Olympiads 1 and 2 levels. Privileges for prize-winners and winners of the Olympiads

... Littlevan will tell about the most significant and interesting of them - when they are held, how to participate and what privileges a victory can bring to applicants.

The qualifying rounds and the mogu final are held both in person and partly in absentia via the Internet.

There are also many completely online Olympiads. They do not give their participants and winners any privileges when entering universities. However, they can be considered a bonus point in the student's portfolio and allow you to test your knowledge without leaving your home.


Item. 24 disciplines from the compulsory school curriculum.

Dates. School stage until November 1, 2018, district (municipal) until December 25, 2018, regional until February 25, 2019, All-Russian until April 30, 2019.

Class. 4-11.

Peculiarities. The main Olympiad of the country. The first stage in each of the subjects is carried out in all schools.

How do I get involved? Anyone can participate at the initial stage. You need to contact the teacher of the profile subject at your school. In the district and subsequent stages, those who have scored a set number of points in the previous rounds.

What are the privileges? Winners and prize-winners (their diplomas are valid for 4 years) of the final can enter the prestigious universities of Russia in their profile without entrance tests. In addition, they have a chance to get into the Russian national team and take part in international Olympiads.


Item. Mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering systems, geography, medicine, biology, chemistry, philology, foreign languages, history, economics, law, sociology, social science, journalism, "Modern manager".

Dates. Qualifying rounds from October 1, 2018 to January 20, 2019, final from February 4 to March 24, 2019.

Class. 5-11.

Peculiarities. In addition to traditional school subjects, whole areas are presented here. For example, "Modern Manager" includes assignments in mathematics and English, "Engineering Systems" in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science, "Journalism" test and creative competition, and so on. The first stage takes place online, you can activate and complete the task at any time. The second is full-time at the university.

How do I get involved? Register on the website during the qualifying stages. Then activate the tasks. A certain time is given for execution (as a rule, 1-3 hours). The number of items that you can choose is unlimited. Participants are admitted to the final stage based on the results of the qualifiers.

What are the privileges? Winners and prize-winners in some subjects (the list will later appear on the site) enter any university in their profile specialty without entrance tests. In other disciplines, they are assigned 100 points for the Unified State Exam in the subject of the profile. True, to take advantage of this bonus, you need to confirm the result by gaining at least 75 points on the Unified State Exam in a specialized subject (this applies to all Olympiads from the RSOS list). Ninth-graders winners receive benefits for admission to the Academic Gymnasium of St. Petersburg State University.

Item. Physics mathematics.

Dates. Qualifying stages until February 3, 2019 online and December 2–3, 2018 in person in St. Petersburg; full-time final stages in St. Petersburg on February 23-24, 2019.

Class. 9-11.

Peculiarities. The Olympiad from the Moscow University of Physics and Technology is aimed at finding talented applicants. Tasks of increased complexity.

How do I get involved? Online rounds of the Phystech and Psystech International Olympiads, as well as the intramural qualifying round at ETU LETI, are counted as a qualifying stage. To reach the final, it is enough to become a prize-winner of only one of them, but to increase the chances of winning, you can participate in all of them. The final stage is held in person in several dozen cities.

What are the privileges? Prizewinners in physics enter specialized universities without entrance examinations. Victory in mathematics is equal to 100 points on the exam.

Item. Maths, physics.

Dates. Qualifying round from December 1, 2018 to January 20, 2019 online and in November 2018 in person; full-time final round in February - March 2019. The exact dates of the face-to-face tours are still unknown.

Class. 7-11.

Peculiarities. Joint project of MEPhI and Rosatom. The tasks are complex and rather highly specialized, on the website of the Olympiad there are tasks of the past years, manuals for preparing and video analysis of solutions.

How do I get involved? Register on the website, pass the qualifying round online or take part in the face-to-face competition (in St. Petersburg it is held on the basis of LETI). Whoever copes with it successfully gets to the final, which is also held in person.

What are the privileges? Prizewinners in mathematics receive 100 points on the USE in the profile, in physics, admission to a specialized university without entrance examinations.

Item. Profiles, each of which corresponds to an innovative engineering industry. For example, big data and machine learning, autonomous transportation systems, wireless technologies, aerospace systems, virtual and augmented reality, financial technologies, cognitive technologies, and so on.

Dates. Individual qualifying stages from September 24 to November 4, 2018. Team qualifying stage from 15 November 2018 to 12 January 2019. Final round from March 1 to April 30, 2019.

Class. 9-11.

Peculiarities. The first qualifying stage is solving problems within the school curriculum. In the second round, students unite in teams (you can initially come with your own or find partners among other participants), assign roles (programmer, electronics engineer, designer, and so on) and solve engineering problems. This requires a fairly large amount of knowledge outside the school curriculum, but the organizers have prepared free video courses and lecture notes for each profile. In the final, the teams work on real engineering equipment and demonstrate their developments in action.

How do I get involved? Register on the website and go through the individual qualifying stage (participants have three attempts). Then collect the required number of points and, having united into a team, go from round to round.

What are the privileges? Prizewinners in some profiles have benefits for admission to any universities (100 USE points in a specialized subject), in others they have additional points for admission to organizing universities. In addition, they have a chance to get interesting internships in Russia and abroad, as well as an engineering shift at the Sirius educational center.

Before the meeting, the head of state visited the Sopka multifunctional sports complex. The President examined the game and acrobatic halls, as well as the offices of the center for restorative medicine.

“We have already looked at something here, and I am glad that a lot has been done. But I would like us to talk about what has not been done, why has not been done and what should and can be done in the very near future, ”Putin said opening the meeting.

The head of state recalled that the common goal is known - "to give the world student sport a good, unforgettable holiday," and, as you know, Russia has a successful experience of holding major tournaments. As Putin said, "our country remains both the leader of world sports and the leader in organizing major sporting events."

Recall that in Russia, in addition to the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2019 Universiade, a number of major competitions will be held in the near future. Next year, the World Boxing Championship will take place in Sochi, the World Bandy Championship in Syktyvkar in 2021, and the Short Course World Swimming Championship in Kazan in 2022. And all these large-scale competitions, according to Putin, "must meet the high bar" that was set at the Universiade in Kazan and at the Olympic Games in Sochi.

“And of course they are called upon to leave behind a significant legacy. I am talking both about facilities and infrastructure, as well as about the development of sports, the strengthening of its humanistic values, ”Putin said.

TASS / Vladimir Gerdo

President of the Siberian Business Union holding Mikhail Fedyaev (foreground) and Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov (center in the background) inspecting the progress of reconstruction of the Yenisei multifunctional sports complex for the World Winter Universiade 2019

At sports facilities and infrastructure, Putin stopped separately.

“Over the past year, they (sports facilities) have grown noticeably and will soon begin to be put into operation. Among the positive aspects, I would like to note the good level of the objects of the Sopka cluster, as well as the new passenger terminal of the Yemelyanovo international airport, ”he said.

However, according to Putin, there are facilities in the so-called red zone - this is primarily a multifunctional complex in the Universiade Village.

“Time shift for 20 facilities, 17 of them are sports facilities. This led to the fact that test events were moved to October 2018 and February 2019. There is nothing good here, this means that athletes will not be able to master these facilities in time, although they will compete at home, and this means that the facilities themselves need to be tested, ”the head of state said, adding that it is necessary to timely execute the facilities taken commitments to all those involved in the preparation process.

"The federal authorities, the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory must keep the issues related to the Universiade under constant control, first of all, to solve the problems with information and telecommunication support, financing, improvement of the Universiade Village and Krasnoyarsk itself," he said.

Putin also urged to pay special attention to issues in the field of environmental control.

Tickets and a billion

website / Sergey Bulkin

Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov

At the meeting, the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov announced the timing of the sale of tickets for the event. “Ticket sales will start in March. The circulation will be 600 thousand, ”the minister said.

And the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva turned to the president with a request to allocate additional funds for the Winter Universiade, which will be used, in particular, for the construction of new facilities and the improvement of existing ones.

“Five dormitories, two buildings and all the improvement of buildings will require an additional amount, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1 billion 120 million rubles. They are not provided for in the 2018 budget, although the corresponding applications were sent, and we sent them on time. I very much ask you to instruct the government of the Russian Federation on the allocation of additional budgetary funds, ”said Vasilyeva.

Recall that in September last year, Krasnoyarsk received an additional 2.27 billion rubles. The planned expenditures for the Winter Universiade are about 50 billion rubles.

The XXIX World Winter Universiade will be held in Krasnoyarsk from 2 to 12 March 2019. About 3 thousand athletes from 55 countries will take part in it. Athletes will compete for 76 sets of awards in 11 sports.

As part of the 2019 Universiade, eight compulsory sports will be presented: alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, hockey, short track, snowboarding, figure skating, and curling. Medal sets will also be awarded in three types of additional sports program: freestyle, orienteering and bandy.

Gifted students can demonstrate their own skills at various school Olympiads. Fortunately, there are many such competitions annually. All-Russian assessments of the knowledge of schoolchildren are carried out under the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For this, the government annually approves the exact dates for all the Olympiads. It is noteworthy that the events of the publicized type cover almost all existing subjects and disciplines that are in the compulsory curriculum of general education.

Basic moments

Participation in any Olympiad provides schoolchildren with the opportunity to gain experience in answering intellectual questions from various competitions, and also to expand their own knowledge in a particular area. As a result, students begin to cope more calmly with different versions of knowledge testing and understand the full responsibility entrusted to them to protect the level of their educational institution. The bottom line is that the child gradually develops a sense of duty. Among other things, an excellent result of the Olympiad brings some kind of monetary reward and gives some advantages when entering a university, in the form of additional points.

To find out which kind of competition of this kind you can take part in in the near future, you should list all the school Olympiads 2018-2019.

Stages of the

Competitions for the next academic year will be held in 4 stages, divided according to the territorial aspect. All these stages are carried out in the regions and cities of Russia, according to the previously drawn up and approved plan by the municipal department of education.

It turns out that all students who applied for participation in the Olympiad must go through 4 stages of the competition.

  1. School stage. At the beginning of the academic year, September-October 2018, competitions to assess the knowledge of schoolchildren will be held within individual schools. All parallels of students, starting from high school, are subject to testing. Tasks for the upcoming competition are prepared by the methodological commission of the region. The same department is responsible for the formation of questions for rural and regional secondary schools.
  2. City step. In December 2018 and January 2019, the next stage of the Olympiads starts, where the winners of regional and city competitions take part. These are students in grades 7-11. The tasks of this level are developed by the organizers of the subsequent stage of knowledge assessment, while the local authorities are engaged in questions regarding the location and preparation for the announced events.
  3. Regional level. From January to February 2019, the next stage of the All-Russian Olympiad is taking place. The winners of the last year's Olympiads become its participants.
  4. All-Russian stage. The organizer is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The time of the event is March and April 2019. The winners of the regional stage and last year's winners become participants in the final stage of the Olympiad. The exception is children who took first place in the competition, but lagged behind other prize-winners in terms of points.

The winners of the All-Russian Olympiad can take part in the international competition if they want. They are held during the summer holidays.

List of items

In the next academic year, all Russian schoolchildren can try their own strengths in the Olympiads in the following subjects.

  1. Natural sciences - chemistry, ecology, geography, biology.
  2. Humanities - law, history, economics.
  3. Exact sciences - physical, mathematical and analytical direction.
  4. Philology - Russian language and literature, foreign languages.
  5. Other subjects - Belarusian Railways, physical and artistic culture.

The exact list of Olympiads scheduled for next year is still unknown, but in 2018 their total number is 97, which is 9 more than in 2017.

Privileges of prize-winners and winners of the Olympiads

Each of the announced variations in the assessment of knowledge corresponds to its own level: I, II or III. Level I is considered the most difficult for schoolchildren to pass, but it is this level that provides its winners with the greatest number of privileges during admission to various universities in Russia.

All Olympiad benefits are divided into two categories:

  • those who have earned a prize in some discipline receive the highest score for it during the exam;
  • the ability to enroll in a university without exams.

To date, the following competitions are considered the most famous state level I Olympiads:

  • "Highest test";
  • "Young talents";
  • "Lomonosov";
  • "Culture and art";
  • "Moscow School";
  • The Olympics of the St. Petersburg State Institute;
  • St. Petersburg Astronomical;
  • "Information Technology".

Popular level II Olympiads:

  • Technokubok;
  • "Teacher of the school of the future";
  • Moscow;
  • Lomonosov Tournament;
  • "Eurasian Linguistic";
  • Herzenovskaya.

In the list of Olympiads of the III level of competitions in 2018-2019, you can find the following names:

According to the current decree "On all changes and the procedure for admission to universities", all prize-winners or winners of the last stage of the competition have the right to enter the selected university without entrance exams. True, we are talking about the direction of training, in which subject certain heights have been achieved.

The use of the marked privilege remains with the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiad for the next 4 years, after which all achievements are canceled.


All Olympiad tasks for 2018-2019 are divided into 2 types:

  • assessment of theoretical knowledge;
  • the ability to use theory in practice and demonstration of their skills.

The required level of preparation for the Olympiad can be achieved with the help of special domestic sites, which set out last year's tasks. They can be used both to test your own knowledge and to find problem areas in preparation. On the same sites, there are clarifications on the timing of all rounds of the future Olympiad, as well as the results of the past competitions.

1. Winners and prize-winners of which Olympiads are given benefits?

Benefits for admission to universities of the Russian Federation are provided for the Olympiads included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the current academic year, which are held under the auspices of the Russian Council of Olympiads for Schoolchildren (RSOSH) and the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren (held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation ) .

2. What benefits can the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads expect?

Upon admission to a university, winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the current academic year are provided with one of the following benefits:
first-order privilege - to be enrolled in a university without entrance tests for areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad (the correspondence between the direction of training (specialty) and the profile of the Olympiad is determined by the university independently);
benefits of the second order - to be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of points in the unified state examination (USE) in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad, or to persons who have successfully passed additional entrance tests of a specialized creative and (or) professional orientation.

3. During what period can the winner and awardee of the Olympiad for schoolchildren apply for admission benefits?

The winner and prize-winner of the Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the current academic year can take advantage of their privilege when entering a university for 4 years.

4. Who and how determines what benefits will be provided to the winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads?

Each university has the right to independently determine the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads, in which subject, and at what level, they receive a privilege upon admission to this university. At the same time, the university does not have the right to determine specific Olympiads, the winners and prize-winners of which are provided with benefits. If the university gives benefits to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads of 2 and / or 3 levels, it must provide benefits to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads, respectively, of 1 or 1 and 2 levels.

For example: The university decides that all the winners and prize-winners of the Level 2 Chemistry Olympiads are entitled to receive a benefit of -100 points on the entrance test in chemistry. In this case, the university is also obliged to provide benefits to the winners and prize-winners of the 1st level chemistry Olympiads. At the same time, the university has the right not to give any benefits to the diploma winners of the Olympiads in chemistry of the 3rd level.

The university also does not have the right to provide benefits to the winners and prize-winners of a particular Olympiad; benefits are given to all Olympiad winners in a given subject of a particular level.

Correctly formalized decision of the university

Wrong and illegal decision of the university

The decision of the university:
- to grant the privilege "admission without exams" to the university to the winners of the 1st level chemistry Olympiad.
- to provide the privilege "100 points in the entrance test in chemistry" or "to be equated to persons who have scored 100 points in the exam" to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads in chemistry of the 2nd level.

The decision of the university:
- to grant the privilege of admission without exams to the winners of the "Future Mendeleevs" Olympiad.
- to provide the privilege “to be equated to persons who have scored 100 points on the Unified State Exam upon admission to a university to all winners and prize-winners of the“ Chemical Element ”Olympiad.

If one university provides benefits to Olympiad diploma winners in the relevant profile (mathematics, social studies, chemistry, biology, etc.), then other universities of the Russian Federation are in no way connected by this decision. The university also has the right not to provide any benefits to the winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads.

5. Where and when can I see a list of benefits that are provided to me as a winner or awardee of a particular Olympiad?

The list of benefits can be seen on the official website of the university where you are going to apply after June 1 of the current academic year.

6. Who is eligible for benefits?

According to the decision of the university, privileges are provided only to the winners and prize-winners of the final stages of the Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the current academic year, as well as winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

7. When can I find out the level of the school Olympiad in which I took part?

The levels of Olympiads for schoolchildren are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as a rule, together with the approval of the final version of the list of Olympiads. The corresponding order is usually posted on the RSOSH website after its official publication.

8. If you won an Olympiad that gives you an admission benefit (let's say physics), do you need to take the Unified State Exam in this subject?

Yes. And get at least 75 points on the exam. Moreover, at the discretion of the university, this score can be increased.

9. What documents for the Olympiad must be submitted to the university by the winners and prize-winners?

Winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads submit at their discretion, signed by the chairman and certified by the seal of the organizing committee of the corresponding Olympiad, the original diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the Olympiad (or a certified copy), or an electronic form of the diploma, printed through the services of the RSOSH portal “World of Olympiads” (www.rsr-olymp .ru).

10. Upon admission to how many universities will I be able to use my privilege on the basis of the diploma of the winner and / or prize-winner of the school Olympiad?

If the university to which the admission documents are submitted provides you, as the winner / prize-winner of the school Olympiad, the privilege "admission without exams" you notis entitled to use this benefit at another university.
Another rule applies to benefits "100 points on the entrance test" or "to be equated to a person who scored 100 points on the exam". These benefits can be used in all universities that provide them (but no more than 5).

Sports competitions for students have been held since 1905 and have long acquired a pronounced resemblance to the Olympic Games. This type of competition is considered the largest international sporting event after the Olympics itself. Competitions of students have all the necessary attributes - symbols, medals, slogans and so on. The symbol of the Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk will be special - friendly, joyful and energetic.

Symbols of past Universiades in Russia and the USSR

In the entire history of sports competitions of this level, the USSR was honored to host the Universiade only once. Moscow became the host city. So far, modern Russia has also managed to do this once, but soon it will become the organizer of student competitions for the second time.

1973 Summer Student Games

At this time, many souvenirs with the symbols of the Summer Universiade appeared in the USSR. Many collectors still hold the badges dedicated to this event in high esteem. Also at that time, the issue of postage stamps dedicated to various competitions was popular. There are at least 5 types of stamps that have long settled in the hands of true philatelists. Among other symbols, the usual 5 colors of different continents, used in the design of stamps and badges, were noted. At that time, slogans, mottos and mascots of sports competitions had not yet spread. The debut of the Universiade mascots took place only in 1981, before that they were only mandatory companions of the Olympic Games since 1968.

Summer Universiade 2013

Summer competitions of students in 2013 were held in Russia, on the territory of Tatarstan in Kazan. Then the logo of the Universiade was a 5-color tulip, with its flower bowl depicting the letter U. The five-color reflected the traditional symbols of international sports competitions from all over the world. The mascot of this Universiade was the snow-white adorable kitten of the winged leopard depicted on the coat of arms of the republic. The competitions held had only 2 slogans: 1. You are the World. 2. U are the World. The second appeared as a unity of the logo of the Universiade itself and the abbreviation of the English "You". Thanks to this play on words, 2 surprisingly suitable translation contests came out: “Universiade (U) is the whole world” and “You are the world”. It is unclear what was the reason for the success of the Russian team - whether it was the support of the native audience, or a sincere belief in the slogans and the mascot of the games, but as a result of the competition, the leadership was incredibly convincing.

Winter Universiade 2019 symbols

These are the first winter student games in the history of both Russia and the USSR. Both the Universiades held up to this time were summer, although our country is most suitable for winter competitions. The filing of applications started back in 2012-2013. Krasnoyarsk submitted a presentation on September 14, 2013 and already on November 9 a decision was made on the host city. The symbol of the Winter Universiade 2019 is already there, the start dates are known, and the mascot is incredibly cute.

Universiade 2019 logo

The main symbolism of the upcoming student games is rather simple and at the same time refined. The logo takes into account all the nuances - the color scheme, the general image, and the main symbol. The letter U has long been a symbol of all the Universiades held. It was she who became the dominant part of the logo.

The Latin letter has become a kind of light spot among the colored and striped triangles, giving the logo a dimension. Below are the name of the city and the year of games. It also contains the ordinal number and season of the Universiade. The final part of the logo is the stars of 5 different colors - this is the official block of FISU.

Mascot of student games

The animal mascot accompanying the Universiade 2019 is truly winter and dear. This is a charming Siberian Laika. The cute gray and white dog has already got its new name, now it has become a U-like. Although outwardly this is an ordinary friendly doggie.

Such a talisman was chosen for a reason - first of all, a dog is a friend of people. At the same time, the talisman is identified with energy, joy and loyalty. In the presented talisman there is no pretentiousness, special creativity, in fact, it is just a cute dog, wishing all the participants good luck.

Slogans U-2019

The verbal motto of the upcoming Universiade will be the phrase "Real Winter", which means real winter. The sequel "100% Winter" will sometimes be added to it. Additionally, the phrase about the "percentage" of winter will be used as a patch along with the logo of the competition and the main slogan.

The invitation company of the Krasnoyarsk Winter Universiade uses the phrase “Welcome to winter!”. It is understandable without translation - the organizers invite participants and spectators to take a trip to this winter in order to get a lot of vivid impressions.

All sports lovers should remember that this is a special competition - student competition. Everyone can not take part in them. There are two important selection criteria - age in the range of 17-25 years and the fact of education. You need to be a student or graduate student, people who have already graduated who have received a diploma or degree no later than 1 year before the competition are also allowed. The symbol of the Winter Universiade 2019 only emphasizes the youth trend of competitions. In addition, everyone should understand that in the life of the participants there is not only sport, but also study, friendship and other student events.

m of the upcoming Universiade will be the phrase "Real Winter", meaning real winter. The sequel "100% Winter" will sometimes be added to it. Additionally, the phrase about the "percentage" of winter will be used as a patch along with the logo of the competition and the main slogan. The invitation company of the Krasnoyarsk Winter Universiade uses the phrase “Welcome to winter!”. It is understandable without translation - the organizers invite participants and spectators to take a trip to this winter in order to get a lot of vivid impressions. All sports lovers should remember that this is a special competition - student competition. Everyone can not take part in them. There are two important selection criteria - age in the range of 17-25 years and the fact of education. You need to be a student or graduate student, people who have already graduated who have received a diploma or degree no later than 1 year before the competition are also allowed. The symbol of the Winter Universiade 2019 only emphasizes the youth trend of competitions. In addition, everyone should understand that in the life of the participants there is not only sport, but also study, friendship and other student events.

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