How many calories are burned when walking calculator. How many calories does walking burn and how to lose weight with it

Hello my dear readers! Many do not have enough time for sports. And not everyone is physically capable of running on the street or pulling pieces of iron in the gym. But if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then overweight will not leave you alone. Just don't despair. Better go walking! How many calories are lost when walking? Let me tell you.

It turns out that walking is a wonderful sport. Yes, walking is a sport. The benefits of it are special. After all, she trains all the same muscles as running. At the same time, it does not have a negative effect on knee joints... Plus, it improves the work of the heart, saturates our cells with oxygen. Everyone can walk: fat and thin, old and young.

Many people are not indifferent to the topic of weight loss. Fighting the hated pounds while sitting is very difficult. Forcing yourself to exercise is even more difficult. But to go for a walk in the evening after work is as easy as shelling pears!

Of course, shopping is not enough to lose weight. How many calories are burned per hour of walking depends on:

  • presence / absence of additional equipment (walking sticks, weights);
  • your weight;
  • your age;
  • level physical fitness;
  • pace;
  • duration;
  • roads (it's harder to go uphill);
  • intensity of hand movement.

It is clear that if you walk fast, more calories will be spent than if you walk slowly. Plus, classes are best done in a park or in the forest. The load will immediately increase due to irregularities on the road.

For 1 hour of walking, you can burn 200 kilocalories or more. You can independently calculate how many calories your body will spend.

For one kilogram of weight, each person spends during an hour when walking:

  • at an average pace (4 km / h) 3.2 kcal;
  • at a fast pace (6 km / h) 4.5 kcal;
  • almost jogging (8 km / h) 10 kcal;

There is also a handy sign where you can see how much you will spend depending on your body weight and walking speed.

Speed ​​/
Body mass
50 Kg55 kg60 Kg65 Kg70 Kg75 kg80 Kg85 Kg90 Kg
3 km / h 126 138 150 163 175 187 201 213 226
4 km / h 160 177 192 209 224 240 257 272 288
5 km / h 184 202 221 239 258 276 295 312 331
6 km / h 217 238 262 283 304 326 349 369 392
7 km / h 291 321 351 379 409 439 467 496 526
8 km / h 374 410 449 487 523 562 598 636 673
9 km / h 480 530 577 625 674 722 769 818 866

That is, with a weight of 55 kg and walking at an average speed, you will lose 202 kcal per hour.

It is quite inconvenient to count all this. After all, you still need to correctly assess the speed. Knowing the exact distance traveled makes it easy to calculate your speed. And if not? Count your steps per minute? You will get tired of this more than walking!

I recommend using a fitness bracelet. You put it on your hand, and he counts how much has passed. For me, this is a convenient and simple electronic pedometer.

Although there are certainly many applications for a smartphone - I downloaded it free of charge, installed it and use it. They write that they count the distance traveled, speed and the number of calories lost. But is it so convenient? No matter how many programs I tried, they gave out a huge error. I walk 10 steps, and he counts 7 or does not understand at all that I am walking. So you have to choose - toil with a free program, or buy a specialized device.

How to walk correctly

You don't have to start walking fast for 3 hours a day right away. Especially if you are not 20 years old and you weigh not 50 kg. Start by walking for an hour at a slow pace. Then increase the pace for 5 minutes, then for 10 minutes, and so on. Gradually, you will begin to walk for 1 hour at an average pace. Want to spend more energy? Then increase the pace again and add time.

The main rule is not to walk less than an hour... Fat when walking begins to be burned no earlier than forty minutes. Our body is extremely thrifty and first spends the available carbohydrates.

Also, do not forget not to exercise immediately after eating. Optimal time for workouts, this is an hour after eating. And when you're done, don't rush to the food. Drink a glass of water. You can afford an apple or.

Remember to breathe as you walk. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is also important to quit smoking. It negatively affects breathing and cardiovascular system... Shortness of breath and even dizziness will appear.

Give yourself a nice gift. Buy a beautiful sports uniform and comfortable sneakers. Better yet, buy special clothing to help burn fat. For example, . They create a sauna effect and help you lose weight many times faster.

How to increase your calorie expenditure

There are several ways to increase the load. Classes race walking will make you sweat. But this is a super-effective way to get rid of extra centimeters. The tummy will be flat, and the buttocks will be a feast for the eyes.

Swing your hands

To work through upper part body, wave your arms. This will increase the exertion and walking speed.

Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 ° and swing your arms back and forth.

Add weight

Is it easy for you to walk and don't you get tired? Try adding weight. This will increase the intensity and challenge your muscles. Avoid wearing weights on your wrists and legs. They can change your gait, posture and increase your risk of injury.

Instead, bring a backpack or a weighted vest. If you decide to carry a backpack, fill it with water, sand, or plain cat litter. This will distribute the weight evenly.

If the weather does not allow you to go outside, walk up the stairs or at home on the spot. Do a little warm-up first. How many calories are spent with these types of workouts, read the article "Workout options for weight loss."

Walking with sticks

It is one of the best ways to increase your calories burned. It is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. At the same time, the result is incredible. Nordic walking uses 90% of the muscles in our body and increases calorie consumption by up to 46% than normal walking. The poles help reduce stress on the ankle, knee and hip joints.

Itself recently acquired sticks. I noticed that the load on the legs doubled and the muscles of the arms and upper back were connected.

We walk on a treadmill

If there is no way to walk on the street, then. On average, a person walks at a speed of 4-5 km per hour. To lose weight and get in good physical shape, you need to increase your pace and walk from 5.5 to 6.5 km per hour. By increasing the pace, you will spend about a third more calories. Only it is not worth increasing the more, tk. it will no longer be walking but running. And this is another story, which I wrote about in the article 😉

Uneven relief

Walk on uneven ground: grass, trails, gravel, sand, or snow. For example, walking in the snow increases your calorie consumption by 2-3 times.

And in flippers, even more effective training 🙂

You can also walk up the stairs or just up the hill. You can walk with your back forward. Or change the pace. Maybe you know some other ways? Be sure to write comments. And to my blog. Bye Bye!

Walking Is the safest and efficient view sports for those who want lose weight... The benefits of walking are unique in that you do not expose yourself to unnecessary injury. Not everyone can afford active exercises, they are contraindicated for many. But with the help of walking, we can make ourselves more resilient and not so lazy.

How to lose weight by walking

Lose weight by walking- this question is winning today the minds of many office workers and not only. V recent times became very fashionable lead healthy image life. You can often see people walking in a park, at a stadium or just on the street, and this is good news.

I don't want to go on diets, dear sport complexes walk expensive, but do race walking slimming on fresh air- everyone can do it. Enough to count how many calories walking burns and all questions will disappear by themselves.

Modern scientists have proven that in order to maintain health and a magnificent figure, a person must go through at least 10,000 m.

In order not to feel overwhelmed after a walk, you need to choose the optimal load. Regular walking will not give good result... You need to do race walking.

For those wishing to reduce body fat norm - 100 steps per minute... When you feel that you can increase the load, feel free to do it, do not stop there.

When the body gets used to the time of brisk walking should be at least 40 - 45 minutes. Daily activities will help " burn»Unnecessary calories, perfect your shape and extend your life for several years.

What types of walking are most effective

If you have an irresistible desire to bring your weight back to normal - exercise race walking... This is the surest and most effective way.

You need to walk in small but frequent steps in a straight line. Keep your arms bent at the elbows. At the same time, fat accumulations will quickly leave your body, and extra calories decrease catastrophically. The buttocks will become tighter, the belly will be flat, and the legs will be slimmer.

At the same time, it is not bad to take dumbbells with you to class, they should weigh no more than a kilogram. Active movements with a weighting agent, throwing forward left hand and right leg you only need to do half the distance. Before starting such exercises, you need consult a doctor... In addition to walking, there are several other types:

1 You can walk back forward- this will make it possible to improve posture, strengthen calf muscles, back, buttocks. Road on which you will walk forward with your back should be flat... You need to start moving slowly, gradually accelerating the step.

2 Walking stairs... It gives excellent results, but it is better to do it outdoors. In a stuffy and dirty entrance, there will be little benefit from such activities. You can also go uphill or exercise on simulators in the gym. Remember to monitor your pulse and heart rate.

3 Walking with tight buttocks... This exercise is simple: when the toes push off the ground, gluteal muscles should be tense, and the lower back, on the contrary, should be relaxed.

4 Nordic walking with sticks... This type has no contraindications and is suitable for all age categories. Telescopic poles must match your height. This is the most safe way lose weight. Walking with sticks, you burn on 45% more calories than normal walking. With effective stick training, you can drop up to 3 Kg in Week... For all the necessary information on this type of walking, see a separate section.

How many calories are spent walking

The number of calories burned is directly related to from your weight, intensity and duration of classes, as well as from work with hands. If your weight reaches 70 Kg, then at a speed 9 km / h per 1 hour calorie consumption when walking will be no more than 450 Kcal.

To improve the result, you need to go over rough terrain and increase the training time.

An hour of climbing and descending the stairs is lost from 550 before 750 Kcal. When walking, it burns up to 400 Kcal / hour.

How to burn one calorie video

You may ask why so few calories are burned with exercise. I propose to look at the calculation from the side of physics and you will understand everything.

The most effective in this case is considered fast walk with dosed loads over rough terrain. Hiking for several weeks will have the same effect as 3-4 months classes in the gym.

Walking stairs and lost calories are the same thing. Most efficient combustion calories occurs when walking slowly on each step, which cannot be said about stepping over one. You need to walk at least 35 — 40 minutes but start off classes are needed with 5 – 10 minutes. It is important not to skip the steps. At the same time, all muscles are involved, the legs are trained and the waist volume is noticeably reduced.

If you do race walking at least every other day, there will be no need to walk in gym... Calories are burned in the same way, which means the result is about the same.

Basic walking rules for weight loss

  1. Find motivation your deed.
  2. It will be good if you have one more comrade supporting this important endeavor.
  3. Increase loads gradually.
  4. Exercise outdoors- it brings more benefits.
  5. Eliminate from your diet harmful for figure products, such as sweet, starchy, salty and spicy. For a month of classes, you can reset to 6 Kg.
  6. For long walks, purchase comfortable shoes.
  7. Exercise regularly, do not give yourself indulgences and not be lazy.
  8. Walking for weight loss is best in morning time days. During this time, fats are burned much faster than in the evening.
  9. Start at a moderate pace and increase his gradually, without unnecessary fanaticism.
  10. Don't forget the right one breathing, it should be through the nose. Don't talk - this is an extra burden on your lungs.
  11. Monitor your heart rate.
  12. Keep your head and back straight, shoulders down, and belly and buttocks tucked in.
  13. A few minutes before the start of classes and immediately after them you need to drink Cup clean not carbonated water... During exercise, you also need to drink in small portions to prevent dehydration.
  14. You need to finish your workout calm step, it is necessary to normalize the heartbeat.
When, how much and how to walk in order to lose weight, you need it's up to you and this should be done taking into account the state of your health. Some recommendations of experts:
  • You need to pass at least 6km per day, otherwise there will be no result.
  • You need to walk at a fast pace, but only not to run.
  • Steps should be from heel to medium toe.
  • Hands must be moved strictly to the beat.
  • Minimum class time - 30 - 40 minutes.
  • Try to make these walks familiar to you, then there will be noticeable benefits from them. Habit will work out in a few weeks and will stay with you forever.
  • You must have the right equipment for the walk to be successful.
  • Choose right place for classes. It should be with the least amount of transport.
  • Increase loads gradually.

Let it go walking will be an amazing and useful entertainment for you, in which such hated kilograms are lost. Turn the required activity into a pleasure. Enjoy the beauty of the world around you and at the same time get rid of excess weight... Be filled with positive emotions and radiate light and warmth. Walking in the fresh air can give you all this.

The energy expenditure during the diet increases the physical activity. If there is no way to visit gym, exercise at home, then you can just walk more - say weight loss experts.

Before you start losing weight in this way, you need to learn how to walk correctly and calculate the number of calories burned.

How many calories are spent walking?

The amount of calories burned depends mainly on weight and walking speed. You can calculate how much energy is spent during an energy session using a table.

Travel speed / weight 50-60 kg 60-70 kg 70-80 kg 80-90 kg
4 km / h Up to 192 kcal Up to 224 kcal Up to 257 kcal Up to 288 kcal
6 km / h Up to 262 kcal Up to 304 kcal Up to 349 kcal Up to 392 kcal
8 km / h Up to 449 kcal Up to 523 kcal Up to 598 kcal Up to 673 kcal
9 km / h Up to 577 kcal Up to 674 kcal Up to 769 kcal Up to 866 kcal

In addition, important factors that can affect the increase in calorie expenditure are:

  • the presence of weights, additional equipment;
  • hand movement;
  • age;
  • road (are there any ups or downs);
  • time.

Note! Also, many experts argue that a periodic change of pace is the most productive for losing weight. That is, if you switch from walking at an average pace from time to time to fast or slow, then the number of calories burned will increase.

In general, walking pace can be divided into:

  • slow or walk (3 km / h);
  • medium (4 km / h);
  • fast (6-7 km / h);
  • very fast (8 km / h).

The last two rates are referred to as aerobic exercise... To burn a large amount of energy, it is necessary not only to walk quickly, but also for a long time - at least an hour.

After all, the first half hour is not spent as much energy as in the subsequent time (after about 45 minutes of intense walking). That is, on average, 500-600 calories can be spent per hour if you move at a speed of 8 km / h.

Good to know! You should not engage in such intense exercise immediately after eating (even if the meal was sparse). There may be pain in the abdomen, a feeling as if something were stabbing in the side. This has a bad effect on human health and does not heal the body at all.

This tool will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of sweets have a mild effect on the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and physical activity. In this case, the effectiveness will be maximum, and the result is noticeable on the face.

The more often a person walks, the more his health is strengthened, his mood rises, his state of health becomes much better.

What Happens When Walking:

  1. If you breathe correctly while walking, you can strengthen the respiratory system.
  2. Walking involves most of the muscles, so blood circulation and metabolism improve.
  3. Muscles are strengthened.
  4. You can lose weight.
  5. Correct and regular walking is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as ailments associated with the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Blood circulation in the small pelvis improves, which is very useful for men, because stagnant processes are removed in this area.
  7. If walks are regular, then over time, immunity rises.
  8. Endurance increases.
  9. Sleep improves.
  10. It has a positive effect on the nervous system.

For the lesson to be beneficial, it is very important to be able to walk correctly:

  • You should not load an untrained body with a high pace and tiring duration, classes should be built in increments - first, walk for about half an hour at a walking pace. Gradually, the pace should increase, as well as the time of the classes.
  • Improvement of the body is provided not by slow walking, but at a speed of 7 km / h, which lasts at least an hour. Such a moderately intense pace gives a certain load on the body, while improving blood circulation, increasing muscle tone.
  • Gradually, the walking speed can be increased if the load ceases to seem strong. In addition, you can walk not only on a flat surface, but also on sand, up a hill, up stairs, using equipment ( nordic walking). These burdening factors affect the amount of calories burned during exercise.
  • In order for walking to bring not only pleasure, but also the expected effect, walks should be regular - at least 3 times a week, and ideally daily.

Weight loss experts have come up with some tricks on how to burn maximum amount calories, while spending a minimum of time:

  • The most popular and surefire option is to increase your movement speed. At the same time, it is important to ensure that there is no rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath - in this case, the body is not ready for intense stress, you should not harm your own health. If there is no way to increase your speed, go long distances. Of course, this will take more minutes or hours, but it will burn a lot of calories.
  • Another way is to walk in cold weather, then the body will spend calories not only by walking, but also by generating heat. Try to distract yourself with something while walking: talk to a friend on the phone, listen to music, or play an audiobook.
  • Experts say that regularly changing your pace when walking is very productive in terms of calorie expenditure. That is, if you switch from an average pace to a fast one, then vice versa - and so several times during the lesson, then twice as much calories will be spent, compared to what is burned at the same speed of movement.
  • While walking, you can swing your arms, use ski poles, do some physical exercises on the go - all this increases calorie expenditure. It is also imperative to keep the abdominal muscles and buttocks tense.

Want to lose weight?

A slender figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with rigid diets and hard exercises.

Plus, being overweight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and noticeably shortened life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Boosts metabolism
  • Burns body fat
  • Reduces weight
  • Losing weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps Lose Weight in Cardiovascular Diseases

What types of walking are most effective?

Nordic walking can rightfully be called a very effective method body shaping workouts. This term refers to walking at an intense pace using ski poles. This way of losing weight is suitable for any age, no matter the level of physical fitness.

During such a lesson, almost all the muscles of the body are involved, of which 50% burn fat. Poles are not only a weighting factor, but also reduce stress on the knees and joints in the legs. With such walking, not only the legs are involved, but also the arms, back muscles.

If it is not possible to control the pace on your own, then you should visit the gym and walk on a treadmill. Here the pace is set by the simulator itself, but the time and body weight are set by the student.

Good to know! An excellent option walking up the stairs. To begin with, it will be enough just to give up the elevator and go up or down to the desired floor on its own.

Stories from our readers!
“I don’t have a lot of excess weight, only 5 kilograms. But these kilograms are located in very unpleasant places that cannot be corrected with exercises. Ordinary diets also did not give results - completely different parts of the body were losing weight!

A friend advised to "speed up" the metabolism and ordered these sweets. I was very pleased with the natural composition, pleasant taste and ease of use! Combined with a light diet and plenty of drinking. Recommend!"

Each of us has several daily routes: in the morning to work, in the evening to the store, to take the child to the garden, to take an evening run or walk in the park. And during all these activities, we expend calories. But how to calculate exactly how much? How to measure the length of the route?

Calculator calculating calories by route offers a very simple and intuitive way to calculate the length of the route and how many calories were consumed: it is enough to indicate the required points on the map with the mouse, and the route will be automatically built and its length calculated.

Then it is enough to indicate your weight, click the calculate button - and it will be built Calories per km chart for running and walking... The graph will show the calorie consumption for different options walking and running along the selected route.

Walking is an ingeniously simple way to lose weight. Lose 5 pounds by walking daily for 10 weeks. Walking reduces hunger and burns calories without strict diets.

Make sure that you have I always had a comfortable pair of shoes with me then you can walk whenever you can.

Leave your car a couple of blocks before the meeting point... Park in the parking lot farthest from the entrance to your office or supermarket. This will take a few extra steps and make it easier to put the car down!

Try to walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator and escalator.

Stress recedes

Losing weight is difficult if you "seize" stress. In addition, in this state, the kilograms go off slowly. Daily walks in the fresh air - excellent stress prevention.

You burn calories

Walking burns approximately 300 calories per hour, but you also working for the future... The fact is that walking strengthens muscles, and the more muscle mass, the more active is the burning of calories.

Your appetite is suppressed

Physical activity of moderate intensity - these include walking - suppress hunger... If, after active running, carbohydrate stores are mainly consumed, and after a workout, you may be brutally hungry, then when walking, especially for a long time, from 30 to 60 minutes, energy is drawn from fat reserves. Fats burn, you don't want to eat - ideal for losing weight!

Most of us know that in an amicable way we should take 10,000 steps a day, and this is great if it comes only about health. However, research shows that need more steps if you want to use walking as a weight loss aid. Remember that all steps are taken into account - when walking, and when you take out the trash or go to the dining room.

The most convenient device - pedometer... All your steps will be under control. In addition, as practice shows, if you use it, then "out of sports interest" you begin to walk even more.

Walking very effective method losing weight, as you can easily avoid the temptation to skip a walk. Running or exercising at the fitness center may seem unaffordable on busy days, but you can talk yourself into taking a little walk, even if you're very tired.

Keywords 1 1

If you notice an error or inaccuracy, please write a comment, we will definitely answer.

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Losing weight people are usually interested in how many calories are spent when walking, since walking itself is started, as a rule, in order to increase energy expenditure.

From point of view common sense such an activity should seem ineffective, but for people with extreme obesity, this kind of physical activity may be the only acceptable one.

Calorie expenditure when walking

Walking will allow people who are not fit to run because of their health conditions to consume a certain amount of calories in excess of normal household and production costs. At the same time, walking can be combined with the road to work, shop, etc. You should not count on walking as an indispensable attribute of weight loss and, moreover, as a guarantee of indispensable weight loss.

Walking, as a means of losing weight, should be considered only in conjunction with a diet., while all types of energy expenditure (basic metabolism, industrial, household activity and walking) must ensure the excess of consumed calories over those supplied with food.

At the same time, based on stable and long-term weight loss, this excess, or imbalance (sometimes called a calorie deficit), should not exceed 400 kcal for women and 500 kcal for men (due to higher muscle mass).

Then any change in physical activity (including additional walking) should lead to a corresponding increase in food intake. This circumstance is usually perceived with suspicion and even rejected, but these are the laws of physiology with which you cannot argue. Too much imbalance will soon lead to a decrease in metabolic rate, followed by a decrease in the rate of weight loss. As a result, there will be a lot of movement, little food, and no plumb lines.

However, walking will not be "superfluous" - more food will provide sufficient supply nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements, dietary fiber, the enzyme system will work perfectly, you will be guaranteed excellent digestion.

Let us examine what, in fact, leads to the expenditure of energy when walking. When a person lies motionless (but at the same time is awake), and yesterday's food has already been digested, energy is spent only on vital processes (work of the heart, liver, kidneys, muscles and other organs), and the consumption is close to the level of basal metabolism (RBM), about 1 kcal / kg / min (this means that for every kilogram of body weight per minute, energy consumption is 1 kcal). At the same time, the pulse rate and the respiratory rate are minimal. When a person gets up, the energy expenditure increases and will exceed the SVR by 40% - additional energy is spent on pumping blood upward, keeping the body in balance, etc. oxygen requirements of the air.

And now attention - a person brings forward one leg and transfers body weight to it (makes the first step). The height of the center of gravity (CG) of a person (located at the level of the II sacral vertebra) decreases at the same time. Those who have not forgotten school geometry remember that the height of an isosceles triangle is always less than the length of two equal hips. In our case, the length of the base of the triangle is the length of the stride, and the length of the thigh is the length of the leg. (As an extreme case, imagine a person sitting on a twine - here the CG is the lowest).

As a first approximation, lowering the CG does not require energy consumption. But when a person pulls up the other leg, at this moment the height of the CG increases, which requires doing work against the gravity of the Earth, and you have to pay for this - with energy, i.e. calories. With a constant stride length, the CG makes a down / up movement for each walking cycle; when moving down, the accumulated energy is wasted uselessly; when moving up, one has to expend energy from the body's reserves.

You can walk at different speeds- from walking pace 3.5-4 km / h to brisk walking at a speed of 7-7.5 km / h, while the average speed of a pedestrian is considered to be 5-5.5 km / h. With an increase in walking speed, the cadence increases, and, accordingly, the energy consumption in terms of a minute or an hour. But what's interesting - energy consumption per kilometer is practically unchanged... This is not a paradox - this follows from the reasons discussed above for energy expenditure when walking.

This ratio is violated only at very brisk walking, but walking very fast (at a speed higher than 7-7.5 km / h) is irrational - running at such a speed turns out to be more economical than walking in terms of a kilometer of distance. (And cycling is even more economical - there is no cyclical increase in CG, you just have to overcome friction and air resistance).

It is usually customary to determine how many calories are burned per hour of walking, according to tables. Based on the foregoing, there is no special need in the tables - it is enough to know your weight and the distance traveled. Not only that, the tables will mislead you about the number of calories you are interested in. The fact is that in the tables, energy costs are given according to the results of instrumental measurements of the energy consumption of people of different weight at different walking speeds, i.e. basal metabolic rate is included in these values. Having walked 5 km in an hour, a person weighing 60 kg will consume about 210 kcal, while 60 kcal will be the main metabolism, and the consumption for walking will be 210 - 60 = 150 (kcal). Having "counted" 210 kcal as a reward for walking, he will count the hourly exchange of 60 kcal twice - once as part of the daily exchange 60 x 24 = 1440 kcal, and the second time for an hour of walking.

Energy consumption tables for different types activities were compiled with a completely different purpose than helping those who lose weight.

And now the numbers for the calculation are quite simple. For each kilometer of distance, a person spends when walking an amount of energy in kilocalories, numerically equal to half of his weight in kilograms. In this case, the weight should be indicated not the one that you measure in the morning on an empty stomach and without clothes, but real weight while walking, in clothes, shoes and with additional load, if you decide to make walking heavier or it happens (for example, you need to carry a backpack). So, the formula for calculating calories burned while walking:

0.5 x human weight (kg) x distance (km) = Kcal burned

Example: A person weighing 80 kg, walking 1.5 km every morning to his place of work, spends 0.5 x 80 x 1.5 = 60 (kcal) energy.

When walking uphill, energy consumption increases at the rate of 0.09 kcal / kg / km for each percentage of the steepness of the rise (you saw such percentages on road signs before going up or down).

Example: The person overcomes the rise of 12%. When calculating the calories burned, instead of the coefficient 0.5 kcal / kg / km, you should use the coefficient (0.5 + 0.09 x 12) = 1.58 (kcal / kg / km).

Basically, the level of basal metabolism depends on the temperature and humidity of the air, which we do not include in the calories consumed when walking. Of course, these factors affect the comfort of walking.

If you count steps with a pedometer, then you can either convert steps to meters based on your stride length, or calculate the energy cost of 1000 steps, again based on energy consumption per 1 km. The length of the stride can be determined by experience, for example, walking a distance of 100 m, marked in any stadium, or the whole circle (400 m).

The stride length of a person of average height is usually 0.6-0.8 m, lower values ​​refer to slow walking, higher values ​​to fast. You can also calculate your stride length based on your height as 41% of your height, or take it equal to 0.7 m.As a result, the formula for calculating calories by the number of steps is:

(Number of steps x stride length (m)) x 0.5 x human weight (kg) = Kcal burned

Example: A man (80 kg) walked 10,000 steps on a pedometer in a day. In kilometers, this is 10,000 steps x 0.7 m = 7,000 m = 7 km. Based on a distance of 7 km and a known weight, the calorie consumption is calculated: 7 km x 0.5 x 80 kg = 280 Kcal.

I must say that the pedometer, with its serviceability and accurate accounting of steps, will be more accurate than calorie consumption calculators that calculate energy consumption by heart rate. The pulse rate from the walking speed is highly dependent on the degree of fitness of the person, which the device simply cannot know. Although the accuracy of the pedometer is also limited by the lack of knowledge of the true efficiency of the muscles involved in walking, i.e. their ability to convert metabolic energy (obtained from food) into physical energy. Usually this coefficient is not higher than 20-30%, the rest of the energy is converted into heat - when you walk fast, you will be hot.

During operation, the pedometer should be fixed in the place where it most accurately perceives movement, i.e. counts step by step, not two as one or one as two.

Usually, the pedometer is attached to the belt on the left in the middle of the thigh.

Calorie counters are built into exercise machines " treadmill»Fitness centers, which can be used for walking, if for some reason it is impossible to walk in a park, forest belt, etc. These counters, as a rule, require preliminary adjustment (weight and age), and when walking, they take into account how many calories are burned, according to the above rule (0.5 kcal per kilogram of body weight when walking 1 km), but again, plus to the obtained value of the basal metabolic rate (also calculated by weight).

The fitness bracelet has a built-in motion sensor - an accelerometer. The smartphone, on which the special application should be installed, receives the sensor readings via the Bluetooth wireless network and translates them into steps. And then there is a recalculation of steps in kilometers and calories according to the weight, height and age specified by the user when starting the application. It is clear that in this case, too, the accuracy of estimating the consumed calories is very low.

An accelerometer can also be built into a smartphone, but here the error is even greater, since the smartphone should be worn in a place where the accelerometer will feel the vibrations caused by walking, for example, in a pants pocket. All such devices are designed for walking or running, and their readings are even more unreliable in fitness training mode.

At rest, lying down, the pulse of a person is minimal and is called, respectively, the resting pulse. While doing physical work, to ensure the increased demand of the body for oxygen, the heart begins to beat faster, and the increase in the pulse rate in the first approximation is proportional to the power of the work performed (while at a low load, the heart rate is restrained by an increase in the volume of blood ejected by the heart into the aorta in one contraction, and only then, when the stroke volume reaches its limit, an increase in the load occurs only due to an increase in the pulse).

E = 0.002 x M x T x (P - PP)

where E - energy consumption in kcal, M - body weight in kg, T - walking time in minutes, PP - resting pulse, and P - pulse during movement in beats per minute. What is interesting about this formula is that it does not include the distance traveled, nor the speed, nor the steepness of the ascent - all this is taken into account by the heart rate.

Heart rate can be measured by manual counting or electronic heart rate monitor, several times in the direction of travel, and take the average.

Example: A person with a weight of 70 kg walked a certain distance in 15 minutes, with a pulse rate of 90 beats / min, a resting heart rate of 65 beats / min. Energy consumption is 0.002 x 70 x 15 x (90 - 65) = 52 (kcal).

Such a calculation is also approximate, since the loss of calories when walking depends on the degree of fitness of a person (in trained people, in comparison with less trained people, performing the same work requires less increase in heart rate), and the heart rate monitor is not able to estimate it, some information is lost.

There are also online calculators that allow you to calculate how many calories you burn when walking in an hour or so. These walking calorie expenditure calculators typically require weight, walking time, and distance traveled to be entered, and may be based on different algorithms because there is no single method for calculating how many calories you burn when walking for the reasons described above.

Hello my dear readers! Many do not have enough time for sports. And not everyone is physically capable of running on the street or pulling pieces of iron in the gym. But if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, the extra pounds will not leave you alone. Just don't despair. Better go walking! How many calories are lost when walking? Let me tell you.

It turns out that walking is a wonderful sport. Yes, walking is a sport. The benefits of it are special. After all, she trains all the same muscles as running. At the same time, it does not have a negative effect on the knee joints. Plus, it improves the work of the heart, saturates our cells with oxygen. Everyone can walk: fat and thin, old and young.

Many people are not indifferent to the topic of weight loss. Fighting the hated pounds while sitting is very difficult. Forcing yourself to exercise is even more difficult. But to go for a walk in the evening after work is as easy as shelling pears!

Of course, shopping is not enough to lose weight. How many calories are burned per hour of walking depends on:

  • presence / absence of additional equipment (walking sticks, weights);
  • your weight;
  • your age;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • pace;
  • duration;
  • roads (it's harder to go uphill);
  • intensity of hand movement.

It is clear that if you walk fast, more calories will be spent than if you walk slowly. Plus, classes are best done in a park or in the forest. The load will immediately increase due to irregularities on the road.

For 1 hour of walking, you can burn 200 kilocalories or more. You can independently calculate how many calories your body will spend.

For one kilogram of weight, each person spends during an hour when walking:

  • at an average pace (4 km / h) 3.2 kcal;
  • at a fast pace (6 km / h) 4.5 kcal;
  • almost jogging (8 km / h) 10 kcal;

There is also a handy sign where you can see how much you will spend depending on your body weight and walking speed.

3 km / h 126 138 150 163 175 187 201 213 226
4 km / h 160 177 192 209 224 240 257 272 288
5 km / h 184 202 221 239 258 276 295 312 331
6 km / h 217 238 262 283 304 326 349 369 392
7 km / h 291 321 351 379 409 439 467 496 526
8 km / h 374 410 449 487 523 562 598 636 673
9 km / h 480 530 577 625 674 722 769 818 866

That is, with a weight of 55 kg and walking at an average speed, you will lose 202 kcal per hour.

It is quite inconvenient to count all this. After all, you still need to correctly assess the speed. Knowing the exact distance traveled makes it easy to calculate your speed. And if not? Count your steps per minute? You will get tired of this more than walking!

I recommend using a fitness bracelet. You put it on your hand, and he counts how much has passed. For me, this is a convenient and simple electronic pedometer.

Although there are certainly many applications for a smartphone - I downloaded it free of charge, installed it and use it. They write that they count the distance traveled, speed and the number of calories lost. But is it so convenient? No matter how many programs I tried, they gave out a huge error. I walk 10 steps, and he counts 7 or does not understand at all that I am walking. So you have to choose - toil with a free program, or buy a specialized device.

You don't have to start walking fast for 3 hours a day right away. Especially if you are not 20 years old and you weigh not 50 kg. Start by walking for an hour at a slow pace. Then increase the pace for 5 minutes, then for 10 minutes, and so on. Gradually, you will begin to walk for 1 hour at an average pace. Want to spend more energy? Then increase the pace again and add time.

The main rule is to walk for at least an hour. Fat when walking begins to be burned no earlier than forty minutes. Our body is extremely thrifty and first spends the available carbohydrates.

Also, do not forget not to exercise immediately after eating. The optimal time to exercise is one hour after eating. And when you're done, don't rush to the food. Drink some water. You can afford an apple or a banana shake.

Remember to breathe as you walk. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is also important to quit smoking. It negatively affects respiration and the cardiovascular system. Shortness of breath and even dizziness will appear.

Give yourself a nice gift. Buy nice athletic uniforms and comfortable running shoes. Better yet, buy special clothing to help burn fat. For example, slimming breeches. They create a sauna effect and help you lose weight many times faster.

There are several ways to increase the load. Race walking will make you sweat. But this is a super-effective way to get rid of extra centimeters. The tummy will be flat, and the buttocks will be a feast for the eyes.

Wave your arms to work your upper body. This will increase the exertion and walking speed.

Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 ° and swing your arms back and forth.

Is it easy for you to walk and don't you get tired? Try adding weight. This will increase the intensity and challenge your muscles. Avoid wearing weights on your wrists and legs. They can change your gait, posture and increase your risk of injury.

Instead, bring a backpack or a weighted vest. If you decide to carry a backpack, fill it with water, sand, or plain cat litter. This will distribute the weight evenly.

If the weather does not allow you to go outside, walk up the stairs or at home on the spot. Do a little warm-up first. How many calories are spent with these types of workouts, read the article "Workout options for weight loss."

It is one of the best ways to increase your calories burned. It is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. At the same time, the result is incredible. Nordic walking uses 90% of the muscles in our body and increases calorie consumption by up to 46% than normal walking. The poles help reduce stress on the ankle, knee and hip joints.

Itself recently acquired such sticks. I noticed that the load on the legs doubled and the muscles of the arms and upper back were connected.

Girls, everything works, the main thing is not to be lazy. After training, you feel that you have run several kilometers. Even my back with my osteochondrosis began to hurt less. I really recommend this walking to everyone. For more information on how many calories are spent and how to exercise properly, read a separate article on Nordic walking with weight-loss poles.

If it is not possible to walk outside, then walking on a treadmill is most optimal. On average, a person walks at a speed of 4-5 km per hour. To lose weight and get in good physical shape, you need to increase your pace and walk from 5.5 to 6.5 km per hour. By increasing the pace, you will spend about a third more calories. Only it is not worth increasing the more, tk. it will no longer be walking but running. And this is another story, about which I wrote in the article how many calories are lost when running 😉

Walk on uneven ground: grass, trails, gravel, sand, or snow. For example, walking in the snow increases your calorie consumption by 2-3 times.

And with flippers, an even more effective workout 🙂

You can also walk up the stairs or just up the hill. You can walk with your back forward. Or change the pace. Maybe you know some other ways? Be sure to write comments. And subscribe to my blog. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Olga Sologub

PS: If you want variety and increase your calorie consumption, then I recommend finding out how many calories cycling burns 🙂

Convenient article navigation:

Calorie consumption when walking (online calculation)

The health benefits of walking

While walking, the main muscle groups are involved, so this process has a positive effect on health and helps to stay in good shape. The more and faster you move, the more energy you use up and the more active the blood flow. Read more about the benefits of walking below.

Why is walking useful?

Hiking - The best way get rid of unnecessary thoughts and improve overall well-being. If you do them regularly, then:

  • Strengthen three vital systems: muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular;
  • Increase the speed of blood movement through the veins, which protects against varicose veins and promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • You can stay in excellent physical form, after all, after walking only one and a half kilometers at a moderate pace, spend 100 kcal;
  • Avoid the occurrence of stagnant processes in the small pelvis;
  • Eliminate the likelihood of developing somatic diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, walking makes the body more resilient, strengthens the immune system and ensures healthy sleep.

How to walk, when and how much?

If you decide to make walking an integral part of your life, then it should be based on 3 principles:

  • No harm. The length and speed of walking should be appropriate for your fitness. Do not overpower yourself;
  • Gradually. Make walks longer and faster should be progressive;
  • Regularly. Compliance with the regime is mandatory! The best way to do this is to create your own hiking schedule.

If you care about your health, then walk whenever you can. For example, skip public transportation if your place of work is close to your home. As for the time, even a short morning walk can give vigor for the whole day, and an evening walk is a reliable guarantee of a sound sleep.

There are several types of walking:

  • Walking tour with low speed and duration from 20 minutes;
  • Sports, suggesting fast pace and the duration is not less than 35 minutes;
  • On-site, serving as an alternative to walking;
  • On the stairs, capable of strengthening the muscles of the legs with daily approaches lasting from 20 minutes.

When choosing a type of walking, it is necessary to take into account the state of health and the level of physical fitness. In addition, a combination of several types is possible.

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