Correct posture for polonium beds. What are weeds? Should we weed the garden beds? Back pain in the lower back - what to do

Remember the anecdote that the gardener Ivan Ivanovich was able to recognize the gardener's neighbor Pavel Petrovich when he took a certain pose. It is in this recognizable position that the gardener spends more time on his plot. He does weeding. Landing does not take very long. Watering requires a different posture.

Weeding is difficult for many people: weeding during pregnancy, especially for long periods, is generally unacceptable, weeding with a sore back aggravates the disease, weeding beds at a respectable age turns work on the site into hard labor. So chairs and benches for weeding are invented.

Is it necessary at all weed the beds? Let's find out!

Let's find the source of the problem together.

In every book on gardening, they will necessarily write that “requires weeding and watering”? And people believe what is written! And all the work on earth is adjusted to these "capital", that is, written by someone, truths.

What is weeding? There are two answers here.

The first one will tell you that weeds without weeding will not allow vegetable plants to produce a crop, because weeds must be pulled out. From the aisles and from the beds.

The second, more specifically, will tell you that the grass should not just be torn, but torn in a certain way, so that the root does not remain in the ground. I can add to this that after weeding, it would be necessary to go with a hoe in order to destroy the last weeds.

Chopper is the most important weeding tool, because they have to work every day. I didn’t have time to finish the work on the beds in one corner of the garden, as it turns out that in the other corner the grass has already grown to the waist.

But weeding can be defined differently. Not as a fight against grass, but as a help to vegetables. Agree that you can help in different ways. You may not weed at all.

What are weeds? Should we weed the garden beds?

Weeds are native children of nature, she gave them vitality, the ability to endure all adversity. Therefore, no matter how much gardeners fight with weeds, they will still win. And our carrots and peppers with tomatoes are refined creatures, tamed and ennobled by man. They don't have the weed grip. They will always lose a match for a place in the sun.

So, it is necessary to manage in such a way as to deprive the weeds of the very opportunity to grow. Prevent weed seeds from getting into the soil of the beds.

Is that possible? One hundred percent not, the seeds are ubiquitous. But it is possible to drastically reduce soil insemination.

How can you not weed the beds?

To begin with, do not leave the soil in the beds open. How are we supposed to do it? Weeded the grass and took it out of the site - cleanliness is above all! Let the black earth decorate the beds. And this land, according to the conditions of nature, cannot be bare. She's not a stupid king. Nature understands that fertility exists only when the soil is covered with sod, mulch, grass. Through such obstacles, not every seed will be able to germinate, not every one will give life to a new malicious weed.

It can be closed with modern covering materials, such as spunbond, lutrasil. They should be black and thick. A weed seed will definitely not fall under a rag. But the soil will not see the benefit of that rag either.

Can be mulched with sawdust, straw.

But don't do it after harvest, as the new gardening books suggest. And while growing vegetables. They planted tomato seedlings in the ground, immediately mulched the bed with a thick layer of chopped straw or sawdust. And the tomatoes themselves were not planted on an empty bed, but on the one where beets were already growing. The main thing is that the earth should not be bare for a minute.

After the autumn harvest of vegetables, the soil must be closed for the winter. After all, seeds fly not only in summer, in winter, perhaps even more. After all, there are no natural barriers in the form of tree crowns, hedges, which partly delay the seeds. In winter they fly, fall on the snow, in the spring they penetrate into the soil with melt water.

Natural mulch will not allow weed seeds to get into contact with the soil, during germination they will not use the forces of the earth, therefore it will not be difficult to remove seedlings.

Under non-woven materials, the soil will be compacted, it will have to be dug with a shovel. And under sawdust, leaf litter, straw, the soil will be soft and loose.

Weeding the beds is not necessary if you do not dig the ground.

Here's more news! Don't dig? Yes. Oddly enough, but during the autumn digging of beds, weed seeds fall to a depth. In the spring, during the next digging, they will be raised to the surface. Here they have expanse, rise up, I don’t want to.

But how to sow black onions in an undigged garden bed? A flat cutter will help here. It is easy for them to loosen the soft soil under the mulch to a depth of 3-5 centimeters. A large depth of processing is not needed.

In order not to weed the beds, it is necessary to allow weeds to grow on them.

Oddly enough, yes. Weeds should grow on the beds. Not all, of course, but some. For example, wood lice. It closes, mulches the soil with a dense carpet. Surely they noticed that it is rare that a weed plant can break through a wood lice. It is good for vegetables with it, because the wood lice is so named because the soil under it is always wet. And dandelion also closes the soil well. It is necessary to see which local plants can tin the soil, that is, close it without harm to cultivated plants.

Such plants can be sowing mustard, any annual legumes. At the same time, they will also create top dressing if they are cut with a flat cutter and left in the garden in the form of mulch.

Autumn help to weeds.

In order not to weed the beds in spring and summer, you need to help weed seeds sprout in the fall. Seeds sprout in autumn too. But the plants themselves turn out to be flawed, frail. They came up in order to have time to give at least a tiny, but crop of seeds.

And we will offer them the Baikal preparation 3 weeks before the frost. We will process all the soil in the beds until a little moistening, as the growth stimulator will work. Weeds will sprout and freeze.

Garden plants themselves are able to cope with weeds.

Of course, not all. White cabbage can. Under its wide leaves, weeds lack neither light, nor heat, nor moisture. Pumpkin also hides the ground well with leaves. Weeds under it grow stunted with elongated stems. In a word, defective.

Motoblock and weeding.

Motoblock assistant to weeds. Especially perennial rhizomes. These plants are able to survive even with one single kidney alive. We have seen more than once how, after a mouse invasion, holes remain in the ground in places where parsley, lilies, and tulips grew. The owner looks and grieves. And after two weeks, he sees that a tiny sprig of parsley and a tulip leaf have appeared.

Motoblock is worse than all mice combined. Mice will leave one or two buds where the plant used to live. And the walk-behind tractor will cut all the roots and scatter them throughout the site. Everyone is the master, admire how the weeds attack!

Any weeding of perennial weeds helps them to multiply. Well, they pulled out the main root, but the kids remained! Each scrap will give life to a new weed plant.

About chemical weeding of beds.

The stores sell the drug Roundup and its relatives. How does this poison fight weeds? However, it makes no difference to her which plant to kill. The active substance is absorbed by plants through the leaf, and then the root dies off. First, the apical bud begins to turn yellow, and then the plant itself withers.

Such poison was treated from aircraft with forests in which the Vietnamese hid when the Americans were at war. The poison was called by the general word defoliants.

Not only plants suffered from it, people also got sick. And we bring these defoliants to our own garden of our own free will. And we pour from the heart, not sparing, to deal with dandelion and wheatgrass.

And no one will say or write that nothing can be grown in the place that has been treated with defoliants for several years. For food. Over the years, weeds will grow there again.

I don't think I could tell you everything. And it didn't have a purpose. The goal was different: to show that the weeds of the plant are necessary, and they can also be controlled. If you approach it wisely. Then your back won't hurt. Then it will not be necessary to look for assistants for weeding at a reasonable price.

Remember the anecdote that the gardener Ivan Ivanovich was able to recognize the gardener's neighbor Pavel Petrovich when he took a certain pose. It is in this recognizable position that the gardener spends more time on his plot. He does weeding. Landing does not take very long. Watering requires a different posture.

Weeding is difficult for many people: weeding during pregnancy, especially for long periods, is generally unacceptable, weeding when the patient aggravates the disease, weeding beds at a respectable age turns work on the site into hard labor. So chairs and benches for weeding are invented.

Is it necessary at all weed the beds? Let's find out!

Let's find the source of the problem together.

In every book on gardening, they will necessarily write that “requires weeding and watering”? And people believe what is written! And all the work on earth is adjusted to these "capital", that is, written by someone, truths.

What is weeding? There are two answers here.

The first one will tell you that weeds without weeding will not allow vegetable plants to produce a crop, because weeds must be pulled out. From the aisles and from the beds.

The second, more specifically, will tell you that the grass should not just be torn, but torn in a certain way, so that the root does not remain in the ground. I can add to this that after weeding, it would be necessary to go with a hoe in order to destroy the last weeds.

Chopper is the most important weeding tool, because they have to work every day. I didn’t have time to finish the work on the beds in one corner of the garden, as it turns out that in the other corner the grass has already grown to the waist.

But weeding can be defined differently. Not as a fight against grass, but as a help to vegetables. Agree that you can help in different ways. You may not weed at all.

What are weeds? Should we weed the garden beds?

Weeds are native children of nature, she gave them vitality, the ability to endure all adversity. Therefore, no matter how much gardeners fight with weeds, they will still win. And our carrots and peppers with tomatoes are refined creatures, tamed and ennobled by man. They don't have the weed grip. They will always lose a match for a place in the sun.

So, it is necessary to manage in such a way as to deprive the weeds of the very opportunity to grow. Prevent weed seeds from getting into the soil of the beds.

Is that possible? One hundred percent not, the seeds are ubiquitous. But it is possible to drastically reduce soil insemination.

How can you not weed the beds?

To begin with, do not leave the soil in the beds open. How are we supposed to do it? Weeded the grass and took it out of the site - cleanliness is above all! Let the black earth decorate the beds. And this land, according to the conditions of nature, cannot be bare. She's not a stupid king. Nature understands that fertility exists only when the soil is covered with sod, mulch, grass. Through such obstacles, not every seed will be able to germinate, not every one will give life to a new malicious weed.

It can be closed with modern covering materials, such as spunbond, lutrasil. They should be black and thick. A weed seed will definitely not fall under a rag. But he will not see the benefit of that rag.

Can be mulched with sawdust, straw.

But don't do it after harvest, as the new gardening books suggest. And while growing vegetables. They planted tomato seedlings in the ground, immediately mulched the bed with a thick layer of chopped straw or sawdust. And the tomatoes themselves were not planted on an empty bed, but on the one where beets were already growing. The main thing is that the earth should not be bare for a minute.

After the autumn harvest of vegetables, the soil must be closed for the winter. After all, seeds fly not only in summer, in winter, perhaps even more. After all, there are no natural barriers in the form of tree crowns, hedges, which partly delay the seeds. In winter they fly, fall on the snow, in the spring they penetrate into the soil with melt water.

Natural mulch will not allow weed seeds to get into contact with the soil, during germination they will not use the forces of the earth, therefore it will not be difficult to remove seedlings.

Under non-woven materials, the soil will be compacted, it will have to be dug with a shovel. And under sawdust, leaf litter, straw, the soil will be soft and loose.

Weeding the beds is not necessary if you do not dig the ground.

Here's more news! Don't dig? Yes. Oddly enough, but during the autumn digging of beds, weed seeds fall to a depth. In the spring, during the next digging, they will be raised to the surface. Here they have expanse, rise up, I don’t want to.

But how to sow black onions in an undigged garden bed? A flat cutter will help here. It is easy for them to loosen the soft soil under the mulch to a depth of 3-5 centimeters. A large depth of processing is not needed.

In order not to weed the beds, it is necessary to allow weeds to grow on them.

Oddly enough, yes. Weeds should grow on the beds. Not all, of course, but some. For example, wood lice. It closes, mulches the soil with a dense carpet. Surely they noticed that it is rare that a weed plant can break through a wood lice. It is good for vegetables with it, because the wood lice is so named because the soil under it is always wet. And it covers the ground well too. It is necessary to see which local plants can tin the soil, that is, close it without harm to cultivated plants.

Such plants can be sowing mustard, any annual legumes. At the same time, they will also create top dressing if they are cut with a flat cutter and left in the garden in the form of mulch.

Autumn help to weeds.

In order not to weed the beds in spring and summer, you need to help weed seeds sprout in the fall. Seeds sprout in autumn too. But the plants themselves turn out to be flawed, frail. They came up in order to have time to give at least a tiny, but a crop of seeds.

And we will offer them the Baikal preparation 3 weeks before the frost. We will process all the soil in the beds until a little moistening, as the growth stimulator will work. Weeds will sprout and freeze.

Garden plants themselves are able to cope with weeds.

Of course, not all. White cabbage can. Under its wide leaves, weeds lack neither light, nor heat, nor moisture. Pumpkin also hides the ground well with leaves. Weeds under it grow stunted with elongated stems. In a word, defective.

Motoblock and weeding.

Weed helper. Especially perennial rhizomes. These plants are able to survive even with one single kidney alive. We have seen more than once how, after a mouse invasion, holes remain in the ground in places where parsley, lilies, and tulips grew. The owner looks and grieves. And after two weeks, he sees that a tiny sprig of parsley and a tulip leaf have appeared.

Motoblock is worse than all mice combined. Mice will leave one or two buds where the plant used to live. And the walk-behind tractor will cut all the roots and scatter them throughout the site. Everyone is the master, admire how the weeds attack!

Any weeding of perennial weeds helps them to multiply. Well, they pulled out the main root, but the kids remained! Each scrap will give life to a new weed plant.

About chemical weeding of beds.

The stores sell the drug Roundup and its relatives. How does this poison fight weeds? However, it makes no difference to her which plant to kill. The active substance is absorbed by plants through the leaf, and then the root dies off. First, the apical bud begins to turn yellow, and then the plant itself withers.

Such poison was treated from aircraft with forests in which the Vietnamese hid when the Americans were at war. The poison was called by the general word defoliants. Not only plants suffered from it, people also got sick. And we bring these to our own garden of our own free will. And we pour from the heart, not sparing, to deal with dandelion and wheatgrass.

And no one will say or write that nothing can be grown in the place that has been treated with defoliants for several years. For food. Over the years, weeds will grow there again.

I don't think I could tell you everything. And it didn't have a purpose. The goal was different: to show that the weeds of the plant are necessary, and they can also be controlled. If you approach it wisely. Then your back won't hurt. Then it will not be necessary to look for assistants for weeding at a reasonable price.

According to statistics, 11 million Russians suffer from lumbago and radiculitis. Of these, in 3 million people, diseases received in the beds have become chronic. And our fellow citizens know, after all, that once a torn lower back must be protected all your life, that with inflammatory diseases joints should not be overworked and overcooled, but no - harsh life circumstances, like that very pipe, call and beckon to overstrain.

But since you can’t get away from the garden or hide anywhere, then at least you need to try to do everything possible so as not to bend over on it.

In order not to moan in the beds, suffering from lumbar, articular and muscle pain people should prepare in advance for the summer season.

Before starting weeding work, you must definitely go to the doctor to find out your condition and the limit of your capabilities at the moment. And if they are low - to heal. Otherwise, the labor regime will never be sustained.

After winter sitting in soft chairs, the back needs to be stretched with gymnastics. Not in the beds, of course, but long before them. Especially pay attention to the muscles of the back and arms - they will be the most difficult. Do gymnastics and massage for these muscle groups right now.

Get a small folding chair in advance to ensure maximum comfort for your back at work. If someone is categorically against the chair, at worst, you can use another method: change the position of the body as often as possible - in no case work in only one position. Start squatting, then alternately stretch one or the other leg. Then you can kneel, crouching on your heels (just remember to put a pillow under your knees). And if you want - work lying on your side. Either on the left or on the right. And pull your weeds to health. In general, fantasize, look for and find the most comfortable positions for each type of work.


What is most interesting is that lumbago and radiculitis hit the backs equally on poor beds and on rich lawns. The owners of country houses may not have beds, but to cut the lawn, rake the grass-leaves, weed the flower beds - after all. And now the back hurts, the joints ache, the muscles ache. Such is the philosophy of life - and the prince, and the beggar on earth hooks equally. So everyone needs to prepare for the summer season.

How not to cripple yourself with a garden tool

First, let's talk about the rake. As practice has shown, people do not know how to hold this simple instrument in their hands. And it turned out to be a simple matter to find out. Together with colleagues, they somehow conducted a small experiment: they put a rake in the hands of the first Muscovite they met and asked to take them “as usual”. And as usual, the grip turned out to be dangerous to health.

It is necessary to hold the rake correctly so that, clasping the handle, the index fingers of both hands look up. Then there will be no tension in the spine, and the muscles will not fall into tone. This will protect against excruciating pain in the shoulder, neck and head.

Do you know how hold a shovel in your hands and pick it up especially for yourself? This is not difficult. The handle should be high enough so that you do not have to bend down low. The lower back also suffers from this. You need to dig as much as possible with a straight back. The same story with the pitchfork - you should not work, bent over in three deaths.

How to mow grass, it is better to peep at professionals, that is, rural residents who have worked out all the most optimal techniques over the years. If you are used to mowing grass with a trimmer, keep in mind that the vibration from the machine is very bad for the spine and joints. So, you need to take breaks more often when mowing.

The main thing is to stand up correctly

Processing the beds, our amateur gardeners take the most intricate poses. And, as a rule, they are all wrong. Some individuals bend into three deaths and bend the spine, as the savvy people called this posture, the letter "zyu". And all this is very dangerous, because it will lead to unbearable pain in the lower back and shoulders.

In general, weeding the beds, as well as loosening the ground with a garden fork, will also have to be learned. To do this, you need to take three points of support - one knee, foot and hand must have an emphasis.

Since the knee must be protected from hard, cold, and wet ground, a knee brace can be worn. It doesn't have to be bought. Can be made from improvised means. Spread the polyethylene between two soft cloths, attach it all to the knee and fix it with two rubber bands. If desired, you can sew on ribbons and tie this simple design with their help.

Harvesting, pruning and whitewashing trees, cutting bushes, as well as dusting shelves and cabinets, washing windows - can be completely combined into one bottle.

During all these works, people make only one, but the biggest mistake - they perform all these procedures with their arms outstretched. This causes pain in the hand. More often in one, but in someone at once in both.

For all these types of work, you need to use a stepladder or stand. Remember - your hands must be at chest level. Otherwise, there are no other restrictions.

By the way, about sick hands. You should not immediately carry the entire crop of potatoes in one bag, and even at arm's length. According to health safety rules, it is best to take a heavy bag in a wheelbarrow, or at least divide it into two parts. In general, the bag should be worn on the back.

How to properly weed the beds.

1 kg of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water.

It is most convenient to weed the beds in rubber or rag gloves, they will protect your hands from excess bacteria and help pull out young grass.

If suddenly your beds are overgrown with weed - birch or any similar plants - I recommend taking scissors or any similar device to cut off long shoots and antennae, because if you pull them out, you can accidentally break the desired plant.

It is recommended to weed the beds in dry, warm weather, and not after rain, as the sun dries out the small roots of unharvested weeds and does not allow them to germinate, although pulling weeds after rain is much easier.

Weeding the beds should not be left for a long time, since young and unsprouted grass is easier to remove than a large weed that has grown deep into the soil. Also, adult unwanted plants can give seeds, and then you will provide yourself with even more work for the next year.

If some part of your garden is overgrown with grass, you can dig it up with a pitchfork in the fall without turning over the layers of the earth, then the roots of the weeds will die during the cold weather, and you can safely remove them in the spring!

Chemical treatments for insects can increase the growth of unwanted plants, carefully study the composition of the chemical before treating the land!

To weed the beds and loosen the earth, you need to focus on three points - the knee, foot and arm. You can protect the knee with a knee pad, not necessarily purchased, you can make it yourself from polyethylene, soft rags and elastic bands (for fixation).

Squatting down, alternately stretch one or the other leg. Then, kneeling down, sit on your heels (prudently placing a pillow under your knees). This position is considered the most correct for weeding, as it preserves the natural curves of the spine and distributes the load evenly.

Those who wish can work lying on their side and pull weeds. The main thing is not to work in the “crane” position.


But about how to weed the weeds in the garden and whether it is necessary to pull out all the grass, think about it. Perhaps, in a hot summer without rain, it is useful to leave it a little so that the vegetables do not burn under the scorching sun?

In order not to weed the beds in spring and summer, you need to help weed seeds sprout in the fall. Seeds sprout in autumn too. But the plants themselves turn out to be flawed, frail. They came up in order to have time to give at least a tiny, but a crop of seeds.

We will offer them the Baikal preparation 3 weeks before the frost. We will process all the soil in the beds until a little moistening, as the growth stimulator will work. Weeds will sprout and freeze.

Black polyethylene film.

It is best to start weed control work in the fall. If you have a small area under the beds, then after harvesting it is advisable to cover the beds with an opaque film:
firstly, so that new weed seeds do not fall into the soil;
secondly, to stimulate the germination of seeds that have already fallen into it.

With such a weed as field bindweed, mustard helps to fight. It is enough, once or twice, during the summer, to sow it in places with the greatest predominance of this weed. Just do not forget to dig up or re-yell mustard for the winter.
