GTO standards for physical culture. TRP standards - standards for implementation

Happened or appeared, good forgotten old - TRP. Many people from the USSR remember the legendary phrase - "Ready for labor and defense." In those days, great attention was paid to human health. With the union, the delivery of TRP standards was done everywhere. The main feature of passing standards was honor in society.

The significance of such a large-scale event spoke for itself, parades of the best of the best TRP winners were held on the main square. There was an active promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Sport is the key to success. There were stadiums at every turn, swimming pools and sports grounds... In this article you can see TRP standards 2017 for all ages.


Since 2013, by decree of the President Russian Federation in a few areas, the revitalization or improvement of the people began. New motto into a new future healthy peopleI am proud of you, Fatherland... The purpose of the new slogan and the revival of the TRP:

Bring children and adolescents to the right path to participate in sports competitions

  • promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  • lifting longevity;
  • development of patriotism;
  • the growth of the population involved in sports;
  • notification of Russians about free methods of increasing physical culture.

How is the preparation for the standards carried out:

  • the introduction of the TRP in certain parts of the country;
  • introduction of standards in all schools and validation of the TRP for adults in some regions;
  • general input of TRP standards for all ages.

Testing of the new order was carried out until 2015. In some schools, students had voluntary permission to pass the new norms without purchasing badges. But since January 2016, all students Russian schools forced to surrender TRP standards for schoolchildren.

All standards are divided into 11 stages, for each age. The first five stages or steps are for children and adolescents from six to 17 years old. But the 6-11 stage is made for men and women from 18 to 70 years old.

TRP standards 2017 table of standards for schoolchildren

All students from grades 1 to 11 pass the norms. Young kids from 6 to 8 years old can take eight exercises. There are four obligatory for delivery, such as:

  • push-up;
  • slopes;
  • movement.

There are also 4 more exercises to choose from:

  • swimming;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • long jump;
  • throwing the ball.

For adolescents, a little more TRP standards are proposed, such as:

  • shooting;
  • tourism;
  • throwing;
  • self-defense;
  • lifting the torso;
  • cross or running to choose from.

Taking exercises at school will help develop physical culture among young people and, most importantly, distract the young generation from computers, telephones and television.

TRP standards 2017 table of standards for men

Male standards are divided into age groups from 18 years old. The norms include, as compulsory exercises, and optional, where the athlete can choose the best for himself. In more detail we recommend look at the table TRP 2017.

TRP standards 2016 table of standards for women

The TRP standards can be fulfilled by the fair sex up to 70 years old. As with men, each age has a group. In total, there are 6 types or groups.

  • Sixth. This group is provided for ages from 18 to 24 years old, and from 25 to 29 years old. For each age, there are six exercises and five at your discretion;
  • Seventh. This group is intended for ages from 30 to 40 years old. To pass all the standards for the top five, women need to get themselves in good physical shape. Therefore, physical education and exercise up to 8-10 hours a week is mandatory;
  • Eighth. Group from 40 to 49 years old. In this age category, you need to do 4 exercises;
  • Ninth. A group of women from 50 to 59 years old. Here you need to perform 4 tests;
  • Tenth. The age group is from 60 to 69 years old. 6 tests must be completed;
  • Eleventh. Anyone over 70 years old.

Motivation: Important Information for Athletes

Everyone who takes part in the implementation of the TRP standards has the opportunity to get under the bar of incentives. This means that any participant who meets the standard will receive a badge and certificate. But for schoolchildren who perform perfectly the set of exercises, points for the USE exams are provided. Not bad enough.

TRP is a significant and decisive factor in increasing physical form, spirit and culture among Russians. Inactive mobility of the people often leads to various diseases, so we can say that the renewal of the RLD complex will be a decisive factor in improving the health of the population, especially young people.

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Standards are an integral part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense". So what exactly are TRP standards?

Standards are indicators of distance, quantity, time, expressed in numerical values; compliance with them in each test indicates the successful development of the complex.

Obviously, these standards cannot be the same for all age groups of the population and do not differ at all between men and women, therefore all standards by age and gender are slightly different. Detailed data are contained in the table of TRP standards. To determine the optimal values, an analysis of the level of physical fitness of all age groups of the population (from 6 to 70 years) was carried out. On the basis of the results obtained, not only the necessary indicators were identified, but also three levels of TRP standards were determined, on the compliance with which the dignity of the insignia directly depends. Thus, for special successes and achievements, a participant in the TRP complex can receive an award of gold, silver or bronze dignity.

In addition, in accordance with the standards developed and approved by the Ministry of Sports of Russia, the entire TRP complex is subdivided into 11 stages, which cover all segments of the population aged 6 and over. It is interesting that the TRP standards within the same stage may differ: so, starting from stage VI, there is a division of participants located in the same age category into two subgroups. At the same time, the indicators for the second of them slightly decrease. For example, at the VII stage of the TRP, men aged 30 to 34 years and from 35 to 39 years old are allocated to separate subgroups. Representatives of the first age category, who want to compete for the bronze medal of distinction, need to cover a three-kilometer distance in 15 minutes 20 seconds, while men from the second - to receive a similar award, must meet in 15 minutes and 30 seconds.

The list of proposed tests did not include: training grenade throwing, cross-country cycling, speed skating and rope climbing. At the same time, forward bending and ball throwing were included in the TRP complex. In addition, the participants of the complex have the opportunity to choose the type physical activity: now each of them can give preference to several tests, taking into account their own physiological characteristics and sympathies.

The package of mandatory tests, the standards for which must be fulfilled, include tests for strength, endurance, flexibility and speed. Selection tests include exercises to determine coordination abilities and to identify applied skills. Complete table TRP standards are presented on our website.

It is worth mentioning that the modern TRP norms, although they have some similarities with their Soviet predecessors, are not their direct continuation.

on performing types of tests(tests) included

to the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex

"Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP)

Compliance with the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) (hereinafter - the TRP complex) is carried out in a competitive environment in testing centers. At the stages of preparation and implementation of the standards of the TRP complex, medical control is carried out.

In order for participants to fully realize their abilities, it is necessary to choose an appropriate sequence of testing. It consists in the need to start testing with the least energy-intensive types of tests (tests) and to provide participants with a sufficient rest period between fulfilling the standards.

Before testing, participants perform an individual or general warm-up under the guidance of an instructor, teacher (trainer-teacher) or independently. Participants' clothing and footwear - sports.

During the testing, the necessary safety measures and preservation of the health of the participants are provided.

Shuttle run is carried out on any level surface with a hard surface that provides good traction with the shoe. At a distance of 10 m, two parallel lines are drawn - "Start" and "Finish".

Participants, without stepping on the starting line, assume a high start position. At the command "March!" (with the simultaneous switching on of the stopwatches) the participants run to the finish line, touch the line with their hand, return to the start line, touch it and overcome the last segment without touching the finish line with their hand. The stopwatch is stopped at the moment of crossing the “Finish” line. Participants start by 2 people.

The race is carried out on the tracks of the stadium or on any flat, hard surface. Running 30 meters is performed from a high start, running 60 and 100 meters - from a low or high start. Participants start in 2 - 4 people.

Endurance running is conducted on a stadium treadmill or any level area. The maximum number of participants in the race is 20 people.

Mixed movement consists of running followed by walking in any sequence.

It is carried out on the treadmill of the stadium or any level area. The maximum number of participants in the race is 20 people.

The long jump with a two-legged jerk is performed in the appropriate jumping sector. The push-off point should provide good grip on the shoe. Participant accepts initial position(hereinafter - IP): feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes in front of the measurement line. A forward jump is performed with the simultaneous push of two legs. Hand swing is allowed.

Measurement is taken along a perpendicular straight line from the measurement line to the nearest trace left by any part of the participant's body.

1) spacing over the measurement line or touching it;

2) performing a take-off from a preliminary jump;

3) pushing off with legs at different times.

The long jump with a running start is performed in the appropriate jumping sector.

Measurement is taken along a perpendicular line from the take-off point to the nearest track left by any part of the participant's body.

The participant is given three attempts. Goes into offset best result.

A pull-up from a hang while lying on a low crossbar is performed from a PI: hanging lying face up with a grip from above, hands shoulder-width apart, head, torso and legs form a straight line, heels can rest on a support up to 4 cm high.

The height of the crossbar neck for participants in the I-III steps is 90 cm.The height of the crossbar neck for the participants in the IV-IX steps is 110 cm.

In order to occupy the PI, the participant approaches the bar, grabs the bar with a grip from above, squats under the bar and, keeping his head straight, puts his chin on the bar of the bar. Then, without straightening the arms and without lifting the chin from the bar, stepping forward, he straightens so that his head, torso and legs are in a straight line. The assistant referee places support under the competitor's feet. After that, the participant straightens his arms and takes the IP. From the PI, the participant pulls himself up until the chin crosses the bar with the bar, then lowers to the hang and, fixing for 0.5 s of the PI, continues the exercise.

The number of correctly performed pull-ups, recorded by the judge's score, is counted.

1) pull-ups with jerks or bending of the trunk;

A pull-up from a hang on a high bar is performed from an IP: hanging with a grip from above, hands shoulder-width apart, arms, torso and legs are straightened, legs do not touch the floor, feet together.

The participant pulls himself up so that the chin crosses the upper line of the bar's bar, then drops to the hang and, fixing it for 0.5 s of the PI, continues the exercise. The number of correctly performed pull-ups is counted.

1) pulling up with jerks or swinging legs (trunk);

2) the chin has not risen above the bar neck;

3) lack of fixation for 0.5 s PI;

4) simultaneous flexion of the arms.

Weights of 16 kg are used for testing. The control time for the exercise is 4 minutes. The total number of correctly performed kettlebell lifts with the right and left hand is counted.

Testing is carried out on a platform or any level area measuring 2 × 2 m. The participant is obliged to compete in sports uniform allowing the judges to determine the extension of the working arm and the extension of the legs in the hip and knee joints.

The kettlebell snatch is performed in one move, first with one hand, then without interruption with the other. The participant must lift the kettlebell up in a continuous movement until the arm is fully extended and fix it. The working arm, legs and torso should be straightened. The transition to the exercise with the other hand can be done once. To change hands, it is allowed to use additional swings.

The participant has the right to start the exercise with either hand and proceed to the exercise with the second hand at any time, rest, holding the kettlebell in the upper or lower position, no more than 5 s. During the exercise, the judge will count each correct lift after fixing the kettlebell for at least 0.5 s.


1) use any devices to facilitate lifting kettlebells, including gymnastic pads;

2) use rosin to prepare the palms;

3) render assistance to oneself, leaning with the free hand on the thigh or torso;

4) setting kettlebells on the head, shoulder, chest, leg or platform;

5) going outside the platform.

1) press the weights;

2) touching the legs, torso, kettlebell, working hand with the free hand.

Testing of flexion and extension of the arms in the support lying on the floor can be performed with the use of a "contact platform" or without it.

Flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying on the floor is performed from the IP: the emphasis is lying on the floor, arms shoulder-width apart, hands forward, elbows are not more than 45 degrees apart, shoulders, torso and legs form a straight line. The feet rest on the floor without support.

Bending your arms, you need to touch the floor or "contact platform" 5 cm high with your chest, then, unbending your arms, return to the MT and, fixing it for 0.5 s, continue testing.

The number of correct flexions and extensions of the arms is counted.

1) touching the floor with knees, hips, pelvis;

2) violation of the straight line "shoulders - body - legs";

3) lack of fixation for 0.5 s PI;

5) no chest touching the floor (platform);

6) raising the elbows relative to the body by more than 45 degrees.

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position is performed from the IP: lying on the gymnastic bench (chair seat), arms shoulder-width apart, hands rest on the front edge of the gymnastic bench (chair seat), shoulders, torso and legs form a straight line. The feet rest on the floor without support.

Bending your arms, you need to touch your chest to the gymnastic bench (chair seat), then, unbending your arms, return to the PI and, fixing it for 0.5 s, continue the exercise.

The number of correctly performed flexions - extensions of the arms, recorded by the judge's score in the SP is counted.

1) touching the floor with your knees;

2) violation of the straight line "shoulders - body - legs";

3) lack of fixation of the MT for 0.5 s;

4) alternate extension of the arms;

5) no chest touching the gymnastic bench (or chair seat).

Raising the trunk from a prone position is performed from the IP: lying on your back on a gymnastic mat, hands behind your head, fingers are locked in a "lock", shoulder blades touch the mat, legs are bent at the knees at right angles, feet are pressed by the partner to the floor.

The participant performs maximum amount lifts in 1 min., touching the hips (knees) with the elbows, followed by a return to the PI.

The number of correct trunk lifts is counted.

To perform the test, pairs are created, one of the partners performs the exercise, the other holds his legs by the feet and legs. Then the participants change places.

1) no elbows touching the hips (knees);

2) no touching the mat with the shoulder blades;

3) fingers are open “out of the lock”;

4) displacement of the pelvis.

A forward bend from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the IP: standing on the floor or on a gymnastic bench, legs are straightened at the knees, the feet are parallel at a width of 10-15 cm.

When performing a test (test) on the floor, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations on command. At the third incline, he touches the floor with his fingers or palms of two hands and fixes the result for 2 s.

When performing a test (test) on a gymnastic bench on command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the ruler. At the third incline, the participant flexes as much as possible and fixes the result for 2 s. The amount of flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the "-" sign, below - by the "+" sign.

1) bending the knees;

2) fixing the result with the fingers of one hand;

3) lack of fixation of the result within 2 s.

For throwing tennis ball a ball weighing 57 g is used on the target.

Throwing a tennis ball at the target is carried out from a distance of 6 m into a gymnastic hoop with a diameter of 90 cm fixed on the wall. The lower edge of the hoop is at a height of 2 m from the floor.

The participant is given the right to make five throws. The number of hits in the area limited by the hoop is counted.

For testing, a ball weighing 150 g and a sports equipment weighing 500 g and 700 g are used.

Throwing the ball and sports equipment is held in a stadium or any level area in a 15 m wide corridor. The length of the corridor is set depending on the preparedness of the participants.

Throwing is performed from a place or a direct take-off run by the method "from behind the back over the shoulder". Other methods of throwing are prohibited.

The participant is given the right to make three throws. The best result is taken into account. The measurement is taken from the throwing line to the place where the projectile lands.

Participants in the II - IV stages throw a ball weighing 150 g, participants in the V - VII stages throw a sports equipment weighing 700 and 500 g.

  • Stepping behind the throwing line;
  • The shell missed the “corridor”;
  • The attempt was made without the permission of the judge.


Swimming is carried out in pools or specially equipped places on water bodies. It is allowed to start from a bedside table, side or from the water. Swimming method is arbitrary. The swimmer must touch the pool wall with any part of the body at the end of each segment of the distance and at the finish.


1) walk or touch the bottom with your feet;

2) use track dividers or improvised means to promote or maintain buoyancy;

Cross-country skiing 1, 2, 3, 5 km

Cross-country skiing is carried out in a free style at distances laid mainly on terrain with slightly and medium-rugged terrain. Competitions are held in places closed from the wind in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards SanPiN

Cross country 1, 2, 3, 5 km

The distance for cross-country is laid through the territory of the park, forest or in any open space.

Shooting from air rifle or electronic weapons

Shooting is carried out from an air rifle or from an electronic weapon. Shots - 3 test shots, 5 valid shots. Shooting time - 10 minutes. Preparation time - 3 minutes.

Shooting from an air rifle (VP, type IZH-38, IZH-60, MP-512, IZH-32, MP-532, MLG, DIANA) is performed from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand at a distance of 5 m ( for stage III), 10 m at target No. 8.

Shooting from electronic weapons is carried out from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand at a distance of 5 m (for stage III), 10 m at target No. 8.

Tourist hike with a test of tourist skills

Compliance with tourism standards is carried out on hikes in accordance with age requirements. For participants of the III, VIII - IX steps, the length of the pedestrian crossing is 5 km, for the IV - V, VII steps - 10 km, for the VI step - 15 km.

During the hike, tourist knowledge and skills are tested: packing a backpack, orienteering using a map and compass, setting up a tent, lighting a fire, ways to overcome obstacles.

Nordic walking 2, 3, 4 km

Distances for participants nordic walk are laid (if possible) on the paths of parks on flat or slightly rugged terrain. If necessary, the participants are provided with poles, the height of which is selected taking into account the height and physical fitness participants. Groups of starting participants are formed taking into account age, gender and physical fitness.

The results of the works of scientists confirm the truth that doctors have known for many centuries - each person needs normalized physical activity to maintain health and well-being. The development of the physical culture and sports complex "GTO", introduced by the Supreme Council of Physical Culture (VSFC) in the 30s of the XX century, was carried out with the aim of developing the physical form of citizens.

The revival of the once popular TRP system took place in 2013. V.V. Putin drew public attention to the fact that modern youth pays very little attention to sports and their health, which negatively affects the gene pool of the nation.

TRP standards are one system that allows you to objectively assess physical fitness a person of a certain age. All citizens, regardless of the field of activity, should strive for the results indicated in the table of standards.

For young people, the implementation of the TRP standards is:

  • taking care of your health;
  • beautiful toned figure;
  • excellent preparation for adulthood (and the army for young men);
  • the opportunity to receive additional bonuses, such as a free trip to Artek;
  • add yourself points to the results of the exam;
  • a reason to be proud of your achievements!

Anyone can take part in the "Ready for Labor and Defense" festival. To do this, you need to thoroughly prepare, taking into account the standards of the TRP 2018, given in the table, and then register on the official website and leave an application for participation.

When passing the test, the participant must have with him / her identity documents (birth certificate or passport) and medical certificate confirming the absence medical contraindications for sports.

Types of tests

The physical culture and sports complex of the TRP includes the following types of tests:

  • forward bends;
  • pulling up on the horizontal bar;
  • flexion of the arms in the lying position;
  • throwing a sports equipment;
  • running for short distances;
  • running for medium and long distances;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • swimming;
  • standing long jump;
  • running long jump;
  • air rifle shooting;
  • weight snatch;
  • self-defense without weapons (since 2018).

The choice is not accidental. It is these sports that fully allow you to assess the level physical development and the readiness of a person to defend the Motherland at any moment.

TRP innovations 2018

When passing the TRP, school graduates must pass 4 mandatory standards and 4 optional tests.

Important! The surrender rules for the I-V stages will change from January 1, 2018! If by this moment you do not have time to pass all the standards, then the points will be reset! For the VІ-XІ stages, the standards will remain unchanged.

TRP standards table in 2018

Reviving the TRP system, the sports committee of the Russian Federation revised the previously established norms, taking into account the current realities, and in 2018 the official table of standards contains 11 steps:

The first 5 steps of the table contain standards for schoolchildren and are a guideline for physical education teachers, as well as children and adolescents who want to receive the TRP badge in 2018.

Upon passing the standards, the participant can receive a gold, silver or bronze badge, depending on how he copes with the task assigned to him.

The golden TRP badge and the corresponding diploma will allow applicants to receive extra points to the exam (from 1 to 10, depending on the university) upon admission.

Standards for I-V category

Today, schoolchildren have so little time for sports, but at the same time, it is especially important for children and adolescents to have good physical shape and good health, therefore we propose to get acquainted with the new standards and norms of the TRP in 2018, which the table contains, and strive to fulfill the standards.

Standards for the VI category (men)

18-29 years is the most active age, because the body is at the peak of its physical form. For a young man, this period of life is associated with military service, and therefore many guys seriously think about the need to maintain good shape and train regularly by visiting GYM's and various sports sections.

Standards for the VI category (women)

The requirements for the fair sex are somewhat different from male standards, due to physiological characteristics female body... So, girls need to do more bends, but at the same time it will be more than enough to jump from a spot by 195 cm.

We propose to compare the standards in more detail by reviewing the data contained in the table:

How to prepare for the delivery of the TRP?

The most correct thing would be to teach your child to play sports from an early age. Firstly, it is much easier for schoolchildren to fulfill the TRP standards (we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the requirements for first graders, which are established by the table of standards for 2018). Secondly, it is the love of sports instilled in childhood that will become the guarantee of health in adulthood.

But, you can take the first steps in sports at any age, and this is confirmed by hundreds and even thousands of elderly people leading active image life and annually taking part in the TRP festivals!

A sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of many diseases, which has been proven by scientists more than once. Unfortunately, today this problem is relevant not only for office workers and people whose professional activities are associated with the need to stay in sitting position... Increasingly, diseases arising from insufficient physical activity are diagnosed in schoolchildren and students.

The physical culture and sports complex "GTO", proposed back in the 30s of the last century by the Supreme Council of Physical Culture, is designed to increase the interest of people of different age groups in healthy way life and teach people to live actively, paying enough attention to their health.

TRP program today

Undeservedly forgotten at the turn of the century, the TRP program was revived again by Vladimir Putin in 2013 and since then has been updated and improved annually, providing new opportunities for each participant. The updated table of 2019 includes TRP norms for people of different age categories, from schoolchildren 6 years old to active pensioners (no upper age limit has been established).

Anyone can become a participant of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" festival today. There are 11 steps depending on age:

Within the framework of the TRP festival, standards are passed for the following sports:

  • pulling up on the horizontal bar;
  • flexion of the arms in the lying position;
  • forward bends;
  • standing long jump;
  • running long jump;
  • swimming;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • running for short distances;
  • running for medium and long distances;
  • throwing a sports equipment;
  • weight snatch;
  • air rifle shooting;
  • self-defense without weapons (introduced in 2018).

Of course, for everyone age group own sets of disciplines and TRP norms have been established, which are contained in the official table approved for 2019, which can be found on the pages of the official website of the program

Why take the TRP standards?

Being fit, strong and athletic is fashionable and great! Everyone will agree with this, but not everyone will be able to pass the standards without correct and systematic preparation. And everyone has their own motivation for success:

  • for the smallest participants - the opportunity to relax in Artek for free;
  • for school graduates - additional points to the Unified State Exam;
  • for students - the opportunity to receive an increased academic scholarship;
  • for middle-aged people - a beautiful and healthy body;
  • for older people - a chance to prove to oneself and those around them that a person's possibilities are endless and even in old age life can and should be active and diverse.

2018 and 2019 innovations

In 2018, the "Ready for Labor and Defense" program was revised, and in the coming 2019, updated TRP norms will be in effect for schoolchildren of grades 1-4. The standards for adults have not been revised, and therefore you can safely focus on the data of past years.

Among the innovations are also:

  • registration of test results in the metric system;
  • standardization of conditions;
  • additional end-to-end tests.

In 2019, the main innovation will be the opportunity to participate in the TRP program for persons with disabilities. In the last reporting period, new rules for this group of participants did not come into force due to numerous legal difficulties.

Standards tables

We bring to your attention the TRP standards of 2019 for schoolchildren 6-17 years old - this is a new table of standards that came into force on January 1, 2018.

You can also see the table of standards for young people aged 18 to 29, which will be relevant in 2019.

In each age category there are obligatory tests that must be passed to receive the badge of distinction and the discipline "optional", the choice of which increases the chances of getting a gold TRP badge.

Where and how you can pass the TRP standards

In 2019, all participants wishing to take part in the program must first register on the official website, or submit an application by contacting one of the Testing Centers and providing the organizers with:

  • identity document;
  • 3 photos measuring 3 × 4 cm.;
  • a certificate from a doctor confirming the absence of medical contraindications.

Important! Reception of TRP standards at physical education lessons is not allowed. Moreover, the fact of participation or non-participation of a student in the TRP program should not in any way affect the final grade in the subject.

As a rule, the reception of standards is organized in sports institutions of cities, the list of which is approved by the organizers and posted on the official website of the program.

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