Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels 8. Gymnastics for strengthening blood vessels

lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient's well-being. There is a decrease in vascular tone. The causes of such disorders are manifold: stress, genetic predisposition, various chronic diseases.

To normalize the patient's well-being, various methods of traditional and non-traditional therapy are applicable. Massage, acupuncture, breathing exercises can be used as an auxiliary method of influence.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels has proven itself well as a method of influence. By type, fairly simple techniques ensure the normalization of blood flow and help to establish the blood circulation throughout the body. Such exercises allow you to return the required tone of the capillaries and give elasticity to the vessels.

The complex of trainings according to the Chinese method always begins with exercises for the capillaries - this is the peculiarity of the method. The main role in the process of blood circulation is assigned precisely to small vessels, with their help all cells of the human body are supplied with oxygen.

If there are any violations in certain areas, the cells will not receive a vital portion of oxygen. Against a similar background, various diseases of the cardiovascular system and other internal organs appear.

Professor Hu Xiao Fei, the developer of the exercise method, says that vascular gymnastics is not only a remedy for treatment, but also a method of preventing the manifestation of various ailments. You need to start performing such techniques as early as possible - the result will not be long in coming.

Chinese gymnastics is the most popular among patients. Patients who have tried the effectiveness on themselves assure that an improvement in well-being occurs after the first lesson. Nevertheless, many report certain difficulties - you need to perform the exercises according to a clear scheme, otherwise there will be no result.

Attention! Chinese vascular techniques help maintain tone regardless of age. This skill is comprehensible to all patients without limitation.

It is possible to master the rules for performing the exercises, but still it is better to take lessons on how to perform from high-level specialists in order to understand all the subtleties. The cost of such classes is high, but the methods can be found in the course of the video lessons.

The video in this article will familiarize patients with some of the features of gymnastics.

There are several methods for normalizing the work of blood vessels:

  • Niches;
  • Hu Xiao Fei;
  • Yangsheng Gong.

The most popular and widespread is the Nishi method. The main exercises focus on providing the processes of supplying oxygen to the brain. The main one is vibration.

The peculiarity of the classes is that you need to start performing them immediately after waking up. The developer assures that it is at this moment that it is necessary to provide vascular tone and saturate the tissues with oxygen.

For reference! As an effective addition to the described method of treatment, many experts recommend (pictured). Simple asanas will not only help eliminate stress and relieve muscle tension, but will also help the patient to cleanse themselves on an emotional level.

During all exercises, the breathing process should be monitored. The instruction must be followed unquestioningly - only in this case, positive results can be achieved. Some experts argue that Chinese gymnastics in combination with yoga allows you to defeat hypertension.

Method principle

Systematic actions are aimed at dispersing blood through the body. The task is to ensure the normal circulation of blood through the vessels and to ensure its flow to the internal organs to supply them with oxygen.

Such actions ensure the elimination of stagnant and inflammatory phenomena, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, and remove cholesterol from the body.

Fact! The advantage of the Chinese technique is that it can be used by different groups of people, regardless of age group.

One should not think that pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are the lot of old people. Representatives of young people also face such ailments.

The effect of Chinese gymnastics on the human body is discussed in the table.

How the techniques work on the human body
Action Description
and strengthening the walls.The processes of cleansing the vessels from various accumulations take place.
. By stabilizing the blood supply processes, the manifestations of varicose veins are eliminated.
Stabilization of blood pressure indicators.They help to cope with arterial hypertension of the 1st and 2nd stages.
Normalization of the heart.Various anomalies of the heart are eliminated.
Restoring psycho-emotional balance.Decreases excitability, anxiety disappears.
Elimination of hypoxia.The blood is saturated with oxygen.
Improving blood composition.The qualitative composition of blood changes against the background of long-term use of the technique.
Acceleration of regeneration processes.The healing process of abrasions and scratches is accelerated.
Improving blood supply to parts of the body distant from the heart.Symptoms such as numbness of the limbs disappear.

The main areas of study

Chinese gymnastics is not like the usual physical activity, therefore, many patients experience certain difficulties in the process of familiarizing themselves with the technique.

The complexes are focused on achieving the following goals:

  1. Normalization of the heart rate. Already after the first sessions, patients notice a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate.
  2. Improving brain function. Increased concentration of attention is provided, dizziness is eliminated.
  3. Blood circulation in the legs improves. Techniques help to cope with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. The swelling of the extremities disappears, pains "from fatigue" appear less often, the feeling of heaviness disappears.
  4. Strengthening and healing the blood vessels of the whole body. The process of removing fatty alcohol from the body is accelerated, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

Gymnastics will be beneficial only if the basic rules are strictly followed. The wrong actions will not only reduce efficiency, they can also harm the human body. Before proceeding with the exercises, the patient must study the subtleties of their implementation and tune in to undergo a full course of recovery.

Attention should be paid not to the fact that for the entire period of training, one should stop drinking alcohol and get rid of nicotine addiction. Normalizing the diet and walking in the fresh air will benefit the body.

What is important to know

The principles of performing the exercises are difficult enough to betray in words. A person must see with his own eyes the correct technique.

Nevertheless, before you start watching valuable video materials, you should consider the basic rules for using the technique:

  • it is forbidden to increase the load abruptly, the patient should not feel severe fatigue;
  • it is important to control the heart rate after completing tasks - it should not exceed 120 beats per minute;
  • if you feel unwell, classes should be postponed; if the patient has heart pains after exercise, the doctor will determine the expediency of further studies;
  • classes are carried out on an empty stomach.

Chinese methods believe that the thoughts and actions of a person must coincide - this is the only way to get the result. That is, the patient should perform exercises not only with the aim of deriving benefits for his health, he should enjoy the process.

Hello dear readers. When the archive of the professor of Moscow State University G. N. Matyushin was discovered, in one of his books several pages of tissue paper were found, on which the Chinese health-improving gymnastics Do Ying was described, reprinted from the magazine "China", issue - September 1956.

The text turned out to be rare and therefore very valuable. This type of gymnastics is incredibly effective, so all readers of my blog should know about it.

Simple gymnastics against serious illnesses

With the help of a new one, you can heal without drugs from many diseases, such as stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, neurasthenia.

Deputy director of the Baidakhe sanatorium, Liu-Gui-Chzhen, he himself healed from many diseases absolutely without drugs, only with the help of these trainings and became their adherent, as well as a distributor.

When he worked in the village of Khabei, due to serious ailments, he began to weigh only 38 kg. Chinese and European doctors tried to treat him, but they could not recover.

When he returned home, on the advice of Liu-Ju-Chou, he began to heal himself using the method of Chinese gymnastics.

The old peasant advised me to live alone in a small hut in complete silence. Fulfilling all his advice, after 100 days he forgot what a stomach ulcer, tuberculosis was, only neurasthenia remained, but he was already able to go to work. Everyone was so surprised by this miracle.

When he began to study this method from Liu-Ju-Chou, he said that Hao-Fei-Wu, who lived in 1644, knew the breathing training program. Having mastered the new technique, he went to the province of Habei to treat the sick.

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, he treated 115 patients with stomach ulcers, 90% of them recovered.

So far, it has not been possible to explain why this method works this way. But experience shows that thanks to this treatment, the brain is calmed and the internal organs begin to work.
With this method, all the advantages of physical education and hypnosis are used, metabolism is enhanced, restoring the work of internal organs, and healing their ailments.

Chinese Wellness Gymnastics Exercises

1. Exercise to provide the body with oxygen

Close your eyes, remove unnecessary thoughts. Squeeze your hands into fists, the thumbs inside are easily covered by the rest, put on your hips, stand straight without touching the table or wall, press your tongue to the palate.

Concentrate on the lower abdomen. Take 50 breaths through the nose (at first, breathe freely, after a while switch to deep breathing).

At the end of the exercise, return the tongue to its place.

Blood circulation improves, blood stagnation goes away, the body gets rid of carbon dioxide and is supplied with oxygen, eliminating the lack of oxygen.

2. Exercise for the ears

With two fingers, massage the auricles from bottom to top 18 times. Then, squeeze your ears with your palms so that your fingers are on the back of your head.

Then, with your index finger, beat the middle one 36 times, you will hear the sound "DUN - DUN".

Removes headache, tinnitus, activates the cerebral cortex, protects against deafness, heals from dizziness.

3. Exercise for teeth

Concentrate, strike your teeth 36 times (lightly), helps to strengthen the teeth.

4. Exercise for the mouth

Hold the tongue in the mouth 18 times in one direction, then in the other, swallow saliva.

5. Exercise for the throat

Close your mouth, accumulate saliva, rinse 38 times. After that, swallow the saliva in three sips. While swallowing, mentally force the saliva to pass to the lower abdomen.

Protects against the appearance of bitterness in the mouth, roughness of the tongue, heals sore throats, moistens the stomach and intestines with saliva, helping digestion.

6. Exercise for the nose

Rub the outer sides of the thumbs until warm, then massage the wings of the nose 18 times with hot fingers.

Protects against the occurrence of a runny nose, improves blood supply to the upper respiratory tract.

7. Exercise for the eyes

Close eyes. Warm the middle joints of the thumbs by rubbing them against each other. After that, massage the upper eyelids 18 times. Then 18 times massage the eyebrows with the outer side of the thumbs, close the eyes, make 18 circular movements with the eyeballs to the left, then to the right.

Exercise improves vision, memory, and calms the nervous system. Prevents eye diseases.

8. Exercise for the face

Rub your palms to warm up, massage your face, moving your palms up and down 36 times, as when washing your face, touching not only the protruding parts, but also the depressions.

Prevents the appearance of wrinkles, improves vision, improves the action of the facial nerve, strengthens the teeth.

9. Exercise for the head

With your hands, grab a part of the neck from the back of the head, lifting your head, look up. Try to bend the neck down with your hands, and prevent it with your neck.
Repeat up to 9 times.

Improves the movement of cerebrospinal fluid, as well as blood circulation in the head, heals insomnia, dizziness, pain in the shoulders.

10. Exercise for the shoulders

With the palm of your left hand, grab your right shoulder, carry out 18 circular movements with your shoulder, also do it with your right hand.

Helps with insomnia, joint inflammation, improves blood circulation, soothes the nerves.

11. Exercise for the spine

Palms in fists, arms bent at the elbows, raise them to shoulder level, swing to the right and left 18 times in each direction.

Strengthens internal organs, improves blood circulation, restores lung elasticity.

12. Exercise for the lower back

Rub your palms to warm up, then massage the lower back 18 times with each hand.

Improves blood supply, relieves pain in the lumbar region, calms nerves, removes diseases of the genital organs.

13. Exercise for the tailbone

With the index or middle fingers of the hands, massage on both sides of the tailbone 36 times at each reception.

Exercise protects against hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, genital diseases.

14. Exercise for knees

With both hands, massage with each knee 100 times.

Strengthens the legs and joints, soothes the nerves, helps with inflammation of the joints.

15. Exercise for the lower abdomen

Rub your palms to warm, then do it with your left hand 100 times. Warm your hands again, do the same massage, but only with your right hand.

Massage helps better absorption of food.

16. Exercise for the feet

With the left hand, massage in the middle of the foot (only across) the right leg in 100 passes, then change the arm and leg.

17. Exercise for the upper torso

Sit cross-legged (palms folded). Turn the upper part of the body 18 times from left to right, do the same to the other side. The inhalation is done when returning to the starting position.

Breathing improves, blood runs better through the veins, helps with back pain, liver and reproductive system diseases.

18. Exercise to improve general well-being

Sit down, straighten your legs, lift your toes up. Stretch your arms, palms out, reach your toes. When bending over, exhale. Inhale - when unbending, while the palms of the hands are turned inward. Do it 36 ​​times.

Blood circulation improves, lung elasticity improves, heart muscles are strengthened, excess fat in the abdominal cavity disappears. The mobility of the diaphragm is enhanced.

19. Exercise to improve vision

Keep your head straight, your left hand is raised to the level of the face, the palm is straight, turned to the face, the middle finger is at the level of the tip of the nose, look at it.

Slowly move your hand away, do not take your eyes off the finger. Stretching out your hand fully, then slowly bring it closer. Do the exercise 5 times.

Improves vision, blood circulation in the eye muscles, reduces hyperopia, especially in elderly people.

20. Exercise - Squat

Put your feet shoulder-width apart, do a low squat until you touch your calves. Do it 3-4 times.

21. Exercise for the legs

Get up, raise your arms to the shoulder line, stand, then lower it with your hands, repeat 5 times for each leg.

Strengthens legs, trains balance.

Benefits of training


  • do not require excessive stress,
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, nerves and muscles,
  • all parts of the body are involved in movement, so Do-In, the Chinese health-improving gymnastics, has a healing effect,
  • for patients, the treatment time is significantly reduced,

The course of treatment is 90 days.

The centuries-old experience of Chinese traditional medicine has been embodied in a simple but effective system of health-improving qigong gymnastics, which is a combination of elementary methods for controlling breathing and body movement.

Back in the 3rd century BC, the Chinese suggested that breathing is what directly connects the human body with its environment (universe).

Health-improving qigong gymnastics is based on the ancient Chinese doctrine of the harmonious relationship between man and nature. One of the most important elements of this interaction is breathing. According to the Chinese sages, many diseases of the human body originate precisely from disharmony with nature. As a result of a conscious, harmonious interaction of man with nature, vitality and internal energy are born. The Chinese call this life-giving energy invisible to the human eye qi.

Qi is a universal energy that gives rise to all elements of life and nourishes both the physical and spiritual world of a person.

Qigong teaches that qi is deliberately brought into our body through breathing. Receiving the life-giving energy of the Universe through breathing, you can restore the weakened forces of the body, heal from many serious diseases, strengthen the immune system and increase your own energy. Qigong is not only a philosophical teaching, but also a number of specific physical exercises.

The complex of remedial gymnastics, which is part of qigong therapy, includes a special diaphragmatic breathing. This gymnastics is based on breathing exercises, which even a child can master.

Wellness qigong exercises are most effective in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system and does not require a lot of time and effort. Exercises of qigong therapy not only have a healing effect, but also allow you to relax, "distract" from everything and tune in to a philosophical mood.

A set of introductory exercises

Exercise 1. "Breath of a toad"

Starting position - sitting on a chair, legs wide apart and knees bent at approximately 90 degrees. The man clenches his right hand into a fist, which he grabs with his left hand. The woman does the opposite - she clenches her fist on her left hand and grabs it with her right.

Rest your elbows on your knees and tilt your body forward, and bow your head on your fist. Relax, close your eyes a little and concentrate. Breathing helps in this: you need to take a deep, deep breath, as if throwing off all the accumulated life burden, remember something pleasant and rejoice again.

You should gradually disconnect from extraneous noises, voices and completely concentrate on breathing. Take deep breaths to the very "abdomen", and exhale the air slowly and evenly, so that all the muscles of the abdominal cavity relax. During breathing, the chest should not rise and fall; breathe in the stomach.

Then breathe in deeply again, "fill" the whole stomach with clean air, hold your breath for 2 seconds and breathe in again, and then exhale slowly.

Repeat this exercise as many times as possible in 15 minutes.

After completion, in no case open your eyes sharply, as your head may turn dizzy. You need to slowly raise your head, rub your palms against each other in front of your chest, massage your head with your fingers, and only then open your eyes completely. Clench both hands into fists, stretch sweetly, take a deep breath.

Exercise 2. "Lotus"

IP is the same. Put your hands in front of you between your legs at the abdomen. A man puts his right hand on his left, and a woman - vice versa. The torso does not touch the back of the chair, the shoulders are straightened, the back is straight. The chin is slightly lowered, the eyes are half-closed. The tip of the tongue touches the palate lightly. The muscles of the whole body should be relaxed. You need to try to disconnect from the outside world, think about the good. With an inhalation, relax even more, by all means watching the breathing process. Breathing is regulated in three stages:

The first stage lasts 5 minutes. Breathing is deep, even, silent. Make sure that neither the chest nor the abdomen rise;

The second stage also lasts 5 minutes. Only exhalation is controlled. The inhalation is arbitrary, and the exhalation is smooth, long and silent. All muscles should be completely relaxed;

The third stage is the longest - about 10 minutes. Neither inhalation nor exhalation is controlled. You need to breathe naturally, not paying attention to any breathing parameters. By the beginning of this period, you should already be half asleep, and all your thoughts are somewhere far away ...

As in the previous exercise, you should come out of this state gradually.

Exercise 3. "A toad jumps over a wave"

IP - lying on your back, on the bed, under your head there is a small pillow. The legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees, the feet do not come off the bed surface. Put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest.

When inhaling, "stick out" the chest, pulling in the stomach, while exhaling - vice versa. All movements of the abdomen and chest should be natural. The duration of the exercise is 10-15 minutes.

A set of basic qigong exercises

Having mastered the complex of introductory exercises of qigong breathing exercises, one can proceed to learning the exercises of the main complex. The complex of basic exercises helps to normalize breathing, straighten posture and improve general condition. The exercises are recommended to be performed every morning, after stretching well in bed. It is very important to do exercises daily, then a positive clinical result will be achieved. The initial number of repetitions of each exercise is 3. Gradually, as you train, the number of repetitions increases to 10-15. Movements are performed smoothly, slowly, with a large amplitude, synchronously with breathing. The tip of the tongue is lightly pressed against the palate.

The main complex consists of exercises performed while standing. Before starting the exercises, relax and imagine that life is flowing measuredly and unhurriedly, and nothing and no one bothers you. Tune in to a philosophical mood so as not to be distracted by anything.

Exercise 1

Place your hands on your stomach and inhale slowly through your nose. During inhalation, the abdomen protrudes. Then also slowly exhale, but through the lips folded into a tube. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and lightly press on it with your hands.

Exercise 2

Stretch upward while taking a slow, deep breath. Exhale just as slowly, pressing with your left hand on your left side and bending to the left. Inhale again, stretching, and as you exhale, press on your right side and bend to the right.

Exercise # 3

Take a deep breath. Pulling your left knee to your chest, exhale slowly. While repeating the exercise, alternate legs. During this exercise, the arms are relaxed and hang freely along the torso.

Exercise 4

Raise your arms through the sides - inhale. Lower your hands to your knees, bend forward - exhale deeply.

Exercise # 5

As you inhale, lift your arms up and your right leg forward. As you exhale, lower your arms and legs, bend forward and relax your arms. As you repeat the exercise, change your legs.

Exercise 6

Place your hands behind your head - inhale. Slowly squat down and put your hands on your knees - exhale.

Exercise 7

Place your palms together at chest level. Make a small rotational motion with folded arms away from you - inhale. As you exhale, repeat the rotation, but with a greater amplitude.

Exercise # 8

Bend your knees slightly and extend your arms forward, palms facing out so that your thumbs are pointing down. On inhalation, slowly turn the body to the left, on exhalation - to the right.

When unfolding the body, try to keep your head straight.

Exercise 9

As you inhale, slowly raise and lower your right leg. As you exhale, do the same with your left leg. Raise your legs as high as possible without bending your knees.

Gymnastics should be finished with normal walking, gradually increasing the pace, and then reducing it. When walking, you must breathe deeply and try to lengthen the exhalation. published by

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

Many have heard about the miraculous effects of the ancient on the human body. Those wishing to join this art often do not know where to start, which set of exercises to choose. Wellness gymnastics Qigong is exactly that universal solution that includes all the positive aspects of the ancient Chinese wellness art and helps to always stay in good shape, excellent physical shape and excellent mood.

What is Qigong

To understand what Qigong is, on the one hand, is simple, but, on the other hand, it will take a lot of time and concentration. This ancient Chinese art is quite multifaceted, it includes both a breathing gymnast and a whole range of exercises aimed at improving the body and mind. Qigong is an internal, healing, concentration and external manifestation in the form of exercises. "Qi" is the life energy in the Universe, "gong" is the development of skills. The simpler thing is to be able to create energy.

A bit of history

The set of ancient Chinese exercises, consisting of eight stages, was created over 2000 years ago by a commander from China. He set the task to draw up an ideally developed systemic set of exercises for effective training of warriors.

Did you know? This technique was supposed to help keep soldiers in excellent physical shape with a high level of morale, so that they could join the battle at any time.

The developed system proved to be so productive and effective that it earned the attention of the ancient Taoists and began to be used by them. They adopted it in the training of martial artists, tightening it up a bit.

Basic principles

Chinese gymnastics Qigong for beginners has a number of principles, they are not difficult:

  • you need to move in the classroom smoothly, in unison;
  • the tongue is slightly raised up during movement;
  • eyes remain squinted;
  • clothes are not constraining, loose, comfortable;
  • the room needs to be ventilated, and even better - to conduct classes in the air;
  • attention is concentrated entirely on the exercise that is being performed;
  • there should be no perspiration during movement, only slight perspiration. If you still had to sweat, then you need to change clothes so as not to overcool, and to reduce the speed of the complex;
  • after the end of classes we are not allowed;
  • after the end, you cannot eat for at least half an hour;
  • Qigong exercises are designed to be performed every day.

Important! You need to start classes immediately after getting out of bed and warming up a little.

The benefits of exercise

The complex of Qigong exercises is extremely useful, it reduces the overall sensation, helps to strengthen and. This system does not guarantee complete elimination of health problems, and the effect, of course, will not come overnight, but the healing of the body, its resistance to diseases, the ability to stay in excellent physical and moral shape will necessarily manifest itself with regular exercise.

Each of the eight exercises has its own beneficial effects on the human body:

  1. Normalization of breathing - has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps to avoid stagnation in the blood. This exercise is especially beneficial for people with heart and liver problems, who are suffering from high blood pressure.
  2. Exercise that allows you to expand the chest - has a beneficial effect in case of shortness of breath, problems with the heart, lungs, with neurotic manifestations, palpitations above normal.
  3. Rocking - a positive result for spinal problems, reduces the level of fat in the lumbar spine.
  4. Circular motion - helps to strengthen the lower back and hips, heart and shoulder joints.
  5. Swimming movements - have a beneficial effect on the hands, joints (shoulder and elbow), asthma and diseases of the upper respiratory organs.
  6. Movement reminiscent of rowing with oars - helps to strengthen the nervous and digestive systems, heart muscles.
  7. Exercises similar to tossing a ball - tone up the work of all human organs.
  8. Wave-like movements with a swing - help to stimulate the functioning of the spleen, kidneys, reduce muscle tension and fat deposits on the waist.

Important!The ancient Chinese practice of Qigong can help to overcome significant psychological problems of a person, simply by relaxing the muscle clamp.engaged in.

8 easy exercises

First, a light warm-up is carried out, after which you can start classes. It is recommended to get acquainted with the exercises two or three a day, which helps easy and productive memorization. After a few sessions, they are systematized and can be done quite easily, bringing pleasure. It is recommended to do them all six times. The next exercise is a continuation of the previous one.

When doing Qigong practice for beginners, it is better to master each exercise two or three times at first in order to avoid muscle pain. A gradual increase in load will relieve painful and uncomfortable sensations.

Qigong exercises for beginners are presented in pictures and video tutorials and are carried out in a specific order:

  1. "Breathing stabilization": standing, hands down, relax, focus on the hands. Inhale - raise the upper limbs in front of us at approximately shoulder level (palms down). Exhaling, bend the lower limbs so that the knees are at the level of the toes ("quarter squat"). The back is straight, the chest is not displaced, the head is tilted. At the same time, the upper limbs slowly descend, approaching the knees, the lower limbs are straightened. Movements upward are carried out during inhalation, downward - during exhalation.

  2. "Expansion of the chest": when inhaled - the legs are straightened, the upper limbs simultaneously go up to the shoulders (palms one to the other), then spread apart, palms up. Concentration on the chest. Exhale - we bring our palms in front of us, unfolded one to the other, the hands are lowered, turning the palms downward, the practitioner takes the "quarter squat" position. The palms are at the knees, the lower limbs need to be straightened.

  3. "Rocking the rainbow": inhale - straight arms are raised, palms are turned to one another. Exhale, the body is transferred to a slightly bent right lower limb, the foot does not come off the surface, the left leg is in a straight position, touches the surface with a toe. The body and the left upper limb are tilted to the left, the right hand moves over the head with the palm turned downward. Similarly, movements are made in the opposite direction. It is necessary to monitor the respiratory processes.

  4. "Moving the clouds": the upper limbs descend, crossing at the bottom of the body, with the transition to the "quarter squat". Inhaling, align the knees; the lower limbs, crossing, rise, turning with palms up above the head. The lower limbs are straightened with the palms on the sides, exhaling, we lower them. There is a return to the "quarter squat", the upper limbs are crossed in front of us. You need to focus on the thoracic region.

  5. "Leading the shoulder back": Continuing to be in the "quarter squat", align the left upper limb forward, palm up. The right upper limb is bent and rotated with the palm upward, then it goes to the thigh. Right upper limb near the thigh - the body rotates to the right side, while the hand rises with a swing (slowly) to the ear. You need to focus on the right palm. Further, the right upper limb is flexed and the hand is pushed forward (as if with force) to the level of the ear. The left upper limb is bent, the brush carries out an arcuate movement and goes down to the thigh. After that, all stages are repeated in the opposite direction. You need to focus on the shoulders and arms.

  6. "Boating": legs bend a little more than before, you need to bend forward with lower arms. Further, the upper limbs in the position go straight back, palms up, arms rise as much as possible, knees straighten. The lower limbs make a movement in a circle and lower, the legs bend. You need to focus on your back and arms.

  7. "Ball game": straighten, the body is directed to the left side, the upper limb (left) is in its original position, the right limb is up to the left, palm up. The right upper limb is at the level of the left shoulder, the "tossing the ball" movement occurs, all the weight is on the left leg. The right hand goes down, there is a repetition in the other direction. It is necessary to follow the eyes of the imaginary ball, focusing on the lower limbs. Exercise should be fun.

  8. "Admiring the moon": in the “quarter squat” position, the upper limbs lower more to the left, the knees come to a straight position, the left hand is raised with the palm up. Bend the right arm in front of the thoracic region, the head turns to the left, the gaze is transferred to the left upper limb. We exhale, the hands are lowered, there is a return to the original position. There is a repetition of movements in the other direction. The upper limbs should move synchronously with the thoracic region and the head, the body needs to stretch as much as possible, the heels do not come off the floor, focus on the hands.

  9. All movements are carried out smoothly and slowly, it is constantly necessary to control breathing, upward movements - inhalation, downward - exhalation.

    Video lessons


    The Qigong technique is not suitable for everyone. When implementing it, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications for its use for people suffering from:

  • diseases of internal organs with a chronic course;
  • mental disorders;
  • pathological heart diseases;
  • spinal injuries;
  • the consequences of craniocerebral trauma;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious diseases of the support and movement organs;
  • oncological diseases;
  • neuroinfections.

Important! It is necessary to exercise caution for women during critical days, some of them are not desirable. Only under supervision is it allowed to conduct classes for pregnant women and people with eye diseases.

Temporary contraindications:

  • taking medications in significant doses;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • a state of chronic fatigue;
  • aggravated diseases;
  • a state of overheating or hypothermia;
  • indicators of increased body temperature;
  • heavy physical and sports activities;
  • after eating.

The main goal of the Qigong complex is the health benefits of the human body. Those who decide to tackle this system will not only be flexible and better physically developed, but will also become much more resilient both physically and morally. Regular Qigong classes can also solve some psychological problems of a particular person who has begun to master the system.

Hello dear readers. Do you know what diseases most people in the world die from? These are diseases of the cardiovascular system. External factors, genetic predisposition, pathologies - all this sooner or later leads to problems and visits to doctors. However, if you are reading this article, then I will please you: problems of this kind can be fixed.

And Chinese gymnastics for vessels called "Qigong" will help you with this. The system originated (according to legends) more than 7000 years ago, but it came to the countries of the Soviet Union in its full form just after the collapse of the USSR: in the early 90s. In China, the system has been used for thousands of years and brings tangible results: there is an abundance of centenarians who have retained clarity of mind and good physical health in this country.

What problems arise with our vessels and why?

Problems with blood vessels can begin from your very birth: some unpleasant features can be inherited (vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension or hypotension, swelling of the veins in the legs). A sedentary lifestyle causes stagnation of blood in the lower extremities and can lead to early heart attacks and strokes, atherosclerosis.

Smoking and drinking alcohol dilates blood vessels and can make their walls inelastic. Varicose veins not only look not aesthetically pleasing, but also pose a danger.

With diabetes, blood circulation in the feet is impaired, which can lead to gangrene. Remember: what hereditary predispositions do you have in relation to the cardiovascular system? How are they affecting your life now?

The most effective method of improving the cardiovascular system is light regular sports, an active lifestyle, and giving up bad habits. However, not all of us have the opportunity to lead a completely healthy life: many professions involve sedentary positions, in large cities you involuntarily inhale clubs of exhaust gases and become at least a passive smoker.

And, in all honesty, write: which of you leads a 100% healthy lifestyle, while making his own living and having a family and at least one child?

The total length of the vessels in the body of an adult is approximately 100,000 kilometers. Those. Imagine that if all your vessels are stretched in one line, then they can wrap around the equator of the Earth 2.5 times! It is along this route that the blood in our body walks every day.

The greatest danger is the blockage of the smallest vessels: capillaries. Their length is 60,000 kilometers. Capillaries supply every cell of the body with the necessary oxygen, and if this filamentous vessel clogs up somewhere, then a part of the body loses vital oxygen and begins to function worse or even die off.

How does a complex of health-improving exercises for blood vessels work?

Globally, the system is aimed at "accelerating" blood throughout the body, establishing its normal circulation through the vessels and internal organs, saturating it with oxygen. The acceleration of blood will eliminate stagnant processes and relieve the body of inflammation, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the appearance of blood clots and the accumulation of cholesterol plaques.

Classes are suitable for people of all ages. However, do not think that young age is a reason not to worry about the cardiovascular system: this is not at all the lot of old people. The sooner you start strengthening your circulatory system, the more problems you can avoid in the future.

If you are constantly engaged, then gymnastics for blood vessels:

  • cleans blood vessels from blockages and strengthens their walls;
  • reduce varicose veins;
  • will normalize the pressure. Will remove such abnormalities as arrhythmia, tachycardia, etc.;
  • will give a feeling of lightness in the legs;
  • will improve the general composition of the blood;
  • eliminate psychological diseases caused by the circulatory system: anxiety, depression, increased excitability;
  • oxygenate the blood, eliminate hypoxia;
  • will improve blood supply to the most distant parts of the body from the heart;
  • will improve the regeneration of the body (abrasions, scratches, etc. will heal faster).

Exercises to improve the circulatory system

Chinese gymnastics is unlike what you might do every day. The principle of operation here is completely different.

In Qigong practices, certain energy points are allocated on the human body (crown, perineum, frontal center, the point between the eyebrows, the centers of the palms, the centers of the feet) and, accordingly, the energy channels passing between them.

They all form the so-called. "Small Heavenly Circle". In turn, in this circle, two transverse meridians are distinguished: the posterior one - along the lines of the auricle peaks and the anterior one - between the point of the anus and the genitals.

Qigong contains several global sets of exercises:

  • to normalize the work of the heart itself (equalization of pressure, elimination of arrhythmias, etc.);
  • to improve the functioning of the vessels of the head (improving the functioning of the brain, eliminating dizziness, pain, feeling of tightness and heaviness);
  • to improve blood circulation in the legs (elimination of varicose veins and trophic ulcers, elimination of puffiness, "diabetic foot", pain in the feet, heaviness);
  • a general complex for strengthening the vessels of the whole body (eliminating cholesterol plaques, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, preventing the separation of blood clots, removing harmful substances);

How should you start practicing?

Qigong refers to the system that cannot be described in words on paper: you just need to learn by visual means. Therefore, either watch the video, or enroll in live Qigong groups. It is important to remember the following rules:

  1. increase the load gradually, even if you feel good and do not feel tired;
  2. control your pulse during exercise. It should not exceed 120 beats per minute;
  3. for any pain in the heart, temporarily stop or change activities;
  4. after a meal, an hour and a half or two should pass before classes: it is both difficult and dangerous to study on a full stomach.

Friends, I believe that our eastern colleagues have developed a truly amazing and accessible system of health improvement. Take it, exercise, feel better. It can be difficult at first: in regular sports, during exercise, your thoughts can be about anything.

Chinese vascular gymnastics assumes that thoughts and actions must necessarily coincide. The skill is "here and now" - a difficult skill, but very useful for both the mind and the body.

I hope that the information in this article was useful to you, so subscribe to my blog, share the article on social networks. If you have any questions regarding Chinese gymnastics, you can ask them in the comments - I will be happy to answer.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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