Shuffle and dry wine. Cheese diets: losing weight with benefit

The diet, which was compiled by Kim Protasov, has become a real revolution in the world diet food... The diet is a healthy, balanced diet based on fresh, raw vegetables and protein foods... For several years of its existence, the diet has become one of the most popular, due to its effectiveness and ease of use. System healthy eating Kim Protasova has practically no contraindications and always brings amazing results.

Protasov's diet: recipes

Food according to the system of Dr. Protasov, includes a large amount of fresh vegetables and protein products. A diet that lasts seven weeks helps not only to lose weight, but also to improve metabolism and heal the body. Protasov's diet: recipes are the simplest dishes based on fresh vegetables. Such dishes can be various vegetable salads, juices and even vegetable sandwiches.

Effective protasov's diet: recipes - for the first two weeks it will be possible to eat any vegetable products without adding fat and oil dressings, in the second half of the diet it will be possible to add boiled meat and fish products - boiled chicken fillet, fish baked with cheese.

This diet was first compiled in 1999 and immediately became interesting for people with problems with overweight... The amazing diet has become the most popular due to its unique weight loss scheme - there are practically no restrictions during the diet, you can eat as much as you want and whenever you want. To make the diet more effective, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. For people with kidney problems and cardiovascular system diet is also allowed, but you need to reduce the amount of fluid consumed.

Protasov's diet: reviews of those who have lost weight

Kim Protasov's diet has practically no contraindications, with the exception of people who have food allergies to dairy products. Due to the fact that the diet is so democratic and universal that it suits any people, it has become very popular. All who have used the Protasov diet have noted amazing results. Depending on the initial weight, by the end of the seventh week, everyone had observed enough effective reduction weight. This diet is the only one that is not built on prohibitions and refusals to eat, therefore it has earned hundreds of positive reviews.

Citrus fruits and tangerines on protasov's diet

While adhering to the diet, you can eat all fresh vegetables and some fruits. Sugar on the diet should be eliminated. If you are very fond of tangerines, you can eat one or two wedges or drink half a glass of natural juice, but more is undesirable. While losing weight, it is undesirable to eat very high-calorie foods and those that can cause allergies.

Protasov's diet and alcohol

If you are going to improve your health and put your figure in order with the help of a healthy eating system, it is advisable for you to give up alcohol. Since it is undesirable to consume bread and sugar on a diet, alcoholic beverages should also be avoided - beer, vodka, wine and others. If you really feel like it, in the second half of the diet, you can pamper yourself with a slice of cheese and a glass of dry wine.

Diet of Kim Protasov: diet for winter

Of course, this diet can be followed at any time of the year, however, you can afford to eat the largest amount of fresh vegetables in the summer and autumn seasons. It is best to start your diet during these periods. V winter time most fresh vegetables go to stores and greenhouses and greenhouses, so at this time it is better to skip starting the diet.

It must be remembered that the basis of the nutrition system according to Kim Protasov is a large consumption of fresh vegetables. If you live in a warm climatic zone where fresh vegetables are available all year round, you can try this diet in the winter season. Basically - winter vegetables are grown in greenhouses, so there are much less useful trace elements in them than in ground ones.

The best way to lose weight: Dr. protasov's diet

The diet, which was compiled by Dr. Kim Protasov, first appeared in 1999. Using this diet allows you to remove excess fat and achieve improvement general condition health. The diet is seven weeks long and allows many foods to be consumed at any time and in any quantity. Sticking to a diet, you need to give up sugar, starch-containing foods and alcohol.

Sour milk diet of kim protasov

The diet is based on a large intake of fresh vegetables and dairy products. During the period of weight loss on Kim Protasov's diet - for 35 days, all fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt become the basis of the diet. The only contraindication to the diet is an allergy to fermented milk products, since they cannot be excluded from the diet.

Protasov's diet: cons

The only drawback of Dr. Protasov's diet is that it cannot be continued for more than 35 days. This course is so easy to carry and produces great results that many women want to continue to eat according to this system. It is possible to repeat Kim Protasov's diet, however, you must first arrange for the body to rest. For the best effect of the diet, be sure to follow correct exit from the diet.

One of the diets, which has collected a large number of positive reviews of people who have tried it on themselves, is the diet of Kim Protasov, popularly referred to as "shuffle". Kim Protasov's diet is designed for a fairly long time - 5 weeks. And for the entire period of its use, it is supposed to exclude animal fats, flour products and desserts from food; vegetables in any quantity and fermented milk products are allowed.

A product such as alcohol is also strictly prohibited in the case of “shuffling”. And there is nothing surprising in this: any alcoholic drinks will be superfluous with any diet; Kim Protasov's diet in this case is no exception.

"Shuffle" refers to low-carbohydrate diets, because it involves the exclusion from the diet of all foods with which empty carbohydrates enter the body. For this reason, sugar in Kim Protasov's diet is also prohibited - this product is the first source of "harmful" carbohydrates that contribute to rapid weight gain. Those who are sitting on the "shuffle" are not allowed to add sugar to tea and coffee, despite the fact that these drinks can be consumed. Alcohol, in turn, can qualify as a "receptacle" of these very empty carbohydrates, which over time are stored in the body in the form of fat. For example, 20 grams of cognac drunk during Kim Protasov's diet supply the body with 49 kilocalories, 100 grams of dry champagne will provide 85 kilocalories, and red wine will "give" the body an average of 93 kilocalories. There is no need to talk about a variety of liqueurs, cocktails, fortified wine, vodka: these drinks entirely consist of one kilocalorie. So, 100 grams of liqueur contains 336 kilocalories, the same amount of a cocktail - from 250 kilocalories, vodka - about 200 kilocalories. What is the effect of the diet, then, can we talk if, while eating some vegetables and kefir, the "starving" in parallel loads the body with the help of alcoholic beverages with a huge amount of empty carbohydrates, which will eventually respond with fat deposits?

Another insidious property of alcohol is its ability to whet your appetite. According to those who have experienced the "shuffle" on themselves, the first days of this diet are extremely "hungry". Two weeks from the beginning of Kim Protasov's diet, it is allowed to eat only raw vegetables and unsweetened dairy products of 5% fat content. Despite the fact that you can eat in any quantity and at any time of the day, until the body gets used to this diet, the feeling of hunger is still present. Alcohol, on the other hand, getting into the stomach, irritates the mucous membrane and provokes the secretion of gastric juice, as a result of which hunger increases even more. And it is unlikely that there is an opportunity to escape from it with the help of vegetable salads or low-fat kefir. And therefore, it is more rational, in order to avoid unpleasant sensations, it is better not to provoke hunger: for this you just need to exclude alcohol from the diet during the application of Kim Protasov's diet.

Well, and to be quite frank, it is worth noting that in the absence of fatty and dense food in the diet, alcohol gets into the bloodstream and "intoxicates" much more than when it is consumed. Thus, even a glass of wine can be a catalyst for heavy intoxication for a dieter. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person is capable of unforeseen actions, including a "breakdown" from the diet. In addition, it is generally known that the next day after alcohol intoxication, the body will punish the drunk in full: here you and, and, and dizziness, and pain in the eyes and joints. All these unpleasant symptoms are automatically excluded with the exclusion of alcoholic beverages by a person who adheres to the "shuffle".

Today, Kim Protasov's diet is a kind of synonym for healthy, but, at the same time, fast weight loss... For the reputation of this program, it seems like a medical origin. According to legend, Kim Protasov was an Israeli doctor, and he came up with a five-week program just so that his compatriots - famous, by the way, lovers of dairy products - could lose weight without suffering. True, a banal Internet search does not allow us to get either the address of the Protasov clinic, or more or less official biography our hero. The conclusion, as they say, suggests itself. But who is stopping the dubious origins of the diet these days?

Kim Protasov's diet menu

The weight loss program is divided into 5 weeks and is strictly followed. The rules are simple:

  • you can eat as many permitted products as you want. That is, in any quantity sufficient for saturation, even in a basin, even a kilogram at a time;
  • the basis of the diet is low-fat dairy products, no more than 5% fat in the finished dish and any raw vegetables. That is, cheeses like ricotta are allowed, but "Poshekhonsky" is no longer, since it contains more than 5 g of fat per 100 g of cheese. Regarding vegetables, let him own you common sense... Do you have enough intelligence to gnaw raw potatoes and eggplants? Everything that, in the normal sense, goes into a fresh salad, goes into "shuffle";
  • during the dietary cycle, you are allowed to add some products to the basic vegetable and dairy menu;
  • you can eat at night, eat right after waking up - you can also eat, not only is it possible, but also necessary. Milk restores microflora and saturates with proteins, vegetables provide fiber necessary for satiety, and vitamins with minerals. Focus on your usual eating routine, and do not force the body with all sorts of "do not eat after 4, 5, 6" or "do not eat immediately after waking up;
  • you can only drink coffee, tea without sugar and clean water... Diet cola, any soda, as well as "healthy" dry wines - for a feast after a diet, and better - for room decor;
  • well, and sugar, of course, leave your non-thin boss, or a colleague. No sweetening diets, no diabetic cookies, and no shuffle foods at all.
  • Basic List of Diet Foods:

    • Ricotta, low-fat mozzarella (look at Auchan, Lenta and Karusel), homemade cheese (available at Domik v Derevne and Svali) no fatter than 5%;
    • Grain and ordinary cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5%, and it is better not zero, but 2-5%;
    • one egg a day, boiled or soft-boiled;
    • yoghurts, including Greek ones (follow the information on the packaging, if the product contains sugar and starch, or homogenizers, it will not suit you);
    • kefir, fermented baked milk, varenets, yogurt and other dairy products of the "Russian table";
    • Any green salad vegetables that don't need to be boiled
    • tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, fresh young zucchini, fresh young peas, green beans, but not frozen, but straight from the garden;
    • three medium-sized green apples a day (better than Granny).

    For the first 2 weeks, you only get by with basic foods. And eggs and apples are included in the diet for a change, so if you don't like them, you can only eat occasionally.

    From 3 to 5 weeks, you can add 300 g of lean meat, chicken or turkey breast, fish to the diet. The original says that you can fry protein products in olive oil, while on the Web there are more supporters of cooking meat in a double boiler or grill. Meat / fish is added by reducing the proportion of milk, but not vegetables. That is, you will replace 1-2 servings of cottage cheese or yogurt with meat or fish, and you will eat salads as before.

    An example menu might look like this:

    • In the morning: a glass of water, after 20 minutes a cup of coffee, 120 g of cottage cheese and 1 bell pepper.
    • Second breakfast: 1 egg, 1 apple.
    • Dinner: vegetable salad seasoned with yogurt and sea salt, 100-200 g of allowed cheese or cottage cheese.
    • Snack: a glass of kefir and an apple.
    • Dinner: vegetable salad or cold vegetable soup. You can fill with fermented milk products.

    The shuffle menu is very flexible, you can create your own version.

    Diet recipes


    • 2 large tomatoes, cut into "washers", this will serve as "bread". Grind 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese with sea salt, black pepper and a tablespoon of yogurt, add half a teaspoon of mustard, and fresh basil, mashed in a mortar. Put the curd mass on the tomatoes, sprinkle with herbs;
    • Cut 2 large bell peppers lengthwise, peel off the seeds to make "boats". Mash 1 tomato, 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 clove of garlic, dill in a wooden mortar, stuff;
    • Cut the cucumber into "dies" - along the vegetable to make long, but rather flat pieces. Mash a boiled egg with green onions, a tablespoon of yogurt, dill into a homogeneous paste. Place gently on top of the vegetable.


    • 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 bunch of dill, chop with a blender, add salt and natural yogurt to taste;
    • Cut 1 young beetroot into cubes. Grind a bunch of stalk celery together with 2-3 juicy tomatoes in a blender. Add yogurt to taste to the "broth", pour in the beets;
    • in 1 liter of kefir add 2 finely chopped cucumbers, 1 egg, a bunch of dill pounded with sea salt, green onions and radishes to taste.
    • Remember that some are sitting on a shuffle completely without salt, while others limit it to 3-5 g per day, and others replace it with powdered fucus algae, which can be bought at a pharmacy.


      • "Pasta". Chop 2 large tomatoes in a blender with a bunch of basil and a clove of garlic. Grate the zucchini for the Korean carrots to form the "pasta stripes". Season with grained cottage cheese to taste, and tomato mixture.
      • "Cabbage and cheese salad". Cottage cheese 0% with 2 tablespoons of kefir, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1 raw egg, grind in a saucepan, heat in a water bath, and continue heating until it thickens. At the end, add a mixture of "Provencal herbs", or any other variant of seasonings. Cut the young cabbage into strips, add grated carrots if desired, mix with the "cheese".
      • "Spring". Chop the cucumbers and radishes. Mix 200 g of Greek yogurt with 1 teaspoon of mustard powder and 1 teaspoon of dried oregano. You can add black ground pepper. Season vegetables.

      The results of the diet of Kim Protasov

      From the positive on this diet, you can achieve:

      • decrease in body weight by 3-6 kg;
      • getting rid of cravings for sweets and pastries, stabilizing blood sugar levels, reducing the desire to snack on unsuitable food;
      • accelerating digestion, getting rid of constipation and edema;
      • the development of a healthy habit is not "by calories" or "on schedule", but by appetite.

      However, the results are discouraging for some people - feeling unwell due to a lack of complex carbohydrates in the diet, low energy levels, upset stomach due to the abundance of raw vegetables. Some people manage to eat so much that they do not lose weight. Others go to extremes and eat almost nothing. Meat eaters are experiencing a real withdrawal, and almost everyone must take iron and B12 supplements to compensate for their deficiency in the diet. In general, "shuffle" is an unbalanced diet, and the health consequences may not be all that positive. Consult your doctor regarding the vitamin and mineral complex!

      Important: before starting a diet of Kim Protasov, consult your doctor.

      Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

It was first published in 1999 in the Russian Israeli newspaper. Whether there is such a nutritionist or is it the name of the journalist who published the Protasovka for the first time - no one knows. But in six years, the diet entered the top twenty popular nutritional systems that have received good review from the slimming fraternity. I first heard about it three years ago, decided to try it - and since then it has been my favorite diet.

Type of: .
Duration - 5 weeks.
Regularity: no more than once a year.
Result: from 5 to 15 kg. Is really leaving excess weight, the body itself determines how much.
The best time years for "dieting": spring, autumn - due to the abundance of vegetables.

The metabolism is normalized (in fact, it is the main objective, and the weight goes away along the way).
The condition of the skin improves.
For some, cellulite "dissolves".
It’s not so much the kilograms that go away, but the volume of the body.

The first and second weeks: only raw vegetables and unsweetened dairy products of 5% fat content (less, but not more) - cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir in any quantity! One boiled egg and 3 green apples are the norm for the day. You can eat at any time of the day!

The third, fourth and fifth weeks: the amount of fermented milk products is reduced and 300 g of lean meat (beef, chicken, veal, fish) are added. Eggs and apples, as well as greens in unlimited quantities and at any time of the day remain. Kilograms begin to melt after the introduction of meat, from the third week.

1. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water every day.

2. Salt and alcohol are prohibited.

3. Be sure to take vitamins.

On the 6-7th day, the feeling comes: you can move mountains! Protasov warns of such an effect, but does not provide a rational explanation.

During the diet, you experience elation, not depression and dislike of the world. There is no feeling of hunger. Generally. Sometimes you have to overeat on purpose so that the body does not slow down its metabolism due to the small amount of food.

Craving for sweets disappears. Taste preferences change. My personal temptation has always been apples: I could eat 3 kg at a time, and then persuade myself to be patient and not fall into fourth. Sitting down on a shuffle that resolves three apples, I felt that even this passion was gone. Three so three.

You cannot violate the conditions of the diet. And we do not violate - we are looking for a compromise! Some "testers" allowed themselves a glass of wine (if there was a holiday), others - low-fat, but sweet yogurt, the third sometimes abused eggs and apples, the fourth drank coffee with low-fat milk. I ate ordinary Dutch cheese 45 \% - percentage of fat - a little, with coffee. Salads seasoned soy sauce: it is light but salty. The main thing is a sense of proportion.

Many are starting to freeze. Apparently, this is how the body reacts to the raw "filling": a lot of energy is spent on warming food. At first, it is really a bit uncomfortable to do without hot food. And this is another reason to go on the Protasov diet in the spring, when it is easier to warm up with tea, a sweater and the first sun.

The weight has stopped! In five weeks, every woman will face critical days... The weight suddenly stops or even increases. No need to panic: during menstruation, weight can be added up to 3 kg, this is the accumulated fluid, it will go away.

Fear: "Aren't I eating a lot?" When meat is introduced into the diet in the third week, you involuntarily begin to slow down your appetite, fearing that the body will begin to accumulate fat, taking advantage of the moment. Protasov claims that the melting of extra pounds begins precisely from the third week (for some, from the fifth - this is individual). Fats from cheeses and yoghurts are slightly reduced, meat is lean, and in general competent weight loss without fat it is dangerous to health.

Stool problems. It would seem, why? After all, the abundance of fiber in plant foods, on the contrary, should stimulate the intestines. Fiber is okay - you need to drink water.

If you are not in the habit of drinking 2 liters of water, then it is difficult to get used to it, but it is necessary. A half-liter bottle for Mangali water with a mark on the Sport label is very helpful. The travel lid is very convenient: the bottle is easy to carry with you, sip from time to time and not be afraid to spill water. Can be dripped into water for a lemon juice flavor.

Terribly hungry for bread. But not immediately - at 4-5 weeks.

Not everyone lost weight. Negative responses were rare, but they were, and it's worth knowing about it. If restrictions are given painfully, then this is not your diet. There are many power supply systems, you can always choose the optimal one.

Introduce vegetable fats into your diet. Replace some of the dairy products (not all!) With low-fat (0.5-1% fat) and add a little sunflower oil as a salad dressing to compensate. Oil rate per day = 15 g (3 tsp)

Count all fats! Total "daily" fats (vegetable and animal) no more than 30-35 g. For example: in the yolk 4-6 g of fat, in three olives and three large tonsils, 1.5 g each.

Replace two out of three apples with other fruits (except bananas, mangoes, and dried dates).

Add porridge to breakfast, preferably rolled oats. Serving size - 250 g.

Gradually increase the amount of meat and fish.

It is not necessary to introduce changes immediately, but at a rate of 3-5 days for each addition to the menu.

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