Protein nutrition program. Pros and cons of a protein diet

As with any new endeavor, it takes persistence and patience to be successful. The protein diet menu for weight loss for a week and 14 days will help you easily and effortlessly get rid of extra centimeters at the waist. The results will certainly delight you, and after only a week or two, you will be able to admire your slimmer body.

The essence and main principles of the diet

Protein is called a diet in which protein foods predominate with a high proportion of protein, a small amount of fats and carbohydrates.

When you eat foods rich in protein, your muscles start to recover very quickly. But without playing sports, unfortunately, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

For achievement maximum effect some recommendations must be followed:

  • Eat approximately every 3 hours, i.e. about 6 times a day;
  • Dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, the first meal - after 30 minutes. after waking up;
  • Compulsory sports several times a week.

The ideal foods on the protein diet are:

  • Any type of lean meat. Chicken fillet is usually used;
  • Seafood;
  • Any dairy products with a fat content not exceeding 2.5%;
  • Egg whites;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Cheese with a fat content of up to 25%;
  • Soy milk or tofu cheese;

Fresh vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

From the menu of a protein diet for weight loss, it is necessary to exclude:

  • Products fried and baked in cheese, as well as sauces;
  • Nutritious sweet fruits;
  • Flour and sweet;
  • Potato;
  • Fatty foods;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Alcohol.

Due to the frequent consumption of food, the feeling of hunger is almost invisible.

Protein diet for 7 days: menu of dishes

This menu contains various dishes for a delicious breakfast, hearty lunch and light dinner.

An excellent breakfast is:

  • Omelette;
  • Boiled eggs;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and a little sour cream;
  • Ham with scrambled eggs;
  • Boiled meat with a slice of whole grain bread;
  • Milk or kefir with bran and nuts;

You can prepare lunch from:

  • Tofu cheese and stewed vegetables;
  • Grilled seafood;
  • Turkey steak with beans or beans;
  • Fillet of any lean fish on the grill with cucumber salad;
  • Quinoa with mushrooms;
  • Lentil chowder in vegetable broth;
  • Green salad and juicy steak.

The protein dinner consists of:

  • Apple or celery slices with peanut butter;
  • Grilled chicken fillet, vegetable salad and hard cheese;
  • Lettuce and falafel;
  • Low-fat yogurt with nuts and berries;
  • Bean burger and vegetable salad.

Protein diet for weight loss - a menu for a week that will not disappoint even the most fastidious gourmet. Due to the fact that it consists of products with high level protein content, this menu will quickly and easily help you get rid of 3 to 7 kg.

Protein diet: menu for 14 days

Over a two-week period, 5-10 kg are slowly but surely gone. The main condition is fractional nutrition. The dishes that are given for each day can be consumed in any order.

Do not forget that the daily intake should not exceed 700 Kcal.

  1. Cottage cheese, feta cheese, boiled eggs, chicken, zucchini.
  2. Kefir, vegetable salad, omelet, grilled meat, steamed fish.
  3. Cottage cheese, fresh vegetable salad, boiled eggs, beef.
  4. Cucumbers, chicken fillet, grilled meat, fresh tomatoes.
  5. Low-fat cottage cheese, fish soup, low-calorie yogurt, turkey meat, stewed vegetables, oranges.
  6. Beef, oatmeal, eggplant, yogurt.
  7. Cottage cheese, shrimps, boiled eggs, beans, fresh tomatoes, carrots.
  8. Yogurt, fish, fish cakes, millet, vegetables.
  9. Cottage cheese, fish, beef, peanuts, tomato juice.
  10. Beef, tomatoes, cucumbers, cottage cheese.
  11. Cottage cheese, tofu cheese, boiled eggs, chicken fillet, turkey meat.
  12. Yogurt, fish soup, cheese, beef.
  13. Steamed vegetables, fish, boiled eggs, buckwheat, veal.
  14. Boiled eggs, seafood, oatmeal, chicken fillets, beans, tomato juice.


  • Lack of hunger, due to long-term digestion of protein foods by the body;
  • Signs of fatigue, dizziness and weakness are almost invisible;
  • The diet itself is simple and easy to follow;
  • The skin becomes taut and elastic, the volume of the thighs is reduced
  • The presence of a large amount of fiber in the menu helps to improve the functioning of the intestines;
  • After following the diet, with the correct diet overweight do not return for a very long time;
  • Exercising while dieting helps burn fat and gives you a slimmer figure.

As well as:

  1. Performance improves;
  2. Sleep is normalized;
  3. The mood rises.

It's important to know! Scientists have conducted research and found that a protein diet and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to kidney swelling, urine acidification, and the growth of collagen sheaths near the capillaries. Thus, you run the risk of acquiring urolithiasis.


Like every diet - protein has both advantages and disadvantages. Among them:

  • The risk of sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • 6 meals a day is not convenient for everyone;
  • Mandatory visit to the gym;
  • Re-dieting is allowed no earlier than a month later;
  • There is a possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Did you know? That excessive saturation of the body with proteins leads to its poisoning with ketosis - a product formed during the breakdown of proteins.

Protein diet menu is not balanced and may therefore have a negative effect on the entire body. Taking multivitamin preparations will help to solve this problem and cope with the body's additional stress.

Attention! Protein food and alcohol are absolutely incompatible. Eating them together can lead to indigestion.

What drinks to drink?

It is permissible to use:

  • Tea, coffee, herbal infusions, herbal tea, still mineral water, tomato juice, celery or apple.

The daily fluid intake is at least 1.5 liters.

Contraindications to a protein diet

The diet is prohibited for people who:

  • Revealed heart disease;
  • Liver disease and hepatitis;
  • Kidney dysfunction;
  • Joint problems;
  • The presence of dysbiosis and pancreatitis, as well as other diseases of the digestive organs.

The diet is especially contraindicated:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers;
  • Elderly people, because may increase the risk of thrombosis.

What are the most common complaints of dieters? Most often, you hear the following: "as soon as I got off the diet, all the lost pounds returned."

We can easily make a list of unsuccessful diets communicating to us easy weight loss during sleep. Diets high in protein, carbohydrates, and a carbohydrate-free diet. You want to lose weight, but the end result is the same. Excess weight is with you again and you are facing the same problem again. How can we avoid this vicious circle? If we are determined to control our weight, then how do we know that this time we will succeed?

The solution to the problem is the presence of protein in the diet. Without it, you will not lose fat, but muscle mass. And the lost weight will return at the end of the diet.

To lose weight and stay in shape, we need to consume stronger protein structures called amino acids. In fact, a protein is a long chain of amino acids. Through the digestive system, the body breaks down this chain into individual amino acids for their absorption into the blood. During this long process, the body works hard to digest. Protein helps satisfy hunger and gives muscles strength. Thus, the metabolism does not slow down. But most protein foods are high in fat. It seems wise to find foods that are high in protein and low in saturated fat in order to achieve a consistent weight loss effect. We want to provide the body with all the essential amino acids without overloading the digestive system and without causing additional stress to the body.

Of all the variety of weight loss diets existing today, it is the most effective. The result will not be long in coming, especially if you combine the diet with strength exercises, so it is perfect not only for women, but also for men.

In fact, protein diet for weight loss is the presence in the diet of only foods high in protein, devoid of or low in fats and carbohydrates. The fundamental difference between a protein diet is the restriction of food that turns into fat during digestion; it, ideally, should contain only the pure protein necessary for muscle nutrition.

These products are:

Diet meat of chicken, veal, rabbit meat;
- Skim milk (as an option - skim yogurt, but it contains more carbohydrates than protein);
- Egg whites;
- Sea fish with white meat, as well as pink salmon, tuna, salmon;
- Low fat cheese.

Who is the protein diet for weight loss suitable for?

A diet that includes consumption of pure protein is indicated for young people with active lifestyles. In turn, people of age, due to the characteristics of the body, will not be able to tolerate it without health consequences, such as the possible appearance of blood clots and an increase in blood clotting, so it is better for them to refuse it.

However, not all young people can try the diet on themselves, the circle of faces is also limited. A protein diet is suitable for those who love meat, but at the same time may limit themselves in sweets for the duration of the diet.... Meat eaters are mostly men, but some women, although their percentage is much lower, also cannot live without meat.

Diet ideal for athletes and bodybuilders leading an active lifestyle. To achieve new victories in their chosen field, they need muscle mass, but, since it takes a long time to achieve this with physical exercises, a protein diet helps to achieve the desired result in a few days.

A protein diet will work naturally and persons with excess weight , that's why it is a diet from the "slimming" category. A common belief about the positiveness of this diet is to maintain the shed weight without putting in the effort.

Those pregnant, who - and most of them - gain several noticeable grams every day, pouring out almost another kilogram by the end of each week, can also take advantage of the diet. It will help normalize weight gain, while no negative effects on the health of the pregnant woman herself and the developing fetus will appear.

An exception from the list of persons who are recommended a protein diet for weight loss are those with a sweet tooth.... This is due to the fact that even in the case of full compliance with the diet for a certain number of days, such a person will be able to keep from sweets, he will probably not change himself in the future, and will resume the consumption of foods with a high sugar content, and this is fraught not only with a return to the previous weight, but and a set of new pounds.

As stated above, a protein diet cannot be used by people aged... Very obese people are added to their list, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system (this is colitis, chronic pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis), as well as those who have kidney dysfunctions.

Pros and cons of a protein diet

In the minds of the majority, a certain opinion about diets was deposited, which boils down to the fact that adherence to a diet means weight loss, visually noticeable after its start... It is this rapid pace of weight loss that is the main advantage of the protein diet, which, in fact, makes it very popular.

Another important fact is that all the lost pounds return much longer, but here you should take into account the lifestyle that follows the diet and the attitude to what, from the point of view healthy eating, is on the dining table every day.

The third benefit of a protein diet is the possibility of eating a variety of foods... The food is varied, and therefore, a person leaving the table will not have an instant desire to have something else to eat.

The duration of the diet is limited to two weeks, and it can be repeated no more than once a year.

A significant drawback of a protein diet is its imbalance... And this means that the intake of mainly one protein into the body is fraught with the withdrawal of calcium and trace elements from it, which required material, which maintains the health of the entire skeletal system. Physically, this translates into increased bone fragility, splitting nails and loss of healthy hair strength, which makes the hair dull and noticeably weakened.

Besides, the kidneys take on a lot of work... Their work becomes more active, the body begins to lose fluid at an accelerated rate, and this is dehydration, in which a person physically feels the loss of vitality and apathy.

Protein diet menu and table

Cooking food to match its protein diet is recommended as boiling or baking... A double boiler, oven, barbecue are ideal for this. Salads should not contain a lot of sauce or salt, mayonnaise and vinegar are not allowed at all. If possible, vegetable oil from sunflower seeds is replaced with olive oil, and its consumption should be limited to a maximum of 4 tablespoons per day, butter is excluded altogether.

Egg whites are eaten boiled or baked, they can be salted and seasoned.

The protein diet table provides the following menu:

Protein Diet Days Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Day 1 150 g boiled beef, 100 gr. sauerkraut with green peas, a mug of green tea 150 g boiled beef, 1 slice of black bread, 100 gr. cabbage salad, bell pepper and greens 150 g boiled fish, 2 boiled potatoes, 100 gr. boiled beetroot salad with sour cream
Day 2 100 g boiled beef, 100 gr. fresh grated carrots with mayonnaise, a mug of green tea 200 gr. boiled fish, 1 apple. 1 tbsp. apple juice 100 g boiled fish, 100 gr. lettuce, 1 slice of black bread
Day 3 100 g boiled pork, 1 apple, a mug of green tea 200 gr. boiled beans, 200 gr. raw vegetables 150 g boiled lean pork, 150 gr. sauerkraut with green peas
Day 4 100 g lean cottage cheese, a mug of green tea or natural coffee 150 g stewed beef with carrots, 150 gr. vegetable salad 150 g thinly sliced ​​tomatoes and onions with vegetable oil
Day 5 1 tbsp. kefir, 2 pcs. diet biscuits 200 gr. boiled fish, 100 gr. chopped tomatoes with vegetable oil 200 gr. low fat pork, 1 apple, 1 tbsp. apple juice
Day 6 150 g lean cottage cheese, a mug of green tea or natural coffee 100 g boiled beans, 100 gr. fresh grated carrots with mayonnaise 150 g boiled fish, 100 gr. vinaigrette
Day 7 1 tbsp. milk, 2 pcs. lean biscuits 200 gr. boiled lamb, 100 gr. vegetable salad soup cooked in meat broth with vegetables, 100 gr. lean lamb, 1 slice of black bread

It is ideal if you strictly adhere to the above menu throughout the diet, however, there will be no big trouble if the products are consumed in a slightly different combination and with a small time difference. In any case, it should be remembered that the daily food intake should occur on average 7 - 8 times a little instead of the usual three, but in large quantities.

From the above table of the protein diet, it can be seen that bakery products are almost completely excluded from the menu... This is due to the fact that flour products only contribute to the formation of extra pounds, but are not required for the body. This opinion is shared by some nutritionists. Others, on the contrary, are sure that the consumption of small portions of bread is not able to upset the diet, on the contrary, boiled cereals, fresh (but not pickled!) Vegetables and herbs can be added to it. Again, the main thing is not to overdo it, and for this you need to know the exact list of foods that contain, for the most part, only one protein.

There are several options for a protein diet, and one of them involves 3 meals a day. In this case, the menu is not more varied, since an hour or two after a meal is followed by an additional breakfast or lunch. An exception is dinner: it should not occur after 6 pm, but if by the evening the feeling of hunger makes itself felt strongly, you can dull it with a cup of green mint tea.

In order to prevent severe dehydration of the body, you can drink a glass of ordinary drinking or mineral water 15 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It should also be remembered that the total number of calories consumed per day should not be less than 1200 - this is the minimum to maintain the health of the body.

Before starting to use a protein diet, you should pay attention to some very significant factors:

1 ... Adhering to a certain diet, it is advisable not to allow indulgences or various kinds of deviations in it. It is advisable that the daily meal takes place at a strictly appointed time, especially for dinners; eating too late will not be beneficial, and the body will have to work hard instead of rest.

2 ... The table of recipes that is always in front of your eyes will not let you forget the ration drawn up for 2 weeks.

3 ... The successful result directly depends on the amount of fluid consumed: it should be at least one and a half liters per day.

4 ... The main purpose of the protein diet is given to active people, therefore physical exercise and the loads will not only not interfere, but, on the contrary, will help in obtaining an excellent result.

5 ... Few people manage to combine work and diet, so it is best to stick to it in free time what a vacation or vacation can rightfully become.

It is known that the most difficult days in overcoming hunger are the days from the third to the fifth, the last 2 days. It is at this time that the body, deprived of external support, begins to activate its forces, body fat go to the "feeding". It is possible to overcome this time by being distracted by extraneous concerns and interests, but subsequently an excellent result is guaranteed and the feeling that the willpower leading to an undoubted victory is there, and it is strong.

Protein fasting day is held once a week. On this day, you should eat mainly protein foods ...

Proteins (proteins) must come from food, they are involved in. Low calorie intake reduces body weight. In the article - about a weekly protein menu to restore a slim figure.

Why does the body need proteins?

Intense muscle contractions break down fatty deposits. With profuse sweating, harmful substances are released - a source of problem areas.

Sample menu for a week:

First breakfast. 250g buckwheat porridge, a glass of milk.

Lunch. A glass of yogurt or an apple.

Dinner. Turkey or lean beef soup with 50g of boiled meat. Oatmeal, millet porridge or 100g of rice, a small piece of boiled mackerel, horse mackerel, hake. Salad from, carrots or cabbage. A glass of kefir.

Afternoon snack. Fruit juice with pulp.

Dinner. A glass of yogurt, a couple of cookies.

The menu can include eggs, meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, raw or boiled vegetables without spices and seasonings - beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, unsweetened fruits.

When following a diet, it is worth giving up protein foods with a high fat content: ice cream, condensed milk, cheese, sour cream, butter.

Exclude sweets, potatoes, baked goods and flour products.

The diet is easy to tolerate and does not cause discomfort.

Menu for 14 days

The diet includes lean meat, fish, eggs, salads, vegetables, unsweetened fruits. The feeling of hunger does not arise, but the body does not have enough carbohydrates.

Menu for the first week:


Breakfast. Black tea and coffee.

Dinner. Boiled cabbage salad, a couple of hard-boiled eggs. Cup .

Dinner. Boiled fish

Breakfast. A cup of black coffee.

Dinner. Boiled fish, carrot salad with vegetable oil.

Dinner. 150g of boiled lean beef, a glass of yogurt.

Breakfast. Tea with a couple of croutons.

Dinner. Fried zucchini pieces, fruits.

Dinner. Two eggs, 200g of boiled turkey meat, beet salad.

Breakfast. Coffee with the addition of low-fat milk.

Dinner. 100g boiled chicken, fresh carrot salad.

Dinner. 2-3 apples.

Breakfast. Carrot salad.

Dinner. 2-3 slices of fried fish, a glass of juice.

Dinner. 150g vinaigrette

Breakfast. Black tea with cookies.

Dinner. Boiled chicken, fresh cabbage salad.

Dinner. Carrot salad with vegetable oil, two hard-boiled eggs.


Breakfast. Tea.

Dinner. Boiled chicken with vegetables.

Dinner. 150g. boiled fish, 100g. vinaigrette

Drink at least 1 liter every day pure water.

Repeat the next 7 days in reverse order the ration of the first week (on Monday - Sunday menu, on Tuesday - Saturday, etc.).

Harm and contraindications

The disadvantage of a high protein diet is imbalance, so it should not be applied for more than two weeks once a year.

The menu is monotonous, the products are quite expensive, after a while the weight may return.

When following a diet, tissues accumulate uric acid - the cause of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, migraine.

Overuse of a high-protein diet acidifies the body and makes it difficult to conceive.

Protein diet is contraindicated in acute nephritis, atherosclerosis, renal failure, liver disease, gout, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

The body spends mass, which is especially dangerous in adulthood and old age.

Changed: 29.11.2018

Every woman dreams of being beautiful and slim. If nature has not rewarded you with graceful forms, do not despair. Any young lady is able to correct her figure in the desired direction. However, some girls find it unbearable to go on rigid diets while starving. If you cannot imagine your life without meat, and indeed you like to eat plenty, then protein diet for weight loss will be a great solution for you. With its help, you will lose the hated pounds without stress for the body. What is the essence of such a diet, how to adhere to it correctly and what results can be achieved, read on.

Today, the protein diet is used for weight loss very often and is rightfully recognized as one of the most effective, because you feel active and vigorous, without suffering from hunger. So, the essence of the course is the use of protein-rich foods that saturate the body and give it the necessary strength and energy. During such a diet, you can safely continue training or start exercising. With a lack of carbohydrates received, the body will begin to use the hidden reserves of glycogen from adipose tissue and muscle mass.

Losing weight on a protein diet is considered healthier than on a mono diet, when you have to consume the same product for several days in a row. The protein diet pleases with its variety. The disadvantage of the presented diet is that you still have to give up flour, sweet and fatty foods. Deprived of carbohydrates and fats, the body uses its own reserves, due to which weight loss occurs.

It is important! The diet should be followed for no more than two weeks, and preferably 7-10 days. You can repeat the course no earlier than six months or a year later.

If you neglect this rule, then due to the large amount of protein entering the body, it is washed out of important element- calcium, which is fraught with increased fatigue, brittle hair and nails, dry skin and a dull complexion. In addition, long-term adherence to a diet with a passive lifestyle leads to kidney edema and even contributes to the development of urolithiasis. To avoid this and reduce the burden on the kidneys, you should consume enough fluids and fiber in the form of certain fruits and vegetables.

Protein diet rules

In order for the result of the diet to be positive, you must remember some important rules:

  • During the course of losing weight, you should drink a sufficient amount of water, about 2 liters. To restore the mineral balance in the body, it is best suited mineral water.
  • The number of calories consumed per day should not exceed 1200.
  • It is advisable to take a complex of multivitamins and trace elements.
  • Food should be taken 4-6 times a day. In this case, the first meal is not earlier than half an hour after waking up, and the last one 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • The diet is made up only of permitted foods, while 30 g of fat (for example, 1-2 tablespoons of linseed oil) per day is allowed.

Allowed Products

  • lean fish;
  • poultry meat without skin (turkey, chicken);
  • veal, beef;
  • egg whites;
  • offal (heart, liver, tongue);
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • low-fat dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, unsweetened yogurt);
  • vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, bell peppers, zucchini and eggplants);
  • fruits (apples, citrus fruits);
  • nuts;
  • drinks (mineral water, coffee and tea without added sugar).

Prohibited foods

  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • butter;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • any canned food;
  • sweet;
  • flour;
  • mayonnaise and any fatty sauces;
  • sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • starchy vegetables (potatoes, all legumes), as well as carrots and beets;
  • sugar and its substitutes;
  • alcohol.

It is important! Food can be steamed, slow cooked, or baked. The dishes are seasoned to taste soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, herbs, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Frying dishes is strictly prohibited!

Protein express diet menu for a week

Based on the above, we have compiled in the form of a table detailed menu for a week with a protein diet. Let's make a reservation right away that the diet is only approximate, you can change something, focusing on the list of allowed high-protein foods.

Day Eating Menu for the day
Monday Breakfast boiled chicken (150 g); grain bread (1 slice); glass of green tea
Snack 1 apple
Dinner boiled beef (200 g); vegetable salad (200 g)
Afternoon snack 100 g yoghurt
Dinner mozzarella cheese (50 g); tomato (1 pc)
Tuesday Breakfast cottage cheese with honey (200 g); tea
Snack 1 orange
Dinner stewed beef with vegetables (200 g)
Afternoon snack kiwi (2 pcs)
Dinner steamed fish (100 g); fresh vegetables (200 g)
Wednesday Breakfast chicken fillet(150 g); 1 orange
Snack 1 fruit (any)
Dinner stewed beans with vegetables (300 g);
Afternoon snack 1% kefir; blueberry
Dinner stewed beef with cabbage (300 g)
Thursday Breakfast 1% kefir (1 glass); low-calorie cookies (2 pcs)
Snack 1 apple
Dinner turkey fillet (200 g); grapefruit (1 pc)
Afternoon snack yogurt (1 glass); orange (1 pc)
Dinner steamed fish with vegetables (300 g)
Friday Breakfast cold boiled veal (200 g); apple (1 pc)
Snack 4 tangerines
Dinner boiled fish (200 g); toast
Afternoon snack berries with kefir (1 glass)
Dinner steamed fish (150 g); vegetable salad (200 g)
Saturday Breakfast low-fat curd cheese (200 g); tea
Snack 1 orange
Dinner stewed cabbage (300 g); fresh vegetables (150 g)
Afternoon snack tangerine (2 pcs); apple (1 pc)
Dinner vegetable salad (200 g); boiled fish (150 g)
Sunday Breakfast low-calorie baked goods (100 g); 1% milk (1 glass)
Snack 1 fruit (any)
Dinner minestrone soup; grain bread (2 pieces); boiled beef (150 g)
Afternoon snack low fat cottage cheese (150 g); honey (5 g)
Dinner a cup of fruit salad (citrus fruits and apples (300 g))

Such a menu for every day with a protein diet will allow you to quickly feel the effect. The great thing is that the list of foods to eat is pretty solid. This means that there is a place where fantasies can roam and you can cook quite a variety of dishes.

It is important! Protein diet should be combined with sports and healthy way life, be more often in nature, pamper your body with massage and other procedures, then the effect of losing weight will multiply and last for a long time, and you will look and feel healthier and younger.

The results of a protein diet for weight loss are truly impressive - in about a week you can lose up to 5 kg of weight (depending on the initial parameters and your activity). For maximum effect, diet is recommended to be combined with exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Take a walk, get enough sleep, say goodbye to bad habits. However, such protein menu not suitable for everyone due to the individual characteristics of the organism. There are both positive and negative reviews, however, weight loss is observed in almost every follower of this diet.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalia Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

Personally, I am not a supporter of protein diets, as they are quite "aggressive". I think most of my colleagues agree with me on this.

I recommend to my patients to lose weight with the help of diets based on the principles of healthy eating. When drawing up a weight loss scheme, I always calculate the recommended daily calorie content... And I give recommendations on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. I explain to patients what the glycemic index and "fast" carbohydrates are. All this must be taken into account when losing weight. And at the same time, the body needs to be given physical exercise... Yes, physical activity, exercise and going to the gym are important parts of the weight loss process.

Of course, protein diets have a right to exist. But they should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when it is not possible to lose weight by other methods. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful with protein diets. You should "sit down" on them only after consulting a nutritionist. And pay attention to one more thing. The amount of protein in the diet should be strictly dosed. After all, their excess can cause serious harm to the body.

How to get out of a weight loss diet?

After completing a course of weight loss, it does not mean that the next day you can eat what and how much you want. To get out of this diet properly and keep the results obtained, you need to do it gradually. Train yourself to drink coffee and tea without sugar, do not get carried away by sweets, fatty foods and pastries. It is recommended to drink a glass of plain water before breakfast. In the morning it is very advisable to eat oatmeal or low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch, low-fat soups, meat and fish steamed, grilled or in the oven are an excellent solution. Avoid fried foods. Lean on vegetables, feast on fruits - delicious and healthy! In the early days, avoid potatoes - they contain too much starch. Introduce familiar foods into your diet gradually. Eat often, 3-5 times a day, but in small portions.

Diet contraindications

It must be remembered that even such a nutritious diet for weight loss has its own nuances. Of course, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Elderly people are also undesirable to sit on such a diet. The fact is that nutrition exclusively within the framework of a protein diet increases blood clotting, which in turn can lead to the formation of blood clots in the vessels.

In addition, strict contraindications are:

  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncology.

Varieties of a protein diet

There are different variations of the protein diet, consider the most popular of them:

  • Protein and carbohydrate. The essence of such a diet boils down to the fact that the days of consuming proteins and complex carbohydrates should be alternated. Today there is one thing, and tomorrow there is another. This option is considered more balanced, and it is even allowed to adhere to it for more than 14 days.
  • Protein and vegetable. Very effective method lose weight - eat protein foods in combination with vegetables. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day!
  • Protein and vitamin. Great for those who are wary of all kinds of food restrictions. The main rule of such a course is an indispensable combination of protein and vitamins, for example, fruits for breakfast and meat for lunch. Any fruits and vegetables will do for eating. This protein diet does not have a strict menu, but its basic principles are the same as those we discussed above.
  • ... Its second name is Hollywood, beloved by many celebrities. Dr. Atkins advises eating mostly protein and even fatty foods, but carbohydrate foods are taboo.
  • ... In fact, it is a system proper nutrition, which it is desirable to adhere to throughout your life. The emphasis is on eating protein foods and limiting fat and carbohydrates.

Protein diet recipes

So that your protein diet is not boring, we offer a selection of simple and healthy meals.

  • Protein salad. Boil eggs, chop them, add boiled chicken breast and squid, season with sauce to taste.
  • Okroshka on kefir. Grate the radishes, finely chop the chicken meat or lean ham. Also chop the boiled eggs, pickled cucumber, green onions, and parsley or dill. Pour kefir over the mixture and add vinegar to taste.
  • Omelet with tomatoes. Stew the chopped tomatoes in a pan without peel for a couple of minutes, then pour over beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste, and after 5 minutes you can already remove the pan from the heat. Sprinkle herbs on top of the dish.
  • Beef with eggplant. Cut the eggplants into rings and leave in salted water for 15 minutes to remove the bitterness. Cut a couple of tomatoes, then put in a saucepan, sprinkle with herbs and garlic, bring to a boil. Then add the eggplant and simmer for about 30 minutes. Next, put the vegetables on a dish, on top - chopped meat and bake for about 15 minutes.
  • Curd dessert. A simple, delicious and nutritious dessert. Mix low-fat cottage cheese with pieces of apples and orange, beat everything with a mixer, arrange in tins and freeze. In the finished form, the dessert is similar to ice cream.
  • Meatball soup. Put the meatballs into the broth cooked on chicken bone (you need to make them from chicken meat previously passed through a meat grinder), add chopped bell peppers, green beans, greens and bring the soup to readiness.

Conclusions on the protein diet

According to the consensus of nutritionists the best diet is one in which you feel comfortable, without suffering from weakness, hunger and calorie counting. Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe. fast weight loss... However, in all the variety of options available today, everyone can choose for themselves the best option... What is good about a protein diet is that it allows you to lose extra pounds without the threat of starvation and a nervous breakdown and provides energy for sports. To acquire the desired forms, do not forget to follow strictly the rules voiced above and adhere to the dietary program, then the result will not be long in coming.

The modern rhythm of life encourages a person to eat on the go, neglect food hygiene by the hour, gain weight by slowing down the metabolism. The protein diet is low in carbohydrates, the menu for 14 days is fully balanced and full of proteins. The simplest method of getting rid of the hated pounds in its class. Let's take a closer look at it.

Protein diet - menu for 14 days

Below we will indicate what you need to eat. Additionally, establish a drinking regimen, consume at least 1.9 liters. clean water every day. Plus to everything - sports will not harm, at least 3 times a week.

So, you need to eat fractionally, by the hour:

  1. Breakfast: 08: 30-09: 30 hours
  2. Second breakfast: 11:00
  3. Lunch: 13: 00-14: 00 hours
  4. Afternoon snack: 17:00 hours
  5. Dinner: 19: 00-20: 00 hours

Drink a drink 30-60 minutes before bedtime, it is different every day.


  1. A cup of warmed milk combined with 10 gr. honey and 30 ml. lemon juice.
  2. Three slices of any cheese, 2 boiled eggs (remove 1 yolk from them).
  3. Chicken stew (100 gr.) And zucchini (100 gr.).
  4. Grapefruit or pomelo (can be substituted with two oranges).
  5. Seasonal vegetable salad.

Have a cup of chamomile tea before heading to bed. Sweeten the drink with a little honey, add a slice of lemon.

Day 2

  1. Glass of water with lemon juice, after 30 minutes - 1 boiled egg.
  2. Toasted black bread with a slice of salted salmon.
  3. Tuna in jars in its own juice (100 gr.) Or a piece of boiled fish, salad based on fresh cabbage.
  4. Apple (1 pc.), Pear (1 pc.), Boiled chicken fillet (60-80 gr.).
  5. Stewed vegetables (150 gr.) Without potatoes.

The protein diet is quite tough, but the menu for 14 days is effective. The simplest method of losing weight involves taking a fermented milk drink (fermented baked milk, kefir) 1 hour before going to bed. You can substitute half a glass of celery juice.


  1. Natural cottage cheese in packs (100 gr.).
  2. Boiled egg, 2 kiwis, 1 apple.
  3. Boiled veal meat (120 gr.), Chopped vegetables with olive oil.
  4. Carrot salad with cubes of feta cheese, 2 boiled eggs.
  5. Oven-baked chicken (100 gr.), Sliced ​​cucumber.

Before going to bed, consume a glass of cucumber or celery juice for about 1 hour. Can be replaced with kefir mixed with chopped fresh dill.


  1. Black coffee (without sugar and milk) or tea.
  2. Boiled chicken egg (or 2 quail eggs), salad based on fresh cabbage and carrots (100 gr.).
  3. Boiled chicken fillet (100 gr.), Rice without salt (80 gr.).
  4. Grain cottage cheese "Prostokvashino", fat content up to 5% (150 gr.).
  5. Low-fat fish (hake, pollock, flounder, etc.), steamed (150 gr.), Cucumber and sweet pepper salad.

Drink 200 ml before going to bed. kefir or fermented baked milk with a fat content of up to 2.5%. You can supply the drink with a spoonful of rye or wheat bran to cleanse the intestines.

Day 5

  1. Regular cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 1.8% (100 gr.), Diluted with milk.
  2. A slice of dried bread with a slice of cheese, a green apple.
  3. Boiled buckwheat (100 gr.), Boiled chicken breast (100 gr.).
  4. Vegetable ragout from zucchini, tomato, pepper, potatoes (150 gr.).
  5. Egg, baked in a mold in the oven, or boiled.

A protein diet for 5 days will seem difficult to you, but the entire menu for 14 days will lead to desired result... The simplest technique saves at least 8 kg if you stick to the diet.


  1. Rice porridge with milk (100 gr.).
  2. Cabbage, tomato and cucumber salad, 1 slice of bread.
  3. Boiled poultry (130 gr.), 1 pear.
  4. Tuna in jars in their own juice (70 gr.).
  5. Boiled egg, 1 apple.

Take your time to go to bed, drink a fat-burning shake or protein drink in an hour. You can find all the recipes on our website in the "Weight Loss" section.


  1. Grain curd "Prostokvashino" or a pack of yogurt without additives "Activia".
  2. A mixture of 200 ml. water and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed porridge.
  3. Vegetable salad (100 gr.), Boiled chicken (100 gr.).
  4. Finely grated carrots, seasoned with 10 ml. oils.
  5. Soft-boiled egg, kefir with chopped dill.

Before going to bed, drink herbal or green tea sweetened with honey. This way you will not feel very hungry and sleep well.


  1. Microwaved milk mixed with a spoonful of honey.
  2. Seasonal fruit salad.
  3. A piece of boiled chicken (100-150 gr.), 1 cucumber.
  4. A handful of nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, etc.).
  5. Hard boiled egg, 80 gr. boiled rice.

The protein diet on the 8th day is not so strict, other components are introduced. In general, the menu for 14 days is varied. The simplest scheme does not prohibit you from replacing the specified products with similar ones.


  1. A cup of kefir with chopped herbs and a spoonful of bran.
  2. Two boiled chicken eggs or 4 quail.
  3. Fish in its own juice (150 gr.), Salad.
  4. Milk cocktail with berries (200 ml).
  5. Banana.

Before you go to rest, you need to drink any fermented milk drink (200 ml.). Fermented baked milk is perfect, it cleans the intestines and improves digestion.

DAY 10

  1. Lean buckwheat cooked without salt (150 gr.).
  2. Half a banana and 1 apple salad.
  3. Chicken fillet in its own juice (150 gr.), A slice of cheese, a boiled egg.
  4. Grated carrots with olive oil (70-80 gr.).
  5. Grained cottage cheese "Prostokvashino".

Before you go to bed, make yourself a cucumber and celery juice. Drink it 2 hours before going to bed.

DAY 11

  1. Toast bread with 2 pieces of cheese.
  2. Cottage cheese in packs, seasoned with milk and berries (150 gr.).
  3. Boiled eggs (2 pcs.), Salad with fresh cabbage, stewed breast (100 gr.).
  4. Buckwheat soaked in water (100 gr.).
  5. A cup of low-fat kefir or ryazhenka with chopped dill and parsley.

The protein diet should logically come to an end. The 14-day menu assumes the following: 10 days are strict restrictions, 4 more days is the simplest technique with an increase in the number of products.

DAY 12

  1. A mixture of 1 spoonful of flaxseed porridge, a handful of oatmeal and a glass of hot milk.
  2. Apple salad, grated carrots, chopped cabbage (100 gr.).
  3. Boiled chicken meat (150 gr.), Salad of boiled eggs, cucumber and tomato.
  4. A glass of any berries with a spoonful of honey.
  5. Three slices of cheese, cottage cheese in packs of 0% fat (100 gr.).

On this day, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines in order to remove stagnation and further accelerate metabolic processes. Consume 200 ml 15 minutes before bedtime. kefir, adding half a bunch of chopped dill to it.

DAY 13

  1. Regular cottage cheese of low fat content (100 gr.), A handful of nuts, a spoonful of honey.
  2. Banana, boiled chicken egg.
  3. Water with lemon juice, stewed fish or white meat (150 gr.), Salad of bell pepper, tomato, cabbage.
  4. Fruit plate (apple, orange, pear).
  5. Tomato or cucumber juice, boiled broccoli (100 gr.).

The protein diet is almost over. The menu for 14 days allows you to eat 50 grams before going to bed. low-fat cheese (if hunger caught by surprise). The simplest technique that works incrementally.

DAY 14

  1. Boiled rice with nuts and raisins (100 gr.).
  2. Diet bread with hard cheese, boiled egg.
  3. Stewed or baked fish (150 gr.), Salad.
  4. Boiled breast (100 gr.), Apple.
  5. A glass of freshly squeezed juice.

To cleanse the intestines, consume about 200 ml an hour before bedtime. low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk, mixing a fermented milk drink with chopped herbs.

Protein diet rules for 2 weeks

  • eat at least 5 times a day, as indicated in the menu;
  • consume at least 1.9 liters. purified water;
  • at least once every 3 days, cleanse the intestines with kefir and herbs at night;
  • do not lean on alcohol, give it up while losing weight;
  • if you count calories, you cannot eat more than 900-1000 Kcal per day.

Who is contraindicated on a protein diet?

  • hepatitis, other hepatic ailments;
  • arrhythmia, other cardiac abnormalities;
  • lactation period, pregnancy;
  • difficulties in the work of the kidneys;
  • elderly age;
  • dysbiosis;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • thrombus formation;
  • joint pain and all related diseases.

A protein diet is a kind of drying out for the body. The 14-day menu is designed to burn fat, in fact, this is the simplest technology to give the body a relief. After 2 weeks, you will notice that the muscles began to show better. However, it is important to take into account contraindications and not go on a diet for longer than the prescribed period. The exit from such a power supply should also be smooth, without disruptions.

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