Tatyana Rogatina: fitness for problem areas. Workouts for problem areas from Tatyana Rogina for beginners and advanced Waist zones

According to an online survey of the Cosmo.ru website, most girls would like to tone their thigh muscles, tighten their buttocks and reduce their waist. There is nothing easier. Perform these problem area exercises three times a week and problem areas will turn into problem-free!



Initial position: lying on your back, feet shoulder width apart. Only due to the tension of the abdominal muscles, tear your shoulders and left leg off the floor (toe extended). The left hand is behind the head, the right hand is raised up.

To the TIME account: Bend your left leg at the knee and pull it towards your stomach. At the same time, reach the outer side of the left thigh with your right hand.

On account of TWO

Repeat 30 times on each side.


Starting position: lying on the left side. The legs are bent at the knees, the right leg is extended forward. Emphasis with the right palm on the floor (fingertips look at the chest), support the head with the left hand.

To the TIME account: Raise up using your right arm: your torso and left arm should be off the floor. At the same time, place your right foot on top of your left. Hold this position for a few seconds.

On account of TWO: Return to starting position.

Do 30 repetitions in each direction.

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Working on the back of the thigh

Starting position: standing on all fours, legs together, emphasis on the palms. Lift your right knee off the floor.

To the TIME account: stretch the right leg back, the foot is turned to the side, the toe is extended. Hold this position for a few seconds.

On account of TWO: Return to starting position. Repeat 30 times with each leg.

Working on the inner thigh

Starting position: standing on all fours, emphasis on the palms. The right palm rests on top of the left. Shift your weight onto your left leg and arm.

To the TIME account: Raise your right leg so that it is parallel to the floor. Slightly bend it at the knee and take it to the side. Right hand up.

On account of TWO: return to IP.

Do 30 reps with each leg.

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PROBLEM AREA 3: Buttocks

Bow and arrows

I.P .: lying on your stomach, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend at the knees. Grab your feet with your hands. Important: the chest is off the floor.

To the TIME account: straighten your left leg and fix it a few centimeters from the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

On account of TWO: Return to starting position. This is one repeat.

Do 30 on each side.


I.P .: lying down, this is a slightly modified plank position. Legs are spread shoulder-width apart, emphasis on the elbows. The right knee and the toe of the left foot are on the floor.

To the TIME account: bend the left leg too and tear it off 9-15 cm from the floor, the socks are extended. Hold this position for a few seconds.

On account of TWO: Return to starting position.

Repeat 30 times. Now on the other leg

Tatyana Rohatina is one of the trainers who skillfully combine already known exercises and come up with their own in order to get the most effective complexes aimed at solving a specific problem.

"Fitness for problem areas" - a program for your perfection

So, one of the programs that Tatyana Rogatina compiled - “Fitness for problem areas” - helps to correct the “weakest” areas of the female figure as soon as possible.

First of all, this is the lower part of the arms, inner thighs, calf muscles, waist, chest and back. The muscles located in these areas do not receive the necessary load in the course of our normal life, and therefore, over time, they weaken, sag and are often covered with a layer of adipose tissue. Therefore, they require special attention. But in the process of competent study of "problem" zones, the rest of the muscles are also trained, due to which the body becomes toned and strong.

In the process of competent study of "problem" zones, the rest of the muscles are also trained, due to which the body becomes toned and strong.

Fitness with Tatyana Rogatina is a professional workout that every woman can organize for herself today within the walls of her own home. Having rich experience in working with people, Tatyana records competent video lessons in which she clearly and consistently explains the features of each exercise. Following her instructions and repeating the movements that are shown in the video, you can get no less effective load than when visiting the gym.

Fitness with Tatyana Rogatina is a professional workout that every woman can organize for herself today within the walls of her own home.

We invite you to see with your own eyes what fitness is with Tatyana Rogatina, the video of which is attached to this article. You can immediately start repeating the exercises she suggested or watch the video first to better understand the principle of their implementation. The main thing is to tune in to serious work and train with full dedication, as if the coach were present at your lesson in person.

Waist and abs with Tatyana Rogatina

Dear girls and women, we bring to your attention a wonderful and very necessary workout for the waist and abs. Often, looking at ourselves in the mirror, we are quite satisfied with the upper part of our body. But lowering your gaze lower, the mood drops a little, doesn't it? Our problem areas are called that because they lose weight the slowest. A person loses weight from above, and only then the turn comes to the abdomen, hips and buttocks. But, if you set a goal for yourself, go towards it persistently and without giving up, then the results will definitely come! First I want to say that only from strengthening the muscles, fat from the abdomen will not go anywhere! He will remain under your wonderful pressure. Therefore, along with strengthening the abdominal and waist muscles, do not forget to do fat burning workouts! In the Jillian Michaels section, we find the workout “Flat stomach in 6 weeks” and take note. We recommend alternating it with the workout presented here to strengthen the muscles of the waist and abs. We also recommend twisting the hoop for the best effect. Start with 10 min. per day and reach 30-40 min. Use hoops with nozzles and weights only according to the instructions!

All together will bring amazing results!

Duration of the video “Fitness for problem areas - waist and abs” - 48 min. In the beginning, a full warm-up, which will prepare your body for the load. The lesson includes lifting the torso, legs, twisting. At the end, the obligatory stretching of the muscles that were at work.

We will be grateful if you leave your feedback about the program “Fitness for problem areas - waist and abs” below.

Reading time: 25 min

A thin waist has always been a sign of a feminine and beautiful figure. Many of the fair sex strive for smooth curves and a graceful transition from the chest to the hips.

In this article, we will answer the most popular questions about this female problem area. How can I reduce the waist and what to do if the waist does not decrease? What waist exercises can and cannot be done? And also we will offer you an effective set of exercises for burning fat, reducing the waist and eliminating the sides.

The whole truth about how to reduce the waist

The waist is one of the most problematic areas of the body for girls, where fat accumulates very easily and an increase in volume occurs. At the same time, the zone of the waist and sides is one of those very parts of the body that very difficult to correct and which cannot simply be “pumped up” with numerous exercises. Moreover, there is an opinion that it is better not to play sports at all and avoid strength exercises so as not to make the waist "square".

With an increase in weight, it is often the waist that begins to "float" one of the first, the sides and the so-called "ears" appear. Of course, there are girls who keep their waist even when they get better. Usually these are the owners of the figure "pears" and "hourglass" (or magic photoshop):

But most often, with an increase in the percentage of fat in the body, the waist increases greatly in volume, and beautiful curves disappear:

Therefore, the first rule for those who want to get a narrow waist is reduce the overall percentage of body fat. How to do it? Very simple. Start eating a balanced diet, reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates and fast food, increase activity and physical activity. In other words, to force the body to spend fat, and not save.

But how to make the body begin to lose weight specifically in the waist area? It is very difficult to burn fat reserves in a certain "problem" zone. Whatever exercises you do, get ready for the fact that the body will lose weight entirely. Fat will melt gradually on all parts of your body, somewhere slower, somewhere faster. Forcing the body to reduce specifically the waist area is almost impossible.

So, how to reduce the waist and remove the sides:

  • Eat a calorie deficit and stick to a healthy diet so your body starts to break down fat.
  • Do cardio exercises to speed up fat burning.
  • Perform exercises for the cortex (muscle corset) to tighten muscles and model beautiful lines of the body.

But for most people, this approach to reducing the waist may seem too banal. Especially when the Internet is replete with such handy tips as: "magic waist corset - just wear and lose weight", "special diet for the waist for 10 days", "twist the hoop for 5 minutes a day, and in a week you will reduce your waist by 10 cm". But we will immediately stipulate there are no magic methods and magic exercises for the waist. Most of the methods that are offered on the Internet are absolutely useless in terms of reducing the waist and eliminating the sides.

The editors of the women's portal site have selected the best and most effective fitness video lessons for our readers. We bring to your attention online sets of effective exercises to reduce the volume of the hips, slimming legs, getting rid of cellulite, giving relief to the muscles of the chest, arms, abdomen and the appearance of the press.

Problems in these areas are found in many women, but getting rid of them is not so easy. Fitness for problem areas is the ideal solution for getting rid of fat and cellulite in a short time. Exercises are aimed at working out individual muscle groups, for example, the inner, outer, back or front side of the thighs, the area above the knees, various muscles of the abdomen, triceps.

Each complex is designed for 5-15 minutes, does not take much time and effort. You can watch fitness lessons and choose the exercises that you need the most, combine them, doing 2-4 sets daily. This approach will allow you to train different muscle groups, using different approaches, which is always the most effective.

Fitness exercises help in a short time to work out the press, the “breeches” zone, remove the “ears” on the hips, etc. Perform a set of these simple exercises daily with a fitness instructor, and you will notice how in a couple of months your figure will become smart and harmony, and small female problems will disappear .. Workouts are loaded very quickly, and you can choose different complexes every day, so we recommend that you add this page to your Bookmarks.

Exercises for problem areas: hips and buttocks

Fitness for problem areas: abs + arms + getting rid of cellulite (Part 1)

Fitness for problem areas: abs + arms + getting rid of cellulite (Part 2)

Fitness for problem areas: abs + arms + getting rid of cellulite (Part 3)

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Exercises for the muscles of the outer side of the thigh

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