Running stars. Celebrity running stories to keep you motivated

Pamela Anderson
New York Marathon, 2013
Time: 5:41:03

Pamela Anderson decided to take part in the marathon not only to test her own strength and endurance, but also to raise funds for the Sean Penn charitable foundation, which is helping the people of Haiti. And as a result, Pam was able to collect 76 thousand dollars. And her brother Jerry helped her in this. At first, he acted as her coach, and during the race he went out with Pamela to the distance and encouraged her all the way. According to the actress, if not for him, then she would hardly have reached the finish line. However, the evening of the same day was not easy for Anderson: her whole body ached and ached. And in order to somehow calm down the tired muscles, Pam went to bed and covered herself with ice packs.

Edward Norton

Time: 3:48:01

Edward Norton decided to prepare for the marathon in Kenya in the Masai tribe, famous for its fast runners... Exhausting training led to painful sensations in the Achilles tendon and lower leg. But the actor decided to run anyway. After Edward said that by the middle of the distance, the forces finally left him, but the body continued to run. And when two-thirds of the distance was covered, Norton already clearly understood that he could reach the finish line. And as a gratitude to his teachers, the actor collected funds, which he transferred to the fund for the protection of the environment in Africa and the development of local territories.

Alanis Morissette
New York Marathon, 2009
Time: 4:28:45

Alanis Morissette took part in the same marathon as Edward Norton and, like him, donated all the proceeds from her race to the fund for Africa. The singer called the preparation for the race one of the most amazing, courageous and masochistic periods in her life, which made her look differently at her own eating habits, lifestyle and spiritual perception of the world.

Ryan Reynolds
New York Marathon, 2008
Time: 3:50:22

Ryan Reynolds decided to participate in the marathon thanks to his acquaintance with Michael J. Fox. The actor was so touched by how the star of the movie "Back to the Future" coped with Parkinson's disease that he wanted to run 42 kilometers in memory of his father, who suffered from the same ailment. For several months, Reynolds trained every morning, increasing the distance day by day. And in the end, he showed a good result in New York, keeping within four hours.

Sean Diddy Combs
New York Marathon, 2003
Time: 4:14:52

It took Diddy just six weeks to prepare for the marathon. During this time, the musician not only ran every day, but also sat on strict diet and completely gave up his favorite parties. The impetus for Sean Combs' participation was fundraising for his charitable foundation, which provides assistance to free US high schools. As a result, the rapper's race earned him $ 2 million.

Oprah Winfrey
Marines Marathon, 1994
Time: 4:29:20

The famous TV presenter's participation in the Marines Marathon (the third largest marathon in the United States and eighth in the world) led to the emergence of a new term "Oprah Time", and running in less than 4 hours 29 minutes and 20 seconds has become a personal goal for many runners. Winfrey also gave many doubting their strengths motivation: "If Oprah was able, then I can." It may sound a little offensive to the TV personality, but she is nonetheless glad that she gave people an incentive to test themselves.

Will Ferrell
Boston Marathon, 2003
Time: 3:56:12

Before the start, comedian Will Ferrell admitted that his only task is to finish the marathon. During the race, the actor showed an unusual seriousness for himself, did not let go of any jokes and was focused only on running. However, having finished, he gave vent to feelings. “It's amazing that I was able to do it in four hours,” Will admitted. - But more importantly, I was able to overtake the guy dressed in Elvis. It's so cool - bypassing the King of Rock 'n' Roll himself. " In fact, Ferrell's close friend ran in a Presley suit. Will's wife also took part in the race, and the Boston Marathon was their third run together.

It's getting warmer outside quickly - it's time to start running, even if you've never done it before. The army of jogging fans is truly numerous, it includes many celebrities. It is not surprising, because running is an excellent load for the whole body, an opportunity to abstract from current affairs and problems, or calmly think about exciting issues during training. AnySports tells you which star you can look up to when going for a run.

Matthew McConaughey

An actor with a flawless torso knows firsthand how to keep fit. McConaughey began to seriously work on his appearance as a young man, making sports an important part of his life. Despite being very busy, he still trains daily.

McConaughey devotes a lot of time to running - training at home, on the beach and even during filming. He tries to cover 10-15 miles three times a week. The actor also participates in triathlon competitions. Matthew also introduced his wife, ex-model Camila Alves, to training. Thanks to running, she easily returned to great shape after giving birth to three children.

Hugh Jackman

A distinctive feature of this popular Australian actor has always been excellent physical shape. And he never hid the fact that it was regular sports that helped him - in particular, jogging. Jackman, as an exemplary family man, often goes for a run with one of his children, whom he has been actively involved in a healthy lifestyle since childhood.

Sean Penn

Jennifer Aniston

The 48-year-old American actress is so energetic that she can be safely called a role model in many areas. Aniston never ceases to amaze his fans with chic forms and notes that amazing results are achieved through regular and intense workouts.

The actress equally enjoys going to the gym, doing kickboxing, yoga and swimming, but Special attention pays for running. Jennifer assures that she is ready to go out for a run anywhere in the world where work takes her. And he thinks that running is The best way clear your head. Even on vacation, instead of lying on the beach, the actress prefers to run along the coast.

Irina Shayk

It's hard to believe, but the Russian model does not burn herself with diets in order to always look perfect. The girl has repeatedly admitted that she loves to pamper herself with fast food. But you have to pay for everything, and best of all - regular sports.

In one of her interviews, Shayk said that for many years she has been a devoted fan of running. According to the model, while jogging, she not only burns extra calories, but is also charged with positive energy. Maybe that's why she always shines like that on the catwalk.

Natalya Vodyanova

Unlike the rest of the stars on our list, the model with many children from Russia does not run as often. And does it not so much to maintain physical form how much to satisfy altruistic ambitions.

Vodianova realized the idea of ​​running with meaning, in which both Olympic and Paralympic champions and show business figures take part. Natalya managed to organize an annual charity event, which annually helps to raise tens of millions of rubles for the Naked Heart Children's Fund, headed by Natalya. The model herself certainly takes part in the races, trying to involve her family members in this.

One of the most stellar sports in the world, running doesn't come with a huge budget - no expensive fitness club membership or fancy gear. You just need a desire, a little free time and a comfortable sport shoes... And photos of fit stars who run regularly and enjoy jogging can serve as a great motivation for you!

Why running remains a favorite of celebrities

Despite the fact that something new constantly appears on the list of the most fashionable types of physical activity: yoga, Pilates, belly dancing, etc., running has never given up its position as one of the most popular types of spending time with the benefit of your body.

Among the hundreds of thousands of running fans around the world, there are many celebrities: actors, singers and other representatives of show business. There are few celebrities who deny running. For example, the outstanding swimmer Michael Phelps admitted in an interview that the chances of ever seeing him running a marathon are practically zero - due to the peculiarities of the body, any attempt to jogging turns out to be immediate knee problems for him. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

The rest is a rare star in ours, giving great importance social image, time was not photographed in a tracksuit, baseball cap, sneakers and headphones.

The reasons for the popularity of running are obvious. This is both a serious load on the body (it is believed that even a small run of 20-30 minutes duration allows the body to burn more calories during the day), and the ability to abstract from current affairs or, conversely, calmly think about them. For example, actress Jennifer Aniston assures that she is ready to go for a run anywhere in the world where work takes her, since there is no better way clear your head. Plus, running - especially in the United States - is an important part of social culture. And the image for public figures often, as the famous video said, is really everything. Therefore, many are sure: in such a simple way, celebrities show: they are the same as everyone else. The stars run alone or in a company, with children and their couples, with pets and coaches.

Some are photographed especially frequently while jogging.


One of the hallmarks of the popular Australian actor has always been excellent physical shape. It is enough to look at most of his characters. He supports her not only in gym but also by running. Often, Jackman, an exemplary family man and father of two children, goes for a jog not alone, but with one of the children, whom he also actively introduces to a healthy lifestyle.


The Oscar winner and mother of three has one of the most enviable positive reputations among movie stars. It's no surprise that Witherspoon also enjoys going out for a run. The press was always sympathetic to the fact that, unlike many of her colleagues, Witherspoon smiled at the paparazzi. It is believed that such images are more likely to convince people to go jogging. There is probably some truth to this: some of the most popular searches in Internet search engines associated with the name of the film actress relate to her running program and equipment. Witherspoon did not discourage even an accident from her favorite hobby: in 2011, while jogging, she was hit by a car, after which Reese was taken to the hospital. Fortunately, the actress escaped with minor injuries and has not stopped running since then.


The popular model and friend of Cristiano Ronaldo, unlike many colleagues in the profession who prefer yoga and Pilates, has been a devoted fan of running for many years. True, her favorite pastime often turns into additional difficulties for Irina. She almost never succeeds in running alone. Then the paparazzi will set themselves the goal of catching the model without makeup and logically decide that jogging is the most suitable option. They will photograph the girl without Cristiano Ronaldo (and even worse, with another man) and start tracking how often she sees him. On the other hand, paparazzi jogging photos are an indicator of status. As the popular professional joke of American show business says, until you are photographed jogging, you are nothing.


It's natural for models, young actresses and action movie stars to take an interest in physical activity and care about their looks. However, among the fans of running there are many male celebrities who have made a name for themselves with completely different works. For example, they include actor Seann Penn, known for his outstanding dramatic roles, complex character and controversial reputation, who has been repeatedly filmed running both alone and with colleagues in the profession. Besides running, Penn is also a fan of pace walking and other sports.

Running is not only the most accessible, but also the most popular view sports: on the streets of cities and alleys of squares and parks, you can meet hundreds of people doing it. The stars are not going to stand aside and also go out for a run every day.

Reese Witherspoon

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Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon's childhood was athletic - with early years she went to the rhythmic gymnastics section, which not only did future star flexible and graceful, but also helped her develop fighting qualities of character. Today, the mother of three children and the Oscar winner prefers running to gymnastics - the paparazzi often catch Reese jogging and take pictures of her with pleasure, because the actress, unlike her colleagues, is not angry, but willingly smiles at them.

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According to Witherspoon herself, without physical activity she cannot do it in any way, after the birth of children, running helps the actress to keep herself in good physical shape. Reese did not stop running even after an accident - several years ago, while jogging, the actress, listening to music on headphones and not hearing any extraneous sounds, was hit by a car, and only a miracle helped her avoid serious injuries.

The run owes a lot to her good figure and supermodel Heidi Klum. "I am driving active image life, - she says in an interview, - I can jump with children on a trampoline for a long time or work out on exercise machines or a fresh air it's an incomparable pleasure. "Most of the time, New Yorkers see Klum running down the alleys of Central Park. From time to time she stops to catch her breath, but then stubbornly runs on.

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Hugh Jackman has been involved in sports since childhood, but if earlier physical exercise were just a hobby for him, then after he became an actor, they help him to maintain himself in the form necessary for filming. Jackman uses any time for jogging, but most of all the actor loves to run in the morning. He is accompanied by a dog and children - son Oscar and daughter Ava, whom Hugh also teaches to sports.

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Matthew McConaughey, with his usual modesty, attributes his excellent physical shape to genes: his father, according to the actor, was a real athlete, and he inherited a lean body with attached biceps and triceps to his son. McConaughey clearly underestimates his own efforts - he does a lot to ensure that his figure remains attractive to both the producers and the female half of the audience. Matthew began to "grind" her in adolescence, and later, while studying at the university, moonlighting, acting as a model in advertising.

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Today, the actor uses every free minute to jog - in his own garden, on the beach and even on the set. Together with him, children and his wife, ex-model Camila Alves, who, thanks to running, were able to regain shape after three births, join a healthy lifestyle.

Viewers remember Pamela Anderson running in a swimsuit on the beach in the famous TV series "Rescuers Malibu", but the actress goes in for sports in Everyday life... True, she herself calls herself "lazy", because, according to Pamela, he owes his figure to yoga, a vegan diet and morning jogging on the beach. The actress is disingenuous - in 2013, she ran a marathon in New York for quite a decent time for an unprepared person - 5 hours 41 minutes and 3 seconds. Yes, after that, Anderson lay in a hotel room, covered with ice packs, but the result is still impressive.

The performer of the role of agent 007 begins to actively train before the next filming. The actor is inclined to be overweight, and in the frame must look impeccable both in a tuxedo at a high society reception, and in swimming trunks on the ocean shore, so he sweats in the gym. Since in the pictures about James Bond the main character runs a lot, Craig pays special attention to this particular sport. "It turns out, according to the writers, Bond just doesn't even walk around the room," the actor jokes in an interview, "although he could elegantly parade from corner to corner. No, he rushes everywhere! You have to torture yourself with sprints and marathons."

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Irina shayk

The popular model Irina Shayk is an experienced runner. Irina leads healthy image life - she eats right, does yoga and Pilates, but running for her is beyond competition, although it is associated with some inconveniences. Paparazzi often hunt Irina when she goes for a run, their goal is to capture a star without makeup, so that later they can sell the pictures at a higher price. But despite this, Shayk runs every day, in any weather and at any time of the year, and even twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. And, having overcome half the route, he takes a break for stretching exercises.

Mila Koroleva

Photo gallery Stars over 50 in great shape (12 photos)

Running is one of the most accessible sports - in recent times became also super fashionable. Instagram photos from marathon distances have become a source of pride, and the inhabitants of social networks are actively discussing perfect outfit and choose best places for running. The editors of the site decided to talk about celebrities who should be equal when running out for a morning run.

In the Middleton family, children have always been instilled with a love of sports. So, the future Duchess Catherine and her younger sister were part of the school's field hockey team. Now the girls are also showing excellent shape, but if Kate's workouts are hidden from prying eyes, then almost everything is known about her sister's sports hobbies. Pippa Middleton, 31, rides a bicycle, goes on a yacht and, of course, runs.

After Pippa became an ambassador for the British Heart Foundation last year, the whole world learned about her jogging - after all, the girl began to take an active part in all kinds of marathons, raising funds and demonstrating that running is the best prevention of heart disease. And just a month ago, she ran in the rather difficult Safaricom marathon, which took place in Kenya in a 30-degree heat. "I was completely exhausted. Tears filled my eyes. Did I really succeed?" - this is how Pippa told about her feelings after the race. "It was tough, much tougher than anything I've ever encountered, and it took every inch of my energy, stamina and tenacity."

Pippa Middleton takes part in the Blenheim Triathlon

I was completely exhausted. Tears filled my eyes. Did I really succeed?

The actress also played sports since childhood - after school she went to the section on rhythmic gymnastics... Growing up, Reese continued her training, but already in the gym. There are as many pictures of the actress running through the streets of Los Angeles as there are pictures of her from the red carpet.

Jogging is a daily necessity for the petite Witherspoon. With an increase of 156 centimeters after the birth of three children, the actress, who next year turns 40, not easy to hold perfect shape... Therefore, running has long become for her one of the ways to take care of herself.

Actor Matthew McConaughey has recently shown miracles of transformation on the screen - last year, viewers saw him emaciated and thinner by 20 kg in the "Dallas Buyers Club" and at the same time physically strong ex-NASA pilot in "Interstellar". McConaughey began to seriously work on his appearance as a teenager, so much so that as a law student, he earned a living as a model in advertising. Now the actor trains every day, and runs wherever he goes - near the house, and on the beach, and even during filming.

Before each role, the 45-year-old actor always takes a course with coach Peter Park at his home in Malibu. McConaughey himself says that he was very lucky with genes - his father was a real athlete. "I did not use heavy weight in training for three years, - the actor admitted six months ago in an interview with American GQ, - 4 kilograms plus, 4 minus - I can easily both get rid of and gain such weight within a week. "To my training, and especially jogging, Matthew McConaughey also introduces his wife - thanks to running, 33-year-old ex-model Camila Alves easily returned to her previous form after the birth of three children.

4 kilograms plus, 4 kilograms - I can easily both get rid of and gain such weight within a week

Christy Turlington

The 46-year-old California native is the sportiest of the 90s supermodel generation. Daily activities yoga and running make themselves felt - by appearance Christy Turlington can never be said to be over forty.

Recently, sport has become for her not only a way to maintain ideal physical shape, but also a tool for helping other people. A few years ago, Turlington founded a charity that works with pregnant women and new mothers. As part of this work, almost every month, the top model takes part in various charity marathons. In addition, under the brand name of her organization Every Mother Counts, clothing for sports training is produced.

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