Organization of sports work at school. Sport sections


Features of motor activity at primary school age.

Organization of health-improving, sports-mass work at school.

Forms of physical culture and health-improving work with younger children school age



One of the main tasks of the school is to improve the health and proper physical development of students. For this purpose, various forms are used: a physical education lesson, physical education minutes, sports sections, mobile changes, an hour of health, sports holidays, health and sports days. Teachers are working together primary school, physical education and health tracker.

With all the importance of the lesson as the basis of the process of physical education at school, the leading role in introducing daily activities physical exercise students, of course, belongs to extracurricular fitness and sports and mass sports.

V last years this work, along with its existing forms, practically enriched effective species improving the health of students, increasing their performance, to a certain extent psychological impact on their consciousness of the idea of ​​the need to use physical culture and sports in their daily activities. Physical culture wellness activities should generally cover all students in the school.

Considering the motor activity of children, we observe it in movements of various forms, in which speed, strength, dexterity, endurance, or a combination of these qualities are manifested to one degree or another. Degree of development physical qualities and defines the quality side motor activity children, the level of their general physical fitness.

Combining physical education with general physical fitness, we thereby carry out the process of a comprehensive physical fitness, which is of great health value.

Features of motor activity at primary school age

The main indicators of the general physical fitness of schoolchildren were, are and will be achievements in basic movements. In them, as in focus, one can see the ability to control one's body, the ability to perform movement economically, quickly, accurately. In these movements, the level of development of physical qualities, speed, dexterity, strength, etc. is revealed. Of course, the pedagogical process in physical education is not limited to a narrow set of exercises "applicable in life conditions." The more the number of motor conditioned reflexes a student acquires, the more complex and varied motor tasks the teacher can set for the students, the easier the skill is acquired. And the motor skill is characterized by the unification of private operations into a single whole, the elimination of unnecessary movements, delays, an increase in the accuracy and rhythm of movements, a decrease in the time for performing an action as a whole, a strict consistency in movements, and the coherence of various body systems.

The motor skill allows you to save physical and mental strength, facilitates orientation in the environment, and frees your mind for timely comprehension of the action.

It is known that the lack of movement in the life of children of primary school age is one of the causes of poor posture, deterioration of the leg ability, the appearance overweight and other disorders in physical development: insufficient physical activity reduces functional cardiovascular and respiratory systems the child, as a result of which there is an inadequate reaction of the heart to the load, the vital capacity of the lungs decreases, and motor development slows down. A sedentary child has a smaller volume of motor skills, he is characterized by a lower level motor qualities... Children with movement deficits have less strength and endurance, are less fast and agile, less tempered, and get sick more often.

It is known that the need of children of primary school age to move 18-22% per day is satisfied by independent, spontaneous movements. These include the movements of the arms, legs. Turns of the torso, head, hand movements during writing, labor, drawing, going to the board, etc. however, the spontaneously created movements in the classroom cannot fully satisfy the students' movements.

On days when a physical education lesson is held according to the schedule, the deficit in motor activity is 40%, and on days when they are not, it increases to 80%. Based on their data that the lesson maximally compensates for 40% of the natural biological need of schoolchildren for movement, the daily volume of active movements should be at least 2 hours, and the weekly volume should be at least 14 hours.

At the present stage of development of schools, it is unacceptable to limit the physical activity of students only in physical education lessons. In a school setting, hypodynamia can be eliminated by those types of physical education that are daily, massive and mandatory for all healthy children.

All types of physical culture and health-improving work in the regime of extended day schools play a huge role here. They are the main providers of the movements a child needs. In schools where physical culture and health work in all its kind, where it is compulsory for everyone healthy people, there is no problem of "motor starvation" with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, from the first days it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to strictly observe the regime. Failure to comply with the regime, inability to systematically distribute time negatively affects the growing body of the child.

When we see a sluggish, nervous, insufficiently physically developed child with poor posture, we can also unmistakably say that he is not much outdoors, is inactive, and goes to bed late. This means that he does not get enough sleep. Lack of physical education, physical exercises negatively affects not only physical development, but also the neuropsychiatric status of the child.

A solid routine that provides for all the moments of the motor regime will help children build their day in such a way that there is enough time for lessons, and for help at home, and for games and entertainment, and sports. A variety of movements are essential for the growth and functioning of a child. People knew that the movement promotes health for a long time. We often hear talk about physical inactivity, i.e. on the decline physical activity insufficient physical activity... A seven-year-old child spends 3-4 hours at a school desk, then prepares homework for 1-1.5 hours and sits in front of the TV for the same amount. And without movement, without proper rest in the air, there is, as a rule, no full development.

Physical inactivity is fraught with the danger of causing various kinds of unwanted deviations in the child's health, leading to mental disorders and nervous breakdowns. And vice versa, in schoolchildren who do physical exercises every day, slightly larger increases in height differ, the circumference increases significantly chest, the vital capacity of the lungs and muscle strength are increased. Significant changes also occur in metabolism: better absorbed nutrients, oxidative processes are more intensive. Physical culture classes are beneficially reflected on the development of the entire musculoskeletal system of the child, which creates conditions for the development of health.

Physical education at school in primary grades continues to teach children:

Breathe correctly, combine breathing with movement;

Difficulty walking and running;

I run with obstacles;

Initial skills of long and high jump with a running start;

Toss and catch the ball with one or two hands;

Throw the ball at the target at different distances;

Climb different ways on the gymnastic wall;

Elements of sports and team games;

Swimming and skiing are often taught.

Organization of sports and recreation, sports and mass work at school

The main role in the organization of physical culture and recreational activities in the mode of school and extracurricular day, for the organization of extracurricular and mass sports work, may belong to the school council of the team on physical culture.

Sport sections- created for students who want to regularly engage in a particular sport. When creating a sports section, first of all, the conditions are taken into account to ensure their successful work - the presence sports base, specialization of those persons who can conduct classes. In each sports section, students are assigned age groups: junior, middle, senior. Classes in sections are held 2 - 3 times a week. Before enrolling in the section, students must undergo a medical examination by a school doctor or clinic at their place of residence.

Along with the sports sections, groups for general physical fitness (GPP) are being created at the school. Their task is to increase the general physical fitness of students through the use of various means of physical culture and sports, which form the basis of the curriculum for physical culture. Students who are somewhat behind in their physical development or who need additional classes as insufficiently prepared to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum are involved in classes in such groups.

Work with students classified for health reasons as a special medical group(SMG), occupies one of the important places in the implementation of the tasks of physical education of schoolchildren and is carried out in groups of physical therapy (exercise therapy). Classes in groups (exercise therapy) are carried out with children assigned to a special medical group (SMS) with deviations in health, which are contraindicated for increased physical activity. Group exercises (exercise therapy) can be either permanent or temporary, depending on the disease.

The task of preparing students to fulfill educational standards is one of the central places in educational activities in physical culture. The implementation of the task of passing control standards directly depends on the effectiveness of physical education lessons, on the extent to which students have mastered the practical and theoretical material of the curriculum, what level of mastering skills, abilities, qualities and knowledge the physical education teacher was able to provide to his students. It must be remembered that preparation for passing educational standards is carried out not only in physical education lessons, but also in extracurricular and extracurricular activities in various sports.

Particular attention is required to students with insufficient development of motor qualities and skills. For this group of students, additional extracurricular activities are organized to prepare for the delivery of educational standards. A physical education teacher must, for this group of students, select and define individual tasks of physical exercises, based on individual, age characteristics development of physical qualities of students. It is also necessary for the physical education teacher to establish direct contact with the parents to exercise control physical condition students, in agreement with their parents, keep a diary of self-control of their physical condition.

Special tasks for the training of young athletes are solved by the training groups of the CYSS. The organizational structure of this work allows a wide range of children and adolescents to be involved in regular sports activities. Depending on the specifics of the sports cultivated in the school, branches of the CYSS can be created at the school. An important organizational and pedagogical problem is the selection of students into groups initial training DUS.

In the groups of initial training of the Children's and Youth Sports School, it is carried out according to the principle of the implementation of the mass character of sports, and then only in order to achieve certain athletic performance... The creation of such a link in the structure of the school makes it possible to additionally attract a large number of students to regular classes. This group of initial training of CYSS should be an independent structural unit of the school, which should solve main task- attracting the maximum number of schoolchildren to physical culture and sports OFP means based on one of the sports. It is important to remember that in these groups, students should be involved in sports in general.

Particularly noteworthy is such a form of work as the organization of a summer sports and recreation camp, which allows to carry out year-round educational and training work with students.

Extracurricular sports work at school cannot become full-fledged if it is not accompanied by a system of school sporting events- Spartakiad. Students love them, the Olympics stimulate students to systematic, regular sports. Spartakiads are an effective form of promoting physical culture and sports among students.

Organizers within school competitions need to remember that participation in sports competitions for any student must be preceded by sports training... Only in this case the competition will be useful for the student.

The program of health and sports days includes: sport games, mass competitions "Merry Starts", "" Ah, come on, boys! "", "" Oh, come on girls! "", "" Dad, Mom - Me sport family! "", "" Leather Ball "", "" White Rook "", "" Jumper's Day "", open starts on best runner, jumper, thrower, etc .; in winter conditions - skiing, sledging.

It is necessary that all these types of outdoor activities take place without excessive increased physical activity, it is interesting for all students. One of mandatory conditions is to provide this event with health care.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of the day of health is the mass. Therefore, during the conduct, the main attention is paid to the employment of schoolchildren, the active participation of all of them in the planned types of the program. Students temporarily exempted by a doctor from physical education are also in the class at the venues sporting events, which will have a positive effect and will find a worthy application of the acquired knowledge and skills in the further life of students, increasing the level of educational and extracurricular physical education and health work at school.

Forms of physical culture and health-improving work with children in primary school.

The physical education and health program of the school includes:

Preparation and holding of various sports events and competitions, games, health days;

Conducting thematic class hours, conversations, parenting meetings;

Organization of excursions, hikes, walks;

Organization of interesting and fruitful leisure time, including vacation time;

Propaganda healthy way the lives of children and adolescents;

Engaging parents and other adults

For physical and psychological relief of students, sports sections and circles have been created. Physical culture and recreation activities at school during the school day are carried out in a variety of forms.

For recreational purposes, conditions have been created to meet the biological needs of children in movement. In total, the student's physical activity is at least 2 hours a day. This volume is achieved through gymnastics before starting training sessions, physical education minutes in the lesson, outdoor games during breaks, physical education lessons, extracurricular sports activities and competitions, health days, self-study physical education.

At school for students in grades 1-5 during the lesson, a physical education minute is required. The physiologically justified time for a physical culture pause, lasting 1-5 minutes, is considered the 15-20th minute of the lesson, so the teacher plans it so that after completing the work on the logical block, you can spend a physical minute and move on to the next stage of training.

The duration of the changes is strictly observed. Children rest at least 10 minutes between lessons, and after the second and third lessons - 15 minutes.

Moreover, in mandatory the following requirements are met: maximum use of fresh air, outdoor games fresh air... This is facilitated by the presence of a playground for grades 1-5, a stadium and a sports campus on the territory of the schoolyard.

Depending on the time of the year, the day of health is held in different ways: in the fall - the "Autumn trail" tourist rally, in the winter - "Zarnitsa", in the spring - "Good fun", etc.

The result of excellent sports training was the high performance of children in regional competitions. It is noteworthy that the graduates of the school, continuing their studies in secondary specialized educational institutions and universities, are part of sports teams these institutions participate in competitions.


The main goal education has always been considered the development of mental, intellectual inclinations of the child. The rapid pace of the scientific and technological revolution inevitably leads to an increase in teaching loads that do not contribute to improving the health of students.

Computerization of a modern school, the introduction of computing technology into the educational process without due observance age restrictions negatively affect health, leading to the development of severe fatigue in children and adolescents.

Our turbulent XXI century can be called without exaggeration the century of hypodynamia, or reduced mobility, and hypokinesia - a decrease in strength and range of motion. Therefore, the protection of children's health is one of the most important tasks of our time. After all, the correct, harmonious development of children is the guarantee of the health of future generations. The only way leading to the health of every child is the attitude of a person to his health. One of the most important tasks of improving the educational process is the organization of the motor regime of schoolchildren, which provides active rest and satisfies the natural need for movements.

Sports competitions should help to attract as many children and adults as possible to physical education.

The main task is to bring to the children that health is a jewel, for the sake of which it is really worth not only not to spare your efforts, time, but also to give up addictions. Every child should know that a healthy lifestyle is the most reliable remedy preservation and strengthening of health.

In order to promote a healthy lifestyle, it is planned to use the following forms of work with schoolchildren: drawing contests, newspapers and posters, essay contests, and conducting classroom talks.

Ivan Uglov
Position: physical education teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "OSH №98"
Locality: the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region
Material name: article
Theme:"Model of physical culture and sports activity at school"
Date of publication: 12.01.2018
Chapter: secondary education

Model of physical culture and sports activity at school

physical culture and sports


involves the interaction of all participants pedagogical process and
















The model of physical culture and sports activity at school (Fig. 1).

Let's describe this model.







the need for systematic physical education and sports.





culture and sports.

Promotion and introduction to a healthy lifestyle of students.



on one's own


physical education,





your rest.

Formation of skills and development of students' motivation to choose

healthy lifestyle.


physical culture and sports


should be aimed at solving tasks:




strengthening the physical and mental health of students by means

physical culture and sports;

















exercise, sports;

Target: preserving and strengthening the health of students, raising the need for systematic physical education and sports; propaganda and introduction to a healthy lifestyle of students; fostering the need and ability to independently engage in physical education, use various sports games in organizing your recreation; additional education students in the field of physical culture and sports; formation of skills and development of students' motivation to choose a healthy lifestyle.

Fig. 1 Model of physical culture and sports activity at school






taking into account his individual abilities, health status and motivation;

4) further development systems of sports sections, associations and

5) carrying out measures to prevent antisocial behavior

students by means of physical culture and sports;





mass work; equipping the training process with sports

equipment and inventory.

The implementation of the model must be subordinate to certain functions.

Functions physical culture and sports activities at school are:

Educational - fostering respect for health;

Educational - teaching the norms of a healthy lifestyle;

Developing - the development of inclinations and inclinations for various types

sports, the formation and improvement of motor skills.







the main principles selection of content



physical culture and sports

activities at school:


to consider


the elements





educational space.





community in the educational process, contributing to the solution of goals and

tasks of the educational institution.











the formation of a culture of health.





stimulates mutual understanding between educators, parents and children, which

ensures the unity of school and family.









health-preserving activity, value attitude to health and

means of human activity to strengthen it, which should become the basis

for the implementation of the model of physical culture and sports activity at school.

Organization of physical culture sports work includes six

major directions. Let's consider each of them.





High quality

conducting physical education lessons in the school must implement the solution

the following tasks:

1. Strengthening health, improving posture;

2. Promotion of harmonious physical development;

3. Mastering the school of movements;





differentiation of spatial, temporal and power parameters

movements, balance, rhythm, quickness, accuracy of response to signals,

coordination of movements, orientation in space) and conditioning

abilities (speed, speed-strength, endurance and flexibility);

5. Development of ideas about the main sports, equipment and

inventory, compliance with safety rules during classes;





exercises, outdoor games, their use in free time on








7. Fostering discipline, goodwill






physical exercise;






memory, thinking, etc.) in the course of physical activity.

2) Mass physical culture and sports work.

the most important


study -



is an







natural need for movement. Sports competitions must

encourage people to engage in physical education as much as possible




engaged in

physical education




carried out




of different ages, as well as parents, and active participation in competitions

fans. Outdoor games are a necessary, vital relaxation,

satisfying the natural need of children for active movement,

thirst for activity, competition.

Sports games are an important means of developing dexterity, speed,

strength, perseverance, ability to act in the interests of the team, ability





competition causes the spectators to strive to become just as dexterous and

courageous, helps to unite the team of teachers and students, transfer

the experience of the older generation to the younger, makes it possible to re-evaluate

their attitude to study, their mental and physical development.

3) Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

The main



a jewel for which it is really worth not only sparing no effort,

time, but also give up addictions. Every child should

know that a healthy lifestyle is the most reliable means of preserving and

health promotion.

4) Collaboration between family and school to educate healthy


Let's remember



V. Sukhomlinsky:





school and family ".





health of students. The family-school relationship is important for everyone

stages of student life, but they have a special acuteness, special significance in

the first years of the child's stay in the institution. Between school and family

it is necessary to establish friendly, partnership relations. School and family in


bring up

children, but also take care to create all the conditions for a joyful,

creative and healthy life.




r a m k a x

physical culture and sports activities at school, including:

1. Organization of work of school sports sections:

Basketball for girls in grades 5-9;

Football for boys in grades 5-9;

Tennis for boys in grades 7-9;

Volleyball for boys in grades 8-9.

2. Organization of work of sports sections:

Volleyball for girls in grades 8-9;

Tourism for students in grades 4-5;

By rhythmic gymnastics for students in grades 1-2.

Educational and educational


with me,

aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle: lectures, class hours,






bad habits, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, visual agitation,

consultations on all health issues, including such forms

work as individual, group, collective.

Thus, based on the above, the following can be done

1. The model of physical culture and sports activity of the school allows


to govern


physical culture and sports













physical culture and sports

school activities.

3. The most important thing for the implementation of the model is the observance of

four positions in the life of participants in the educational process:

rewarding relationship;

high degree of teaching staff involvement;

clarity and transparency;









the rise






health promotion.

Mass sports work at school.

With all the significance of the lesson, as the basis of the process of physical education at school, the leading role in introducing students to daily physical exercises, of course, belongs to extracurricular health-improving and sports-mass work. The future belongs to her, since even an individually differentiated approach will not give such positive result, which is achieved by properly planned sports - mass work. The main goal is to introduce physical culture and sports in daily life and the life of a schoolchild.

The system of actions aimed at the development of personal resources, the formation of positive stress-resistant forms of behavior, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren is understood.

Under the sports mass workmeans attracting schoolchildren to organized sports employment and participation in sports mass events at various levels.

The main thing is that physical education and health the activities should generally cover all students in each school.

Tasks of the organization of physical culture and health

  • comprehensive careon the safety of life and health, physical, mental development of children and adolescents;
  • propaganda and approvala healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents, their parents, school teachers;
  • organization meaningful, informative and entertainingleisure activities for children and adolescents;
  • creation of conditionsto socialize the personality of a teenager on early stage its formation;
  • monitoringhealth of children and adolescents and assessment of the effectiveness of ongoing activities.

Types of organization of health and fitness

and sports-mass work at school:
- condition monitoring physical development the modern generation of children, which is alarming and requires active action by all structures of legislative and executive power;

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle through class, extracurricular, leisure, educational and educational activities, the organization of physical culture and health and sports mass work at school;

Participation in the development and implementation of preventive and educational programs, the "Health" program, school development;

Expanding the opportunities for the leisure sphere of students through the preservation and development of a network of sports and health-improving sections on the basis of the school, extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

Education of future parents and psychological and pedagogical education of adults in the field of family leisure through participation in sports events;

Formation of a positive parental opinion on the issues of raising children by means of sports;

- habit formation sports leisure and attention to your health as a family value;

Creation of a school press center and publication of the newspaper "Healthy - everything is great" to promote sports activities.

The main role in the organization of physical culture and recreational activities in the mode of academic and extracurricular day, for the organization of extracurricular and sports mass work rightfully belongs to the school council of physical culture. Who has been working in our school for many years. The Council of Physical Culture (KFK) is created by order of the school. Members of the (SFS) are students in grades 1-11. In terms of its structure, the collective is headed by a council consisting of 7-10 people, the work of which is directed by the chairman. The most active students of the school are elected to the council, and they show themselves as skillful organizers.

Under the council (FC), commissions are created: for mass physical culture, for holding sports events, for preparing a physical culture asset, for propaganda and agitation, economic, for rewarding. So the commission on mass physical culture helps the school leadership, class teachers and physical education teachers in organizing physical culture and recreational activities during the school day.

Sports Commission- organizes, together with physical education teachers, school competitions, helps to organize the work of sports sections, participates in the recruitment of national teams for participation in city, republican competitions, draws up school records, keeps records of students who have fulfilled the standards of sports classification.

Commission for the preparation of a physical culture asset- helps the teacher of physical education to prepare public judges in sports, instructors, physical trainers for the organization and conduct of physical culture, health and sports events at school.

A lot of work is donepropaganda commission... She organizes her work through wall printing, video series with photos, sports events, demonstration performances athletes, creates a corner of sports glory for the school, posts photos of the best athletes, organizes shows - competitions for the best sports class.

Economic commission- assists and actively helps the school leadership in the improvement of the educational and sports base, ensures the safety sports equipment and equipment.

Awarding Commission- encourages not only the best athletes, but also the sports assets of the school. According to the results of the sports year the best athletes hands badges and certificates.

Extracurricular sports work at school cannot become full-fledged if it is not accompanied by a system of organizing sports classes.

Sport sections- created for students who want to regularly engage in a particular sport. When creating a sports section, first of all, the conditions are taken into account to ensure their successful work - the availability of a sports base, the specialization of those persons who can conduct classes. In each sports section, students are divided into age groups: junior, middle, senior. Classes in sections are held 2 - 3 times a week. Before enrolling in the section, students must undergo a medical examination by a school doctor or clinic at their place of residence.

Along with sports sections, the school createsgroups for general physical fitness (GPP).Their task is to increase the general physical fitness of students through the use of various means of physical culture and sports, which form the basis of the curriculum for physical culture. Students who are somewhat behind in their physical development or who need additional classes as insufficiently prepared to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum are involved in classes in such groups.

Extracurricular sports work at school cannot become full-fledged if it is not accompanied bysystem of school sports competitions- Spartakiad ... Students love them, the Olympics stimulate students to systematic, regular sports. Spartakiads are an effective form of promoting physical culture and sports among students.

Inside school competitions (Spartakiads) are held on different types sports throughout the academic year, depending on climatic conditions and passing teaching material physical education programs. Inside school competitions (Spartakiads) are not only an integral part of extra-curricular mass sports work, but also enrich the high interest of students in the need for systematic physical education and sports outside school hours. The main thing is that properly organized competitions within the framework of the Spartakiad contribute to strengthening the health of students, their physical development and physical fitness.

Organizers within school competitions need to remember that sports training must precede any student's participation in sports competitions. Only in this case the competition will be useful for the student.

Output: The raised issues of the organization of extracurricular health-improving and sports-mass work at school testify to the versatility of the forms and methods of this work.

Of course, this work requires a lot of work of the teaching staff of the school, especially physical education teachers.

Therefore, the main direction in carrying out any physical culture, sports and other events should be a lively, interested participation, first of all, of the schoolchildren themselves. This work on the organization of physical culture and recreational activities should not be spontaneous, uncontrolled. It should be systematically guided by the administration, physical education teachers; the entire teaching staff of the school should be involved in this work, but this work should become more fruitful if it is closely connected and supported by the out-of-school forms of physical education of the students themselves.

Sport is one of the main forms of organizing schoolchildren for systematic physical exercise. An integral element of sports activities is the educational and training process, which is carried out in accordance with the programs of sports sections.

The main tasks of sports sections in general education and vocational school are:

  • · All-round physical development, health promotion and hardening of the body of students;
  • Development of individual physical abilities up to high level with the aim of achieving sporting success according to age and gender;
  • Formation in the process of training moral and volitional qualities, instilling the skills of cultural behavior;
  • Improvement of organizational skills in mass sports and wellness work with students of different ages.

In the sports sections of general physical training, all students assigned to the main medical group, aged from 7 to 17 years old, are admitted.

Students are assigned to study groups depending on age: first year of study - preparatory group(7-8 years old); second year of study - junior children's group (9-10 years old); third year of study - senior children's group (11-12 years old); fourth year of study - adolescent group (13-14 years old); fifth year of study - youth group (15-17 years old). It is advisable to recruit groups from students of the same class. Classes in sports sections by sports are organized in accordance with the programs. In accordance with sports programs, educational documentation is also developed - syllabus, graphic plan (schedule of distribution of educational material), work plan, notes and calendar of section competitions. Here is one of these documents (Table 1).

Sports competitions organized by the school's physical education council are not limited to individual sports.

The practice of physical culture has accumulated vast experience in holding sports competitions at school under the names "Sportlandia is calling you!", "Merry starts", "Starts of hopes", "Small Olympic Games" and etc.

To carry them out, you need:

  • · Development of a scenario, attracting everyone who wants to participate in the competition;
  • · Creation of a solemn and festive atmosphere;
  • · Compliance traditional ritual opening and closing of the competition;
  • · Accurate execution of the script and objective refereeing;
  • · Rewarding the winners of the competitions, the school's physical culture asset;
  • · The duration of the competition should not exceed two hours.

Table 1. Approximate calendar of section competitions athletics for 2005-2006 academic year for a group of students 13-14 years old

Students of middle and senior school age participate in competitions in sports, hiking trips, in the All-Union game "Eaglet".

In order to promote physical culture and sports in general education schools, evenings of sports glory are organized, to which leading athletes are invited. They demonstrate their sports qualities, talk about the successes of Soviet athletes.

Pupils of general education schools as a result of such physical culture and health-improving and sports-mass work achieve an optimal level of physical fitness.

  • 14. Physical education of students with poor health. Characteristics of one physical education program for students classified as SMG.
  • 2.Preparatory:
  • 3.Special medical
  • 15. Physical education in universities. Characteristics of the physical education program.
  • 16. Physical education of students of colleges of vocational education and secondary specialized educational institutions. Characteristics of the physical education program.
  • 17. Physical education in the main period of labor activity.
  • 18. Physical culture in the system of upbringing of preschool children.
  • 20. The essence and content of the "International Charter for Physical Education and Sport" and "Sports Charters of Europe".
  • Section 1. The purpose of the charter: - to enable every individual to play sports;
  • 22. The regulation of the work of trainers is not limited to this alone and has other aspects.
  • 23-24. Professional and pedagogical activity of a teacher of physical culture and a sports coach. Ways to improve professional skills.
  • 26. Organization and content of integrated control. Self-control in your chosen sport.
  • 27. Organization and holding of competitions in the chosen sport. The panel of judges of these competitions. Competition Regulations.
  • 29. Forms, tasks and organization of physical education of elderly and senile people.
  • 30. Physical education. The process of formation of motor skills and abilities.
  • II. Methods of conjugate exposure.
  • III. Methods for the development of physical qualities:
  • 46. ​​Control in the training process control system.
  • 47. Selection and orientation in sports.
  • 48. Sports form and patterns of its development, periodization of sports training.
  • 49. Heterochronism in the development of motor abilities.
  • 50. Power abilities and methods of their education.
  • 51. Endurance and the method of its education.
  • 52. Flexibility and methodology for her upbringing.
  • 53. Speed ​​abilities and methods of their education.
  • 54. Coordination abilities (dexterity) and methods of their education.
  • 55. Sports training as a long-term process.
  • 56. Regularities (principles) of sports training.
  • 58. Organization and content of the work of the dussh.
  • 59. The structure and content of the physical education lesson.
  • 60. Timing and analysis of a physical education lesson in a comprehensive school.
  • 61. Blood system: composition and function of blood plasma. The structure of and f-and shaped elements of blood. The blood system during muscular activity.
  • 62. Vascular system: structure and function of blood vessels. Hemodynamics. Regulation of blood circulation at rest and during muscle activity.
  • 63. Heart: the structure of the heart. Indicators of the work of the heart. Adaptation of the heart to large muscle loads.
  • 64. Endocrine system: organs with endocrine function. The nature of hormones and their mechanism of action. Hormones and physical performance.
  • 65. Midlands: Physical Factors of Midlands. Adaptation to hypoxia at the genetic and phenotypic level. Training in the midlands.
  • 66. The structure and function of the cerebral cortex. Reflex principle as the basis of higher nervous activity. The properties of human temperament and sports activities.
  • 67. Sensory systems: structure and function of analyzers. Motion control.
  • 68. Autonomous (vegetative) ns: sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteral divisions. Reflex regulation of autonomic functions.
  • 69. Structural elements of the human body. Growth and development. Acceleration and retardation. Age and athletic performance.
  • 70. Breathing. The structure and function of the respiratory system. Respiration regulation. Breathing in unusual conditions (muscle work, high-altitude hypoxia).
  • 71. Metabolism: basic metabolism. Daily energy expenditure, and research methods. Energy expenditure during sports activities.
  • 72. Thermoregulation: temperature homeostasis. Thermoregulation in conditions of high and low temperatures. Body temperature during muscular load.
  • 73. Physiological foundations of health: hyperdynamia and physical inactivity. Age and start of sports. Physiological substantiation of health-improving training.
  • 74. Biological rhythms: classification of biorhythms. Biorhythms and the construction of the training process.
  • 76. Nutrition and muscle activity: basic principles of nutrition. Nutrition for practicing various sports. Meals during the competition.
  • 77. Pharmacology in sport: doping of the latest generation. Pharmacological preparations and their possible use in the correction of sports activity.
  • 78. Classification of fu: posture and muscle activity. Fu classification based on the criterion "way of doing exercises" taking into account the factor of energy supply.
  • 79. Physique and sport: total body sizes and proportions. The morphofunctional profile of a high-class athlete.
  • 80. Muscle tissue: the structure of a muscle as an organ. The energy of muscle contraction. Pano, as an indicator of the development of muscle energy in ontogenesis.
  • 1. Muscle structure
  • 2. Types of muscles
  • 3. The structure of skeletal muscle
  • 4. Anaerobic energy production
  • 81. Adaptive processes in sports activity: the concept of adaptation. Stages of adaptive processes. The cost of adapting to large muscle loads.
  • 82. Adaptive processes in sports activity: sports training as a process of directed adaptation. Biological principles of sports training.
  • 85. Physiology of the aging organism.
  • 86. Hormonal profile of the male and female body. Sexual characteristics during muscular activity.
  • 87. Recovery processes in sports activity: unevenness, heterochronism and phasicity as regularities of recovery processes. Medical and biological means of recovery.
  • A sports school of any type and name is created by the founder on his own initiative. To register a sports school, the founder submits to the relevant authorities an application for registration, the founder's decision to establish a sports school, its charter, a document confirming the payment of the state registration fee.

    The rights to educational activities arise as the license is obtained.

    A sports school can be reorganized into a sports school by the decision of the founder and in agreement with the state administration bodies of the FKiS. The status of a sports school is assigned under the condition of direct training in a sports school of students-athletes who have sporting title"Master of Sports" or those who took 1-6 places at the championships, championships of Russia, Europe, World, Olympic Games.

    The funding and material resources of the sports school are its property.

    Main goals: the sports school is designed to promote self-improvement, cognition and creativity, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, professional self-determination, the development of physical, intellectual and moral abilities, and the achievement of a level of high results.

    At the stage of initial preparation, the following tasks are set: development of mass sports, attraction of the maximum possible number of children and adolescents to systematic sports, education of physical, moral, ethical and volitional qualities.

    At the educational and training stage of preparation, the following tasks are set: improving health, increasing the level of physical fitness, increasing sports results, prevention of bad habits and delinquency.

    At the stages of sports improvement and high-speed training, the following tasks are set: attraction to sports of the highest achievements of the optimal number of promising athletes to achieve high results, allowing them to become part of the Russian teams.

    Long-term preparation stages:

    Sports and recreation - DYUKFP (CYSS) covers 10-12% of children 6-16 years old

    Basic training - DYUSSH (DYUSFP, SDYUSHOR)

    Educational and training - DYUSSH, SDYUSHOR (DYUKFP)

    Sports perfection - SDYUSHOR, SHVSM (CYSS) 0.2% 16-25 years old

    Higher sportsmanship - SDYUSHOR, SHVSM

    Performance evaluation criteria:

    Sports and Wellness: stability of the composition of the trainees, attendance of training sessions. The dynamics of the growth of individual indicators of the development of physical qualities of students.

    Initial training: the stability of the composition of those involved. The dynamics of the growth of individual indicators of the development of physical qualities of students. The level of mastering the basics of sports techniques, hygiene and self-control skills.

    Educational and training: state of health, level of physical development of those involved. The dynamics of the level of preparedness in accordance with the individual characteristics of the trainees. Mastering the volume of training loads, mastering the theoretical section of the program.

    Sports improvement: the level of physical development and functional state of those involved. Fulfillment by an athlete of the volumes of training and competitive loads. Dynamics of sports and technical indicators. Results of performances in all-Russian competitions.

    Higher sportsmanship: stability of performance results in all-Russian and international competitions. The number of athletes trained in the national teams of Russia.

    Organization of the educational and training process: the sports school organizes work with students during the calendar year. The main forms of the educational and training process are: group training and theoretical classes, work according to individual plans, medical rehabilitation measures, testing and medical control, participation in competitions, instructor and referee practice.

    Conditions for admission to a sports school:

    At the initial stage of preparation admitted are persons who wish to play sports and do not have medical contraindications at the minimum age established for the sport.

    At the educational and training stage of preparation only practically healthy athletes who have undergone the necessary training for at least one year, if they fulfill the requirements for general physical training and special training, are enrolled on a competitive basis.

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