Open physical education lesson on the topic: "Volleyball". Development of a physical education lesson on the topic "Volleyball. Outline outline of a physical education lesson volleyball

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

GKKP "Higher College, city of Kokshetau"

at the department of education of Akmola region

Physical education lesson development

on the topic "Volleyball"

Teacher physical culture

N. Rajabova

Routingphysical education lesson

The date ___ _______________ Group ______ ________________________

Discipline ___physical education___________________ ________________________

Lesson number ____ _____

Topic __ VOLLEYBALL . Reception and transfer of the ball. Improving the attacking strike and block. Educational game.

Purpose of the lesson

educational ____improving the skills and abilities of playing volleyball ____

developing ____ development of speed qualities, coordination of movement, dexterity, endurance, thinking. _

educational _____ fostering a sense of camaraderie, real self-esteem of the individual _

Occupation type _______ combined_ ____________________________________________

Providing classes

a) Used tests and control standards


b) TSO / sports equipment ____ volleyball net, volleyballs, whistle, stopwatch, chips, skipping ropes__ ______________________________________________

Interdisciplinary communication _physics, physiology, ____________ _____________________

Literature for the lesson:

Yu. Kleschev "Sports Games" (Moscow "High School" 1980) ___ p. 72- 74.77_

Course of the lesson

p / p

Stages of the lesson


Methodical instructions

Introductory preparatory part

25 minutes

    Build, greet, check attendees, communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson;

    Remind the safety precautions when playing volleyball;

    Varieties of walking;

    Varieties of running: (side step, cross step, with a high hip lift, back with shin whips, straight legs forward, straight legs back, bounces, reindeer step);

    General developmental exercises on site;

    Jumping rope;


Pay attention to the appearance.

Main part

5 5 minutes

    Passing the ball from above with two hands;

A) watching the video of lesson number 1 (5min. 30)

B) work in pairs - raise the ball above oneself with two hands from above, then transfer to the partner.

    Receiving and passing the ball from below with two hands

A) watching the video of lesson number 2 (6.10)

B) work in pairs - raise the ball above you with two hands from below, then transfer to your partner.

C) Work in pairs. One player strikes with one hand to the feet of his partner. The partner tries to take the ball with two hands from below.

    Attacking blow

Watching video lesson number 3 (5 min.)

It will be built in one column. Alternately execution of the attacking blow.

    Blocking. (explanation of the position before the jump and in the jump)

    Educational game

Stand reminder:

Explanation and demonstration.

Monitor the correctness of the exercise.

explanation of the position before the jump and in the jump

Final part

10 min

    Formation in one line.

    Summing up the results of the lesson. (what happened, what didn't)


    Praise the best.

    Remind the mistakes in technique and tactics.

    Remind the rules.

    Reflection____ exercises to restore breathing or attention ____ ______________

    D homee assignmentsf performance of a weekly motor regimen

    Organized care

Teacher _____________________


on physical education

for students of grade 10

on the topic "Volleyball"

Developed by:

Zhukov N.V.,

Physical teacher

Cultures and life-saving


Barabinsky district

Novosibirsk region

year 2014

Brief annotation:development of a physical education lesson is intended for 10th grade students on the topic "Volleyball". The lesson of improving the technical actions of volleyball players on the site and during the training game. The lesson contributes to the development of coordination, speed-strength abilities of students; fosters a sense of teamwork, teamwork and teamwork.

Target : Development of major physical qualities through volleyball



Improve technical and tactical training in volleyball lessons


Develop students' coordination abilities

Develop agility and coordination movements


To foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance

To cultivate patience, dedication.

Technology: play and health-preserving technologies are used to develop dexterity, endurance and coordination of movements through sports game volleyball.

Method of carrying out: frontal, in-line, individual, group, game.

Location: Gym schools.

Inventory: Volleyballs, volleyball net

p / p


Organizational and methodological guidelines

Preparatory part


Organized entrance to the gym

Formation, report, greeting.

Reporting lesson objectives.


30sec 30sec

The duty officer submits a report to the teacher about the readiness of the class for the lesson.

Pay attention to posture

Field drill


Increasing the attention of students

Walking and its varieties in a column one by one

a) on toes, hands to the side;

b) on the heels, hands on the belt;

c) in a semi-squat, hands on the belt;

d) in a squat, hands on knees;

e) jumping in a squat, hands on knees

1 minute

Pay attention: posture

Do not bend at the hip joint

Keep the distance

Uniform running:

a) in the column one by one;

b) running "snake" (along the lines of the site);

c) movement ("snake") in the middle stance of the volleyball player, with side steps with the left, right side, with the imitation of the hands passing the ball with two from above;

d) running in a column one by one, at the basketball backboard, a jump upward, touching the backboard with the hand.

2 minutes

Self-control of students for breathing

Keep the distance

Imitation of hands passing the ball with two from above;

jump up to perform with both legs

Column walking one at a time with breathing exercises


3-4 times

1-2 - Hands up - inhale

3-4- Bend forward, arms down - exhale (vocalize)

Switchgear in motion without objects:

1) I.p. - hands to the sides, hand in a fist:

A) - forward rotation with brushes;

B) - rotations with brushes back;

2) I.p. - hands to the sides, hand in a fist:

A) - rotation in elbow joint forward;

B) - backward rotation in the elbow joint;

3) I.p. - hands to the sides, hand in a fist:

A) - rotation in shoulder joint forward;

B) - backward rotation in the shoulder joint;

4) Walking lunges, forward - to the side, with the support of the hands on the knee of the outstretched leg.

5) Walking, with forward bends of the body;

6) Walking with straight legs:

I.p.- hands forward to the sides

1- step with the left, swing with the right, touch with the left


2.- I.p

3.step with the left, swing with the right, touch with the left


4.- I.p

1min 30sec

12 times

12 p.

12 p.

6-8 p.

6-8 p.

6-8 p.

Monitor your posture, for correct execution exercise

Imitation of rope rotation Amplitude of movement is wide

Imitation of the movement of a drummer

Imitation of food intake movement

Do not tilt your shoulders forward. We keep the body straight.

Feet in knee joint- do not bend, touch the floor with your hands.

We hold our hands forward to the sides

Do not bend the supporting and swinging legs.

Jumping over (2) gymnastic benches:

a) I.p.- o.s., bench on the right

Jumping up left and right with

Moving forward (M&D);

b) I.p. - leg stand apart above the bench:

Jump on the bench, dismount -

Moving forward (D);

Jump up, over the bench connect

Feet together, landing - leg stance

apart with a bench between the legs (M).


2 times

2 times

2 times

Do not bend the legs above the bench in the knee joint, move the arms from the bottom up.

Legs above the bench are straight.

Hand movement - from bottom to top.

Walking with breathing exercises



1-2 - Hands up - inhale

3-4- Bend forward, arms down - exhale.

Rebuilding by turning on the spot in two ranks (at a distance of 5-6 m from each other).

Exercises are performed frontally, in pairs.

Main part


Improvement in the technique of performing an attacking blow.

1.In pairs:

a) - throwing and catching the ball with the left and right

With your hand over your head.

b) - throws the ball with a rebound from the floor with the left and

Right hand from behind the head.

c) - blows with the right (left) hand on the ball,

Lying in the palm exposed

Forward-upward of the left (right) hand,

Aiming it to the floor from its place;




The arm is straight, after the throw it moves freely along the body

The blow is delivered with a straight hand

Be attentive, control the movement of the ball

2) Exercise in pairs:

The other takes the ball from below, directing

His partner for another blow.

2-3 minutes

It is advisable to perform the exercise continuously, without catching and losing the ball. The ball flying at the level of the chest of the head is taken with two hands from above, at the level of the belt — taken from below. After 1-1.5 minutes. work pupils change roles.

3) In pairs: (option)

One student after throwing a ball

Carries out an attacking blow from a place,

The other, taking the ball from below, performs

Transfers overhead and inflicts

Attacking blow towards the partner,

Which repeats the exercise.

2-3 minutes

Remind you of the correct functioning of the legs and arms. After 1-1.5 minutes. work pupils change roles.

4) Attacking blow from partner's pass

Zone 3, zone 3 player with two passes

Zone player 4.

3 min.

5) Attacking blow from partner's pass

Zone 6 player tosses the ball to a player

Zone 3, zone 3 player with two passes

From above displays on the attacking blow

Zone player 2.

3 min.

Transition after completing the task

Reinforcement in the technique of performing a single block

1. In pairs.

Players are positioned on opposite sides

Mesh sides. Moving by side

Steps and jumping up touch

Palms each other over the net.


Inclined mesh

2. In pairs.

Players are placed in pairs on both

Mesh sides. Alone standing on the floor with a ball

In his hands, jumps up, shows the ball on the upper cable without letting go,

Palms and pushes the ball on

Single blocking.


Standing in front of the net, watch the actions of your opponents.

Determine the location of the alleged attack. Move there. Jump out a little later than the attacker (when passing the ball to strike along the middle trajectory). He straightens his arms. The fingers are set wide apart and the hands are slightly tense and positioned above the mesh. After the block, join the game.

3) In pairs.

Players are also in pairs on both

Mesh sides. Alone on the floor

Throws the ball onto the top cable of the net,

Another, jumping up, substitutes

Palms and pushes the ball on

The opposite side, performs

Single blocking.


You need to try not to let the ball fly over to your side.

Block the path of the ball on the wrong side or over the net.

Movable blocking

Improvement in technical and tactical training playing volleyball.



4) Game task.

The player in zone 6 takes a long

Overhead pass to zone 6 on

Opposite side of the site.

Zone 6 player tosses the ball

The player in zone 3. The player in zone 3 of the upper

Passing the ball to the attacker

Zone 4 player kick.

Zone 2 player on the opposite

The platform is performed by a movable block.

After completing the game task

All players do

Moving around the site clockwise.

3 min.

Two-way training game

5 minutes.

Improvement in the technique of playing in various game situations. Play three touches of the ball. The second transfer from zones 1,6,5 to zone 3. From zone 3, send the players of zones 2 and 4 to the attacking blow. single block in zones 2,3,4.

Upper direct ball serving for girls (at a distance of 5-6m from the net).


Final part


2. Game for attention "Class"

3. Summing up the lesson

4. Homework

5. Organized departure from the gym


2 minutes.

Organized exit from the hall

Andreyanov Nikolay Viktorovich
Educational institution: GBPOU "Kulebak Metallurgical College"
Brief description of work:

Date of publication: 2017-03-15 Summary of a physical education lesson on the topic " Comprehensive training the basic elements of playing volleyball " Andreyanov Nikolay Viktorovich Outline of a physical education lesson on the topic: "Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball." A lesson in learning new material for 1st year students. Designed according to the principle of circuit training.

View Publication Certificate

Summary of a physical education lesson on the topic "Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball"

Topic: "Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball."

Correctional lesson type: learning new material.

Program: Comprehensive program physical education students. 1-11 grades. Lyakh Vladimir Iosifovich, Zdanevich Alexander Alexandrovich, Education, 2012.



Physical education


Andreyanov N.V.

Physical education lesson outline.

Lesson topic:Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball.

Target lesson: popularization of volleyball among students, attracting children to systematic physical education and sports.



1. Improving the technique of transfers, upper straight serve, attacking (attacking) strike and blocking.

2. Acquaintance with the tactical techniques of the game.

3. Development speed-power qualities, agility, strength endurance.

4. Testing knowledge on the "Volleyball" section.


1. Education of correct posture.

2. Teaching self-control over physical activity.


1. Education of willpower, independence, organization, discipline, attentive attitude towards comrades.

Method of carrying out: group, frontal, game technologies, integrated learning technologies.

Inventory and equipment: volleyballs, hanging balls, gymnastic stick, laptop, multimedia presentation.

Location: gym.

Exercise dosage

Organizational and methodological guidelines

Preparatory part

1. Communicating lesson objectives

2.Structural Exercises (Right, Left, Roundabout)

3.Variety of walking:

- Normal walking

-Walking on toes

—Walking on outside feet, on the inside of the foot

- Normal walking

4. Varieties of running:

- Slow running

- Acceleration 30 m

- Normal running

5.Exercises to restore breathing:

1-4 - inhale, arms up, through the sides

5-8 - exhale, hands down, through the sides

12 minutes

Checking the readiness of students

The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together

Inhale as deeply as possible, exhale slowly and smoothly

OSU without items

1.I.P. hands on the belt, circular motions head

1-4 - circular movements of the head to the right

5-8 - circular movements of the head to the left

2.I.P. hands on the belt, head tilt:

1 - forward

2 - back

3 - left

4 - to the right

3.I.P. legs together, arms to the sides, hands in fists

1-4 - rotation with brushes inward

5-8 - rotation of the brushes outward

4.I.P. - O.S., arms out to the sides

1-4 - circular movements with the forearms forward

5-8 - circular movements with the forearms back

5.I.P. - O.S., arms out to the sides

1-4 - circular movements with hands forward

5-8 - circular movements with hands back

The same exercise with the addition of jumps.

6.I.P. legs wider than shoulders, bending forward:

1 - to the right leg

2 - to the left leg

3 - in the middle

4 - I.P.

7.I.P. - O.S.

1 - sit down

2 - jump out

3 - sit down

4 - jump out

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

Do the slopes smoothly

Smooth slopes, head to touch the shoulder, chest

Elbows 90 ° at chest level

Amplitude of arm movement as much as possible

Try to reach the knee with your forehead, palms to the floor

Jump as high as possible

Special exercises

1. Circular movements with the hands in the "lock" position.

2. Rubbing hands.

3. Circular movements of the legs in the knee joints.

4. Circular movements of the legs in the ankle joints.

2 minutes

Perform exercises one after another at the instructor's command

Monitor the range of motion

Main part

1. Distribution of students by "stations".

2. Work at stations.

The first "station".

Running with sudden stops and changes in direction.

Second "station".

Two-handed overhand pass of the ball suspended on a cord.

Third "Station".

Imitation of receiving the ball from below with two hands after moving.

Fourth "station".

Tossing the ball over oneself to a certain height.

Fifth "station".

Standing jump kicks on a suspended ball.

Seventh "station".

Observing the movement of players while defending the "forward angle".

Eighth "station".

Moving in a circle in an emphasis lying on the fingers.

3. Competitive game tasks.

Game "Hit the square".

Falling stick game.

28 minutes

2 minutes

16 minutes

MBOU Secondary School No. 2, Vorsma
Pavlovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Outline plan

physical education lesson in grade 6 on the topic "Volleyball"

Composed by: teacher of the highest category

Mokeev Alexander Nikolaevich

Vorsma -2012

Annotation for the volleyball lesson.

Lesson in the 6th grade.

This is lesson 3 of 14 Volleyball lessons:

Development-oriented motor qualities,

To learn the technique of playing volleyball,

To create an atmosphere of cooperation of students in game situations, help to interact.

In the preparatory part of the lesson, a warm-up is given for the main muscle and joint groups. The lesson is fascinating, full of various exercises, not very difficult, but necessary for learning the technique of playing volleyball. The class is divided into 4 teams (2 girls, 2 boys) and a competition (educational game) is held between them. Revealed best players possessing the technique of the game.

The final part of the lesson is a game of attention and determination of the sense of time.


volleyball lesson in 6-B grade

Lesson topic: Volleyball

Class: 6-b

Lesson Objectives:


1. Teaching the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands;

2. Teaching the technique of the lower side feed;

3. Development of motor qualities, / jumping ability /.


- Organization of active thinking motor activity students.


Creation of an atmosphere of cooperation of students in game situations.

Inventory: Volleyball balls, benches, whistle, stopwatch, 2nd volleyball nets.

Location: MBOU Secondary School No. 2 in Vorsma.

Program educational institutions "Physical culture" Secondary / complete / school 5-11 grades. Moscow, "Education" 2008. ed. A.P. Matveeva.

Textbook for students in grades 6-7 M. "Education" 2008. ed. A.P. Matveeva.

Teacher: Mokeev A.N.


Organizational and methodological guidelines


preparatory part

Building, Reporting lesson objectives

task: on heels, on toes

    Running at a slow pace, moving right, / left / side by side steps, running backwards. OSU in motion: running with hand rotation, hand rotation in shoulder girdle with bounces, inclines for every step, the mill in motion. Moving side steps forward to the left touch the floor, then touch the right right hand floor. Jumping along the net, in pairs touching the palms over the net.

    Main part.

1. Passing the ball from above with two hands 3-4 times over oneself, then pass it to a partner,

2. Passing the ball 1 meter from the partner to the right / left / 5-6 passes, then changing the numbers.

3. No. 1 throws the ball to the floor from behind the head, No. 2 takes the ball over him from above after rebounding.

4. Performing a pass above oneself, turn 360 *, pass the ball to a partner.

5. Pass the ball overhead by 4-5 meters, then 1m. pass the ball to a partner.

6. Pass the ball overhead, make 2-3 claps with your hands, pass it to your partner.

7. # 1 performs a bottom side serve, # 2 takes the ball over him, then serves himself on the shortened court.

8. Serving the ball in pairs through the net on the volleyball court.

9. Jumping over the bench.

10. Educational game with a task.

3. The final part.

Timing game 10 seconds. Lesson summary

10 min.

1 minute.

2 minutes.

4 minutes

1 minute.

2 minutes.

30 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

3 min.

3 min.

1 minute.

11 minutes

5 minutes.

3 min.

2 minutes.

Mark in the journal who is absent

Monitor your posture

Monitor your breath

Volleyball player

Look over your shoulder back.

Higher jumps, high range of motion

Look forward, back straight.

Move in a volleyball player's stance.

Formation in pairs, jumping along the net from one edge to the other

Students stand in pairs opposite each other

Follow correct work arms and legs.

The throw is carried out with the hands with force

Monitor the combination of arm and leg work.

Stand opposite each other through the net, the boys on one net, the girls on the other.

On receiving the ball from the serve, take a low stance.

Submission of the ball across the entire court, who fails, from a shortened platform.

Jumping over the bench, 30 times

3-touch game.

Students are lined up at the construction site. The teacher turns on the stopwatch on command, students have to guess the time 10 seconds, who thinks that the time is up, takes a step forward. The teacher announces the winner.

Introspection lesson

    Mostly in the classroom, students of an intermediate level of development, therefore, the material was selected according to the level of students.

    This lesson of systematization of the studied material is the third in the course of studying the section "Volleyball".

    The main educational task was to teach the students to pass the ball from above with two hands and to learn the technique of the lower straight serve.

Developmental and nurturing tasks: creating an atmosphere

cooperation and organization of active and motor activity

students. Creation of conditions for the development of physical and technical

training students in the game of volleyball.

    All stages of the lesson were distributed rationally, taking into account the assigned tasks. Each stage flowed smoothly from the previous one.

    The main emphasis was placed on the lesson on the independent work of students.

    The lesson was mainly dominated by the method of teaching and consolidating the material.

    The lesson was held in a large, beautiful hall, with many bright beautiful balls. A good psychological environment, all this made it possible to make the lesson bright, rich, there was a high density of the lesson.

    A good psychological atmosphere, cooperation, communication was maintained at the lesson due to the fact that the teacher develops good good relationships with students, mutual understanding.

    A rational distribution of time was ensured in the lesson, which prevents the overload of schoolchildren.

    All the tasks in the lesson were implemented.

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