Exercises to increase strength and internal energy. Qigong and fight

Energy can and should be constantly replenished. A few breathing exercises will help you with this and will not take long.

There are so many different practices that can improve a person's energy, from healthy sleep to meditation with a candle.

But it turns out that breathing exercises are useful not only for the body. She is in a great way support your biofield as well. Here are a few exercises that you can repeat alternately throughout the day. Do not rush to do them at full strength right away, especially if you are a beginner. As soon as you cope with a low load, you can increase it or repeat the entire set of exercises more than once a day.

First exercise

It can be performed in any situation, and no one will even notice that you are doing breathing exercises. The meaning of this exercise is in equal distribution of the time of inhalation, air holding in the lungs and exhalation. Initially, it is recommended to set aside 6 seconds for each step. That is, you inhale for 6 seconds, you need not breathe for 6 seconds, and you exhale for 6 seconds. As soon as you feel that this exercise is too easy for you, increase the time first by 7 seconds, and then more.

Second exercise

Take a deep breath and tilt your head forward without exhaling. The longer you don't need air, the better. After that, raise your head straight and exhale. This is a very energetically beneficial exercise as you control yourself and activate your body's reserves. It also helps to gradually increase the volume of your lungs.

Third exercise

The most important thing is not to get confused while doing this exercise, since it involves the alternation of strong and weak exhalations and breaths. First, inhale very deeply and exhale sharply. Then take a regular inhalation, but the exhalation should be active at the same time. Then vice versa: inhale sharply and strongly, and exhale by inertia. Repeat the alternation several times. When you decide to finish the exercise, inhale as deeply as you can and hold your breath. This is one of the most strong exercise breathing exercises, which increases energy.

Fourth exercise

In this exercise, you will alternately breathe one or the other nostril. It was developed a long time ago as an excellent stimulant of human energy. First close the right nostril and inhale with the left for two counts. Hold your breath for a count of eight while simultaneously closing your left nostril. Exhale with the right nostril and repeat the exercise from the beginning. Then change the order and breathe with the right nostril.

Fifth exercise

Also, energy can be stimulated as follows. Place your hands on your belly in the navel area. Inhale gradually and watch the belly swell up a little. Then press hard on your stomach and exhale vigorously. The pace of the exercise can be gradually accelerated depending on how you feel. However, first of all, strive for quality, not speed. It is believed that at correct breathing the lungs are fully engaged, not just their upper part.

Each of these exercises can be used on its own, doing twenty repetitions and several times a day. Individually, the exercises are also quite effective. They will help you feel a surge of energy and strength, even if you spend only five minutes a day on them. But remember that you need to focus on your own body and well-being during the exercise.

After a working day or at lunchtime, it is very good to combine these breathing exercises with self-massage. Then the effect of them will be even greater. Be healthy, boost energy during your workday and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.08.2016 06:07

Yoga classes can bring great benefit... If you do everything right, then thanks to this practice you can ...

What can you not hear when people start to talk about internal energy... Some tell stories about magicians who, with a movement of their eyebrows, throw hordes of attackers to the ground, others do not believe in anything like that and refer to the school course in physics and biology. Some argue that if years of daily training are needed to achieve a result, then this is not worth trying to do, others only see true value in such things. I will try to generalize the existing points of view and consider the issue from the point of view of the use of internal energy (whatever is meant by this) in battle. I intend to rely on facts that I myself have witnessed or on eyewitness accounts and literature, which I have no reason not to trust. Mostly materials related to China will be used, since the rest of the world follows in its footsteps in such things.

First, some general remarks. Many people confuse such concepts as qigong and neigong. `Qigong 'in translation from Chinese means` work with qi', that is, precisely operating with internal energy. "Neigong" is an "internal experience", that is, all types of training that are not directly related to the training of complexes, fights, general developmental exercises and special hardening. Neigong includes, for example, "developing lightness" - the art of light jumps and running on walls, "working out gravity" - developing stability of positions, what is called "growing into the ground", etc. Such techniques can use qi, or can and do not use.

According to the research of Chinese historians, qigong techniques appeared even before the advent of writing. They are described even in the earliest medical monument in China - "The Canon of the Inner Yellow Emperor." In the martial arts, the study of qigong went in two directions - in relation to the practitioner, to make training more effective, and in relation to harming the opponent.

The simplest application of qigong to oneself is to use qi techniques to bring oneself back to normal. Obviously, training will give the best effect if you start it with a clear head, fully focused on the work ahead. For example, in a treatise of the sanhuang style paochui (Cannon strike of three emperors) on methods of strengthening impact surfaces and shockproof hardening of the body, it is said that before starting training, one should stand in the "pole standing" position and close his eyes to practice breathing exercises until the qi fills the legs and rises to the dantian. And in the treatise "Explaining the True Meaning of Shaolin Fist Art" it says that it is possible to start stuffing the body only after the accumulation of qi reaches such a stage that it begins to "ooze through the pores of the body."

Our fans hand-to-hand combat can laugh at these "quirks", but Chinese fans of hard qigong (I emphasize - amateurs, not professionals, I talked with one such group in which people are engaged in free time, as in an amateur circle) can crack a brick held in the other hand with a clap of the palm, or, without any harm to themselves, be lifted on a trident stuck in the stomach. Those practicing traditional martial arts have probably noticed that it is recommended to perform approximately the same actions before starting the training of complexes, and this is not accidental. Gradually, the time of such regulation of the organism begins to decrease, and some gestures or mental images associated with the beginning of a complex or training become a "switch" for it. In a real combat situation, one such action performed instantly puts your body in a state of combat readiness. Wushu fans here in advantageous position, because the frightening ritual greetings of many complexes are perfect for both intimidating opponents before the start of the battle (it has been tested more than once on the street), and for bringing oneself into a combat state.

Another application of internal energy is based on the eastern doctrine of meridians and collaterals, and knowledge of the theory is very important here. Europe got acquainted with the Chinese art of acupuncture and moxibustion in the xvii century, and already in the next century, certain techniques of these techniques began to be widely used for therapeutic purposes. However, in isolation from theoretical knowledge, they turned out to be ineffective (there is a case when at the end of the 19th century in one of the French hospitals, patients rebelled against "javelin doctors"), and after the chinese techniques they disappeared in Europe (including Russia) without a trace. Thanks to the close ties between the USSR and the PRC in the 40-50s, a revival of these techniques began, many Soviet doctors went to study or practice in China. At the turn of the 50-60s, through their efforts, a number of original and translated works on Chinese medicine, both theoretical and purely practical, were published, recognized centers for eastern (puncture) reflex therapy were formed in Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Gorky ( Nizhny Novgorod), Kazan and Ulan-Ude. At the turn of the 80s and 90s, there was a new burst of fashion in the East, and new works began to appear in Russian concerning not only medical, but also combat aspects of the application of the doctrine of biologically active points. Thus, at present, among the countries of the non-Eastern world, Russia is in first place in terms of the amount of quality information related to these issues.

When studying the issues related to the Chinese doctrine of internal energy, the problem immediately arose of what is qi. There are several dozen options for translating this term into Russian - "air", "breath", "lymph", "ether", "atoms", "nervous regulation", " Vital energy"etc., each of which reflects only a small part of its meaning and none of which exhausts it completely. Moreover, this term can be combined with an infinite number of definitions. either a physiological or a mental phenomenon, they immediately came up with the new kind qi. At the same time, all these types are the manifestation of one single qi. Many Chinese authors, it seems, themselves do not really delve into the essence of the interaction of various manifestations of a single qi, being satisfied with the knowledge of their functions. In principle, this is sufficient for practical use. In the Russian-language literature, in relation to the tasks of medical practice, the most successful definition was proposed by V.G. Vogralik: qi is an integral function of all the body's activity, its energy, tone, vitality. The qi of each organ or organ system expresses the exchange and function at a given moment; the resultant of all these manifestations is the single qi of the organism. This definition was accepted by the majority of Russian reflexologists. From my point of view, it is no worse than the definitions from Kadochnikov's system "a person is a mechanical system with a finite number of degrees of freedom", "a technique is the use of one's degrees of freedom to reduce the number of degrees of freedom of the adversary."

The concept of channels and collaterals that permeate the body, through which qi continuously circulates, and the possibilities of influencing this circulation through selected points, forms the basis of the special theory of Chinese medicine and Chinese martial arts. Every body is qi, clothed in some form. All physiological processes in the body ultimately come down to interaction different types qi both inside and outside the given form. However, the passage of qi in a closed circuit through some significant points and areas connected by a network of channels performs an important controlling function. This theory has been developed over the centuries. She currently describes about 36 points located on 12 main and two "miraculous" channels. In addition, the flow of qi can be traced through six more "miraculous" channels. Approximately 280 out-of-channel points are also distinguished.

If in the East this system is accepted as something given, then in the West they tried to place an obvious materialistic justification for it. The simplest option - combining the canal network with the neurovascular trunks - did not work: only very small segments were able to combine. Currently, a more subtle theory is being developed that the structural basis of the main points and channels is intercellular gap junctions. Closely related to this theory is the hypothesis about the connection of the "body channels" with the intermuscular clefts, which basically coincide with the lines of muscle contouring.

The complexity of determining the location of the canals on the usual human anatomical atlas led some researchers to the idea that the canals are a purely functional system, without a definite real carrier. However, laboratory studies using modern techniques refuted this opinion. For example, Chinese experts have found that when the points are electrically stimulated along the canal, a red or white line may appear, caused by hyperemia (red dermographism) or spasm of the skin vessels (white dermographism).

In 1986, the materials of a unique experiment carried out at the Nenner Institute in Paris were published. A liquid containing technetium was injected at certain points using acupuncture. The rays emitted by it were recorded using an electronic camera. As a result, it was revealed that the radioactive liquid propagated strictly along the "channels" allocated by the traditional Chinese medicine... When the same liquid was injected into arbitrary points on the body that were not associated with acupuncture, it did not spread throughout the body at all.

So, to summarize this theoretical digression: there are certain interrelationships and mutual influences between different parts of human organism. To explain this mechanism, there is a theory described in terms of qi energy. From modern explanations, this theory in positive side distinguished by its brevity and time-tested properties. From point of view practical application it is absolutely not important for us to know what is behind it.

In medicine, it is usually necessary to fine-tune the flow of qi to bring the body back to normal. In battle, an instant result is required (unless you are a secret killer who requires the victim to die from malaise in 3 days, 7 hours and 28 minutes), and it is the result that is important - the death of the enemy - and not the mechanism for obtaining it. Therefore, in the theory of martial arts, usually not six hundred points were studied, each school formed its own limited set - as a rule, 36 points, these sets differed from school to school. A deep theory was also not needed, it was only important to know where these points are. However, in our modern conditions, it is usually not required to kill people, so if you want to be able to apply the art of influencing points in a regular fight, then you need to clearly understand what will happen after impact on a certain biologically active point - a person's heart will stop or just empty right there. intestines (the first, of course, will instantly end the battle, but the second can also decide the fight in your favor). This also requires some familiarity with the theory. As an example, I will cite a story told in a private conversation by Anatoly Kovgan, President of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Shaolinquan Association.

When he was in the Shaolin Monastery several years ago and was actively making acquaintances with monks and other wushu masters, he was told about one of his new acquaintances that he was one of the greatest modern masters of influence on points. During lunch in one of the nearby eateries, A. Kovgan asked the monk himself if this was true. The monk replied that it was true, and said that he would now demonstrate his art. Noticing the interlocutor's concern, he said that he could not be afraid, they would not demonstrate on him, and they went to the owner of the establishment. Looking at the owner, the monk said that he (the owner) was not completely healthy, and asked if he had noticed such and such symptoms in himself. The owner replied that he had noticed and agreed to be treated by the monk. The monk immediately struck with his fingers at some point, and the owner with a crash fell on the spot unconscious on the couch standing in that room (the crash occurred due to the fact that he knocked something over during the fall). The monk actually conducted a treatment session, pressing some points, after which, by pressing the desired point, he brought the owner to his senses. He began to thank for the treatment and was very surprised when neighbors came running and began to find out what the noise was - he did not remember anything.

However, there is an opposite point of view on the art of influencing points. In 1991, one of the greatest wushu masters of our time, Ma Minda, came to the USSR. While communicating with wushu lovers, when asked about the art of death-touch, he replied that he doubted that anyone would be able to use this art in battle against him. His doubts were fully justified - according to my visual assessments in battle, he acted at a pace of 3-5 beats per second. To approach such a mill at a distance of even a blow, one mastery of the art of death touch is not enough.

So, is the art of affecting points applicable in hand-to-hand combat? In my opinion, mastering this art can be compared to having a knife in your hand. If you have a knife, then this is a serious advantage, but it is still not enough to win: if you have a weak blow, then you may not even tear your opponent's clothes, if the enemy is good at fighting, then you will not be able to use a knife against him at all. So it is with the art of influencing points. If you want to use it in battle, then in addition to memorizing the location of the necessary points and the effect they cause, you need to be able to instantly find them by touch (in order to know which finger to press when you grabbed approximately Right place), strengthen your fingers (in order to press the desired point even through clothing and in order to be able to strike with your fingers to the required depth), learn to grab the thrown sandbags (to develop the ability to grab instantly and firmly), and, well, own at least basic skills of ordinary hand-to-hand combat otherwise, while you grab your grip or aim to strike with your fingers, you risk running into a straight line in the jaw.

A more surprising way of dealing with internal energy is the so-called "emitting external qi". The theoretical definition of this: through prolonged training using any method, to harmonize the internal qi human body, to accumulate it inside the body, and at the right time using certain biologically active points to emit it outside. I have no doubts about its reality: being a couple of years ago in Krasnoyarsk, I met Mr. Zhang Junqi from Xian, who was engaged in the qigong school "emitting qi through the index finger" and at the invitation of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Association Shaolinquan led qigong groups. For the Krasnoyarsk TV channel Afontovo, he agreed to hold a public demonstration of his art, which I attended.

It took place in an ordinary gym, everyone took part in the demonstration - both from among the practitioners and those who simply came from the street, having heard about what was happening - a total of 30 people. Zhang warned that he did not intend to emit full "battle" portions of qi only a demonstration, and because as soon as someone feels that it is difficult for him to stand and wants to fall, let him sit down on the floor immediately. After that, he began to make "shots" at the crowd at short intervals (at least this is how it looked - he stretched out his hand towards the participants in the demonstration with straightened forefinger and middle fingers, and every time he shuddered with the sound `ts!" in the crowd, someone lowered themselves to the floor.) After 15 people were on the floor, we said that it was enough for the demonstration, but then one of the participants who entered with a challenge said that he had not felt anything and therefore nothing Zhang approached a few meters and fired another "shot" at him - no effect. Then Zhang asked if he really wanted to feel the effect and if his heart and liver were in order. Having received an affirmative answer to both questions, Zhang immediately fired a "shot" in full. The guy collapsed on the spot in a twisted position as if knocked down - his muscles contracted.

Scary art, isn't it? However, to master it, it really takes years and years of practice, and its use in combat is comparable to using single-shot pistols: after firing from one you need to get the next one, and during this time opponents can get closer to the distance of hand-to-hand contact. So, in my opinion, it is applicable only as an auxiliary skill - like pirates used pistols during a boarding fight. If you still want to master this art, look for a teacher. More or less normal technique for self-study is given in the book by Lin Housheng and Luo Peiyu "300 questions about qigong" (question 116), which has already passed 2 editions in Russian for last years, but since it was published in Novosibirsk, I doubt that this book will be available to those wishing to study from other regions.

And the last and most famous use of internal energy in the martial arts is to strengthen the blow. Its use is comparable to the use of knuckle dusters. As the founder of the Baguazhang style, Dong Haichuan, answered a student's question, "Striking with internal energy is based on striking with force." In Chinese martial arts, there are usually three levels of mastering the use of energy in striking - striking with the effort-ching, striking with the use of qi and striking with the use of Shen. The concepts of jing, qi and shen are found in any theoretical work on qigong, they all refer to substances present in the body from birth, however, using special techniques, some substances can be distilled into others. In martial arts, jing is understood as force coming "from bones and tendons", a complex effort of the whole body, as opposed to force li arising from muscle contraction and can appear even if the body is motionless.

It is believed that a student masters the release of effort-ching if his movements contain the so-called "three external coordination", that is, "the movements of the shoulders and hips are coordinated, the movements of the elbows and knees are coordinated, the movements of the hands and feet are coordinated." This can be achieved in a couple of years of training. Movement using qi occurs when the entire body participates in it with all its capabilities (see the earlier definition of qi, accepted among Russian reflexologists). This is achieved over a longer period of time, it is necessary to master the "three internal coordinations". Shen is identified with the spirit, a blow with the use of Shen becomes, as it were, animate, it is no longer an ordinary blow, but a work of art.

Those who remember the Chinese feature film "South and North Shaolin Monasteries" shown in short excerpts in the "Travelers Club" TV show, or saw it on videotapes (it is known in the version with the translation from Japanese subtitles as "Arahan - Buddhist Monk") may recall the final fight, where Shaolin martial arts mentor Zhireng (played by Yu Hai from the Shandong provincial wushu team) and monk Zhiming (played by multiple champion Chinese Wushu Li Lianze) use the same technique of the praying mantis style. Despite the fact that Li Lianze seems to be doing all the movements absolutely correctly, he is still far from Yu Hai, who has been practicing the mantis style all his life. How do you achieve this skill, you ask? You have to train, train, and train, for years and decades. But this is long, you exclaim! Well, the East is a delicate matter, it is not in vain that those who are considered masters in the West, in the East are at best identified with advanced students ...

To easily go through life and playfully step over the obstacles that the villainess-fate loves to do, a person must have a good supply of inner strength. Unfortunately, nowadays it is less and less possible to leave it untouchable. When there are too many problems and negative thoughts drive us into a corner, our inner strength dries up. Its supply is not infinite, therefore, a person needs to be able to timely replenish the bins of inner strength so that at the decisive moment he does not become helpless in the face of life's difficulties.

There are 10 secrets of inner strength that everyone needs to know in order to understand where it comes from and how it works.

1. Inner strength is born and tempered in difficulties.

Strength is found in the soul of a brave man. When a problem arises, don't sit around and let it poison your life. The sooner you attack a monster, the more chances you have of catching it by surprise and defeating it dry. When you set yourself up to respond to a problem in a timely manner without letting it take root, the awkward situation will be resolved much faster. You will not lose your inner strength, but only increase it.

2. Controlling your emotions helps you become stronger.

Don't underestimate your emotions. Every human emotion is energetically charged. This means that it is up to you to decide what their energy will be spent on. Suppressing emotions is only wasting your reserves of inner strength. Anger, anger, resentment, hatred, envy have tremendous destructive potential. By directing them inward, you risk leaving no stone unturned. Joy, happiness, delight carry the energy of creation and are able to release your creativity. Learn not to suppress emotions, but to redirect them to where energy is more needed. For example, to solve a problem. Become aware of your emotions, and then you will open the way to control them.

3. The strong can get over their fears.

Any person has the power to master his fear, deprive him of his dominant position and make him his own adviser. He will warn of dangers and possible mistakes, but will not be able to control and make decisions for you. The main thing is to start with the little things, and the habit will develop by itself a little later. The feeling of fear will not disappear completely, but it will stop defining your life.

4. Positive thinking and an optimistic attitude help to open access to internal reserves.

Faith is powerful and should not be underestimated. If you believe in a good outcome of the situation, then the paths to a quick resolution will really open up for you very soon. The attitude of failure will only make matters worse, creating apathy and inaction. Then the required release of energy will not occur.

5. Remember the second wind.

You've probably heard about the phenomenon of second wind that an athlete opens before the finish, when his strength is almost running out. But he continues to move, despite the pain and lack of strength. And then, as a reward for perseverance, the athlete opens up a new source of energy.

So it is in life. In the most difficult time, when absolutely all forces are exhausted, it is important not to stop, but to move on, no matter what. By making it a habit to be persistent, you yourself will be amazed at what you can do. Every person has strength inside. By deciding to keep moving, you gain access to a backup power source. Otherwise, this reserve will not open.

6. You can show inner strength by a strong-willed decision.

Not so long ago, scientists hypothesized that the frequent use of willpower leads to its depletion. But it has not yet been confirmed and is unlikely to be confirmed. The opposite is true. Increasingly, by exercising willpower, you increase your inner strength.

A good workout for willpower is playing sports. Every day, overcoming laziness and pain, making one volitional decision after another, you learn to be strong.

7. Procrastination is not the best solution.

Procrastination does not lead to good. By practicing constantly putting things off for later, you can one day feel like you're not capable of anything. Your inner strength burns out from delay, its energy is neutralized. For our own sake, it is worth starting to fight the desire to postpone solving problems until better times.

8. By understanding how people interact energetically, you will learn to avoid those who encroach on your reserves of power.

Energy vampirism is not a fairy tale, but a harsh reality. People are able to imperceptibly influence each other. Communication with some of you significantly improves your mood and self-esteem, and after talking with others, lethargy appears, a negative attitude appears and all desire to talk to someone disappears. Such people are called energy vampires. If there are such individuals among your acquaintances, it is better to stay away from them. Be tough and uncompromising in this strong-willed decision.

9. Your resistance to stress is directly related to your inner strength.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. By training yourself to resist stress, your inner strength automatically increases.

10. Remember: inner strength is a renewable resource.

Strong people also need rest to replenish their energy balance. You need to rest not only with your body, but also with your mind and soul. Do not consider this a sign of weakness. Only those who do not rest at all become weak. Therefore, do not pass up the opportunity to catch your breath. It is never superfluous.

Don't leave small things for later

The famous psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik made the following discovery: unfinished cases are remembered much better than completed ones. So it is with notifications of new letters, requests to call back and other small matters. Willy-nilly, you will think about them until you complete. This is one of the reasons for the energy leak, and it is in your power to patch the "leak".

Clean up your virtual desktop

Countless folders, files distract, interfere with concentration. "On the virtual desktop, leave only thematic folders, for example" Work "," Documents "," Sports "," Consulting "," Family ", and organize everything else inside them," advise the authors of the book "100% Charged". Do not save separate documents to your desktop.

Increase reserves

What to do when work requirements start to exceed our reserves and it turns out that even 8 hours of continuous work is not enough for us?

There is a way that can help increase your internal reserves: expose yourself to more stress, accompanying this recovery. That is, from time to time you need to challenge yourself: for example, to do work 10-15 minutes faster than usual. You will find that you will start to get things done faster than usual in normal situations. Do not forget about rest: it is very important after such calls to give yourself a rest for a quarter of an hour.

Decide on a goal

Define your productive time

The most productive time should be devoted to the most important things. This Golden Rule We constantly break success because we do not know what is the most productive time. It is not difficult to find out: it is enough to observe yourself. During a week or two, get up early, try to work at night, early in the morning, in the afternoon and analyze what is happening, keep a diary. It is advisable to give up sweets, caffeine, and other stimulants for this period.

Plan "buffer zones"

Be sure to leave a fair amount of headroom between meetings, never schedule them back to back - even if they are in the same room or nearby. Life always makes adjustments, time is spent on various household trifles, travel, fees. Being late is unsettling, stressful, and wasting energy.

Move more

Sport is often perceived only as a way to relax and unwind. In fact, motor loads directly affect the work of the brain, the authors of the book "Fire Yourself!" ... It does not require high level activity and grueling workouts in the gym. The most convincing studies show that walking remains the main method of physical activity.

Instead of eating sweets, jump!

When we feel a lack of energy, the first thing that comes to our mind is to have a snack. We are trying to recover energy from fast carbohydrates... Indeed, we are instantly overwhelmed by the feeling of a surge of strength, but how long does it last? Usually 10-15 minutes, and then again we feel tired. There are several exercises in the book to help you provide an instant flow of energy. Here's one called hopping jumping. Jump in place for thirty seconds. If you are not in the right mood, pretend you have one and do the exercise until you feel inspired. The more practice, the better the result.

We save energy on solutions

Imagine a person who bought a water mattress and went to bed. In the morning he wakes up and sees water on his mattress. In annoyance, he goes to the store and changes the mattress to a new one. But in the morning he sees water again. Looking closer, he discovers that water is dripping from the neighbors upstairs. He thought what to do with the faulty mattress, but another question had to be asked: "How did the water get to my sleeping place?" Before solving a problem, ask yourself the question: "What is the real problem?"

Think Energy, Not Time

Energy, not time, is the main currency of high efficiency. Everything we do - from walking with the kids to talking to coworkers and making big decisions - takes energy. Without the required quantity, quality and focus of energy, we endanger any business we undertake. Moreover, each of our thoughts or emotions has energetic consequences - for better or for worse. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to restore the lost energy. So you can enjoy every day, enjoy the little things and become a happy person!

These exercises are best done on fresh air(regardless of the season). saturates the body with oxygen, which in turn helps to increase energy.

So, now let's move on to the exercises:

1. Running. Jogging in the fresh air works wonders with a person! If you feel constant fatigue- just start running! Believe me, even a ten-minute run in nature will energize, cheer you up and cheer you up! Over time, you will understand how jogging in nature has a positive effect on your well-being, and if you don’t try, you won’t learn about such a simple and affordable way which increases the body's energy reserves!

2. Rubbing the ears. There are a large number of biologically active points on our ears, by using which you can significantly improve your well-being. To boost energy, simply rub your ears for 1 to 2 minutes.

3. Deep breathing. This exercise will help you feel better and energized. It must be performed in the fresh air. So, we get up straight (the body is relaxed), close our eyes and take a deep breath (slowly and as deeply as possible, that is, with a full chest), then slowly exhale through the mouth (make the lips a tube). Perform at least 10 times.

4. Cycling. Outdoor cycling is unlike any stationary bike in the gym. When you eat, you are enjoying nature, and it is also energizing! A thirty-minute ride on a two-wheeled friend will not only help you to cheer up, but also greatly improve your figure!

5. Rolling on the floor / grass / snow. Fun but at the same time good exercise, which will not only energize, but also cheer up! You can ride anywhere, as long as space and weather allow (if the exercise is performed outdoors). So, we lie on the floor with our backs, arms along the body, legs straight. Then we start rolling on the floor (imagine that you are a wheel). We roll from one side to the other.

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