What you need to pass in order to get a GTO badge. How to get a gold TRP badge

Those who attended school before the breakup Soviet Union they remember three cherished letters - TRP, or "Ready for Labor and Defense" - a program of physical and cultural training, which was based on a unified and state-supported system of patriotic education of the population. There are many positive aspects in this program, the TRP standards for people of all ages, by taking part in this program you get both the team spirit of the competition and, familiarizing with healthy way life.

TRP standards tables

The Department of Physical Culture and Sports Complex has developed a table of TRP standards, it was created so that you could prepare in advance and receive your distinction!

The tables show all the standards of the TRP (mandatory) tests. Full list all norms for schoolchildren, men and women, as well as a description of the TRP tests.

1 step. TRP standards for schoolchildren 6-8 years old

The table shows the mandatory and optional tests. To receive the gold badge "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) in this age category, schoolchildren will need to complete 4 mandatory tests and 3 optional tests. To obtain a silver and bronze badge, 4 mandatory tests and 2 optional tests are required.

Mandatory tests (student and 6-8 years old):

1. Shuttle run
or running 30m
2. Mixed movement

Optional tests(schoolchildren 6-8 years old):

5. Long jump from a place with a push with two legs
6. Throwing tennis ball on target, distance 6 m
7. Cross-country skiing 1 km
Cross-country skiing 2 km
or mixed movement of 1.5 km on rough terrain

2nd stage. TRP standards for schoolchildren 9-10 years old

The table shows the mandatory and optional tests. To receive the gold badge, schoolchildren will need to complete 4 mandatory tests and 3 optional tests. To receive a silver and bronze TRP badge, children will need to complete 4 mandatory tests and 2 optional ones.

Mandatory tests(schoolchildren 9-10 years old):

1. Running 60 meters
2. Running 1 km
3. Hanging pull-up on a high bar
or a pull-up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor
4. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor

Optional tests(schoolchildren 9-10 years old):

5. Long jump with a run

6. Throwing a ball weighing 150 g
7. Cross-country skiing 1 km
or 2 km
or 2 km cross-country cross
8. Swimming excluding time

3 step. TRP standards for schoolchildren 11-12 years old

To receive a gold badge in this age category, schoolchildren need to complete 4 compulsory tests and 4 optional ones. To be awarded the silver badge (TRP), children will need to complete 4 mandatory and 3 optional tests. For the bronze badge, complete 4 mandatory and 2 optional tests.

Mandatory tests(schoolchildren 11-12 years old):

1. Running 60 meters
2. Running 1.5 km
or 2 km
3. Hanging pull-up on a high bar
or a pull-up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor
4. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor

Optional tests(schoolchildren 11-12 years old):

5. Long jump with a run
or long jump with a two-legged jerk
6. Throwing a ball weighing 150 g
7. Cross-country skiing 2 km
or 3 km

8. Swimming 50m
9. Shooting from air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows supported on a table or stand, distance - 5 m
or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand
10. Tourist hike with a test of tourism skills

4 step. TRP standards for schoolchildren 13-15 years old

To obtain the golden sign "TRP" in this age category, it is necessary to pass 4 mandatory tests and 4 optional tests. For a silver badge, schoolchildren need to pass 4 compulsory tests and 3 optional ones. For the bronze badge, 4 mandatory tests and 2 optional tests are required.

Mandatory tests(schoolchildren 13-15 years old)

1. Running 60 meters
2. Run 2 km
or 3 km
3. Hanging pull-up on a high bar
or a pull-up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor
4. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor

Optional tests(schoolchildren 13-15 years old)

5. Long jump with a run
or long jump with a two-legged jerk

7. Throwing a ball weighing 150 g
8. Cross-country skiing 3 km
or 5 km
or 3 km cross-country cross
9. Swimming 50m

12. Self-defense without weapons

5 step. TRP standards for schoolchildren 16-17 years old

The table shows the required tests and optional tests. To obtain the gold mark, 4 mandatory tests and 4 optional tests are required. For the silver mark, perform 4 mandatory tests and 3 optional. To obtain the bronze sign "TRP" you need to complete 4 mandatory tests and 2 optional.

Mandatory tests(schoolchildren 16-17 years old):

1. Running 100 meters
2. Run 2 km
or 3 km
3. Hanging pull-up on a high bar
or jerk of a kettlebell 16 kg
or a pull-up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor

Optional tests(schoolchildren 16-17 years old):

5. Long jump with a run
or long jump with a two-legged jerk
6. Raising the torso from a supine position
7. Throwing sports equipment weighing 700 g
or weighing 500 g
8. Cross-country skiing 3 km
or cross-country skiing 5 km
or 3 km cross-country cross

9. Swimming 50m
10. Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
11. Tourist hike with testing of tourist skills at a distance of 10 km
12. Self-defense without weapons

Stage 6 - TRP standards for men 18-29 years old

The table shows the mandatory and optional tests. To obtain the gold mark, 4 mandatory tests and 4 optional tests are required. For the silver mark, perform 4 mandatory tests and 3 optional. For the bronze badge there are 4 mandatory tests and 2 optional.

Mandatory tests(men 18-29):

1. Running 100 meters
2. Running 3 km
3. Hanging pull-up on a high bar
or jerk of a kettlebell 16 kg
4. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench

Optional tests(men 18-29):

5. Long jump with a run
or long jump with a two-legged jerk
6. Throwing a sports equipment weighing 700 g
7. Cross-country skiing 5 km
or 5 km cross-country cross
8. Swimming 50m
9. Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
10. Tourist hike with testing of tourist skills at a distance of 15 km
11. Self-defense without weapons

6 step. TRP standards for women 18 - 29 years old

To obtain the gold mark, you need to complete 4 mandatory and 4 optional tests. For the silver mark there are 4 mandatory tests and 3 optional tests. bronze mark 4 mandatory tests and 2 optional tests.

Mandatory tests(women 18-29):

1. Running 100 meters
2. Run 2 km
3. Pulling up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor
4. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench

Optional tests(women 18-29):

5. Long jump with a run
or long jump with a two-legged jerk
6. Raising the torso from a supine position
7. Throwing a sports equipment weighing 500 g
8. Cross-country skiing 3 km
or 5 km
or 3 km cross-country cross
9. Swimming 50m
10. Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
11. Tourist hike with testing of tourist skills at a distance of 15 km
12. Self-defense without weapons

7 step. TRP standards for men 30-39 years old

To obtain the gold mark, you need to complete 3 mandatory tests and 4 optional. For the silver mark there are 3 mandatory tests and 4 optional. For the bronze badge there are 3 mandatory tests and 3 optional.

Mandatory tests(men 30-39):

1. Running 3 km

or jerk of a kettlebell 16 kg (number of times)

Optional tests(men 30-39):

4. Long jump from a place
5. Throwing a sports equipment weighing 700 g
6. Cross-country skiing 5 km
or 5 km cross-country cross
7. Swimming 50m
8. Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
9. Tourist hike with testing of tourist skills at a distance of 10 km

7 step. Regulatory TRP for women 30-39 years old

For the gold mark there are 3 mandatory tests and 4 optional tests. For the silver mark, there are 3 mandatory tests and 3 optional tests. For the bronze mark there are 3 mandatory tests and 3 optional tests.

Mandatory tests(women 30-39):

1. Run 2 km
2. Pulling up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor
3. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench

Optional tests(women 30-39):

4. Long jump from a place
5. Raising the torso from a supine position
6. Throwing a sports equipment weighing 500 g
7. Cross-country skiing 3 km
or 5 km
or 3 km cross-country cross
8. Swimming 50m
9. Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance 10 m
or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance 10 m
10. Tourist hike with testing of tourist skills at a distance of 10 km

Here are the mandatory and optional tests. To obtain the gold badge "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) in these age categories, it is required to complete 3 mandatory tests and 3 optional tests. The rest of the signs are the same as in the previous TRP tests.

Mandatory tests(men 40 - 49 years old)
1. Run 2 km
or 3 km
2. Hanging pull-up on a high bar
or jerk of a kettlebell 16 kg
or a pull-up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor

Optional tests(men 40 - 49 years old)

5. Cross-country skiing 2 km

or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m

8 step. TRP standards for women 40 - 49 years old

To obtain a gold badge (TRP) in the age category 40-44 years, it is required to complete 3 mandatory tests and 3 optional tests. To obtain the gold badge "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) in the age category 45-49 years, it is required to complete 3 mandatory tests and 2 optional tests.

Mandatory tests:

1. Run 2 km
or 3 km
2. Hanging pull-up on a high bar
or jerk of a kettlebell 16 kg
or a pull-up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor
3. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor

Optional tests:

4. Raising the torso from a supine position
5. Cross-country skiing 2 km
or 5 km
or cross-country 2 km
or cross-country 3 km
6. Swimming without time consideration
7. Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
8. Tourist hike with testing of tourist skills at a distance of 5 km

Step 9. TRP standards for men 50-59 years old

To obtain a gold badge in this age category, it is required to complete 3 mandatory tests and 2 optional tests. Silver and bronze as well as in the 8th test of the TRP.

Mandatory tests(men 50-59 years old)
1. Run 2 km
or 3 km
or jerk of a kettlebell 16 kg
or a pull-up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor
3. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor

Optional tests(men 50-59 years old)
4. Raising the torso from a supine position
5. Cross-country skiing 2 km
or 5 km (min, s)
or cross-country 2 km
or cross-country 3 km
6. Swimming without time consideration
7. Shooting from an air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
8. Tourist hike with testing of tourist skills at a distance of 5 km

Stage 9 - TRP standards for women 50-59 years old

To obtain the gold TRP badge for women aged 50 -59 years, it is required to complete 3 mandatory tests and 2 optional tests.

Mandatory tests:

1. Run 2 km
or 3 km
2. Hanging pull-up on a high bar
or jerk of a kettlebell 16 kg
or a pull-up from a hang while lying on a low bar
or flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor
3. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor

Optional tests:

4. Raising the torso from a supine position
5. Cross-country skiing 2 km
or 5 km
or cross-country 2 km
or cross-country 3 km
6. Swimming without time consideration
7. Shooting from
air rifle from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
or from an electronic weapon from a sitting or standing position with elbows resting on a table or stand, distance - 10 m
8. Tourist hike with testing of tourist skills at a distance of 5 km

10 step. TRP standards for men 60-69 years old

To obtain the gold badge "Ready for Labor and Defense", you need to complete 3 mandatory tests and 2 optional tests.

Mandatory tests(men 60-69 years old)

1. Mixed movement
or nordic walking

Optional tests(men 60-69 years old)

4. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor
5. Skiing

6. Swimming without time consideration

10 step - TRP standards for women 60-69

To obtain the gold TRP badge for women in this age category from 60 to 69 years old, it is required to complete 3 mandatory tests and 2 optional tests.

Mandatory tests:

1. Mixed movement
or nordic walking
2. Flexion and extension of the arms in support against the gymnastic bench
3. Raising the torso from a supine position

Optional tests:

4. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor
5. Skiing
or mixed cross-country driving
6. Swimming without time consideration

11 step. TRP standards for men and women 70-79 years old

To obtain the gold mark (TRP) in this age category, it is required to complete 3 mandatory tests and 1 optional test.

Mandatory tests

1. Mixed movement
or nordic walking
2. Flexion and extension of the arms against the seat of the chair
3. Raising the torso from a supine position

Optional tests(men and women from 70 and older)

4. Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor
5. Skiing
or mixed cross-country driving
6. Swimming without time consideration

One of the goals and objectives of the TRP complex program is to attract Partner rewards for the use of the complex symbols. This approach to business allows you to save state budget funds on costs associated with maintaining the TRP complex. It also increases the attractiveness of sports and a generally healthy lifestyle among the broad masses of our population. In general, many-sided work is being carried out, new goals are being set, current tasks are being systematically solved, all this is done for the most successful implementation of the TRP complex on the territory Russian Federation for many years (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and beyond, following the main duty - "The improvement of the Russian nation!").

In 2017, one of the primary tasks of the organizers of the TRP complex is to unite all available resources and forces for more effective and effective information to the population of our country. As a result, this will certainly arouse more interest in the program not only among students of schools and universities, but also among labor collectives, there will be more program participants, and this is the main goal of the TRP - to involve as many people in our country as possible in sports and a healthy lifestyle. ...

8-800-350-00-00 — Hotline telephone.

GTO.ru- The official website of the department.

All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for labor and defense": concept, content, features and normative - legal regulation TRP implementation - download the presentation of the program.

Surely, you have heard more than once about the TRP - the All-Russian sports program, by participating in which, everyone can find out how good he is physical form... In addition, the highest award of this physical culture and sports complex - the golden TRP badge - can give the person who received it extra points upon admission to higher educational institutions.

"Ready for Labor and Defense"- this is what the program created back in 1931 was called physical education youth. The first letters of this motto made up the known abbreviation TRP. The program successfully existed for sixty years, but ceased to operate with the collapse of the Soviet Union - in 1991.

In 2014, at the initiative of Russian President V.V. Putin, the program resumed its existence in an improved form. To establish the standards for obtaining various degrees of TRP, specialists from the medical and sports fields were involved. Now every citizen of the Russian Federation, at any age and social status, can pass these standards and, thus, check their physical fitness and endurance, and the most trained will receive the highest award - the golden TRP badge!

Badges and rungs: what does the future winner need to know about them?

There are three types of awards for those who decide to participate in this competition. The most important thing is undoubtedly, golden TRP badge followed by a silver TRP badge, followed by a bronze TRP badge. The difference between awards is most often determined literally in seconds.

To properly share the load, all people who want to take part in the delivery of standards for the golden TRP badge are divided into eleven steps by age:

  • 1st stage - children from nine to ten years old;
  • 3rd level - children from eleven to twelve years old;
  • 4th stage - children from thirteen to fifteen years old;
  • 5th stage - boys and girls from sixteen to seventeen years old;
  • 6th stage - men and women from eighteen to twenty-nine years old;
  • 7th stage - men and women from thirty to thirty-nine years old;
  • 8th step - men and women from forty to forty-nine years old;
  • 9th stage - men and women from fifty to fifty-nine years old;
  • 10th step - men and women from sixty to sixty-nine years old;
  • 11th stage - men and women from seventy years of age and older.

To receive a gold TRP badge, the applicant will have to pass a test in various sports exercises, some of them are mandatory, while others can be chosen by the participant as he wishes. Different tests will be offered for different age categories. Here we give a general list of them, but to find out the exact standards corresponding to the age of the future medalist of the gold TRP badge, you should refer to the menu of our website.

  • Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on the floor;
  • Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench;
  • Hanging pull-up on a high bar;
  • Pulling up while lying on a low bar;
  • Flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor (push-up);
  • Raising the body up from a supine position;
  • Throwing a tennis ball at a target;
  • Throwing a ball weighing one hundred and fifty grams at the target;
  • Throwing sports equipment;
  • Dumbbell snatch;
  • Long jump from a place, pushing off with both legs;
  • Long jump from a run;
  • Distance running;
  • Shuttle run;
  • Mixed movement;
  • Cross-country cross-country;
  • Swimming;
  • Air rifle shooting;
  • Shooting from electronic weapons;
  • Self-defense without weapons;
  • A tourist trip with a test of tourist skills.

Usually, for each step, about eight sports are determined that must be passed in order to receive a medal. About five of them have already been approved, and the rest can be selected within your level from the list proposed.

In order to find out, you can read a detailed article on this topic on our website.

How and where can you pass the TRP standards for a gold badge?

If you are determined to take part in this program and receive the highest gold TRP badge, then, first of all, you should register on the official website gto.ru and fill out the proposed questionnaire. After registration is complete, you will be assigned a participant serial number and asked to choose the most convenient point for passing the standards. There you can also find out the time and date when it will be possible to take part in the tests.

It is imperative to take a document confirming your identity (birth certificate or passport, depending on age) and your health status with you to the test center.

To achieve the best results, it is worthwhile to think carefully and distribute the passing of the standards so that the body does not get overloaded and is in excellent condition to pass the norm for each sport.

If you want to know, you can read about it in our other article.

Where and how to get a gold TRP badge?

After you have successfully passed all the established tests, you just have to wait for the reward. Do not expect to receive the award too quickly - often it takes about two months before it, and sometimes more.

The order on the assignment of gold TRP badges is signed personally by the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, if they relate to the gold level. Obtaining a gold badge always takes place in a festive atmosphere, most often with the participation of several applicants for its receipt. Sometimes such an award is timed to coincide with some important event, for example, a city day. Officials are also present at this important ceremony.

How many points does the golden TRP badge give when entering a university in 2019?

What does the golden TRP badge give to its owner? In addition to confidence in your physical capabilities and recognition of others, receiving a gold TRP badge for working people gives extra days to leave, and if you graduate from school, you get additional privileges to enroll in a higher educational institution of your dreams, even if the competition for a place is high enough.

In accordance with paragraph 44 of the "Procedure for admission to training in educational programs higher education- bachelor's programs, specialist programs, master's programs ", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1147 dated October 14, 2015, universities are required to take into account the presence of a gold badge when calculating points, which may well tip the scales in your direction. Also, if you have been awarded this distinction, then you can receive an increased scholarship for training.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say for sure how many points the presentation of the TRP badges will add to you when you enter the institute in 2019, because it depends on the specific educational institution... For example, when submitting documents to Moscow State University (Moscow State University), a gold badge will add two points to you, and one point to SSU (Samara State University). In order to find more accurate information on adding points in the presence of a gold TRP badge for your university, read the information on its official website or ask a question to the admissions committee.

We hope that you could find here answers to all questions related to the program. "Ready for Labor and Defense" and receiving gold TRP badges. You can find a lot more useful information on this topic if you refer to the menu of our site.

The Soviet Union left behind a real era with a variety of symbols, badges, orders and medals. The government of the USSR often rewarded those people who showed high results in work, sports or military affairs. Therefore, more than twenty enterprises worked on the territory of the country, which produced commemorative and anniversary items. Soviet citizens kept these items with special respect. Some even collected items.

During the entire existence of the USSR, a huge number of different badges were issued. But there were valuable badges that brought a lot of joy to people. For example, at the beginning of the 1930s, the phrase "Be ready for work and defense" appeared among the people, forcing the citizens of the country to engage in physical exercise and sports. Until the collapse of the Soviet Union, people perceived physical education as the norm, demonstrating success in international performances. If a person fulfilled the standards established by the state, then he was given a TRP badge. For almost 60 years, several types of such signs have been issued.

According to experts, enterprises have produced hundreds of millions of badges throughout the entire period, most of which were created in the period from 1930 to 1950. The fact is that at this time a huge number of rare icons appeared, which are very much appreciated by private collectors. Some were made of precious metals. Some of the signs came with screws and nuts, the rest - with pins.

All types of TRP badges of the USSR, issued before 1961, are of the greatest value for collectors. There are signs that are estimated at several thousand rubles. In this case it comes about the very first icons. Of course, the 1980s USSR TRP badge on the market will cost much less than the others. If you're lucky, you can get 50 cents for the badge.

Many are interested in the question, what does the TRP badge give? First of all, this is respect in society, and the achievement of certain indicators in physical education. A Soviet citizen who respects the requirements of the party has always been set as an example to other people. In addition, badges, orders and medals were awarded in a festive atmosphere.

Now practically in every family you can find memorabilia of the USSR, including badges "ready for work and defense." Each copy has its own price. To find out the cost of a product, you need to look at the TRP icon in the photo in the catalog. You can also find out the current price from an expert who has the necessary experience and knowledge.

How do I get a TRP badge?

After the collapse of the USSR, the TRP complex ceased to exist. And only a few years ago, the Russian government revived the TRP tradition again. Now it is a full-fledged program with its own standards for the population of the Russian Federation. It is aimed at developing sports and improving the health of citizens. You can see the modern TRP badge 2016 photo in a specialized catalog. There is also a description and parameters of the sign.

The new standards for the delivery of the TRP consist of certain exercises that must be performed as best as possible. In particular, the Russian needs to demonstrate excellent performance following exercises: push-ups, pull-ups, swimming, kettlebell lifting, running and more. Each age category has its own standards. Also, the organizers of the TRP complex take into account gender and level physical fitness participants. Experts have created eleven steps for people from 6 to 70 years old.

What does the golden TRP badge give?

Despite the fact that the complex is divided by age, experts monitor the level of exercise performance. If a participant has high potential, then he / she receives a gold TRP badge. But before presenting the golden TRP badge to a citizen of the Russian Federation, the participant must fulfill the golden TRP badge standards that will prove his excellent physical fitness. Also, Russians can be rewarded with silver, bronze or consolation badges.

To read the regulations and learn more up-to-date information about the new TRP complex, you need to go to the gto norm.ru portal. Also on the portal you can find out about the preparation for the delivery of the TRP, having previously indicated your personal data.

Despite the skeptical attitude of some citizens of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex is perfectly passing the stages of implementation in our life. Every year there are more and more people wishing to take part in the competition. This applies to both schoolchildren and students. For example, researchers argue that since the introduction of the TRP, young people have increased interest in sports games... After all, this system not only creates standards, but also rewards for high achievements.

If a high school graduate passes the TRP, then he receives additional points when entering a higher educational institution. In addition, the standards will be displayed in the school certificate. Today, everyone can pass the TRP, most importantly, register on the resource and indicate a convenient place for passing sports standards.

The participant may be required to photograph, documents and an application for participation. Although the person who wants to pass the TRP decides for himself when it is more convenient to perform certain exercises. For example, in Moscow, there are about four dozen points that are approved.

If the participant has filled in all the official forms, then he will be given a personal number. It is important to remember that prior to the TRP, students and high school students must have revisions from their last medical examination with them. For adults, they need to get permission from the local doctor. Only then is the participant allowed to perform the exercises, including running, kettlebell lifting and pull-ups.

After fulfilling all the standards, the organizers award the participants with special TRP badges. Signs will indicate that a person has individual achievements in the field of physical education. For example, this factor can play a decisive role in admission to a university. In addition, students can count on an increased scholarship, which is additional incentive pass all the standards.

Students receive additional points for overall results Unified State Exam. But those who already work at the enterprise can qualify for an additional weekend or bonus. After all, a physically developed employee gets sick less and works more productively.

Implementation of TRP badges

At the moment, there are many different places where you can buy or sell badges of the Soviet era. At the same time, it is possible to find out everything about the collected collection of icons by looking into a specialized catalog. The publication contains the following information: information about cultural property, price, release date, circulation, material, packaging, accessories, etc. The earlier the product was released, the more expensive it will go under the hammer.

However, the cost of copies is affected by the condition, preservation, metal, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to store historical items in special containers. Before selling the collection, the badges should be taken to an expert who will tell you the real cost and tell everything about the items.

You can buy a TRP badge both in special stores and online stores. Every year online auctions are becoming more and more popular among collectors, as it is profitable, efficient and prompt.

The complex "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" appeared in the 30s of the last century and played important role in creating a system of physical education and mass physical culture movement in the country. In 1972, the all-Union sports complex The TRP has been significantly reformed. ...

All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (VFSK GTO)

The implementation of the TRP complex is aimed at strengthening health, developing personality and fostering patriotism in Russians. Tasks to increase the level physical fitness population and modernization of the physical education system. The result is evaluated.

Steps of the TRP complex

TRP standards are established for eleven age groups (complex steps). The first five steps determine the TRP norms for schoolchildren (from 6 to 17 years old). The sixth step is the standards for women and men aged 18 to 29 years. The seventh determines the TRP standards for the age group from 30 to 39 years old. The next three steps set standards with a ten-year step in the age of the examiners. The last (eleventh) stage sets the TRP standards for those over 70 years old.
Those who pass the TRP pass mandatory tests and optional tests. During testing, speed capabilities, endurance, strength and coordination are determined, as well as the possession of applied skills.
( , and ). The TRP badge is awarded to the badge along with the certificate.

TRP insignia

The TRP badge is stylized in the shape of a five-pointed (twenty-five-pointed) star. In the center circle of the badge, an athlete running to the right is depicted in the rays of glory. Under it there is an inscription in red "TRP". Above the circle is framed Treadmills stadium, below are two laurel branches with ribbons in the colors of the Russian flag.
, is indicated at the bottom of the sign at the base of the branches.
The dimensions of the TRP insignia are 2.4 by 2.4 cm with a thickness of 1.2 mm. The insignia (TRP) is made of coated iron (high quality polished).
, and correspond to three levels of complexity of the passed standards. Successfully passing the standards of the TRP of the seventh stage and above (men and women over 40 years old).

Passing standards (TRP testing)

Based on the results of passing the RLD standards, it is possible to assess the level of physical fitness of the population, as well as the harmony of the development of the main physical qualities, skills and abilities in accordance with gender and age characteristics.

How to pass TRP standards

To officially pass the TRP standards, you must register on the website www.gto.ru and receive a unique ID number there.
In addition, a medical clearance is required to pass the standards. It can be obtained at the local polyclinic or at the medical unit at work.
... Registration for passing the norms is made through the official website of the TRP. On the same site, you can track the delivery results online.

Where can I pass for the standards of the TRP

All over the country created TRP Testing Centers, which organize the reception of standards.
Geographically, the delivery of norms takes place at various sports facilities... Swimming - in the pool, shooting - in the shooting range or on the shooting range, athletic disciplines - in sports complexes, including open ones.
All necessary sports equipment and the inventory of the handing over should be provided by the TRP Centers.
In addition, the delivery of TRP norms is carried out at physical culture and sports events and TRP festivals. For example, in Moscow during city sports events"Moscow Sport at Luzhniki", "Day of the Athlete", "City Day at Luzhniki", "Moscow Cross Country Festival", "Moscow Ski Track".

When can I pass the TRP standards

Schoolchildren can take TRP standards during school year... Adults, within one step, - during a calendar year.
During one day, the participant has the right to pass several ready-to-use tests.
In case of an unsuccessful attempt, the TRP norm can be retaken. Moreover, one standard can be passed no more than three times within one year. In addition, there must be at least a two-week break between two runs of the same test.
The applicants themselves are interested in successfully passing the TRP tests, while showing best results... When determining your schedule for passing the standards, it is important to correctly approach the issue of distributing the load on the body and take into account the undeniable influence of the phases of the growth and decrease of the moon. Necessary information about what the Moon will be in the coming days.

Rewarding with TRP badges

TRP insignia are awarded to those who successfully passed the number of standards specified for a given stage. The "price" of the TRP badge is determined by the "lower" bar. Information about the nominated for the award is formed by the Testing Centers.
The awarding of the TRP insignia takes place in a solemn atmosphere.
Two times the badge of one step is not awarded. This is especially true for adults, where a whole decade is allotted to one step. Therefore, at the age of 18 - 39, when the awards are ranked according to the "metal" of the badge, the passing of the norms must be approached in optimal sports form.

TRP passing results form

Accounting for data on the results of passing the TRP standards is carried out in the form of federal statistical observation No. 2-TRP "Information on the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex" Ready for Labor and Defense (TRP) ". The report indicates all participants in the complex, both badges and those who have not passed the TRP standards.

The TRP complex has always attracted people who are fond of sports and who want to check the level of physical fitness. To pass the standards, you need to complete a number of formal steps.

Changes in legislation appear with enviable regularity. The sphere of physical education is no exception. You can get confused, confused among the many instructions, rules and deadlines. Potential participants in the Ready for Work and Defense program should be aware of the timing of testing. We will tell you how the schedule for passing the standards is arranged: the article contains the most relevant information.

When do they pass the TRP in 2019?

For many people, even firsthand familiar with the abbreviation TRP, the question remains: when can you pass the TRP in 2019? In the terminology of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” program, there is the concept of an annual reporting period. This is a section of time during which you will be able to go through the testing steps designed for your age group.

Test results are summed up at the end of each calendar quarter. Gold, silver, bronze TRP badges are awarded by the executive authority of a particular region.

Registration of certificates, production of insignia is a long process, it will take several months. The presentation takes place in four stages.

Consider the specifics of each quarter. What information is provided in the reports?

  1. The report for the first period identifies the enthusiasts who have earned a gold badge for a given period of time. Silver and bronze “winners” are added to them. Provided that the transition to this stage took place within the first period.
  2. In the second period, the owners of gold badges, owners of silver and bronze badges are taken into account (if the step change took place in the second quarter). People applying for silver and bronze are added to the report (under the same condition).
  3. In the third period, participants are indicated who apply for gold, silver and bronze, if the fact of assigning a badge is set aside for a specified period (and subject to a change in the level of a person).
  4. In the fourth - applicants for a gold, silver, bronze badge. Representatives from 6 to 11 steps are added (provided that the fact of assignment was recorded from the beginning of the calendar year, and if there was no step change). If the stage has changed, then the assignment of the TRP sign is counted from the moment the stage was changed.

TRP norms and testing times often change, as well as reporting forms, so the relevance of information must be checked in a timely manner. This can be done on the TRP website (http://gto.ru/). There information is updated in time in accordance with the changes.

Specific dates

The four quarters mentioned in the text above have the following time limits. Let's list them for convenience.

  • The first quarter is from January 1 to March 31.
  • Second quarter - from April 1 to June 30.
  • Third quarter - from July 1 to September 30.
  • The fourth quarter - from October 1 to December 31.

Participants in grades 1-6 should take into account the concept of “annual reporting period of the academic year”. Its terms - from July 1 of this year to June 30 next year... For all other steps, the annual period has the following framework: from January 1 to December 31 of the current year.

How many days can you meet the standards and be tested within one age group? As mentioned above, schoolchildren and adults have different time "reserves" (in the first case - from July to June of the next year, in the second - from January to December) - this must be taken into account.

Methodists advise passing several tests at once in one day - it is convenient, not too energy-intensive.

But a person himself should be interested in successfully passing the test and calculate his own strength on his own. You have the right to draw up an individual schedule for participation in the TRP program, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the degree of load on organs and muscles. It is recommended that you consult with a specialist before proceeding with the scheduling. On average, people fulfill 3-4 standards on a certain day.

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