took place in 1866. The winner was R. James, who showed the result of 24.50 m. The first world record was recorded in 1877 - 33.53 m, it was set by the Englishman G. Hales.

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Grenade throwing technique Small ball and grenade throwing technique. The throwing technique of these two shells is not different from each other. The only difference in technique is the holding of the projectile. The throwing technique consists of: Holding the ball or grenade; Takeoff run (if throwing is performed with a takeoff run or with three steps); Swing; Throw.

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Grenade holding technique. The grenade is held with a tight grip, it is most convenient to hold the projectile closer to the end, so that the little finger rests against the end of the handle. The hand holding the projectile is not tense.

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Throwing a grenade from a place When throwing a grenade from a place, the technique of motional actions is as follows. In the starting position, stand with your left side to the target, feet shoulder-width apart. Bending your right leg, tilt your torso to the right. The right arm with the ball is laid to the right, the left arm is bent in front of the chest. From this starting position, perform a throw due to active extension right leg, turning the chest in the direction of throwing and transferring body weight to the left leg. At the same time, the thrower assumes the "bowed bow" position: both legs are straightened at the knee joints, the right one is put off the toe, the left one stands on the whole foot, the arm with the ball is bent at an angle of about 120 degrees and laid back. From this position, without delay and fixing it, straighten the torso and carry the hand with the ball over the shoulder. After the release of the projectile, turn the body to the left and left hand take aside.

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Throwing a grenade from a takeoff run When performing a takeoff run: the takeoff run is performed strictly in a straight line from 10–12 m (the takeoff run length is strictly individual); the take-off run is performed with acceleration, but remember that too high a speed makes it difficult to execute the throw correctly. Swing When performing a swing: at the end of the run, straighten your arm and perform a swing back; simultaneously turn the body to the right; then a "cross step" is performed, i. e. a step is performed with the right foot with the toe outward, with a turn of the pelvis in the same direction; this step is performed much faster than others in order to overtake the torso. Throw When performing a throw: the left leg is placed slightly to the left of the take-off line; the trunk vigorously turns with the chest towards the direction of the run; the arm, slightly bent at the elbow, passes over the right shoulder, and the projectile is thrown up and forward. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the hand with the projectile first lags behind the body, thereby creating conditions for the throw. These movements, combined with the extension of the legs, create a powerful throw.

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Methods of throwing grenades Throwing grenades by the method "from behind over the shoulder" This method of throwing a grenade is the main one, as it provides the greatest range and accuracy of the throw and can be used in a wide variety of conditions. From behind, over the shoulder, grenades are thrown at trenches and firing points, at windows and doors, at manpower and armored vehicles, from bottom to top and top to bottom (for example, from the upper floors of buildings), at stationary and moving targets. Throwing with one hand from a place without a step. Slightly throwing the body back, take the right hand in an arc upward back over the shoulder, make a swing and with a sharp movement of the body forward, unbending the elbow, throw a grenade with a jerk with a brush. At the moment of throwing, the grenade should sweep over the shoulder (and not from the side) and be released in the highest position of the hand above the shoulder. Throwing a grenade with a step. Leaving the right leg back, bend it at the knee and, turning the body to the right, make a backward swing in an arc downward. Then, straightening your right leg, sharply turn your chest towards the target and throw a grenade in the same way as when throwing from a place without a step. This method is convenient for throwing grenades from behind a fence, walls, armored vehicles, as well as from a trench or pit. Throwing grenades on the go. When walking (or running) on ​​a step with the right foot forward, put it on the heel, turning the toe out. At the same time, swing your hand with a grenade down and back. Without delaying the movement and ending the swing, put your left leg forward; with the left foot on the ground, throw a grenade in the same way as when throwing from a place. Throwing a grenade from the knee. Become on the left or right knee, turn the body to the right, swing up and back over the shoulder in an arc and, sharply turning with the chest towards the target, make a throw. If the situation permits, then at the time of the throw it is advisable to quickly rise and throw a grenade as if from a "standing still" position.

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Methodology and sequence of training The main components of the fundamentals of the technique are the correct execution of the whip-like movement of the hand and the sequence of work of the body links, which allow using the efforts of the entire musculoskeletal system. Due to the different physical fitness schoolchildren, when teaching throwing, some difficulties may arise that must be taken into account when planning work with the class. It is best to start training by throwing large, but not heavy balls, allowing you to correctly perform a given exercise. The position of the hand when holding a relatively large ball allows the guys to feel it better. From the first lessons, pay attention to the clear organization of classes, achieving the necessary discipline. Children are very emotional and, feeling the desire to better, faster, throw the ball further, catch it, run out of their seats, interfere with their classmates. Keep in mind that children quickly get bored of monotonous exercises, so limit the dosage of exercises to 6-10 repetitions. Most of the exercises in throwing, catching balls are best done in pairs. This contributes to the education of mutual coordination of movements, significantly increases interest in classes. Keep track of the convenient and rational placement of the trainees on the site at a sufficient distance from each other. After one exercise is mastered, move on to the study of the next, constantly improving the previous one.

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Errors during throwing The pelvis and right leg are turned too far to the right. The throwing arm is not fully extended. When throwing, the throwing hand is too far away from the body.

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When thrown, the head and top part torsos deviate to the left. The left leg "stops", as a result of which the thrower bends at the lower back. The right leg is put forward, so normal force transfer is impossible.

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Throwing Exercises Special Throwing Exercises 1. Feet shoulder-width apart, ball behind head. The throw is performed forward and upward at the target with springy work of the legs, extension of the trunk and overlap with the forearms and hands. 2. The same from ip. standing in a step. 3. The same throw with the left foot on the ground from the IP. standing on a slightly bent right leg, the ball behind the head. 4. Throwing heavy shells from three steps. 5. Standing in a step, in the hands of a pancake from the bar. Swing right-down-back, take the position of a drawn bow. 6. Standing in step, in the right hand a dumbbell or object (weighing 1-2 kg). Perform a forward-down-backward swing, paying attention to the pivoting movement of the right hip to the left. 7. Standing in a step, in the right hand the core (object 1–2 kg). Swing and throw it at the target. 8. Throwing heavy shells from three steps and from a run. nine. Breathing exercises- diaphragmatic breathing without using the intercostal muscles.

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Factors affecting the result What determines the range of the projectile in throwing? Firstly, on the initial velocity of the projectile departure, which is set by the athlete and which depends on the path of application of force to the projectile and the speed of this path. The longer the path of active influence by the athlete on the projectile and the less time it takes to overcome this path, the higher the initial velocity of the projectile departure and the higher the result. Secondly, from the angle of departure of the projectile. The analysis of the film pictures of the strongest javelin throwers shows that the optimal angle is 40 °. The farther the athlete can throw the projectile (which means that the projectile can create a high initial takeoff velocity), the closer the projectile takeoff angle should be to the optimal one. Thirdly, the flight range is affected by the resistance of the air environment, which depends on the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile in flight. For example, if an athlete can throw a projectile only 30 m, and gives the projectile an angle of departure, which is necessary when throwing at 90 m, then a projectile fired by a thrower and having a low initial take-off speed experiences great air resistance. The projectile, fired at the angle necessary to the horizon, rests on the lifting, denser layers of air below it, which gives it the ability to glide. Fourthly, from the starting point of the projectile departure. All other things being equal, the best result will be with the thrower with the highest point of projectile departure.

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Best results in throwing Javelin throw: The world record for men is 98.48 m (1996) and belongs to Jan Zelezny from the Czech Republic. The record for women is 72.28 m (2008) and was set by Barbara Shpotakova from the Czech Republic. Olympic record in men, 90.57 m (2008) was established by Andreas Torkildsen from Norway. World records on the old javelin: Uwe Hon - 104.80 m and Petra Voelke-Meyer 80.00 m Seppo Reti's world record in 1991 - 96, 96 m Hammer throw: The world record for men is 86.74 m ( 1986) and belongs to Yuri Sedykh of the USSR, the record for women is 79.42m (2011) and was set by Betty Heidler from Germany. The Olympic record for men 84.80m (1988) was set by Sergei Litvinov of the USSR in Korea. And for women 76.34 (2008) was established by Oksana Menkova from Belarus in China.

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The main types of athletics throwing include shot put, discus throw, javelin and hammer throw. The aim of throwing is the desire to achieve the greatest flight range of a sports projectile. In solving this problem, possession of rational technique throwing and high level of development physical qualities athlete.

Theoretically, the projectile flight range (without taking into account air resistance) can be determined by the formula: \ where v is the initial velocity of the projectile departure, a is the departure angle, and g is the gravitational acceleration.

As can be seen from the formula, an increase in the projectile's flight range is most dependent on an increase in the initial take-off speed and an increase in the take-off angle (since the acceleration of gravity is a constant value of 9.81 m / s 2). However, only a constant increase in starting speed will improve athletic performance. An increase in the departure angle has a limit of 45 °, and a further increase in this angle does not lead to an increase in the projectile's flight range. Calculations show that the greater the initial velocity, the greater its influence on the throwing range, which is proportional to the square of the projectile's exit velocity. The increase sports performance due to an increase in the departure angle (within 45 °), it is increasingly reduced.

Thus, an increase in the initial velocity of the projectile departure at the optimal angle - the main task thrower. The solution of this problem is facilitated by a rational technique of throwing, which allows the most expedient use of the basic physical qualities of an athlete.

Despite the different shape and weight of the shells, different conditions and methods of throwing, there are many patterns that determine the rational technique. For the convenience of analyzing the throwing technique, it can be conditionally divided into the following main phases: holding the projectile, takeoff, preparation for the final effort, final effort, takeoff and flight of the projectile.

Holding the projectile

The method of holding the projectile in the hand and carrying it during the takeoff (turn) depend on the device of the projectile and the throwing technique. Regardless of the type of throwing, the general requirements for the correct holding of the apparatus must provide the athlete with the free execution of all movements with a large amplitude. Correct holding of the projectile allows you to use the length and strength of the limbs to the fullest, if possible, relax the muscles of the throwing hand until the final effort and maintain control over the athlete's movements. All this contributes to the transfer of the thrower force to the projectile in the desired direction and along the longest path, which ensures a high initial velocity of the projectile departure.

From the point of view of biomechanics, to increase the range of motion, it is better to hold the projectile so that it is closer to the ends of the fingers of the throwing hand. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that excessive removal of the projectile to the ends of the fingers can weaken the grip. Therefore, each thrower, taking into account these general provisions and his individual characteristics, must determine for himself the appropriate method of holding the projectile.

Takeoff run

The takeoff run in throwing is performed in order to achieve the optimal speed of movement of the thrower and the projectile, which make up a single system. It is performed in the form of running (throwing a javelin and a grenade), jumping (throwing a shot) and spinning (throwing a disc and hammer, and in some cases putting a shot). This speed in various throws should be optimal, ensuring its most effective use in the final effort. The highest speed of movement of the projectile is created in hammer throwing, where by the end of the 3-4th turn it reaches 23-25 ​​m / s (when throwing a disc - 10-15 m / s, when throwing a javelin - 6-8 m / s). The slowest take-off run is about 3 m / s.

The following facts speak about the role of the takeoff run in throwing: when the shot is put, the difference in the distance between the throw from the spot and from the takeoff is on average 1.5-2 m, when throwing a disc - 7-10 m, when throwing a javelin - 20-24 m. These data can serve as a criterion for the effectiveness of the takeoff run.

To achieve the maximum speed of the throw, the thrower's take-off speed must correspond to his speed and power capabilities, as well as the ability to use the energy acquired in the take-off run in the final effort.

During a rotational take-off run, the energy accumulated by the thrower-projectile system is in direct proportion to the angular velocity of the entire system, its mass and radius of rotation. When making turns, there is an alternation of single-support and double-support positions. Since the two-bearing position allows the thrower to more reliably provide stability during rotation, first of all, in this position, an increase in the speed of rotation of the body should be achieved. The time spent in the unsupported position, at which the thrower is not able to increase the speed, should be minimal.

At the same angular velocity of rotation, the linear velocity of the projectile is in direct proportion to the length of the path of its movement and is achieved due to the larger radius of rotation of the projectile. At the same time, the rotation of the projectile along a larger radius with the same angular velocity requires a lot of effort from the thrower.

The best take-off run involves increasing the speed of the thrower-projectile system from start to finish. However, in practice, this acceleration occurs unevenly, sometimes quite significant fluctuations are observed.

Preparing for the final effort

In the second part of the run, having accelerated the projectile to a certain horizontal speed, the thrower prepares for the final effort, which is performed in the form of the so-called overtaking the projectile. In this case, the lower parts of the body overtake the upper and the projectile. Overtaking the projectile occurs not only in the anterior-posterior direction, but also by twisting the body and lumbar region in the direction opposite to the direction of throwing. These actions of the thrower play a very important preparatory role for the successful execution of the final effort. They allow you to increase the path of impact on the projectile, stretch the main muscle groups and create the prerequisites for the rapid movement of the entire mass of the thrower and the main links involved in throwing.

In all throws, the beginning of the final effort is not preceded by the presence of support on both legs, since the effort begins before placing the left leg on the ground. This manifests itself in the form of some straightening of the body and right leg even before setting the left leg and has a positive effect on the increase in the acceleration of the projectile at the time of the transition from the takeoff run to the throw. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to emphasize the beginning of the throw, standing on one more right leg and trying to straighten it as soon as possible, since the desire to quickly set the left leg is the rule of throwing any projectile.

The translational motion of the thrower's mass should not slow down when passing to the final effort, since the magnitude of the final work is proportional to the mass and its acceleration.

The initial position of the thrower before the final effort in all types of throwing has common features. This position is characterized, firstly, by a slight decrease in the GTCT for better use of leg strength during the throw (due to the comfortable placement of the legs and their bending to optimal limits), and secondly, by an increase in the distance from the hand with the projectile to the expected point of departure of the projectile (for by tilting and twisting the body, abducting the hand with the projectile), which increases the path of action of the thrower's force.

The expediency of all actions of the thrower before the final effort should be considered from the point of view of providing optimal conditions for increasing the path and force of impact on the projectile and maximizing the speed acquired by the thrower during the takeoff run.

Final effort

There is no definite boundary between the takeoff run, preparation for the final effort, and the final effort itself. It is a mistake to have a pause or to maintain a certain position instead of a rapid transition to the throw.

The transition to the development of a powerful final effort begins with the moment the left foot is placed on the ground. Of great importance in all types of throwing is an active, fast and powerful extension of the right leg, which acts on the thrower's body with forward-upward acceleration and accelerates right side pelvis forward. At the same time, the left leg creates a braking effect on the forward movement of the body and promotes the upward movement of the thrower-projectile system. Therefore, when setting on the ground, the left leg is usually slightly cushioned, slightly bent and quickly straightened.

In all throws at the beginning of the final effort, the pelvis is brought forward, its movements are ahead of the movements of the shoulders.

Correct execution the final effort involves the beginning of the movement from the largest and strongest muscle groups with the transition to the efforts of smaller, but capable in these conditions of rapid contraction of muscle groups. Therefore, the final effort begins with a rapid extension of the legs and trunk, accelerating as more distant body links (shoulder, arm, hand) are included.

From the start of the throw to the moment the projectile takes off, all muscle groups of the athlete work quickly and intensely - from the toes to the fingers of the throwing hand, which requires high coordination and coordination of movements. At the beginning of the final effort, the thrower spends significant force to accelerate the entire system of the thrower-projectile, and he must use the energy accumulated at the same time to transfer it to the projectile, and the thrower can show the greatest effort in a two-support position, which causes the need for a quick set of legs.

In the process of the final effort, the thrower is faced with the task of not only increasing the path of application of force to the projectile, but also realizing its power and speed capabilities for continuous impact on the projectile along the entire path with a force that provides the greatest increase in its velocity when released. For highly qualified athletes, the initial speed of the projectile's departure reaches: in javelin throwing - 35 m / s, in discus throwing - 28 m / s, in shot put - 13-15 m / s.

A more rational use of the thrower's force in the final effort is facilitated by the skillful use of the elastic properties of muscles. It is known that the more force will be expended on stretching the muscles (up to certain limits), the more work they can perform during contraction.

A certain role in throwing is played by the work of the free (left) hand. In the final effort, abducting it to the side (ahead of the rotation of the body) contributes not only to an increase in the rigidity of the axis of rotation, but also to a faster contraction of pre-stretched muscles.

Departure and flight of the projectile

When the projectile is released, the force of the thrower must be applied in such a way as to ensure its maximum flight. The value of the departure angle has a variable value and may be different in each individual case. Both excessively high and low flight of the projectile does not give desired effect... Despite the fact that theoretically, without taking into account air resistance, the most advantageous angle of departure of any projectile is considered to be an angle of 45 °, in practice the optimal angles of departure of various projectiles are less.

Firstly, this is due to the fact that the sports projectile is released on average at a height of 160 to 200 cm. The presence of a difference in the projectile departure and landing levels (the so-called terrain angle) is the first reason for the decrease in the theoretical release angle. Secondly, throwing at a lower angle allows you to increase the path of impact on the projectile and, thirdly, the structure of the athlete's muscular system contributes to greater application of efforts at a lower angle of departure.

All throwing projectiles, when flying, receive a rotational movement, which is of particular importance only in disc and javelin throwing. Here, the laws of the gyroscope principle known in mechanics (a top with a heavy disk) operate, the main property of which is the desire to preserve the axis of rotation in space and resist attempts to change the position of this axis.

It is known from mechanics that the resistance of the air environment to a moving body is proportional to the projection of the body onto a plane perpendicular to the direction of motion and the square of the velocity, therefore, in practice, air resistance is taken into account in cases where the initial velocity of the projectile departure is significant.

At a high initial velocity of the disc and spear flight, not only a negative force of frontal air resistance is created, but also under favorable conditions, a certain positive lift arises, forcing these projectiles to glide, lengthening the flight. The lifting force arises due to the pressure difference above and below the air flowing around the projectile.

An important role in throwing gliding projectiles is played by the so-called angle of attack, which is formed by the longitudinal axis of the projectile and the flight path. It can be neutral, positive, or negative. The selection of the appropriate trajectory and angle of attack allows experienced throwers to show the best results when throwing gliding shells against a small wind (up to 5 m / s).

The optimal angles of departure when throwing various projectiles are: when throwing a hammer - 42-44 °, when throwing a disc - 36-39 ° (male) and 33-35 ° (female), when throwing a javelin - 28-31 °, when throwing a shot - 38-41 °. When throwing a disc and a spear against the wind, the optimal angle of departure decreases (as the wind speed increases), with a tailwind, it increases.

Read more

  1. Classification and characteristics of athletics exercises
  2. Athletics in the system of physical education classes in educational institutions
    • The content of physical education curricula in various educational institutions and planning of educational work
    • Training in athletics exercises (running, jumping and throwing)
    • Methodology for the development of physical qualities using athletics exercises
  3. Athletics in the system wellness activities
    • The place and importance of athletics in the system of recreational activities
    • The effect of athletics exercises on the human body
    • Methodical recommendations for conducting health-improving running and walking classes
    • Control and self-control of those involved in recreational jogging and walking
  4. Fundamentals of Athletics Technique
  5. Race walking
  6. Running on short distances
    • Basic rules of competition in sprinting
  7. Relay race
  8. Middle distance running
    • Basic rules of competition in middle distance running
  9. Long distance running
    • Basic rules of competition in long-distance running
  10. Super long distance running
    • The basic rules of competition in ultra-long distance running. Highway running
  11. Hurdling
  12. Running with obstacles
  13. Long jump with a run
    • Basic rules of the long jump competition
  14. Triple running jump
    • Basic rules for triple running jump competition
  15. High jump

Throwing is divided into types: throwing a javelin, a hammer, a disc, and also a shot put.

1. Javelin throw.

The rules are similar to other throwing disciplines. Contestants make three attempts, and better result eight best are selected. Those who entered this eight make three more throws, and the winner will be determined by the best result of all six attempts. Unlike discus throw, hammer throw and shot put, athletes do not use a circle, but a track (with a surface similar to a running surface) to accelerate before throwing. Accordingly, attempts in which the athlete crossed the line at the end of the lane are not protected. Also, attempts are not taken into account in which the spear flew out of the assigned sector, or did not stick into the ground, but fell flat.

In javelin throwing, an important role is played by the speed of the athlete, which he acquires during acceleration. Therefore, javelin throwers usually have a physique similar to sprinters, rather than the dense and stocky characteristic of representatives of other throwing disciplines.

In 1984, the East German spear thrower Uwe Hon ( Uwe hohn) performed a record throw at 104.80 m. Such long-distance throws led to the need to change the projectile, since javelin throwing could generally be prohibited from being held in stadiums due to insecurity. As a result, the center of gravity of the spear was shifted forward, which led to an earlier lowering of the projectile nose, and reduced the throw range by about 10%. The female version of the spear (600 g versus 800 g for men) underwent a similar redesign in 1999.

Manufacturers tried to increase the friction on the rear of the spear (using holes, rough coloring, etc.) in order to reduce the effect of the shifted center of gravity and regain some of the lost range. Such modifications to the projectile were banned in 1991, and record throws made with their help were canceled.

The world record for men is 98.48 m (1996) and belongs to Jan Zhelezny from the Czech Republic. The record for women is 71.70 m (2004) and was set by Cuban Oslaidis Menendez (Spanish. Osleidys Menéndez).

Among the best javelin throwers is the Russian Sergey Makarov, who took the third place for two Olympiads in a row. If I am not mistaken, this year he will also perform at the Olympics. We wish Sergey victory!

2. Discus throw.

Competitors perform a throw from a circle with a diameter of 2.5 meters. Throw distance is measured as the distance from the outer circumference of this circle to the point of impact of the projectile. Disc weight in men's competitions is 2 kg, and in women's competitions - 1 kg.

The disc body must be solid or hollow and made of wood or other suitable material with a metal ring around the edge. In cross-section, the edge of the rim should be rounded with a radius of approximately 6 mm. Exactly in the middle of the body, flush with its sides, round washers are fixed parallel to each other. Alternatively, the disc can be without metal washers, provided that this area is flat and the parameters and total weight projectile meet the specified requirements. Both sides of the disc must be the same, without protrusions, notches or sharp corners. The sides taper in a straight line until the rim begins to round off at a distance of 25 mm to 28.5 mm from the center of the disc. The disc, including the surface of the rim, must be smooth, without roughness and uniform over the entire surface.

Discus is thrown from a net-fenced area to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and athletes. The barrier net must be designed, manufactured and installed in such a way as to stop a 2 kg disk moving at a speed of up to 25 m per second. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the disc does not bounce off by a ricochet towards the athlete or over the edge of the barrier net.

The barrier mesh must have a U-shape, in plan, consist of at least six sections, each 3.17 m wide, as shown in the diagram. The distance between the vertical edges of the net is 6 m. They are located 5 m from the center of the throwing circle. The height of the sections should be at least 4 m. The design of the fence should be made in such a way that the disc does not get stuck in its joints, or in the net itself, or under the sections.

The maximum dangerous sector when throwing a discus from this barrier net is approximately 98 degrees when performing athletes throwing both left and right hand... The purpose of the protective net is, first of all, to provide security measures.

Virgilius Alekna from Lithuania became the Olympic champion in 2004. He is still in the ranks and is a dangerous contender for the rest of the games.

In women in 2004 Olympic champion became Natalya Sadova.

3. Hammer throw.

Hammer throwing- track and field discipline, in which it is necessary to throw as far as possible the "hammer" - a metal ball connected with a steel wire to the handle. Its total length for men is 117-121.5 cm, and its total weight is 7.265 kg. In women, its length is from 116 to 119.5 cm, and its total weight is 4 kg. When throwing, an athlete is in a special circle with a diameter of 2.135 m, within which he spins and throws a sports device. In order for the attempt to be counted, the athlete must leave the circle only after the hammer has hit the ground and only with back side circle. In addition, the hammer must fall within the intended sector.

As a sport, hammer throwing originated in Scotland and Ireland, where initially some kind of massive load was thrown with an attached wooden handle. Since 1912, the above-described modern "hammer" has been used. Modern rules were established in England in 1887.

The best hammer throwers achieve results of about 86 m (for men) and about 75 m for women. World records currently belong to Yuri Sedykh (86.74 m) and Tatiana Lysenko (78.61 m).

Olga Kuzenkova (Russia) became the Olympic champion in 2004. She was also the silver medalist of the Olympics in 2000.

Koji Murofusi (Japan) became the men's Olympic champion in 2004. Ivan Tikhon from Belarus came in second.

4. Putting the shot.

Competitors throw from a 7-foot (2.135-meter) circle. Throw distance is measured as the distance from the outer circumference of this circle to the point of impact of the projectile. The core weight in the men's competition is 16 lbs (7.26 kg), and in the women's competition it is 8.8 lbs (4 kg).

The ball is pushed from the shoulder with one hand. Once the athlete has reached a position in the circle before starting the attempt, the core must touch or be fixed at the neck or chin, and the hand must not fall below this position during the push. The core should not be deflected over the shoulder line.
Shot put competitions have been held since the first Olympic Games.

Yuriy Belonog from Ukraine became the Olympic champion in 2004 in shot put. For women - Yumileidi Kumba (Cuba). Svetlana Kriveleva from Russia came in third. - official site Light federation athletics

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