Wellness qigong 8 pieces of brocade. Ba Duan Jing exercises will relieve stagnation in the body

" or " Ba Duan Jing"Is one of the most ancient and popular healing complexes of Chinese Qigong.

The complex consists of 8 exercises ("eight pieces of brocade").

Each exercise is aimed at activating a specific or several meridians that are associated with specific organs.

Clinical studies have repeatedly confirmed that complex exercises slow down the aging process, improve the psycho-emotional state of a person, increase joint mobility, helps to improve the functioning of cardio-vascular system, and also helps to restore the energy balance of the body.

The exercises of the complex can be performed in two positions - standing or sitting.

Since ancient times, several schools have been known in which the complex "8 Pieces of Brocade" was practiced, but two schools are considered the most significant - North and South, which, despite the existing differences, complement each other.

Feature Northern school is doing exercises in a sitting position and a more rigid technique.

V Southern school exercises are performed while standing, while the technique is softer.

Features of the complex

The movements of the complex are slow, smooth, wide and calm.

Most of the movements are performed in a circle. The movements are aimed at stimulating the work of the spine, improving the coordination of arms and legs.

Also, one of the goals of the complex is considered to calm the mind and relax the body, which occurs during exercise.

The most important element of the 8 Pieces of Brocade is relaxation, which must come from within.

The masters say that the tranquility of the body must be preceded by the tranquility of the mind.

The most important component of calmness is relaxation, which is facilitated by the correct position of the body and stance, providing for the application of efforts only during the transition from movement to movement.

In this case, the most important component of the practice is natural and deep breathing.

The combination of dynamics and inertia, tension and relaxation, considered characteristic of the complex, contribute to maintaining a balance between two opposite principles - Yin and yang.

Finding balance helps to normalize the circulation of Qi in the practitioner's body, which invariably leads to overall strengthening of the body, improving the quality of life and preventing disease.

Another feature of the 8 Pieces of Brocade is unity of mind and body.

In Qigong, the concept of "Mind" includes consciousness and psycho-emotional state, as well as movements of the body controlled by consciousness.

Oneness involves the interaction of mind and body.

And only in the case of unification of mind and body, symmetry and harmony will appear in the practitioner's movements, and the movements themselves will be filled inner strength, combining hardness and softness.

"8 Pieces of Brocade" is one of the most effective complexes Chinese wellness gymnastics aimed at harmonizing circulation Chi energy through physical and mental exercises that lead to health promotion and an improvement in the general physical condition of the body.

Current page: 5 (the book has 11 pages in total) [available passage for reading: 8 pages]


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Palm shapes in Ba-Duan Jin

Having considered in some detail the importance of forming the correct position of the brush, let's move directly to the brush shapes used in the Eight Pieces of Brocade.

There are only four of them: a palm (used in almost all exercises), a single finger (used when "drawing a bow" for the hand that "holds the bow"), a leopard paw (used when "drawing a bow" for the hand that "holds the bowstring ") And a fist (for the exercise" Punch with a fist "). No additional explanations are required for the figures below, the only thing to keep in mind is that, taking any shape (in particular, clenching into a fist), the palm never strains.

This form of a fist is wonderfully described in Tai Chi Chuan: "Fold your fist as if you are holding a fly." Here, neither subtract nor add: if you clench your fist a little harder than you need to, you crush a fly, unclench a little more than you should, and the fly will fly away.


Single finger

Leopard paw

Folding fist - position 2

Folding fist - position 3

Folding fist - position 4

From these figures it can be seen that the position of the fist is quite specific. This is due to the fact that the seventh piece of brocade (fist blow) includes a fragment of finger Qigong. This position of the thumb is used because it closes the Lao Gong point after the palm has "collected" the energy and "returns" it back to the body.

In Chan-Mi-Gong in the section "Methods of protection and purification from negative energy" there is a direct analogue of this technique. The difference is that it is designed to temporarily close the body and instead of thumbs, middle fingers are used, which, bending, press with their tips on the Lao Gong points, which in this case work as a gate that closes the body. At the same time, one should mentally imagine that the pores of the whole body are closed. When the body is closed in this way, no harmful Qi can penetrate.

In Ba-Duan-Jin, the fist is folded in two ways:

1. First thumb, the index finger is superimposed on it, then the middle, then the nameless and, finally, the little finger (Fig. Folding fist - position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The fingers bend slowly one at a time. All this is done not automatically, but under the constant control of the mind - a typical finger Qigong.

2. First, the thumb, then the other four fingers are immediately superimposed on it (Fig. Folding fist - position 1 and fig. Folding fist - position 5). This particular method is used in the considered version of the complex.

Ba-Duan Jin Complex

Alleged story

What is history if not a fable, in which we agreed to believe.

Napoleon Bonaparte

The name "Ba-Duan-Jin" (hieroglyph Ba - "eight", hieroglyph Duan - "piece", hieroglyph Jin - "beautiful", "sparkling", for example brocade) translates roughly as "Eight pieces of brocade", or a set wellness exercises, with their perfection similar to silk.

This name has two meanings. According to one of them, brocade is a high-quality multi-colored fabric that symbolizes the multifaceted effect of exercise on the entire human body. According to another version, the exercises of this complex were first recorded and sketched on the brocade sections.

The second version is supported by the fact that in the 1970s. In the city of Changsha, the grave of a high-ranking official of the Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) was found. It contained a piece of brocade with a design titled “Qi Transfer Illustration”. It clearly depicts four movements (they are circled in the figure below), very similar to the movements of the modern Ba-Duan-Jin complex: "Shooting with the right and left hands in the pose of an archer"; "To normalize the work of the abdomen and spleen - one hand in the air"; “To strengthen the kidneys - sliding the hands over the back and legs and touching the feet”; "To cure diseases - rise and fall on the heels."

Piece of brocade with Qi Transfer illustrations

Similar illustrations are found in the book "Caring for the Health of the Mind and Extending Life" by To Hong Jing, who lived during the reign of the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589).

The complex is also called the "Formula for conducting and attracting Xu Zhen-Jun". Perhaps this is a distorted name of Xu Xun, who lived during the Jin dynasty (265–420) and to whom the descendants attributed this complex.

Another name for the complex "Taoist energy exercises" is due to the fact that according to another version it originated in the Taoist environment, where it was practiced to cleanse the internal channels of the body in order to open them for free circulation of energy.

The first written records of the Ba-Tuan-Jin practice are found in the Listener's Notes - Selected Stories of Supernatural Beings, by Hong Mai, who lived during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279).

In the process of spreading the method, there was a split into northern and southern schools. The northern one is credited to Marshal Yue Fei, who developed several Qigong exercises to improve the health of his soldiers. The movements are difficult to perform here, the main thing in them is rigidity, the position of Ma-Bu ("riding a horse") is often used. This variation of Ba-Duan-Jin is also called the military eight pieces.

Antique illustrations for "8 Standing Pieces"

The southern school is attributed to Liang Shichang, here outwardly the movements are simpler, the main thing in them is softness; they are also called civilian eight pieces. In the course of the development of this school, a sedentary form of this practice (8 sedentary pieces) was formed in it.

Antique illustrations for "8 Seated Pieces"

Like any "decent" Asian practice, the Eight Pieces of Brocade have so-called chanting instructions. Each separate "piece" has a poetic instruction that explains the deep meaning of the exercise, so for successful practice it is necessary to understand it.

Note that such instructions are a sign of a traditional school that has been passed down from generation to generation for a long time. The fact is that not all practitioners knew how to write, therefore, in order to preserve the transmission in completeness and integrity, they composed poems in which the main provisions of the school were encrypted, understandable only to initiates. Oral, so to speak, transcript.

The standing complex of Eight pieces of brocade is popular in China, so there are quite a few varieties of it in historical documents, and they are all correct and have the same basic principles... Therefore, it is not very important which version of the complex to choose. It is only important to really understand the essence of the practice and train patiently and persistently.

Below are the chanting instructions for the three chronological stages.

The beginning of the South Sun period

1. Fold back your palm, lift up to control three heaters.

3. Stretch east and west independently to calm the spleen and stomach.

4. Again and again you look around, overcoming your wounds and weaknesses.

5. Large and small appeals to the sky facilitate the patency of the five dense organs.

6. Swallow saliva, replenishing Qi, wave their hands to the left and to the right.

7. Wag their tail like an eel to drive out heart disease.

8. Left and right hand cling to the feet, healing the lower back.

Jurchen and Mongol dynasties

1. Having thrown back, propped up and at the same time put in order three heaters.

2. Liver on the left, lungs on the right - as if shooting at an eagle.

3. In the east, the liver, separately support the west, so the hands pass.

4. Five fatigue: turning the head, seven wounds straightening.

5. Swimming fish wagging its tail - the heart is healed.

6. Hands cling to two feet - favorable for the lower back.

7. Beat the heavenly drum thirty-six times.

8. Cover the ears with the palms, then tap on the head.

The beginning of the Guan Manchu Dynasty period

1. Support the sky with two hands - good for three heaters.

2. To the left and to the right draw the bow, as if shooting at an eagle.

3. To tidy up the spleen, you need to lift the stomach separately.

4. There are five fatigue and seven injuries - look backward.

5. You shake your head and wag your tail - the fire passes through your hearts.

6. If you turn over with your back seven times, a hundred diseases will disappear.

7. If you clench your fists, look fiercely, you will increase the power of Qi.

8. Grab your feet with both hands - you will strengthen your lower back and kidneys.

These song formulas are given in order to show the continuity of the tradition, which is clearly visible at least by the coincidence of the names of the movements.

General Provisions

The Eight Pieces of Brocade System is available to the general public: the movements are simple, you can practice anywhere, there are no age or physical restrictions. Difficulties in performing the Ba-Duan-Jin complex, as a rule, do not arise, since the level of load and the intensity of the exercises are low and easily adjustable. The absence of complex methods of concentration allows you to study the system on your own.

Most people start learning Eight Pieces of Brocade because of its noticeable and relatively fast health-improving effect... This effect is based on the principle of "calm serene heart and focused mind." When a person becomes calm, his nervous system rests and, as a result, the coordination of the functions of various organs of the body improves. Relaxation of the whole body, deep and natural breathing, smooth movements, controlled by thought, lead to harmony of the "external" and "internal".

The combination of tension and relaxation, movement and rest, maintains the balance between Yin and Yang, improves blood and Qi circulation, and leads to a stronger body and better health.

With systematic exercises, there is a significant reduction in deformity. spinal column, improving his mobility, strengthening ligaments, bones, increasing muscle strength, range of motion in the joints, which is good remedy prevention of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis. There is an improvement in cardiac activity (according to ECG data), blood pressure stabilizes, endurance increases, and recovery processes proceed faster after exertion.

With regular exercise, the amplitude of the chest movement, the elasticity of the lung tissue increases, the vital capacity of the lungs increases, and gas exchange in them improves.

Rhythmic alternations of tension and relaxation skeletal muscle and diaphragms improve the movement of blood in the abdominal cavity, normalizing intestinal motility, eliminating congestion in the liver.

Exercise has a positive effect on metabolism. The level of cholesterol in the blood of trainees decreases, which ensures the prevention of atherosclerosis. The body's metabolism improves, which leads to a reduction in excess weight.

The practice of Eight Pieces of Brocade noticeably increases the tone of the body, relieves fatigue, and reduces the need for sleep. Ba-Duan-Jin is widely used as a recovery complex for athletes after the competition, as well as people whose work is associated with high mental, intellectual and physical activity.

Implementation principles

There was no nail - the horseshoe fell; the horseshoe fell - the horse limped; the horse limped - the commander was killed, the cavalry was defeated, the army flees. The enemy enters the city, not sparing the prisoners, because there was no nail in the smithy.

The importance of adherence to even the most general principles

To balance the circulation of internal energy, body movements should be soft, round, smooth, calm, "spacious", continuous and natural. They are in no way performed thoughtlessly, but under the constant control of the mind. Movement should not be interrupted. Even if this has happened, the external pause does not interrupt the internal Qi circulation.

It is very important to relax the body, for which you need to build correct posture(body position). If the body is relaxed, then exercise will be much more effective. If the mind is calm, then a person can more easily endure psychological and physiological stress. A calm, neutral mind makes it possible to fully concentrate on the exercise. There is even a special joke about the state of mind in Qigong: if a thousand naked beauties pass by a man practicing Qigong, then only one thought should flash in his mind: "A thousand naked beauties are passing by me."

Breathing should be measured, deep and natural, the heart should beat calmly.

When the body, breath and mind act without coercion, the exercise becomes natural (this does not mean that the process of practice can be let go, on the contrary, only in this state the mind is able to fully control the process).

In order to make it easier to relax the body and calm the mind, you can imagine, for example, flowing water or floating clouds.

The initial stage can be broken down into approximately three stages:

1. Correct positions body (including racks).

2. Correct execution of movements.

3. Understanding the effort in each exercise.

When doing the exercises, you must take into account your age and the physical state and in accordance with this, independently choose the intensity and level of the load.

If the duration of the exercises, the number of repetitions and the intensity of the movements are determined correctly, then after the training, the mind, body and Chi will find balance, which immediately begins to affect daily life.

The minimum number of repetitions of each exercise of the complex is 3 times in each direction (if the "piece" is done only in one direction, then 6 times). As the skill grows and the energy potential increases, you can increase the number of repetitions of each exercise up to 24 times.

There are several ways to practice the Eight Pieces of Brocade:

1. As a separate complex:

First Time Exercise Eight pieces of brocade are best done in the morning immediately after waking up. Ideally, they can be done twice: the first time - to awaken the body and lightly warm up the muscles. The second - with the observance of all the rules, when the consciousness has already awakened.

In the middle of the day (about 15-16 or 18-19 hours) - to stimulate brain activity and relax the whole body.

In the evening, immediately before going to bed and always after sunset, in order to clear the mind after daytime worries, relieve the accumulated fatigue.

2. As part of training in martial arts:

In this case, the Ba-Duan-Jin exercises can be performed several times during the workout.

In the beginning, to concentrate and eliminate distracting thoughts.

In the end, to restore the body.

You can perform several exercises of your choice after intense loads, difficult complexes, fights, etc.

With any exercise regimen, adherence to the correct daily regimen increases the effect of performing the exercises of the Ba-Duan-Jin complex. You should not force training, since the speed of achieving the result depends on the characteristics of each person. The most important thing is gradualness and consistency.

Ba-Duan Jin is perfectly complemented by other practices (some of these practices have been mentioned above). In particular, its combination with self-massage, pillar standing (Chuang-Gong), Tai Chi Chuan, and seated meditation is considered generally accepted. It is also good to just read and study after it.

Execution of the Ba-Duan-Jin complex

Even the path of a thousand Li begins with the first step.

An ancient Chinese proverb sometimes attributed to Lao Tzu

The Ba-Duan-Jin complex simply begins with the first exercise.

Our interpretation for our case

As noted above, there are many “correct” varieties of the Eight Pieces of Brocade Standing Complex. After studying and comparative analysis of a sufficiently large number of options, the authors (despite their undoubted adherence to the traditional versions of Wu-Shu and Qigong), a modern modification of the complex, compiled by the All-China Association for Wellness Qigong, was chosen for the description in this book.

This is due to the following reasons.

First and foremost, the complex is entirely sustained in a traditional manner and fully preserves the "taste" of real Qigong.

Of all the options studied, this one is, perhaps, outwardly the simplest and most artless.

And finally, the initial and final exercises have been added to the eight traditional ones. The first of them is one of the modifications of the famous "Chuang-Gong" (pillar standing), and the last one is "collecting Qi". Both seem to be very valuable and natural additions to the complex.

Initial exercise (short standing in a pole)

The traditional Ba-Duan Jin complex does not start with calming meditation. An additional posture is intended for this purpose (let's call it "zero").


Exercise builds the structure of the body, harmonizes the flow of Chi, calms the mind, regulates breathing, and relaxes the internal organs.


1. Become straight. Heels together, arms hanging loosely along the torso. The gaze is directed straight ahead and into the distance. Breathing is slow, even. Take a few breaths in and out, mentally directing the air to the Dan-Tien (Figure 0-1).

Rice. 0-1

Rice. 0-2

Rice. 0-3

2. Transfer body weight to right leg and step to the side with your left foot shoulder-width apart. The feet are parallel. Raise your hands to the level of your hips, palms back. The gaze is directed straight and into the distance (fig. 0-2).

3. Bend your knees slightly. Raise your hands to the level of the navel and form a "ball hug pose". Fingertips approximately 10 cm apart (fig. 0-3).

Piece 1. "Support the sky with both hands and warm up the triple heater"

Both hands support the Sky to regulate San Jiao (Triple Heater); San Jiao passes Qi freely and smoothly, diseases disappear. Turn your palms to Heaven and raise both hands. Straighten your chest, straighten your lower back. Stand up straight and freeze. Exercise for a long time, the body will become strong, and you will be happy.

Song instruction to the first piece

In Chinese traditional medicine, there is the concept of "San Jiao". Most often this is translated as Triple heater, which is most likely due to the fact that this term was first translated from Chinese into English as triple heater (or triple warmer), and only then (literally) into Russian. A translation closer to the original appears to be Three Furnaces or Three Hearths.

The first heater is the area above the diaphragm; the second is the area between the diaphragm and the navel; the third is the area between the navel and groin. They are responsible for food, respiration and excretion, respectively. Heaters include energy centers for a variety of zones. For example, the lower one is for the liver and kidney meridians, the middle one is for the lungs and heart, and so on. It is believed that the incorrect movement of energy in the three heaters is the main reason for the disturbance of Qi circulation in other organs.

When performing the first exercise, each of these three energy zones is warmed up due to the movement of Chi from the bottom up along the antero-median meridian.

In the first phase of the exercise, the fingers are connected to each other, the ribs of the palms are located opposite the Chi-Hai point, at the level of the lower Dan-Tien.

As you inhale, the arms are raised up along the antero-median meridian, the elbows are directed downward. It is important that you do not rise up with your hands rib cage and shoulders.

When the palms reach the level of the middle Dan-Tien (Tien-Zhong point), the palms are turned away from themselves. Then, as you inhale, your arms are raised straight up. The gaze follows the palms up. When the arms are straightened above the head, the gaze is shifted forward into the distance.

Then the arms are spread to the sides and gently lowered down. At the level of the lower Dan-Tien, the fingers reconnect, thus ending the cycle. When the arms are raised, the muscles of the torso are stretched, and when they are lowered, they relax, allowing the free flow of Chi. The repetition of these movements regulates the flow of Chi through the three heaters. When it becomes smooth, the internal organs relax and heal.

The most important (it was she who served as the basis for the name of the exercise) is the phase when the arms are raised, palms are turned up and are directly above the crown. The spine should be straight ("taut, but not tense"). The position of the body is vertical, the arms seem to be attracted to the sky, and the legs to the ground. Due to this, a person is stretched, becoming a conductor connecting Heaven and Earth.

In addition to affecting the three heaters, the exercise has another aspect - the effect on the energy sphere around the physical body.

To understand what in question, you need to know that in Qigong there are three circles of energy circulation:

1. "Small in the Small Heavenly Circle", or the circulation of energy in the lower Dan-Tien.

2. "Small Heavenly Circle" - the circulation of energy along the anterior and posterior meridians.

3. "Great Heavenly Circle", when in addition to the body and the head, arms and legs are included in the cycle (sometimes in practice top level, as, for example, in Chan-Mi-Gong, the movement of Qi along the path Heaven - Man - Earth - Man - Heaven, etc. is considered a large circle).

In addition to these three circles, an external energy sphere is also distinguished (in the West it is called the aura), which can be described as a large heavenly circle projected outside. This sphere is formed when energy accumulates in abundance and goes beyond the physical body of a person.

The middle healthy person this sphere has the shape of an oval. Its top is just above the head, and the bottom goes 20-30 cm into the ground. The healthier and more energetic a person is, the wider the boundaries of the sphere. In the context of this concept, the first exercise aims to stretch the energy sphere vertically.

The philosophical meaning of this piece of brocade is that when raising your hands up inner strength concentrates in the palms, where all tame meridians begin. This is the hidden essence of the phrase: "Raising the sky with both hands." The ancients believed that "Raise the sky" means to lift an endless, immense, heavy thing, to perform a significant act.

In addition, stretching towards the sky and resting his feet on the ground, a person, as it were, connects Heaven and Earth, becomes one with them.

These exercises have a beneficial effect on respiratory system and joint mobility

“Performing the Ba Duan Jing complex between morning and lunchtime,

you can find harmony with the Universe. "

Gao Lian, Ming dynasty

Wellness complex Chinese gymnastics"Eight pieces of brocade", or in other words, "Eight pieces of brocade" has been known for more than two thousand years. These exercises, similar to silk in their perfection, are unusually simple, but at the same time they carry a strong charge of vivacity and health.

The pearl of health Qigong, the Ba Duan Jing complex is useful for a very simple reason. It was developed by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) doctors for their patients. The task was to eliminate the unwanted effects of congestion, pain, discomfort, to help the patient recover from a serious illness as soon as possible, and to the healthy one to strengthen his strength, endurance and harmonize the internal energies of the whole body.

During the execution, your arms, legs, and the whole body seem to press the magic buttons of active points, passing along all the meridians. They harmonize, launch all the stagnant currents and forces of the body.

It is very important to perform all exercises with perfect precision in order to achieve maximum therapeutic and health benefits.

These exercises have a beneficial effect on:

  • respiratory system,
  • joint mobility,
  • strengthen the legs and arms,
  • nervous system.

Have a positive effect on:

  • activity of the heart and blood vessels,
  • cure for osteoporosis and coronary atherosclerosis,
  • strengthen immune system,
  • slow down the aging process,
  • improve mental health.

Gymnastics "Eight pieces of brocade" remarkably replaces morning exercises... It can be performed at any other time of the day. Since these exercises use and harmonize your body's own energy, they can be done even before bed! By harmonizing your body's strengths and Chi flows, you will sleep better and more soundly.

Just don't do these exercises for an hour after eating. After eating, it's better to just take a walk.

The complex is performed both standing and sitting. The sedentary form serves to restore postoperative patients and people who, for one reason or another, cannot perform it while standing.

We will consider a form that is performed while standing. As with all Qigong exercises, there is one limitation for the "8 pieces of brocade" - it cannot be done in the wind. During exercise, the pores of your body open up, which gives access to the pathogenic wind. So be attentive to the choice of the location of the exercises, if you are going to do them on the street... In the room, do it where it is most convenient for you!

To complete the complex, there is no need for any additional funds: rugs, clothes ... That is why, in China, it is often performed right at the workplace, if you want to dispel fatigue or relieve drowsiness.

The complex is extremely simple and accessible to both children from the age of five and very old people. Just try it!

You can see all the details of the technique, the involved energy meridians and points in the next video.

A small memo for correct execution complex

1. When performing the exercises, the tongue lies on the upper palate just behind the teeth. The lips are tightly closed.

2. The exercises are done in complete silence.

3. All exercises are done to the left. Except for the fifth.

4. Exercises should not be done in the wind.

5. During the exercise, you should keep counting to yourself.

6. Exercises are done without interruption - from beginning to end, as smoothly as possible.

7. Exercises should be done in your own rhythm, at a speed convenient for you.

8. There are no restrictions on age, execution time, physical condition. It is undesirable only to do it during the acute course of the disease.

9. After completing the complex, it is advisable to stay in mental and physical rest for a while.

10. The last final exercise: men - right hand top, girls - left. published by

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How to avoid becoming a victim of online scams

We hope that this video tutorial will help reduce the crime rate and help our viewers to successfully resist SMS scammers in any circumstances.

One of the most important events in the life of every young girl is, of course, the graduation party at school. This event marks the end of an entire school era and is a kind of "bridge" to adulthood. In addition, this is one of the few holidays when you can give free rein to your imagination in choosing an outfit and turn into a real princess for your family and classmates for at least one evening. And, of course, what prom night is complete without a prom dress? It is to him that our lesson is dedicated.

How to choose a dress for prom 2017

Thanks to this video lesson "How to choose a prom dress", future graduates, as well as their mothers, grandmothers and girlfriends, will be able to familiarize themselves with the recommendations of leading stylists on what factors should be taken into account when choosing a prom dress and what rules should be followed. It's no secret that many young ladies begin to think about choosing an outfit for a prom long before the event itself - sometimes even a year in advance. There is no single point of view on what a prom dress should be, because all girls are different, each has its own style, character and appearance. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to blindly follow fashion trends, but to try to make sure that the graduation dress is in harmony with the personality of the graduate, reflects her individuality and emphasizes her external merits. Many girls choose to follow traditional rules when choosing a dress, they choose pastel colors, light fabrics, and feminine silhouettes. Of course, this is already a classic, so such outfits will always be appropriate at the prom. However, if a girl wants to show off originality, then it is quite possible to be creative - to choose more unusual colors and styles. As a rule, black is considered undesirable - it may turn out to be too heavy and gloomy for a young girl at the prom.

How to choose a dress for a figure

We hope that this video tutorial will help each of our spectators to make right choice in favor of the most beautiful and stylish prom dress that will make the girl feel like a true lady.

How to remove a belly for a girl

It's no secret that one of the most problem areas for most women, this is the tummy and sides, because it is there that all those "snacks" with which we actively indulge ourselves begin to be deposited in the first place. Nevertheless, the situation is not critical, and you should not completely abandon your favorite foods - you just need to consume them in moderation and not neglect physical activity. The authors of this video dwell on the last question in detail, telling and showing which physical exercises will be most effective for getting rid of fat folds on the abdomen and sides. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with many hours of training in the gym - such exercises can be successfully performed even at home, and this does not take so much time. All these exercises can be done, for example, while watching a television series - and thus, you can combine business with pleasure. The authors of the lesson offer the five most effective exercises that help to quickly and reliably make your waist thinner, and your figure as a whole - slimmer. Of course, to achieve good result it is necessary to adhere to several rules when performing such exercises: firstly, you need to do each exercise correctly, precisely following all the trainer's recommendations; secondly, you should do it regularly, best of all - daily, or at least every other day. Subject to constant training, after a short period of time (1-2 weeks), the first improvements will be noticeable, and the waist will begin to decrease.

How to remove belly fat at home

This video lesson will be useful and interesting to almost every woman who wants to have a good figure with the minimum expenditure of effort, time and money.

It is no secret that human health is the most important thing, therefore, you need to start taking care of your own health and your body from a very early age. As they say, many diseases are much easier to prevent in time than to cure later, when the disease has already begun to develop intensively.

High-quality medical services are in demand everywhere and always: both a thousand years ago and now. It is well known that the profession of Aesculapius does not tolerate unprofessionalism and amateurism, therefore, one should seek medical help only from highly qualified specialists. Otherwise substandard health care may not only fail to bring the desired improvement, but, on the contrary, further aggravate the situation and harm health.

Today, the services of large medical centers of a wide profile, the so-called family medical centers (or clinics), are extremely in demand, in which high-quality medical services will be provided to all family members: both adults and children.

Among the many advantages of such medical centers, I would like to highlight the following:

  • Extremely high quality offered medical services. The entire staff of a large center - from the head physician to the nurse - has highly qualified, rich practical experience and an impeccable reputation, therefore, specialists of this kind of medical institutions successfully cope with even the most difficult tasks;
  • Versatility. Clients of the aforementioned family-type private clinics can safely apply here with diseases of a wide variety of profiles - from therapeutic to gynecological. At the same time, an integrated approach to each patient is provided, his previous complaints and appeals are taken into account.
  • Comfort. One of the main disadvantages of public hospitals - the lack of the necessary amenities for comfortable treatment - has been completely eliminated in private medical institutions. Both outpatients and inpatients can be in pleasant conditions and enjoy all the necessary amenities.
  • Availability of the most modern medical equipment;
  • Reasonable pricing policy, fixed cost of services and the absence of any levies, additional payments and demands for "gratitude" in envelopes, which are constantly faced by patients of the so-called "free" polyclinics.

All of the above advantages are fully possessed by the well-known German-Ukrainian medical center Aurora, which offers all comers top-class medical services, consultations and assistance of highly qualified world-class specialists.

Each lady strives to be beautiful and attractive, while following the latest trends in the world of fashion and beauty. It turns out that not only clothes or a handbag can be fashionable - but also eyebrows! Throughout recent years all over the world, well-groomed natural eyebrows of sufficiently large density and width remain in trend. Such eyebrows make the look more expressive, and the whole face brighter and more memorable. However, what to do if nature has cheated you with thick eyebrows? Do not worry, there is a solution - and you can learn about it from this video lesson "How to grow thick eyebrows."

How to grow eyebrows quickly

This short video is devoted to such an interesting question for any woman as eyebrow care, in particular, how to become the owner of sable eyebrows without extensions, naturally... This is quite possible if you use certain traditional medicine to care for your eyebrows, namely, bodyagu. About her useful properties in cosmetology, and so many have heard. Now it can be successfully used as an effective means to improve growth and appearance eyebrows. Qualified experts in this video will tell you exactly how to use the bodyag for the above purpose, how often it is necessary to carry out such procedures and what precautions to follow. A very important nuance is the availability of this method of eyebrow care. Bodyaga is a completely inexpensive publicly available drug that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Therefore, each of the fair sex gets a wonderful opportunity to become even more beautiful with minimal financial costs. Carefully following the beauty tips and recommendations voiced in this video, every woman can, after a short period of time, see positive changes in the condition of her eyebrows - they will become thicker, healthier, it will be possible to give them new form in line with the latest world trends in eyebrow styling, so what recommendations for the care of the violin should be followed to keep the instrument in excellent condition for as long as possible?

First of all, it is worth protecting the violin from direct sunlight in order to avoid drying out. Under no circumstances should this musical instrument be left under the scorching sun. The same applies to severe frosts: the violin generally does not like significant temperature changes, so you need to try to maintain a favorable temperature regime in the place where the instrument is stored. Remember not to leave the violin near open heat sources: fireplaces, heaters, stoves, etc.

Second, no less important advice: the violinist must constantly monitor the humidity level in the environment where the violin is stored. This musical instrument does not like excessive moisture, because it makes the wood damp, perhaps even the appearance of mold, or too dry air, because in the latter case, cracks and other damage may appear on the wood - and the instrument will become completely unusable. Experts recommend maintaining the optimum humidity level in the room at 45-60 percent.

It is also a vital duty of the violinist to regularly clean the instrument, which should preferably be cleaned and wiped down after each use. Do not neglect this duty in order to avoid the appearance of dirt, abrasions and other unpleasant traces of use on the violin body. To avoid this, we suggest using online stores, for example,

However, even if he fully complies with all the basic recommendations for the care of the violin, its owner is not insured against damage to the instrument. As a result of natural wear and tear (if the violin was used for a sufficiently long period of time), and as a result of some unforeseen accidents (impacts, falls, other mechanical damage).

If such troubles occur, you need not hesitate, but turn to a qualified violin maker, who can offer an extensive range of instrument repair services - from changing strings to restoring the varnish.

You can't own your own body! How do you hope to find the Way and master it?


Qigong - This is the general name for the many practices of the Chinese tradition of self-development and self-improvement. These include a great variety of all kinds of systems, exercises and, of course, entire schools.

The most popular division among varieties of qigong is hard qigong and life extension qigong. Of course, this division is very arbitrary, because if you look closely, the boundaries are easily erased and you no longer understand what is where.

When an ordinary Chinese person finds out that you are practicing qigong, one of the first questions is: " can you break a stone? " Why?

Because people think you are doing hard qigong. Yes, it is hard qigong that is best known in China among the common people. It is actively promoted, shown as a show in circuses and on the streets.

So what is "hard qigong"? How tough is it really and what is it for? Let's try to figure it out.

The name itself is hard - or ying (?), Appeared for two reasons:

  • Representatives of this direction train in breaking solid objects, bending iron objects, then they deal with all kinds of solid things.
  • The representatives of hard qigong train their body to endure exorbitant loads and external influences, often deadly. Simply put, they make their body "hard" like a stone.

Most of the methods of hard qigong relate to all kinds of hardening. By means of regular external influences, body tissues change their structure and become less susceptible to pain, impact of stabbing and cutting objects. Complexes are prominent representatives of hard qigong " iron shirt"," diamond finger "," 8 pieces of brocade "," Canon of changes in muscles and tendons. "

What was hard qigong used for, and where did this tradition come from?

It's all to blame martial arts, which are known to be very common in China. It was very important for a warrior to protect himself, the vulnerable parts of the body. Make it extremely difficult for a potential opponent to hurt in a fight.

In addition, thanks to hard qigong, a person actually turned his body into a superweapon. Amazing strength, endurance, strength of joints and bones. All these opportunities opened up for those who practice hard qigong. A person could painlessly endure jabs with a knife, spear, punches and kicks. Also, an adherent of tough qigong could stand like a mountain and push opponents away from him with a light touch. By the way, this is why hard qigong is often called martial qigong.

However, over time, when the contractions became much less and conflicts began to be resolved in more humane ways, the need for overdevelopment of their physical indicators gradually ceased to be so relevant. That is why hard qigong gradually passed into the category circus show.

However, there is another side to hard qigong. The word Ying can be translated not only as hard, but also as hard, rough qigong. Why do we need to know these translation nuances?

The fact is that the very essential part that distinguishes hard qigong from life extension qigong is its "gross" or bodily orientation. That is, most of the exercises of various complexes of hard qigong are focused on improving the external or, more correctly, the surface parameters of the physical body: strength, endurance, development of muscles, joints, bones, ligaments. While life extension qigong is already focused more on meditation, work with the psyche, internal organs and other complex internal systems. That is, to work with more subtle matters.

Today, numerous hard qigong complexes are taking on a new birth. People are actively engaged in them, not for the sake of achieving supernatural fighting qualities, but for the sake of health and maintenance physical parameters... For example, hard qigong helps to maintain flexibility, helps maintain healthy joints, helps in the prevention of back and spine problems, as well as problems with bones, muscles and ligaments.

For many people who practice hard qigong, it has become a form of morning exercises.

Due to their high health-improving efficiency, hard qigong complexes are also loved in Chinese medicine... In some clinics, they are prescribed for almost any problem, because they are usually very simple, have no contraindications, and at the same time help to effectively restore the state of the body in a fairly short time.

Preparation for meditation practice

I wrote that the line between hard qigong and life extension qigong is very thin. Why? Because in fact, hard qigong is the first stage of working with oneself. The strong and resilient physical body that a practitioner will get with regular practice of hard qigong will not interfere, and will become faithful helper with further practice of meditation.

The same approach can be seen in many other traditions, the most striking of which is, perhaps, Indian yoga. V indian yoga, the essence of which was described in his sutras by Patanjali, a famous Indian scientist-practitioner who lived in the 2nd century BC. era, there are various stages that the adept must master. The practice begins with the body: performing asanas. This stage is followed by higher and more complex stages - this is meditation, which leads to mastery of your psyche. That is, yoga asanas, so popular today, serve as an initial charge for the body and are not aimed at deep work. There is meditation for this.

It is the same in qigong. Often with integrated approach, hard qigong is used to maintain the physical body, strength, endurance and other parameters. Further, the adept masters more complex meditative techniques. But in fact, the order of development is not so fundamental. The main thing is how you use the acquired skills and knowledge further. Understand what is main and what is secondary, preparatory in your practice.

This does not mean that meditation cannot be mastered without hard qigong, of course not. However, if you use meditative practice in conjunction with hard qigong, it will bring more dramatic results. The body will not suffer from lack of attention, while you will be busy developing your psyche in meditative practices.

Varieties of dynamic rigid qigong

There are a huge number of varieties of complexes that can be attributed to hard qigong. Their common characteristic is that they are all composed of dynamic exercises and therefore are often also called dynamic qigong. The most famous of them are Yi Ding Ding, Wu Qin Xi (Games of the Five Animals) and Ba Duan Ting (8 pieces of brocade).

Yi ding ding is the canon for changing muscles and tendons. The complex, the author of which is the legendary founder of Ch'an Buddhism, Bodhidharma, an Indian prince and monk who lived and preached in China for some time. Bodhidharma stopped near the Shaolin monastery and spent 9 years in a cave in one of the local mountains in continuous meditation, facing the wall. It is believed that after Bodhidharma finished his meditation, his body, muscles and ligaments were so weak that he could not even stand up. And it was the practice of Yi Ding Ding that helped him quickly restore his physical condition and breathe life into himself. According to legend, the great ascetic, descending from the mountain, found that local Buddhist monks did not pay attention to the physical body at all, called it "Smelly Bag of Bones" and devoted all their time to reading sacred texts and meditation. At the same time, the body simply could not stand it, the monks often got sick and died early. Due to the weakness of the body, the quality of meditation was also very low, the monks could not meditate for a long time and, as a result, they simply did not have time to receive the fruits from their practice. Then Bodhidharma explained the importance of body care and taught the monks the Yi Ding Ding complex, a form of hard qigong, for maintaining the body. It is believed that it was from this complex that some types of martial arts were later born, for which the Shaolin Monastery is famous to this day.

8 pieces of brocade

This is one of the legendary varieties of Dynamic Rigid Qigong. This complex originated from the legendary Yi Din Din complex through simplification and additional processing. Simplification, however, did not lead to a decrease in efficiency, but, on the contrary, allowed a much larger number of people to master this complex and adopt it.

Just like its famous ancestor, the "8 Pieces of Brocade" and the principles by which it works, is the basis for many types of martial arts. But of course, first of all, it has a health-improving and restorative character.

The name "8 pieces of brocade" or "Ba Duan Ting" is so called because it consists of 8 exercises. Brocade is a kind of rare and expensive fabric, so the value of these exercises is emphasized. And finally why fabric? This refers to the tissues of the human body. Thus, "Ba Duan Ting" is eight valuable exercises for the development of body tissues.

Methods of execution. There are three types of this complex: lying, sitting and standing. The need for these varieties is associated with a different state in which a person starting to practice can be. Remember the story of Bodhidharma? After his long practice, he was so weak that he could only lie down. Then, by doing the exercises while lying down, he learned to sit, continued to do them while sitting, and finally got up.

The Legend of Marshal Yue Fei

Marshal Yue Fei was one of Bodhidharma's disciples. After the death of the great mentor, he was appointed to lead the hostilities in one of the remote provinces. His army was strong, but the enemy dug in in the fortified city. Among other things, the city was warned in advance and is ready for a long siege.

Yue Fei's army camped outside the city walls. After some time, the morale of the soldiers began to fall and diseases settled in the camp. Yue Fei saw this and realized that if the enemy opened the gate, they would easily defeat his army. Something had to be done immediately. And then he decided to teach his soldiers the knowledge he received from Bodhidharma.

Since most of the army was simple peasants, but at the same time it was necessary to quickly help them get in shape, Yue Fei reworked and simplified the complex "Yi Ding Ding" system to 8 exercises. He chose the most important, only the most effective exercise and taught them to his soldiers. This was the "8 pieces of brocade" complex. His task was simple - to make the bodies of soldiers strong, sturdy, enduring, to raise morale. And for all this to happen in as soon as possible.

The soldiers got stronger in a matter of weeks and diseases left their bodies. When the enemy finally opened the gates and entered the battle, Yue Fei's army easily defeated them.

Tendon practices of the world: analogues of hard qigong

In most serious systems of self-development and self-improvement, you can find exemplary analogs of Chinese tendon practices. Above I have already written about Indian Hatha Yoga, but it is not the only one. In the process of self-exploration, practitioners around the world sooner or later "create" similar practices... After all, the body works everywhere and always according to the same laws. For example, the Indians had practices that were later restored or, more precisely, revived by the anthropologist and writer Carlos Castaneda. He called this practice Tensegrity. In many cultures, tendon dynamic practices have gradually lost their meaning and turned into a kind of ritual dances. This, for example, happened in Southeast Asia, partly in India.

8 pieces of brocade: three aspects

When studying the complex of 8 pieces of brocade, its stage-by-stage development takes place. At the Wu Dao Pai school, we divide it into three stages: body, body + breath, breath + attention. Let me remind you that attention is the very energy, for those who are interested in this very aspect in the complex.

There are also a lot of options for this complex in China. At the Wu Dao Pai school, its deeper aspects are studied: the effect of individual exercises on specific organs, emotions, body tissues, breathing and, of course, safety techniques.

At the same time, a seemingly simple complex really gives the practitioner a whole heap of useful skills: endurance and physical strength- this is true for athletes. Strong joints, flexible ligaments, healthy back muscles and the whole body - for everyone who is interested in maintaining health. Beautiful body, agility, mobility - probably to everyone, without exception.

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