Lower back hurts after washing floors what to do. What daily routines can damage your spine? Disregard personal protection

And yet, motherhood and sports are combined! This, and I never tire of proving it to myself, discovering all the new options for the interweaving of sports and my mother's life.

I have already , which I consider to be the basis of the foundations. And now two more useful finds for active mothers, again on strengthening the lower body. As we agreed, the exercises will not require a separate place and time.

Problems with joints, spine, genitourinary sphere (I will not say anything about childbirth) are more common in European countries than in Asian countries. I have already mentioned that Eastern women do a lot while squatting. Thanks to this sitting, calves and Achilles are stretched, feet, legs are strengthened, pelvic floor, back, belly.

Sit on your haunches with support on the whole foot at least once a day for at least a few minutes, again tying it to some kind of everyday process

While squatting, you can, for example, peel potatoes, stir the dough, play with your child, or talk on the phone. Squatting, you can feed the baby, partially resting the booty on a pillow on the floor, or either squatting or getting up from it back to squatting.

Find at least one activity during the day that you can do while squatting. Look more closely, somewhere there is an action that can be turned from ordinary into useful. Try to make it a habit, bring it to automatism. Over time, the squatting position will become pleasant and natural. If, of course, you practice regularly.

Try to minimize the involvement of the chair in your life by replacing it with a fitball or comfy cushions on the floor.

Mom's lifestyle at certain stages is already not particularly active, or active, but not at all as we would like. Due to the constant sitting on a chair, the pelvic bones are enslaved, the vertebrae are compressed, the blood flow in the legs and in the pelvic region deteriorates, which is potentially fraught with, for example, varicose veins.

Change your stool periodically. On it you can feed and rock, snack and dine - here the will of your imagination. I just eliminated sitting on chairs at home, leaving them for guests. For me there is a ball, a sofa if I want to relax, and a floor with pillows and a low table. My baby has not crawled yet, it will crawl, I will turn on my fantasy again and share with you.

Another, perhaps the most "terrible" and at the same time such a useful exercise that it would be simply not wise to skip it. I'm talking about ... goose step. Yes, yes, we squatted down, put our palms on our knees and walked like a goose.

Familiar from school, this exercise combines the effects of all the previous ones: it strengthens and tones the legs, stimulates all the same points on the feet, tightens the pelvic floor, abdomen, makes legs more prominent, slimmer and stronger, fights cellulite and flat feet.

At first, it is not very convenient, not pleasant, and even annoying, over time this exercise can become a favorite. And again, tie him to any of the usual actions, try to walk in single file at least once a day, for example, from bed to bath, while no one sees, or vice versa, in full view of everyone and in a goose costume - here you are your sense of humor is up to you.

By the way, this exercise has contraindications. They are associated with an increase in the load on knee joints... Don't do it:

◦ If you have knee problems;

◦ If you are not at all an athletic person, start by learning simple options. At first, just walk in a semi-squat. Over time, walk in a goose-step, but slowly, helping yourself with your hands. And only when you feel confident, do the option with palms on your knees.

◦ Even if you are in a very good physical form and your knees are healthy, it is better not to overdo it with quantity. 10-15 steps a day is enough. This is one passage through the apartment.

◦ All of these rules apply to children. Remember that kneecaps are formed by 2-6 years old, and there is no need to wind circles in a goose step, one short series is enough.

I suggest combining the squat and goose step with a floor wash. Washing the floor is a topic worthy of a separate article. After all, you can treat this event not as an annoying necessity, but as fitness and women's practice.

With your own hands you wash the floor, on which you yourself and your whole family walk ... Your hands and your actions are your energy, which you put on everything you touch. Even if you don't always wash the floor yourself, do it at least once in a while, with the right mood and thoughts.

As you already understood, we move the mop away and move on our haunches. To make fitness also turn into aromatherapy, add your favorite essential oil to the water

I am grateful to my friend for this idea! The atmosphere is just fabulous! If you want, you can light both candles and an aromatic lamp. Who said that the usual things are unpleasant and boring?

Get pleasure and payload, feel like a woman, a real keeper of her hearth, filling the house with her feminine energy. And let mopping the floor be a pleasant experience!

Next time I will talk about cardio and other useful exercises that can be included in the routine.

I wish you harmonious motherhood!

We spend about 30 minutes daily on cleaning the apartment, plus at least a couple of hours on weekends. Few devote the same amount of time to fitness. And very few can boast that there is too much movement in their life. So why not use your cleaning time more efficiently? After all, we make movements with our arms, legs, perform bends and squats, carry weights - why not fitness at home? You just need to do everything a little differently than we are used to, and the benefits of such movements will increase many times over.

In terms of the amount of energy expended, a complete cleaning service is comparable to an average-intensity aerobics lesson or a three-kilometer walk. “With a body weight of 68 kg, a person spends 150 to 350 kcal per hour on cleaning an apartment, and 250 to 450 kcal per hour on cleaning windows,” says Tatyana Lisitskaya, an instructor of the ALIVE! Club.

Spring cleaning puts a good load on the muscles of the legs and abs, and also trains the heart muscle. “When you wash a mirror or other vertical surface, stand with your knees bent. You will feel how the muscles of the buttocks and thighs work! " - Shares secrets Pilates coach and owner of the huge house Caroline Barnes. She came up with the Cleanmomma program, which encourages American housewives to lose weight with a rag in their hands. Other tips for fitness at home: "When unloading the dishwasher and placing the plates in the cupboard, climb on the pads of your toes and hold this position for 3 seconds", "Use a ladder in the house and walk on it many times a day."

Caroline's rival in the technique, Steve Markovich, a 60-year-old couch potato, calls for pumping up the muscles of the arms while cleaning between times by raising one edge of the sofa, and with a rag for the floor to do the same as with the roller for rocking the press.

I must admit that not all of their advice can be applied in our small apartments, and dishwashers for many are more of a myth than reality. But still, the basic principles of such fitness at home can be adopted from them:

Do a lot of movement quickly and forcefully.

You won't burn a lot of calories by walking languidly around your apartment with a rag or vacuum cleaner in hand. Tighten your abs, straighten your back - and forward. Try to make every cleaning move harder. Who said windows need to be wiped in a circular motion with a small amplitude? Make the range of motion as large as possible and do not forget to consciously tense the muscles of the arms. Tired right hand- move the cloth to the left. The pace is also important. Do everything quickly so that you can feel a slight increase in your heart rate.

Give up household appliances

If you want to exercise while cleaning, ditch dishwashers, robotic vacuums and other technical inventions that save you time and effort in cleaning. Of course, you should not go to extremes - an ordinary vacuum cleaner and washing machine should hardly be boycotted. But the principle is clear - try to do everything by hand.

Turn on the dance track

"Cleaning, as well as training in the gym, will be useless if you do not enjoy the process," says Tatiana Lisitskaya. Play a dance track to cheer yourself up. By the way, the music will set the pace for your actions and make you dance a little. This will allow you to burn a little more calories than if you were cleaning in silence or with a relax-melody.

Work out your motor stereotypes

Any fitness at home will be useless if the exercises are done incorrectly. So it is in cleaning - try to observe your movement patterns and correct them. For example, you need to vacuum with a straight back, and iron your laundry on a board that is just above your waistline.

Exercise Alone

Whatever one may say, but the exercises during cleaning look pretty funny. Imagine a picture: a husband comes home from work, and a wife shakes her muscles with a sofa and wipes a mirror while in a deep plie. Children will probably have fun doing this kind of fitness at home with you, but it’s better for other family members to take care of their nerves.

Exercises from Tatiana Lisitskaya

1. Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

How to do it: take the handle of the vacuum cleaner, straighten your back, remove the deflection in the lower back, put your legs wider than your shoulders. Start cleaning with lunges on one leg, do not round your back, and make sure that your shoulders are down and not pinching your neck. After the lunge, return to starting position... The further you need to reach, the wider the lunge. Do not forget to change your supporting leg after 15 repetitions of the exercise. If you need to vacuum under furniture, get on all fours with one hand on the floor, straighten your back, and continue cleaning.

What are the benefits: you do not harm your health by improperly moving during the fitness cleaning at home. In addition, the quadriceps muscles of the thigh, the muscles of the inner thighs, the muscles of the arms and back work in a position on all fours.

Not right: round your back and raise your head, pinching the back of the neck.

2. Washing the floor

How to do it: lower yourself with a straight back on one knee, put the other leg in front of you, bending it at an angle of 90 degrees. Straighten your back and lower yourself on one straight arm, with the other take a rag and wipe the floor. Do not round your back and change your supporting leg after 5 minutes. It is better to put a small pillow or knee pad under the supporting leg.

What are the benefits: the back of the thigh is stretched, the patella is not injured.

Not right: standing on two bent legs and rounding your back to wipe the floor and walk at the same time. It is also wrong to bend over a bucket of water with a rounded back and try to lift it with a sharp movement.

3. Walking with bags

How to do it: stand up straight, straighten your back, lower your shoulders. Place a stack of books or a small stool under one leg - it will help relieve the lower back. Iron your laundry with your back straight, using your legs instead of your back to control the movements. To complicate the exercise, you can work with the stand as with a step platform - climbing on it and walking to the sides.

What are the benefits: the lower back is not overstrained. Is getting stronger quadriceps hips.

Not right: ironing linen, standing on two legs for a long time, stooping.

And yet, fitness at home while cleaning is far from full workout... Rather, it is a useful addition to your weekly activities. It is unlikely to help you lose weight (contrary to the promises of American trainers), but it will allow you to keep in shape, not gain much weight, and increase your energy and mood. And this is already, you see, a lot!

Do you want to do fitness at home?

Create a personal fitness training program and exercise

Why do you get acne on your back? What products and procedures will help to make the skin even and smooth?

We asked these questions to the doctor - dermatocosmetologist of the Moscow beauty salon
"Amsterdam" on Samotechnaya - Tatiana Sheshtanova

Taking a shower is not enough to achieve perfect back skin.

Acne - both on the face and on the back - occurs due to changes in the work of the sebaceous glands. It will take time, patience and perseverance to normalize their condition and cleanse the skin. In any case, with a serious and systematic approach, this problem is completely solvable.

Three steps to beauty

1 The fight against acne starts with a thorough cleansing of the skin. The best remedy for this - warming up in a bath, sauna or steam room. Steamed and cleansed skin becomes more susceptible to the effects of active ingredients of any cosmetics, and the chances of treatment success are greatly increased. Therefore, if you have no contraindications to visiting a bath or sauna, start your campaign to cleanse the skin from acne there.

For those who do not have time for a steam room, a special service is offered - steaming the skin in a phyto-cabin. It represents mini-saunas, similar to large barrels made of environmentally friendly cedar wood. The patient enters the cabin so that only the head remains on the surface, and his body is enveloped in steam from the infusion of medicinal herbs.
The whole procedure takes no more than 15 minutes, and you can go through it even at lunchtime. And the effect that the phyto-cabin gives is comparable to the result of visiting a real bath. In addition to cleansing the skin of the body, it has a tonic and tonic effect on the body, improves sleep, stabilizes blood pressure, soothes, and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. But, just like a regular sauna, the phyto-cabin should not be visited in the presence of inflammatory gynecological diseases, cardiovascular problems, during menstruation, in the presence of neoplasms and in any diseases in the acute stage.

A sponge with a long handle will eliminate the need to ask "Rub my back, please!".

2 Then comes the turn of special products for problem skin of the body. It is worth purchasing a body scrub that will regularly cleanse the surface of the skin from a layer of dead cells. Apply the scrub twice a week while you shower. Apply it on the skin, massage it in circular motions for one to two minutes, and then wash off the remaining product with water. For acne, it is best to choose a special antibacterial scrub that not only cleanses, but also disinfects the skin. It should only be borne in mind that the scrub is not recommended for very severe skin inflammation.

It is also helpful to have a comfortable washcloth or long-handled brush that allows you to evenly apply the cleanser to your back. For acne, it is best to use special body cleansers rather than regular soap or shower gel. For example, try Clearasil Antibacterial Gel, Clearline or La Roshe Posay.

3 And only now is it time to apply lotion for problem skin. Regular face lotion is unlikely to be useful for you - it will be quite difficult to apply it evenly on your back. To solve this problem, there are special products for the care of problem skin of the back. They are made in the form of sprays and allow you to gently spray the lotion on the skin. Such products, such as lotion from Green Mama, have an antibacterial and drying effect, gradually cleansing problem skin.

Summer tip:
At first, the sun's rays really do improve appearance skin, drying out the inflammation on the back, but soon the situation deteriorates significantly. Therefore, with acne, you should minimize the contact of inflamed skin with the sun and refuse to visit the solarium.

If you have been conscientiously following all the recommendations for a long time, and the situation does not improve, it is better to consult a cosmetologist who will select the appropriate treatment for you. He will also prescribe the right home skin care products for you.

Photo: Thinkstock Images, AbleStock.com / Fotolink

It is very important for the spine, strained during the day, to rest at night, which can be provided by an orthopedic mattress. It provides anatomically correct position body, distributes the load on the spine and makes it possible to relax overstrained muscles.

The best way to test your chosen orthopedic mattress is to place it on plastic bottle with water and sit down at a distance of 30-40 cm from it, if the bottle does not fall - the mattress should support your back well during the night's rest.

But with advanced osteochondrosis, the mattress is not always enough: the place of the lumbar deflection still cannot relax, and the muscles of this zone continue to be in tension. To rest your lower back, you need to put a regular pillow under your knees.

Avoid slopes

For a sore back, bending is contraindicated. It is best to equip all work areas in the apartment in such a way as to avoid slopes. Laundry bowl, countertop, ironing board, sink, stove should be at elbow level. Also, do not bend over while washing your face and brushing your teeth.

In the bathroom and toilet, special long handrails can be attached to the wall, which will allow you to get up and sit down without unnecessary stress on the back muscles. Care also needs to be taken to make it easier to mop and vacuum. You only need to clean the floors with a long-handled mop, and the pipe of the vacuum cleaner should also be long enough not to bend over.

Support belts

For patients with osteochondrosis, support elastic belts with bone or metal plates have been specially developed. They tighten the abdominal muscles, relieve the spine due to the change in intra-abdominal pressure on the spine. It is impossible to get rid of osteochondrosis with their help, since a stronger fixation is needed for the therapeutic effect, but with exacerbations of the belt disease, they can significantly reduce the pain syndrome.

You should only wear the belt as needed. In addition to periods of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, it can be worn if you need to lift or carry heavy objects, or to do housework associated with frequent bending or prolonged standing on your feet.

Before buying such a belt, you should definitely consult with an orthopedist in order to choose the most suitable option.

Orthopedic corset

A tangible effect in osteochondrosis is provided by wearing an individually selected or made corset. It manifests itself best of all in the initial stages of the disease with rare pain in the lumbosacral region. A correctly selected corset clearly fixes vertebral column, unloading it as much as possible, and often help to correct the initial deformities of the intervertebral discs.

The corset is selected depending on the type of osteochondrosis, the size and configuration of the patient's body, as well as the characteristics of the pathology of his spine. It is worn during periods of exacerbation of 2-4 weeks, and during a quiet period - to protect the spine from the effects of temporary heavy loads.

Evening rest

Cramping may occur after a day at work. cervical muscles... Muscles begin to press on the vertebrae, blood vessels supplying the brain, nerves. Therefore, neck relaxation is an important process for patients with osteochondrosis. If the tension is not relieved, a headache may appear, sleep worsens, fatigue and weakness in the whole body is felt in the morning, memory and concentration deteriorate.

At home, after work, you need to lie on the floor, put your feet on a chair, and put small rollers under your neck and lower back. This relieves stress on the spine and relieves tension in the neck. The second option is to prevent neck swelling with a special elastic collar that can be worn both at work and afterwards.

Here are the main mistakes that make cleaning ineffective and can harm your health.

Over the past century, a lot of innovations have appeared that help modern man keep the house clean. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, various kitchen appliances significantly save time and effort, and now a woman can leave time for herself and for what she loves. However, routine cleaning still takes place: cleaning from dust and washing floors has not yet been canceled. Therefore, in this article we will tell you about the main mistakes that are made when cleaning, we will give practical advice how to save time and how to make your apartment cleaner without harming your health.

1. Postpone cleaning until later

Remember that it is clean where there is no litter, so it is advisable to remove all dirt on time. It will be much easier for you to keep it clean if you wash the dishes right after breakfast, rather than leaving them for the evening after work, when there can be a lot of things to do in the evening. It is a good habit, returning home in the evening, to sort things right away: dirty for washing, clean on a hanger so that they do not turn into deposits on chairs. In general, if you return all things to their place immediately after use, it will save you a lot of time when cleaning.

2. Unsystematic cleaning

If you just rush around the apartment, chaotically cleaning here and there, you will rather get tired than achieve an acceptable result. There are some simple rules to help you clean up more efficiently. Many of them are quite obvious to housewives, but still we will remind. It is better to start from the top, going down gradually: walk along the chandeliers, lamps, curtains, the top of the cabinets, going to the shelves, countertops and, finally, reach the floor, because the dust that you shake off from above will surely settle down below. It is best to start with dry cleaning and finish wet: dust it, vacuum the carpets, sweep the floors, and only then go everywhere with a wet rag.

3. Ignore hard-to-reach places

"Out of sight - out of mind" - not our option! Be sure to wipe the top of the refrigerator, cabinets, behind the TV and computer, blinds. When there is less dust, it is easier to breathe, there is no need to postpone it until the general cleaning. The trash can can be soaked for half an hour in a solution of a disinfectant; for this, formulations based on sodium hypochlorite (for example, "Whiteness", Domestos) are quite suitable. Have you noticed how much dirt collects in toothbrush cups and cutlery? Be sure to include these breeding grounds for bacteria in your cleaning program! And what about the TV remote control and landline phone buttons? They also need to be wiped regularly so that greasy stains do not remain. We recommend using a regular alcohol-based glass cleaner for this, it will cope with the task the fastest. Pillows and blankets are the main dust collectors in the apartment, if you do not have the opportunity to often shake them out on the street, then at least leave them for a few hours on the balcony to ventilate.

4. Throw all your strength into stubborn stains

5. Use "heavy artillery" immediately

It is better to first try to wash the surface with mild detergents, and if it does not work out, use more powerful formulations. So you can protect the surface from premature deterioration and protect yourself from corrosive chemicals.

6. Neglect auxiliary inventory

Surely, many housewives are used to cleaning the way their mothers taught them: when cleaning floors, use rags, wash windows with laundry soap and polish with newspaper. We still recommend taking advantage of the benefits of progress. Mops allow you to clean floors quickly and without undue stress, modern models collect dirt and dust even in corners and in hard-to-reach places. Combined with glass washers, you can clean windows and mirrors in minutes. Please note that after cleaning, you must thoroughly clean all sponges, brushes, rags. We recently wrote about what scientists have found in the kitchen - this is an ordinary sponge. Therefore, it is worth changing it more often and periodically soaking it in a glass with a solution of a cleaning agent. If you put this glass in the microwave for a minute, the sponge will be even cleaner.

7. Thoughtlessly use a cleaning agent

In order not to damage the surface, the new product must be tested in an inconspicuous area. So, for example, abrasive compounds can scratch the glass-ceramic surface, caustic acidic agents can damage some types of enamels in the bathroom, and glass cleaners can damage the surface of an LCD monitor. Also, in no case should you mix cleaning agents: you cannot predict what reaction will happen and what harm it might cause to your health.

8. Neglecting personal protection

Hands are the most open and vulnerable part our body. In order to keep the skin from premature aging and to protect it from chemical burns, we recommend that you always use gloves. In this case, it is best if there are separate gloves for the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Respiratory protection is equally important: aerosols, chlorine-containing (for example, based on hydrochloric acid and sodium hypochlorite) and powder products are best protected with a mask. Site experts recommend minimizing the use of such funds, especially during pregnancy and if there are small children at home.

9. Take a break

While cleaning, you may be tempted to call a friend, reply to correspondence on the forum, read philosophical statements on VKontakte, or have tea with a sandwich. After such a break, you may find that you have lost a lot of time, most of your energy and enthusiasm, and you will not want to finish. Don't give in! This way you can get things done a lot faster, and then you can rest.

10. Do cleaning by force

Enthusiasm, creativity and good mood needed in any business. Think about how pleasant it will be to relax in a clean apartment later. To make the process more enjoyable, put on energetic music. You can combine business with pleasure. We have previously written that washing dishes can save you from alcohol poisoning, but this is not all the benefits that you can get from cleaning. To fight with overweight and just keeping yourself in good shape will be easier if you dance along the way. And if your back hurts, then you may feel better after mopping the floors with a regular rag.

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