Feeling of constant tiredness. Feeling of constant fatigue Mental disorders with sensations of debilitating, constant fatigue

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How to take Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% 700g

It is recommended to take this protein as needed, up to 3 to 4 servings per day. It is advisable to use a milk-protein shake before sports (immediately before training 20 minutes before the start) or competition, immediately after training and before going to bed, stirring it in 250 ml of water or low-fat chilled milk.

Olimp labs Whey protein Complex 100%-this product has one of the highest concentrations whey protein in the world - 75% protein in dry weight per 100 g of protein powder. The high biological value of whey proteins has made it known as the most valuable source of dietary proteins, especially for bodybuilders and athletes.Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% - was developed as a dietary supplement for high-performance athletes, for those doing intense work. physical exercise as well as for those recovering from injuries. Especially recommended for strength athletes training for endurance, strength and bodybuilders. For athletes long in the quest for the best and highest quality protein, Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% is undeniably the best solution to this problem.

This protein has the following benefits:

  • The most complete in the world sports nutrition a blend of sources of fast, easily digestible protein!
  • Maximum concentration of protein (protein) in the amount of 75% (in dry matter)!
  • High proportion of beta-lactoglobulin - and thus BCAA!
  • Excellent 100% solubility (dissolves in liquid without forming lumps)!
  • 100% natural product made from pure raw materials!
  • Better digestibility! It is rapidly absorbed by the digestive tract.
  • Lactose free! (Safe for people with lactose intolerance.)
  • Virtually fat-free!
  • Excellent aminogram. Exemplary ratio of protein fractions!
  • Ideal for competitive athletes (low sodium)!
  • Neutral, pleasant, soft taste!
  • Excellent tolerance (does not cause indigestion, bloating, intestinal upset, acne and other side reactions of the body)!

Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% is the primary source of a premium protein blend: ultrafiltered whey concentrate and CFM® whey isolate. The isolate used in this product is obtained from fresh whey using a modernized ion exchange process. This special production technology separates functional constituents and nutritional proteins. Thanks to this technology, it became possible to achieve special purity and incredible concentration. This method is considered one of the most difficult, but at the same time the most best practices production. provides optimal growth muscle mass and strength through increased delivery of high quality proteins. Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% - contains healthy, easily digestible proteins rich in exogenous amino acids, including branched-chain amino acids, which ensures a positive balance of exercise nitrogen during training. The product stimulates the anabolism of muscle proteins, inhibiting the time in one catabolic reactions associated with the energy processes of physical efforts. Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% - meets the highest requirements for high protein products. It contains the rightly selected ingredients combined in an easily digestible and easily digestible formula. Olimp labs Whey Protein Complex 100% is a complex product, supplemented with metabolic activators - L-carnitine and lecithin, choline and inositol delivery. In addition, it contains a combination of vitamins and minerals expediently, including trace elements (chromium, selenium, molybdenum) quantities to ensure the normal course of metabolic processes during vigorous exercise and increase the consumption and metabolism of proteins. Thanks to the appropriate combination of ultrafiltration of whey proteins and egg whites, it is an ideal product for daily use and a very good protein meal before bed. This product is best able to influence rapid muscle building, optimal regeneration and significant increase physical performance as this product provides the body with more protein constituents than traditional whey protein isolates.

You can buy Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% in Ukraine (Vinnitsa - Kiev) at the lowest price in our online sports nutrition store, where any protein is provided at the lowest prices.

Composition of Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% 700 gr

The nutritional value Olymp Labs Way Protein Complex 100% 1 serving (35 g)

  • Energy value 447.7 kJ / 107.1 kcal
  • Protein 26.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates 0.3 g.
  • of which sugar 0.3 g
  • Fat 0.1 g.
  • in saturated fatty acids 0.1 g
  • Dietary fiber 0 g.
  • Sodium<0,1 г

Nutritional value per 100 g per serving (35 g + 150 ml water)

Total amino acids 75,000 mg / 26,250 mg. / per 100 g.

  • L-glutamic acid 13575 4751
  • * / ** L-leucine 7950 2783
  • L-aspartic acid 8250 2888
  • * L-lysine 7200 2520
  • L-Proline 4125 1444
  • * / ** L-Valine 4425 1549
  • * / ** L-isoleucine 4800 1680
  • * L-Threonine 5025 1759
  • L-Alanine 3750 1313
  • L-Serine 3450 1208
  • Phenyloalanine * / *** L-2250 788
  • *** L-Thyrosine 1950 683
  • L-arginine 1575 551
  • L-Glycine 1050 368
  • * L-Methionine 1650 578
  • L-Histidine 1275 446
  • L-cysteine ​​1650 578
  • * / *** L-Trypthophane 1050 368

* Essential amino acids
** Branched Chain Amino Acids
*** Aromatic amino acids

Composition of Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% 700 gr: 93.5% Protein Blend (WPC Ultrafiltration Whey Protein Concentrate, WPI - CFM® Whey Protein Isolate), Fructose, 1.5% Fat Free Cocoa (Chocolate, Chocolate Mint, Toffee Flavors), Flavors, 1% Instant Coffee coffee malt (coffee and cappuccino flavors), acidity regulator - malic acid, sweeteners - acesulfame K, sucralose, thickener - xanthan gum, potassium chloride, colors: E 129 (for strawberry, strawberry, banana, black currant, cherry, raspberry flavor) , E 110 (for orange, multi-fruit and yoghurt-vanilla flavor), E 150c (for toffee, coffee, chocolate, chocolate-mint, hazelnut and cappuccino flavors), E 104 (for banana, lemon, yoghurt-lemon flavor. )

The protein is indicated for athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters and strength athletes during periods of active muscle building, lean muscles.

Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% 700g reviews

To post your feedback on the product and the experience of receiving it, please send it to us through the feedback form.

The feeling of constant fatigue should not be tolerated or hoped that it will go away on its own. Such conditions rarely go away on their own, since they are most often associated with the presence of various disorders of both nervous activity and the musculoskeletal system.

Brain Clinic specialists have vast experience in the successful differential diagnosis of disorders that cause a feeling of constant fatigue, which is often defined by people as a feeling of exhausting fatigue.

Call +7 495 135 44 02

We help in the most difficult cases, even if the previous treatment did not help!

Feelings of unexplained constant fatigue

It is not uncommon for people to go to doctors with complaints about the feeling that whatever they do requires more effort than before. A person can experience similar sensations in various forms of diseases, both physical and mental.

Complaints with feelings of constant fatigue

In order to determine what is really happening to you, why you have a feeling of exhausting, constant fatigue, weakness, and to perform even an elementary action, you have to make great efforts, you need to see a doctor in person.

Naturally, a completely understandable question arises - which doctor should be contacted with such complaints and establish the cause of constant fatigue.

At the initial stage, in any case, you first need to consult a therapist in person, in order to exclude diseases of internal organs and, if necessary, undergo an initial examination, which can concretize and determine in which direction it is necessary to move further in order to solve this problem.

The differential diagnosis should include virtually all known physical and mental illnesses.

Disorders, which most often can cause debilitating, constant fatigue, fatigue and the feeling that everything that you do not have to do requires tremendous effort on your part.

Mental disorders with debilitating, persistent fatigue

  • various types of depression, especially pronounced in masked and postpartum depression;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome and post-stress conditions;
  • the whole range of endogenous diseases;
  • organic diseases of the central nervous system;
  • alcohol and drug addiction.

Functional disorders with debilitating, persistent fatigue

  • fibromyalgia (diffuse symmetric musculoskeletal pain that is chronic);
  • autoimmune diseases (diseases based on immune reactions directed against the body's own organs or tissues);
  • endocrine diseases (hyperfunction, hypofunction or dysfunction of the endocrine glands, more often pathologies associated with a disorder of the thyroid gland - "thyroid", pancreas - diabetes mellitus and others);
  • infectious diseases, including chronic ones (a group of diseases caused by the penetration of pathogens into the body).

If the therapist has not identified anything significant and finds it difficult to establish the primary diagnosis or if the general strengthening treatment prescribed by him does not give an effect, as well as, for a more complete and clear definition of the cause of the condition, reducing the risk of establishing a false diagnosis, it is necessary to consult with a psychotherapist.

Very often, even in the absence of obvious signs of a mental disorder and rather vivid somatic complaints and signs of various physical diseases, various mental disorders can be hidden. Such disorders are called Psychosomatic Disorders.

Fatigue can be classified in different ways.

Mild, transient fatigue or tiredness that subsides after a balanced rest is normal and does not require active medical intervention. Often, a one-time consultation with a psychotherapist is sufficient to regulate the work and rest regimen with a slight correction of the daily regimen and diet.

Pathological forms of fatigue, when it is felt in the form of a feeling that whatever you do, requires great effort and rest does not bring relief (and sometimes even worsens the condition) make the doctor's help necessary, first of all, it is necessary to establish an accurate and complete diagnosis by finding out the true reasons for this feeling.

It is not normal to have a prolonged feeling of debilitating fatigue that does not go away after a good rest or comes quickly after a rest, which interferes with daily social and professional functions. The prevalence of complaints of debilitating fatigue in primary care practice is higher than 27%.

When carrying out differential diagnostics, it is necessary to take into account the above probable causes of persistent fatigue. We will dwell a little on each of them.

Functional impairment with manifestations of a feeling of severe fatigue, which is often found in patients with hyperthyroidism who have had myocardial infarction, and those who have experienced clinical death and other somatic diseases. Moreover, in most manifestations of functional disorders, the appearance of more specific symptoms will long outstrip the onset of a feeling of overwhelming fatigue.


This disease is the most difficult for differential diagnosis, so we will dwell on its description separately.

Fatigue, with fibromyalgia, is described as an overwhelming and tiring feeling, similar to the flu. A person may feel debilitating fatigue, even after several hours or days of bed rest. The symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) are often accompanied by mood disturbances, the development of anxiety or depression.

People with fibromyalgia often describe their sleep as not refreshing, painful. Some people with fibromyalgia have joint pain and heaviness in the neck, shoulders, back, and hips. This makes sleep even more difficult, which exacerbates daytime feelings of sleepiness and fatigue.

Experts say the similarities between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are very strong. Both syndromes are primarily characterized by persistent, debilitating fatigue. Often people with fibromyalgia describe their fatigue as "brain fatigue." They report complete loss of energy and difficulty concentrating, a condition called fibrous fog.

In addition, fibromyalgias have very similar symptoms to many mental and functional illnesses.

This syndrome can include:

  • abdominal pain
  • anxiety and depression
  • chronic headaches
  • dry mouth, nose, and eyes
  • hypersensitivity to cold and / or heat
  • inability to concentrate (called fibrous fog)
  • incontinence
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes
  • painful menstrual cramps
  • painful trigger points
  • poor circulation in the arms and legs (Raynaud's phenomenon)
  • restless legs syndrome

Fibromyalgia can cause signs and feelings similar to what people experience with osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis. But unlike the localized pain of bursitis or tendinitis, the pain and stiffness of fibromyalgia is widespread. Fibromyalgia is not treated, but it is possible to relieve the main symptoms and suspend the progress of the disease for a long period.

Mental disorders with debilitating fatigue

First of all, it is necessary to note the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which can manifest itself both in the context of asthenic disorder and be involved in other mental states, primarily in various depressive states.

Exhausting fatigue and the feeling that whatever you do requires a lot of effort, with mental changes, it is often accompanied by the following complaints:

  • decreased memory or concentration
  • sore throat or a lump in the throat
  • soreness in the neck or axillary lymph nodes
  • muscle pain, joint pain without swelling or redness
  • headaches of various localization and intensity
  • non-refreshing, shallow sleep
  • the malaise lasts more than 24 hours

The results of laboratory studies of patients who applied to specialists of various specializations were carried out. It was found that more than 60% determined the presence of a feeling of constant fatigue for a long time. The only laboratory result that was recorded in all patients with complaints of debilitating fatigue, and significantly different between the 2 groups, was ESR. However, the clinical value of this finding is not yet fully understood.

The possibility that fatigue or the feeling that whatever you are doing requires great effort may be an early manifestation of a serious physical illness has not been detected by laboratory tests that were carried out by monitoring such patients for a long period of time (more than 3 years) ...

Further research has shown that patients with complaints of excessive, debilitating fatigue are often diagnosed with mental illness. The prevalence of mental illness in these patients can be as high as 80%.

The strong association of persistent fatigue with mental illness is impressive.

This discovery, most recently confirmed in another study - "Is persistent fatigue a cause or consequence of depression or anxiety?"

  • In 56% of cases, the mental disorder preceded the onset of a feeling of constant fatigue for 1 year or more.
  • In 35% of cases, the onset of complaints of constant fatigue and mental illness occurred at about the same time.
  • Only 9% of patients experienced constant fatigue earlier than 3 months before the onset of their mental illness.

While these findings do not prove a causal relationship, they do suggest that mental disorder is the primary diagnosis and not simply the result of persistent, debilitating fatigue.

Chronic fatigue treatment

Many studies have evaluated possible drug-only treatments, however, none of these studies have shown the benefit of using drug monotherapy.
Modern medical practice recommends the use of complex neurometabolic therapy, which should adequately combine:

  • drug therapy, which is selected individually depending on the identified causes of the formation of the underlying disease,
  • cognitive psychotherapy and other types of psychotherapy, both separately and in combination,
  • physiotherapy exercises, which activates the biological processes of the body,
  • a rational and balanced diet.

A prerequisite for the treatment of chronic fatigue is the complete elimination of alcohol and any psychoactive substances.

A similar treatment regimen is recommended by the International Association of Physicians and the World Health Organization (WHO) for application to all types of diseases that are accompanied by a feeling of unexplained and / or chronic fatigue, a feeling that everything requires more effort than before.

The Brain Clinic has all the necessary resources and capabilities to conduct an accurate and complete diagnosis of the state of the nervous system, as well as to provide the necessary and sufficient medical care in a quality manner.

Are you or your loved ones experiencing chronic fatigue? Do you not feel that you have rested during the night?

Do you almost always feel heaviness, fatigue, get tired quickly?

At lunchtime, are you already thinking how to quickly get to the couch?

You don't need to exclude yourself from your active life! Keep enjoying it!

And we will help you find freshness and lightness again throughout the day!

Remember the dire consequences for the brain of self-medication!

Mid-range, high-protein Polish protein, 26g per serving, is one of the best results. But, the portion in the olimp whey protein complex 100% is also more than the average for proteins and is 35 g. Perhaps this is a little trick.

Marketing gimmicks also include the word "complex" in the title. In fact, this is a whey protein concentrate, and the isolate is clearly in a small amount here, probably to call this protein complex.

The Olimp company itself has been on the market for about 20 years. Like most European proteins, the olimp whey protein complex is HACCP and GMP compliant.

The composition is usual for this price, proteins and carbohydrates in a reasonable amount, there is no aspartame, which, by the way, is not harmful in small quantities.


Amount of nutrients per serving (1 scoop or 35 g):

  • Calories - 134 kcal
  • Total Fat - 1.5 g
  • Total Carbohydrates 3.9g
  • Protein - 26 g
  • Salt - 0.3 g


ultrafiltered whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, flavor, acidity regulator, sweeteners, sucralose, thickener.

How to use

Stir one serving (1 scoop or 35 g) in 200 ml water or low-fat milk.

Take Olimp Whey Protein Complex 100% it is necessary immediately after training and / or an hour before it. Also drink whey protein between meals and in the morning right after waking up.

Inexpensive alternative in the form of a blend of isolate with whey protein concentrate from Germany

Useful advice: to return part of the money to your card or mobile phone, I recommend making purchases of any goods with

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