2 days protein 1 carbohydrate. Protein-carbohydrate alternation (BUCH diet) - get rid of fat, not muscle and water

expert nutritionist, personal trainer, distinguished author of Evehealth


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Of the numerous weight loss methods, there are few that really allow you to get rid of fat reserves, and do not reduce body weight by burning muscle mass and removing water, causing great harm to human health. In order not to encounter the latest phenomena, one should very carefully study the principles of the impact on the body of a particular method and be on the alert when they promise fast weight loss. Indeed, in fact, a considerable time passed before the appearance of hated folds, we just do not notice and do not control it. So why should getting rid of them be instantaneous?

All metabolic processes, both gain and loss of energy (fat) have their own patterns. Fighting them, not knowing the mechanisms of leakage, is like throwing a red rag at an angry bull. Therefore, it is better to choose a certain tactic, supported by scientific knowledge and practice, and gradually move towards the goal. And help in this serious matter will be provided by the BEACH diet, which translates as a protein-carbohydrate alternation.

A bit of history

Today, there are many options for a protein-carbohydrate diet, but the American dietitian James Hunter became its developer. His nutrition program initially caused bewilderment among nutritionists, because how can you lose weight by eating foods high in carbohydrates, which are the very calories that lose weight need to be reduced to a minimum?

But then it turned out that this very program allows you to burn only fat, and not muscle mass, as in other diets. After such a "verdict" of world nutritionists, this diet began to gain its popularity very quickly, especially among athletes.

This technique has become widely used relatively recently. At first, it was used exclusively by athletes to keep themselves in good physical shape. I must say that the diet was invented by doctors and nutritionists specifically for the big one. It has many special courses that allow you to increase or decrease the amount of muscle mass in the right areas of the human body with the help of nutrition, get rid of excess fat or save it.

Of course, all this requires considerable knowledge and is usually carried out under the supervision of specialists when it comes to preparing world champions. For ordinary people, a simplified version of the BEACH method has been created, which allows you to effectively and safely say goodbye to extra pounds forever.

Fundamentals of protein-carbohydrate alternation

As can be seen from the decoding of the name, in this diet, the main principle is the alternation in the diet of days with a predominance of protein and carbohydrate foods. What is it for?

To force the body to part with its inviolable fat reserve, it is necessary first of all to spend all the glycogen (carbohydrates) contained in the muscles and liver. This can be achieved by reducing the intake of carbohydrates from food. But not everything is so simple. Indeed, after a person feels a critical level of their deficiency, the body begins to experience stress and take energy, destroying muscles in order to quickly get energy. And only after that it proceeds to the destruction of adipose tissue. To avoid such phenomena, you need to find the right balance between the end of carbohydrate reserves and their replenishment. Only in this case, energy from the breakdown of fat begins to be used.

The BEACH diet is structured as follows:

  1. In the first two days, protein food enters the body, which is the building material for the body. At this time, in order to ensure all vital processes, glycogen and a little fat are actively consumed as an energy source.
  2. Then comes the carbohydrate day, when the glycogen reserve consumed in 2 days is replenished. This allows you to confuse the body and allow it to function in its usual mode.
  3. On the fourth day, protein-carbohydrate food is consumed, which contributes to the normalization of all metabolic processes.

Then the course is repeated, and fatty tissue is consumed gradually. The protein-carbohydrate alternation diet is an excellent weight loss technology, without starvation and exhausting workouts, and without fear that those extra pounds will return.

It is important that a sharp restriction of the calorie content of food in this system is not required. It is necessary to maintain a daily intake of 1400 kcal, respectively, for women and men, and it is also important to exercise exercise and sports.

A diet on a protein-carbohydrate alternation is usually carried out for at least 4 weeks. More is possible, but the main thing is that the number of days be a multiple of four, i.e. 28, 32, 36, etc.

The benefits of a protein-carbohydrate diet

The main advantage of this protein carbohydrate diet is that it allows you to quickly lose weight without starving at all. And besides, it does not provide for complex calculations of the calorie content of food. Here it is enough to understand for yourself how to properly plan the diet of the day and the weight will begin to go away.

Such a diet gives weight loss not by removing excess fluid from the body or by, but by burning body fat, which is very important. After all, the liquid is very quickly replenished by the body and the weight comes again. And eating according to this program, the weight will remain normal for a long time, if, of course, then you eat moderately and watch what you eat.


Breakfast should be fat-free cottage cheese weighing 200 g. You can add cinnamon to it.

In the 1st afternoon snack, you need to eat an egg omelet with any seafood.

For lunch, any boiled fish is usually prepared and eaten with a cucumber.

In the 2nd afternoon snack, you can drink kefir or eat cottage cheese again.

For dinner, boil chicken or beef meat to get the 200th serving.

carb day

On this day, the amount of carbohydrates supplied with food should be equal to 5-6 g per 1 kg of human weight. However, foods high in these components should be avoided, i.e. sweets, flour, etc.

The fact is that sweet and flour products contain the so-called fast carbohydrates that harm our body. But slow carbohydrates contained in cereals, germinated grains, etc., are absolutely necessary for us to have energy for life. You can eat a wide variety of cereals, but it is best to use raw grains - buckwheat, unpolished rice, etc. You can diversify the menu with superfoods - for example, chia seeds, flax seeds.


Breakfast can consist of any cereals, muesli with kefir or milk, as well as honey.

In the 1st afternoon snack, it is advisable to eat different fruits.

For lunch - vermicelli or brown rice with meat or seafood.

If your goal is to burn fat while maintaining muscle, then protein-carbohydrate alternation(BUCH) is what you need. With proper observance protein-carbohydrate diet, you will 100% get a positive effect, and at the same time your psycho-emotional background will not suffer at all (which cannot be said about modern weight loss diets). Dividing the diet into protein and carbohydrate days, you are very good at spinning up your metabolism, forcing the body to burn its own fat as a priority source of energy. And now we will find out exactly how he does it.

The essence of protein-carbohydrate alternation. Its mechanism of action

In fact, there are many options for the BEACH diet:

- 2 in 2: 2 days of protein and 2 days of carbohydrate

- 3 in 3: 3 days of protein and 3 days of carbohydrate

- 2 in 1: 2 days of protein and 1 day of carbohydrate

- 3 in 2: 3 days of protein and 2 days of carbohydrate, etc.

All of these variations are effective, but not all are absolutely safe for health. Their main difference is the different severity of compliance. What I mean?

IN protein days When we eat almost no carbohydrates, our general body condition and emotional background is slightly worse compared to the days when we can eat carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that glycogen stores are slowly depleted, blood glucose levels are minimal, and we get energy from our own fat reserves. "So what? - you ask - it's the other way around! We're finally losing weight." Yes it positive side protein days, but for an unprepared girl, the first cycles of such a diet, especially if previously her usual diet was very far from correct, will not be easy. Next, I will tell you exactly why, and what are the reasons for that. Until then, take my word for it.

So, if you decide to use BUCH for weight loss, then I recommend you use the interleaving system protein and carbohydrate days 2 through 2. This is the safest, most reliable and proven by many athletes fat burning system. Butch 2 through 2 is used by almost all professional performing athletes during the drying period, since it is this nutrition system that allows you to painlessly go through the entire stage of tough pre-competitive preparation, while maintaining both their health and their mental state.

Protein days

On the first day of the protein cycle, which consists of 2 protein days in a row, we eat mostly only proteins, but always with vegetables. Each meal we have should contain 30 g of protein (already pure) and a serving of fresh or stewed vegetables. Choose low-starchy vegetables, and protein sources - lean poultry meat (chicken breast, turkey), lean beef, fish, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese 0-2% fat. Also, do not forget about fats, we also use them on this day - these are fatty fish, linseed oil, nuts and seeds (up to 40 g per day).

- you should consume proteins at the rate of 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight

- carbohydrates - about 0.8-1 g per 1 kg of body weight

- fats 0.5-0.8 g per 1 kg of body weight

Approximate diet for a protein day

1 meal- 2 whole eggs (can be boiled, you can make an omelet), 1 tbsp. linseed oil, vegetable salad.

2 meals

3 meals- cottage cheese 0-2% with cucumber and herbs, 30 g nuts

4 meals– chicken breast/turkey fillet with vegetables

5 meals- white or red fish, vegetable salad

6 meals– chicken breast/turkey fillet with vegetables

The second day of the protein cycle looks exactly the same as the first. Nothing new. You can just eat more fish instead of chicken breast, or other lean meat, it's up to you.

carb days

Two protein days are followed by two carbohydrate days. But "carbohydrate" they are called conditionally, this does not mean that you eat only carbohydrates all day. These days you have an increased intake of carbohydrates, more complex, but you also consume proteins just to a lesser extent. The essence of carbohydrate days is that you leave the same caloric intake as you had, but as a percentage you get a little more of this calorie content due to carbohydrates.

If translated into grams, then your BJU should look something like this:

- you should consume proteins at the rate of 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight

- fats - 0.8-1 g per 1 kg of body weight.

- carbohydrates - about 3-3.5 g per 1 kg of body weight

Approximate diet for a carbohydrate day

1 meal- carbohydrate: oatmeal with nuts (berries)

2 meals- protein: red or white fish with vegetables

3 meals- carbohydrate: buckwheat with vegetable salad, 1 tbsp. linseed oil

4 meals- carbohydrate or carbohydrate-protein: buckwheat with vegetables, chicken breast.

5 meals– protein: chicken breast with grapefruit

6 meals– protein: white fish with vegetables

As you can see, proteins are present in the carbohydrate bottom and quite often. This suggests that we do not need an excessively large intake of carbohydrates. We increase them just to refill our muscle and liver glycogen stores for the following low carb days, and to trick our smart bodies into always keeping our metabolism high enough.

So what happens to our body when we alternating protein and carbohydrate days 2 through 2?

Protein-carbohydrate alternation gives our body the opportunity in the first two protein days of a 4-day cycle to maximize the use of fat as the energy it needs. This happens, as I said, due to the depletion of glycogen stores. When the main sources of energy (carbohydrates) do not enter our body for a MODERATELY SAFE amount of time for the body, then it begins to burn its own fat to produce this very energy it needs. So, a moderately safe and favorable period for fat burning is a period of 2-3 days. More than 3 days of following a low-carbohydrate diet will lead to absolutely the opposite effect: the body will begin to store fat and keep it as much as possible. Therefore, 2 days of low-carb is the safest and most best option, especially for girls who decided to try the system for the first time BUCH for weight loss. Their body is not yet prepared for such drastic changes in nutrition, and therefore it is better not to practice other more severe options. protein-carbohydrate alternation.

What could be dangerous about it? - for sure, you think. And here's what:

On the third day of the protein cycle, the level of glycogen is completely exhausted, and due to the high consumption of protein products, especially without observing the important rules of BEA (see below), the content of toxic substances in the blood, such as aldehydes and ketones, increases several times. This is due to the fact that human fat absorbs and collects for many years all the harmful and toxic substances that have ever entered our body with the consumption of antibiotics, alcohol, trans-fat products, etc. All these toxic substances, during the oxidation of fats (their habitat), enter the bloodstream, thereby causing irreparable harm to our body, poisoning it from the inside. And it is on the third day of the protein day that a drop in mood, dizziness, weakness, worsening sleep, and even fainting are possible. This has happened more than once even with professional athletes who decided to dry themselves with a faster and tougher method. The reason for all this is the intoxication of the body with these toxic substances - aldehydes and ketones.

To avoid this, I do not recommend sitting on a protein diet for more than 2 days in a row. 2 days do absolutely no harm, on the contrary, they only benefit, but observing high-protein days for more than 2 days can seriously affect your well-being and health.

BUCH rules

  1. Plentiful drink! During protein-carbohydrate alternation You need to drink constantly and a lot. This is the main rule of this diet. You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of pure unboiled water per day. Up to 5 liters of all liquid along with tea.
  2. Each meal, especially protein, is accompanied by a portion of low-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, all kinds, cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes). This is necessary so that food passes normally through the gastrointestinal tract and does not linger in it, causing putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines.
  3. We eat every 2.5-3 hours.
  4. There should be at least 5 meals. Optimal is 6-7 meals. The latter must be necessarily protein.
  5. On carbohydrate days, give preference to complex carbohydrates (buckwheat, brown rice, barley, rye bread), minimize simple carbohydrates (1 apple or grapefruit; or 200 g of berries per day).

If you are still thinking about which one to choose, and even so as not to harm your health (he who thought about his health deserves praise), then my advice to you: choose protein-carbohydrate alternation! This is not a typical diet, this is a nutrition system that is absolutely safe, provided that you have a competent approach to your diet. BUCH most accepted effective method fight against fat negative consequences for your body. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules (see above), and also not to use female options. BUCH. If you still do not know how to compose your diet, then I will be happy to help you with this.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for ordering an individual catering service.

Always yours, Skripnik Yaneliya!

The task of most diets aimed at intensive weight loss is to accelerate the body's metabolic processes. This prevents a rapid return of kilograms after the cessation of nutrition according to the scheme and the transition to the correct diet.

While following this regime, a person does not experience physical, psychological discomfort due to a balanced menu.

Basic principles of protein-carbohydrate alternation

The protein-carbohydrate alternation diet has one main task- force the body to burn fat without using muscle mass as energy fuel. To give him this opportunity, you need to alternate days with high protein intake, carbohydrate and mixed days.

The principle of action of BEACH is as follows: during the first two days (protein days), the body does not receive enough carbohydrates, which are important for maintaining tone and giving strength to a person.

This diet by the end of the second day almost completely uses glycogen - the energy reserve of the body.

Regardless of the pleasant result, it is impossible to continue to eat only proteins, since the stress received by the body can contribute to the transition from burning fat to breaking down muscle mass.

To avoid such a development of events, a day with a high intake of carbohydrates is included in the protein-carbohydrate alternation diet.

During the carbohydrate day of the BUCH diet, due to the replenishment of glycogen stores, the body does not lack energy, therefore it continues to burn fat mass.

The result of the first two days of the diet is weight loss from half to one kilogram, during the third day the fat burning process continues.

By the end of the mixed day, the pounds come back to a large extent, but these are not newly gained fats, but water that carbohydrates bind.

When the cycle repeats, already by the second protein day of the diet, the weight will return to the indicator observed in the middle of the previous cycle (before consuming carbohydrates in large quantities).

You should stick to the diet for no more than two months, although some nutritionists recommend not doing cyclic repetitions for longer than twenty-eight days.

You need to eat fractionally - about five times a day to improve metabolic processes. Scheme of the contrast diet BEACH:

  • Day 1-2. Protein intake in the amount of 3-4 grams per kilogram of the weight you are aiming for. For example, for the desired 55 kilograms, you need to eat 3 * 55 grams of protein (165). You also need to limit total mass consumed carbohydrates up to 25 grams for two days, and fats - up to 25-30 grams.
  • Day 3. Protein consumption is sharply reduced to one and a half grams per kilogram, and carbohydrate mass increases to 6 grams per kg of desired weight, the calorie content of the previous days is preserved.
  • Day 4. Approximately equal amounts of proteins (up to 2.5 grams) and carbohydrates (up to 3 grams) are consumed. You can not eat more than thirty grams of fat per day.

There are many variations of the protein-carbohydrate alternation, in addition to the four-day cycle described above. Other popular diet options:

  1. 2 days of protein 2 days of carbohydrate replenishment;
  2. 2 protein days 1 with carbohydrates;
  3. 3 no carb days 1 carb one mixed;
  4. 2 protein 2 carbohydrate 2 medium.

In some cases, the diet plan is selected individually by dietitians.

The BEACH diet is highly effective on its own, especially for people suffering from significant weight loss, but for those who want to lose a relatively small amount. extra pounds, it is better to combine protein-carbohydrate alternation with physical activity.

It is recommended to train during the first two days, when the mechanisms of intensive fat burning begin to start, and the amount of glycogen in the body is low. It will be extremely effective to engage with a skipping rope, to do strength exercises.

If heat treatment is necessary for the preparation of a meal, it is better to steam or in the oven, avoiding frying. Also, if you follow a diet, you need to drink at least half a liter of clean filtered water per day.

Below is a list of foods that are ideal for BUCH.

As part of this technique, it is necessary to alternate protein days with days during which predominantly carbohydrate foods are consumed. How does it all work? First, the body gets rid of glycogen, then it begins to burn fat cells, and then gets used to the feeling of slight hunger. And at the same time, it does not lay anything on the sides or stomach in reserve.

Here is a special nutrition scheme that guarantees excellent results.

Protein-carbohydrate diet divided into stages of four days. On the first and second day you need to lean on protein foods. The ideal dose is three to four grams per kilogram of body weight. At the same time, you need to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates (half a gram per kilogram is allowed).

During the third day, on the contrary, you need to focus on carbohydrate foods. During this period, you need to eat 5-6 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram. Proteins should be much less: up to one and a half grams per kilogram of weight.

During the fourth day, it is recommended to consume carbohydrates and proteins in approximately equal amounts. The amount of protein can range from two to two and a half grams per kilo. And carbohydrates - from two to those grams per kilogram of weight.

How to find out how much necessary elements contained in food? In this case, a special table of products will help you.

After four days of such nutrition, you can lose up to a kilogram. It is worth noting that the weight will not go away immediately, but two days after the end of the first stage.

Carbohydrate-protein diet: Features of nutrition.

To lose weight using this scheme, during protein days, you should not ignore the calorie content of foods. It is necessary to prefer low-fat food. It is allowed to use fat-free cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, lean meat, pine nuts, almonds. When fats cease to enter the body in large quantities, the body will begin to burn all that is superfluous - accordingly, the process of losing weight starts.

Correct calculation is a guarantee of success. Do not consume more protein than you need. To find out your ideal dose, multiply your weight by three. This figure in grams is the same daily rate. If you have too many extra pounds, take as a basis the indicator that you are confidently striving for. But at the same time, remember that you should not take more than ten kilograms.

On carb day, eat foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates. Eat a variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits, whole grain pasta from durum wheat. What kind of carbohydrates are contained in the products, shows the table of the glycemic index. The numbers in it speak about the usefulness of the products. The higher the score, the more useless the food. On this diet, give preference to food, the glycemic index of which is as low as possible.

During the day, which is called combined, that is, it involves the use of almost the same amount of proteins and carbohydrates, also try to eat right. Eat carbs for breakfast, protein and carbs for lunch, and focus mostly on protein in the evenings. The total calorie content of meals should be somewhere around 1200 calories. Not more.

Advantages of protein-carbohydrate alternation.

This diet was developed by Jason Hunter. An American nutritionist proposed a sparing nutrition system for a smooth, measured and safe weight loss. This technique does have many advantages.

  • No one wants to feel tired and depressed in the process of losing weight. This diet will not take away your strength. Even vice versa. You will feel a charge of vivacity, a surge of energy.
  • Following the proposed diet plan, you will gradually begin to lose kilograms. It is much more useful than sudden weight loss.
  • Protein-carbohydrate alternation promotes fat burning. Weight is reduced precisely because of this, and not due to the fact that fluid is excreted from the body.
  • The results obtained during the diet will not disappear when you return to your normal diet.
  • As part of the diet, you can develop yourself.
  • The food offered is quite satisfying. In the process of losing weight, you will not be tormented by the feeling of hunger.
  • The condition of your nails and hair will not worsen, because the body will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • During carbohydrate days, the brain receives the amount of glucose necessary for productive functioning.
  • Diet welcomes physical exercise. Professional athletes often choose this way of eating.
  • After a month of dieting, the habit of eating right appears. The desire to have a snack with a piece of cake or cookies disappears.

Protein-carbohydrate diet: Cons.

No matter how effective the diet is, it cannot suit absolutely everyone. Before alternating proteins with carbohydrates, read the cons of this diet. In some cases, changing your diet can have a negative impact on your health.

People with problems are at risk gastrointestinal tract. Due to the large amount of protein foods, digestive problems sometimes begin.

For the same reason, an unpleasant odor may appear in the mouth.

After three months of dieting, the weight usually stops. This diet plan is not suitable for obese people. In this case, a more rigid diet is needed.

In restaurants and at a party, it is difficult to calculate the amount of proteins and carbohydrates in dishes.

Even those who do not like sports need to exercise regularly. This is necessary to speed up the metabolic process. Without physical activity, it will be difficult for the body to cope with heavy proteins.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation: menu by day.

The diet menu is quite varied. It involves the use of lean meat, fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals. In the process of losing weight, it is important to drink eight glasses of still water daily, perform at least simple exercises and keep the spirit up. According to the author of the diet, good mood leads to better results. According to the proposed method, you can eat as follows.

First and second day of the cycle. Protein days.

  • Eat low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast, drink unsweetened green tea.
  • After an hour, eat an omelet (use two eggs).
  • Dine on lean, steamed fish. Perfect for tuna, cod, pike perch, dorado. If you really want to, eat a fresh cucumber.
  • For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of yogurt with a low percentage of fat content.
  • For dinner, boil beef.
  • At night, drink low-fat kefir.

third day of the cycle. Carbohydrate days.

  • Breakfast muesli with your favorite dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, dates are very useful).
  • Snack on an apple or a couple of apricots.
  • Dine on rice with mushrooms, make a vegetable salad with a dash of olive oil, eat a slice of rye bread.
  • After a few hours, eat two loaves. Drink a glass of natural low-fat yogurt.
  • For dinner, bake fish in foil, make a salad of green leafy vegetables (arugula, cabbage, watercress, and so on), add fiber-rich flax seeds to the ingredients. You can also grill bananas.
  • Before going to bed, do not forget to drink low-fat kefir.

fourth day of the cycle. Protein-carb days.

  • Eat oatmeal with dried fruits for breakfast, drink a glass of low-fat yogurt. Snack on a green apple.
  • Dine on stew, buckwheat is suitable as a side dish.
  • In the afternoon, drink a glass of kefir, eat a spoonful of honey.
  • For dinner, make lentil porridge, bake fish in the oven, or make a warm turkey salad.
  • Drink a glass of low-fat yogurt at night.

The optimal duration of this diet is 30 days. If you follow all the recommendations, you can lose about seven kilograms in a month. People with significant overweight can drop even more.

How much you need to observe such a regimen for you, check with a specialist. The doctor will take into account the peculiarities of your health and offer a win-win menu option.

Interesting and simple recipes.

On a protein-carbohydrate diet, you can give free rein to your imagination and cook something special at least once a week, and not just buckwheat or boiled brisket. To your attention are recipes that diversify your diet during weight loss.

Dorado baked in the oven. Suitable for protein days.


  • 1 dorado.
  • 1 small lemon
  • A teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • White pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a thoroughly washed fish, clean it. Rinse again under water, leave to dry on a thick paper towel.
  2. Cut off a wide sheet of foil. Drop a small amount of olive oil on it. Place dorado on foil, season to taste, rub with remaining olive oil.
  3. Squeeze one half of the lemon over the fish. Cut the second into small pieces, stuff them with dorado.
  4. Wrap the fish completely in foil. Bake for about 20 minutes.

Grilled bananas. The dish is suitable for carbohydrate days.


  • 4 bananas.
  • A teaspoon of honey.
  • Walnuts.
  • Cooking method:
  1. Preheat the grill. Wash bananas, cut lengthwise. Lubricate the part without peel with honey, sprinkle with a small amount of chopped walnuts.
  2. Place bananas on a wire rack, cook for half an hour.

Warm salad with turkey. Suitable for combined days.


  • Turkey breast.
  • 5 cherry tomatoes.
  • 2 cucumbers.
  • 1 sweet pepper.
  • A bunch of watercress.
  • 100 g of asparagus.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Greenery.
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the turkey into pieces, fry in olive oil along with asparagus, add spices to taste.
  2. Add slices of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers to the salad bowl.
  3. Chop the watercress, chop the greens. Send to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Add turkey with asparagus to bowl.
  5. Stir, season with the remaining olive oil.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation (BUCH) Anna

Protein-Carbohydrate Rotation Rating



Variety of products

Total: The diet allows you to gradually lose from 3 to 6 kg. Duration no more than 1 month. Pros: the diet is varied in products, not very long, quite easily tolerated. Cons: not suitable for people who want to lose more than 10 kg, you can’t sit on it for a long time. There are contraindications.

3.7 Good effective diet

The BEACH diet (or protein-carbohydrate alternation) is especially popular with athletes and bodybuilders. The fact is that when eating according to the diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation, it takes only excess weight, muscle mass while not suffering. In other words, the fat goes away - the muscles stay.

Since proteins are the main building material for cells, and carbohydrates are the energy of the body, these properties of organic substances professional athletes and used in food. However, protein also has another function besides construction. It acts as an additional source of nutrition, along with carbohydrates. The liver is responsible for the accumulation of energy reserves from protein, which converts its excess into body fat.

It is these features of the body that are taken into account when creating protein nutrition for bodybuilders and bodybuilders.

The essence of the alternation is to create a stressful situation when the lack of glucose in the body is replenished from fat reserves. But the release of glucose is not due to physical activity, although this is the main source of energy expenditure. A special diet based on the alternating use of proteins and carbohydrates guarantees a loss of 10-15 kilograms of weight per month. Protein-carbohydrate alternation is a kind of striped diet, as it also involves a cyclical diet.

The standard diet plan consists of several cycles, each of which includes 4 diet days of various nutritional values:

1st day - protein,

2nd day - protein,

3rd day - carbohydrate,

Day 4 - mixed, or unloading, - close to the usual daily menu, but with restrictions in the range of products.

The number of such cycles depends on the weight that you consider superfluous.

BEACH Diet Rules

Compliance with certain rules of any diet guarantees the greatest effectiveness, so it is not recommended to deviate from them. The protein-carbohydrate alternation diet is no exception.

  1. It is necessary to abandon spices that provoke appetite and water retention in the body: pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, sugar and salt.
  2. Minimize the amount of carbonated drinks as much as possible, and it is better to refuse them altogether, especially sweet and containing dyes.
  3. Packaged juices are recommended to be replaced with natural ones.
  4. The lack of smoked and fried meats will only have a positive effect on the result, so try to limit their use, or refrain from dieting.
  5. The daily volume of food must be divided into 5 parts and "reinforced" every 2.5 - 3 hours. Important: if you are not hungry at the time of the next meal, skip it, but do not add to the next serving.
  6. The amount of liquid per day is 1.5 - 2 liters. At active way life volume can be increased to 2.5 liters.


A woman's desire to have ideal weight and being beautiful is understandable, but it should not be at the expense of health. Do not use this diet if you have chronic diseases:

  • stomach,
  • pancreas,
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart and cardiovascular system;
  • liver.

Also, this diet is not recommended for people with severe obesity. This is explained by the fact that even two months of the diet is not enough to lose a large amount of excess weight, and the increased duration of the course can affect health, exacerbating latent chronic diseases. For people with similar problems, it is better to choose a longer and effective method lose weight.

Remember that any diet is stressful for the body, even a healthy one, so it would be wise to consult a doctor before embarking on self-improvement.

Menu for protein-carbohydrate alternation

Knowing the features of the formation of fat cells, you can control this process. Moreover, get rid of reserves by alternating protein and carbohydrate foods, and using the body's fat reserves.

Protein days

The 1st and 2nd days are designed to use the carbohydrate reserve to its full capacity. These days, the daily rate of carbohydrates must be reduced by 80 - 90%, while increasing the proportion of proteins. The daily protein requirement for an adult is calculated based on body weight multiplied by 0.8 g.

The amount of proteins and carbohydrates for the BEACH diet

  • The norm of proteins in grams is your weight multiplied by 2-3
  • The norm of carbohydrates - weight multiplied by 0.5

    To simplify the calculations, we present a table that indicates the content of proteins and carbohydrates per 100 g of the product. This will help you choose the right products and their optimal number.

Table of proteins and carbohydrates

Product Kcal per 100 gr Proteins, gr Fat, gr Carbohydrates, gr
Green peas73 5 0,2 12,8
Zucchini23 0,6 0,3 4,9
White cabbage27 1,8 0,1 4,7
Brussels sprouts43 4,8 0 5,9
kohlrabi cabbage42 2,8 0 7,9
red cabbage24 0,8 0 5,2
Cabbage16 1,2 0,2 2,2
Potato80 2 0,4 16,3
Onion41 1,4 0 9,1
Carrot34 1,3 0,1 7,2
cucumbers14 0,8 0,1 2,6
Squash19 0,6 0,1 4,1
Pepper green26 1,3 0 5,3
red sweet pepper27 1,3 0 5,3
Beet42 1,5 0,1 9,1
Tomatoes23 1,1 0,2 3,8
Beans31 3 0,3 3
Fish and seafood
Pink salmon168 22,9 7,8 -
Catfish114 15,5 5,8 -
Carp125 19,4 5,3 -
Bream126 20,9 4,7 -
Pollock79 17,6 1 -
Burbot92 21,4 0,7 -
Zander97 21,3 1,3 -
Cod78 17,8 0,7 -
Pike97 21,3 1,3 -
Mackerel211 19,6 14,7 -
Meat, Meat products
Beef254 25,8 16,8 -
Goulash175 12,3 12,2 3,9
Rabbit204 24,6 11,7 -
Mutton243 22 17,2 -
Pork375 22,6 51,6 -
beef tongue146 12,2 10,9 -
Ham279 22,6 20,9 -
Raw smoked brisket605 8,9 63,3 -
Bacon520 15,3 50,2 -
Duck248 19,7 18,8 -
Turkey195 25,3 10,4 -
Chicken170 25,2 7,4 -
chicken cutlets206 18 8 15,2
Milk, Dairy products, Eggs
Skimmed milk31 3 0,05 4,7
Milk 1.5% fat44 2,85 1,5 4,78
Milk 2.5% fat52 2,82 2,5 4,73
Milk 3.2% fat58 2,8 3,2 4,7
Milk 3.5% fat61 2,79 3,5 4,69
Milk 6% fat84 3 6 4,7
Kefir low fat30 3 0,05 3,8
Kefir 2.5% fat53 2,9 2,5 3,9
Kefir fat56 2,8 3,2 4,1
Yoghurt 1.5% fat51 5 1,5 3,5
Yoghurt 3.2% fat85 5 3,2 8,5
The cheese is non-greasy.88 18 0,6 1,8
Cottage cheese 2% fat.115 17 2 1,5
Cottage cheese 18% fat.232 14 18 2,8
Raw chicken eggs157 12,7 11,5 0,7
Soft-boiled chicken eggs159 12,8 11,6 0,8
Hard boiled chicken eggs160 12,9 11,6 0,8
Fruits and berries
Apricot44 0,9 0,1 9
Orange40 0,9 0,2 8,1
Watermelon38 0,7 0,2 8,8
Banana89 1,5 0,1 21,2
Grape65 0,6 0,2 15,5
Mandarin40 0,8 0,3 8,1
Peach44 0,9 0,1 10,5
Grapefruit35 0,9 0,2 6,5
Pomegranate52 0,9 0 11,2
Lemon33 0,9 0,1 3
figs238 3,1 1,2 53,2
dried peaches227 3 0 54,2
dried plum242 2,3 0 58,4
Dried dates306 2 0,5 72,3
Dried rosehip110 3,4 0 21,5
Dried apples259 2,28 0 60,3

The full product table can be downloaded below:

Sample menu for protein days

carb days

The 3rd day makes up for carbohydrate losses, so the amount of protein is limited, and, on the contrary, more carbohydrates are consumed.

Sample menu for carbohydrate days:

mixed day

The 4th day balances the balance of proteins and carbohydrates, and brings their amount closer to the usual norm.

On the last day of the cycle, you can return to the usual menu, but you should exclude the usual excesses - sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, smoked meats.

The duration of the protein-carbohydrate alternation

Since the opinions of nutritionists and those who have lost weight with this diet differ, when determining the duration, be guided by reason, and not just by the numbers on the scale. Relatively safe for the body diet, lasting 1 month.

If you feel great, but the desired weight is not reached, the diet can be extended for another month. After, in any case, take a break. Remember that your diet is a constant stress for the body, so give it a break, even if you don’t get the desired result.

In general, the number of cycles is purely individual, so “feel yourself” and lose weight!

Pros and cons of the BEACH diet

Disadvantages of the diet:
  1. The lack of carbohydrates leads to mental fatigue, so the diet is not recommended for people whose professional activities are associated with a high concentration of attention.
  2. The weight is gone for a long time.
  3. With a prolonged course (more than 1 month), there is a high risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers and gastritis.
  4. Since protein intake is elevated during the first days of the cycle, nausea and unpleasant taste sensations may occur.
  5. Proteins, by themselves, are difficult to digest, so physical activity will be an excellent help to the body, speeding up the metabolism due to the expenditure of energy.
Benefits of alternation:
  1. The achieved weight is fixed for a long time, of course, if you do not start to over-absorb buns and sweets.
  2. The diet can be considered quite balanced, since the supply of energy reserves is provided, albeit in an unusual mode for the body.
  3. There is no constant feeling of hunger, which is characterized by strict mono-diets.
  4. No physical deterioration observed general condition: drowsiness, fatigue, irritability. This is due to a sufficient amount of substances entering the body.
  5. The diet affects the appearance extremely positively: hair does not split, nails do not break, and excess weight goes away and does not return. This distinguishes the protein-carbohydrate alternation diet from many others.
  6. The average duration of this diet is such that by the end of the alternation of the diet, the body adapts to the nutrition system so much that it will not be difficult for you to continue to follow correct menu while allowing for variety in food.