Chinese health-improving gymnastics to Ying for longevity. Chinese gymnastics for vessels: benefits, varieties, description of techniques Chinese gymnastics for vessels 8 exercises

Vegetovascular dystonia, which lowers the vascular tone and brings a lot of suffering to patients, in Russia has a semi-official status, and in some countries it is not even considered a disease. But it leads to narrowing and spasms of blood vessels in the brain, which causes headaches, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms. Stress, emotional stress, change in weather, chronic diseases of the spinal column can cause dystonia.

For the treatment of dystonia and vasospasm, vitamins, adaptogens and physiotherapy are usually used. Vascular gymnastics will effectively supplement traditional treatment and improve the health of the body.

Niche's technique

For the brain to function effectively, it needs oxygen. If blood circulation is impaired, then the brain suffers from oxygen starvation, and therefore becomes incapable of normal activity.

The Nishi technique will help strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation and provide the brain with oxygen.

The easiest and at the same time effective way is vibration exercise. They do it only when they wake up, without getting out of bed. It is necessary to raise your arms and legs and shake them vigorously for several minutes. Warm-up will vibrate the capillaries and remove toxic substances and toxins from the body, as well as activate the nerves that stimulate the brain.

Nishi's technique also includes an exercise called the Golden Fish. Do it lying down, placing your hands behind the neck. The toes are directed towards themselves and, straining, vibrate the entire body. Exercise activates blood flow and tones blood vessels.

Dance and yoga are the perfect remedy for blood vessels

Dances and yoga have a wonderful effect on blood vessels, during which there is a training in coordination of movements, enrichment of blood with oxygen, improvement of blood circulation, increase of elasticity and tone of blood vessels. In addition, they help to get rid of psycho-emotional stress and stress, which is important for the healing of blood vessels.

The following exercises will have an effective result in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • Taking a slow breath through your nose, you need to stand on your toes as much as possible and hold your breath. Returning to the starting position, you should relax and exhale slowly through your mouth. Do 10-15 reps.
  • Taking a quick breath through the nose, throw the arms out to the sides, bending back. In this position, you must hold your breath for 3 seconds. Then, having exhaled, they lower their arms and relax the muscles. Repeat 7-10 times.

Gymnastics for cerebral vessels

To reduce the risk of spasms, it is necessary to introduce exercises to strengthen the blood vessels in the charging complex. Effective action is exerted by head movements in different directions, torso rotation, headstand, elbows and shoulder-blades, leg raises in a supine position, as well as somersaults and circular rotations.

To activate cerebral circulation will help standing on one leg, as well as on two. It will improve blood circulation, increase vascular tone and provide the brain with oxygen while walking. Exercise dilates arteries and increases blood flow to the brain.

The following exercises can help dilate the arteries and improve the movement of blood in the brain:

  1. Rotate your head first in a clockwise motion, and then in the opposite direction for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Raising your hands up, you need to make a "lock". Bend forward, imitating chopping wood. Repeat 8 times.
  3. Swing your legs in turn: the leg should move towards the opposite arm.
  4. Bending your knees slightly and spreading your arms to the sides, make asynchronous movements: with your right hand, make rotational movements backward, and with your left hand, forward and vice versa. Exercise will help improve memory, attention and concentration, and increase the speed of thinking.
  5. Raise straight legs, using your hands to support your lower back. At the end, stay for 5 minutes at the "Birch" counter.

For the first 4 exercises, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The fifth exercise is done lying on your back with your arms extended along your torso.

Gymnastics for the vessels of the neck

The neck is important for maintaining the efficiency of the brain, because arteries supplying oxygen and nutrients to the brain pass through it.

If the cervical muscles are weakened, then the person has to strain to keep the head in a normal position. Due to constant tension, the vessels are compressed and the nerve endings are clamped, which leads to headaches, dizziness, poor circulation, hypertension and other troubles.

To get rid of problems, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles and blood vessels of the neck. For this purpose, it is recommended to perform inclinations, turns and rotations of the head, but the movements should be smooth.

Complex for strengthening the cervical vessels:

  1. Press all parts of your back against the wall. Having taken a breath, it is necessary to "imprint" into the wall as much as possible, straining the cervical muscles. Holding your breath, stay in this position for 5-6 seconds.
  2. Sit on a chair and put your palm on your forehead. Then press hard with your hand on your head, throwing it back. At the same time, by tension of the cervical muscles, prevent the deviation of the head. Maintain neck tension for 5-10 seconds holding your breath. Then exhale and rest for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 3-7 times.
  3. Perform exercises similar to the previous one, tilting your head forward and then to the sides.
  4. Perform slow rotational movements of the head in one direction and the other. Repeat 8-12 times.

Strengthening the blood vessels of the brain and improving thinking

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises will help to expand and strengthen blood vessels, saturate the blood with oxygen, and lower blood pressure. The principle of breathing is similar for all such gymnastics: a short deep breath is taken through the nose, hold the breath, and then exhale slowly through the mouth.

Please note that breathing through the right nostril should be carried out to strengthen the blood vessels. The fact is that breathing through the left nostril calms the body, helps to get rid of migraines, high blood pressure, angina pectoris, thyrotoxicosis. Breathing through the left nostril produces an exciting effect on the body, raises pressure, stimulates the thyroid gland, and increases vascular tone.

The following exercise will help to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and raise vitality. It is necessary to take a very deep breath through the nose and hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Further, stretching out your lips into a tube, blow out the air, blowing off imaginary bread crumbs from the table. Having exhaled part of the air, they hold their breath again for 1-2 seconds. Then they continue to exhale, pausing. One inhalation should account for 10-15 exhalations. Repeat 5-6 times.

The exercise will have an effect after the first time. In addition, it improves metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

Regular breathing exercises will have a massaging, squeezing and stretching effect on the vessels, give the vessels elasticity and strength, prevent blood clots, improve performance, memory and attention, as well as calm the nerves and help avoid stress.

Vascular dystonia is a common violation of blood circulation, the causes of which can be associated with both a genetic predisposition and external factors. Stress, lack of physical activity, smoking, consequences of past illnesses - all this leads to the fact that the blood vessels are in an increased tone. Narrowing of the lumen leads to impaired blood supply, increased blood pressure, especially if there is a diagnosis of "neurocirculatory dystonia", which significantly aggravates the course of these processes. It is not so much pharmaceutical preparations that can help restore full blood circulation, but an active lifestyle and simple exercises for blood vessels.

Capillary training is a prerequisite for improving the vascular system

The smallest blood vessels are capillaries. They are responsible for the life of every cell of the body, delivering nutrients to it and freeing it from decay products. The entire human body is permeated with capillaries, their total "length" is at least 60 thousand kilometers. If an obstacle in the form of an utterly narrowed vessel is encountered on the path of blood flow, then in the nearest cells there will be an accumulation of poisonous decay products that will not be removed in a timely manner. This will lead to the onset of disease not only in the cardiovascular system, but also in other vital organs.

Japanese scientist and healer Katsuzo Nishi called blood "the river of life" and created a whole system of healing the body through training capillaries and exercises to strengthen blood vessels:

  • The simplest but most effective technique that can improve the condition of the capillaries and blood circulation is vibration exercise. You need to do it in the morning, without getting out of bed. Raising your legs and arms up, you should just shake them shallowly and often for 1.5 - 2 minutes. In addition to a kind of vibratory massage of the capillaries, there is also a redistribution of lymphatic fluid, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
  • Another exercise from Nishi's arsenal is "Golden Fish". Lying on an even bed, you need to put your hands under your neck at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra, pull the toes of your legs, and, straining strongly, reproduce vibrating small movements with your whole body, like a fish. This exercise helps to get rid of the excessive tone of the nerves located in the spine and promotes active blood circulation.

You need to train capillary vessels regularly, repeating the exercises twice a day - in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening.

Video: a set of exercises according to the Niche system

How to get rid of cerebrovascular spasms

Circulatory disorders and vascular dystonia are the reasons why cerebral vascular spasms occur. The clinical manifestations of spastic attacks are familiar to many. it

  1. Regular headaches, dizziness, changes in blood pressure indicators;
  2. Nausea, speech disorders and movement coordination;
  3. Tinnitus, memory impairment;
  4. Fatigue and a sharp decrease in performance.

A stressful situation, a change in atmospheric pressure, chronic diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, for example) can provoke vasospasm. To minimize the risk of spasms, it is necessary to strengthen the vessels of the brain. This will be helped by a healthy diet, adherence to work and rest, medicinal herbs and special exercises.

To improve the blood supply to the brain in the complex of daily gymnastics, it is necessary to include movements that require a change in the position of the head - bends from side to side, rotation of the head, overturns and somersaults. When performing exercises, it is necessary to monitor breathing, perform head movements smoothly, without jerking. If unpleasant sensations, darkening in the eyes, severe dizziness appear, gymnastics should be interrupted and resumed after a short rest, reducing the intensity of movements.

A set of exercises to improve blood flow in the brain

  • Performed standing, feet - shoulder-width apart. Rotate your head clockwise and back for 2-3 minutes.
  • I.P. - too. Raise your hands up, interlace your fingers. Lean forward, performing the movement of "splitting wood". Repeat 8 times.
  • I.P. - too. Swing legs alternately: the left leg of the ideas to the right hand, the right leg to the left hand.
  • I.P. - the same, the knees are slightly bent. Stretch your arms to the sides and perform asynchronous rotations: rotate the left hand forward, the right one back. Exercise improves memory and thinking speed.
  • I.P. - lying on your back, legs and arms extended along the body. Raise straight legs as high as possible, support the lower back with your hands. Perform the "Birch" stand up to 5 minutes.

An excellent gymnastics for the blood vessels of the brain is dancing. Performing dance steps, a person trains coordination, the blood is enriched with oxygen, and its circulation improves. The cerebral vessels become more elastic, their tone decreases. In addition, dancing is a great way to relieve emotional stress, get rid of stress. And this is a very significant factor in improving the blood vessels of the brain.

Video: a simple exercise to strengthen weak blood vessels

Strengthening the blood vessels of the legs - a confident step into a healthy life

"Payback" for upright posture is the increased load experienced by the veins of the legs. Weakness in the leg veins can lead to blood stasis and, as a result, severe venous damage. There is no better remedy for the prevention of vascular diseases of the legs than movement. To reduce the load on the lower extremities, exercise is more effective in water. Swimming, water aerobics, taking balneological baths and even simply pouring cool water on your feet - this stimulates blood circulation and makes the vessels of the legs contract - unclench with greater intensity. Such regular exercise for the vessels helps to strengthen them and makes the walls of the leg veins more elastic.

A set of exercises aimed at strengthening the blood vessels of the legs

  • I.P. - standing on the floor, legs are wider than shoulders. Lean forward and downward, reaching with your fingers to the surface of the floor. Keep your legs straight when performing bends.
  • I. P. - sitting on the floor. Legs apart as wide as possible, Hands folded at chest level, bending forward to reach the floor with bent arms. Make sure your legs remain straight. Take a minute pause every 8-10 inclines.
  • I.P. - kneeling. Stretch your arms to the sides and begin walking on your knees back and forth. In case of fatigue, lie on the floor and recover your breathing.

Exercises for the prevention of venous insufficiency of the legs and varicose veins

To heal the vessels of the legs, a leisurely jogging is useful. If you approach training without excessive fanaticism, dosing the intensity of the loads and the duration of the runs, then the benefits will be undeniable. Contraindications for training can be:

  1. Eating shortly before jogging;
  2. Noise or hum in your ears;
  3. Weakness in the legs;
  4. Severely lowered blood pressure.

If you experience excessive fatigue or discomfort while jogging, it is better to stop, do a few breathing exercises in order to catch your breath and switch to walking. The intensity of training should be increased only when the body is fully adapted to the increased physical activity.

Video: preventive leg exercises

Healthy neck vessels are the key to good health

The neck is an extremely important part of the human body. It is here that the vital arteries are concentrated, through which the blood supply to the brain and spinal column occurs. Weakened neck muscles cause the person to constantly tense to keep their head and back straight. This tension leads to squeezing of blood vessels, clamping of nerve endings. Hence - impaired blood circulation, headaches, high blood pressure and other unpleasant symptoms.

By strengthening the neck muscles, you can restore the vessels of the neck and thereby get rid of ailments. Among the exercises, the main place is occupied by turns, tilts and rotations of the head. All movements should be performed extremely smoothly, not forgetting to follow the correct breathing. Good results are obtained by Chinese gymnastics, where there are no sharp and active movements. Exercises for the vessels of the neck and strengthening the muscles can be performed both at home and at work - this does not require a specially equipped place.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck

  • Stand against a wall, trying to keep all parts of the body firmly pressed against a vertical surface. While inhaling, with all your might, "imprint" into the wall, straining the muscles of the neck as much as possible. Hold your breath and maintain this position for 5-6 seconds.
  • Sitting on a chair, you need to place your palm on your forehead and press hard, forcing your head to lean back. At the same time, while straining your neck, you should resist the forward movement of the head. Such "confrontation" at maximum tension should be held for 5-7 seconds, while breathing should be suspended. After the expiration of the time, exhale the air and rest for 10-12 seconds. Repeat movements 3 to 7 times.
  • Similar movements are performed with the head tilted forward and to the sides. This gymnastics is good in that you can perform 1-2 exercises every hour during the day - this is extremely useful for expanding the vessels of the neck and brain.
  • Slowly rotate your head in a semicircle, from one shoulder to another, holding it in extreme positions. Repeat 8-12 times, gradually increasing the amplitude.

Video: exercises for the back and neck

How to train the heart and blood vessels?

To keep blood vessels and heart in good condition for a long time, you need to pay maximum attention to their regular training. This is especially true for elderly people who, due to their age, have reduced physical activity. Adequate oxygen and feasible physical exercise - this should not be forgotten for the elderly.

Training of the heart and blood vessels should begin in the morning, immediately after waking up. Rotation of the hands and feet is an exercise that will make the blood flow "wake up", while the vessels will expand. Bends, squats, and body twists should be performed with constant heart rate monitoring. If the pulse of an untrained person is in the range of 90-100 beats per minute, then his heart still receives insufficient oxygen and blood. With an increase in the degree of general physical fitness, the heart rate also increases. Accordingly, the heart works more efficiently, receives a sufficient amount of blood due to the good work of the aorta.

Several exercises for the heart and blood vessels

  • Get up on your toes and walk with very high knees.
  • Legs are at shoulder width. Hands go up, while clasping hands in the lock. When the body is tilted to the right, the right leg is retracted to the right. Strive to perform the incline as deeply as possible. Repeat the same movements to the left. Perform 8-9 times, remembering to control your breathing.
  • Spread your arms to the sides and rhythmically slap your palms on the opposite shoulder. The right arm is the left shoulder, and vice versa. Keep the body straight. Increase repetitions and pace in the absence of discomfort in the heart area up to 50 times.
  • Lower your arms along the body, legs are tightly pressed to each other. Make a full circle with your hands: back - up - forward. The cycle of rotations is first carried out in one direction, then change the direction to the opposite. Repetitions - from 10 to 50.
  • Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 ° and simulate the movements of cycling. Do not hold your breath.
  • While in the supine position, raise the outstretched legs to a height of 30-40 cm and make cross-like movements. Repeat 20-25 times.

Swimming, cycling, cardiovascular exercise, and stair walking help to actively train the heart. One thing should not be forgotten: the load should increase gradually. The main thing when doing exercises is not their quantity and intensity, but regularity. A strict cycle must be followed: stress and relaxation. Then the muscle fibers of the heart will increase, the heart muscle and blood vessels will be strengthened, and the benefits of training will become obvious.

Video: exercises to improve the cardiovascular system through muscles

Gymnastics for hypertension

Vascular training is especially important for hypertension. High blood pressure is often associated with the fact that the walls of the vessels lose the ability to relax and the blood is hardly "pushed" through the narrowed vessels. Add to problems with high blood pressure atherosclerotic changes in the arteries - cholesterol plaques on their walls. If you do not make any efforts to train the sedentary vessels, the chronic increase in pressure can lead to serious consequences.

Important! With hypertension, you cannot perform bends, sharp swings with arms and legs, all exercises that ensure blood flow to the head. You can not hold your breath on muscle effort - this can lead to an even greater increase in pressure.

Exercises for hypertensive patients

  • Warm-up: walking around the room, with smooth turns of the body. Arms and legs perform not sharp movements - short swings, bends, half-squats. When walking, you can perform circular movements with the pelvis. Duration - 5 minutes.
  • Sitting on a chair, put your legs at a distance of 30-40 cm, raise your arms up. Lowering your hands down and taking them behind your back, bend forward to your knees. At the same time, the head must be kept straight, the gaze is directed forward.
  • Without rising from the chair, stretch your straight arms to the sides, at the same time raise the leg bent at the knee to your chest. At the same time, the arms are brought in front of you, helping to hold the raised leg. Perform alternately with the right and left legs, 6-8 times.
  • Hands to the sides - inhale, while exhaling, place your hands on the waist and tilt the body to the right. Repeat with a tilt to the left. You can perform the exercise both sitting and standing.
  • Spread your arms to the sides, keep the body straight. Take the right leg clearly to the right, keep it at a height of 30-40 cm. Repeat the same movements with the left leg.

Video: exercises to normalize blood pressure

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics helps to enrich the blood with oxygen, which is a natural vasodilator. There are several practices of healing breathing exercises - Chinese Qigong gymnastics, Strelnikova breathing exercises, Buteyko deep breathing method, yoga. With all the variety of technologies, the principles of breathing are used with a great degree of similarity: a deep short breath through the nose, holding the breath, and an almost imperceptible natural exit through the mouth.

In yogic breathing, inhalation is accompanied by a protrusion of the abdomen, after a pause, exhalation follows - the abdomen is retracted as much as possible. Several breathing exercises can lower blood pressure numbers and normalize vascular function. And mastering breathing practices will help you forget about hypertension for many years.

Video: breathing exercises for hypertensive patients

Physiotherapy after heart attacks and strokes

Exercise does more than prevent cardiovascular disease. Recovery therapy in the postinfarction period provides for the mandatory introduction of exercise therapy exercises. The first complex of exercise therapy is prescribed to be performed while still in the hospital, under the supervision of a doctor. But even after discharge, the patient should do special exercises every day, alternating a feasible load and relaxation, for at least half an hour. To restore the myocardium, a full supply of blood and nutrients is required, and this requires a feasible physical activity.

Chair exercises, consisting of alternately raising and lowering the legs and arms, are performed at a leisurely pace, with strict adherence to the rhythm of breathing. Walking in one place, bending to the right and left, swinging legs - these exercises should be done while controlling the pulse. The heart rate should not rise above 120 beats per minute.

The postponed stroke can also be compensated by the use of massage and exercise therapy. To restore the body's lost ability to move, it is necessary to exercise systematically and diligently. The first exercises will have to be done with an assistant, but, after a while, the patient will be able to perform the complex selected by the doctor independently. With physiotherapy exercises after a stroke, it is important not to allow overwork and excessive exertion. Regularity and consistency in exercise therapy will be able to return the joy of movement.

Video: a set of exercises after a stroke

Sometimes, under the influence of certain factors, vascular tension in the body arises. This condition is called dystonia. This leads to a violation of blood circulation in the system. And the reasons for this can be various factors. Such as stress, low physical and physical activity, addiction to smoking or the presence of a disease. Gymnastics and exercises for the vessels of the whole body can help health and improve blood circulation.

The vessels of the body are all different: the smallest of them are capillaries. They penetrate the tissues of the body, passing through every cell of it. They are extremely important because they supply the cells with nutrients and at the same time remove unnecessary substances from them.

And if such a capillary is narrowed as a result, then the process of blood delivery and withdrawal will be disrupted. This means that the work of the whole organism will also be disrupted.

Capillaries, like other vessels, can and should be trained.

The wellness system was created by the Japanese scientist Katsuzo Nishi and includes:

  • vibrating exercise for vessels - a very simple, but most effective way. Lying on your back, you need to raise the limbs up and shake them for one and a half to two minutes. Vibration massage of small vessels will occur, as a result of which the lymphatic fluid is redistributed, the blood moves more intensively and the process of toxins is improved.
  • exercise "goldfish" when lying on your back, your hands are behind your neck. At this time, the toes should be pulled towards the head, and the body should vibrate. The consequence of this exercise is the removal of the tone of the vertebral nerves, which will lead to the activity of blood movement.

Gymnastics and vascular exercises will be effective if done regularly, every day. You can train the vessels of the neck, head and lower extremities immediately after waking up and before going to bed, lying in bed.

Brain vessels

Dystonia can also occur in the vessels of the brain. In this condition, nausea, coordination, memory and speech can be felt.

The origin of vasospasm can be triggered by stress, the presence of osteochondrosis or meteorological dependence.

And for the vessels of the brain, there is also a healing system. It includes exercises for the vessels of the head. Bends in different directions, turns your head. Movements should be smooth, not intense.

If you experience discomfort or feeling unwell, the exercise should be stopped immediately. It should be renewed the next day with favorable sensations, while reducing activity and time.

Legs are one of the most stressed and fatigued parts of the body. Being in an upright position for most of his life, a person leans on his legs. In this case, the vessels are strained more often than in other organs. Accordingly, they are prone to dystonia. in the vessels of the legs is fraught with serious health consequences.

For the treatment of leg vessels, gymnastics and exercises should also be done:

  • It is best to do this in water, it will help relax muscles, relieve tension and exercise without tension.
  • Even just contrasting baths will help strengthen the walls of the veins in the legs, make them more elastic.
  • Bend forward, trying to reach the floor. Do not bend your legs. Muscles and blood vessels will strain, and upon returning to the starting position, they will relax. Such training of the vessels of the lower extremities can make them stronger and restore normal blood flow.
  • Spread your legs wide. Without using the hands, tilt forward to the floor.
  • Spread your arms and move on the floor on your knees.

If you feel fatigue, respiratory failure or other discomfort, stop the gymnastics. With repeated training, reduce the intensity, reduce the number of movements.

Neck vessels

The head depends entirely on the neck. It is there that the vessels go to the brain. And also in the neck there are extremely important arteries, in which blood flows to the heart. If the cervical muscles are not trained and are weak, then the vessels will strain. This will lead to their tone and blood congestion. So, headache, back pain can occur.

This means that gymnastics is needed for the muscles and blood vessels of the neck and exercise is very important for health:

  • Press the entire surface of the back against the wall behind, tighten all the cervical muscles strongly. Feeling of being pushed into a wall. Hold your breath for a few seconds and stand in this position. Then exhale and relax.
  • Press the forehead with the palm of your hand, tilting the head back with effort. At the same time, the head must resist movement. Breathing is suspended for a period of tension. After exhalation, maximum relaxation of the whole body.
  • Do the same when moving the head to the sides and forward. These exercises train and strengthen your neck muscles. And the vessels will not have to strain during daily movements.
  • Rotational smooth movements of the head in a full circle. This will also make the blood move more intensively, avoiding stagnation, and the muscles of the neck to be elastic and resilient.
  • A similar exercise for the neck, but not around the circumference, but from shoulder to shoulder.

With such training, dizziness or tinnitus, even darkening of the eyes, may occur. Stop immediately, relax as much as possible and rest in a horizontal position, breathing deeply.

Of course, you need to heal your heart, the main motor that pumps blood through the veins and blood vessels.

Gymnastics and exercises for the heart are best done immediately after waking up, thereby charging it with efficiency and vigorous activity:

  • Raise your arms and legs above you and rotate your hands and feet. Thus, the blood that has stagnated overnight will resume its daytime rhythm of movement. Sitting on the bed, make several bends forward and lie down again.
  • Then you can do some exercises while getting out of bed.
  • Walk on tiptoe, raising your legs like a heron, raising your bent knees high. Hands in the lock above your head, and make bends to one side, then to the other.
  • Raise widely spaced arms up, spread them to the sides, turning with the whole body in the opposite direction to the arms.
  • Bike. The movement is familiar to everyone, but you need to do it smoothly and not quickly. Try to breathe evenly, without delay.
  • Scissors . Perform, raising your legs high, and with a large range of motion.

All these exercises for the vessels of the heart, if performed regularly, will help strengthen the heart muscle, accelerate blood flow and vascular filling. Gradually, the state of health will improve and then the load can be slightly increased.

With hypertension

Hypertension, or - a consequence of poor vascular patency. Of course, this can be due to the presence of a disease. But this does not diminish the importance of gymnastics and exercise in the treatment of hypertension.

Exercises that tense muscles should not be done with hypertension. This can lead to even greater spasms and pressure spikes. It is better to perform smooth movements of the legs and arms:

  • Holding on to a chair or table, do a few non-sharp squats. Walking, bending forward, raising the legs to the chest are all exercises suitable for the presence of a disease.
  • You can also just hold your raised legs for a short time. This is best done while sitting.
  • And another good workout for blood vessels is breathing exercises. After all, breathing brings oxygen to the blood, from which it becomes more mobile. But you need to breathe fresh air and correctly. You need to inhale deeply and strongly through the nose, trying to fill not only the lungs, but the whole body. Hold your breath a little and exhale the air with your mouth very slowly, as if delaying the process.
  • Such exercises should be done several times a day, but little by little, literally for a few minutes. Two or three inhales and exhales can complete other exercises. It is good to do this gymnastics in a ventilated area before going to bed. This will help to relax the organs, saturate the blood with oxygen. Sleep will be smoother and more calm.

Vessels need to be healed along with the entire body. This is both proper healthy nutrition, and being active in the fresh air, giving up bad habits. Gymnastics and exercises for the vessels of the whole body will only help to strengthen your health.

How to strengthen blood vessels at home? This question is very important for a person. After all, after 40 years, people feel the first signs of aging. At this age, a person begins to look for various ways to improve health and replenish energy. Training is becoming an important component.

During this period, people are faced with symptoms such as:

Sharp darkening;
cold hands in warm temperatures;
blood pressure surges;
noise in ears.

In general, the body changes completely. Unfortunately, all this leads to a weakening, which means to frequent colds.

Best Wellness Exercises

If your blood vessels are elastic, then you will be healthy. Ordinary gymnastics helps to maintain this state. Do not spare time for your health, it is enough to allocate half an hour daily for exercise.

We maintain normal capillaries

The task of the capillaries is very important - they are responsible for the development of each cell, delivering useful components to it. From the head to the legs, our entire body is riddled with small blood vessels.

But a failure can occur when the vessel is greatly narrowed, and because of this, toxic products begin to accumulate in the cells. Ultimately, such manipulations will lead to diseases of the heart and other internal organs.

1. There is a very good exercise to help improve the work of small vessels. This kind of gymnastics is done right in bed after you wake up. Raise your arms and legs up, shake your limbs for a couple of minutes to relax. At this point, the lymph is redistributed and cleanses the body.
2. You can also apply the following charge. It is also done on the bed. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head and pull your socks towards you. As a result, nervous tension is relieved, and blood flows more actively throughout the body.

Helping the brain

Sometimes you can see when something shoots in the head. At this point, blood does not enter the brain. This usually happens when a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, for example, at a computer. His head is constantly in one position, and the blood stagnates.

Or there may be a moment when the person turned his head unsuccessfully, a failure occurred, and the blood stopped flowing to the head. But after the massage, everything worked out. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out gymnastics every day. It can be:

Tilts to the left and right;
head rotation in different directions;

In general, you must be constantly on the move. Be sure to watch your breathing while performing gymnastic elements.

Try to do all exercises fluently. If you notice darkening of the eyes and dizziness, stop for a while to get in shape. Then continue exercising, but at a slightly lower intensity.

1. After warm-up, go to a set of exercises. Place your feet hip-width apart first. Head rotations begin. We do 30 approaches in one direction, then another 30 in the other.
2. Remain in the same starting position. Raise your hands up and make a lock. Lean forward as if you were chopping wood. We do 8 approaches.
3. Remain in the same starting position. We put our hands forward and raise our legs. The right lower limb rises to the upper left, respectively, the lower left to the upper right.
4. Position your legs so that the distance between them is equal to 1 meter, but the knees are slightly bent. We rotate our hands in different directions. For example, the left hand moves clockwise while the right hand swings counterclockwise.
5. The final stage is the well-known exercise "birch". It is done lying on the floor. We support the lower back on bent arms, and we try to stretch the legs as high as possible. Do 10 sets.

Helping feet recover

There is a tremendous load on our legs, as a result of which the veins in the lower extremities weaken. Ultimately, this can lead to blood stasis. In such a situation, experts advise to move more. As the saying goes: "Movement is life." Water procedures are of great benefit for. Swimming and water aerobics are great for stimulating blood circulation.

By doing these exercises regularly, you help the veins become more elastic.

1. Stand in the starting position (distance between legs = 1 meter). Bend forward and reach with the palms of the floor. Then return to the original position. Keep your legs straight when exercising. Do 15 sets.
2. Sit on the floor with your legs spread apart. Cross your arms and fix on the chest. Now lean forward. But care must be taken that the lower limbs do not bend. Do 8 sets.
3. Get on your knees and extend your arms to the sides. Now you need to walk in this position.

It is also important to understand that the neck is an important part of our body. Through it, the brain is nourished. Constant tension in the neck leads to squeezing of blood vessels. As a result, blood circulation is impaired. It is very important to exercise daily to maintain our body. It can be all kinds of head turns, tilts and rotations. Try to do it not abruptly.

Stand up to your full height near the wall. Press firmly against the surface and hold your breath for 5 seconds, then relax. You will feel your neck muscles tighten. You can also put your palm on your forehead and push your head back, and stretch your neck muscles in the opposite direction. This resistance is done by holding the breath. Repeat the exercise 7 times.

Core gymnastics

You must clearly understand that you will not be able to exercise at any time. Gymnastics to strengthen the channels is carried out in the morning after sleep. Start exercising by rotating the hands of the upper and lower extremities. Then place your legs so that the distance between them is equal to 1 meter, and do bends, squats, body turns.

1. Take 10 minutes every day to walk on your toes.
2. Clap your palms on the opposite shoulder with a straight body.
3. Then lie on your back and do the bicycle exercise. At the same time, you do not need to hold your breath.
4. Then you need to remain in the supine position and raise your legs up. Cross your legs doing the scissors exercise.

In fact, people in their 40s need exercise to maintain their health. In Daoin Yangshengong's latest methodology, Chinese medicine is combined with modern science and innovative techniques.

The Chinese technique believes that in our body we have 12 main active tubules through which blood moves. That is why, in order to maintain the body in a healthy state, it is necessary to ensure the permeability of the blood flow. But there is one big BUT! Can't clear the channel in one go. This will need to be done regularly.

In fact, active channels are located throughout the body, and it seems that it is impossible to cleanse each of them so that the blood can move smoothly. But the Chinese technique does an excellent job of it.

It is recommended to massage important points daily. Be sure to massage your head, making a kind of combing movements. Massage each finger, ear. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and jump. Try to relax.

The next exercise is done on a rug. Stand up straight with your toes and heels together. The back should be straight. Exhale sharply several times. Increase the manipulation every time. Do 4 sets. In this way, you can clear your breath.

To strengthen the vascular system and heart muscle, it is important to exercise daily. But this method is not suitable for hypertensive patients. With increased pressure, you cannot make bends, sharp swings, that is, everything that helps to increase blood flow to the brain. You cannot hold your breath, this can further increase the pressure.

To maintain your body, try to eat right, do morning exercises, and spend more time outdoors. Take good care of your health and monitor it so that it does not get worse. Indeed, at the initial stage, it is easier to carry out treatment than in a neglected state.

Regular training and physical activity are really beneficial, and not only for the muscles. There is a special gymnastics for blood vessels, and simple exercises of the Yangshen Gong system, which improve the condition, tone of important vessels of the body, and improve blood circulation.

It is difficult to say how many diseases arise due to the state of blood vessels. This is thrombophlebitis, and problems with the regulation of pressure, and cardiac activity. Although initially born healthy, a person receives an "ideal" circulatory system. The vessels are working, the heart is beating. Then, over the years, it wears out. Stress, various chronic diseases add their own.

Sometimes problems arise even earlier if a person gets weak blood vessels by a “genetic gift”. However, the tone of blood vessels can be improved, they can be strengthened and blood circulation improved. And without drugs, expensive procedures or health resorts. Special vascular gymnastics and simple exercises of the Yangsheng Gong system are designed just for this.

Treatment of the circulatory system

Of course, when any disease occurs, doctors strive to quickly understand its origins. Why did it appear, how did it develop, what affects the speed and scale of development. Treatment of vessels is complex. This is medication, basic therapy, massage, if necessary, and training focused specifically on the vessels.

Yes, simple, affordable exercises with a regular approach can improve blood flow, enrich blood circulation in the head area, this will reduce the risk of unpleasant headaches, and improve pressure regulation.

At the same time, it will be a good workout for muscles, for the whole body. Vessels, even small capillaries, will gradually improve their tone.

Yangsheng Gong - restore blood vessels to health

It begins with the smallest capillaries. These are small, sometimes microscopic vessels, along which blood also moves, carrying nutrients and oxygen. After all, all cells in the body need nutrition. When the capillary is narrowed, the cells located nearby suffer, not receiving the required amount of nutrition. This is how various diseases of internal organs, tissue inflammation arise.

Yangsheng Gong is a well-known Chinese doctor who has developed several special exercises targeting capillaries, gradually improving them:

Using vibration. It is usually performed in the morning, after waking up, when the person has already risen from the sofa or bed. The essence of the exercise - hands are raised in turn, then legs. Further, raising the limb, you need to shake it for 2-3 minutes. Such training will wake up the body, at the same time improve the general permeability of the capillaries, and help the body to quickly get rid of toxins processed during the night.

"Fish" - first lie flat on the floor, then put your hands under your neck. Next, tighten your socks as much as possible, while straining with your whole body. Fix the position for a few seconds, then take a break. Repeat 8-10 times. This "exercise" well disperses the stagnant blood in the arteries and veins.

Lie straight at first, then raise both legs up. Bend them at the knees several times. Repeat as many times as possible, preferably 8-9 times.

This simple exercise is very effective if introduced as a constant "ritual" in the morning, along with brushing your teeth or the usual coffee. At the same time, the capillaries will improve the tone, the body will receive additional charging.

Exercise your feet

The legs, especially when walking, endure a lot of stress. In particular, the veins are affected. Exercise helps release tension.

At first, stand up straight, your legs are comfortable to spread, looking at the width of your shoulders. Then slowly, slowly bend over. Forward, lower, until your fingertips touch the carpet or floor (depending on what you stood on). Spread your legs wider as needed.

Sit down, arms folded, together, approximately at the level of your chest. Next, bend down, holding your arms so that they do not straighten. Perform 8 times.

Stand on your knees. Then stretch your arms forward. Walk like that on your knees. Time, in principle, is not limited, walk until fatigue accumulates. Small break. Walking on your knees again.

Neck exercise

As a place where the largest and most important vessels of the body are located. From the neck, the blood supply goes to the brain. When the muscles near the neck are weakened, you have to strain, supporting your head in a familiar, constant position. This tension compresses the nearby vessels, impairing the supply of the brain.

Exercise helps in strengthening the muscles of the neck that support it. The main thing is smoothness in the proposed movements, without sudden jerks in bends or turns. At the same time, carefully monitor your breathing.

Exercise - an assistant for hypertensive patients

Gymnastics is extremely important for those suffering from hypertension. When blood pressure is high, the walls of the vessels are tense, they are pressed by the increased mass of blood. Gradually, the walls lose their natural ability to relax, they narrow and it is more difficult for blood to pass through such narrow places. The problem is aggravated by atherosclerotic plaques. Alas, if it is not treated on time, if prophylaxis is not carried out, problems with blood pressure will turn into serious, chronic diseases. Vessels, pressure.

Important: it is dangerous for those suffering from high blood pressure to bend sharply or move actively with their hands, efforts are made of the blood stream, which will certainly rush to the head. You can also not breathe for a long time, this will only increase blood pressure.


  1. Sit down, then smoothly turn the body. Make slow, unhurried swings with your hands (to the sides).
  2. Sit down, raise both hands up. Then, lowering, take them behind your back, making unhurried bends forward.
  3. Sitting, raise your leg, then your arm. Fix for 1-2 seconds, lower. Then raise the second leg and arm.
  4. Sit down, slowly raise your leg. Hold it for a few seconds, then repeat the movement, but with the other leg.

Of course, exercise alone is unlikely to help quickly remove high blood pressure. Gymnastics is needed as an additional tool to the main treatment process.

Important: high blood pressure is extremely dangerous, it is better to immediately notify the doctor to start treatment.

Exercise - an assistant to the blood vessels of the brain

Become straight, comfortable position. Hands are free, along the body, and the legs are shoulder-width apart. Do slow, unhurried rotations with your head only. First, following the path of the clockwise, then counterclockwise. The duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes.

Bend your knees, then stretch both arms to the sides. Perform rotations, left movement forward, right hand backward. Then change hands.

Lie on the bed, raise both legs, supporting them up. Hold the accepted stance for up to a couple of minutes, then relax.

This kind of training will be extremely effective if done regularly. Simple movements, they do not require expensive equipment or special shape. You can perform them this way or turn on cheerful music for yourself. At the same time, the exercises will become a good workout for the muscles of the body, which is necessary for everyone, especially those leading a calm, sedentary life, when both the work is sedentary and the car is nearby.

Excellent gymnastics plus elements of creativity - dancing. The look is unimportant, whether it's a classical waltz, graceful ballet or Latin American groovy ones. The brain simply enjoys the increased flow of oxygen, blood circulation becomes faster, blood vessels work more actively.

Physiotherapy exercises are officially prescribed as part of a complex of treatment, usually for all those who have suffered a stroke (heart attack).

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