Carp liquids. We select flavors for successful fishing

Crucian carp is a very picky fish in terms of smells, and choosing the right flavor can be very difficult. Flavors do not act as the main bait: they are appetite stimulants, which increases the efficiency of fishing. Among all the smells, crucian carp is most susceptible to the smell of garlic, potatoes, corn, ginger, sunflower seeds, flax and oriental spices. You should not experiment with flavors - an unfamiliar and too bright smell can scare away cautious fish.

Varieties of flavors

In specialized fishing shops, you can buy flavors, liquid or in powder form. Such activators should make up 5-7% of the total amount of groundbait. Each product has its own specific uses, and not all may be suitable for fishing in any season. The spectrum of smells is very diverse - from sweet “Tutti-frutti” to the bright smell of salty squid.

Liquid flavorings, as a rule, are added to the bait, and then, due to their composition, they easily seep into the water and attract crucian carp. They are used in small quantities, so one bottle lasts for a long time. Flavors in the form of powders are often mixed with bait so that the crucian carp gets used to feeding in the place where it is planned to fish in the future.

Home fragrances

For lovers of fishing for crucian carp, it is a special pleasure to create flavors at home. To prepare the right flavor, you need to consider factors such as the nature of the reservoir, the season, the number of nearby fishermen, weather conditions, and more.

One of the most common options is the dungworm, which has spent some time in a box of mint before fishing. Then the worm becomes not only clean, but also acquires an attractive smell for crucian carp. Crucian carp also bites well on black bread, which is easily combined with different flavors.

The most avid fishermen would rather not dwell on common flavors such as garlic powder, dill seeds or sunflower oil. A wide variety of recipes can be found on the forums; some of them may seem quite surprising.

Oddly enough, but crucian carp is very attracted by the smell of Vietnamese balsam "Zvezdochka", which is sold in all pharmacies. One of the options for using the balm is to grease your hands with it, and then knead the dough with these hands. The result is an excellent bait that will provide a good catch.

Corn grains greased with sunflower oil can also serve as a good bait. Crucian carp is also not indifferent to the smell of anise, cocoa powder, vanilla and honey. By the way, although fish prefers natural flavors to synthetic ones, you can get an excellent catch using kerosene.

Be sure to use flavorings for bait! But in order to make the right bait, you need to take into account that it must be in the form of a carefully ground powder. But do not use substances that are too light, as they, settling on the bottom, can attract small fish, which will ruin the whole fishing.

For bait, it is good to use ground oatmeal cookies, sunflower oil, ground fried sunflower seeds, oatmeal porridge. The flavoring for bait is selected by trial and error, since success directly depends on the conditions fishing.

Properly prepared groundbait should not break into pieces when it hits the water: ideally, it should disperse into a fine powder a few minutes after settling to the bottom.

Recipe for cooking bait for crucian carp: advantage,.

Aromatization rules in warm and cold water

Why is it so important to consider the season and weather conditions? The fact is that the principles of aromatization in warm and cold water various. In cold weather, fish prefer mild odors, while in hot and warm weather, it is better to choose flavors with pronounced odors, such as fruit.

The most important thing is not to overdo it with flavors, since an overabundance of smell can scare off crucian carp. In warm water, honey is best suited for sweet flavors. You do not need to be zealous with nutrients, since in the summer, fish can easily find their own food on their own.

The situation is completely different in spring and late autumn, when the water has already cooled down. At this time, the fish either prepares for spawning, or gains nutrients for winter. Therefore, when preparing groundbait, make sure that it contains a sufficient amount of nutrients... As for aromatization, here it is better to give preference to such aromas as the smell of a bloodworm or a worm. But if the bait already contains bloodworms, then it is better to postpone the use of a flavoring agent for another time.

In cold water, fish reacts very sharply to odors, so sometimes it is better not to use additional aromas at all than to overdo it. Pay attention to protein and protein flavors. They have a faint aroma and at the same time attract fish.


As a summary, you can display the series simple rules correct aromatization of bait and groundbait for crucian carp:

  1. Make sure the flavor you intend to use is suitable for catching crucian carp.
  2. Between synthetic and natural flavors, it is better to give preference to natural ones: the fish reacts to them better.
  3. Completely different materials can become flavors, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. But the most popular are the aromas of honey, garlic, bloodworms, dill seeds and sunflower seeds. Interesting fact: Of all the synthetic flavors, the crucian carp gives the greatest preference to kerosene.
  4. The right flavor can only be found by trial and error. Be sure to consider the weather conditions, the nature of the lake and other factors of fishing.
  5. Pay attention to the fishing season: in cold and warm water, fish react differently to odors. In the spring and autumn, it is better to dwell on weak protein aromas, and in the summer you can safely choose strong sweet and fruity smells.

Fish bite is quite changeable and often depends on various factors, among which it is especially worth noting the smell of the bait and bait, because very often even a small change in it can both improve the bite and kill it. As you already understood, we will talk about what flavorings for fishing exist and how to correctly use them.

It is impossible to 100% guarantee that using this or that flavoring agent you will definitely fill your cage with trophies, so you should always take as many different flavorings with you and start experimenting. After all, it very often happens that in one pond the roach will peck, smelling the smell of vanillin, and in the other, serve coriander to it, but in the third caramel, here you have to try. It happens even in the conditions of one reservoir, today the fish is caught with one flavoring agent, but in the evening it does not work and it is necessary to select another.

It is necessary to use flavors in cold water (the concept of cold water is quite extensible and for some reservoirs it is up to + 10˚C, for others up to + 15˚C) you need to be very careful, since their presence in the bait can completely kill the bite, so it is worth adding at a minimum , proceeding from the concept "it is better to underfill than to pour", and the flavors themselves should have a mild, spicy smell, as well as those with an animal smell. At the same time, warm water is a period of experimentation, sometimes fish can bite even the most daring and unusual smells, for example, such as kerosene, although still one of the most versatile, working in most conditions, will be “fruit” and “sweet” aromas.

Types of flavors

Flavors, depending on their condition, can be divided into three types:

Dry flavors... Among them, the most popular and versatile are garlic and anise flavors.


As for application, dry flavors are added to the already moisturized groundbait. The advantage of dry flavors is that they allow you to quickly attract fish from all over the area and at the same time not scare them off with a persistent smell, but unfortunately this effect will not last long.

Liquid flavors are added to the water that you will use at, they have a more persistent smell and last longer than dry flavors, although their range of action is much shorter. Many liquid flavors for fishing are based on corn syrup, as a result, this flavor acts on bait not only as attractant (attractant - a synthetic or natural component that causes the creatures around him to desire to move towards the smell), but also gives the bait a pleasant taste. When adding this flavor, it is important to remember that it also glues the bait a little. When you add alcohol-based flavors to the bait, only the smell of the bait changes, many anglers recommend using these flavors when fishing in cold water, but in hot weather they evaporate rather quickly and their effectiveness decreases. But oil-based flavors do not make sense to use in cold water, as they become viscous in it.

liquid flavor

Dry, as well as liquid branded flavors, it is recommended to use at the rate of 250 g (ml) for 6-8 kg of bait, depending on the competition of fishermen near you. It is important to remember that in cold water, their content in the bait should be minimal and they should be used only if the bait in its pure form did not work.

Aerosol flavors- serve both for flavoring ready-made bait balls, and for flavoring large baits (boilies) for carp. Also, with the help of aerosols, the nozzles for the predator are flavored.

Mainly aerosols are represented by the following aromas:

  • Spices and herbs;
  • Fruit;
  • Dairy, caramel with cream;
  • Meat and fish;

In cold water - this is spring and autumn, it is better to use fragrances for catching aquatic inhabitants

with meaty and fishy smells, if they do not work, then you need to try spices and caramel, but when they are no use, then fruit smells. In summer, on the contrary, it is better to start with fruity aromas, then try caramel and spices, and finally fish and meat.

However, I would like to note that aerosols should be used when your bite is weak and you want to strengthen it. If the fish does not bite at all, then it is better to try changing the nozzle or conjuring with bait, add some interesting ingredient, since otherwise the pshikalka is unlikely to save.

Dips and activators

Dips, in short, these are the flavorings for the nozzle. Often they are presented as a liquid in which the bait is dipped, as a result of which the bait acquires a flavor that should arouse the fish's interest. When fishing, it is desirable to have as wide a range of dips as possible, not only different tastes, but also their shades, for example, the smell of "vanilla" from one company is slightly different from the vanilla smell of another. As mentioned earlier, a fish is like a pregnant woman, it is quite difficult to guess what she wants at the moment. Branded dips are often written Dip or dips, these are ready-made mixtures in which you can simply dip the bait and fish. In addition to liquid dips, there are aerosols.

As dips, you can also use flavors for bait, they just have a slightly weaker aroma concentration, and liquids for making baits yourself, the concentration of aroma in which is so strong that they need to be diluted otherwise you will scare off all the fish. Usually they are diluted with various kinds of oils (hemp, corn, unrefined sunflower) in a ratio of 1 to 10.

In addition to artificial dips, there are natural ones, which are made from what you have in the refrigerator, and they do not have to be liquid. We melt the flavoring agent we have chosen to the state of a powder and sprinkle on the nozzle a day before the start of fishing. For ground dips, garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, anise, coriander, cinnamon, fennel, curry are suitable, they can be combined or added separately. The proportions must be selected empirically, but for about a 200 ml jar of nozzle, 1 teaspoon of garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, anise, coriander, cinnamon, fennel, curry half a teaspoon is needed.

As for liquid dips, you can use fish oil, hemp and garlic oil, vanilla, when mixing, it is necessary to observe the ratio of 1: 1, except for fat, it goes 1: 2. It is worth remembering that we dip the nozzle into a liquid dip, before casting it, and if after casting within 5-10 minutes there is no bite, then it is necessary to reload by changing the nozzle to a new one.


The activator is aromatic concentrated powder additives that enhance the smell of various branded baits (duplicate them), and also cause an increased appetite in fish, this is necessary, for example, when you stir a purchased bait with breadcrumbs or earth, and do not want the smell to subside. If you add an activator to an already moistened groundbait, then the powder is poorly absorbed into it, and when you throw the ball into the water, you will get a powerful, but rather short-term effect. By adding activator to dry groundbait before it is moistened, you will achieve a longer effect, albeit with a smaller radius.

Signature fishing flavors

At the moment in stores there is a huge selection of flavors presented by various manufacturers. Flavors are divided

  • according to tastes: anise, strawberry, chocolate, nuts
  • fish species: ide, crucian carp, bream, roach.

The most reputable manufacturer is a French company « Sensas " she has a very wide and high-quality range of products, less well-known, but also very effective flavors of an English company Dynamite Baits and " Richworth " and American "Megastrike"... also in recent times a Polish company actively launched its advertising program "Traper", it is worth noting that her bait and flavorings give a good catch and are in demand among anglers and athletes.

The disadvantage of these manufacturers is their rather high price, so it makes sense to pay attention to their Russian counterparts, as a budget replacement for Sensas fragrances is UNIKORM "Aromatiks" from the company "Sabaneev", since they produce flavors for fishing, completely duplicating the French manufacturer. One of the best manufacturers in terms of price-quality ratio, it is a Russian company « Silver Bream ". Decent carp and crucian baits are produced by a Russian company Greenfishing.

Natural flavors for fishing

Home fragrance

  • Seeds(fried and finely ground), unrefined sunflower oil or cake - bream and crucian carp respond well to them
  • Anise (Anise oil and powder)- a kind of universal flavoring agent, all representatives of carp react perfectly to it, especially successful fishing for roach with its help. Add 1 drop to half a kilogram of groundbait. Groundbait should not have a strong odor.
  • Garlic it is crushed and added to the bait or bait, but you need to be careful not to overdo it. In addition to the garlic heads, you can use the garlic arrows, which must be chopped and added to the groundbait. Great for catching crucian carp and bream. You can also use garlic oil as well.
  • Dill and fennel, moreover, dried dill can also be used, but fresh finely chopped dill is more catchy. It is used for catching carp fish, and can also attract catfish.
  • Honey and gingerbread suitable for fishing any peaceful fish, tench and bream react very well to it.
  • Black currant It is used to attract crucian carp and bream, its leaves are chopped finely or brewed in boiling water, and when it is infused, they are added when the bait is moistened.
  • Peach with banana suitable for catching carp in warm water, especially in summer.
  • Mint and lemongrass finely cut and added to the groundbait, especially if the mint grows on the shore of the reservoir.
  • Chocolate a good choice for, bream and other carp fish.
  • Coriander and basil excellent flavors for catching bream. Ground basil also works well with most flavors.
  • Caramel and vanilla another universal flavor for catching carp species.
  • Ground coffee beans and cinnamon bark good flavoring for catching bream and large roach. You can also use instant coffee, although its effect is worse.
  • Corn great for catching bream and roach, but primarily carp.
  • Maggot interesting for roach, carp, crucian carp, silver bream and other representatives of peaceful fish.
  • Tutti frutti and strawberry used for fishing in warm water, especially in summer. Carp, bream and crucian carp respond well to them.
  • Fresh pigeon droppings, but not wild pigeons, but pigeons fed by pigeons with cereals are used to catch roach.
  • Cocoa used for catching most types of white fish.
  • Squid attracts both predatory fish(catfish, burbot) and large carp and grass carp
  • Blood good flavoring for catching bream, add a mayonnaise jar to 3 kg of bait
  • Peanut fried and finely ground , great for luring bream, carp and tench.

When adding flavors to the groundbait, you need to adhere to the rule "it is better to underfill than to pour", and you should not plump them immediately into the entire prepared groundbait, but add them in separate portions, and if one does not work, you will try to use other flavors you have at the next additional feeding for fishing.

It is not difficult to prepare, but you can buy it.

Before going fishing, many fishermen wonder how to make a good bait for fishing, because the weight of the cage at the end of fishing depends on it. In this article, you will learn about what scents and scents certain types of fish like.

For fishing in our time, various flavors are used for bait. There are a huge number of flavors. They are divided by type into dry and liquid. With their help, the desired flavor of the bait as a whole is achieved.
There are also flavors that are designed for the nozzle, they are called dips. The nozzle, which is treated with a dip, when it gets into the water, has a spectacular
aromatic and taste stain. The huge variety of flavors and aromas can be divided into several types:
1. Spices and spices.
2. Creamy and caramel.
3. Nutty and fruity.
In addition, each type of fish has its own smells. Some of them can lure any fish, others only one, such as bream, roach, etc.
After reading this, you probably thought it was pretty hard, but it's actually quite simple. To find out what taste and smell the fish prefers in your particular pond, follow what you read below.

Bream Bait Flavors

Flavors for roach

From the caramel-creamy group, the smells of milk chocolate, baked milk, cheese are excellent for attracting roach. These roach odors are universal and can be used at any time of the year. It has never been noticed that these aromas have a bad effect on roach biting.
From the fruity group of flavors, the scent of melon is suitable for roach. Although she is not familiar with it, nevertheless, it works perfectly. In order to effectively fish roach on warm days, the smell of melon is irreplaceable. On cold days, the smell of tangerine shows itself perfectly for roach. The tangerine flavor needs to be handled carefully, if you add too much of it, the roach bait will ruin.
From the nut group, the scent of coconut works well for roach. The smell of coconut lures roach exclusively in the warm season.

Bait flavors for crucian carp and carp

Crucian carp and carp fish that can be combined into one group. The thing is that these are the closest relatives, they are also found in water bodies side by side.
So, what flavors do carp and crucian carp like?
From the group of spices, carp and crucian carp prefer vanilla, cinnamon, garlic, pepper (red and black), anise. They can add aromas to the groundbait in large quantities.
From the caramel-creamy group, crucian carp and carp prefer baits with the smell of chocolate, biscuit and other milk aromas. Absolutely all fragrances from this group are suitable here.
From the fruit group, the smells of melon, strawberry, pineapple, blackberry and plum are very attractive for carp and crucian carp.
Of the nut group, hazelnuts and peanuts are the best bait odors. Basically, these are two smells that carp and crucian carp like. There are, of course, exceptions, here you need to experiment on a certain reservoir.
In addition to the above scents, hemp and corn scents also work well, especially for fishing roach and carp.
The smell of peas and honey works very well for carp. Peas are also well suited for baiting bream.
When fishing for carp, seafood aromas are also very often used (shrimp, crabs, mussels, and others). These smells are of course very specific and are used exclusively in cold water. You need to be careful with the smells of seafood when fishing for carp, because if the carp does not like this smell, the place of fishing will need to be changed.
When fishing for perch with a worm or bloodworm, you can handle the bait with a dip with the smell of garlic, the perch is just delighted with such a smell.

You can handle any attachments with a dip, as they are designed for all types of attachments, from bloodworms to corn. The main thing is for the fish to become interested in this smell. Whether the fish liked the aroma or not, you will find out very soon after casting. If the fish did not like the smell with which the nozzle was treated, the bite will not be much longer until the smell of the dip disappears.
Finding flavors in our time is not difficult, the only snag is money. If you don't have enough money, then I advise you to refrain from buying at all, cheap flavors and low-quality baits dips will have a subtle smell. A good quality bait dip or flavor should smell 10 meters away

The use of aromatic substances (attractants) to attract fish to the place of fishing and bait / bait - effective method increasing the effectiveness of an exciting activity - fishing.

They are considered vital by many advanced hobbyists and professionals in order to create a unique composition to draw the fish's attention to the prepared baits.

I will talk about a common product in this series - essential oil for fishing, because fishing for various types of fish is a hobby that requires some knowledge and effort. In particular, those of the practitioner fishermen who wish to have a unique and inimitable bait and bait at their disposal prefer highly concentrated odorous ethers.

Popular and effective oils for fishing

Flavoring oils for fishing are used both vegetable (burdock, linseed, hemp, rapeseed, corn, peanut, sunflower) and essential oils (peppermint, dill, anise, clove, geranium, black pepper, camphor tree, lavender). With some knowledge of their use, you can become a real record holder and win the glory of an experienced fisherman.

Fatty oils not only impregnate the fertilizing mixtures and formulations, preventing drying out, but also contribute to giving the fertilizing the desired consistency.

It is also required to strictly adhere to the recommended dosages so as not to overdo it in the aromatization of baits and complementary foods. Vegetable oils are added to the groundbait in a proportion of 30-50 ml for each kilogram of dry mixture, while ethers are enough to introduce 1-2 drops for the same weight or according to the recipe.

Despite the fact that the mechanism of the effect of flavors on different kinds fishes have not yet been studied enough, experienced athletes and amateur anglers actively use them in the preparation of complementary foods and baits. Moreover, each individual fisherman gives preference to his methods and proven recipes.

For example, according to the reviews of experienced fishermen, the smelly your bait for crucian carp, the better. Therefore, laurel cherry drops and peppermint oil for fishing increase bite and catch.

Anise oil for fishing

If you want to improve your bite and get complete satisfaction from the process, then add anise oil for fishing. The use of this product is advisable both in ready-made (store) baits, and in self-made bait baits: porridge, dough, boilies, attachments for hooks.

  • The consumption rate is 1-3 drops per 1 kg of the mixture.

Legends about the properties of anise ether have been around since the 18th century. It is used for bonding to the place of fishing and as an activator for biting carp fish: roach, bream, carp, crucian carp, ide, roach, sabrefish, tench. Angler fishing using aniseed ether will be much more successful than competitors sitting nearby.

Aniseed bread nozzle recipe for catching large carp:

  • make a steep dough from wheat, oatmeal or rye flour (water + flour), seasoning it with a small amount of bee chalk and sunflower (peanut, hemp, corn, linseed) oil;
  • roll dough into balls (size about 0.8-1 cm in diameter);
  • boil them for 5-6 minutes in boiling water;
  • Put the finished nozzles in a plastic bag, in which add 1 drop of pure aniseed ether.

To increase the bite in water bodies with stagnant water it is advisable to use an oil extract from hemp seeds. It works no worse, and sometimes even better, attractants with a more intense and pungent aroma, since its smell is more familiar and natural for the inhabitants of lakes and dams. Hemp oil for fishing enhances the bait effect at times, this is especially noticeable on flowing water (rivers).

Insoluble in water, but at the same time releasing the finest pheromones, it is considered an excellent option for attracting fish. That is why hemp oil for fishing is added to dough or semolina, as well as other pastes for baits.

  • The product is especially effective for catching crucian carp, roach and bream using the pea stick.

Based on the experience of anglers, it can be argued that it is advisable to use flaxseed oil for fishing when you plan to visit the following types of fish: bream, undergrowth, silver bream, roach and grass carp. It is added to dough, porridge, and mastic. The oil envelops the particles of the product (cereals, flour), and when it gets into the water, it forms a turbidity that spreads in the place of fishing.

  • Flavoring oils are introduced into the plant-based nozzles immediately before use, so that the specific aroma of the seeds does not disappear.

Not everyone knows that carp and carp can be caught with potatoes. And to enhance the attractive properties of the bait, pieces of potatoes are dipped in linseed oil before casting. In order to give the nozzle strength, the crumb of bread is oiled using linseed oil and mixed with pieces of cotton wool.

The well-groomed mass is divided into balls and strung on a hook. Such a nozzle does not get carried away by the current, does not get lost when casting, and is not so easy to remove from a fish hook.


The optimality of oils and their choice in this or that bait and nozzle depends on many factors: the season, the purity of the reservoir, the strength of the current, the activity of the inhabitants, the frequency of addition of the bait, the type of fish, the presence of food, etc.

Each angler determines the composition of additives independently, by trial and error. It is useful to ask your like-minded people and consult with anglers who consistently bring home a large catch.

Odorous attractants or substances of concentrated ethers that attract fish can significantly reduce the cost of complementary foods and save the consumption of products used to prepare baits and baits.

  • In addition, they are environmentally friendly, completely decompose in the environment and do not pollute water bodies, which is important for adherents of the purity of nature.

No tail, no scales!

It's about spices and seasonings, dry and liquid flavors for fishing, and how to make them yourself and use them in bait and bait.

Fishing flavors are used by anglers to enhance the attractiveness of bait and bait. Correctly selected aroma or combination of smells can attract more fish to the place of fishing, create competition between fish under water, and thereby significantly improve the bite.

There are anglers who believe in the power of aromas in bait and bait and there are those who do not pay attention to their importance. The same is the case with the meaning of color. But everything is learned in comparison, and many different experiments show that the smell and color of fish distinguish and affect the bite. This is especially noticeable in the conditions of fishing competitions.

Most of the special flavors for fishing are made from food, and then go on sale under the guise of various boosters, attractants, and bite activators. Less commonly, in the production of fishing flavors, their own extracts or extracts are used.

A flavored bait is much more quickly detected by fish and is more readily eaten. In most cases, flavors affect not only the fish's sense of smell, but also the taste. This is expressed in more bites with a significant decrease in empty ones. The fish swallows the nozzle more confidently and keeps it in the mouth longer.

Groundbait aromatization is carried out by adding aroma at the preparation stage or by moistening dry mixes in a pond. The bait is flavored during cooking or during fishing by dipping in a dip (in fishing, a dip is a liquid flavor for the bait).

For bait, liquid and dry flavors are used. Their task is to attract fish to the place of fishing faster and from a greater distance. When using flavored bait, it is highly desirable to use a flavored bait that should stand out favorably against the food.

Of course, flavors are not a panacea for barking. They cannot collect fish at a point if there is none. Even correctly selected smells will not be able to increase the depressive nibble to the level of zhora.

Liquid and dry flavors

According to their form, flavors are divided into liquid and dry. Dry flavors can be culinary spices and seasonings. Liquid fragrances are natural and identical to natural or synthesized, based on oils or propylene glycol (E1520) or triacitin (E1518).

For fishing are used:

  • Dry and liquid food flavors;
  • Essential oils, extracts, extracts.

Liquid flavors are food concentrates, extracts, essential oils. On their basis, flavorings for fishing are prepared, and some are used as additives in their pure form.

For fishing, natural spices and food flavorings with propylene glycol are most often used. Natural flavors, on the other hand, are too sensitive to temperature processing, retain poorly, have a less persistent aroma and a higher cost.

An alcoholic extract (extract) can be made from spices. For example: pour 100 grams of coriander with 200 ml of vodka and leave for two weeks. Mix the tincture with vegetable oil and evaporate the alcohol by heating it in a water bath - a fragrant oil infusion is obtained. Oil can be omitted by simply evaporating the alcohol to get rid of its odor.

It is almost impossible to synthesize concentrate at home, so fishermen buy ready-made confectionery and food flavors and prepare their own on their basis.

Flavor groups

Fishing flavors are conventionally divided into groups:

  • A group of spices (anise, garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, coriander, etc.);
  • Sweet fruit and berry group (strawberry, plum, melon, etc.);
  • Meat and fish group (halibut, shell, red caviar, etc.).

Each of the groups of flavors is more or less suitable for attracting different types fish works better or worse at a certain water temperature.

Aromatization methods

In dry bait mixtures, dry flavors are used, and liquid flavors are used to moisten the bait. In some cases, liquid flavors and colors are added to the breadcrumbs during the dough preparation stage, which is then baked and ground to the desired fraction size.

The bait is aromatized at the stage of preparation, and also dipped in the process of catching by dipping or with a brush.

Confectionery food flavors are very concentrated and therefore diluted prior to use. Moreover, diluted concentrates, before adding to the groundbait, are again diluted with water.

The technology for preparing flavors and dips for fishing, in most cases, consists in mixing food flavors or spices with invert sugar syrup (inversion is the splitting of sucrose into fructose and glucose under the action of citric acid) or conventional (sugar is quicker). After that, they can be stored for a long time and used as additives in groundbait or as a dip for a bait.

Where to get raw materials for making fishing flavors?

Sometimes, there is a problem with the purchase of confectionery flavors, since they are not sold everywhere, then they can be replaced with special fishing concentrates. It is concentrates (in dry or liquid form), and not ready-to-use boosters, etc.

Some essential oils you need can be found at the pharmacy, and spices and condiments are available at almost any grocery store or market.

Food and pastry flavors are the most powerful and effective, but they are a little more difficult to buy. You should look for them in retail confectionery stores or specialty online stores.

To search for them, you can use the Yandex.Market platform (search example), or use the general search through Yandex or Google (search example). It should be borne in mind that they have a delivery cost and a minimum order amount, below which the sale becomes unprofitable. It is advantageous to take in an assortment of flavors, at once for the whole season.

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