Summary of the lesson techniques of struggle for an advantageous position. Judo

Sections: School sports and children's health

Struggle is life, life is struggle.

Throughout his life, a person is involved in the struggle to achieve the set goals.

Struggle, from any point of view, is the path to overcoming difficult periods of life. And as a sport, wrestling allows and teaches the ability to defend oneself, one's loved ones, the Motherland, temper not only physically, but also morally.

From 1977 to the present time, a sambo wrestling section has been working in the Maliv secondary school. For more than 30 years, 1 International Masters of Sports, 2 Russian Masters of Sports were trained and also became in the future, more than 50 athletes were awarded the title of “Candidate Master of Sports” and 1st adult category in sambo and judo wrestling.

Among the achievements there are prize-winners of youth championships of the World and Europe, prize-winner of the USSR championship, winners and prize-winners of Russian championships, champions and prize-winners of the Moscow region, Moscow, other regions, as well as prize-winners of various All-Russian and international tournaments... Nobody counted how many students studied in the section during this period. During this time, the section was led by local pupils. A very large number of young men, having finished studying in the section, served in the elite troops of Russia - airborne troops and the marines.

In this regard, an innovation was included in the school curriculum, namely: starting from grade 1, training hours for wrestling were introduced.

Wrestling is the name of the general section; it included throws from various martial arts, mainly from sambo and judo wrestling. Great importance has a say in the formation of a conscious attitude to struggle. Talking with the guys, I try to give a complete idea of ​​why she is needed, what she develops, what she brings up.

A special wrestling hall at the school allows students to conduct classes according to the program, which includes special exercises for wrestlers: the ability to fall correctly, master acrobatic elements, as well as throws in the standing and lying positions and the ability to apply them on the carpet and in extreme situations.

As a teacher, I try to select exercises for classes with children of different age categories so that interest in this sport does not fade away, but on the contrary only increases. For example, in grades 1-8, the emphasis is on games in which there are elements of struggle: “rugby on your knees,” “catch-up with somersaults,” “elephant,” and other games, which also develop strength and endurance. , flexibility, quick thinking, will, determination to win. In grades 9-11, I pay more attention to the development of strength, agility, constantly increasing the load to maximum possibilities.

At the wrestling hall, a room is equipped with various simulators, among which there are those that the guys made themselves, under the guidance of a teacher and coach.

Wrestling allows you to give a clear idea to the children what kind of sport they will be involved in. Even those of them who, without making this choice, do not go in for this sport, have the opportunity to learn and improve their wrestling skills during physical education lessons throughout their schooling.

It has become a tradition to hold an open championship of the Kolomensky district in sambo wrestling among boys and girls, boys and girls in the gym of our school.

I hope that the wrestling lessons did not pass without leaving a trace for the pupils. Proof of this is the fact that only in the last four years 8 young men and women have entered to study in universities at the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports, which is another proof of the right path chosen. This innovation, sports wrestling, allows us to maintain the traditions of the school, the Kolomensky district - to raise future defenders of the Motherland, physically and morally strong, confident in their abilities, ready in any life situations to stand up for themselves and their Fatherland. After all, life is a struggle, and a struggle is life.

Methodological developments for conducting a wrestling lesson in grades 6-8.

Warm-up exercises in place. Somersault forward without bending the legs. Self-belay: fall forward with support on hands. Painful hold: lever of the elbow through the thigh. Conversation on the topic "Methods for the development of strength." Unbalancing with a jerk with grasping of the arm and neck. Self-defense techniques: release from hand grabbing.

  1. The warm-up exercises are usually performed after the movement exercises. When the group of practitioners is large and the classroom is not spacious enough, only exercises are performed on the spot.
    Examples of exercises.
    1) Walking in place with a high hip lift.
    2) Running on the spot with acceleration (on the clap of the teacher).
    3) Running with the heels of the buttocks.
    4) Jumping with a turn of 180º (360º) í on two legs and on one leg.
    5) Swing the leg forward, backward, to the sides (with maximum amplitude).
    6) Squats with a partner on the shoulders.
    7) Leaning forward without bending your legs, touching the carpet with your hands.
    8) From a kneeling position, sit on the buttocks on the left and right.
    9) From a kneeling position, bend over, pulling the carpet with the back of your head.
    10) From a supine position, raising your legs, reach the carpet behind your head with your toes forward, backward, to the sides.
  2. In addition to the exercises given in the lesson, they study a forward roll with straight legs. Students are given the task of performing a normal forward somersault, but without bending the legs. You can also ask the students to first do a somersault without bending the legs from the position of the legs apart (wider than the shoulders), then perform a forward roll from the position of the legs together. After rolling over the back, the legs should be bent to stand up.
  3. Self-belay: fall forward with support on hands.
    Exercise sequence:
    1) In the lying position, flexion and extension of the arms.
    2) In an emphasis lying on the fingers, flexion and extension of the arms.
    3) From a kneeling position, hands backward fall forward, bending over with support on the hands.
    4) From a standing position, legs wide apart, fall forward with support on hands. When falling, students should not touch the carpet with their chest, while it is necessary to bend their arms, cushioning the impact. Falling on straightened arms is prohibited. Keep your torso straight.
  4. Lying techniques: lever the elbow over the thigh. Favorable conditions: the reception is carried out after performing the hold from the side (the student is on the side). Carrying out the technique: grab the defender's forearm and squeeze it to the thigh of the leg lying on the carpet so that the shoulder rests on the thigh, the forearm goes down to the carpet between the legs. Smoothly unbend the arm until the signal is given (voice, slaps on the carpet with the other hand), if the wrestler does not have enough strength of one hand to push the opponent's hand, he should help with his hip, increase the pressure on the forearm of the unbending arm.
  5. Conversation on the topic: "Methods for the development of strength." By strength, we mean the ability to make movements with the help of muscle tension, to overcome any forces or to resist them. There are two main methods of strength development: dynamic and static exercises. Dynamic exercises are performed, overcoming gravity, partner's resistance, etc. They are characterized by relatively small loads (performed before fatigue appears, "to failure", heavy loads are performed 1-3 times also until fatigue appears; after a short rest, 2-3 minutes, exercises repeated), alternating loads. First, exercises with a small load are performed, then with medium and maximum. There may be a different sequence. For example, exercises are performed with maximum load (1-2 times), then with less, but with a large number of repetitions.
    Static exercises consist in counteracting any forces for a certain time. The practitioner takes any pose (angle, hang, emphasis, etc.) and holds it for a certain time or seeks to raise the weight beyond his capabilities. Posture and resistance should cause certain muscles to contract.
    The main means of developing strength include exercises with weights (barbell, weights, dumbbells) and weights ( own weight or partner's weight).
  6. Wrestling techniques "standing": unbalance with a jerk with the capture of the arm and neck. Favorable conditions: the opponent moves his legs incorrectly or becomes in a low stance (crosses his legs, puts one leg far away, spreads his legs very wide, turns his shoulders strongly relative to the pelvic plane, transfers his body weight to one leg, rests his hands on the attacker).
    Carrying out the technique: the attacker with a jerk by the arm transfers the opponent's weight to one leg. Turning in the direction of the dash, the attacker pushes his shoulder into the opponent's neck forcing him to fall with him. Twisting around the longitudinal axis.
  7. Self-defense techniques: release from hand grabbing.
    1) From gripping the wrist with one hand opposite hand... The release is performed by a jerk inside the attacker's thumb. First, you should rotate the hand so that the radius bone is in the gap between the thumb and the rest of the fingers of the opponent's hand.
    2) From gripping with one hand at the wrist of the hand of the same name. It is performed with a jerk outward towards the thumb where it connects with the other fingers. The principle of release is the same as in the first case, only the direction of the jerk and the rotation of the arm change.


  1. EAT. ChumakovPhysical training fighter ”. Tutorial for trainers.
  2. V.M. Andreev“Sambo fight”.

Methodical development for conducting a wrestling lesson in grade 5.

Warm-up exercises in motion.
Acrobatic forward somersault exercises.
Self-belay for lateral fall.
Rear kick kick.
Flip with grabbing hands.
Exercises to develop strength with a partner.

Warm-up exercises in movement allow you to improve your way of moving on the carpet and at the same time prepare the body for the load.

Exercise example:

  1. Walking on toes, on heels, toes in, toes out, on the inner and outer edge of the foot, in a half-squat, in a full squat.
  2. Running backwards, sideways forward (side steps, with legs crossed), on all fours.
  3. Jumping on two legs, on one leg, with a turn in the air at 180º and 360º.
  4. Walking with the rotation of the arms forward and backward.
  5. Walking with torso turns.
  6. Alternating jumping and running.

Acrobatic exercises - forward rolls. A forward roll is performed in this way: putting your feet together and squatting, not spreading your knees, bend your back strongly and put your palms on the carpet. Having slightly raised the pelvis, touch the carpet with the back of your head and, pushing yourself off with your socks, make a roll forward on your back, without straightening. Bend your legs while rolling over the back. Grab the shins with the brushes and press the heels to the buttocks.

The study of self-belaying when falling on the side begins with the mastering of the final position (grouping) by the trainees, in which they should come at the end of the throw. When the grouping is learned, it is necessary to learn how to quickly come to the grouping position from the prone position. The trainees do cotton with one hand on the carpet and pull their legs to the chest. In this case, the leg. The hand of the same name, doing cotton, should be bent, put near the hand, the other leg should be placed approximately at the level of the middle of the lower leg of the lying leg.

Rear footrest for extended leg.

Favorable conditions:

  1. The opponent puts his leg forward and pulls the attacker.
  2. The opponent stands on the attacked leg.

Training. With a sharp jerk, force the opponent to transfer weight to the attacked leg, to maintain balance, he leans back and reduces stability in the direction of the throw.

Reception. The attacker places his foot behind, between the opponent's legs, resting against his popliteal fold with his popliteal fold. Straightening the leg and pushing off the carpet with it, the attacker bends the opponent's near leg and pulls him forward and to the side. When the opponent falls on his back, it is necessary to step forward with the other leg, support him and soften the fall.

Flip by grabbing hands. Favorable conditions: the opponent is on all fours, hands not wide apart. Reception. Stand on one knee to the side of the partner (closest to his legs), grab his far shoulder with both hands. Pulling your arms towards you and pressing your shoulder into the side of the attacked, turn him over on his back.

Exercises to develop strength with a partner.

  1. Support angle (straight legs raised above the mats at an angle of 30º).
  2. Holding and carrying a partner in your arms.
  3. The transfer of the partner on the hip (on one then on the other).
  4. Bent over with a partner lying on the shoulders.
  5. Squats with a partner sitting (standing) on ​​the shoulders.
  6. Flexion and extension of the arms while standing.


  1. EAT. Chumakov“One hundred sambo lessons”.

Summary of the lesson on wrestling.

9th grade

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Training in standing wrestling - across the hip; lying wrestling - holding from the side, painful techniques - the knot of the hand and the lever of the hand from holding it from the side.
  2. Development of strength and coordination.
  3. Fostering discipline, independence, interest in wrestling.

Lesson type: teaching.

Carrying out method: frontal, group, game.

Venue: wrestling hall.

Inventory: mats.

Carrying out time: 45 min.

Part of the lesson Content Dosage WMD (organizational and methodological instructions)
1 2 3 4
I. Introductory

1. Construction, communication of tasks.

2. OSU in walking and running:

  • walking on toes, on heels;
  • running with an overlap of the lower leg;
  • running with a high hip lift;
  • running with side steps;
  • running with a cross step;
  • in walking: tilts and turns of the head;
  • in walking: jerking with hands;
  • in walking: body bends to the left, right, forward, backward;
  • walking in full squat.

3. ORU on the carpet:

  • from a sitting position: tilts forward, backward, sideways;
  • from a supine position: side bends;
  • from a kneeling position, sitting on the buttocks;
  • front and rear axle.

4. Acrobatic elements:

  • forward somersault;
  • somersault back;
  • somersault backward with an exit to the rack;
  • a roll forward in height with a running start;
  • flip sideways;
  • a combination of side flip exercises and a forward somersault in length from a place;
  • a game of "somersaults".
The person on duty gives the teacher a report on the readiness of the class for the lesson.

Monitor your posture while doing running exercises.

Exercises are performed in a column one by one, keep a distance of 1 m; follow up correct posture.

The exercise is performed until the chest touches the carpet.

The exercises are performed with your feet in the center of the carpet.

Exercises are performed in a column of 2, distance 3-4 meters, to monitor the timely execution of the grouping.

II. Main part

1. Throw over the thigh from the rack.

  • Storytelling, showing, testing;
  • learning in parts;
  • repetition of previously learned throws.

2. Holding from the side in the prone position

  • Storytelling, showing, testing.

3. Painful techniques- the knot and the lever of the hand from holding it from the side.

  • Storytelling, showing, testing;
  • learning in parts.

4. Exercises to develop strength:

  • Lying push-up;
  • from a supine position, raising the body;
  • from a supine position with an emphasis on the elbows "angle".
25 minutes

2p * 15p
2p * 10p

Students split in pairs.

Observe full body unfolding and tap top hips back, up.

The position of the legs - one leg is extended along the body, the other is on the foot.

Make sure that during the implementation of the technique, the signal that painful actions have reached the goal is given in a timely manner.

III. Final part.
  • Relaxation exercise;
  • summing up the results of the lesson;
  • homework.
3 min.

Lying on your back relax.
Formation in one line.
Lying push-ups.

The plan of the extracurricular activities on wrestling among students in grades 5-11.

  1. The class is divided into two teams of equal strength.
  2. each team has its own name and motto.
  3. The refereeing is carried out by the teacher and his assistant.
  4. Each stage of the competition has its own name.
  5. For each victory at a stage, 3 points are awarded, for a draw - 2 points, for a defeat - 1 point.
  1. “Knowledge” - teams are simultaneously asked questions about wrestling (wrestling rules, first aid, injuries, hygiene, etc.). Within 3 minutes, the teams must give the correct answer to each question. The team that answers the most questions wins.
  2. "Strength" - each team member bends and extends his arms while lying down maximum amount times, the result is added up. The team with the most reps wins.
  3. “Fastness” - each team member participates in the relay with the inclusion of acrobatic elements(somersaults forward, backward, side flip, etc.). The team with the lowest time wins.
  4. “Flexibility” - the teams take a “sitting” position with an emphasis on their elbows facing each other, their legs are raised above the carpet at an angle of 30º. The winner is the team whose member is the last to keep his feet.
  5. “Rugby on your knees” - 5 people from each team take part in the game. Moving on the carpet on their knees and passing the ball to each other, the players try to bring it to the opponent's “home”. The team that makes the most "skids" wins.
  6. “Throw” - the whole team takes part. Participants split in pairs. Within the allotted time, you need to perform the greatest number of throws from the “standing” position. The team with the most shots wins.
  7. "Wall to wall" - the whole team participates. Lots are tossed. A member of each team wrestles in a standing position with a member of the other team until the first throw. The team that wins the most matches wins.

The team with the most points at all stages wins the competition.

Viewing the correct execution of the technique of liberation from grasping by the arms, trunk, clothes.

Introductory speech of the teacher: A situation often arises when grips of limbs, clothing and various body grips are used in order to restrain the enemy's actions. In this regard, an urgent problem arises of neutralizing this kind of impact, through the use of self-defense techniques.

Divide the students, taking into account their physical, weight and sex characteristics in pairs.

Each of the options requires the use of different neutralization techniques, which are discussed in the lesson presentation, Pay attention to children who use the left hand.

4 release options

1.1 Stretch your hand up. During this movement, the opponent's forearm will twist inward, making it impossible to hold a normal grip.

1.2 Rotate your brush clockwise. The opponent cannot hold the grip, as you have created an uncomfortable position for his wrist. In addition, you move your hand towards your opponent's fingers, which are the most weak point capture. The weakest link is believed to be thumb and, accordingly, in most cases of release from the grip, the force is directed precisely in his direction

1.3 Rotate the brush up and to the side in an arc. In this case, the force is again directed towards his thumb. The enemy is forced to weaken the grip, which gives you the opportunity to free yourself.

1.4 Drop your hand down over your opponent's wrist. The release is carried out by acting on the thumb of his hand.

4 release options

2.1 Pull your hand up and inward towards you. At the same time, the elbow goes down. With this movement, you unclench your opponent's fingers and free yourself.

2.2 Rotate your hand down, up, and outward, releasing the grip.

2.3 ... Press your wrist down over your opponent's wrist. The release is carried out by acting on the thumb of his hand .

2.4 Press your wrist down over your opponent's wrist. The release is carried out by acting on the thumb of his hand .

3.1 The opponent is holding your right forearm with both hands (thumbs pointing up) - You twist your right forearm so that your thumb is pointing up. At the same time, grab your right fist with your left hand between your opponent's hands and make a sharp dash up and towards yourself. In doing so, you turn to the left and bend your right arm at a right angle.

3.2 The opponent holds your right forearm in the same way as in Figure 6. You take your right fist with your left hand and raise it until your right forearm is in an upright position. Press your fist down firmly against the attacker's forearm.

Physical education lesson summary

FULL NAME. teacher : Kovalenko Yulia Viktorovna

Class: 7

Program: Work programs for grades 5-9 V.I. Lyakha Education 2013

Program section : Athletics

Lesson type : educational and cognitive

Lesson topic : Long jumps with 9-11 steps.

The purpose of the lesson : To form an idea of ​​the correct technique for performing long jumps from 9-11 steps of the run.

Lesson Objectives :

    explain correct technique performing long jumps from 9-11 steps of the run;

    demonstrate the performance of long jumps from a run;

    perform long jumps with 9-11 steps of the run;

    contribute to the development physical qualities;

    plan your actions when doing physical exercise;

    work as part of a group, form organizational and communication skills.

Conditions of conducting : stadium, jump pit

Logistics support : tape measure, rake, shovel, stopwatch.

1. Introductory preparatory part

1.1. Organizing time .

Target: to ensure the psychological and morphofunctional readiness of students to solve the problems of the main part of the lesson and achieve its target setting.


    create a positive emotional attitude;

    set the goal and objectives of the lesson, link them with the topic of the previous lesson;

    check safety knowledge;

    check your heart rate (heart rate).

Methods : verbal (command, instruction, conversation),

Control method : measurement of morphological and functional indicators.

Teacher activity

Student activities



Organizes the build

Organizes the delivery of the report, controls the correct execution of commands. Welcomes students.

Sets goals, tasks for the lesson.

Interrogates students on safety rules when leading a warm-up.

Gives a command to measure heart rate.

Students line up one at a time.

Fizorg of the class submits a report, students execute the commands:

"Align", "At attention", "Pay in order".

Listen and understand

Answer the teacher's questions. Observe the specified distance, clearly follow the teacher's commands.

Take the pulse

1 minute.

30 seconds

10 Seconds

20 seconds

Check compliance sports uniform from students. Heels together, toes apart. The shoulders are straightened, the chest is moved forward, the arms are pressed to the body, the hands are clenched into a fist.

They count for 10 seconds.

Remember the number of heart rate, who has a heart rate above 80 beats / min, become on the left flank.

1.2. Homework check

Target: checking the assimilation of homework.

Tasks :

    build self-esteem skills;

    motivate to engage in physical education and sports.

Method : verbal.

Methods of motivating the educational activity of students : encouragement, praise.

Control method: interview.

Teacher activity

Student activities



Conducts a survey

- What kind of sport is called the "queen of sports"


In previous lessons, you and I studied the long jump from a place . Are there other types of jumps?

- Why is it necessary to be able to do jumps correctly? Make a conclusion.

I propose to continue the technique of learning jumping. Where do we start?


It brings together more than 40 types of others sports exercise in walking, running, jumping, throwing and all-around.

- Running long jumps; jumping inheight.

- Jumping is widely used in motor activity person. Jumping exercises strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the legs, trunk, traineye, coordination of movements.

- From the warm-up.

1 minute.

2 minutes

Check in a short period of time knowledge and methods of action of learning, establishing gaps in their assimilation

1.3. Warm up

Target : to form students' knowledge about the rules of safe behavior when conducting jumps, to teach motor action, to develop the speed of motor reaction.


    to comprehensively prepare the body of students to solve the main part of the lesson and achieve the maximum health-improving effect;

    to prepare muscle groups back, legs, abdominal who will participate in solving motor problems;

    to form skills and abilities to perform motor actions and to form a mindset for active cognitive activity.

Methods: verbal (description, instructions, orders, counting, commands), the method of immediate visibility.

Control methods: measurement of morphological and functional indicators.

Teacher activity

Student activities



Walking on sports ground with a change in direction of movement

1. Walking on toes, hands up.

Walking on heels, hands on the belt.

Walking on the outer sides of the feet, hands on the belt.

Race walking.

Running in a column one by one.

Running on tiptoes. Lateral canter (right, left side).

2. Exercise to restore breathing.

For 4 counts - a deep breath, for 4 counts - a slow exhalation ("deflated ball");

We restore the pulse, breathing.

3. ORU in place:

1. I. p. - standing legs apart
1-2 - hands through the sides up, 3-4 - I. p. 6-8 times.

2.I.p. - standing feet apart, hands behind the head. Head tilt forward. 10-15 sec.

I. p. - standing feet apart. Head tilt back. 10-15 sec.

I. p. - standing feet apart. Head tilt to the left. The same in the other direction. 10-15 sec.

I. p. - legs apart, arms up, fingers intertwined in a lock 1-2 - tilt to the left, 3-4 - tilt to the right 6-8 times.

I. p. - standing legs apart, right hand above, left below 1-2 - taking the arms back, 3-4 - changing the position of the arms Do not bend the arms at the elbows. 8-10 times. I. p. - legs apart, arms bent in front of the chest 1-2 - turn the body to the left, 3-4- the same to the right Keep your hands parallel to the floor. 6-8 times.

I. p. - legs apart, arms to the sides 1-2 - turn the body to the left, 3-4 - the same to the right Keep your hands parallel to the floor. 6-8 times.

I. p. - legs apart, hands on the waist 1-2 - bending forward bending, 3-4 - bending back 6-8 times.

I. p. - legs apart, arms below, hands to grasp the elbows 1-7 - successive bends forward, 8-i.p.
Do not bend your knees, try to touch the floor with your hands. 2-3 times.

I. p. -stop crouching, palms on the floor
1-2 - emphasis standing bent over, do not tear your palms off the floor, 3-4 - I.p. 6-8 times.

I. p. - thrust crouching
1-2 - stand up, clap over your head, 3-4 - i.p. 6-8 times.


    Listen to the teacher's remarks.

    A set of warm-up exercises is performed.

Evaluate the problems and difficulties that arise in the course of completing assignments.

They pose the task of mastering a new way of action ("I need to learn").


10 min.

6-8 times

6-8 times

6-8 times

6-8 times

6-8 times

6-8 times

6-8 times

6-8 times

6-8 times

6-8 times

6-8 times


10 min.













10 min.

Learning to self-regulate the amount of physical activity and rest time between exercises

5-6 times

5-6 times

5-6 times

5-6 times

5-6 times

5-6 times

5-6 times

5-6 times

Keep distance when running

Monitor your breath

Exercise without mistakes

They count for 10 seconds.

Remember heart rate

2. Main part

Target:- master motor actions when performing a long jump from a run;


    to teach the technique of the takeoff run in combination with the take-off and the rhythm of the last steps of the takeoff;

    master the technique of long jump with 9-11 steps of the run;

    to determine the typical difficulties of students when performing a motor action;

    eliminate gross errors when performing running jumps.

: frontal, individual.

Verbal, method of immediate visualization.

Methods for stimulating learning activity : praise, encouragement.

Types of control: operational, current.

Teacher activity

Student activities



1. Consider the drawing (the figure shows a human figure in four phases of a long jump from a run)

Is there a difference with the previously learned jump?

What is it?

Why do you need a takeoff run?

The start of the run will be marked with a flag at the edge of the track. This is the place of repulsion.

Which foot do we push off with?

Such a flight is called "step flight."

What else happens in flight?

Does correct landing affect jump range?

2. Let's talk step by step all the actions of the jump.

3. Multiple repeated fulfillment of a motor action as a whole with an emphasis on the detailed mastering of its individual elements.

Can we say that we have already achieved good results?

Can we achieve it?

4. Teaching the technique of long jump with 9-11 steps of the run: story, demonstration. Running long jumps develop the muscles of the legs, back, and abdominal muscles. They are very important to health.

Now let's play a little. The first game is "Bullfight".

I. p. - to stand facing each other. Hands on your partner's shoulders.

Objective: to push the partner forward, to the sideline of the court.

Loser: Girls - 5 squats per right leg with the help of a partner ("pistol"); boys - 10.

The game starts on the whistle.

Next game"We pull the turnip."

I. p. - to stand facing each other, taking a "deep" grip of the right hand.

Task: to drag a partner to your territory.

Loser: Girls - 5 squats on the left leg with the help of a partner; boys - 7.

Students examine the drawing, looking for answers to the questions that have arisen.

Long jump running algorithm is created.

Find a difference.

The position of the legs, arms.

Pick up the required speed.

Repulsion is performed by any pushing leg, the swing leg, bent at the knees, is carried forward, the arms are also forward.

Both legs and both arms are extended forward towards the chest.

Students examine different variants landing in the figure. Draw conclusions.

Takeoff run, hitting the bar with a jogging foot, pushing off, landing with both feet.

Indicate shortcomings, mistakes. They conclude that high speed, a stable result, high stability, strong memorization, and automatism of motor action are still needed.

- We need training.

1. Jogging leg and opposite arm in front. Fly leg and other arm behind, imitation of push-off movement.

2. Long jumps from a place with a push of one leg with a landing on both legs.

3. Long jumps from three to five steps over a small obstacle.

Outdoor games with elements of martial arts

(fight for territory)



3-5 times

3-5 times




3-5 times

3-5 times


23 minutes

Helps the teacher to follow the rules of the game

Supervise the exercise of the losing students

Observe safety precautions when doing exercises

The first stage is preparatory, the stage of the process of teaching motor action.

In the course of work on the drawing, a jump algorithm is created. The teacher fixes it on his tablet.

Second stage: familiarization, initial learning of the movement.

slow execution, unstable outcome, low stability, fragile memorization, conscious control of actions.

The third stage is in-depth detailed learning, the formation of motor skills.

the formation of the ability of students to technically correctly and freely perform a motor action as a whole.

Exercises are performed in a group way in a row. Note correct execution movements. Observe safety precautions when landing in a jump pit.

Pay attention that your hands are on your partner's shoulders.

Pay attention of students so that they do not abruptly pull each other's hands.

Observe safety precautions.

3. The final part

3.1. Decrease in motor load, recovery

Target: bringing the body to optimal for subsequent activities functional state and the creation of an attitude for this activity, a gradual decrease in the functional activity of the body and bringing it into a relatively calm state.


decrease in physiological arousal and excessive tension of certain muscle groups;

gradual bringing the body of students into a relatively calm state (removal of physical and mental tension).

Forms of organizing student activities: frontal.

Motivation methods pupils : praise, encouragement.

Control type: current, measurement of morphological and functional indicators.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical

Teacher activity

Student activities



Organization of the exercises used for the conjugate psycho physical development.

"Number" fingers:





little fingers.

Alternately and as quickly as possible connect 2-5 fingers with the first. For example, on command "two," connect the tips of your thumb and forefinger. Perform in the forward (from the index finger to the little finger) and in the reverse (from the little finger to the index finger) order, then randomly.

The teacher gives commands: "three", "four", "five".

"Ear - nose". With your left hand, grab the tip of the nose, and with your right hand, the opposite ear - “one”. Simultaneously lower the ear and nose, on the count of "two" slap in the palm of your hand in front of you. “Three” - change the position of the hands: with the left hand, grab the right ear, and with the right hand, the tip of the nose. "Four" is a clap in front of you.

The teacher gives commands: "one", "two" "three", "four", "five".

Organizes heart rate measurement.

Resting heart rate is normal in healthy person rhythmic, without interruption: boys - 70-75 beats / min, girls - 75-80 beats / min


Measure the pulse


4 minutes


4 minutes



First, the task is performed with each hand separately, then with both hands together, first with eyes open, then with closed eyes.

The task is performed first with open, then with closed eyes.

3.2. Lesson summary

Target: analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal of the lesson and determining the prospects for further work.


self-assessment and assessment of the performance of the class and individual students;

orderly completion of the lesson.

Purpose of learners - evaluate your activities in the classroom.

Forms of organizing student activities : frontal.

Methods of organizing student activities: conversation.

Motivation methods (stimulating) learning activity pupils : praise, encouragement.

Control types: final.

Teacher activity

Student activities



What was the most significant in the lesson?

Did you manage to solve the set task?

What difficulties were there?

What would you like to add to the lesson?

Who does it? Who else needs a workout?

- What would you like to wish each other?

learn the technique of performing a new jump.

Did not fully complete the educational task of the lesson.

Completed the educational task of the lesson.


2 minutes.


2 minutes.


2 minutes.

Encourage students to self-analyze the effectiveness of their own activities in the lesson.

3.3. Homework .

Target : the formation of students' habits for systematic exercises, the implementation of which becomes a need for physical improvement (the formation of a dynamic stereotype).

Self-study goal for students: apply the knowledge gained while doing physical exercises

Teacher activity

Student activities



What were the most difficult exercises during the lesson?


At home, do these exercises 10 times or for 5-10 minutes every day.

They listen and remember.

Organized out of sports hall


1 minute.


1 minute.


1 minute.

Individual homework according to the doctor's recommendation.

Instructions on implementation


Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school № 10

Outline plan open lesson

on physical culture

for students of grade 10

by section"Martial Arts"

Compiled by:

Akinina Irina Vladimirovna

physical education teacher

MOU SOSH number 10

Korotkov Alexander Vyacheslavovich

physical education teacher

MOU lyceum

g. Orekhovo-Zuevo


Lesson number 2. Topic of the lesson: “Technique of punches with hands. Kicking technique. Protection technique. Combination technique ”.

Lesson goal: to learn new material on the basics of martial arts.

Lesson Objectives:

1. Studying the technique of gripping, striking technique.

2. Formation of the muscle corset, the development of various muscle groups.

3. Fostering discipline, collectivism, camaraderie, leadership.

Venue: gym.

Lesson duration: 45 min.

Equipment and inventory: tape recorder, stick, 2 pillows, 2 gymnastic benches, 12 mats.

Parts of the lesson



Organizational and methodological guidelines


15 minutes.

Formation in one line, checking the presence of sportswear.

Column formation one at a time. Monitor the correct posture, position of the arms and legs.

The class moves to the column one at a time. Follow correct setting stop when doing the job.

Formation in one line around the perimeter of the hall. The form of organization is frontal, the way of implementation is simultaneous. The teacher is located in the center of the hall. Pay attention to the interval - arms to the sides, posture when performing the exercise. Monitor the position of your hands.

1. Build, greet, communicate lesson objectives

1 minute.

2. Walking:

On toes;

On the outer arch of the foot

Roll from heel to toe.

30 sec.

3. Running:


Back forward;

2 minutes.

4. General developmental exercises (GPA) on the spot:

1) I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt. 1 - head tilt to the left; 2 - the same to the right; 3 - the same forward; 4 - the same back.

2) I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt. 1-4 - head rotation in left side; 5-8 - the same to the right.

3) I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt.

1 - hands to the shoulders; 2 - hands up, stand on toes; 3 - hands to the shoulders; 4 - and. NS.

4) I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides. 1 - clench your fingers into a fist; 2 - unclench; 3 - clench your fingers into a fist; 4 - unclench.

5) I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 - rotation with brushes forward; 5-8 - the same back.

6) I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 - rotation of the forearms forward; 5-8 - the same back.

7) I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to shoulders. 1-4 - rotation with the shoulders forward; 5-8 - the same back.

8) I. p. - left hand above, right below. 1-4 - jerks back with hands with a change in the position of the hands.

9) I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt.

1-2 - two tilts of the body to the left, the right hand above the head; 3-4 - the same to the right, left hand above the head.

10) I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt.

1 - tilt of the body to the left leg; 2 - the same in the middle; 3 - the same to the right leg; 4 - and. NS.

5 minutes.

5. Running and jumping exercises:

Running with a high hip lift;

Running with an overwhelming leg;

Side steps left and right side;

Back forward;

Jumping on the left and right leg;

3 min.

From a column, one class at a time, rebuild into a column of three with an interval of 2 m. The form of organization is alternate, the method of implementation is simultaneously by several students. Students in the first rank begin the teacher's whistle exercise. After completing the exercise, students form a column of three on the other side of the room. Monitor the correct positioning of the feet when performing running exercises, the position of the hands.

6. ORU in the lying position on the mats

5 minutes.

The main one. Division into girls and boys.

20 minutes.

The form of organization is alternate, the way of implementation is by several students at the same time.

The class is divided into boys and girls. On one side of the hall, boys perform contests, on the other, girls …… ..

Striking technique. Defense technique. Combinations.

20 minutes.

1st competition. Push your opponent out of the circle.

2nd competition. Push the opponent's shoulder over the line from the prone position. (m). Get out of the circle backs to each other (d)

3rd competition. Fight on pillows.

20 minutes.



10 min.

Formation in one line. Homework: Turn right, exit the hall.

1. Stretching and relaxation.

8 minutes

2. Construction, summing up the lesson.

2 minutes.

Verkin Alexander Alexandrovich
Position: physical education teacher
Educational institution: MOU Malivskaya secondary school
Locality: e. Zarudnya. Kolomensky district. Moscow region
Material name: Work program based on elements of wrestling
Topic: Conducting physical education lessons on wrestling
Date of publication: 01.01.2016
Chapter: secondary education


on physical education

for educational institutions

in the section wrestling (grades 5 - 9)

Moscow region

Kolomensky municipal district

MOU Malivskaya Sosh

Compiled by: teacher of physical culture Verkin A.A.

2015 year

Explanatory note
The program is designed for training in the section of wrestling (elements of martial arts) among students of educational institutions. This program reflects the educational process for students in grades 5-9, in accordance with the requirements of basic general education, the characteristics of the Maliv secondary school, educational needs and requests of students. Feature planning program material are the information of the maximum capabilities of the parameters of loads, means, methods, control in one scheme of conducting classes.
The purpose
physical education at school is to promote the all-round development of the personality through the formation of physical culture of the student's personality. The components of physical education during wrestling lessons are: good health, good physical development, the optimal level of motor abilities, knowledge and skills in the field of wrestling, to implement the acquired skills in health-improving and sports activities. The practical feasibility of the program is due to the fact that in the course of the lesson the following are solved
: - harmonious physical development of students; - versatile training; - learning vital motor skills and skills; - mastering the basics of exercise technique; - Acquisition of the necessary knowledge in the field of martial arts, physical culture and sports; - identifying capable students; - education of the need and ability to independently use physical exercises in life, consciously use them for the purpose of rest, training, increasing efficiency and strengthening health: - promoting the education of moral and volitional qualities, mental processes and personality traits: - assistance in the upbringing of patriotism.
General characteristics of the section
At the age of 12-13, conditioned reflexes in children are stable, movements become more accurate, faster, the automation process improves, but completely
the formation of a central nervous system not completed and continues at an older age. At the age of 14 - 15, qualities associated with various forms of endurance and strength develop. According to the indications of metabolism and energy expenditure, the body of a teenager is not yet prepared to perform loads equal to that of older children. Starting from the 5th grade, elements of wrestling (single combats) are included in the content of the program material. This material contributes to the mastery of vital elements of wrestling (single combats) by students, has a versatile effect on the development of coordination (orientation in space, responsiveness and restructuring of motor actions, balance, vestibular stability, the ability to voluntary muscle relaxation, differentiation of power parameters of movements) and conditioning (speed-strength, strength, strength endurance) abilities. Wrestling classes contribute to the upbringing of volitional qualities: courage, decisiveness, self-confidence. Mastering classes techniques wrestling (single combats) require careful preparation of places of training, compliance with hygienic rules and safety measures. With appropriate preparation of the teacher and students, the program material can be expanded by studying more complex methods of struggle.
Place of the educational section in the school curriculum
The physical education curriculum of the Maliv secondary school provides for the study of elements of wrestling (martial arts) in grades 5-6 - 9 hours (variable part), in grade 7 - 9 hours (6 hours - basic part, 3 hours - variable part), 8-9 grades - 9 hours (basic part).
Section Contents
The main focus of grades 5 - 6 On mastering the technique of fighting techniques Stances, movement in a rack. Distances. Grips of hands, torso. Release from grips. Exercises to master the techniques of self-insurance and insurance. Wrestling techniques while standing: unbalance by jerk and jerk, front step, back step, grabbing two legs. Lying wrestling techniques: turning over on all fours by grabbing the neck and arms, two hands, holding from the side. Painful holds: knot and lever of the elbow from holding from the side. For the development of coordination abilities Acrobatic elements: somersaults forward, backward, over the shoulder in length (height) from a place (run). Outdoor games such as "Fight with somersaults", "Fight of riders", "Fight of roosters", "Spider", "Rugby on your knees", etc. On the development of strength abilities and strength. Strength exercises, single combats in pairs.
endurance On knowledge about physical culture Kinds of martial arts. Rules for the safety and behavior of students during classes. Hygiene of the wrestler. The influence of martial arts classes on the human body and the development of coordination, conditioning abilities. First aid for injuries. Independent studies Conducting the preparatory part of the lesson by students (general, special exercises, as well as elements of acrobatics). To master organizational skills. Preparation of places for classes. Providing assistance to poorly performing comrades in mastering the program material. The main focus of grades 7 - 9 On mastering the technique of wrestling techniques Methods of preparation for throws. Exercises to master the techniques of self-insurance and insurance. Wrestling techniques while standing: a jerk throw for the hamstring, a throw over the thigh, a throw with an arm under the shoulder. Lying wrestling techniques: overturning the one lying on the stomach by grasping the body, two legs, holding on top. Painful techniques: knot and lever of the elbow from holding from above. On the development of coordination abilities. Improvement of the studied techniques of lying and standing wrestling. Acrobatic elements: somersaults forward, backward, over the shoulder in length (height) from a place (run) through partners lying on their stomachs, standing bent over. Flip sideways. Outdoor games such as "Fight with somersaults", "Fight of riders", "Fight of roosters", "Spider", "Rugby on your knees", etc. On the development of strength abilities and strength endurance Strength exercises, single combats in pairs. Relays with the inclusion of elements of acrobatics and throws. Power elements of single combats in pairs. On knowledge about physical culture Rules of safety and behavior of students during classes. Brief information about the structure and functions of the human body. Hardening, daily regimen, nutrition, self-control. Independent lessons Conducting the preparatory part of the lesson by students (general developmental, special exercises, as well as elements of acrobatics). For mastering organizational skills. The students in the classroom in the role of assistant teacher. Providing assistance to poorly performing comrades in mastering the program material.

Planned results

Personal results:
- the formation of a sense of pride in their homeland, the formation of the values ​​of the multinational Russian society; - the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion, history and culture of other peoples; - the development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning; - development of independence and personal responsibility for their actions based on ideas about moral norms, social justice and freedom; - the formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings; - development of ethical qualities, benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people; - development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations; - formation of an attitude towards safe, healthy image life;
Metasubject results:
- mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, search for means of its implementation; - the formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways achieving a result; - the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure; - definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others; - willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation; - mastering basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts, reflecting essential connections and relationships between objects and processes.

Subject results:
- the formation of initial ideas about the importance of physical culture for strengthening human health (physical, social and psychological), about its positive impact on human development (physical, intellectual, emotional, social), about physical culture and health as factors of successful study and socialization; - mastering the skills to organize health-preserving vital activity (daily routine, morning work-out, wellness activities, outdoor games, etc.); - formation of the skill of systematic observation of one's physical condition, the amount of physical activity, health monitoring data (body length and weight, etc.), indicators of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility) - interaction with peers according to the rules of moving games and competitions; - performance of the simplest acrobatic and gymnastic combinations at a high quality level, characteristics of the signs of technical performance; - performance of technical actions of single combats, their application in game and competitive activities. At the end of grades 5-9, students should
be able to:
- plan physical exercises during the day, use the means of physical culture in the conduct of their rest and leisure; - to state the facts of the history of the development of physical culture, to characterize its role and significance in human life; - use physical culture (elements of martial arts) as a means of strengthening health, physical development and physical fitness human; - measure (cognize) individual indicators of physical development (length and body weight) and the development of basic physical qualities; - to provide all possible help and moral support to peers in the performance of educational tasks, to show a benevolent and respectful attitude when explaining mistakes and ways to eliminate them; - to organize and conduct outdoor games with elements of martial arts and elementary competitions with peers, to carry out their objective refereeing; - comply with the safety requirements for the places where physical culture classes are held;
- to organize and conduct physical culture classes with different target orientation, select physical exercises for them and perform them with a given load dosage; - to characterize physical activity in terms of heart rate; - perform the simplest acrobatic and gymnastic combinations at a high quality level; - to carry out technical actions of wrestling, to apply them in playing and competitive activities; - to perform vital motor skills and abilities in different ways, in different conditions.
know (understand):
-historical information about the ancients Olympic Games and the peculiarities of their conduct; - the name of the famous martial arts. - the main indicators of physical development. - the rules of hardening the body by means of rubbing, dousing, showers. -the rules for maintaining personal hygiene during and after exercise.
use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and

everyday life for:
- holding self-study on the formation of the physique, posture correction, the development of physical qualities, the improvement of the technique of movements; - inclusion of physical education and sports in active rest and leisure.
Calendar and thematic planning

Grade 5
Lesson number Lesson topic Homework Planned lesson date Adjusted date for lesson 1 Safety and behavior rules for students during class. Types of single combats. Hygiene of the wrestler. General developmental exercises of wrestlers on the spot Push-ups in the lying position - up to 15 times.
and in motion. 2 General developmental (special) exercises of wrestlers. Exercises to master the techniques of self-belay when falling on the side, back, chest. Insurance. Push-ups in the lying position - up to 15 times. 3 General developmental (special) exercises of wrestlers. Exercises to master the techniques of self-belay when falling on the side, back, chest. Insurance. Push-ups in the lying position - up to 15 times. 4 Racks, movement in rack. Distances. Grips of hands, torso. Release from grips. Lying on your back with an emphasis on your elbows, keep your legs straight at an angle of 30 degrees (up to 15 s). 5 Wrestling techniques lying down: turning over on all fours by grabbing the neck and arms, two hands. Lying on your back with an emphasis on your elbows, keep your legs straight at an angle of 30 degrees (up to 15 s). 6 Wrestling techniques lying down: hold from the side. Painful holds: knot and lever of the elbow from holding from the side. Lying on your back with an emphasis on your elbows, keep your legs straight at an angle of 30 degrees (up to 15 s). 7 Wrestling techniques standing: unbalance by jerk and jerk. Squat on one leg - up to 7 times. 8 Wrestling techniques while standing: front step. Squat on one leg - up to 7 times. 9 Power elements of single combat in pairs. Outdoor games: "Fight with somersaults", "Fight of riders", "Fight of roosters", Squat on one leg - up to 7 times.

Thematic planning


Topic of section






Universal learning activities

Personal results




1-9 Wrestling To master the vital skills of combatant c. Place of study, stance, movement in a stance, grip, methods of fighting while standing and lying down, belay, self-belay, rules of behavior for students during martial arts lessons. Versatile influence on the development of coordination (orientation in space, quick response and restructuring of motor actions, balance, vestibular stability, the ability to voluntary muscle relaxation) and conditioning (speed-strength, strength, types of martial arts, wrestler hygiene, the effect of single combats on the human body , the development of his physical abilities, the provision of first aid in case of injuries. Classes with the use of martial arts help to master the technique of techniques, develop coordination, strength abilities, as well as strength endurance. Classes bring up in children volitional qualities: courage, decisiveness, confidence. perform exercises in pairs, master the techniques of belaying, mobile games with elements and single combat Assisting poorly performing comrades in mastering the program material on wrestling.
strength endurance) abilities.

Material and technical and educational and methodological support

Educational and methodological support

General education program of basic general education (BUP) MOU Maliv secondary school
A comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11. Ed. IN AND. Lyakha, A.A. Zdanevich, ed. "Education", 2012
EMC "School of Russia" edited by V. I. Lyakh
100 SAMBO lessons, ed. EAT. Chumakov, ed. "Fair-Press", 1988, Moscow.
SAMBO, ed. S.A. Seliverstov, 1997, Moscow.
SAMBO: first steps ed. P.A. Eigminas, ed. "Physical culture and sport", 1992, Moscow.
Logistics support

Place for classes:
Sports and gym.
For wrestling lessons:
Mats, belts, stopwatch, stuffed balls(1-3 kg.), Jump ropes, medical scales, mirror.

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