Drawings of rod stands. Varieties of stands for fishing rods

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DIY rod stands

Modern fishing requires a specific set of accessories. Almost every angler uses rod stands. There is a wide selection of stands in fishing shops: from the simplest horns to multi-piece rod pods. Not all anglers can buy rod stands. But everyone will be able to make such products from scrap materials.

In this article, we will consider how to quickly and easily, and most importantly, cheaply make different types stands for bottom and float rods.

DIY rod-pod for rods made of plastic pipes

If you are used to fishing with 2-3 rods, then you will need an oversized stand. If you look at the cost of modern rod-pods, then not everyone is happy with it. There is a cheaper option to get such a stand. It can be made from plastic water pipes and crosses with connectors.

To make a rod stand with our own hands, we need the following materials:

  • Plastic pipes - 7.5 meters (diameter 3 cm)
  • Crosspieces - 2 pcs.
  • Plugs - 4 pcs.
  • Corners - 8 pcs.
  • Tees - 12 pcs.
  • Plastic rods for fishing rods - 6 pcs.

We make such a list and go to a plumbing store. To make a stand, we need the following pipe sections:

  • 1.5 m - 1 pc.
  • 0.75 m - 4 pcs.
  • 0.5 m - 6 pcs.

Pipes 0.5 and 1.5 meters long must have threads suitable for tees and crosses. After that, we need the following plastic rod flyers:

We will screw them into plastic tees.

After buying all necessary elements we lay them out in a convenient way for us:

We thread tees and corners on two pipes 0.75 m long to get the following elements:

We see that the pipe has two corners, two plugs as a stand and four tees. We form the second element in the same way. After that, we connect the elements with a pipe 1.5 meters long and we get the following design:

The connection is made through tees. Then we screw two tubes to the tees located in the middle of the opposite pipes.

After that, we fasten two more elements to the racks.

These elements have two tees and one cross in the middle.

Please note that there is a thread on the cross. Exactly the same thread should be on the corners. We will fasten the signaling devices to them. If signaling devices are not needed, then we use threadless elements, on which we attach flyers. Having screwed two pipes on top, we connect them from below with small pipes:

We should be able to do this in two directions.

The next and final stage is putting the flyers on the corners and on the cross. They fit tightly, hold well and do not need additional fastening:

We insert into the corners and into the crosspiece along the flyer.

On the near side, we attach the signaling device to the corner.

We fasten the same signaling devices to the crosspiece and the corner. If there is no need for them, then we fasten the flyers.

This stand is assembled within 5 minutes. Upon arrival on a fishing trip, you collect it, and after it is finished, you disassemble it. It is better to put all the elements in a separate case so as not to lose them.

The advantages of this DIY rod holder are obvious. It allows you to install from one to three rods. If necessary, you can easily make a stand for more fishing rods. This homemade genus weighs very little. Its cost price is several times less store options... And another important plus of the plastic stand is that it has a long service life. It does not rot or rust and is not afraid of water and moisture.

How to make a simple multi rod stand

Almost every angler has in stock the old single racks for fishing rods. From two of these racks, you can make a stand for feeders or donuts.

If there are racks, then you can take thin-walled metal tubes with a diameter of 6-8 mm and a length of about the same as store copies.

It is very important to make slices from one end so that you get such a section:

The narrower the oval is, the sharper the end of the tube will be. This is very important point... When you have to fish on a hard shore, it is very difficult to insert a stag. If he has a sharp end, then it will turn out to be done without over-effort. Entrust the operation of cutting and sharpening tubes to turners. The machine should produce neat products. Let them make 6-8 such blanks. Of these, you will get 3-4 coasters.

Having received such blanks, we proceed to the final stage of manufacturing. We need a thick wire with insulation. Its diameter can be 4-5 mm, and its length is 1 meter. We will make such a snake out of it and insert it into the ends of the tubes.

If the wire is thick enough it will hold well in the tube. The length of the end that will go into the tube is 5-6 cm. When fishing, you simply place the tubes at a distance equal to the length of the wire and place the ends in the tubes. Such a simple stand takes up little space, is quickly assembled and disassembled and its cost is very low. You can make multiple wire blanks different lengths... For example, two rods can use a short wire, and three can use a longer wire.

Three rods can be easily placed in the special compartments. The thick wire can support the weight of heavy feeders and carp trucks. This budget option can be adopted by every angler, eliminating the need to buy expensive rod stands at a fishing store.

A single slingshot can also be made of wire, like the one that children make (they used to do it). Insert such a slingshot into the tube and you get a flyer for one rod. Having made several blanks from wire, you will get a compact set that can be used for different occasions.

In order for the holders to lay down on the ground together with the coils, it is better to install them on small tubes with flyers stuck into the ground. Make 3-4 tubes 50 cm long with flyers and you will protect the reels from getting sand and water into the body while fishing.

Conclusions on self-made rod stands

Rod stands are much cheaper if you make them yourself. This article presents only two options. Fishermen come up with more and more substitutes and get quite viable products that are not inferior in functionality to store copies.

The simplest coasters can be made by every angler. Materials for making this accessory are easy to get.

To become a real angler and learn the right choice.

Fishing attracts many anglers with its philosophy. She is associated with relaxing on the beach, sitting with float rod... Modern fishing methods differ in many ways from idealized representations. Spinning or fly fishing involves active actions from the fisherman, his constant movements with the rod, reel to re-throw the rig or give a certain animation to the bait. But if you want a quiet rest, a certain comfort on fishing, free hands, then various devices are used for this. Fishing rod stands or holders.

What is a rod stand for?

Devices in the form of holders and stands are necessary in the following cases:

  1. It is required to free the fisherman from constantly holding the rod in the desired position, even if the rod blank is very light and does not require much effort. If the weight of the blank is significant, then holding the rod for several hours is very difficult.
  2. It is required to install several rods on the shore if fishing is carried out with several tackles.
  3. It is required to avoid touching the fishing rod to the surface of the ground or water. It can be very dirty on the shore, the ingress of dirt and sand particles on the blank will in the future lead to wear of the blank surface and its breakage.
  4. It is necessary to create comfortable and convenient conditions for long-term fishing.

Possible types of stands

The stands are divided according to their functional purpose, materials from which they are made:

  1. Wooden pegs. The most simple and well-known coasters. They are made directly on the shore from wooden rods of willow or other shrub or tree. They are in the form of a spear, stuck into the ground. It is not possible to use wooden stakes on a rocky bank, they will not enter the ground. In addition, when they are made on the shore, harm is done environment... At the same time, they are easy to manufacture for the needs of a fisherman, do not require manufacturing costs.
  2. Metal single stakes - stands... The shape is similar to wooden ones. Height adjustable. One end is pointed, the other has the shape of a slingshot, on which the tackle is placed. Cannot be used on rocky ground. Lightweight, comfortable, compact. The rod can be fully positioned on two rods when spaced apart.
  3. Butt holders. Hold the rod by the butt. They have drawbacks, since the main part of the form is not fixed, and in the wind you can overlook the bite. They stick into the ground, which makes it difficult to use on rocky ground. At the same time, they are quite simple, reliable and compact.
  4. Rod pods. They represent a structure made of metal or light alloys, consisting of two supports located on a platform. They are considered the most convenient when fishing with several rods. They are mainly used for carp fishing. The platform can have a different design:
  • in the form of a tripod, on which two metal posts are attached. The design is unstable;
  • in the form of four posts, for ground support. The uprights are connected to each other and adjustable in height. This allows you to install the rod-pod on any surface. The design has one to several pairs of rods to accommodate one to several rods. Bite alarms can be attached to the posts. Additional rod holders.

The design of the pods allows them to be installed on any type of soil and any relief.

Racks - Rod holders are adjustable in height, allowing you to set the rod at the desired angle. At the same time, the overall structure is rather bulky and takes up a lot of space during transportation. A lot of time is spent on assembling and disassembling the structure. But when fishing for many days, this factor is not fundamental. The cost of the structure is high and is purchased only for specialized carp or fishing.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time now and have found many ways to improve my bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. You can find reviews and instructions for other types of gear on the pages of my website.
  3. Pheromone baits.

Remaining secrets successful fishing you can get it for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Which is better: buy or do?

All types of racks, except for the wooden slingshot, can be purchased at the store. But simple posts or butt holders can be made by yourself, since they consist of simple elements. Self-production The rod-pod is irrelevant, since its design is rather complicated, there are many adjustments, and light strong alloys are used.

Method of making at home

There are several ways to make fishing rod racks at home.

  1. Manufactured from steel wire with a diameter of 5-8 mm. A piece of wire of the desired length is straightened. Bends at one end in a groove or Y-shape.
  2. Manufactured from steel wire and metal tube. A metal pipe of the required length is cut on one side at an acute angle so that it can easily enter the ground. On the other hand, two ends of a metal wire are inserted into the pipe. The end of the pipe is squeezed with a hammer or sledgehammer so that the wire is clamped by the walls of the pipe. A bowl is formed from the wire under the rod. Can be shaped with multiple bowls for two or three rods. The wire is wrapped with electrical tape so as not to damage the blank of the fishing rod.

Making a simple rod holder is quite simple using any materials at hand. If you have a tool, you can make a serious design with many adjustments.

One of the features of feeder fishing is that the tip of the feeder signals us about a bite. Therefore, the feeder rod must be stationary, not moving when the angler moves and in strong winds, the line must be well tensioned. Hence the conclusion - the use of a support for the feeder is a prerequisite successful feeder fishing. In addition, the stand adds comfort to the angler, since fishing with a feeder is quite a long process.

Feeder Rod Holders

A feeder rod stand must meet the following requirements:

  • stability;
  • comfortable use;
Types of stands for feeder rods
  • strength;
  • long service life;
  • convenience during transportation;
  • the ability to securely fix the rod on the stand after casting;
  • the ability to quickly raise the rod from the stand at the time of the bite.

Types of fishing rod stands

Now in stores you can buy different variants feeder stands. They differ from each other:

  • the possibility of using in certain conditions of fishing;
  • reliability;
  • the price;
  • ease of use;
  • the number of gear that can be installed on them;
  • material of manufacture.

Naturally, each type of stands has its own characteristics, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

Types of fishing rod stands

Wooden pegs

Used to be used everywhere and were often the only possible option- wooden pegs. And even now you can still very often see them on the shore. They differ from all other coasters in that they do not need to be carried with you, but can be built right at the place of fishing from a branch. It is desirable that this branch is relatively straight and has a fork at the end in the form of a slingshot. The opposite end is sharpened to make it easier for the peg to stick into the ground.

The advantages of this type of stand are that it is very quick and easy to manufacture and does not require any costs. But the use of such stands also has disadvantages:

  • there are not always suitable trees near the reservoir;
  • on fishing itself, you do not want to waste time for other purposes;
  • breaking out branches harms nature.

One of the essential accessories for fishing is rod stands. Firstly, they allow you to fish simultaneously with several rods, secondly, there is no need to constantly hold it in your hands, waiting for a bite, and thirdly, they make the fishing process much more convenient and comfortable.

At the same time, some fishermen use store-bought stands for fishing rods, which today are presented in a fairly wide range, but despite this, there are also a fairly large number of anglers who prefer to make them on their own.

Moreover, for different fishing conditions, and different kinds coasters. For example, if the shore is rocky, then it is very difficult to stick a wooden peg into it, or if fishing is carried out from the bridge, and the stand for the fishing rod cannot be installed in any way. Therefore, you should figure out what their varieties are?

Types of stands

All stands can be divided by the material from which they are made, by design features, purpose and some other conditions.

Among fishermen, the following types of stands are currently most commonly used:

  1. Wooden pegs.
  2. Metal stag beetles.
  3. Butt holders.
  4. Rod pod.
  5. Walkway-mounted stands.
  6. Prefabricated universal rod holders.

Wooden pegs

It is quite easy to make such stands - using an ordinary ax or knife. Branches of trees or shrubs that grow around water bodies are great for this. They are cut or cut from straight branches of the required length and shape. At the same time, the lower end is sharpened so that they can more easily enter the ground.


  • there is no need to constantly carry fishing rod stands with you, which can almost always be made on site.
  • simplicity and speed of their manufacture.
  • no need to spend money on their purchase or purchase of material to do it yourself.
  • it is possible to install stags of the required length and height.


Sometimes there are cases that there are no suitable shrubs and trees near the water bodies and there is nowhere to drive the pegs. Despite the fact that making them is easy and quick, it requires a certain investment of time, and as you know, every minute is valuable on fishing, especially at dawn.

Cutting out new stag beetles each time, thousands of anglers all over the planet cause enormous damage to nature - they can harm expensive tackle.

Butt holders

Separately, it is worth dwelling on such a variety of fishing rod holders as butt holders. Their main difference is that the rod is held by the handle. Most often, this type of supply is used when feeder fishing... This is due to the fact that the rod must be clearly fixed or the bite indicator could quickly transmit any touch to the bait.


  1. They securely hold the tackle, not allowing it to twitch in gusts of wind.
  2. Comfort and convenience.
  3. Compactness.


  1. They can not be used on all reservoirs.
  2. With strong gusts of wind, this method gives the opportunity to see the bite of fish.

Single racks

This type of stands is one of the most common rod attachment options for fishing. It is convenient to use them when fishing at various points. They can be one-piece or two-piece. Also, some fishermen use combined holder options. For example, the front struts, made in the form of ordinary ragulki, and the rear, as butt holders.


  1. Provides reliable rod retention even in strong gusts of wind.
  2. Allow to carry out fishing at different points.
  3. Allows you to adjust the height.
  4. The rods can be installed at decent distances between themselves. Thanks to this, when playing large fish, the adjacent tackle will not interfere.


  1. Cannot be used in areas with rocky bottom, wooden decking or areas with steep banks.

Rod pod

Today, this variety is one of the simplest. The peculiarity of their design lies in the fact that the stands for the fishing rod (rear and front) are connected into one structure, which rests on four vertical posts and an alarm.

Moreover, the first option is more convenient and reliable, since the racks with a tripod may not be very stable against gusts of wind.


  1. Can be installed almost anywhere.
  2. The ability to adjust both the height and the angle to the shore.
  3. On such stands, you can easily mount bite alarms and so on.


  1. Assembly and disassembly of the hearth takes a long time.
  2. Bulky.
  3. When playing fish, the rest of the rods must be selected separately so that the tackle does not get tangled.

Making stands with your own hands

The simplest manufacturing option is single hollow tube and rigid wire posts.

The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  • first Is to bend the wire and give it the shape of a stag.
  • second- insert the free ends of the wire into the inside of the tube.
  • third- fix the ends of the wire inside the wire. To do this, flatten the top of the tube with a hammer.
  • fourth- flatten the lower end of the tube.

A more complex type of stand for fishing rods is one that is made of two pieces of wire - 30 cm and 70 cm, as well as one large washer that does not allow the stand to rotate in the ground.

A holder is made from a piece of wire (thirty centimeters), bending it into a U-shape, after which it is welded to a long piece. After that, it remains only to weld the ring (washer) at a distance of about 20-25 cm from the bottom of the stand.

To make the simplest butt holder, you need a small piece of reinforcement - up to 60 cm, a piece of plastic water pipe and tape. The manufacturing process consists of attaching the tube to the armature. This is done using the most ordinary scotch tape. It is recommended to sharpen the lower end of the rack.

The most important thing is that the idea of ​​the holder is quite simple, you just need to take a piece of ordinary aluminum pipe, or from any material at hand (the pipe for the holder must fit in diameter for your fishing rod butt), and an aluminum rod (aluminum is simply lighter) or completely tube and possibly fittings.

You should especially pay attention to the fact that you can fasten the material in just a few minutes.

The cost of homemade products

In general, the cost of fishing rod stands largely depends on the type of material used or the type of rod. But in any case, it turns out to be lower than the store one. As for prices, they also depend on various factors.

As a result, it can be noted that the average cost of homemade products of this type does not exceed 200 rubles. That is, allowing themselves something new is not difficult. It is important to note that you can create the most suitable option for yourself and still end up with a free rod stand.

A fishing rod stand is a device that makes fishing easier. By using the holders ashore, there is no need to hold the rods in your hands.

Many fishermen choose hand-made holders, but you can also purchase ready-made products.

Rod mounts must meet the following requirements:

  1. Rigid fishing rod fixation.
  2. The height is based on the placement of the rod at an angle of 45-50 °.
  3. The retainer should be smooth so as not to scratch the spinning rod.

The designs of the stands for spinning rods are made depending on the fishing conditions. The main types are:

  1. Wooden pegs.
  2. Butt supports.
  3. Single posts made of metal.
  4. Rod pods.

Wooden pegs

The simplest fastening is considered to be wooden pegs. They can be made at the fishing site from bushes or trees growing on the shore of the reservoir. The advantage of wooden stands is that they do not require any money. But the use of such holders is not always possible, since in some fishing places there is no vegetation or the soil is not suitable for driving the peg.

Butt supports

Some fishermen use butt holders, the advantage of which is that the rod is attached to the handle, and the end of the rod serves as a bite detector.

The following advantages of such a rod stand are noted:

  • reliability - holds the tackle tightly and does not allow it to move;
  • compactness;
  • ease of use;

The main disadvantage is the impossibility of using in windy weather, since bites can be missed.

Single posts made of metal

This type of structure is single and double.

When using, you can adjust the inclination of the rod. There are configuration options that use a butt rear rod holder.

Single racks are convenient in that you can fish in different places, this allows you to reduce the cases of tangling of adjacent lines of the rods.

On dense ground, they make racks screwed into the ground. But on surfaces made of boards or stones, it is impossible to fix the rod in this way.

Rod pods

These are universal holders that can be installed on any bank. Rod pods consist of interconnected front and rear struts and have 4 supports, which makes the structure resistant to wind gusts.

Rod pods accommodate up to 5 rods. Additionally, a bite alarm is installed on the holder.

Stands with a tripod are considered the most reliable designs, since the center of gravity is located at the junction of the tripod with the crossbars.

Rod-pods are convenient in that the height of the posts, the inclination of the crossbar relative to the posts, as well as the distance between the crossbars are regulated on them.

Among the shortcomings, they note the large dimensions, the assembly time and the close location of the fishing rods to each other.

How to make a holder with your own hands

To save money, fishermen make a rod holder with their own hands.

Materials used

A homemade fishing rod stand does not require a lot of effort and expense. It is easy to make from scrap materials.

A simple stand for 1 spinning rod is made of thick wire, tube or ski pole... A holder for 2 or more fishing rods is made of spiral bent wire, which is attached to the ski poles.

Fans of fishing (fishing) wade make holders that are put on a belt. They are made from sewn pieces of tarpaulin and fabric. Inserted into layers of fabric plastic tube for the handle of the fishing rod.

Holders can be made from a hanger. To do this, at the hanger, you need to cut off the hook and wrap the lower part with rope. To move the fishing line, the threads must be wound at a distance of 6 cm. Instead of a signaling device, you can use a bell. According to the same scheme, it is necessary to make a hanger for rear mount rods. A metal rod is inserted into the top of the hanger and fixed on the racks.

Coasters are also made of plywood.

Drawings and tools

In order to make a fishing rod holder yourself, it is enough to draw a sketch, and diagrams and drawings are not required. You will also need various tools:

  • an ax or large knife (for making wooden pegs);
  • awl and thick thread (for the hip holder);
  • scissors and a jigsaw (for a plywood holder).

To make stands for fishing rods with your own hands with plywood strips, you need to cut 2 strips from a sheet of plywood. In the front plank, make recesses for fishing rods with a jigsaw. Many holes need to be cut in the back bar to hold the rod under different angles... Then the strips must be connected to stakes or tubes using screws. The finished structure needs to be painted.

Homemade rod-pod

Rod-pod is made according to the following scheme:

  1. Making legs. Stainless steel tubes or a tripod are suitable for this.
  2. The prepared legs are welded to a round platform (washer).
  3. At the third stage, top part... To do this, one metal plate is welded to the washer, and the second to a separate pipe. After that, the 2 plates are bolted together. Buzbars and racks for them can be bought ready-made. Their cost is small, and buying new ones will reduce the time for making the rod-pod.
  4. At the last stage, the entire structure needs to be painted.

Boat stands

For fishing from a boat, the stands are attached to the sides or seat. Plastic is a common material for fastening.

There are several ways to attach the holder to the boat:

  • bolts;
  • clamps;
  • screws;
  • glue.

The holder can be bolted only to wooden and plastic boats, as it is necessary to make holes in the sides.

The holders are attached with screws to the sides of wooden boats and to the seats of inflatable boats. But such mounts can be loose from vibration, as a result of which the stand is damaged and there is a risk of losing the fishing rods.

Clamping does not damage the boat, but when mounted on a seat it interferes with the fisherman.

Adhesive bonding is most commonly used on rubber boats and boats.

For inflatable boat a stand with tilt adjustment is made and is fixed in any position. Additionally, the structure is equipped with a back stop for attaching a fishing rod. Also, a glass stand is installed in the boat. It conveniently secures the rod while the boat is in motion.

There are two types of boat holders:

  • combined (one-piece stands);
  • separate (separate structures are installed on boat mounts);

By design, the stands are divided into 2 types:

  • vertical (the rod handle is placed in a glass);
  • horizontal (there is a flyer in the front, a ring in the back).

By the number of seats, holders are:

  • single;
  • double;
  • targi.

Targs are designed for attaching several rods. It is a bent pipe with glasses attached.

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