The best way to lose 20 kg. Physical activity at home

"I want to quickly lose weight!" - you exclaimed, realizing that there are about two months left before the significant event in your life. How to lose weight by 20 kg at home in 2 months? We will tell you everything without hiding. You will also have time to lose those extra pounds and, after a couple of months, appear in front of others in a completely different form.

Is it possible to lose 20 kilograms in 2 months?

Everyone who has ever tried to lose weight by a large amount of pounds

They know very well that in the first week with diet, exercise and other manipulations for losing weight, excess weight literally melts before our eyes. We think everything is going great. A couple more weeks with the same result as in the first week - and the form we dream of will be. However, this is absolutely not the case.

Already in the second week, the kilograms begin to decrease modestly. So, for example, if in the first week you managed to lose 5-7 kilograms, then in the second - already by 2-3 kilograms, very rarely when more. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to lose 20 kg in 2 months (this is almost 8 weeks, even more) if you adhere to the chosen nutrition system and stimulate the process of losing weight with additional measures.

How to lose weight in 2 months?

So, in order to lose weight in 60 days for such a large amount of extra pounds, you will need recipes for low-calorie dietary dishes from fish, beef, turkey, chicken breast. All this applies to protein foods. Also, the menu should include legumes and soybeans.

From carbohydrate foods, it is allowed to leave bread, crackers, bran bread, as well as premium pasta (they can be eaten with soy or tomato sauce, but without butter and protein products, they should be cooked al dente).

To lose weight, plant foods that contain fiber, minerals and vitamins, you must choose the following: vegetables (baked potatoes, you can only eat them separately from protein products), fruits (with the exception of bananas and grapes), as well as berries and greenery.

For two months, you must adhere to the following nutritional system:

  • Early breakfast - oatmeal in water or omelet, or muesli, cereals, drenched in milk (kefir).
  • Snack - fruit.
  • Lunch - any protein dish and vegetable salad (200 grams each).
  • Afternoon snack - fruits, vegetables, herbs, a handful of nuts or dried fruits.
  • Dinner - kefir or green tea.

Physical activity

If you connect physical activity, you can lose weight without harm much faster. For example, you can start losing weight with a hula hoop. To do this, you only need to purchase a hoop and practice with it at home for 30-40 minutes daily.

However, a hula hoop will only help tighten your belly and slim your waist. Physical activity generally contributes to the fact that the total amount of fat is eliminated, the rest of the muscles are tightened - buttocks, hips, legs, arms, shoulders, chest.

Even just walking, jumping or jogging on the spot can help you lose 20 kg in 2 months. Not to mention gyms, swimming, effective walking.

Look at yourself in the mirror, determine what defects are in your body, and include exercises that will affect problem areas in your weight loss program. Do fitness, yoga, or just jump rope.

Cosmetic procedures

If you plan to lose 20 kg in 2 months, you simply cannot do without cosmetic manipulations. It is worth noting that wraps using cling film in one procedure, they can remove up to 1 cm in the waist. They should be used every other day for a month, periodically changing the mixture for wrapping - this will not only get rid of cellulite, but also lose extra pounds (300-500 grams per day).

Wraps, exercises and diet - losing 20 kg in 2 months is quite possible. Check your weight at the end of each week.

Power system for 2 months

In addition to healthy foods, such as fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk or kefir, you must add dried fruits to the diet - raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs. However, dried fruits should be consumed separately from all dishes and before meals, and most importantly, no more than one handful at a time.

There are foods that help burn fat intensively. These include citrus fruits, seaweed, garlic, onions, cinnamon, bran, celery, ginger root, and seafood. It is advisable to introduce such food into your diet. It is very important to drink a lot of water, without it you simply will not have time to lose the desired pounds in 2 months.

Alexey Kovalkov: "Losing weight wisely"

Alexey Kovalkov is a nutritionist who has personally encountered the problem of being overweight. He not only compiled a nutritional method, but also tested it on himself. He managed to lose 50 kilograms in six months. Today there is a weight correction clinic owned by Aleksey Kovalkov. "Losing Weight Wisely" is his book, which you can use if you do not have the opportunity to get into this clinic.

On the first and preparatory stage refusal from fish and meat products, as well as smoked meats and canned food is provided. At the third stage, the use of harmful products, bad carbohydrates, as well as products with a high content of sugary substances is not allowed. Let us consider in more detail the main stages of the diet of Alexei Kovalkov.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, the following products must be removed from the menu: corn, potatoes, honey, chocolate, sweets, carbonated drinks, juice, ice cream, sugar, alcohol (allowed dry wine in small quantities). It is also not allowed to eat foods that are industrially processed, such as white rice.

At the preparatory stage, fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, as well as cereals (preferably coarse grinding) are allowed.

During the day, you need to drink about 10 glasses of water. A large volume of fluid stimulates the body to release special hormones that burn fat.

First stage

At the first stage, you can lose about 5-7 kilograms. How much can you lose weight by such an amount of a kilogram? This stage is designed for 2 weeks. The consumption of fish, meat, beets, carrots and bananas is not allowed.

An example of a day menu:

  • On an empty stomach, you should drink a glass of water before breakfast.
  • Breakfast - a mixture of nuts (a small handful), some bran and low-fat kefir (250 grams).
  • Dinner - Greek salad with the addition of olive oil (a small amount).
  • You can drink warm milk (1 glass) right before bed.
  • Between meals, you are allowed to eat grapefruit, 3 apples, drink 3 cups of green tea.

Second phase

At this stage, the expansion of the menu is envisaged. The diet can be varied with turkey, chicken, low-fat cottage cheese and seafood. The weight loss will now be slower.

Third stage

In fact, this stage is considered indefinite and reinforcing. It should be adhered to in the future. In this case, the lost kilograms will not come back again.

So, at the third stage, cereals are gradually introduced into the diet - wheat, buckwheat, wild or brown rice, with the exception of semolina and white polished rice. Once every 2-3 days, it is allowed to eat dark chocolate, baked potatoes, bran black bread.

It is advisable to choose olive oil as a dressing for salads and other dishes. The main thing is to remember that either only carbohydrates or only fats must enter the body in one meal: they are not compatible. No more than 60 g of fat is allowed per day. Only dry wine is allowed from alcoholic beverages.

Basic moments

In principle, it is quite possible to lose 20 kilograms in 2 months. However, in view of the danger that you will not be able to choose the right food, their calorie content and method of preparation, in this article we advised you to include additional physical activity in your weight loss program. Go skiing and ice skating in winter, biking and rollerblading in summer. Go to swimming pools, and not just to watch people swim. Swim actively back and forth.

There are a lot of reviews on the Internet about how successfully women managed to lose 20 or more kilograms in 2 months, confirming our idea that physical activity in combination with a good diet can effectively reduce weight in a short period of time. Some jump rope, spin a hoop at home, and some prefer to go to fitness. However, when a woman takes herself seriously, begins to move actively and quickly, revises her diet, she always sheds hated kilograms for the joy of her environment and herself.

If you urgently need to lose 20 kg in a month, and you do not know where to start, assess your health. Losing so much excess weight is quite possible, but for the body it will be a lot of stress. Therefore, everyone who is losing weight needs to cure all existing ailments before starting hard diets. Otherwise, they can become active. This is the first step that will provide a solid foundation for your future success in the fight for your perfect figure.

Before you can lose 20 kg in 20 days or longer, you must have a strong and conscious desire. Confidence in success is almost a victory. After the current state of the body has been assessed, and the number of extra pounds to get rid of has been determined, we proceed to the following plan:

All of the above items are required. To quickly lose 20 kg in 3 months, you must know how to do it correctly.

Weight loss rules

Now you need to completely overhaul your lifestyle and organize proper nutrition. The best option is fractional food intake. This means that for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to eat foods containing various micronutrients. So, in the morning, cereals are good, as well as cereals, in which there are a lot of so-called complex carbohydrates and fiber.

For lunch we eat foods high in protein - give preference to lean or dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey, etc.), steamed. You need to have dinner no later than two hours before bedtime. It can be kefir or vegetables with fruits.

The personal experience of many who have lost weight speaks of the effectiveness of the alternation regime. In other words, throughout the day you can refuse 1 meal, be it lunch or dinner (but not breakfast). Learn to count calories - you have to spend more of them than you get with food.

Many people who have lost weight and nutritionists advise drinking enough water (at least 2 liters). Green tea works well as an alternative, but pure water should still be in your diet. Lack of fluid leads to the fact that the body begins to actively accumulate it. Hence - swelling of the arms and legs, puffiness of the body.

You can lose 20 kg in 2 months if you consciously choose low-calorie foods and give up junk food (it will nullify all your efforts):

  • sweets;
  • fast food (so-called fast food);
  • smoked food;
  • Salo;
  • white bread and fresh baked goods;
  • spicy food;
  • alcohol.

Do not forget that the reduction in the calorie content of food should occur gradually and as smoothly as possible.

In order not to harm your health, start active fat burning actions only after one or even two months of preparation. During this time, your body must learn to live in new conditions for it.

Choosing a diet

Want to know how to lose 20 kg? Then pay attention to diets - you will need them anyway. If personal experience in this case you are absent, try the methods proven by others: "Minus 60", "Five parts", as well as "Systemic diet".

"Minus 60"

It is based on two components - reducing the amount of food eaten per day and adhering to the correct diet. In the first 7 days, wean your body from junk food, then accustom yourself to breakfast (even if you have never had breakfast before and you have no desire to eat in the morning).

A hearty breakfast is a guarantee that you will not have to snack every hour. You can eat high-calorie foods before lunch, but not after lunch. You should have dinner no later than a couple of hours before bedtime (you can drink kefir or eat lean porridge without oil).

"Five parts"

If you have been eating the wrong food for years and do not know how to properly lose weight in three months, try the more called "Five Parts". It assumes a fivefold meal with a size of each portion no more than 250 g. It is imperative to introduce fish, olives, cereals (buckwheat, millet, pearl barley), dietary meat, bran bread, green tea, freshly prepared juices or fruit drinks into the diet. Such a diet will help you lose weight in six months, get rid of 20 kg of excess weight.

"Systemic diet"

This is very simple diet helping to lose weight quickly. She allows you to eat anything you want, but not more than 1200 kilocalories per day. Despite the apparent lightness and simplicity, it is quite tough and is designed for up to three months. The menu can be composed arbitrarily. For instance:

The systemic diet is showing real results. Can be used for up to six months or less, depending on current progress.

Physical exercise

How to quickly lose 20 kg without physical exercise? Honestly, nothing. To enhance the effect of diets, completely eliminate sagging skin and muscles, as well as consolidate the result, you need activity. Exhausting yourself for 3 hours in the gym is not worth it. You can lose weight in a year or even earlier if you adhere to the principle of regularity and consistency.

So that muscle mass does not grow, but it is fat burning that occurs, use exercises from the category of cardio loads ( fast walk, running, swimming, cycling). In addition, give preference to static or dynamic loads - doing exercises in a deliberately slow pace. For these purposes, you can use a kilogram weighting (dumbbells, weights).

Can't visit expensive gyms or stadiums? Do not worry. All of the above cardio exercises can be easily replaced with rhythmic dancing, rope and jumping. Do not forget that you need to warm up before class.

Stretching exercises work well. They are best done just before bed. Like a leisurely half-hour walk, they will improve tissue blood supply and internal organs... Without regular physical activity, losing 20 kg at home and at the same time keeping your muscles in good shape is unrealistic.

We said that reducing body weight by such an impressive amount of kilograms is a great stress for the body. Therefore, follow these tips to help you feel good:

I want to lose 20 kg, help me. Is that what you say to yourself every day in front of the mirror? Stop asking questions, it's time to act - show your will, make an effort and you will definitely succeed. It doesn't matter how many months or years you will lose weight, the main thing is that the process runs smoothly and with minimal damage to health.

Excess weight is acquired over the years, and they strive to get rid of it in a couple of weeks. Of course, it is possible to quickly lose 20 kg, but you need to realistically assess the capabilities of your body. If the weight reaches values ​​of 90 kg and more, then the weight loss will be carried out faster, but if you need to throw off from 70 to 50, here the pace may be lower.

In any case, losing weight by such significant numbers, you should be patient and have a lot of remedies for stretch marks and to moisturize the skin. To achieve more significant results, to maintain the correct contours of the figure, it is necessary to add physical activity.

Where to start losing weight? First of all, it is worth determining the motivation. It can be an opportunity to change several sizes of clothes, feel free to appear on the beach or improve your health. In any case, the right choice of motivation is 50% of success.

Next, you should choose a suitable diet and physical activity. Sport has a positive effect on the figure, well-being and mood. In order for classes to bring joy, you need to choose workouts to your liking.

For active individuals, aerobic workouts are perfect - step, slide, kick aerobics. For the more phlegmatic - Pilates, yoga, body ballet. Absolutely everyone is shown - bicycle, skiing, water aerobics, swimming.

Diet for fast weight loss by 20 kg

The first step is diet selection. For a quick result, you need to sharply limit the number of calories or switch to a diet formulated specifically for fast weight loss and without losing muscle mass.

For the first week, the diet of the "Maggi" diet is perfect. The diet consists in the fact that all seven days for tomorrow you need to eat 2 boiled eggs and half a grapefruit. For lunch, 100-200 grams of protein are usually consumed, or fruits in any quantity. Dinner consists of protein and vegetables. The calorie content of such a diet does not exceed 1500 calories, but the protein content is increased, so weight loss goes without hunger strikes, breakdowns and muscle loss.

Vegetable salad for quick weight loss

For a week, this is thrown off about 3-4 kilograms. But this is not the main advantage of the diet.

The diet was compiled by nutritionists and in a week the body gets used to small amounts of food and weaned off sugar and flour products, therefore, it becomes easier to follow a proper diet in the future.

Proper nutrition will help you quickly lose 20 kg

After a week of "Maggi" you can switch to proper nutrition. are as follows:

  • you need to eat 5 times a day;
  • remove foods with sugar and flour products from the diet;
  • avoiding alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • drink more than 2 liters of water per day;
  • do not mix carbohydrates with proteins.

Fruit in the right diet

Observing these principles, you can lose weight in 1-2 months. It is better to schedule meals for the day, so as not to think about what to cook. In addition, today there are many nutritional sites on the Internet that provide various recipes.

Therefore, today, proper nutrition can be not only very useful, but also quite tasty.

If your perfect body hides under 20 kg of unnecessary fat, then 20 days - optimal time to get rid of unnecessary things. Choose from 15 effective weight loss programs and lose 1 kg per day!

Of all the weight loss methods, the most popular are diets that provide effective weight loss in a relatively short period. At the same time, too short dietary programs do not give the desired result and often have a negative effect on health, and long-term nutrition systems aimed at correcting weight usually lack strength, patience and time. That is why a diet for 20 days, in which the plumb line is on average 20 kg, is considered optimal both in terms of performance and duration.

Effective diets for 20 days

There are a large number of weight loss systems lasting 20 days, since during such a period it is possible to normalize weight at the most different diets- from very strict to sparing. As a rule, their result starts from minus 15 kg and more, depending on the rules, restrictions and individual characteristics of the body losing weight. The most effective in terms of weight loss are considered such 20-day techniques as the tough Chinese diet, the urgent "Twenty", "Skinny", Super- and even "Not hungry" diet. Each of them has its own characteristics that must be taken into account in order to choose the best weight loss option for yourself.


The strictest 20-day weight loss technique is considered one of the options for the Chinese diet, designed for exactly this duration. It is distinguished by a very limited range of products, therefore, it is rather difficult to comply with. But the results are really impressive - in the first week it takes 8-10 kg, and for the entire period - up to 20 kg of excess weight.

Essence and rules

The Chinese diet for 20 days requires strict adherence to the following requirements:

  • consume at least 2 liters of clean water and green tea daily;
  • the basis of vegetable salads should be arugula and lettuce;
  • an evening meal cannot be later than 19:00;
  • it is advisable to refuse physical activity, limiting ourselves to light morning exercises and walking.

In addition, during the entire period of weight loss, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes in order to make up for the lack of necessary substances with a rather meager diet.

The hardest thing on the strict Chinese diet is to maintain the first week. But it is she who pleases most of all with her plumb line, which significantly increases the motivation and effectiveness of the entire technique.

Especially rapid weight loss is observed when the initial body weight is too high. The more extra pounds, the sooner they go away.

Sample menu

The diet for this method of losing weight is divided into 3 stages:

  • 1 week - the daily diet is 3 eggs and 3 oranges, which must be consumed in 3 doses (1 boiled egg and 1 citrus each);
  • 2 week - it is allowed to eat any porridge cooked in water (except semolina and pearl barley) in unlimited quantities;
  • the final 6 days - fruits and vegetables are consumed fresh or cooked with the addition of a small amount of olive oil and salt.

For the first 2 weeks, you can drink only pure water and green tea, at the 3rd stage, you can add natural freshly prepared juices to the drink.

Eggs are a source of protein and fat. Thanks to their unique composition, they quickly fill up and provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Oranges make the diet rich in vitamins, many micro- and macroelements, and also help to speed up metabolism and lower cholesterol levels, which is especially important if there are eggs in the menu. At the same time, these two products are quite strong allergens, therefore, it is allowed to use this weight loss system in the absence of individual intolerance to its components and only after consultation with a specialist.

According to nutritionists, the Chinese diet for 20 days, which includes 7 days of only one egg and oranges, is one of the toughest and extreme techniques losing weight. At the same time, it ensures systematic weight loss by burning its own fats and protects muscles and skin from sagging due to a sufficient supply of protein. However, it should be borne in mind that such nutrition is a great stress for the body, which can lead to the development of gastrointestinal diseases and a rapid return of weight after switching to the usual menu. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to another, less strict, but equally effective 20-day method of losing weight, which is called the urgent "Twenty".

Urgent "Twenty"

Losing weight on the "Dvadtsatochka" system is suitable for those who urgently need to get rid of 20 kg of excess weight. However, it should be borne in mind that such accelerated weight loss is allowed only in the absence of any other serious health problems other than obesity.

Essence and rules

During all 20 days of the diet, 3 rules must be observed:

  • consume at least 3 liters of clean water per day;
  • eat small portions;
  • strictly follow the menu below.

Unlike all the other 20-day weight loss methods presented here, weight loss on which usually ranges from 15 to 20 kg, the "Twenty" allows you to quickly get rid of at least 20 extra pounds.

Sample menu

An important condition for effective weight loss at Dvadtsatochka is strict adherence to the following menu:

Days 1-2, 11-12:

  • 7:00 - 250 ml tomato juice;
  • for all other meals - 2 liters of skim milk, 200 g of whole grain bread.

Days 3-4, 13-14:

  • 7:00 - natural coffee, 50 g of whole grain bread with a thin layer of butter;
  • 9:00 - 100 g of boiled fish;
  • 11:00 - 200 ml of lean meat broth;
  • 13:00 - 50 g of whole grain bread, 200 ml of low-fat kefir;
  • 15:00 - tea with 1 tsp. honey;
  • 17:00 - 150 g of boiled meat;
  • 19:00 - 50g whole grain bread with a thin layer of butter and a slice of hard cheese.

Days 5-6, 15-16:

  • 7:00 - 200 ml of kefir;
  • 9:00 - orange;
  • 11:00 - beet salad with 1 tsp olive oil;
  • 13:00 - 200 ml of vegetable soup;
  • 15:00 - 100 g of curd mass;
  • 17:00 - 2 apples;
  • 19:00 - vinaigrette, 50 g of whole grain bread.

Days 7-8, 17-18:

  • 7:00 - 200 ml fresh vegetable;
  • 9:00 - 50 g whole grain bread, 1 apple;
  • 11:00 - 2 boiled eggs or omelet;
  • 13:00 - 200 ml of kefir;
  • 15:00 - 200 g of cabbage salad with 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • 17:00 - orange;
  • 19:00 - 200 ml of natural yoghurt with 1 tsp. honey.

Days 9-10, 19-20:

  • Throughout the day, only vegetables (except for starchy ones) are consumed in an amount of no more than 2 kg.

The meal schedule may be shifted in time, but in any case, dinner must take place no later than 19:00. During the use of the urgent "twenty" it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes and be constantly monitored by a doctor. If the menu of this weight loss system is not suitable for the composition of the dishes, you can use a similar method with a slightly different diet - the so-called "Lean" diet.


Diet for 20 days with the meaningful name "Skinny" - one of the most popular methods of losing weight around the world. It was developed by American nutritionists specifically for people with a large overweight, but due to its simplicity and effectiveness, it has become in demand among everyone who wants to lose weight in a relatively short time.

Essence and rules

This food system is based on a diet with a minimum calorie content, which makes it quite difficult to follow and can adversely affect health due to insufficient intake of nutrients. Therefore, the authors of the "Skinny" method strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before starting it, and take vitamin and mineral preparations during the period of compliance.

In contrast to traditional diets, which usually require physical activity, this diet program, on the contrary, should be carried out with adequate rest and attention to the signals of the body.

In addition, the "Lean" diet has several important benefits:

  • very effective - minus 20 kg in 20 days;
  • not associated with large financial costs;
  • not related to calorie counting;
  • based on available products;
  • does not require the preparation of complex dishes.

The main disadvantage of this technique is the constant feeling of hunger and the associated negative impact on the physical and mental state.

Sample menu

The diet of the "Skinny" food system is very meager. The recommended daily amount of food should be divided into 4-5 meals. Juices should be freshly prepared, with preference given to orange, grapefruit or apple juices. In addition, it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of liquid a day, including clean water, green tea, unsaturated dried fruit decoction.

The "Skinny" diet menu should be as follows:

  • Day 1 - 200 ml of kefir, 1 liter of milk;
  • 2nd - 200 g of curd mass, 1 liter of fresh fruit;
  • 3rd - 200 g of jacket potatoes;
  • 4th - 200 g of boiled lean fish, 800 ml of fresh fruit;
  • 5th - 1 kg of green unsweetened apples;
  • 6th - 200 g of lean meat, 1 liter of fresh fruit;
  • 7th - 200 g of curd mass, 800 ml of kefir (yogurt);
  • 8th - 200 g of curd mass, 300 g of vegetable stew, 100 g of white meat;
  • 9th - 200 g of curd mass, 1 liter of fresh fruit;
  • 10th - 200 g of seafood, 1 liter of fresh fruit;
  • 11th - 4 medium-sized potatoes, 800 ml fresh fruit;
  • 12th - 5 green unsweetened apples;
  • 13th - 200 g of meat, 1 liter of fresh fruit;
  • 14th - 1 liter of kefir;
  • 15th - any of the rations of the previous day;
  • 16th - 5 green unsweetened apples;
  • 17th - 200 g of white meat, 800 ml of milk;
  • 18th - 1 liter of kefir;
  • 19th - 200 g of curd mass;
  • 20th - 1 liter of kefir, 1 apple.

In the specified diet there are several practically hungry days, which are unloading and very stressful for the body against the background of such a low-calorie diet. This leads to a significant slowdown in metabolism, and this not only negatively affects health, but can also lead to the fact that the lost weight after returning to a normal diet can quickly return. To prevent this, it is necessary to smoothly exit the diet and further adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Super diet

Since almost all diets designed for 20 days and a loss of 20 kg are among the most successful in terms of the ratio of result and duration, their creators assign them the appropriate names. The Super Diet is no exception. It is really super effective as it allows you to get rid of 1 extra kilogram... Moreover, weight loss occurs evenly throughout the entire process of losing weight.

Essence and rules

A feature of this technique is that its daily diet is made up of only one product in the amount of 1 kg. According to doctors, such a nutritional system is unsafe for the body, but many of those who want to lose weight decide to take a risk for the sake of a beautiful and slim figure... In any case, especially if you have health problems, you should not make a decision on your own, but rather consult a specialist.

For the most effective weight loss, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • the entire amount of the product allocated for the day should be distributed over 4-6 servings in order to eat often, preventing the appearance of too strong a feeling of hunger;
  • the last meal must be no later than 18:00;
  • drink at least 1.5–2 liters of water for knocking in order to “cheat” the appetite and ensure effective elimination of decay products from the body.

The basis of the diet of this method is vegetables, apples and dairy products. At the same time, "apple" days are the most frequent, they are repeated on the menu every other day.

Sample menu

In addition to the specified rule - 1 kg of products per day, when drawing up a diet, it should be borne in mind that all dairy and lactic acid products must be fat-free, and their amount is 1.5 liters per day.

As an example, you can take this version of the products:

  • For the 1st day - kefir;
  • 2nd - apples;
  • 3rd - boiled potatoes "in their uniforms";
  • 4th - apples;
  • 5th - fresh cabbage;
  • 6th - apples;
  • 7th - kefir;
  • On the 8th - apples;
  • 9th - boiled beets;
  • On the 10th - apples;
  • 11th - cottage cheese;
  • On the 12th - apples;
  • On the 13th - raw carrots;
  • On the 14th - apples;
  • 15th - fresh cucumbers;
  • On the 16th - apples;
  • On the 17th - milk;
  • On the 18th - apples;
  • 19th - kefir;
  • On the 20th - apples.

At first glance, maintaining such a diet is quite difficult. But if you tune in mentally and create strong motivation, then you can really lose 20 kg in a little less than 3 weeks.


Another 20-day technique with a promising name that truly captures its essence is the Real Diet. Compared to all the weight loss systems described above, it is safer and more sparing for the body, but at the same time it allows you to lose no more than 5 kg in a specified period of time. The main thing is to correctly combine proper nutrition with sports loads which are required in this program.

Essence and rules

Excess body weight appears as a result of too high-calorie nutrition, metabolic disorders, the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract. The real 20-day diet aims to address the cause and effect of all of these problems. This requires:

  • adjust the diet, change eating habits, plan meals so that breakfast is the most nutritious and nutritious, and dinner is held 4 hours before bedtime;
  • lead active image life, devote enough time to physical activity, but they should be moderate and not overload the body;
  • do not strive for fast weight loss, which is very harmful to health, and determine your calorie intake, which will accelerate the breakdown of fats and normalize weight;
  • use the principle of alternation for weight loss, skipping one of the main meals every day;
  • thoroughly cleanse the body by holding regular fasting days along with the use of a sufficient (at least 2 liters) amount of liquid per day.

For weight loss to be comfortable and effective, you need to find the right motivation, define a reasonable weight loss framework, plan your daily menu and training schedule. You should not strive for rapid weight loss, which can lead to deep depression and a quick return of the lost pounds.

In addition, rapid weight loss disrupts all internal processes and causes the appearance of cosmetic defects - flabbiness and sagging skin, hair loss, brittle nails.

Sample menu

The ration of the "Real" diet is made up of low-calorie healthy foods that provide active burning of their own fat reserves, and also have a positive effect on immunity and do not create a stressful situation for the body during the period of weight loss. These products include:

  • from vegetables - white cabbage and asparagus (broccoli), tomatoes, cucumbers, greens;
  • from legumes - beans;
  • from cereals - rice, buckwheat;
  • from proteins - eggs, chicken breast, sea ​​fish, fat-free lactic acid products;
  • from fruits - all are not starchy and not very sweet;
  • from drinks - green tea.

From these products, you can independently compose a menu, using healthy cooking methods for heat treatment - boiling, steaming, grilling. Also important condition effective weight loss on this program is the principle of alternation, in which every day you need to give up breakfast, lunch or dinner.

An example menu might be as follows.

Option 1:

  • breakfast - 100 g of curd mass, apple, green tea;
  • lunch - 200 g of boiled chicken breast, 3 tbsp. l. boiled rice, vegetable salad;
  • dinner is absent.

Option 2:

  • breakfast - an omelet of 2 eggs, 100 ml of yogurt, a pear;
  • lunch is absent;
  • dinner - 200 g of boiled fish, vegetable or fruit salad.

Option 3:

  • breakfast - not available;
  • lunch - 150 g of boiled beans or buckwheat porridge, vegetable slices, 200 ml of kefir;
  • dinner - 200 g of chicken fillet or curd mass, green tea, any fruit.

If you experience a strong feeling of hunger while skipping a meal, you can drink a glass of fresh vegetable or fermented milk drink.

Weight loss on the "Real" diet is not very big, but stable. In this case, dietary courses can be repeated several times until the desired body weight is reached.


The method of losing weight with a very encouraging name "Hungry", according to its supporters, really helps to effectively lose weight, while absolutely not starving. As a result of a 20-day adherence to such a diet, the promised weight loss is about 1 kg per day, that is, in just the specified period of weight loss, you can get rid of 20 kg.

Essence and rules

The main advantage of the Fast 20 Day Diet is that there are no restrictions on portions or food intake. However, only approved products can be used. Also, the "Fast" diet is best done in winter, when there is not an abundance of fruits, since they are completely excluded.

Allowed include:

  • meat and fish, but only natural (sausage and other purchased products with artificial additives are prohibited);
  • eggs;
  • vegetables - exclusively red and green (especially banned carrots and beets).

Anything that is not on this list is prohibited. Any method of cooking is allowed, including smoking and frying with fat. Vegetable oil is used for salad dressing.

It is necessary to take food every 3 hours. During breaks, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

An important condition for losing weight on the "Hungry" diet is strict adherence to the drinking regime. If you drink less than 2 liters of pure water per day, weight loss will slow down significantly.

In the first 2-3 days, there is a high probability of overeating, but it does not bring much harm with this technique. The main thing is that only permitted products are used.

Sample menu

You can make up a "not hungry" diet at your discretion. Despite the rather limited number of acceptable products, they are the main ones in human nutrition, therefore they allow you to prepare a wide range of various dishes.

An example menu option might look like this:

  • breakfast - scrambled eggs with vegetables and green onions, unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • lunch - vegetable salad, meat in any form;
  • lunch - soup with meat or vegetable broth, salad, meat or fish dish;
  • afternoon tea - vegetable stew with meat;
  • dinner - fish in any form, vegetable salad;
  • at night - eggs, vegetables.

The "hungry" food system is quite high in calories, therefore, it does not require a special way out, and the weight after its termination does not return. But it should be borne in mind that after 20 days of losing weight, the weight usually stops. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break on a healthy balanced diet, and then the course can be repeated again.

In addition to the above-mentioned independent dietary methods designed for 20 days, there are many options for popular weight loss programs that can be very effective for this duration.

20-day versions of popular diets

Such well-known nutrition systems as the Kremlin, protein, English, diet of astronauts, Elena Malysheva and many other methods designed for fairly long-term adherence are very popular all over the world. At the same time, they can be quite effectively used for only 20 days, and many of them even have separate simplified 20-day versions. They can be an excellent solution for those who do not dare to immediately switch to a too long and difficult process of losing weight or want to determine how this or that diet will be suitable for the individual characteristics of the body.


The Kremlin method of losing weight has long and firmly held a leading position among the most popular diets. This is due to the fact that it allows, absolutely not starving, to get rid of 5–8 kg per week, and if the option for 20 days is observed, weight loss can be 15–18 kg. Moreover, the greater the initial body weight, the faster it is lost. But, since the Kremlin diet is a protein diet, it has a number of contraindications and is only suitable for healthy people overweight. This technique is especially not recommended for kidney disease and during pregnancy.

Essence and rules

The essence of the Kremlin diet is to virtually eliminate high-carbohydrate foods, which are the main sources of energy. By limiting their use, you can force the body to extract it from its own fatty deposits, which will ensure an active process of losing weight.

The uniqueness of the Kremlin methodology lies in the absence of the need to calculate traditional grams or calories. It uses a special table of points (or ue - carbohydrate units, which correspond to the amount of net carbohydrates in grams), assigned only to foods containing carbohydrates.

To lose weight, you need to compose your daily diet in such a way as not to exceed the norm of 40 cu. That is, and subject to the 20-day option - at 20 cu. e. After reaching the desired weight for its further retention, the daily rate of points can be increased to 40-60.

For weight loss to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to collect the allowed 20 g of carbohydrates from healthy foods, primarily vegetables. They are suppliers of fiber, vitamins and minerals, therefore, ensure the normal functioning of the intestines, which is most important if a protein weight loss program is followed.

All foods containing a lot of carbohydrates should be excluded for the period of weight loss. Those prohibited on the Kremlin diet include:

  • any sweets;
  • bakery products;
  • cereals, pasta;
  • potato.

Such a dietary program is ideal for people who are used to eating animal proteins, primarily meat, fish, eggs, hard cheese, since they can be consumed in any quantity without limiting the amount of servings and the frequency of their intake. This completely eliminates the feeling of hunger that is typical for most other diet programs.

A mandatory requirement of the Kremlin diet is to drink plenty of fluids - you need to drink at least 2 liters of useful liquid (pure water, herbal infusions, rosehip decoction) per day. This will ensure the maintenance of the required water-salt balance and the active elimination of decay products.

Sample menu

Another great advantage of the Kremlin diet is a varied and free menu that you can compose yourself by combining various foods within the acceptable carbohydrate range. At first, this approach seems complicated, but after a few days everything becomes clear, and the table is quickly remembered.

As a basis for drawing up a daily ration, you can take an example of a menu containing 20 cu. Ie .:

  • breakfast - 150 g of curd mass (5 cu), scrambled eggs with sausage (2 cu), unsweetened coffee or tea (0 cu);
  • lunch - 100 g of vegetable slices with olive oil dressing (4 cu), 200 g of fish baked with mushrooms (1 cu), herbal infusion (0 cu);
  • afternoon tea - 30 g of nuts (4 cu);
  • dinner - 200 g of leafy vegetables (4 cu), chicken broth (0 cu), boiled chicken (0 cu).

When planning your daily menu, you can change dishes depending on your personal food preferences. Moreover, products that do not contain carbohydrates can be consumed indefinitely and at any time. There are no indications for fats, on the contrary, it is believed that the fatter the product, the less carbohydrates it contains. But for health, it is better to use healthier vegetable oils. Also, do not go to extremes and completely abandon carbohydrates so as not to harm your health. The more balanced the menu is, the more comfortable the diet will be for the body.


The astronauts' diet has nothing to do with space technology, although there is an opinion that astronauts were fed on such a system before sending space, if their weight did not meet the established requirements. But, most likely, this method of losing weight is called so because of the need to have the same strong health as that of astronauts and the great willpower inherent in people of this profession, which allows them to withstand all restrictions.

Essence and rules

"Cosmic" weight loss, calculated for 20 days, is based on two principles - protein nutrition and reduced calorie intake. This allows you to achieve high efficiency in terms of normalizing body weight, while avoiding muscular dystrophy. If you carefully follow the rules of the program, you can get rid of 20 kg in 20 days.

The astronauts' diet is quite strict, has a large number of restrictions, and has a monotonous and very meager menu. Therefore, it will be very difficult and stressful for the body to withstand it for 20 days.

During the period of weight loss, several mandatory rules must be observed:

  • completely abandon foods containing fiber and carbohydrates;
  • do not use any flavors- salt, sugar, spices, as well as vegetable oils and animal fats;
  • consume at least 2.5 liters of clean drinking water;
  • establish a 4-time diet, occasionally using a glass of low-fat kefir as a snack;
  • reduce physical activity due to the too low energy value of the diet, giving the body a reasonable load (walking is best);
  • be sure to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

It is impossible to lose weight according to the astronaut system in the presence of any chronic diseases or other serious health problems, as well as during pregnancy or lactation. But even in completely healthy people, such methods of losing weight can cause the development of a metabolic disorder - ketoacidosis, so they can be observed no more than once a year and no more than 20 days.

Mandatory menu

The diet of the "cosmonauts" is very monotonous and does not change during the entire process of losing weight. Food should be taken at the same time 4 times a day, without deviating from the following menu:

  • breakfast - 1 egg (boiled or fried without fat), 200 ml of lactic acid drink, a cup of coffee without sugar;
  • lunch - 300 g of chicken meat, 500 ml chicken broth, 200 ml of lactic acid drink, a cup of coffee (optional);
  • afternoon tea - 200 ml of lactic acid drink, tea or coffee;
  • dinner - 200 g of curd mass, 200 ml of lactic acid drink.

You cannot make adjustments to the menu. All lactic acid foods should be low-fat. It is rather difficult to sustain 20 days of nutrition according to the indicated scheme, but it is still possible. After that, it is extremely important to get out of the diet correctly:

  • first you need to add porridge to breakfast, preferably oatmeal, and for dinner - vegetable or fruit salad;
  • after 3-4 days, you can enter vegetables or fruits for lunch;
  • a few days later - porridge for a side dish.

Pure protein

A diet on proteins of animal origin is a real find for those who love meat, fish, milk. All protein weight loss techniques are considered the most effective both in terms of the amount of weight lost and the comfort of compliance. They allow you to feel cheerful and active during the entire process of losing weight, without suffering from a constant feeling of hunger.

Essence and rules

The 20 Day Protein Diet aims to saturate the body with high protein foods while minimizing the amount of carbohydrates consumed, which will cause metabolic stress and energy deficits. Under these conditions, the body will begin to draw energy from its fat stores, extracting glycogen stores. In this case, weight loss will first go by removing excess fluid, and then by burning fat and partially muscle mass.

The diet during the period of weight loss according to the protein system will be very limited in terms of the set of products, but the portions remain quite large. Due to this, and also due to the longer digestion of protein foods, hunger on such a diet is practically absent.

There are not many rules and requirements for the protein method:

  • you need to eat food 5-6 times a day, the last meal - at least 2 hours before bedtime;
  • all products should be low-fat;
  • it is mandatory to consume at least 2 liters of clean water;
  • the entire period of losing weight, you need to take multivitamins.

The result of compliance with these rules and protein nutrition there will be a loss of 15–20 kg in 20 days. At the same time, it is prohibited to exceed the specified period so as not to provoke a serious deterioration in health. It should also be borne in mind that the consumption of large amounts of protein puts a significant load on the kidneys, creates an imbalance of vitamins and minerals, and can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sample menu

The diet of the 20-Day Protein Diet is divided into two periods. In the first 6 days the menu should be as follows:

  • breakfast - unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • lunch - 2-3 boiled eggs, 1 apple;
  • lunch - boiled lean meat;
  • afternoon tea - hard cheese;
  • dinner - low-fat kefir.

A feature of these days is the complete rejection of water. That is, the rule of compulsory abundant drinking does not apply here.

In the next 14 days, the menu changes. The example shows only 3 meals, but there should be 5-6 by adding snacks, for which you can use 200 ml of low-fat kefir. If the menu does not indicate the permissible portion size, then the dish can be consumed indefinitely (until light saturation).

  • morning - unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch - 2-3 boiled eggs, 150 g of stewed cabbage;
  • evening - boiled fish.
  • morning - unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch - 150 g of vegetable salad, boiled fish;
  • evening - boiled lean meat.
  • morning - unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch - 150 g of stewed zucchini, boiled lean meat;
  • evening - 2-3 boiled eggs, boiled fish.

Days 10 and 17:

  • morning - unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch - 1 raw egg, hard cheese;
  • evening - 200 g of vegetable salad, boiled lean meat or fish.

Days 11 and 16:

  • morning - water with lemon juice;
  • lunch - boiled fish, 200 ml of tomato juice;
  • evening - 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of vegetable salad.

Days 12 and 15:

  • morning - unsweetened coffee or 1 apple;
  • lunch - boiled chicken, 200 g of cabbage salad;
  • evening - 2 boiled eggs, boiled fish.

Days 13 and 14:

  • morning - coffee without sugar;
  • lunch - boiled meat, an apple;
  • evening - 200 g of vegetable salad, lean meat or steamed fish.

In addition to these products, daily (except for the first 6 days), it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of plain water between meals and snacks. This method of losing weight is extremely effective, and it is difficult to observe it only in the first days. Then the body gets used to the new diet and almost no discomfort is felt.


The name of this method of losing weight evokes associations with the image of slender, well-groomed, excellent-tasting English women. And this largely corresponds to the essence of the English diet - it allows you to quickly put your figure in order and maintain it in perfect condition.

The big advantage of the English diet is the absence of negative symptoms inherent in almost all low-calorie weight loss methods - feelings of constant hunger, loss of strength and deterioration in mood. Rather, on the contrary, with such a diet, the body works more clearly and harmoniously, which has a positive effect on appearance and well-being.

In the process of losing weight, a regular intake of a sufficient amount of protein and fiber is ensured, and the requirements for fat are replenished from their own reserves, which ensures weight loss. In addition, due to the use of healthy foods, many vital processes are normalized, as a result of which sugar and cholesterol levels are regulated, blood pressure is stabilized, toxins, radionuclides and other harmful substances are eliminated, and the work of the digestive tract and many other systems improves.

Essence and rules

This version of the 20-day nutrition program is based on the consumption of protein and vegetable products in compliance with the daily caloric intake, which should not exceed 1000 kcal.

There are 5 basic principles of losing weight in English:

  1. Compliance with the drinking regime - the amount of water drunk per day should not be less than 2 liters.
  2. Eating a minimum amount of salt (preferably sea salt) or replacing it with dry spices.
  3. Cooking food only in healthy ways - steaming, stewing, boiling, grilling.
  4. Refusal to eat after 19 hours.
  5. Reception at night 1 tbsp. l. olive oil to cleanse the intestines during sleep.

During the period of losing weight on the English dietary program, you should eat only permitted foods and take vitamin and mineral complexes to replenish the missing nutrients.

This method of losing weight is also called the diet " Thin waist"And the diet of the Queen of England. At the same time, the first name very accurately reflects its essence, and the second, on the contrary, does not quite correspond to reality, since Elizabeth II adheres to a slightly different diet, however, also based on protein and vegetable nutrition.

Sample menu

In terms of food, the 20-day English system is lacto-ovo-vegetarian, that is, it allows the use of plant foods, eggs and dairy products.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • vegetables - celery, carrots, beets, bell peppers, beans, asparagus, pumpkin, eggplant;
  • fruits - apples, pears, lemons, kiwi, pineapples;
  • nuts - pine, walnuts, hazelnuts;
  • cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • eggs;
  • garlic, onions, dry spices, herbs.

Almost everything else must be abandoned for 20 days.

You need to start losing weight after preliminary unloading, which will prepare the digestive system for a new diet. Immediately before entering the diet for 2 days, you need to switch to water and kefir (in total, at least 2 liters of liquid should be obtained). For solid food, only 2 slices of whole grain bread are allowed.

To create a menu for 1000 kcal, you can choose dishes from the proposed options for the main meals.

Breakfast options (200 kcal):

  1. 100 g of oatmeal porridge cooked in milk with 1 tbsp. l. raisins, 200 ml fresh vegetables or fruits;
  2. 1 egg, a slice of bran bread, 100 ml fresh juice;
  3. an apple, 100 g of rice or porridge, 200 ml of milk;
  4. 200 g fruit slices, seasoned with a little yogurt.

Lunch options (300 kcal):

  1. 1 potato, boiled or baked in a peel, 100 g of vegetable slices, 100 g of curd mass, 1 of any fruit;
  2. 200 ml of a decoction of vegetables, 25 g of feta cheese, a roll of bran flour, an apple;
  3. 50 g bean puree, 2 slices of bran bread, 100 g fruit slices seasoned with lemon juice;
  4. 2 eggs, fried with vegetables without oil, 50 g of cheese, pear.

Dinner options (500 Kcal):

  1. 200 g bean puree with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 100 g fruit slices;
  2. 200 ml of vegetable soup, 30 g of cheese, 2 slices of bran bread, 50 g of dried apricots;
  3. 200 g of cabbage, stewed with 1 tbsp. l. butter, 200 ml of any lactic acid drink, 1 baked apple stuffed with curd mass;
  4. 150 g of baked vegetables, 2 potatoes, boiled or baked with skin, 100 g of unsweetened cottage cheese dessert.

When composing a daily diet from these options, you should make it as varied and balanced as possible. If you follow all the rules and recommendations in 20 days, you can lose 12-15 kg of excess weight.


Elena Malysheva's diet is a special nutritional system specifically designed for weight loss. It can be observed for any period of time, depending on the desire, willpower and the ultimate goal of losing weight. So, in 20 days of losing weight using this technique, you can quite simply get rid of 10-15 kg of excess weight.

Essence and rules

Dr. Malysheva's diet program is aimed at losing weight without suffering and hunger, eating deliciously the simplest and most affordable foods. In this case, it is necessary to follow a few simple and very clear rules:

  • observe 5 meals a day in small portions;
  • calculate the calorie content of the daily diet, which should be 1175-1200 kcal;
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • drink a lot (from 2 liters) of clean water;
  • prevent the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger in order to prevent the appearance of stress, discomfort, weakening of the immune system, drowsiness, apathy;
  • often visit fresh air, maintain a good mood.

When choosing products, you need to refuse flour products, sweets, alcohol, any fats, as well as rice, potatoes, beets, carrots.

Sample menu

The diet of Elena Malysheva's diet is built according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast - 200 ml of low-fat yogurt, a portion of not instant oatmeal, but not boiled, but steamed with boiling water and retaining almost all vitamins, minerals, and other useful substances;
  • lunch - some fruit (for example, 2 apples or 2 oranges, or 1 citrus and some berries);
  • lunch - lean protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, cheese);
  • afternoon tea - fruit, as for lunch;
  • dinner (only until 19:00) - vegetable salads, low-fat fermented milk drinks.

With a very active lifestyle, high physical activity and sports, it is necessary to independently regulate your diet, increasing the calorie content of the diet to the required level in order to prevent depletion of the body.

In fact, Elena Malysheva's nutritional method is not a special menu, but the correct distribution of products throughout the day. You can cook meals at your discretion, but always in healthy ways without the use of fat, a large amount of spices and flavorings.


A nutritional program that involves alternating diets containing separate proteins and separate carbohydrates, as well as the so-called "mixed" days, is considered to be quite balanced and healthy. It allows you to meet the needs of the body in all nutrients and ensures that only fat is burned, while maintaining muscle mass.

The protein-carbohydrate diet for 20 days is very popular, especially among athletes and people with an active lifestyle. It allows you to effortlessly get rid of 8-10 kg of excess weight over a specified period, and with intensive sports, weight loss can be much greater.

Essence and rules

As a result of the 20-day alternation of protein and carbohydrate nutrition, a significant acceleration of metabolic processes occurs and the body begins to intensively break down its own fat reserves to obtain the necessary energy. At the same time, the increased intake of proteins protects the muscle mass from splitting, and the skin from sagging.

The power supply principle of this system is as follows:

  • the first and second days of the diet are protein, their diet includes foods with a high protein content, and carbohydrates are reduced to a minimum;
  • the third day - carbohydrate, only food rich in carbohydrates is consumed;
  • the fourth day is mixed, meals include the use of proteins and carbohydrates.

With this scheme, glycogen is actively lost in the first 2 days and the breakdown of fat cells begins. If this period is delayed, then muscle burning will begin, which is intended to prevent a high-carb day. However, one day is not enough for the full replenishment of glycogen stores, therefore another - a moderate day is introduced into the diet, the diet of which includes both carbohydrates and proteins in order to normalize their level in the body.

Thus, one cycle of protein-carbohydrate alternation consists of 4 days, and in a diet for 20 days they are repeated 5 times. This time is quite enough for the most effective untwisting of the metabolism, while remaining in good physical shape.

Sample menu

When compiling an appropriate diet, it is necessary:

  • on protein days - use mainly protein foods, calculating the required amount of pure protein using the formula: the available weight multiplied by 3 (in grams), and the amount of net carbohydrates - the desired weight multiplied by 0.5 (in grams);
  • v carbohydrate days- include complex carbohydrates in the diet at the rate of 5 g per 1 kg of existing weight, as well as a little protein - 1 g per 1 kg, respectively;
  • on mixed days - take the same amount of carbohydrates and proteins: 2 g per 1 kg of your weight.
  • white meat;
  • lean fish varieties;
  • cheeses up to 30% fat;
  • fat-free lactic acid products;
  • eggs (mainly proteins);
  • seafood.

The best sources of complex carbohydrates for carbohydrate days are:

  • porridge;
  • non-starchy vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • whole wheat bread.


  • lean red meat;
  • dark poultry meat;
  • Soy meat;
  • cold smoked low-fat products;


  • Brussels sprouts;
  • green pea;
  • asparagus;
  • apricots, peaches, plums;
  • berries;
  • dried fruits.

On any day of the cycle, you need to cook dishes by boiling, stewing, steaming, baking or frying without fat.

The following example of a basic menu can be taken as a basis for compiling a protein-carbohydrate diet.

For protein days:

  • breakfast - a small portion of vegetable salad with vegetable oil, 2 eggs, cottage cheese;
  • lunch - chicken breast or lean beef, a little vegetable stew or boiled beans;
  • dinner - fish, some vegetable salad.

For carbohydrate days:

  • breakfast - a portion of oatmeal with raisins, 2 slices of whole grain bread;
  • lunch - vegetable salad, half a chicken breast, a portion of boiled rice;
  • dinner - durum pasta with unsweetened sauce or low-fat gravy.

For moderate days:

  • breakfast - oatmeal with raisins, cottage cheese, tea or coffee without sugar;
  • lunch - a portion of boiled buckwheat, vegetable salad, lean meat;
  • dinner - lean fish, vegetable stew.

Fats in the diet do not have to be completely eliminated, but it is recommended to give preference to cold-pressed vegetable oils.

The most effective protein-carbohydrate weight loss program works in combination with intensive sports activities which are best done on mixed and carbohydrate days.

It should be borne in mind that 20 days is the optimal period for this technique, since with a longer use of it, the body gets used to this diet, which can lead to a stop in weight.


The striped diet is a unique technique that allows you to lose weight without giving up your usual diet. This rather unusual way of losing weight is not exhausting and allows you to independently set the duration of the course, depending on the required weight loss. Depending on the strictness of compliance, in 20 days you can lose from 5 to 20 kg overweight... Moreover, best results can be achieved only with serious physical activity, but you need to give such a load to the body only on non-loading days.

Essence and rules

The basis of the "Striped" weight loss system is the alternation of days on a regular diet with unloading on kefir. The effectiveness of such a diet is due to the excellent nutritional properties of this fermented milk drink and its ability to satisfy hunger well, while having a low calorie content. Due to the alternation of the usual diet with the unloading body, the body begins to successfully burn fat, but at the same time does not have time to experience a deficiency of essential nutrients.

The best results on the "Striped" diet can be achieved by switching to proper nutrition at the same time as alternating. Eating too high-calorie or unhealthy foods on "normal" days can significantly reduce the effect of "kefir".

Weight loss on such a nutritional system does not occur too quickly, which minimizes the likelihood of stress for the body, excludes possible breakdowns and makes the achieved result very stable.

Replacing the usual diet with unloading on kefir according to the 1/1 scheme provides a decrease in calories consumed in 20 days by about 50%, which significantly activates burning subcutaneous fat and weight loss in general. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to give up the established eating habits and change the way of life.

The "striped" diet for 20 days is not suitable only in cases where there is an intolerance to fermented milk products or diseases of the digestive tract.

Sample menu

There are 2 options for "striped" weight loss - gentle and hard. The fasting day menu in both cases remains unchanged - 1.5 liters of fat-free kefir, taken evenly throughout the day. The diet of a typical day with a sparing option does not change - in fact, you can use everything that is familiar.

The hard option also imposes restrictions on the non-fasting day menu. Most often it is used when it is necessary to get rid of a large number of extra pounds in a short time.

A sample menu of a strict "Striped" diet should be as follows:

  • breakfast - 100 g of curd mass or 200 ml of kefir, a portion of oatmeal in water;
  • lunch - 50 g almonds, 1 green unsweetened apple;
  • lunch - 200 ml of vegetable soup, 150 g of boiled chicken breast or veal, 200 g of cabbage casserole;
  • afternoon tea - 200 g of curd mass, 1-2 fruits to choose from;
  • dinner - 200 g of fish, 200 g of non-starchy vegetables in any form.

Observing the above menu is not very strict. But it should be borne in mind that the speed of getting rid of extra pounds depends solely on nutrition on ordinary days. Therefore, in any case, it is recommended to limit the use or exclude from the diet sweet, flour, fatty and other foods harmful to the figure. Complex carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, dried fruits) should be consumed in the morning, and vegetables and dairy products should be used for dinner. In order to maintain the achieved weight for a long time, after completing the process of losing weight, it is recommended to switch to proper nutrition and arrange a kefir fasting day once a week.


The buckwheat diet is a fairly tough mono-diet, but at the same time it has gained great popularity among those who are losing weight all over the world due to its fast and effective weight loss... Compliance with it for 20 days is the maximum duration allowed by nutritionists, but subject to the additional introduction of kefir into the diet. During this period of time on a buckwheat-kefir diet, you can lose 20 kg or even more.

Essence and rules

The basis buckwheat weight loss is made by steaming buckwheat, which in the case of a mono-diet is the only component of the diet, and with a more gentle version it is combined with kefir. The effectiveness of this technique is due to the fact that the body, in conditions of such a limited diet, begins to actively break down internal fats in order to provide itself with energy.

To minimize metabolic stress for the body, you must first spend several fasting days on buckwheat. This will help determine the impact of such a diet on health and well-being, as well as find out your willingness to comply with such a limited diet.

Like all low-carb protein mono-diets, buckwheat weight loss method is not suitable for people with poor health, as well as for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

The diet of the 20-day version on buckwheat with kefir is a very effective combination of products that provides an optimal proportion of proteins and carbohydrates. Buckwheat porridge is tasty, healthy and very nutritious, therefore it excludes the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger. And the fiber contained in it actively absorbs and removes toxins, providing high-quality cleansing of the body. Kefir, in turn, also helps satiety and at the same time supplies some of the protein needed to maintain muscle tissue during the period of weight loss.

Sample menu

In order for weight loss to be not only fast, but also as useful as possible, buckwheat must be prepared according to a special recipe. To do this, 1 glass of cereal is poured with 2 glasses of boiling water and wrapped overnight with a warm blanket or insisted in a thermos for 2 hours. Kefir should be no more than 1% fat and one-day, as more mature acquires a bonding effect.

To draw up a daily diet, it is allowed to take 1 liter of kefir and buckwheat in unlimited quantities. But usually the amount indicated in the recipe is enough (1 cup of dry cereal). Kefir and porridge can be consumed together or separately, divided into equal portions and distributed throughout the day. In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day, including unsweetened green tea. It is imperative to take vitamin and mineral complexes for the entire period of weight loss in order to make up for the deficiency of essential substances.

If it is very difficult to sustain the specified diet, you can diversify the daily menu with some useful products:

  • dried fruits - several pieces of dried apricots or prunes are allowed;
  • unsweetened fruits - no more than 2 pieces (or 200 g) with the exception of grapes, bananas, melons, watermelons;
  • vegetables - only fresh cabbage, raw or boiled beets;
  • greens - any to taste;
  • honey - no more than 1 hour. l. add to water or tea.

The introduction of these components will not reduce the effectiveness of the technique too much, but it will help to avoid breakdowns and minimize the stress from too limited nutrition.

You need to leave such a diet smoothly within a month. First, light healthy foods are introduced - vegetables, eggs, then lean fish, white meat. During this entire period, buckwheat and kefir should remain the main components of the diet.

Effective "20/20"

The 20/20 Diet is an effective, comprehensive program of balanced, low-calorie nutrition. As practice shows, the diet is fully consistent with the name - "20/20" - and actually allows you to lose 20 kg in 20 days.

Essence and rules

This technique is based on simple but fairly strict principles:

  • a fractional diet is established - often in small portions;
  • any meals after 19:00 are excluded;
  • the drinking regime is strictly observed - between meals it is necessary to drink only clean water or herbal infusions with a total amount of at least 2 liters;
  • sports are required for all 18 days after a 2-day fasting period, but the load should be moderate;
  • the way out of losing weight should be smooth, with further adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and giving up the habit of overeating;
  • it is mandatory to take vitamin and mineral complexes; on most diets, it is recommended to take a multivitamin;
  • the diet does not start without consulting a doctor.

You can turn to this method of losing weight no more often than once every 6 months.

With strict adherence to the principles and rules, the 20/20 diet will indeed be very effective. But to comply with it will require great endurance and willpower. The big disadvantage of this method of normalizing body weight is the lack of satiety and a constant feeling of hunger. Also, the 20/20 diet is not suitable for people with chronic diseases and other health problems, as well as in childhood, adolescence, old age, during pregnancy or lactation. In general, doctors do not approve of such methods of losing weight and do not recommend adhering to such strict diets with very rapid weight loss.

The very essence of the 20/20 diet is to divide the entire period of weight loss into 3 stages, each of which lasts 2 days:

  • hungry (unloading);
  • protein (active);
  • vegetable (stabilizing).

The first starvation stage is used only once at the very beginning of the diet. The other two - protein and vegetable - alternate during the remaining 18-day period.

Throughout the entire period of weight loss, it is forbidden to consume alcohol, carbonated drinks, potatoes, flour and bakery products, sweets. Everything else is possible, but in small quantities. The main thing is strict adherence to the order and menu by day. This will allow you to lose weight as much as possible and correct your figure in 20 days.

Diet menu for 20 days

A diet begins from two hungry days, in each of which you need to consume 1.5 liters of milk (kefir) and 200 ml of tomato juice with a slice of black bread. During these days, the body will either rebuild to a new regime, or react negatively to it, and then this method of losing weight will have to be abandoned.

For the protein and vegetable period compiled detailed menu for every day, which it is advisable to strictly observe, but if necessary, you can make some adjustments without changing the category and calorie content of the dishes.

The diet protein day presented in this variation:

  • breakfast - 50 g of bran bread, 20 g of butter, 1 tsp. honey, coffee;
  • lunch - 100 ml of broth from lean fish or lean meat, 50 g of fish or meat (respectively), 50 g of bran bread;
  • afternoon tea - 200 ml of 0% fat milk with 0.5 tsp. honey;
  • dinner - 2 eggs, 50 g of steamed fish (meat), 50 g of cheese, 50 g of bran bread, 200 ml of kefir.

The diet vegetable day should be as follows:

  • breakfast - 2 fruits (preferably apples or oranges);
  • lunch - vegetable soup with the exception of potatoes, 100 g of stew or cabbage salad;
  • afternoon tea - some vegetables;
  • dinner - 200 g of vegetables, 50 g of bran bread, green tea.

Dish recipes

Most diet menu options for 20 days involve the separation of protein, vegetable and carbohydrate meals. To make the diet for every day as varied as possible and at the same time complete, you can use the recipes below.


Protein weight loss is the most effective and popular, especially in 20 day weight loss programs. Therefore, protein recipes will be relevant for most of these diets.

Chicken breast in kefir

Cut the breast into small pieces, pour over kefir, diluted in half with water. If allowed by the diet, salt and pepper, add spices and herbs. Keep in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours or leave overnight. Then put the mixture in a preheated pan and simmer for 10 minutes.

Chicken sausage

Grind the fillet in a blender, add 200 g of curd mass, 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt a little, pepper and beat thoroughly with a blender again. Put the mixture into a roasting sleeve, shaping it into a sausage shape. Bake at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

Protein soup

Diced chicken breast, pour 2 liters of water, boil until tender. Cool down. Beat 5 proteins separately, add to the broth, add finely chopped herbs and spices. Put on fire, after boiling, boil over low heat for 2 minutes.

Omelet with cottage cheese

Mix 100 g of low-fat curd mass with 2 egg whites. Add 3 tbsp. l. water, finely chopped herbs, salt, spices. Beat everything lightly with a whisk or fork, pour into a silicone or non-stick dish and bake in the oven until lightly golden brown.

Baked fish

Grate any fish (peeled and washed) with a mixture of lemon juice with dry spices and herbs. Place in a baking bag or wrap in foil. Bake at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. Before turning off the oven, cut the foil or bag and let the fish brown a little.

Chicken fillet in lemon

Cut the fillet into large flat pieces. Beat each one, grate with lemon juice with dry spices, salt (if desired, but not necessary). Leave to marinate for 2 hours. Fry in a pan without oil.

Fish in Polish

Boil any fish, separate from the bones, dividing into small pieces. Put in a frying pan, pour over fish broth so that it covers the fish, sprinkle with dry spices. Rub 1 boiled egg on top and 2 more whites without yolks. Simmer covered with a slow boil for 5 minutes.

Curd jelly

Dissolve 15 g of gelatin in a glass of water, as indicated on the package. Add some cocoa and sweetener to taste. Cool slightly, add 200 g of curd mass grated through a sieve. Beat with a mixer, pour into molds. Leave in the refrigerator until it solidifies.


Vegetable meals are used in many 20-day diets as sources of complex carbohydrates. Moreover, they can be included not only on purely "vegetable" or "carbohydrate" days, but in some methods and in a protein diet to make it more balanced.

Peking cabbage stuffed cabbage

Divide and boil 1 head of Peking cabbage until half cooked. Simmer separately in a frying pan without oil 2 grated carrots, finely chopped onion and 200 g of boiled green beans, chopped into pieces. Let the mixture cool, wrap in cabbage leaves, put in a saucepan, pour over diluted tomato juice, simmer at a slow boil for 20 minutes.

Vegetable stew

Take any vegetables to taste, cut into cubes. Place in a frying pan, put on low heat and simmer until tender. You can add salt, spices, vegetable oil, if this is not prohibited by the diet.

Baked vegetables

Dice the courgette, mushrooms and bell pepper, finely chop the onion. Mix everything, add herbs, garlic, soy sauce... Put the prepared mixture on foil, wrap it in a "knot". Bake in the oven on a wire rack at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.


Dishes with a high content of complex carbohydrates are in demand in special methods, for example, protein-carbohydrate alternation and are also great for correct exit from a 20-day diet with a gradual introduction of carbohydrates into the menu. Once switched to a regular diet, they can be used as healthy snacks.


Mix 40 g of oatmeal and rye flour, beat in 1 egg, pour in 1 tsp. olive oil. Add kefir, how much it will take, so that you get a not very soft dough. Put it on a table sprinkled with rye flour, roll it out, cover with a layer of soft curd mass, into which, if desired, you can add a sweetener to taste. Wrap in the form of a juicer (in a semicircle), bake on a baking sheet with a silicone mat or parchment until lightly browned.

Rice porridge and masha

Take 30 g of cereals - rice and mung bean (pre-soak mung bean for 2 hours). Pour some water into the pan, put the grated carrots and chopped onions. Simmer a little, add boiled water, cover with an even layer of mung bean, boil until half cooked. Add rice and cook the porridge.

Oatmeal cookies

Add a little water to the instant oatmeal to form a thick mass. Sweeten with a sweetener or a little honey. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Spoon the dough in portions on a baking sheet lined with parchment or silicone mat. Bake at 180 ° C for 15–20 minutes. Instead of a sweetener, you can add a little salt and spices to make great dietetic crisps.

Carrot cookies

Pour boiling water over the not instant oatmeal, let it cool. Drain excess water if left. Add finely grated carrots, egg white and cottage cheese. Stir the mass thoroughly (preferably with a blender), put with a spoon on a baking sheet covered with parchment or a rug. Bake until golden brown.

Apple pancakes

Grate or cut into small cubes 2 peeled apples. Stir in oat flour until thick. Add 1 tbsp. l. oat bran and lightly beaten egg white. Fry in a non-stick skillet without oil. Apples can be replaced with bananas, then the egg can be omitted.

All of the above recipes can be used as a basis for your own imagination. In them, you can change or exclude ingredients, getting completely new dishes. It should also be borne in mind that all of them can be used not only in the process of losing weight, but also during the exit from the diet.

Exiting the diet

After finishing the diet and reaching desired results it is very important to correctly return to the usual diet so that the lost pounds do not come back. The main thing is to do this gradually, introducing small portions of foods prohibited by the diet program into the menu.

In addition, several general principles required when leaving any 20-day diet:

  1. In the daily diet, you first need to introduce healthy foods that will help make it as balanced as possible, and only then - all the rest. Ideally, you need to follow the principles of proper nutrition in order to prevent an increase in body weight in the future.
  2. Physical activity with a gradual increase in the intensity of training should become mandatory. But you cannot overload the body weakened by the diet with heavy sports activities - it is best to use moderate activity during the entire period of exit.
  3. The drinking regimen must be kept the same as it was during the period of weight loss - as a rule, it is 1.5-2 liters of useful liquid per day, including clean water, herbal infusions, green tea.
  4. If vitamin and mineral complexes were taken during weight loss, they should remain in the diet for the entire period of release, which will help the body recover faster.

There is a general rule for getting out of any diet - this period in duration should correspond to the duration of the process of losing weight. Therefore, after 20 days, you need to switch to a healthy, balanced diet in order to maintain weight and prevent further weight gain.

Where to start if you want to lose weight at home? This question is very often asked by our readers. And today we decided to answer it.

If the excess weight is 2-3 kg, this is not a big problem. You can quickly get rid of a couple of kilograms with a diet, or several trips to gym... However, what if you scored more? Is it possible to lose weight by 20 or more kg at home, and at the same time not harm your own health? Of course yes! Only losing weight should be reasonable.

How to start losing weight?

It is necessary to start losing weight by determining your baseline data. This is necessary in order to be clearly aware of how many kilograms you need to get rid of, to clearly see your progress.

First you need to know your weight and body fat. Moreover, the second indicator is much more important than the first.

If everything is clear with weight, and you just need to get on the scale, then finding out the fat content is not so easy. But there is good news for all our guests. On our website you can quickly calculate your body fat. It can be done .

In the process of losing weight, you need to recalculate this figure. So bookmark our site so you don't lose it.

We start to lose weight at home

The first thing for weight loss is diet.

There are 2 diet options:

Calorie counting

Proper nutrition

Calorie counting. As you know, in order for your body to get rid of fat deposits, you must spend more calories than you get from food. Therefore, you need to weigh all foods before eating and calculate their calories using the calorie table. To find out how many calories you burn per day, use this calculator. Try to get fewer calories than your body spends each day, and you will begin to lose weight.

Proper nutrition is a more rational method of losing weight, because you do not need to reduce your diet. You just need to give up simple carbohydrates (sweet, starchy foods, alcohol, potatoes, cereals)

Protein foods (meat, cheese, seafood, cottage cheese, eggs, fish), fruits and vegetables, you can eat in any quantity.

The fact is that when refusing fast carbohydrates, your appetite will decrease on its own, as a result of the normalization of insulin levels. You will not want to eat a lot, and saturation will occur much faster.

Supplementing your diet with physical activity

To speed up weight loss, it is advisable to train at least 3 times a week for 45 minutes. You can even do it at home. Simple and affordable exercises will not only allow you to lose weight, but also:

Improve blood flow

Accelerate metabolic processes

Strengthen the vascular and respiratory systems

Improve skin color

Improve mood

Example home workout, see the video below.

There are a few tricks you can use to speed up food digestion and reduce hunger. Use them to improve your results:

Eat small meals every 2 hours

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day

Take a walk in the fresh air

Give up bad habits

Get enough sleep

Visit the pool


As you can see, it is very easy to start losing weight. If you follow these simple tips, after 2 weeks, you can get rid of a few pounds. Be persistent, increase your physical activity and soon you will be able to lose weight by 10, 20 or more kg.

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