GTO norms on golden badge. GTO norms

Physical education plays important role in the life of a person and society, and therefore in Russia since 2014 there has been a TRP program (the standards of 2018 are easy to find on the Internet).

Its tasks include the popularization of physical education and sports in the Russian Federation.

What is TRP

The abbreviation translates as “Ready for Labor and Defense”. This sport program, on which the physical education of Russian citizens is based.

For the first time this concept appeared in the Soviet Union: then the TRP was passed in general educational, professional and sports institutions, all without exception.

Adults could participate voluntarily if they did not participate in sports sections- in the second case it was necessary.

The complex itself consisted of a number of exercises that had to be performed for a time or amount: for example, run 100 meters in a certain number of seconds, pull up or push up a set number of times. The standards varied by age and gender of the participants. There were 5 steps in total, for a victory you could get a silver or gold badge.

In 2013, it was instructed to “return” such a beneficial practice to the health of citizens and develop new norms.

His return was due to such factors. how:

  1. The need to improve the health of Russians and increase the number of people involved in sports.
  2. Extend life span.
  3. To promote healthy image life.
  4. To increase the number of sports grounds and clubs across the country.
  5. Improve the situation of sports in Russia by attracting schoolchildren.

Its introduction took place in 4 stages:

  1. Developing a legal framework and researching age groups to calculate the norms for each.
  2. Testing and introducing fundamentals at different levels.
  3. Implementation of the TRP in all organizations, preparation for the participation of older athletes.
  4. Since January 2018, the implementation of the TRP in all groups.

The tests themselves are tests of speed, endurance, agility and flexibility. They represent physical exercise to be performed at the speed or number of repetitions. 5 exercises (running 100 meters and 3 km, long jump, pull-up, forward bend) are required.

There are 5 more exercises to choose from. These include:

  • throwing a projectile weighing 0.7 kg;
  • swimming 50 meters;
  • cross or cross-country skiing for 5 km;
  • shooting from air rifle or an electronic weapon;
  • hike for 15 km.

To obtain bronze, you need to pass 6 tests (5 mandatory and 1 optional), for silver - 7 tests and 8 for gold. It also evaluates self-study physical education and knowledge about physical education. You can take exercises for a whole year, you do not have to do it at a time.

Take into account: only one attempt is allowed per exercise.

TRP standards by age

In the USSR, the entire TRP complex was divided into 5 stages, and the age range between the participants was quite large.

Today the age of the participants has been divided into 11 steps:

  1. 6-8 years old or 1-2 grades.
  2. 9-10 years old or 3-4 grades.
  3. 11-12 years old or grades 5-6.
  4. 13-15 years old or 7-9 grades.
  5. 16-17 years old or 10-11 grades.
  6. 18-29 years old.
  7. 30-39 years old.
  8. 40-49 years old.
  9. 50-59 years old.
  10. 60-69 years old.
  11. Over 70 years old.

It is worth noting: since children and adolescents develop rapidly, and the year of the difference can be decisive, it was decided to split the young participants into narrower and specific groups, which also made it possible to better work out the standards.

How to pass the TRP

The delivery of the TRP is a voluntary lesson, all people involved in sports in the section or on their own are allowed to it.

For delivery, you must register on the official website

To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire, indicating in it:

  1. Name, date of birth and gender;
  2. Passport number and series;
  3. Address, phone number and other contacts;
  4. Place of work or study;
  5. If sports achivments or discharges;
  6. Which exercises from the data to choose from he wants to pass.

You must attach 2 photos of 3 * 4 size to the application and select the date, time and place of delivery of the TRP. There are about 40 centers for passage in Moscow. After registration of the participant, he will be assigned a number. Admission to schoolchildren and students will be carried out on the basis of the last medical examination, adults will need to obtain the permission of doctors additionally.

It's important to know: the delivery of the TRP is voluntary: no one can force a student of a school or university to pass the standard.

You can see all the requirements on the official TRP website, there is also a table with standards for passing the exercises.

Golden TRP badge

Any badge received upon successful passing of tests is not only an award sign and achievements in the field of physical culture, but also additional bonuses when applying for a job and in a university.

Also, students can count on an increased state scholarship, adults - additional vacation days.

Note: schoolchildren who showed themselves the best in school when passing the TRP will receive extra points on the exam: for example, for "gold" you can get up to 10 additional points.

To receive a gold badge, it is not necessary to complete all the exercises at the highest level: if a citizen has sports knowledge or a grade of at least 2 junior, then when performing the TRP for “silver”, he will receive “gold”.

TRP or "Ready for Labor and Defense" is a complex sporting events that existed in the Soviet Union and were revived several years ago. Renting out sports standards at the required level, any citizen can apply for a distinctive sign (bronze, silver or gold), as well as some additional incentives.

Watch a video explaining the features of passing the TRP standards:

"Ready for Labor and Defense" is the name of the sports complex, which was created in the 30s of the last century and immediately fell in love with Soviet youth. The social movement experienced a real peak in popularity in the 50s, then on the chest of every fourth Soviet youth and girl the TRP sign flashed brightly. To achieve this success, it was necessary to pass the TRP standards, which were quite complex. The historical era has changed, and the social sports movement has remained in the past. And only many years later he was brought back to life, it happened in 2013, and already with next year the system was tested in several regions at once.

TRP stages for schoolchildren:

Today almost anyone can become a member of the big sports movement. To do this, you need to pass the TRP standards, this can be done at different ages: from 6 years old to 70 and older. It is clear that each age group has its own tests, which are focused on the characteristics of the organism. They can be conditionally divided into three groups. The TRP standards in the table of standards show the tests that participants must pass.

Standards on the TRP website

In fact, the organizers have developed a whole complex in which there are steps, for schoolchildren there are five of them.

Levels of standards for schoolchildren

From the sixth stage, the TRP standards for adults begin, which in turn are classified by gender - for men and women.

Standards for men and women

Advantages of the TRP program

Participation in the social sports movement is completely voluntary, but every year the number of its participants is growing. There are many reasons for this. For example, for many representatives of the new generation, it is important to preserve the continuity of the generation, to become another member of the family dynasty with the golden sign of the TRP. Other participants want to prove to themselves and others that they are strong, courageous, agile. Still others dream of entering a prestigious institute, and the golden sign of the TRP gives additional points. Whatever the reasons for participating in a large sports project, the main thing is that the participant carefully weighs his sports opportunities... This will allow him to improve those skills that require standards. By the way, the standards of the TRP in the table of standards are presented in an accessible form. So, the TRP norms by age in an accessible form will show what children and adults can do to achieve success.

A table for men, for example, looks like this:

7 step - for men 30-39 years old - First page

The 2017 GTO standards show the types of standards, as well as the results that are relevant for passing for a gold, silver or bronze badge.

TRP badges

Thanks to this arrangement of values, you can not only learn about the TRP standards by age, but also compare them with each other. Experts, coaches, doctors and specialists approached the development of each sports discipline with great care. At the same time, preliminary tests were carried out, the physiological characteristics of the participants were taken into account. different ages... The result of this great work was the creation of a table of norms.

Changes in 2017

The TRP system offers 11 steps, five of which are for schoolchildren, six for adults. Each of them has its own TRP standards. For example, schoolchildren of the first stage pass as traditional sports disciplines, for example, pull-ups or jogging. short distances, and specially designed for this category of participants: shuttle run, bending forward from a standing position. There are mandatory tests as well as optional. The table presented on the website indicates how many tests are required to get the highest TRP mark. And such standards for all ages are presented in the table in full. Comparing them, you can see that the standards are quite affordable. Experts give recommendations for preparing for the delivery of the TRP. It is mandatory to indicate how much time it takes to spend in physical education, outdoor games, if it comes about the youngest members of the social sports movement.

Perhaps the most difficult TRP norms are those offered for men of the sixth stage. This category includes representatives of the strong half, whose age is conventionally divided into those who are from 18 to 24, as well as from 25 to 29 years old. In this case, some tests can be replaced by others, for example, pulling up from a hang at the request of the participant for a kettlebell snatch. The optional tests include skiing or cross-country 5 km, swimming, air rifle shooting and others.

How to prepare for passing the standards?

On the official website of the public sports movement, the TRP is presented full information on how to correctly pass the TRP standards and how to prepare for this process. There is a special How To Do section that tells you how to do the tests correctly. The textual version indicates in what conditions the task should be performed, what are its features, what is the projectile that participates in the test, if, for example, it is about throwing tennis ball or other subject. What items can be used in the delivery of the TRP can be found in the table of standards.

If the text option seems not entirely clear or complete to the TRP participant, you can refer to the video on the site. It explains in detail and shows what the rules for taking the test are. In some sports, it is the video that makes it possible to understand how to fulfill the standards. For example, swimming or lifting the torso from a supine position. Of course, the TRP norms by age do not provide for all types of tests presented in the stories on the site. And if some tests are repeated in different stages, then an explanation is necessarily given which age group should be attributed to a particular test. For example, mixed movement is negotiated by the age - 65-70 years. Having carefully studied all the features of the test tasks, you can understand how to correctly perform them.

Changes in regulations

The latest TRP standards in the Soviet Union were developed in 1972, and they were taken as the basis for the 2017 TRP standards. But at the same time, they were seriously modified taking into account modern realities. For example, schoolchildren starting from the age of 10 could receive the TRP badge in Soviet times, but today the youngest members of the sports social movement are six-year-old boys and girls. As for the tests, they have also undergone changes. So, from modern program the names of sports disciplines such as cycling, rope climbing with the help of legs, and 30 m running have disappeared. The modern teenager has a much wider choice of disciplines.

Mandatory and alternative tests

Some types have moved from the category of mandatory to the category of additional ones, we are talking about a long jump from a run, where a Soviet schoolchild on a golden sign was supposed to achieve a result of 340 cm, and his contemporary today can limit himself to 290 cm.

Some types of sports disciplines remained unchanged. Boys are invited to pull up on a gold badge 5 times, on a silver one - 3.


The requirements for cross-country skiing at a distance of 1 km have become more stringent. If earlier it was required to meet gold at 7.30 min, today - at 6.45 min.

Cross-country skiing

And this picture is typical for the TRP standards for all ages in the table. By the way, in the Soviet version only 5 steps were presented, the last of which was called "Cheerfulness and Health", it was intended for men from 40 to 60 years old and women from 35 to 55 years old. Exercise is gentle enough that most modern people this category can be handled without difficulty. For many disciplines there is no concept of time, the main thing is to pass it. The list includes running 60 m, cross - 300 and 800 m.For the long jump from the spot, it was enough for men to show a result of 190 cm, for women - 150 cm.Today, older people can easily cope with these tasks after appropriate training.

Where to take sports disciplines?

To join the ranks of the large public movement "Ready for Labor and Defense", you should contact the test center, which is in each region. You can go an easier way: first, register on the portal. To do this, you should go through a simple registration by clicking on the appropriate section, which is located in the upper right corner of the main page. It is important to write down your email address and initial data correctly, as well as remember the password. After that, a letter will be sent to the specified address, by the link of which you should go to the portal.

Registration opens up new opportunities for the user. Including, find out the rules of the TRP, which are determined by the stage of the participant. And also here, in a special section of your personal account, there is information about the location of the test centers. This information appears both in the textual version, indicating the locality, address and name of the institution, and in the cartographic one. The latter is interesting in that it allows you to quickly navigate the terrain and is easy to find gym without outside help... At the center, you must present your passport and medical certificate, which indicates the health of the TRP participant.

Other information is also reflected in the personal account. For example, about what sports disciplines have already been passed and recorded in the participant's passport. The photo presented in the user's account will be used in the passport of the member of the organization. On the home page After logging into the system, the portal must display a unique identification number of the participant, his last name, first name, patronymic and photo. If desired, the user can always change personal data, for example, location, which will allow him to quickly find out where the testing centers are located and continue passing the TRP standards.

All-Russian physical culture and recreation complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" in last years gained great popularity. Anyone who is ready to pass the TRP standards can take part in it. All information on how to enter a voluntary sports public organization, what are the conditions for passing the standards and other information is presented on the official website of the VFSK TRP.

The navigation on the portal is quite simple. The upper part contains sections: news, about regulations, history, and more. Here you can find information that it is possible to enroll in the ranks of members of a public organization from the age of 6.

In general, the standards should be conditionally divided by both sex and age. For example, there are five steps for schoolchildren, the remaining six - from 6 to 11 - are intended for the adult population. In turn, the TRP norms are divided into those that must be surrendered by boys (men) and girls (women). Each category of members of the sports movement has its own characteristics.

In the "Regulations" section, portal users can find out what norms are provided for each group.

Level 1 - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old

For example, for students there are five steps, 1 step - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old. By clicking on the section, you can see the text on the official form, which provides information about the tests, as well as the standards that should be passed for gold, silver or bronze badges. The tests are divided into two categories - for boys and girls. These data can be printed out, which is quite convenient for both teachers taking tests and schoolchildren who are preparing for the delivery of sports tests.

1 step - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old -First page

Stage 1 - for schoolchildren 6-8 years old - Second page

Level 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old

Compulsory, alternative tests and optional tests provides for stage 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old. Details supplemented by a video that tells how to take tests correctly. Thanks to visual information, the student has the opportunity to understand which muscles should be developed, what to focus on in preparation, what nuances to take into account. Testing centers are provided for passing the standards. It is important to pass beforehand medical commission and apply with this certificate to the center, have a passport with you.

Level 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old - First page

Level 2 - for schoolchildren 9-10 years old - Second page

Level 3 - for schoolchildren 11-12 years old

On the official portal publicly sports organization the section "How to do it" is presented, in which, among other things, tests of the 3rd level are presented - for schoolchildren of 11-12 years old. Which ones, you can find out in the section. It presents all the main types of standards: running, pulling up, throwing a projectile and so on. It is important for users to learn how to perform the test technically competently, with less loss of energy, achieving better result... Moreover, here is presented both textual information, in which you can find out what the conditions for delivery are, and options for standards.

For those who better perceive visual information, a video that demonstrates the correct way of passing the tests will be interesting. This allows you to understand in what rhythm you should build preparation for passing the standard, which muscles to develop. All this information is available to any user, but if there is a desire to become a member of a large sports community, then you should register on the site. The procedure is simple, which any student can handle.

Level 3 - for schoolchildren 11-12 years old - First page

Level 3 - for schoolchildren 11-12 years old - Second page

4 level - for schoolchildren 13-15 years old

If pupils of the primary school stage cannot register on their own, then the participants of the 4th stage - for schoolchildren of 13-15 years old, can easily cope with this task. This will require a personal mail, which should be entered in the appropriate field. In addition, the surname, first name and patronymic of the student who intends to take the tests is indicated. Then all news and changes will be sent to the mail.

The personal account will reflect all the results of the standards that have already been passed by the student. Parents of underage participants of the WFSK TRP will have to consent to the processing of personal data. The unique identification number under which the participant is registered in the system is also indicated here. Having a personal account, you can find out for which badge the next standard has been passed. To do this, go to the standards and refer to the "Calculator" section. Information regarding the registered user will open here. Next, you need to refer to a specific test, enter the data for passing the standard. Information will immediately appear on which mark the test was passed.

4 level - for schoolchildren 13-15 years old - First page

4 level - for schoolchildren 13-15 years old - Second page

5 step - for schoolchildren 16-17 years old

High school students belong to the 5th stage - for schoolchildren of 16-17 years old, serious standards are provided for them, but with regular classes they are quite within the reach of any member of the WFSK TRP. Experts recommend starting every morning with exercises, be sure to engage in any kind of sport, it would be good to give a load to all muscles, for this complex exercises are suitable.

5 step - for schoolchildren 16-17 years old - First page

5 level - for schoolchildren 16-17 years old - Second page

By the way, you can use the services personal trainer, it can be a physical education teacher who is interested in the result of his students.

In modern society, the importance of physical education is much less than necessary. However, parents should understand that in addition to mental training, the child's body also needs physical development. For this to happen, you need to attend and be active in all subjects, classes in the hall are no exception. So, in the course of attending physical education hours, already at school age, a base is laid from the motivational qualities of the future individual. While playing sports, you can get the basics of purposefulness, find the strength to overcome your own weaknesses. In life, such people strive to be successful, work hard, not be lazy.

As for health, physically active children, who do not tend to sit on the bench during a physical education lesson, get stronger immunity. As a result, they manage to get sick less, and, accordingly, do not miss the school curriculum, where, as many parents wish, children and comprehend the carriage of knowledge. So the relationship between the physical development of the child and his mental formation is reflected directly.

So, the resumed delivery of the TRP allows you to comply with those standards for physical education that are required for a child according to the possibilities at his age. So it's time to look to parents and use the TRP 2020 standards for schoolchildren at work for coaches and physical education. And the motivation for training, regular classes and successful passing of standards will be rewarding the best guys with distinctions.

Classification of TRP norms by age of students

Stage 1 includes children up to school age, as well as students in grades 1-2. Their program suggests that in 9 tests, 6 must be required and 3 optional. This quantity includes 3 mixed tests. Different kinds sports techniques and loads will determine the indicators of strength, speed, endurance of the child. The number of credited tasks must correspond to 4-6 out of the total 9.

For class 1

The 2nd stage includes boys and girls, aged 9-10 years, studying in 3-4 grades. Here, 5-7 tests will be credited. Here is for schoolchildren in 2020 in Russia in all regions.

Boys and girls of 11-12 years old, who belong to grades 5-6, are taken to the 3rd stage. Here, in addition to actions at the stadium, it is supposed to take part in a campaign, to perform a test on shooting from a pneumatic rifle. This age becomes a transition from simple labor to defensive elements.

Students in grades 7-9 are prepared for the 4th stage. At this age, the completion of two primary phases of puberty occurs. In the course of oppression of growth processes, mental processes follow. This leads to an increase in the intensity of the exercises, however, the degree of pressure during training and passing the standards decreases. Children are engaged in sword throwing, go on a hiking trip. Now tests passed with a good score become mandatory, in the amount of 6-8 out of the supposed 11 optional and mandatory.

5, the last step of the standards is calculated for girls and boys aged 16-17. During these years, the students completed the third stage in the process of puberty, the psyche becomes balanced, and the central nervous system- perfect. These physiological data contribute to the fact that the TRP standards for schoolchildren in 2020, the table with which is presented below, imply the maximum possible indicators for school age. So, for all types of exercises, the intensity increases, instead of playing tasks, power tasks are applicable. However, due to the unstable state heart rate with the manifestation of hypertensive disruptions in young men, the duration of the motor rhythm remains at the level of the previous, fourth stage, as well as the number of standards required for passing.

For grade 10

Unfortunately modern school physical education far from perfect. However, in the old days, children managed to express themselves fully without any material surplus in the conditions of training and classes. So, for the sake of your own good, it is undesirable to try to avoid participation in the classroom, no matter how much you want to. After all, even children with some physical disabilities will only benefit from the exercises that they are able to perform. This allows not only to become healthier, but also to feel equal with peers in the class, and not to be an outcast or a weak link.

Lack of activity is much worse than trying to complete even the smallest tasks in physical education class. A growing body needs physical activity equally as a balanced diet with vitamins. In the future, these same children will be able to express their gratitude to teachers who in every possible way encourage their pupils to go in for sports. But the topic of the TRP does not end with the end of school. Other indicators, even more than the TRP 2020 norms for schoolchildren, the table of standards, including, will be applicable within the framework of the program of higher educational institutions, at work in some services. And what example can parents set for their children, who were alien to attending physical education? So for the sake of the health of the nation of their children, one should not be lazy ourselves and show diligence in mastering all disciplines, including physical education lessons.

Since 2016, schoolchildren have begun to accept TRP standards, and in 2017 this sports innovation awaits all citizens, starting with the smallest. Cyclocross, swimming, hiking trips and much more will become a mandatory part of the school curriculum for children. This tradition, reaching us from distant Soviet times, is planned to be rehabilitated by officials of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports.

What are TRP standards

Once upon a time abbreviation TRP absolutely all schoolchildren knew, and adolescents and representatives of the older generation proudly deciphered these three letters "Ready for work and defense." Now the younger generation will have to learn a lot about the TRP standards. These three letters will soon appear in the columns of school certificates and report cards, which were once the basis of the physical education system in the USSR, the complex of which was a program and regulatory framework development of the population. Its goal was to strengthen the health of Soviet people, to increase their labor and creative activity. Depending on the results shown, it was possible to get a special badge with the TRP abbreviation, and this condition will be preserved in our time. But if in the USSR there were 2 types of badges (in gold and silver), then in Russia a bronze one will also be added to them. Some disciplines of this set of standards were included in the school curriculum before: long jumping, skiing and running long and short distances. Every year, students of all grades take tests in accordance with these standards in physical education lessons.

TRP norms for schoolchildren

Many parents remember from the school curriculum physical education types of test tests. It was not enough to perform the exercises correctly, it was necessary to invest either in the set time, or to complete the required number of repetitions, or to show a result no worse than what was stated in the tests. So now the standards are divided into categories that correspond to different degrees of preparation of the student. In addition, depending on the age of the students, the norms are divided into different levels.

Stage 1 (TRP standards for students 6-8 years old)

Level physical development and training of primary-level schoolchildren (6-8 years old) corresponds to the 1st stage of the TRP standards. This includes boys and girls in grades 1-2. Children are offered nine test tasks, of which six are compulsory and three are optional. You can choose from multivariate tests.

Students must pass tests for speed, strength, flexibility and endurance.

Strength standards include:

pushing the body off the floor while lying down;

long jump;


pull-up on the bar.

The standards for determining the level of speed in schoolchildren consist of:

running 30 meters;

shuttle race (3 races of 10 meters);

cross-country or cross-country skiing with a fixed run time;


Now, compared to last year, there are 4 more exercises to choose from:


cross-country skiing;

long jump;

throwing the ball.

The degree of flexibility is determined by performing the forward bend exercise, and endurance is determined by cross-country or mixed movement of 1 km, or skiing. The fulfillment of 4, 5 and 6 standards by schoolchildren gives the right to receive bronze, silver or gold TRP badges, respectively.

Level 2 (TRP standards for students 9-10 years old)

The level of RLD norms of physical training of schoolchildren of grades 3-4 (9-10 years old) corresponds to the 2nd level of difficulty. Here, children are also invited to pass 6 compulsory tests and any 3 to choose from from the proposed list.

All tests are also divided into categories physical activity, including exercises for strength, speed, endurance and flexibility.

The list of exercises is the same as for stage 1 schoolchildren, only the time is given for execution a little less. It is believed that having received a certain level of training in primary school, schoolchildren should perform better with age.

Strength exercises for stage 2:

pushing the body off the floor while lying down;

long jump;

pull-up on the bar.

Speed ​​exercise:

running (for a while, 30 meters);

shuttle run (3 races of 10 meters);

cross-country or cross-country skiing with a fixed run time.

The degree of flexibility is determined by performing the forward bend exercise, and endurance is determined by cross-country or mixed movement for 1 km, or skiing for 2 km.

Fulfillment of 4, 5 and 6 standards of the 2nd stage gives the right to receive by schoolchildren, respectively, bronze, silver or gold TRP badges.

The standards for choice remain the same as for schoolchildren in grades 1-2.

Stage 3 (TRP standards for students 11-12 years old)

The third stage of the complex is designed for schoolchildren in grades 5-6. The difference between this stage and the two previous ones is that here attention is paid not only to labor, but also to the defense activity of schoolchildren. Therefore, the list of tests includes throwing the ball, shooting, hiking, which allow you to develop and increase the intensity of the motor regime, its duration and endurance.

Of the innovations for schoolchildren, other TRP standards are added, such as:





lifting the torso;

cross or running to choose from.

How to prepare for the delivery of the TRP

Of course, mostly physical fitness physical education teachers are involved in passing the TRP norms. But you can and should make sure that the child can exercise at home or on a sports ground in the yard.

Moreover, to buy and install a child sports complex simple enough. For example, on the website

This can be done even without involving management companies. You can just get together for the parents of one house and install a complex with horizontal bars, ladders, sports rings and even swings.

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