Nordic walking is correct. Nordic walking with sticks

Several years ago in Russia they started talking about a new sport or weight loss - walking with ski poles in the summer. This idea seems absurd, but nordic walking Is a kind of method physiotherapy exercises, which is used during recovery from surgery or to improve health. Doctors willingly recommend exercise for their patients to lose weight. In particular, the presented method is useful for those who have an extremely high degree of obesity, which is already dangerous to health and requires a quick solution to the problem.

Nordic walking has a second name Nordic Walking. Race walking was invented in Finland back in 1940 by skiers who had to practice their skills and keep themselves in shape in the summer. For sports walking for weight loss and better result special sticks began to be used, which today are called Nordic walking sticks. Due to its rapid popularity, sport walking with sticks has received several names - Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish.

The benefits of Nordic walking are determined by the use of up to 90% of the muscles, when in standard workout or running, only 70% are involved. The use of poles helps to reduce stress on the joints of the legs and hip, which suffer the most when moving or running with a lot of weight.

Despite the many positive aspects, walking with sticks has contraindications. They must be studied exactly and consult a doctor before class. Further features and recommendations for Nordic walking will be presented in more detail.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalia Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

Quite simple, affordable, but extremely efficient view motor activity. Many people practice Scandinavian walking for sport, to keep fit. And for some, she is included in the rehabilitation program. For example, as pointed out by the author of the article, after hip arthroplasty.

As for the use of Nordic walking for weight loss, I have a double opinion here. On the one hand, it is very effective. On the other hand, it is impossible to lose weight with the help of Scandinavian walking alone. Moreover, having an "extremely high degree of obesity." In this case, you need a comprehensive weight loss program, including diet and physical exercises... Moreover, the diet should be selected by a specialist, based on the results of a thorough examination.

In case of health problems, Nordic walking should be done with extreme caution, given the contraindications. And before starting classes, you need to consult a doctor.

In some cases, Nordic walking can be dangerous. For example, in a person with angina pectoris, they can cause another attack. And in a patient with osteoporosis - even provoke a hip fracture.

Indications for Finnish pole walking

The indications are different - from losing weight to recovering after arthroplasty. hip joints, where rehabilitation is only a month after the operation.

Doctors advise doing Finnish walking if you have the following health problems:

  • being obese or overweight;
  • respiratory diseases - during walks, the body will be saturated with oxygen;
  • various diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • depression, insomnia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • recovery after surgery - if the musculoskeletal system and joints were affected.

Walking with poles does not always help in recovery after surgery or in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You should go out on such walks only with the permission and recommendations of the attending physician.

The benefits of walking with sticks

Nordic walking is beneficial for people, which is determined by the following factors:

  • blood saturation occurs and internal organs oxygen, which has a positive effect on their work, improving brain activity;
  • the benefit lies in strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle - walking with sticks is recommended for people with heart disease, dangerous onset of a heart attack;
  • oxygen saturation helps to accelerate metabolism - is an excellent prevention of weight gain;
  • digestion is noticeably improved, the ability to remove toxins from the human body improves;
  • elimination of toxins helps to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of developing plaques (blood clots);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves muscle tone;
  • Nordic Walking improves coordination and balance.

About contraindications Nordic Walking

We should not forget about contraindications to the presented technique.

The following diseases and health problems are distinguished here:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • joint diseases, osteoporosis - with such pathologies, intense movements are prohibited, rest is indicated;
  • diagnosis of severe angina pectoris;
  • problems with blood pressure severely;
  • the initial stage of recovery after a complex operation - until the doctor's permission.

It is noted that Scandinavian walking has a significant disadvantage - these are weather conditions, which in Russia can change abruptly and unexpectedly. Gusts of wind, rain or heat can only harm a person seriously practicing Nordic Walking. Moving to the gym is problematic, since the athletes do not have enough space for quality training.

How to choose equipment

The beginner's guide begins with advice on the selection of equipment. And rightly so, since most make serious mistakes when going for a walk with sticks. First of all, novice athletes pay attention to the choice of clothing, which is wrong. For a walk, you can wear a comfortable sport suit or a ski suit that will keep you warm from the winds in winter. You should pay attention to the choice of shoes and the poles themselves for movement.

In this case, you need to be guided by the following recommendations:

  • you should wear sneakers on your feet that will fit snugly on the foot;
  • the sole of the shoe should be dense, but bend well;
  • it is recommended to wear two pairs of cotton socks to protect yourself from rubbing corns;
  • the choice of the length of the sticks is treated with great attention - the height of a person must be multiplied by a factor of 0.7 to get the length of the inventory;
  • if the length is intermediate, then the value is rounded up or down - a shorter length is suitable for beginners and people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, long length preferred for professionals in Nordic Walking;
  • poles are monolithic or telescopic - special retractable ones that increase the length as the child grows (Scandinavian walking is also useful for children);
  • it is important to pay attention to the material of the sticks - it is better to choose carbon, but in the absence of material possibilities, the choice is given to aluminum alloys.

Please note: High-quality equipment for Nordic walking costs from 3 thousand rubles or more - these are only sticks. Therefore, it is not recommended to take them with you for a walk in the absence of classes and transfer them to third parties in order to avoid damage.

To practice the presented sport correctly, the Nordic walking technique with sticks must be observed.

What appears in the following factors:

  • the whole lesson is steps that should not be taken sweeping, but also you should not reduce the speed to walking;
  • in work they adhere to the counter-movement - when the left leg is lunge, it goes right hand forward and vice versa;
  • the stick is held on the side, near the leg, at an angle;
  • as soon as the stick touches the ground, take a step - put the foot on the heel, and then roll it onto the toe;
  • it is important to bend your knees a little;
  • it is important to work with your hands correctly - one hand is raised forward to a level of 45 degrees, and the other is pushed back, stretching it along the leg;
  • you cannot lean heavily on sticks - this will provoke increased pressure on the musculoskeletal system.

It is recommended to follow the rules of holding the sticks. They are held on their own by means of special loops. You should not squeeze them in your hands with force - this gives additional load on the hands and the entire musculoskeletal system as a whole, which negatively affects the state of health.

Effective classes

Walking properly with Nordic poles is not the main task of an athlete or someone who wants to improve their health with Nordic Walking. If walking with little effort can still be useful to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, then for weight loss such exercises will lead to a waste of time.

Instructions for effective classes appears as follows:

  • eating should take place 1-1.5 hours before class;
  • movements should be fast, but you should not switch to running - a person should feel comfort from a walk, and not face problems with shortness of breath;
  • the load gradually increases - in this case, the walking time with sticks is increased;
  • you cannot lower your head down during a walk - it is important to keep your posture, since violations in the position of a person's body can provoke the problem of incorrect distribution of the load;
  • it is recommended to go out into nature for a Scandinavian walk - you can limit yourself to the city park, where there is a large amount of greenery and trees;
  • at first it is enough to train for 40 minutes, but gradually increase the exercise time to 1.5 hours;
  • you should drink water during exercise - this rule is especially valid in warm and hot seasons, when a person begins to sweat;
  • at the end of the workout, inhale several times deeply and slowly, you can do several stretching exercises.

Nordic Walking gives excellent results if you listen to the advice presented and follow it in full compliance. You can learn more about technique and training in the video.

About mistakes during training

It is noteworthy that beginners make numerous mistakes, which makes their training ineffective. In order not to waste time in vain, it is recommended to carefully analyze your training and exclude possible mistakes.

The most common:

  • you cannot use real ski poles and other homemade parts;
  • it is important to pay attention to the position of the sticks - it is forbidden to cross them behind the back when moving;
  • it is forbidden to make a turn with the body during the necessary repulsion;
  • a typical mistake is using the strength of the hand, but not the elbow;
  • it is recommended to pay attention to the choice of the right shoes - sneakers that are comfortable for a normal walk and other similar model in this case will provoke a shift in the load on the feet (the person will quickly get tired and will not continue training).

The benefits of this type of training are invaluable for human health and weight loss, if necessary. For 1 minute of classes, 10 kilocalories are burned, it turns out that in 1.5 hours you can lose half of the diet consumed per day. In addition, the technique perfectly strengthens the muscles, which has a positive effect on the relief and beautiful body... There are several tricks to improve the results - while moving, slightly tighten the abdominal muscles, as well as tighten the buttocks and mentally try to keep a coin between them. Thus, you can burn fat precisely in the indicated problem areas.


Surely the doctor will advise you to master this sport to get rid of many. Scandinavian or Finnish (in the birthplace of appearance) walking is a huge benefit for the body, both for medicinal and prophylactic purposes. Everyone, young and old, can do it. The only thing to be careful about this type of walking for people with cardiovascular diseases and to consult a doctor beforehand, but even they are not completely closed the way to classes, you just need to choose the right pace of walking.

Thanks to walking poles that reduce the strain on their legs, even people with joint diseases of the legs can exercise effectively. Also, the presence of poles makes it possible to engage the muscles of the upper body, which is rare for such amateur sports activities... And the support of tone, harmony and fit as a result of classes should finally outweigh the scales in favor of choosing the Scandinavian walking.

After the decision is made to go in for walking with sticks and, if necessary, permission is obtained from the attending physician, you need to attend to the acquisition of the correct equipment and comfortable sports uniform... You also need to think about the purpose of the classes: losing weight, improving the body, getting a daily charge of vivacity, etc. The number of classes per week and their duration will depend on this.

The form for classes can be any, as long as it is comfortable in it. It can be shorts and a T-shirt in the summer or a warm tracksuit in the fall, a comfortable down jacket in the winter or a waterproof jacket in the spring. Sneakers or sneakers should also only meet the convenience requirements. You can buy a lightweight backpack to take with you drinking water, a camera for capturing beautiful views, or a phone. To walk under the scorching sun, you should buy a hat - a panama hat or a cap.

Only Nordic walking poles should be purchased from equipment. Poles are special, ski poles or trekking poles are not suitable for practice. Poles for Nordic walking can be monolithic (of a certain fixed length) or sliding (the length can be changed). Monolithic sticks are of higher quality. Their length should be chosen based on the formula: height x 0.68 (round the result within plus or minus 5 cm). Also, the sticks are characterized by the presence of special handles on the straps, which prevent the appearance of calluses when repulsed. The tips of the sticks are represented by metal spikes for walking on sand, earth, snow, ice and various loose surfaces. When walking on a hard surface (for example, asphalt), special rubber tips are put on the ends of the poles, which should be purchased separately if they are not included in the kit.

The selection of equipment can be discussed with a Nordic walking coach or with those who have been practicing this type of walking for a long time. Scandinavian walking clubs are being created in large cities, where they can also answer current questions. They can also teach the technique of walking with sticks, as well as offer joint activities so that it is not so scary to start.

The technique of walking with sticks is considered natural, as it resembles normal walking. Movements are made at the same time right foot and left hand or left foot and right hand. In this case, the foot is first placed on the heel, and then rolled onto the toe. Keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. Breathing when walking should be even, calm - inhale on the count of "one, two", exhale - on "three, four, five, six".

Classes should start with short walks for about 15-20 minutes, and then gradually increase the time. It is better to walk at your usual pace, not to run. In general, the load should depend on the state of health, age and even mood. The main thing is that training should be enjoyable.

Before each workout, be sure to stretch all the muscles. Bends down and to the sides, lunges, squats, leg raises, etc. can be performed, and the sticks can be used for support. Stretching exercises are done after the workout. It is not necessary to sit on the twine, but you need to stretch the muscles involved. After that, the best relaxation will be a sauna or a relaxing bath.

If there is some kind of psychological barrier before starting classes, you need to remember that this is a popular and fashionable sport in many countries and boldly go with sticks to conquer peaks and plains. For support, you can invite friends and like-minded people for joint walks. You can change routes, choose new directions and walk with pleasure and benefit for the body.

An active lifestyle today is not just a way to keep your figure in good shape or improve your health. This is a modern trend. healthy way life. Fortunately, it is not fashionable today to smoke or drink alcohol. Today it is popular to do different kinds sports. Among the newfangled trends are yoga, Pilates, body flex. V recent times Scandinavian walking is gaining popularity. It is like walking with ski poles. This sport has many advantages, moreover, it has almost no contraindications. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of Nordic walking, the correct technique sports load and some of the nuances of this sport.

The benefits of Nordic walking for the body

Walking with sticks has been popular since ancient times - this is how our ancestors could more easily endure hiking over long distances. At the end of the twentieth century, skiers began to walk with sticks to keep fit in the summer when there is no snow. Scandinavian walking as a separate sport began to emerge in the early nineties. In Russia, this activity has gained its popularity in the last decade.

The benefits of Nordic walking are undeniable. In the process, more than 90% of the muscles of the body are involved, and with simple walking no more than 70%. When you just walk, only the spine and legs are strained, and the arms and shoulder joint are stationary. Nordic walking allows you to use the body almost completely. We can say that this is a great alternative to running, especially for those who have heavy weight or knees hurt - patients with a similar diagnosis should not run. Poles relieve stress on the spine and knees by evenly distributing the body's weight. In some Western countries, Nordic walking is considered one of the main rehabilitation courses that a patient must undergo after an illness and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. How does Nordic walking affect our body?

  1. Despite the moderate stress on the spine, Nordic walking perfectly trains the heart and blood vessels, develops endurance and strength.
  2. After the start of movement, blood circulation in the tissues is noticeably accelerated, the body is saturated with oxygen.
  3. With regular training, the rate of metabolic processes increases, the metabolism seems to be restarted. This promotes active weight loss.
  4. With a sufficient speed, a person sweats vigorously, with sweat a huge amount of toxins and toxins are excreted from the body.
  5. With the correct walking technique, many processes in the body are improved, first of all, the excretion of bile and digestion.
  6. Due to active blood circulation, the cholesterol level is reduced.
  7. Another definite plus is the strengthening of the muscle corset. With regular exercise, a person becomes stronger and more prominent, his figure is tightened, and his muscles tone.
  8. Athletes who have been doing Scandinavian walking for more than one year note that their coordination and sense of balance have improved markedly. When walking, the vestibular apparatus is trained.
  9. Pole walking puts a gentle to moderate load on the entire spine, joints and cartilage. Older people report that Nordic walking helped them get rid of the characteristic knee pain.
  10. Any exercise stress promotes the production of endorphins in the body. Especially if the sport is so comfortable, enjoyable and interesting. After the "Scandinavian walk" your mood will improve, you will get a charge of vivacity and positiveness for the whole day.

Adherents of Scandinavian walking admit that they fell in love with this sport almost immediately, after the first training session. But for whom is Nordic walking indicated?

Who benefits from Nordic walking?

Anyone can do this sport. However, there are some groups of patients for whom Nordic walking will help cope with the underlying disease. Most often, these are hypertensive patients and patients with various diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They can't run, but Nordic walking is perfect. It reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. Walking is actively used as a tool to combat overweight, especially if the excess weight is very large. This sport is indicated for people with various pathologies of the respiratory system.

Nordic walking is the best medicine against diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With regular walking, you can get rid of osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, scoliosis. Walking improves blood circulation in tissues after surgery - this is great way rehabilitation. In addition, such a load will help get rid of depression, stress, insomnia. Nordic walking improves posture, trains the muscles of the back, thighs, calves and buttocks. It is sparing and affordable way tidy up the figure and health. But how to start practicing on your own? First of all, you need to buy sticks!

How to choose Nordic walking poles

In some cases, beginners try to replace Scandinavian poles with ordinary ski poles. However, this is not entirely correct. Ski poles are usually slightly higher than the intended length of Scandinavian poles. Each pair of sticks should be selected separately depending on the person's height and level physical fitness... To calculate the optimal size for the height of the sticks, you need to multiply the height by the standard factor of 0.7. If your height is 170 cm, you need to multiply this number by 0.7 and get 119. This means that a Nordic walking stick with a length of one meter and 19-20 centimeters is suitable for you.

Fitness level plays a role too important role... The longer the sticks, the more difficult it is to walk with them, since in this case the arms and shoulders are fully involved. For beginners, it is better to use shorter sticks, but trained athletes choose equipment longer than the prescribed size. That is why it is better to choose poles with adjustable length. This will help to change the level of load as physical development... These adjustable Nordic walking poles are also convenient for children - you can change the length as the child grows.

The poles have small loops that fix the hand in the desired position. They exclude the wrong capture of the inventory. You need to thread the brush into the stick and adjust the clasp to your wrist size. In addition to sticks, you should have comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes. It is best to practice in clothes that will not hinder your movements. A tracksuit or ski suit is perfect. Choose quality shoes - the sneakers hold the foot and provide good cushioning.

It is better to start classes with an experienced trainer, especially if this is your first time doing it. If you get used to walking incorrectly, it will be much more difficult to relearn the technique. Therefore, it is better to see from the very beginning how the professionals do it. It is important for the coach to correct your mistakes if necessary. Indeed, the level of load on the right muscles... So, here are a few rules to follow when Nordic walking.

  1. Before you start walking, be sure to warm up - swing your arms and legs, tilt, turn the body.
  2. When walking, it is very important to pay attention to the position of the leg. The foot should be placed first on the heel, and then roll it to the tip thumb... The foot should adhere well to the soil surface.
  3. You need to walk like this - they go forward left leg and the right hand with a stick, respectively.
  4. You cannot walk on straight legs, your knees should be slightly bent.
  5. The stick should be placed against the heel of the front foot. When shifting the weight of the body, try to lean slightly on the stick to reduce the stress on the legs and spine.
  6. If you have learned even a little of the correct technique and method of positioning your feet, do not look under your feet. The back should be straight, the spine should be pulled up, as it were. Imagine that you have a thread stretched from the coccyx to the crown of your head that needs to be kept straight. Try to stretch the top of your head up.
  7. It is very important to pay attention to breathing. When walking for health, you need to inhale the air through your nose and exhale it through your mouth. When exhaling, it is better to stretch the lips slightly forward, this will make the exhalation a little longer. As you exhale, try to strain your stomach and press it against the spine.
  8. The step width should be arbitrary, there is no need to deliberately increase this distance or raise the leg unnaturally upwards. You must walk the way you do in everyday life.
  9. While moving, try to keep your arms slightly bent - about 45 degrees. The arm that remains behind is fully extended when carrying the stick.
  10. It is not worth leaning on the sticks too much, this can lead to incorrect walking technique, which will not bring the expected benefit.
  11. Nordic walking is such a democratic sport that you can practice it at any time of the day. If you decide to walk in the morning, wake up early so that your heart starts to work harder. You cannot start walking immediately after waking up, at least half an hour must pass for the circulatory system to start working gradually.
  12. After training, it is better not to eat for about an hour and a half. During this period, the muscles continue to tighten and burn subcutaneous and visceral fat. You can drink, give preference to clean warm water. Do not drink during your workout. cold water- in combination with the heated oral mucosa, this can lead to a sore throat.

Nordic walking is good at any time of the day. In the morning, she will help you to get a boost of vivacity for the whole working day. In the evening, a healthy physical warm-up will distract you from your thoughts about work and give you a slight relaxation before bed.

To get the most out of Nordic walking, you need to exercise regularly, ideally every day. This will allow you to improve your health in as soon as possible... Do not look at the weather, you can practice under any conditions. It is best to walk away from highways and factories. If there is a forest, grove, park, reservoir nearby, walk there, because the air in such zones is much cleaner. It's much more fun to go out with someone, try to find a like-minded person. Then you won't be able to take time off from walks. Start walking small and gradually increase your workout time. Finish the walk with stretching exercises and deep breathing. These simple rules will help you regain lost health and protect the body from many diseases.

Video: Scandinavian walking technique in 5 minutes

For a long time, people have used improvised objects - sticks, staves or canes - in order to facilitate their movement in difficult places and reduce the load on the articular apparatus and the spine.

Due to the fact that sticks made it easier to move on the snow, skiers began to actively use them, and subsequently professionals in the field skiing developed a "summer" technique for running with poles without skis. She allowed them to stay in shape, regardless of the season.

This technique is also lightweight at the core of Nordic walking. Today, Scandinavian walking with, the video tutorials of which we attach to this article, is very popular among active people of the most different ages.

Nordic walking - for active people of all ages

This is explained by the fact that everyone can choose the optimal level of load for themselves and the topics of training, having mastered the basics of movement.

A little about Nordic walking in the Living Healthy program:

    • Walking involves not only muscles, but also the most important organ systems: cardiovascular and respiratory. Gently, without overload and stress for the body, it helps to strengthen the heart muscle and lungs, saturate the body with oxygen, increase the rate of metabolic processes and get rid of excess calories.
    • In addition, this sport improves coordination of movements and develops a sense of balance, therefore it is especially useful for the elderly with cerebrovascular disease and other vascular pathologies.

Nordic walking - health benefits

Gently, without overload and stress for the body, Nordic walking helps to strengthen the heart muscle and lungs, saturate the body with oxygen, increase the rate of metabolic processes and get rid of excess calories.

Watch the video about the benefits of Nordic walking (doctor's lecture):

Slimming Nordic Walking

Nordic Walking Can Help You Lose Easily excess weight... Having learned to walk technically, in their own rhythm, everyone can keep their body in great shape. Don't be fooled by the apparent ease of walking. When walking with poles, almost all muscles of both legs and arms work.

Why is Nordic walking better than other sports?

  • You are not dependent on any schedules or class schedules.
  • You can walk almost anywhere. Of course, it is better to choose forests or parks for walking.
  • You will not need to be ashamed of your appearance or age. While doing Nordic walking, you can choose the clothes, the time and the place where you will avoid unnecessary attention.
  • You don't need any company. Walking with someone or alone is only your decision.
  • Nordic walking does not require large investments. All you need is comfortable clothing, seasonal shoes and suitable poles.
  • Security. Certain sports can make your health worse. They can blow your heart, rip your back, or get injured. Moderate Nordic walking is perhaps the most safe view sports.

Nordic walking is the safest sport

Moderate Nordic walking is arguably the safest sport.

  • Buy Nordic walking sticks that suit you personally.
  • Make sure that you have comfortable and beautiful clothes and shoes. Overall well-being is very much related to how we look.
  • Think about time for class (morning or afternoon hours are best).
  • Build a convenient and pleasant route for yourself, which in itself will fill you with energy and positive emotions.
  • Decide for yourself if you would like to walk with someone or would rather do it alone. Do not be led by anyone, but think about your psychological comfort.
  • Start classes in 20-30 minutes 3 times a week. Do not overdo it especially at first.
  • Listen to yourself if you feel tired today take a break. On the other hand, if you understand that you want to increase the load, you can gradually increase either the pace, or the time, or the number of sessions.

Important! Listen to yourself, to your body, to your soul. Do not do Nordic walking for the sake of someone or for someone, do it for yourself, for your health and pleasure.

Nordic walking sticks - what is their purpose

Nordic walking poles cannot be replaced with ski or trekking poles: they have to cushion the spine and joints while allowing the arms to move as actively as possible.

Types of Nordic walking poles

Depending on the design of the rod, the sticks can be:

  • Monolithic- have a fixed length, with an interval of 5 cm. Reliable, durable, have a high degree of shock absorption, especially for elbow joints... But they are inconvenient in terms of transportation, ideal selection for growth and varying load.
  • Telescopic- can vary significantly in length, which facilitates their transportation and allows you to change the length already during training, based on weather conditions, terrain, the height of the sole of the boots, the feeling of fatigue, etc.

When making a rod, the following can be used:

  • Carbon... Optimal material for beginners and experienced athletes. It has high strength and good shock absorption. The higher the level of physical fitness of the athlete, the higher the percentage of carbon should be.
  • Aluminum... Strong, lightweight, but practically deprived of shock absorption.
    Fiberglass. The most budgetary, but short-lived option. Fiberglass poles are often used by beginners who are not sure they will make friends with the sport.

What parts does the stick consist of - what to look for when choosing

Also pay attention to the rest of the construction elements:

A pen... The handle can be plastic, rubber coated or cork. The cork is pleasant to the touch, does not freeze in the cold, absorbs sweat, but crumbles over time. Rubber is more durable. The plastic slides in your hand and freezes in the cold.

Lanyard... These are straps that secure the handle to the hand, transferring the repulsive force from the hand to the sticks. It can be fixed or removable. Removable lanyards are more practical and more convenient to use, but they are less regulated - when buying, you need to pay attention to the adjustment.

Tip... It can be removable or non-removable, pointed (for walking on ice and gravel) and cylindrical (for walking on relatively soft ground).

If the poles are going to be used in different conditions, it is better to opt for a removable tip. Aluminum lugs are lighter and cheaper, but wear out quickly. Stronger ones are made from an alloy of metals (tungsten, pobedita, etc.). For walking on asphalt you will need rubber tips.

Firms manufacturers of Nordic walking poles - an overview of the leaders

The cost of sticks will depend on many factors - model, materials, manufacturer.

Category # 1 - "Excellent quality - high price"

Companies are considered to be the leaders in their production:

Exel (Finland). Founder of the Nordic Walking Federation, developer of the most comfortable, practical and durable equipment. The cost of their products varies from 4.5 to 20 thousand rubles.

LEKI (Germany). Produces a wide range of reliable inventory. The cost of such sticks will be from 7 to 15 tr.

Swix (Norway). Better specialists in the production of ski poles began to produce poles for Nordic walking. Their cost ranges from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Category # 2 - "Good quality - average price"

On high level sticks are made by such manufacturers as:

Gabel (Italy);

Marko (Estonia).

Their products meet all existing requirements, but are in a relatively budgetary price category - from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles.

Listen! If you're just starting out with Nordic walking, choose the more budget-friendly option. There are quite a few firms that produce good sticks at a not too overpriced. After a while, you will decide for yourself whether you should buy a more expensive version of the Nordic walking pole.

Choosing a pole for Nordic walking (video)

For those who seriously decided to take up Scandinavian walking, there is a responsible task - the choice of a stick that is right for you. How to choose the right pole for Nordic walking, see the video.

Pole selection for Nordic walking video 1:

Pole selection for Nordic walking video 2:

Warm up before Nordic walking

Be sure to do a little warm-up before Nordic walking. This can be exercises to warm up the joints of the arms and legs, or even a set of stretching exercises.

Hello dear readers! Everything is very individual in this world, especially what concerns you personally. This is health physical form, emotional condition. And classes that are suitable for everyone do not seem to exist. After all, everyone has their own "bouquet" of diseases and taboos, wishes, inclinations.

Meanwhile, there is a technique that suits absolutely everyone. Sick and healthy, young and old, people with illnesses, the consequences of trauma, and so on. Are you intrigued?

This is Nordic walking for beginners! This healing technique is now attracting millions of people to different countries... In fact, it is a special type of walking with sticks. It looks a little strange, but it is safe, effective and very useful.

Gradually, it becomes popular with us. No one is shocked by people marching through parks and streets with sticks at any time of the year.

Who came up with this - you ask. The history of the emergence of this sport is very interesting! Thus, with the help of sticks, even shepherds in antiquity walked. But the foundations of the methodology, in its current form, were developed by Marko Kantaneve.

He is a Finnish skier and designed everything in the early 90s. I wrote down all the movements step by step, and started advertising my invention. Its original goal was to enable skiers to train in the summer when there is no snow.

What's the use of that?

The main benefits of Nordic walking are as follows:

  • It has an excellent effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • very useful for the spine, improves posture;
  • normalizes blood pressure indicators;
  • improves coordination of movements;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • increases the body's endurance;
  • makes the immune system stronger;
  • removes muscle spasms;
  • accelerates recovery from injuries, operations, heart problems;
  • helps with stress and nervous experiences;
  • calories are spent, which is important for weight loss;
  • suitable for the elderly, young, everyone;
  • and most importantly - it raises your spirits and gives you the joy of life!

About the additional advantages of such a walk.

The main thing is to walk correctly, follow the instructions, do a light warm-up before starting classes. And then the consequences of this will be the most pleasant.

How to walk in a Scandinavian style?

Here are detailed descriptions of all the movements, in fact - Finnish walking lessons:

  1. Your starting position- the legs are slightly bent at the knees. The right arm is slightly bent at the elbow and stretched out strongly forward. The stick is pulled back at an angle. Left hand located at the level of the pelvis. It is not tense, but it stretches back.
  2. Take a step, taking your hand with the stick back. At the same time, push off, transferring your own weight to the stick in front. Keep your elbows straight. In the hand that is pulled back, the stick should hang from the straps. And the palm is to be in a relaxed state, not clenched.
  3. When taking a step, stand on your heel first. Then roll onto your toes.
  4. Inhale through your nose every two steps, and exhale through your mouth for every fourth step.
  5. Nordic Walking for beginners can start with normal walking when you drag sticks with you. This will help secure the correct hand position.
  6. Later you start to push off, first from one stick, then - from two at once.

Some useful tips concerning correct technique and common mistakes newbies follow the link.

Rotate your phone 90 degrees and see useful video Nordic walking technique lesson:

How often should you practice?

The best instructors in the world recommend that you practice as standard. Walk 2-3 times a week. Optimal sessions for beginners are 30 minutes. People who are more fit can continue to walk for an hour or two. This will give you maximum benefit. The rate at which the load increases depends on many factors. This is the state of health, the presence of diseases, physical fitness, age and others.

The main condition is to walk in pleasure, and not to bring yourself to exhaustion. Excessive loads will only harm.

And one more important rule. Remember to do a good warm-up before you start walking! The warm-up may include the most simple exercises familiar to you from childhood. These are swinging legs and arms, rotating the neck, bending, squatting, walking in place. Good also in this case will be joint gymnastics... Warm-up warms up the muscles and protects against injury, injury and pain the next day.

How to find the right sticks?

Not every beginner is able to choose the right sticks. Meanwhile, it depends on this whether the lessons will be pleasant and useful. The main thing is that ski poles are not suitable here. You need sticks with replaceable tips (sharp for walking on slippery or loose surfaces).

With ergonomic, non-slip handles and a snug, wide lanyard (loop band).

The height of the sticks is calculated as follows: your height in centimeters must be multiplied by 0.68. For example, if your height is 170 cm, the height of the stick that suits you ideally will be 170 x 0.68 = 115.6 cm.

However, there are universal poles that can be adjusted to suit your height. And you can order such solid Scandinavian sticks from the link.

Here is a short description:

  • 3-section adjustable telescopic pole. Height adjustment for any height.
  • Cork handle, very comfortable to hold and sweat proof.
  • Anti-shock spring mechanism reduces stress on hands and wrists.
  • Durable and adjustable wrist straps provide a safer, more secure grip
  • Manganese steel tip with removable rubber tip.

Based on my own experience of finding suitable poles in sports stores, I will say that it is not easy for a beginner to do this. As a result, you can only spend money, but not get the desired product. In addition, usually, in online stores, goods of the same quality will cost less.

Here are selected suitable Scandinavian sticks in two price categories, which you will be happy with. Scandinavian sticks (made of aluminum alloy) and ultralight sticks (made of carbon fiber) with a luxurious lanyard, but more expensive.

Unjustified savings

By the way, one of my acquaintances, a beginner "walker in the Scandinavian style," made such a mistake! She read about the benefits of such classes, watched videos, master classes of trainers, studied the instructions. Then I decided to start immediately.

She did not want to order sticks for herself on purpose, wait for delivery, spend extra money. Her son's ski poles were gathering dust on the balcony, so she decided to take them for herself! In the end, nothing good came of it. The woman's back ached after class, her legs tensed.

Later, she joined the training group, and the coach clarified her mistake. She ordered new sticks for herself, adjusted their height correctly. And now he gets both pleasure and benefit from Scandinavian walking!

Finnish walking master class

I suggest watching a video of a Nordic walking master class:

That's all we wanted to tell you about Nordic walking for beginners. Do not be lazy, master this new technique for yourself. Independently or with the help of a qualified trainer. This is the path to your personal freedom, health, well-being and energy. And it doesn't matter how old you are! I also recommend a helpful article about my personal experience Scandinavian walking link.

Until next time! Don't forget to subscribe to this blog! We still have a lot of valuable, useful materials ahead of us, about Nordic walking and more. Share content with your friends in social networks, they will probably be interested in it too.

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