Tourslet season has begun. Special offer! Tourist meeting at the primary school Turslet how to decorate the camp

Today, in the turbulent life of a metropolis, everyone sometimes needs a break: to switch from the office environment, to communicate informally with their colleagues. A few days of joint trips bring employees together and contribute to more productive work afterwards. As a rule, on a picturesque glade near the river, participants set up tent camps, light bonfires, equip their life for the coming days, and prepare for competitions.

For many companies Tourslet becomes a good tradition that they adhere to from year to year.

Euroflag company Also, it is already fully preparing for the tourist meeting of the Soviet district of Minsk, which will be held in June, because it left the most pleasant impressions on our employees.

And especially before the start of the season, we prepared a small selection of goods, which are necessary for every company that takes part in tourist meetings and corporate trips to nature.

Camp decoration.

Usually the competition program of the tour will include a competition for the best camp. Teams prepare, decorate their meadows with brand symbols and paraphernalia, come up with creative and original solutions in order, firstly, to make the camp convenient and safe, and secondly, to earn more points.

1. Flags and banners.

The corporate flag or banner is the face and symbol of the team. Each team on the tour has its own flag and is proud of it. Flags are used on the general formation at the opening and closing of the tour rally, to decorate the camp, to support their team in the competition.

Flags on flagpoles.

Flags at the entrance to the camp.

Flags on the general formation.

The flag is the pride of the company.

Parade of command banners.

2. Mobile flagpoles.

To decorate the camp, you can use both flags on poles and on mobile flagpoles. These flagpoles are reusable, easy and quick to install and transport. The base of the flagpole is screwed directly into the ground, so installation and dismantling takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

Mobile flagpoles come in a variety of shapes and sizes to highlight your camp in a bright and beautiful way.

Mobile flagpoles Breeze.

Mobile flagpoles Sail.

3. Stretch marks.

Fabric stretch marks are convenient because they are lightweight, compared to vinyl stretch lines, they can be of absolutely any size and are very versatile.

You can decorate the camp with such stretchers, support the team in competitions, and use them in amateur competitions as decorations.

Camp boundaries.

Photo of the entire team with a branded banner.

Stretching at the entrance to the camp.

4. Flag tape.

Flag tape is a convenient and beautiful way to clearly mark camp boundaries or significant places. Also, the flag tape can be used for marking in contests and competitions.


5. Mobile awnings and tents.

Mobile awnings are incredibly convenient for use on tourist rallies, they make life in nature much more comfortable. It can be just a canopy for vacationers, or a headquarters, a dining room, a kitchen, a place for banquets or storage of equipment. Also, a mobile tent, with the company logo printed on it, will effectively highlight your camp and help you make money extra points for registration.

Euroflag mobile tents are lightweight, can be installed without special tools in just 5 minutes, transported in the trunk of a car, and the frame service life is from 5 years.

The simplest package.

Mobile awnings are convenient for storing inventory.

Headquarters awnings.

Clothing for employees.

Branded T-shirts, bikes, polos, caps are the favorite clothes of employees at the tourist rally. A uniform style unites the team, and also helps to define "friends" among "outsiders".

6. Branded T-shirts with a logo or emblem.

7. Polo shirts.

8. Branded bikes

9. Caps with a logo.


11. Souvenir products.

Souvenir products with your logo will be an excellent souvenir for other teams, judges, as well as your own employees. Such branded travel accessories not only make being in nature more comfortable, but also increase the loyalty of the team.

Choose, order, win!

Today, September 29, 2013 at 14:20, the Open Tourist Meeting of the Udmurt Republic 2013 was solemnly closed. For two days, 19 teams fought for the Udmurt Republic Cup in sports tourism.
Teams: UdSU, IzhGSKhA, Udmurtneft, Izhevsk Radiozavod, Axion-Holding, Izhstal, IEMZ "Kupol" and others. Each team consists of 8 members, of which at least three are girls.
The scene is a clearing southeast of the village of Russkiy Vozhoy (Zavyalovskiy district of Udmurtia).

Many went for a swim that day. The photo shows one of the most insidious stages on the tourist strip. The river is not deep, but the water in it is already cold.
Other contests: "Business card", a competition of a tourist song, tourist video clips, a night orientation distance, a culinary competition and the organization of tourist life.

Around the bustle and bustle from stage to stage.

The referee's fire always smells warm and delicious with soup.

Camping. I hope no one is cold at night?

Protocol of the distance "Tourist lane". The first place went to the team with the BHF UdSU.

There are a lot of cars, you can't carry everything on yourself. The two roads leading to the clearing were well washed out by the rain. We take out Matiz stuck nearby with a tarpaulin UAZ.
September 28 ends with night orientation. Extreme 1-2 hour run through damp forest and meadows. Two people are running.

The culinary competition of the second day of the rally is one of the sweetest moments.

The rain intensifies and dies down. Participants dry out as best they can. Dry socks are in great demand.

The team of JSC IEMZ "Kupol" presents its dish to the judges. The dish is in the cana for the girl on the right;)

Side view. Soon the Sun will come out and become more cheerful.

An original presentation in a culinary competition of one of the teams.

Well done, well done.

The judges evaluate not only the dish itself, but also its presentation.

All this is prepared in the field. And then eaten ..

And I have lunch for now.

Many people liked the tourist song contest. After all, without a guitar and songs, there are no tours.

A song that united teams by the hand.

Photo for memory before the ceremony of awarding and closing Tourslet-2013. Unfortunately, some teams have already left.

Everyone is waiting for the presentation of diplomas and useful gifts. Each competition has prizes.

The representative of the Global Fund (Usov Igor) receives valuable prizes. Great, by the way, played the guitar!

Presentation of the cup to the winners. Native GF on top. Hooray!

The team of the Faculty of Geography "Zhar I.M." Perhaps this is the last photo in this clearing ..

Many thanks to the organizers (


« Torn

sneakers »

    We studied at school and did not know grief

And finally we were invited to the rally.

Lessons are forgotten and books are thrown,

Now we are not just girls, boys.

    Now we are one super team!

Take a look at us and no need to say extra words!

Hello to you, our young friends,

Cheerful, brave, smart,

Future chauffeurs and craftsmen,

Locksmiths and doctors

Astronauts, science fiction writers, romantics,

Physicists, chemists and mathematicians.

Before you speaks,

Doesn't throw words to the wind

Team of tourists "Torn sneakers",

Nothing can stop us

Our motto: "Even if there are sneakers in the holes, we still run to victory"

We are real guys

We will not be lost anywhere

We compete bravely

We will reach victory

We came here to win

Get the cup again

We wish everyone good luck

Who blows - let him not cry!

There are no losers at the rally,

Only those who are keen on sports!

In our country, no one is discouraged and does not like to retreat.

We want to introduce the team,

To say a little about each

    I carry a backpack, I am the strongest in the forest

    If I get hungry, whoever you wanna take

    And I run faster, and my name is Andrey

    I paint and sing

    I like to peel potatoes

    And I love tourist equipment

    We are a team wherever

    where is he there and me.

They exchange glances, someone is missing, another tourist appears, barely dragging a backpack.

Wait, wait, I was forgotten.

Have you collected so many things?

Odin: And I don't know what I should have taken ...

First: How do you not know ?! ... let's see what you have extra here?

Your camping girlfriend - with hot strong tea ... (mug)

I took on a hike a ladle, a large bowl, a knife and ... (spoon)

What can we do with a spoon, a frying pan, a scoop?

Drive away all the mosquitoes, but you can cook ... (pilaf)

Leave you at home, duvet cover

On a hike, you need a warm ... (sleeping bag)

We need to make a fire, wood will prick us ... (ax)

This guy is very important.

Cook soup and tea will help ... (pot)

In the dark, walking through the forest is easy for me and my friend Sharik.

Well, if there is no dog, then with ... (flashlight)

Your camp house is not wobbly, sleeping comfortably in it ... (tent)

One: This is where the pies are sold or what?

Another: (knocks on the head pretending to be a fool or what?) Nope ... are you ...

First: Great! The backpack was packed. Line up!

Wow guys! How cool it is!


That's why we are mulberries!

We are on the tour today
they came for the victory.
Prepared hard
We tried our best!

Let's jump over all the ditches
We will stand on the rope
We will find the object on the map,
Determine the azimuth!

We'll jump over, we'll climb over
And with a tent, we do not hide,
Cope is not at all difficult -
Once! And then we will run!

Let's pick up all the trash around
So that the forest does not pollute
We will show everyone how to do it.
Clean up after yourself.

So that nature does not suffer
And henceforth our forest was clean,
To cans and cans
The man has not forgotten here.

I want the birds to sing

So that in the spring the streams ring,

To make the skies blue

To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic

So that a berry is born in the forest - a beauty.

I want the sun to warm

So that the birch tree turns green

So that a funny prickly hedgehog lives under the tree,

To make the rainbow sparkle

For the squirrel to jump

For a nice warm rain in the summer.

We want everyone to laugh

So that dreams always come true

So that children have joyful dreams,

To make the morning good

For the sun to shine

So that everyone in the world is always friendly.

(song by V. Ulanovsky to the words of I. Maznin "Let's be friends!")
let's be friends
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow
Like the wind with the sea
Grass with rains
How the sun is friends
With all of us!
Let's be
To strive for
To be loved
Both animals and birds.
And trusted
All over us
As the most faithful
To my friends!...
Let's be
Protect the planet -
All over the universe
There are no similar ones:
All over the universe
She is one,
For life, friendship
It is given!

Hiking travel song!(in chorus) to the tune "The King was returning home from the war"

Backpack over shoulders and stick in hand

Our detachment is marching to the taiga river.

We will set up a tent, we will light a fire

And we'll sing our marching song.

Chorus: a tourist will always go everywhere,

The tourist will not be lost anywhere

A tourist will not be lost in the taiga

Will not be lost will not be lost!

Tourists don't sleep from dawn to dawn

Mosquitoes will not leave us in the way.

Boil potatoes and drink tea

And we'll sing our marching song


The road home is not very easy ...

One towel at the bottom of the backpack.

We will tighten the belt and only breathe

And we'll sing our marching song.


Jun. 13th, 2006 | 04:18 pm

It all started when I was instructed to design a stand that would stand at the entrance to the camp and paint the scenery for the performance. As a lazy person, I put everything aside for the last days. in general, "do not put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."

Here is a small digression in order to talk about what a tourlet is. This event is held once a year on the shores of a picturesque lake,

not far from the town of Lyuban (Leningrad region). The rally brings together 13 companies (teams), from 17 to 80 people, representing the ZooBusiness of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
In total, 13 camps are located on the shore of the lake, or only about 500 people. No, a tourist rally is not when 500 people gather and drink for three days tirelessly ... nifiga ... there were many competitions - sports and amateur performances:
-representation of teams
-decoration of the camp
-competition "battle leaf"
-theatrical performance competition
- football tournament
-in volleyball
-by darts
-tug of war
-tour equipment
- "fun" relay
-the competition is thin. amateur performances "faked tale"
Well, this is such a small digression.

So, on Wednesday night, I understand that if I don't start drawing today, I will let our people down. Because we had to leave at 8.30 on Friday. On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, I fought the scenery - until three in the morning. Here's what happened :)

She went to bed late. And on the night from Thursday to Friday, she drew a newspaper - a stand with which the camp was made out. I took a shower on Friday afternoon. I gathered my will into a fist, woke up my husband and we went to my work in order to immerse ourselves in a minibus.

The path was not close - 610 km. and I have it divided into segments 2 cans of beer, sleep, smoke break and going to the toilet, rehearsing, 2 cans of beer ..... etc.

In general, we have arrived. We set up tents. We ate and went to rehearse the performance - a greeting. We were called "Blue Bird" And in our greeting we played the theme of bird flu. There were chickens, swans, a doctor and the actual bird flu

three swans. portrait.

swans. first rehearsal

doctor and chickens. rehearsal.

will we rest?

This is how our first evening began :) Wine, beer, in a small company we went away from the rumbling disco and sang Alice, Chaif, Kino and many other things with a guitar until 4 am :)
Then we went to bed. And at 8.30 in the morning there was a wake-up call - I had to go to dress in costumes and perform.

This is how we had bird flu.

And this is what the swan looked like :)

Unfortunately, it was not possible to capture the chickens and the doctor in the image. But for the performance we got the 3rd place, which is actually quite good :)

football (departure from the group)

volleyball (2nd place)

tug of war (6th place)

sports relay race (1st place), tour technique competition (1st place) and darts tournament (8th place).

There were some losses - one of our volleyball players seriously injured his leg and had to be taken to St. Petersburg in order to straighten the patella, pump out the inter-articular fluid and apply a plaster cast. But the doctor seemed to be a normal one - he did everything to the highest standard. Of course, ours did not finish that game, but I want to say thank you to the guys from AquaLog, they gave us the victory, which eventually allowed us to reach the final and take a very honorable 2nd place.

Time flew by rapidly. The time for a competitive lunch has come - this is a competition in which it was supposed to serve three dishes, one of which must have been chicken, + to beat the serving of this dish. We settled on an oriental theme
1. Kharcho.
2. Pilaf with chicken
3. Hookah

This was also played up appropriately. The dishes were presented by three sheikhs, their wives, Zavgar (head of the harem) and a "translator" :)

There was everything:

belly dance performed by wives

and an incendiary apple performed by Zavgar

and the sparkling humor of the "translator". Our team got a standing ovation, but for some reason they gave the first place to the residents of St. Petersburg ... it is then that I remember that the organizers are residents of St. Petersburg, and the judges are also residents of St. Petersburg. But God will judge them :)

There was no time to squander. Since there was a "battle sheet" competition ahead, in which I was sent to represent our team. It was necessary to depict a stamp dedicated to the 10th (next) tourist rally.
This is what I portrayed

for which our team was awarded 1st place, which I am very proud of :)

In the evening, there was an amateur art competition. We presented the musical "Cats at Notre Dame Cathedral" It was for this action that I drew gargoyles.
Long makeup and rehearsals

but to be honest, the performance was not very successful due to technical overlaps. Plus a little disliked with the topic. It was necessary to do something more cheeky incendiary. In general, I don't even know what place they took: (But the main thing here is not victory - the main thing is participation.

In the evening we had the last dinner at the tourist rally. Songs with an accordion and a guitar, shouting over the hoot of a disco :) In general, it was fun :)

We calmed down at four o'clock. Having woken up the next day, we cheered for our volleyball players in the final part. Then they began to pack their things, lay tents and backpacks.

Farewell photo.

I really want to next year go back there again.

everyone loaded onto buses and cars and went to Moscow. Dimka and I went to St. Petersburg and therefore left ours in Lyuban, but this is a completely different story ...

ZY: The result of our performance at the tourist event was the 3rd place in the overall team event ... only St. Petersburg residents are ahead ...

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