Podsekatel for bottom fishing rod and feeder. Do-it-yourself self-hooking and store-bought version Automatic do-it-yourself censored cutting

All fishermen are familiar with such a situation when the long-awaited bite occurs exactly at the moment when the angler has left the tackle, and naturally at this moment the biggest fish is biting. Let's make a simple samopodsekatel to avoid such unpleasant situations while fishing.

Required tools and fixtures.

1. Angle grinder.
2. Drill with a set of drills.
3. Mallet.
4. A set of needle files.
5. Vise.
6 Sandpaper.
7. Knife.

Required materials.

1. Aluminum profile, with shelves measuring three by one and a half centimeters.
2. Sheet aluminum with a thickness of one and a half millimeters.
3. Spring.
4. Small screws with nuts.
5. Soft rubber two centimeters thick.
6. Clips for mounting metal-plastic.

We take an aluminum profile three by one and a half centimeters as the basis of the self-cutting device. We cut off a segment of twenty centimeters from it and cut off one and a half centimeter shelf.

We remove the burrs with a file, round the edges and clean them with sandpaper.

For the next part, ideally, it would be nice to have a profile that would fit inside the first one, but since such a profile was not found, it was bent from sheet aluminum with a thickness of one and a half millimeters.

We clamp a sheet of aluminum in a vice between two metal corners and lightly tap with a mallet to bend the first shelf.

We bend the second shelf by squeezing the part with a vice, inserting an insert of the required thickness inside.

We finally align the resulting profile by tapping it on a sheet of metal five millimeters thick.

We cut off one side of the workpiece slightly into a cone and make a small cut on top. We clean the part and

From the same sheet of aluminum we cut off a segment of fifteen centimeters by two centimeters. We make a small cut, round off the edges and also remove the burrs and clean it with sandpaper. This will be the guard.

We drill holes and assemble the resulting parts together with small screws. To fix the gatehouse, we install an additional screw.

We install a spring inside the undercut.

We fix soft rubber on the top of the gatehouse, in which we make an incision with a knife to fix the fishing line or cord.

To attach the resulting self-hooking hook to the butt of the rod, we mount clips that are used for mounting metal-plastic or polypropylene water pipes. These clips are different sizes so picking up a particular rod is not difficult.

The self-hooking hook is ready, we install it on the rod, cock it, fix the fishing line or cord in the cut on the rubber top of the gatehouse and wait for the bite. At the moment of pulling the fish line, the gatehouse disengages and automatic hooking occurs.

All no tail or scales!

Self hook for fishing helps the angler realize more bites. You can, of course, fish using only (light, sound, etc.), but the percentage of idle hooks increases significantly.

Even self-locking ones do not always work, and this leads to the loss of fish that could be in the cage. That is, timely cutting is considered important condition success in fishing and therefore the hooker becomes obligatory element gear for most anglers.

Why do you need a self-hook and its advantages

The main purpose of the samopodsekatel is that when pulling the fishing line due to a bite of a fish, make a jerk with the rod, thanks to which the hook will fulfill its function and all that remains is to bring the fish into the landing net.

In this case, a bite signaling device is not enough, because it only informs the angler about the activity of the fish, but does not make an independent hook.

Many anglers have encountered the fact that during fishing, the signaling device registers single “peaks”, and as a result, the number of fish caught does not increase. Even if the fisherman was always near the rod, he still would not have time to hook the shy fish, carefully trying the nozzle.

In such cases, the self-hooking device reacts instantly and even after a light touch of the fish on the nozzle, it immediately makes an automatic hooking. The advantages of using such devices are beyond doubt, because a person is not physically able to react so quickly.

Properly tuned reel friction does not allow hooked fish to cut off the rig or drag it into snags, and the use of self-hooks has a positive effect on the size of the catch and the results of fishing. This is especially pronounced when fishing at night, when the angler is resting and does not monitor the condition of the gear.

Although in the daytime it is not always possible to be near the rods and because of this there are idle alarms of signal devices.

Even when using electronic signaling devices it is impossible to respond to every light bite of a fish. Self-hooking rigs do not work out weak bites, and only auto-hooking rigs solve this problem.

Varieties of auto hooks

Every missed bite is a potential loss of fish, and it's no surprise that anglers come up with tools to improve their fishing performance.

Such devices include self-cutters installed on:

  • rod blank, or located next to the racks on which the donk is installed;
  • in front of the leash, when the process of hooking fish occurs under water.

Which version of the self-hooking device is more convenient is up to the angler himself, the main thing is to make a choice consciously and evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the design, which, unfortunately, exist.

The design of the samopodsekatel installed next to the bottom or directly on the form involves stretching the fishing line due to the elasticity of the rubber cord used, or the elastic band used in aeromodelling. To fix the elastic and connect to the rod, a wire structure is used, the manufacture of which will be discussed below.

The functionality of the self-hooking device installed in front of the leash is provided by the tension of the rubber or the spring that compresses the wire lever. When pulling the fish, the end of the lever is released, held back by a stretched spring, it straightens and provokes hooking of the fish.

Lead hooks are used mainly by floaters who perform accurate and accurate casting at close range. Donochniks have to throw equipment for long distances and the design of the self-cutting device does not withstand the load, it will straighten up even in flight.

In any case, it is useful for fans of bottom fishing to know how the design of the self-hooking leash is arranged, because it can be used when fishing at a distance of 15–25 meters. IN feeder fishing such distances are quite familiar, so the use of a self-cutting device will be fully justified.

Auto hooks also differ in the type of tension material used, and this can be:

  1. rubber;
  2. springs;
  3. hard wire.

The simpler the design of the fixture, the more durable it is, but the service life also depends on the materials used. Structural elements responsible for the tension and actuation of the undercut mechanism must be resistant to moisture, sun and wind.

Rubber in this regard is more profitable than metal springs, but when it comes into contact with sand, burrs appear on it, and then breaks, and it is especially offensive if this happens during a fishing session. Therefore, when fishing, you need to have spare elastic bands with you in order to continue fishing even if the hook breaks.

The springs provide more tension and are more reliable in operation. But even here there are drawbacks associated with the fact that the metal of the spring rusts, and it is still difficult to provide complete protection against moisture while fishing.

Hard steel wire is the cheapest and most affordable material for the manufacture of auto hooks, but it is also “afraid” of water, which means it is short-lived. In any case, home-made devices for cutting donks are not designed for long-term operation, and it is not difficult to make them yourself.

In winter, when fishing open water impossible, there is time to make self-hookers for next season in the right quantities.

The benefits of homemade

The under hook is a must for anyone who fishes with more than 2 rods and prefers not to sit in front of a rod pod or racks while fishing, waiting for a bite. For example, the same carp anglers have to wait for a bite for several hours, and each fish caught is very important.

Chinese manufacturers fishing equipment they offer industrially manufactured self-hookers, but they are not in great demand and are much worse in quality than homemade fixtures. In addition, when making a do-it-yourself undercut, the angler refines the design in accordance with his needs and makes almost unique things.

The manufacture of home-made self-cutters for donkeys does not require significant financial costs, because available and inexpensive materials. This is another important argument in favor of making a device for hooking fish with your own hands and not having problems fishing.

Even in strong wind or rain, a well-made autohook remains in working condition until the moment when the fish bite. In anticipation of a bite, the angler can do other things, because the state of his donoks is closely monitored by self-hookers.

Making a samopodsekatel

As you know, when biting, the fish takes a hook with a nozzle, and when creating resistance, the sting penetrates the lip and pinpoints the trophy. I.e the main task undercut - to create an effort in the direction opposite to the pull of the fish.

As an example, let's take a float tackle, for which it is very easy to make a hook. When biting, the float is immersed in water under the weight of the trophy, and for notching it is enough to increase its buoyancy, or resistance.

To do this, a foam cylinder is glued at the junction of the antenna with the body of the float, and then the antenna is inserted into it. When biting, the float does not sink, as usual, but remains on the surface and due to this, the fish is detected.

From a paper clip

The most common type of donkey auto hook is made from:

  • a large paper clip;
  • rubber bands for money, or a piece of aircraft model rubber tied with a ring.

This device is fixed on the rod, and after hooking, nothing prevents the angler from calmly bringing the fish into the landing net. Naturally, instead of a paper clip, a piece of hard wire 15–20 cm long is also suitable. The paper clip has an anti-corrosion coating and does not rust after getting wet on a fishing trip. Therefore, in the absence of staples, when choosing a wire, you need to pay attention to the fact that it also has a coating.

Advantages of a paper clip auto-hook:

  • not big sizes(5-7 fixtures will easily fit in a medium-sized fishing box);
  • quick installation on the rod, as well as dismantling after fishing;
  • high sensitivity;
  • sharp and clear cutting.

When playing a fish, such a hook does not interfere with the angler and is quickly brought into working position. The main element of the undercut is a wire, and the frame of the product is made from it.

The process of making a self-tapper from a paper clip:

  1. the paper clip is aligned along the entire length;
  2. one of the ends of the wire 3 cm long is bent at an angle of 120 degrees, it will cling to the rod ring;
  3. 1 cm below the curved segment, with the help of round-nose pliers, a ring is made into which rubber will be threaded;
  4. at the other end of the wire, a rectangle with a side of 2 cm is made with round-nose pliers, a fishing line will be threaded into it;
  5. 0.5 cm below the rectangle, the paperclip bends at an angle of 90 degrees;
  6. an elastic band is inserted into the self-hooking ring using the loop-in-loop method.

The samopodsekatel is ready and it remains only to install it on the rod.

For this:

  • the elastic band is attached to the coil in any convenient way;
  • the curved end of the wire is attached to the first donkey ring.

The tensioned elastic band keeps the self hook in position at an angle of 90 degrees in relation to the rod blank. After casting the tackle, the line is wound into a wire rectangle and the hook is ready to go.

When a fish bites, the line pulls the wire trigger, and the curved end jumps off the rod ring. Due to the elasticity of the rubber pulling the wire frame, the line is pulled sharply in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the fish and it is detected.

The maximum sensitivity of the device is already adjusted while fishing, and for this, the end of the wire, fixed on the rod ring, is bent at the desired angle (it can be slightly less or more than 120 degrees). It is enough to imitate the bite of a fish and it will be clearly seen how quickly the curved end of the hook jumps off the rod ring, and what effort must be applied for this.

For such a self-hook, a rather stiff wire is needed so that it keeps its initial shape even after many hooks. Finding such a wire (if there is no large paper clip) is not difficult at all in any household. The same applies to rubber bands, which are purchased at stationery stores.

In preparation for a trip to the water, anglers make 5-7 of these autohooks, even if they use fewer rods. Still, there are force majeure circumstances in fishing, and it is better to have a stock of devices for hooking fish.

Some anglers hook wire self-hookers not on the lower, but on the upper ring of the rod, but when playing the fish, they interfere with the winding of the line on the reel.

Simple auto hook

For hooking fish, it is necessary that the rod mounted on the racks, at the moment of the bite, sharply change its position. Even a fall from the blank stand is enough to tighten the line and, accordingly, serif the fish. The simplest wire cutter, mounted on a rod rack, works according to this principle.

The design of the device consists of a wire frame or frame attached to the rack and after casting the tackle, a rod is installed on it. The frame is made in the form of a rectangle without one side, and the tip of the form is placed on the edge next to this "unclosed" side.

When a fish bites, the tip of the rod slides off the frame, it pulls the line behind it and the trophy is spotted. It will take no more than five minutes to make such an auto hook, but it does an excellent job of its functions.

To make this self-tapping hook, you need a rigid wire that can hold the weight of the rod tip even in strong winds. To fix the fishing line in the desired position, a porous rubber knob is put on the tip of the stand, on the one hand, it securely holds the fishing line, on the other hand, in case of a bite, it quickly releases it.

It is necessary to transport self-locking devices in a rigid box, because if they are stored simply in a bag, the wire can bend from an accidental blow, or a heavy object placed on top.

Stationary samopodsekatel

Self-cutting donks are widely used among fishing enthusiasts, and many of them show imagination and modify well-known designs, improving their functionality. Along with devices attached to the rod blank, stationary self-hooking hooks are also used for fishing, which have certain advantages.

First of all, this concerns high sensitivity and finer tuning of stationary devices, and this is important, especially when catching small fish.

So, the advantages of stationary devices are:

  • sensitivity;
  • functionality;
  • fine-tuning for certain conditions of the reservoir;
  • durability.

Agree that even with the most careful operation, the paperclip auto-hook is short-lived. Even despite the simplicity of the design, it is not very convenient to make new hooks mounted on the rod before each fishing, and even the strongest and toughest wire still loses its elasticity.

Stationary devices are more durable and are actively used by bottomers on rivers, when fishing with a large number of rods. The main and, perhaps, the only drawback of stationary auto-hooks is their large size, but compared to their advantages, this is not a critical circumstance.

Let's consider a hook that works on the principle of a mousetrap, when, when pulling, a blocking device is activated that lifts the rod, due to which hooking occurs.

To make such a cutter you will need:

  1. a piece of board 50 cm long, 10 cm wide;
  2. two pieces of steel wire 50 and 30 cm long;
  3. clamps for attaching the wire to the board;
  4. screws for fastening clamps to the board;
  5. eraser;
  6. bicycle knitting needle for making brackets for fishing line;
  7. plastic cambric to protect the fishing line, which is put on the bracket.

Of course, you will also need tools:

  • round nose pliers;
  • screwdriver for screws;
  • pliers;
  • hammer.

In order for the product to be durable, an especially strong steel wire is chosen that maintains rigidity for a long time.

The process of making the undercut:

  1. on a piece of wire 50 cm long, the edges are bent with pliers so that 5 cm from each edge “look” in different directions at an angle of 90 degrees and one of the ends is bent like λ;
  2. an eraser is put on one of the ends of the second piece of wire (30 cm long), and the second one is bent in the form of a bracket or in the form of Ω;
  3. pieces of wire are fastened with clamps to the board opposite each other so that the “tongue” of one piece goes under the “bracket” of the second;
  4. from bicycle spokes a bracket is made, a cambric is put on it, and it is screwed to the board right in the middle.

It turns out a design in which a piece of wire with an eraser on is used to install a fishing line and fix the "tongue" of the second segment. The fishing line is wound into the bracket and, due to the rigidity of the wire, tension occurs when the “tongue” is inserted. The bite of the fish sets the fishing line in motion, and hence the wire with the eraser. The bracket releases the “tongue” and the wire structure sharply tightens the line, spotting the fish.

The shape of the bending of the wire segments can be arbitrary, the main thing is that they clearly fulfill their functions of tightening the fishing line.

This kind of home-made, stationary undercut allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the design. To do this, the “tongue” is brought further or closer under the bracket, and already at a minimum pressure, the device works to tighten the fishing line. Thanks to the fastening on clamps, after fishing, the autohook folds up and during transportation the structure retains its shape.

Some will say that it takes a lot of time to make a stationary underhook, but the benefits it provides on a fishing trip are worth it. In addition, any special skills are not needed for this, and almost any fishing fan can handle the job with the help of improvised tools.

The use of samopodsekatel increases the effectiveness of fishing, and even big trophies are easily detected with the help of such devices. With a low cost and availability of components, the self-hooking tool helps a lot when fishing, especially if fishing is carried out on bottom gear.

First you need to make a stand or support stand. Almost any improvised means can fit into this, the main thing is that it turns out to be very high, because it will be on it that a short rod will be attached to a thick and strong spring.

Making self-hooking spinning rods is very simple, because their design is not tricky. If you can’t find the right option for yourself in the store or like to do something with your own hands, then it’s time to get down to business. The main elements for creating such gear: a spring, a lever and a stopper.

In a standing position, the rod should rush upwards, and in a bent position it can be folded in half. With the help of a spring, the stand is connected to the rod. A latch, trigger and stopper are attached to the rack. A fishing line passes through the tip of the rod (it should be thin), which should be pressed with a stopper.

Such a compact rod has an important drawback - in a vertical position, these devices have very low stability. But, to do it, it does not mean to get a 100% guarantee that fishing will be successful.

In the manufacture of such fishing rods, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • length and weight;
  • the strength of the current and the speed of the boat;
  • the distance at which the bait is thrown;
  • type and size of potential production;
  • the nature of the bite (swift or cautious).

How to set up self-hooking spinning

The main advantage of the fishergoman rod with a self-hooking mechanism is that it has a high strength of its design, which gives an almost 100% guarantee of catching even the most obstinate prey.

Miniature size and low weight (compared to the fact that some rods have enough big weight) this is a big plus of the design, because the rod has good flexibility and strength, which means that even the most big fish.

Each pack of FisherGoMan rods, no matter what the price, comes with instructions without fail, where the snapping process is clearly stated:

  1. First you need to straighten all the elements by simply pulling the tip of this device.
  2. Next, you need to install the coil and check its serviceability.

Voila, you can use the design and start fishing for your pleasure. Just do not forget to check the operation of the mechanism and how correctly it is fixed.

There are several varieties of self-hooking fishing rods, which differ in their design features:

Which option to choose for yourself is up to you. The main thing is that he is suitable for specific purposes and fulfills his duties.

factory devices

Self-hooking rods are made by enterprises, so they look technologically and neatly. All products are either folding rods or telescopic blanks mounted on movable racks - levers. The jerk of the fishing line here is carried out by a spring that straightens the rod.

If we mean a folding form (has a generic name FisherGoMan), then a spring located near the reel seat acts as a working element of the self-trigger. In the ready-to-fishing position, the rod near the handle is folded at 90 degrees, the line is inserted into the trigger or ring, which holds the structure in this state.

As soon as the fishing line is taut, the bracket jumps off the latch and the blank straightens.

You can learn more about the characteristics of the FisherGoMan automatic fishing rod here.

In Russia, such mechanisms in Lately received the name "Chinese fishing rods" because they are distributed in most cases through the Aliexpress portal.

When using a hooking stand after casting, the rod is placed on an already charged device, the fishing line is wound into the trigger guard, which is adjusted in such a way that, when pulled, it releases the lever, and it raises the blank up.

A spinning rod for a self-hooking rod is selected based on the following blank requirements:

  • it should be straight and smooth, without cracks and burrs;
  • wire rings are in good condition, do not have slots and notches in the ceramic inner insert;
  • rod action - medium, tip flexibility is not welcome, in otherwise cutting can come out slow with a smoothed effort (therefore, the feeder automatic hook is not used);
  • the bend of the blank is uniform along the entire length, this quality is achieved on fiberglass or carbon fiber rods;
  • rod test - depends on the weight of the intended trophy.

The listed qualities of tackle are determined by the loads that the blank receives when straightened. The fisherman has to select his characteristics in such a way that the fishing line is not damaged when passing through the rings, the cutting is sharp, but up to a certain limit, beyond which the whip begins to depreciate.

Its excessive rigidity is also harmful: without depreciation, the “stick” can break the tackle if a hook occurs.

Recently, other designs have appeared that are attached directly to the rod. The principle of operation is a bit similar to a stapler. A spring is located inside the lower part, a roller is fixed at the end of the trigger bracket, through which the fishing line is passed. When hooking, the bracket moves, disengages from the lower part of the hook and the whole top part straightens sharply, pulling the tackle.

Homemade mechanisms

Most of the devices that anglers make on their own are based on the principle of the mousetrap. As soon as a bite occurs, the stretched fishing line slightly moves the bracket with an elastic band at the end and releases the lever, which does the hooking.

The device is located on the shore, and so that the wooden base does not move arbitrarily, it is fixed to the ground with pins.

The best models of self-hooking spinning rods

In the meantime, before heading out to the store for a new hook-and-line rod, you need to study the designs that are popular with anglers. This question can be answered by Sergey Fedorov, who invented his fishing rod based on store options. It can be used as a main stand on the bank without auto hooking, as well as spinning with an automatic hooking function.

Its hook is a rubber band with two support pegs. More detailed diagram its production can be seen in the author's video.

Fishergoman rods are very popular due to their compactness. The actions that it performs are performed automatically, i.e. independent control of bite and cutting at the right time without the participation of the owner.

The fishing rod starts to catch, the fish at this moment captures the lure, pulling the line, thereby activating a special mechanism. The fisherman will only have to take out the received trophy from the reservoir.

An equally popular option is the SUR-300 self-hooking rod. It works for both lifting and tightening. It is intended for catching prey in winter time of the year. There are two operating modes: manual and semi-automatic. In addition, the duration of the bite is regulated by setting the nod holder to a certain position.

Why do you need an automatic fishing hook?

If several bottom gear, or the fisherman is simply distracted, you can miss the moment of a good bite. This is where donkey self-cutters come in handy. They will be able to cut the fish in time without the participation of the fisherman - the structure will make an automatic jerk. Specialists in fishing are able to make a hook for a bottom fishing rod with their own hands.

Types of automatic undercutters

Similar devices can be installed on any rod. Most often they are installed on simple hooks, feeders or fishing rods with floats. A spinning hook becomes appropriate if a feeder tackle is installed on the rod.

Autopodsekatel can be installed:

  1. On the rod or next to it. With this option, the fishing line will be stretched with a rubber cord. If not, a simple stationery gum will do. You will also need steel wire (or a simple paperclip) to make the lever. A fishing line will be attached to one side of it, and a stretched rubber cord will be attached to the other. The lever will be in the first ring of the rod. If the line pull is horizontal, the lever will pop out of the ring. Then the elastic will shrink, and the fishing line will follow it.
  2. On a leash. The cutting takes place right in the water. The hooking mechanism will be created on the basis of rubber or spring. At the moment of bite, one of the stretched ends of the lever will be released. After the lever is straightened, it will make a sharp jerk, and the fish will be out of the water.

Both options allow you to increase the fish catch several times. The main thing is that the mechanism for their work is installed correctly.

Fishermen are constantly improving designs, making them as comfortable as possible for their rods. Some make them with their own hands from improvised means, others buy ready-made hooks to finalize the mechanism.

There are several types of automatic undercutters:

  1. Improved tackle. Some changes are made to the design of the hook and float, thanks to which the cutting will be automatic.
  2. Homemade design. A do-it-yourself auto-hooker is similar to a mousetrap in terms of the principle of operation: its movement is based on either rubber or spring.
  3. Industrial undercuts. These designs are made for certain gear.

Anglers can buy an industrial kit and modify it as they wish.

Today, anglers use several varieties of self-starters for fishing rods. Each of them is designed for specific fishing conditions and has a number of characteristics.

The most popular option is a mechanism like a "mousetrap". Despite the simplicity of the design, it does its job well and prevents the fish from getting off the hook.

After the fish swallows the bait, the line will begin to pull quickly, which will trigger the trigger. To tension the lever, a spring is used, through which the fishing line is instantly fixed.

This is what will allow you to perform accurate and hard hooking. The mechanism itself is located on a piece of dense plywood or other material.

To make it yourself, you must follow these instructions:

It is not difficult to build a highly effective fishing rod with a self-hooking mechanism. To do this, you need to carefully follow the instructions, accurately performing each step action. In this case, a home-made mechanism will work no worse than an expensive factory model.

A fishing rod with an auto hook has the following principle of operation: when the fish approaches the bait, takes it and starts to swim away, the line is pulled. With a certain tension force, a special bracket disengages from the bracket and the spring fastened to it sharply straightens the working element, supporting the tackle. Thus, the fish self-hooks on the hook.

As a working element can be:

  • long bracket if the device is based on the principle of a mousetrap;
  • self-hooking bracket mounted on a rod with a roller at the end;
  • rod, if hooking is done by sharply raising the blank.

The tension of the fishing line is adjusted so that even a weak bite leads to triggering, but the wind and waves could not do this.

Fishing - a great type of recreation, but it takes a lot of time to be on the shore and hold a fishing rod in your hands. Fishermen often go out to eat, chat with friends or just relax. And at such moments fishing stops. In order to be able to sometimes move away and not observe the bite, automatic hooks were invented. One of them -donkey self-hook.

If used for fishing several , or the fisherman is simply distracted, you can miss the moment of a good bite.This is where they come in handysamopodsekatel for donkey. They will be able to cut the fish in time without the participation of the fisherman - to the structure will make an automatic jerk. Experts in fishing are able to makedo-it-yourself hook for a bottom fishing rod.

Types of automatic undercutters

Similar devices can be installed on any rod. Most often they are installed on simple hooks, feeders or fishing rods with floats.A spinning hook becomes appropriate if a feeder tackle is installed on the rod.

Autopodsekatel can be installed:

  1. On the rod or next to it. With this option, the fishing line will be stretched with a rubber cord. If not, a simple stationery gum will do. You will also need steel wire (or a simple paperclip) to make the lever. A fishing line will be attached to one side of it, and a stretched rubber cord will be attached to the other. The lever will be in the first ring of the rod. If the line pull is horizontal, the lever will pop out of the ring. Then the elastic will shrink, and the fishing line will follow it.
  2. On a leash. The cutting takes place right in the water. The hooking mechanism will be created on the basis of rubber or spring. At the moment of bite, one of the stretched ends of the lever will be released. After the lever is straightened, it will make a sharp jerk, and the fish will be out of the water.

Both options allow you to increase the fish catch several times. The main thing is that the mechanism for their work is installed correctly.

Fishermen are constantly improving designs, making them as comfortable as possible for their rods. Some make them with their own hands from improvised means, others buy ready-made hooks to finalize the mechanism.

There are several types of automatic undercutters:

  1. Improved tackle. Some changes are made to the design of the hook and float, thanks to which the cutting will be automatic.
  2. Homemade design. A do-it-yourself auto-hooker is similar to a mousetrap in terms of the principle of operation: its movement is based on either rubber or spring.
  3. Industrial undercuts. These designs are made for certain gear.

Anglers can buy an industrial kit and modify it as they wish.

Do-it-yourself do-it-yourself donkey hook

To assemble the mechanism you will need:

  1. Fishing rod;
  2. Mount that will hold the fishing rod (consists of two parts - the front brace, and the main part);
  3. The fixing part (connects the bracket and the main part, is responsible for lifting the fishing rod);
  4. Back brace;
  5. Spring of a certain power;
  6. Shock-absorbing rubber;
  7. Holes on the main part of the mount;
  8. Staple axis;
  9. Rubber that is attached to the body of the bracket;
  10. Trigger made of steel (with a bend at the top so that the bracket can slide off when hooking);
  11. Fastening the bracket to the main part;
  12. Fishing line;
  13. Coil;
  14. Tackle.

The whole structure is fixed in the ground. The sensitivity will depend on the trigger.


List of tools and materials for makingsamopodsekatel on the bottom:

  1. Aluminum plate;
  2. Wire with a diameter of 2 mm;
  3. hardened plate;
  4. Wooden plank;
  5. Pliers;
  6. Screwdriver;
  7. wire cutters;
  8. Rubber or spring;
  9. Plastic (computer disks will do);
  10. aluminum rod;
  11. Pin;
  12. Bolts and nuts.

Naturally, it is necessary to prepare the rest of the necessary attributes of fishing:

  • rod;
  • Hooks;
  • Bait;
  • Fishing line;
  • Coil.


  1. Bend the aluminum plate in the shape of the letter U with sides of 2 cm.
  2. Drill 2 holes up to 2 mm in diameter on each bent side.
  3. Wind approximately three turns of wire onto a hardened plate. It will act as a spring.
  4. Bend the end of the wire so that it forms a large hook.
  5. Install the wire in the aluminum plate, put on the spring. Put on a cambric on the opposite end. He will be the fixer. Bend the end of the wire.
  6. Now you need to wrap the long end of the spring with a loop around the wire.
  7. Fix the mechanism at the very end of the plank along with the wire ring.
  8. Substitute the folding structure so that it touches the gatehouse.
  9. Using several self-tapping screws, attach the plate to a wooden board.The structure is ready.
  1. When installing an automatic undercut, you need to be careful and careful. The cutting force, the tension of the rubber or spring is always large. If the slider jumps off the base, there is a risk of injury.
  2. If the water is calm or the current is minimal, it is recommended to set the trigger pull to minimum. This will increase the sensitivity.
  3. To attract more fish to the bait, you can install an elastic band with a feeder.

Other solutions to the problem

There are also options invented by simple fishermen. One of them is an automatic float cutter. It's going like this:

  1. The upper antenna is pulled out of the float.
  2. You need to put a ring of foam rubber on it. The size of the ring is slightly larger than the antenna.
  3. Now you need to return the antenna to its place.Attach a bead on top.
  4. In the process of biting, the ring will not allow the float to go to the bottom, and the fish will be hooked.

The automatic hook is indispensable if the fishing is long and you want to relax, but at the same time not to lose the catch.

Modern fishing is an immense field of activity that covers many areas, gear and techniques. And if in the recent past, fish were caught for only one purpose, to feed the family, today such an action has turned into a hobby, where various secrets and unique devices are used. Among them is a self-hooking fishing rod, which allows you to avoid empty fish coming off the hook.

The main element of a self-hooking rod is special spring which works like a mousetrap. When the fishing line is pulled, the device instantly works and performs an accurate cutting. This is very convenient when fishing with several gears, when it is physically difficult to catch the prey manually, or with weak bites of the fish, because the minimum tension of the equipment causes a quick jerk of the spring, as a result of which the fish is on the hook. Currently, a similar technique is used to catch both small and larger representatives of the ichthyofauna.

The mechanism itself has a compact size, so when placed near the handle of the fishing rod, it does not cause discomfort to the angler and does not interfere with the fishing process. In addition, with its help, you can avoid the frequent loss of catch due to unsuccessful hooks or incorrect actions when fishing.

If you understand the basic intricacies of the work of the self-hook, then in the future it will be possible to make it a valuable assistant for fishing, which will save your energy for other important actions and increase the chances of effective fishing.

It is important to note that making a self-cutting fishing rod with your own hands (drawings, instructions and diagrams are freely available) is quite simple. First you need to understand with the design features of the product. So, it consists of:

  1. Handles.
  2. Rubber bands.
  3. Notches for the trigger mechanism.
  4. Steel spring.
  5. Nylon threads with loops for fastening them.
  6. Loop for fixing the trigger.
  7. Shesta.
  8. Trigger.
  9. Telescopic nod.
  10. The bases of the nod.
  11. Fishing lines.
  12. Inertia retarding coil.
  13. Folding legs.

also in the design includes a groove for the spring and a trigger rod.

By the way, such elements can be present in self-cutters for all gear and donks. But in most cases they are used to equip the usual snack, feeder and even float gear.

And although the list of necessary components is quite extensive, each of them plays important role and is indispensable when creating a device. Individually, all elements are very simple and available on the market or even in the home workshop.

There are several types of self-hooking rods., which differ in their design features:

Which option to choose for yourself is up to you. The main thing is that he is suitable for specific purposes and fulfills his duties.

Recently, self-hooking fishing rods for summer fishing. Despite the simple design and the lack of difficulties in self-manufacturing, This mechanism performs many important functions. and is indispensable assistant for every angler. If you doubt that you can make such a product with your own hands, then the only way out of the situation will be to buy a factory model. But in order to avoid mistakes when choosing, you should pay attention to several important criteria:

Based on these criteria, this will right choice and avoid irreparable mistakes when buying.

If you're aiming for a store-bought item and aren't even considering homemade, then to simplify the process of the upcoming selection, it would be wise to pay attention to the list of the most popular models. As you know, they have proven themselves well both in amateur and more professional fishing.

Here are a few of them:

The list of the best self-hooking rods should include model «FisherGoMan». It is a unique fishing invention that deprives the angler of empty bites and fish coming off the hook. Despite its compact size, this model is not inferior in its working qualities to even the most expensive and elite options that have bulky dimensions. If you are going to get to the place of fishing on foot, then it will not be difficult to carry such a fishing rod in your hands.

The handle of the fishing rod is made taking into account the physiological characteristics of the human hand, so it is very comfortable to hold it. "FisherGoMan" can be compared to the best inventions of the professional class. Fishing with such tackle always brings a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Using the rod is incredibly easy. It is enough to prepare it for working condition and proceed to the fishing itself. By the way, the device is suitable for three directions of fishing.

Among the advantages of this model are increased strength and flexibility, which allows it to withstand the heaviest loads and without special problems solve complex problems.

In the summer, this tackle is useful for spinningists, who often encounter barely noticeable bites.

I had never dealt with such mechanisms before, but decided to try something new. Now I can’t imagine fishing without FisherGoMan, because this device allows me to fish with several tackles at once, without fear that the fish will leave the hook. I recommend to everyone.

My first experience with FisherGoMan was 2 years ago when I borrowed a device from a friend. Already after the first successful cutting, I realized that this is really a useful thing, and decided to buy it for myself. Now I use and do not look for alternatives.

For a long time I was looking for a good version of a self-hooking rod for summer fishing, but on some forum I found reviews about the FisherGoMan model. Now this tool is my favorite tackle, which allows you to successfully fish in any conditions and on any reservoir.

Make fishing rods with your own hands winter fishing self-cutting type is easy. To do this, just follow the following instructions:

Today anglers use several varieties of self-launching devices for fishing rods. Each of them is designed for specific fishing conditions and has a number of characteristics.

The most popular option is a mechanism like a "mousetrap". Despite the simplicity of the design, it does its job well and prevents the fish from getting off the hook. After the fish swallows the bait, the line will begin to pull quickly, which will trigger the trigger. To tension the lever, a spring is used, through which the fishing line is instantly fixed. This is what will allow you to perform accurate and hard hooking. The mechanism itself is located on a piece of dense plywood or other material.

To make it by hand , follow these instructions:

It is not difficult to build a highly effective fishing rod with a self-hooking mechanism. To do this, you need to carefully follow the instructions, accurately performing each step-by-step action. In this case, a home-made mechanism will work no worse than an expensive factory model.
