The Russian national volleyball team reached the Final Six without any problems. The Russian national volleyball team reached the Final Six Volleyball Final 6 Men

It has long been known that appetite comes with eating. Even if he refers not to a lavish feast, but to sports competitions... The Russian men's national volleyball team in the current season of the World League is playing in an experimental composition: not only are there many young players in the team, but also some of them were injured during the competition. And, despite this, the Russian national team, unexpectedly for many, made it to the Final Six for the first time in three years. And since the minimum task is completed - why not dream of medals. Moreover, it seemed like a stone's throw to the semifinals - you just need to beat the Canadian national team.

Whoever can - will help. Russia starts in the World League final

The Russian men's volleyball team, having made their way through a series of tests in the Final Six, begins to fight for the World League medals.

Canadians in the current World League draw are upstarts like us. Few expected them to make it to the Final Six, because before that the North Americans managed it only once: in 2013, they took fifth place. However, in its first match, Canada gave Brazil good fight and lost only 1: 3 - this defeat made the second match for Antiga's charges decisive. Any victory of the Russians brought them to the playoffs, and left the Canadians overboard. But count on easy victory, even despite the positive statistics official matches in previous years, it was clearly not worth it, because the opponent had nothing to lose.

Two rallies for the 25th point

From the very beginning of the match on the site, located in a bowl of a huge football stadium"Baixada" in Curitiba, an equal fight ensued. The Russian national team more often came out ahead, but did not come off by more than two points. Immediately wards Shlyapnikova showed the opponent and the audience some beautiful attacks, but there were also mistakes - therefore, by the first technical time-out, the Canadians were leading with a score of 8: 6. The first minutes of the game were clearly spent on adaptation: the Russian team was getting used to both the opponent and the huge stadium.

After a pause, the Canadians tried to break away, however, Likhosherstov's serve and Kurkaev's block made it possible not only to play back the gap, but also to come out ahead: the 16th point was first earned by the Russian national team: Dmitry Volkov deftly threw the ball to half of the opponent's court. The best in the attack of our team by that time was Kluka, who scored a third of all points, and the Canadians felt it, began to close Yegor more reliably, forcing him to make mistakes. In the end, the Canadians, having performed a couple of unpleasant innings, took the lead with a score of 22:20. The Russians evened the score, but they still could not bring the matter to victory in the set: they lost 23:25. At the same time, the Canadians de facto earned the 25th point twice: the first rally was canceled, as the referee hurried to blow the whistle.

Volleyball. , "Final Six". Curitiba, Brazil
Group stage. 2nd round

Russia - Canada - 0: 3 (23:25, 27:29, 17:25)

The pressure of one Kluka is not enough

The second set began in the same way as the first: with a high-quality Russian block, errors in service and a 3: 1 score, which grew into 3: 3 after the Canadians' spectacular defensive play. However, the continuation turned out to be more pleasant for the fans of the Russian national team: our team had a block, and the Canadians made a lot of unforced mistakes. By the first technical time-out, the Russians were leading with a score of 8: 7, but the attack of our team still left much to be desired.

Immediately after the break, the Canadians showed the Russians how to attack, gaining four points in a row. Shlyapnikov had to take a time-out, but this did not stop the Canadians: they also earned the fifth point - 12: 8. By the second pause, due to the pressure of Kluka, the gap was slightly reduced, but in the second set, the team from North America clearly gave better: she attacked faster and more powerful, and Vernon-Evans earned the 16th point as the first ace in the match. After a minute's respite, little has changed in the game: the Russians still didn’t really succeed in attacking, and the Canadians held out ahead quite confidently. At the very end of the game, however, for some reason they relaxed, missed two match points and even found themselves on the edge of the abyss themselves, but the nervous and tense ending still remained with Stefan Antiga's charges - 29:27.

Game without mood

The Russian national team began the third game clearly not in better mood... Shlyapnikov needed to shake up the team, and with the score 2: 5, he decided to release Sergei Antipkin... The gap has ceased to increase, but the Canadians nevertheless climbed up the leaders by the break - 8: 5. “They're playing on our mistakes. They don't create anything! You need to make less mistakes! " - the head coach instructed the Russian national team during the pause. However, the situation could not be reversed: the Canadian national team received well and quickly attacked: Perrin and Maar played out in earnest.

The Canadians used their chances, while the Russians continued to make mistakes. By the second break, our team was losing 11:16, and Shlyapnikov again told the players: "We are losing ourselves!" However, his charges, it seems, no longer believed in their strength. The attack went in block, then out, and the Canadians were already leading 18:11. Main coach I tried to make another life-giving injection, replacing Zhigalov with Chefranov, but this replacement did not become fateful, although Alexander still earned one point on the block. The game ended with a series of mutual errors on the serve and the very first matchball realized by the Canadians. Russia, having failed to debug the attack, lost to Canada with a score of 0: 3 and tomorrow will try to save the situation in the match with Brazil.

Now our team needs to beat the Americans

Brazil - Russia - 3: 2 (20:25, 21:25, 25:22, 25:23, 15:12)

















Mauricio Sousa





















Lucas Loch

WITHfishing rods: Maroschek (Poland), Simonovich (Serbia).
Match time: 2.17 (28+29+30+31+19). Scored points - 106: 107(attack - 56:60, block - 6:14, serve - 6: 7, opponent's mistakes - 38:26) September 26. Turin. "Pala Alpitur".

- Brazil is one of the most coveted volleyball posters. Even neutral fans are interested in watching this confrontation - a world-class show is guaranteed. And if we are talking about the "Final Six" of the World Cup, a degree of drama and intensity is added here, which makes the game a real sports feast.

Started for health

At the last World Cup, these two teams also played in the Final Six. And then the Brazilians smashed our team in three games. The Russians did not manage to move away from such a blow - they lost to Poland the next day and were left without a semi-final.

After this long four years, our team could not take revenge on Brazil... Until this July, when the Russians defeated the South Americans in three sets in the League of Nations semi-finals.

This match was much more significant. This is no longer a commercial, but an official tournament. This is where you need to be responsible for the failures at the 2014 World Cup.

Wards Sergey Shlyapnikov immediately showed that they were very serious. Until the middle of the game, the guys entered the game, made a lot of mistakes, and in the end they flew away from Olympic champions. Maksim Mikhailov bounced back from the block, Ilyas Kurkaev filed for departure, and then demonstrated miracles of coordination Dmitry Musersky- the blocker with his height of 218 cm managed to react to the "sniff" after the serve and pick up the insidiously falling ball. Moreover - he is from the transfer Alexandra Butko and hammered it into the floor. Plus three!

Then there was an incredible salvation performed by the 36-year-old Alexey Verbova... It's hard to believe that our super libero won Olympic medal back in 2004, in Athens, because it is still in great order. Set a point in the game with two "nails" Musersky.

The second batch followed approximately the same scenario. There was acting out again Mikhailova, block from Sir, over-emotional glasses from Dmitry Volkov, good exit to serve Victor Poletaev... It didn’t come to a stubborn ending.

William as Mousersky

As in the third installment. Only, alas, it ended not in our favor. She did not come out in the starting lineup as a setter. Bruno which great Vladimir Alekno called the Brazilians a key player, and William... And the beginning was left for the "yellow". 7:12!

Russia was heroically catching up. Volkov pounded from the hardest positions. Powerfully served Mikhailov... After his next ace, the score got evened at some point - 18:18. It seemed that now, on emotions, our team would fly to victory. How I wanted it!

But no. Brazilians are also not bastard. And the Russians made a number of unforced mistakes in the ending. The key episode was the successful attack of the 34-year-old Lipa from the back line - the ball, like a bun, managed to slip through our triple block. 20:23 - and goodbye to the party.

The fourth began and unwittingly began to appear associations with the Russian comeback in the finals of the London Olympics. Only now it was the other way around. The Brazilians caught the courage, played very quickly, their serve was flying and the team pulled out incredible balls in defense. Translation decided a lot in 2012 Musersky into the diagonal - a step that no one expected. This time, the original coaching decision also played. William who is always behind the starry Bruno, and remained the main passer. And it bore fruit. With his programs, partners repeatedly hammered into the floor. At the same time, he himself served dangerously.

At the end of the game, it almost came to "more or less." Volkov converted the attack, then filed for elimination and the score was 23:24. Then Dmitry took a chance again - and the ball flew a few millimeters over the site. 2: 2 in sets.

You need to beat the USA in three or four sets

At the tie-break, the Brazilians continued to play in a relaxed manner, and our team, realizing that they were missing an almost won ball, on the contrary, squeezed. ... And today the team lost to him. If in the first two games everything was fine, then many of them had problems with serving, problems with implementation began to arise.

Not to say that the Russians surrendered strongly - a number of game episodes were simply brilliant - but still they let the wounded victim go a little. And the Brazilians just needed that. They are 100 percent their chances. And they won the most important victory in this very beautiful game.

It's a shame. But the question of reaching the semifinals is open for us - and will be decided tomorrow. The team definitely needs to beat the Americans. Moreover, it is impossible to bring the matter to a tie-break. Otherwise, there is a risk that USA and Brazil will finish the head-to-head duel with a score that suits both these teams. A Russia can't do anything about it.

Obviously, our team has a huge playing potential. And now it is simply necessary to fully demonstrate in next game... Still still in our hands.

Group E


B (TB)

P (TB)



1. Brazil

1 (1)

2. Russia

1 (1)

3. USA

No problem with the Netherlands

The Netherlands national team became the author of the main sensations group stage having beaten the Brazilians and the French. The Russians, on the contrary, disappointed with their defeats from the Americans and Serbs, so a very tense confrontation was expected, but "the Dutch king was naked." The Russian national team did not experience any problems in any of the three sets.

The team captain demonstrated a phenomenal game Dmitry Volkov- he scored 15 points and constantly turned on his partners with emotions. Moreover, almost all volleyball players showed perfect attacking play. So, Volkov implemented 69% of attacks, Egor Klyuka – 75%, Artem Volvich – 80%, Ilyas Kurkaev- 88%, and only Maxim Mikhailov finished off to the site only half of the balls.

Battle with italy

The fact that the fate of the Russian national team would be decided in the game with Italy was clear immediately after getting into the group. Despite the fact that the Italians, who were the hosts of the tournament, had only mathematical chances not to go further, accordingly, one could not strain once again. But they approached the game with Russia fully armed. They wanted to seize the opportunity and knock out a direct competitor before the decisive stage began.

Both teams came out in the strongest lineups. Solo in Italy Ivan Zaitsev... Spikers helped him Philippe Lanza and Osmani Juantorena Fortunately, Italy has no other world-class players, so the Russians from the first game began to load Juantoren with balls so that the veteran was left exhausted in the end. The plan worked.

But the first batch turned out to be very difficult. Sergey Shlyapnikov I was forced to immediately change the binder. Instead of Sergei Grankin appeared Alexander Butko... But the Russians did not attack, Zaitsev took the Italians into the lead.

The second batch gave a mirror-like result. At the same time, the behavior of the Russian ligaments strained. That in the first game Grankin, that in the second - Butko, completely ignored Dmitry Musersky, as if trying to prove to everyone around his greatness, defiantly not noticing one of the best volleyball players in the world. In each of the parties, Musersky received only one transmission!

Not receiving balls in the attack, Dmitry took up the serve and performed three aces at the most necessary moments of the game, which, in turn, reached a tie-break. By this time, Butko had already had to admit that there was no way without Musersky. "Kid" scored nine points in the attack.

Libero managed to lift a bunch of balls Alexey Verborv, but Mikhailov once again did not impress - 42% of the implementation of attacks against 49% of his counterpart Zaitsev.

The Italians had a stable diagonal match throughout the entire match. Lanza was closed in the second game, Juantorena was tired by the fourth. Gianlorenzo Blengini tried to find a reinforcement on the bench, but the players the highest level it was not there, and the Russian national team won a major victory.

Easy walk with the Finns

Today, in the confrontation with the Finns, the Russians cannot a priori have problems. The best volleyball player in the history of the country Tuomas Sammelvuo already retrained in good coach. Mikko Esko sits in stock. And of the real stars, only the libero remained Lauri Kerminen... Who will score and block? The Finns did not have such volleyball players. For three consignments, Finland delivered only one block! And lost in all other components of the Russian national team.

The Russians started the match with a mixed squad, and then smoothly switched to a substitute. Shlyapnikov gave Mikhailov time in the first set to regain his confidence, and then released Victor Polevaeva, who became the most productive player of the match. Yuri Berezhko appeared from the first minutes. At the end of the second batch came out Alexey Rodichev, but he did not really enter the game, and in the next set he was replaced by Volkov.

The Russians had problems only at the local level, and Shlyapnikov's charges went to the next stage without nerves.

"Final six"

Thus, six national teams will play in the last group round: Italy, Russia, Brazil, USA, Poland and Serbia.

The first matches of the Final Six will take place in Turin on 26 September. The composition of the groups will be determined by a draw. It is known that the teams that took second place in the second group stage (Russia and Serbia) will not play in the same top three.

World Championship. Group E

Holland - Russia– 0:3 (17:25, 16:25, 21:25)
Russia- Italy - 3: 2 (19:25, 25:18, 25:21, 19:25, 15:11)
Russia- Finland - 3: 0 (25:17, 25:19, 25:22)

The Russian men's volleyball team has guaranteed itself access to the third group round (Final Six) of the 2018 World Cup. Finding themselves in a difficult situation after the unsuccessful first stage, Sergey Shlyapnikov's team showed character and took advantage of the goodwill of fortune.

Those who are lucky are lucky. Russians have fulfilled difficult task... After two defeats in the 1st stage, they were able to win all three matches of the second group round. Interrupted the renaissance of the Dutch team. Calmed down the raging Italian stands in the game with the hosts. And today the Finns, deprived of tournament motivation, but not courage, were beaten with the second line-up.

The head coach of the Russians Sergei Shlyapnikov removed one half of the base initially, and replaced the second during the game, so that in the end the outlandish composition with Ilya Vlasov and Alexei Rodichev remained on the court. But Viktor Poletaev finally showed sunny Italy his jumps to the stars. It seems that the diagonal baby has been secretly trained since childhood by Maria Lasitskene and Sergey Shubenkov.

With all the rotation, the Russians had a problem only at the end of the third game, when Rodichev wavered in reception. Shlyapnikov's time-out improved the situation.

The Russians did what was needed, and yet it is worth remembering Lady Luck with a kind word. The third place in the first group round did not lead to the death group at all, but to the quartet with Holland and Finland. The almost ideal alignment of the opponents' matches allowed us to leave the second place without any problems. As a reminder, four winners of the second round groups and two teams from second places with the best performance will advance to the Final Six. The rivals shared the orange (glasses) so fiercely that Russia easily fell into the ranks of the “lucky losers”. We are lucky in this world championship - we must take advantage of the luck.

The rivals of the Russians in the Final Six will be determined at the end of the matches today and according to the results of the drawing.


World Cup 2018 (Italy, Bulgaria)

2nd group round

Russia - Finland - 3-0 (25:17, 25:19, 25:22)

Russia: Poletaev (18), Berezhko (11), Kurkaev (10), Volvich (9), Mikhailov (6), Grankin (2), Rodichev (2), Vlasov (1), Butko (1), Klyuka (1), D. Volkov (0), Sokolov (l)

Today. 22.15. Italy - Holland

Position of teams: 1. Italy - 6 wins / 1 defeat (19 points); 2. Russia - 6/2 (18); 3. Holland - 5/2 (14); 4. Finland - 2/6 (9)

Russia - Finland - 3: 0 (25:17, 25:19, 25:22)

The Russians will play at least two more matches at the World Cup, which is held in Italy and Bulgaria. Command Sergey Shlyapnikov in the final match of the second group stage, she beat the Finnish national team and solved the minimum problem.


The tournament situation before this match was such that any victory over the Finnish national team would lead the team Of Russia to "Final Six". But even the need to win did not prevent our head coach from leaving the game. Dmitry Musersky, Dmitry Volkov and Alexey Verbov.

The Russians could afford it. The current Finland national team- not at all a team of 2007, which shone at the European Championship and could well reach the final for the first time in its history. Wards Thomas Sammelvuo, an excellent acquaintance with Russian volleyball, were inferior to our team in everything.

The game only emphasized this. Without any extra effort, the Russians achieved victory. Most of the time on the court was spent by those who rarely appeared in previous matches. For example, diagonal Victor Poletaev changed Maxim Mikhailova during the first game and played until the end of the match. Wing Spiker Alexey Rodichev changed Egor Kluk also during the meeting, for a while a blocking Ilya Vlasov... And in the position of the libero played Alexander Sokolov.

But regardless of the composition, the Russians had to win confidently. And so it happened. Only at the end of the third set did our team relax so much that it allowed the opponent to level the score. Shlyapnikov I even had to take time out and release for a couple of rallies Volkova.

Advantage Russian national team, which played in full, was colossal. Especially on the block. Only one Ilyas Kurkaev seven times effectively covered the opponents. However, there is no point in analyzing the statistical calculations against such a team. Victory in three games and a place in the Final Six.

Moved away from failure

The Russians took second place in Group E, although after the first group stage, the position of our team seemed rather precarious. Our volleyball players were faced with the need to win all three meetings of the second group stage. In the first of them she was defeated, even smeared across the Milan site Netherlands national team.

But on the eve of the game with the Finns Russian team had the hardest match with the team Of Italy... The initiative in this meeting changed hands. The Italians took the first game, the Russians the next two, then gave up the fourth, having a huge advantage at first. In the end, everything was decided on a tie-break, in which all best qualities of our team - an excellent serve, a very high-quality reception, a good and fast attack and an impenetrable block.

On the block, the Italians scored only two points, the Russians - nine. And in those moments when it was most needed, when the fate of the games and the match was being decided. In those moments when the overcrowded 13,000-seat arena was turned on by any successful action of its players. Ivan Zaitsev and Osmani Juantorena played an excellent match as a whole, but the Russians were ready for such a game.

A tremendous amount of effort was spent, but at the same time Russian team after this victory she no longer depended on anyone. It only remained to beat Finland and prepare to move from Milan to Turin, where the Final Six will take place.

It is not yet known when the draw for the decisive stage of the tournament will take place. Yes and full composition the participants are also unknown. In addition to Russian national team teams will continue fighting for medals Serbia, Brazil, Of Italy and USA... The last ticket will go to either Poland national team, the 2014 world champion, or the team France.

It all depends on the result of the meeting between the national teams Serbia and Poland... Poles need only victory to continue the fight for medals. The features of the draw are such that the teams that made it to the Final Six from the second places in the groups will be separated from each other. That is, the Russian national team will definitely not play either with France national team, or with Serbia national team.

However, this is no longer so important. Weak rivals like national team of Finland, in the decisive stage of the championship will definitely not be.

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