For which additional points are awarded to the exam. How to get extra points for the exam

All future and even more so past applicants are well aware of how big a role each USE score plays in admission. Today we will tell you what will help to increase the results obtained in the exams. After all, as folk wisdom says: "Forewarned is forearmed." We are arming ourselves with this knowledge and are already starting to prepare for the assault on admissions committees.

Participation in the Olympiads

The number of Olympiads in which schoolchildren can participate today tends to a hundred. The most important among them, of course, was and remains the All-Russian Olympiad, which gives the most successful a chance to enter out of competition, or get 100 points for a subject. It will only be important to take into account that the profile of the Olympiad matches the profile of the direction you are applying for.

From 6 to 8 points for the Unified State Examination can be obtained for success in the list Olympiads organized by universities. For example, the winner of the Higher Standard Interregional Olympiad, which is held by the National Research University Higher School of Economics, receives 100 points in a specialized subject and the opportunity to enter HSE out of competition. Various bonuses will also be provided for him in case of admission to other universities.

Earn extra points it is also possible thanks to conferences and creative competitions organized by leading universities: thanks to the “Clever and Smart” program of MGIMO, the TechnoCup Olympiad of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology together with the Mail.Ru Group, and so on. For information about which olympiads, competitions and what results give additional points and other benefits, look on the websites of selected universities.


Since 2014, the medals are no longer divided into “gold” and “silver”, instead of them one common one is given - “For special achievements in teaching”. You can get it under several conditions:

Having in the school certificate “excellent” in all subjects and at least 220 USE points in total for three subjects;
becoming the winner or prize-winner of the final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren;
typing maximum amount USE scores in one subject (Russian or mathematics).

It will help to increase the result of the exam up to ten points. How many of them a medal can give, each university sets independently. Moscow State University, for example, adds from 2 to 6 points for it, depending on the faculty. Moreover, when enrolling applicants with equal scores, the balance will always be in favor of the medalist.

TRP badge

Those who are not too lucky in educational achievements may be lucky in sports. The latter, in turn, will help add additional points to the exam - for this you will need to get a gold TRP badge (silver and bronze will not give any bonuses).

To become its proud owner, you must successfully pass the mandatory test in four sports disciplines: 100 m run, 3 km run for boys or 2 km for girls, slopes from a standing position and pull-ups ( various options for boys and girls, as well as push-ups or for boys - kettlebell snatch 16 kg). You can also perform additional tests: swimming 50 m, long jump from a running or standing position, throwing sports equipment, skiing 5 km, shooting from air rifle or camping trip 15 km with a test of hiking skills.

TRP standards are free of charge. For a gold badge, an applicant can get from 1 to 10 extra points. Each university sets its own exact number. At MSTU im. Bauman, for example, "Ready for work and defense" will be given 4 points, in the Higher School of Economics and the Russian State Humanitarian University - only 1 point. It is important to note that only achievements for the current year are taken into account. As for the rest sports victories, then additional points from 1 to 10 are provided for champions and prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympics, World and European Championships. However, if you don't want to sports career, it is better to start Olympic preparations for the All-Russian as early as possible.

Achievement portfolio

The role of the portfolio of achievements is not so great, unlike the above options, since it will not give additional points. However, if it is necessary to choose between two applicants with an equal number of them, its presence can become a decisive factor in choosing in favor of the owner. There are no regulations for compiling a portfolio, but it makes sense to invest in it, if available, certificates and diplomas for participating in olympiads, competitions, conferences and various competitions; diplomas and certificates confirming the results of scientific and creative activity; certificates of various pre-profile training courses and so on

Speaking about the complexity of tasks and the required level of preparation, one cannot help but notice the obvious - they, of course, increase even more. It is also extremely important to understand what techniques are used to solve certain problems. To do this, it is useful to solve the options of past years, to analyze them with already experienced participants. Olympiad visiting schools and Olympiad preparation courses can help with this, where teachers will understand the formats of tasks, know all the requirements for their implementation and pay attention only to Olympiad preparation. No one promises that this path will be easy, but for that it is the final stage, in order to win it, only those who put maximum effort and time to become the best could win.

Do not forget that in order to receive additional points, all achievements will need to be documented. And remember that there are no extra points if you are not the winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

The "" section contains detailed information on the 2019 admission campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, the competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of free places, as well as the minimum scores that were required to score to receive it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

- new service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Examination.

In the "Admission 2020" section, using the "" service, you can find out about the most important dates related to admission to a university.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the admission committees of universities and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the site, but will also be sent to you personally to the mail that you indicated during registration. And, quite quickly.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the "" section indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the sites of the organizers.

In the section, a new service "Remind about an event" has been launched, with the help of which applicants can automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

A new service has been launched - "

Each university sets unique passing scores for admission. They depend on the results of the USE with which applicants were enrolled last year. It happens that the minimum score of the last applicant for three exams is more than 300. This happened due to additional points awarded for individual achievements. Each university has its own scoring system. You can get acquainted with it on the site of the institution.

In this article:

1. Medal

If you are an honors student, awarded, then you can count on additional points upon admission. A silver medal gives the same benefits. For example, in 2018, for the presence of a gold or silver medal, the maximum 10 points will be given by the most prestigious universities in the country: and

2. TRP

“Ready for work and defense” - this is the name of the surrender program physical standards. To receive bonuses upon admission, you need to successfully complete all the tests and receive a golden badge of distinction. For such an achievement, universities are ready to add up to 5 points.

3. Special sports merit

They highly appreciate the success of applicants who defended the honor of the country at international sports competitions. Champions of the Olympic, Paralympic, Deaflympics and the European Championship can count on 10 additional points when entering any university.

Universities offer bonuses for prestigious sports awards

4. Olympics

Be careful here. Not every Olympiad will bring you the coveted bonuses. It all depends on its level, profile and priority for the university. The most prestigious are the 1st level Olympiads. Prize-winners and winners in them are credited without entrance examinations. You can find all information about the Olympiads on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.

5. Final essay

Yes, yes, the compulsory essay on literature, which is written by all students of the final grades, can also bring you extra points. You do not need to print the essay, it is enough to notify the selection committee that you want to use it to calculate points. The essay will be found in the database, checked again and given points, no more than 10.

December essay will help you get the right points

6. Volunteering

Your good deeds can also be considered for admission. Of course, just moving the grandmother across the road or saving the kitten is not enough in this case. Volunteer activity must be documented (show the volunteer book). No more than 4 years must pass from the date of its completion. Usually 1-2 points are awarded for participation in charitable projects. But not all universities do this.

7. Contests

Take into account the participation of applicants in creative and intellectual competitions, which are aimed at identifying outstanding abilities. Basically, bonuses are awarded for prizes in competitions close to the profile of the university. For example, MEPhI adds 3 points to the winners of the "Practice on layouts" competition, gives from 3-4 points to the winners of the "Aerobatics" open competition in the areas of physics, mathematics and information technologies. This item also includes the national championship in professional skills among the disabled and people with disabilities. handicapped health Abilympics.

We have collected information about everything for which you can get extra points.

How many points are given by major universities in the country for individual achievements



Sports achivments

Final essay


Olympics and competitions

The All-Russian project "Ready for Labor and Defense" is presented in the form of a modern physical culture and sports complex, which is becoming more and more popular every year. What badge is issued after successfully passing the TRP standards, and what privileges does the participant who received it receive? This public sports movement has a different meaning for every citizen of Russia.

Some want to get confirmation of their excellent physical training and skills in various sports fields, others strive to be the successors of previous generations, because it was in the 30s of the last century that our grandparents became the first participants in this program. The continuation of sports family traditions is always honorable and symbolic. Also, the owner of the insignia receives other privileges. So, how to get the TRP badge, and what benefits does it give to its owner?

Receiving badges of distinction for participating in TRP competitions, the participant not only demonstrates his highest physical fitness, but also has the opportunity to take advantage of other privileges.

  1. Employed people will receive additional vacation days and an increase in salary, the amount of which varies depending on the decision of the employer.
  2. Orders on awarding TRP insignia also provide for additional privileges for schoolchildren. It's about about additional points upon admission. To find out how many points the TRP badge gives upon admission, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of a particular educational institution. On average, universities add from 1 to 3 points, which can significantly raise you in the ranking of applicants fighting for a budget place on the course. Many are interested in how many points Moscow State University adds. According to the data for 2020, you can count on an additional two points. Samara State University adds one point. In all these cases, we are talking about the golden sign.
  3. Golden insignia allow a student to count on an increased scholarship when entering a university. These privileges are confirmed by paragraph 44 of the “Procedure for admission to study”, which was already approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science back in 2015. More detailed information can be safely found out upon admission directly to the admissions office.

It is worth remembering that the successful completion of the TRP complex is not only about awarding a special badge. It is paramount to remember to improve the inner "I" and yourself as a person.

During preparatory period by the time you pass the TRP standards, you temper yourself physically and mentally, increase your own determination and improve coordination. The insignia demonstrates the desire for healthy lifestyle life and an active life position, as a citizen of the great Russian Federation.

Types of icons

If you decide to participate in sports competitions as part of the All-Russian project “Ready for Labor and Defense”, you should know that you can receive an award for successfully passing the standards in accordance with the requirements for specific exercises. Arises quite logical question about which badge is issued after the successful completion of the TRP? The reward corresponds to three levels, therefore, there are three different badges.

  • The golden insignia is the primary and most coveted.
  • The silver badge occupies the second place in importance.
  • The icon, painted in bronze, belongs to the third level of difficulty.

In general, there is a slight difference in requirements and standards between these three awards, most often it is mere seconds.

To find out which badge you can apply for, just study the section of the TRP official website with the regulations, which details the requirements for participants, depending on age group and the difficulty of the exercise.

What does the TRP badge look like?

For the manufacture of a modern insignia, Tsamaka alloy is used with an appropriate coating for bronze, silver and gold. Covering the gold badge involves the use of imitation gold with polishing High Quality. All types of badges have 2 relief levels and standard sizes of 24x24 mm with a thickness of 1.2 mm. In the image below, you can see what a modern TRP badge looks like.

The appearance of the badges was approved by the relevant order. Each insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense", regardless of color, looks like a stylized multi-pointed star, in the central zone of which there is a sector of a special color, against which the rising sun and a running athlete are depicted. The color of this zone directly depends on the color of the icon itself.

  1. Green background for the bronze badge, obtained on the basis of the results of passing the standards of the TRP program as part of sports competition.
  2. Silver decals are distinguished by a blue background.
  3. A running athlete on a red background is typical for the highest degree of award for top scores according to the results sports competitions within the framework of the Ready for Labor and Defense project. This is a gold badge.

To cover each color zone, translucent enamel is used, the properties of which allow the diverging rays of the rising sun to effectively shine through. A wide relief edging in the form of laurel branches and arcuate parallel beams emerging from them frames the central colored zone with a running athlete. Ribbons of the flag of the Russian Federation are depicted on both sides of the man. The inscription in the form of the abbreviation "GTO" is made in red on all signs. The coat of arms of the Russian Federation is located in the upper zone of the badge.

The lower zone of the sign contains a serial number from 1 to 11, which identifies the level depending on the age category of the awarded participant. The serial number is also indicated in a separate color.

  • green for bronze insignia;
  • blue color for silver insignia;
  • red color for badges, which are awarded to participants for the highest achievements in the field of sports and physical fitness.

The reverse side of the insignia for achievements in the field of physical fitness, confirmed by the successful completion of the TRP standards, is equipped with a special clasp, thanks to which the accessory can be easily and securely fixed on clothing.

How to find out which TRP badge you received?

To find out which badge for achievements in physical development received by a participant as part of the Ready for Labor and Defense sports competition, just go to your personal account and view the rewards for participating in events in the My Results section. If you have not yet participated in competitions, but wish you had an idea about the level of your own physical fitness and your ability to meet the requirements, please review the regulations section.

The "" section contains detailed information on the 2019 admission campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, the competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of free places, as well as the minimum scores that were required to score to receive it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

- new service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Examination.

In the "Admission 2020" section, using the "" service, you can find out about the most important dates related to admission to a university.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the admission committees of universities and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the site, but will also be sent to you personally to the mail that you indicated during registration. And, quite quickly.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the "" section indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers' websites.

In the section, a new service "Remind about an event" has been launched, with the help of which applicants can automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

A new service has been launched - "
