How can I get extra points for the exam. Universities will give additional points for music schools and sports achievements

The TRP system is being introduced in Russia seriously and for a long time. And although the fulfillment of the standards is voluntary, from this year the TRP badge gives points for admission to the country's universities. This means that an applicant who has earned a gold or silver badge has an advantage in the competition. Let's figure it out: how are the TRP and the USE connected, how many points does the TRP badge add to the USE? The question is urgent, because it was on the twentieth of February that a campaign for passing the TRP for schoolchildren began in the country.

How the TRP was revived

The Soviet TRP complex ("ready for work and defense") was revived by presidential decree in 2014. The goal is to improve the health of citizens, to encourage physical education and sports. According to the plan, schoolchildren will first pass the standards, then adult citizens.

However, the reforms stalled very quickly. The fact is that among schoolchildren, only a few began to pass the TRP, not seeing any practical meaning in these badges. For this reason, a proposal appeared in the government: "But shouldn't the TRP standards add points to the USE?" The TRP, as you know, has three degrees: gold, silver and bronze. Gold and silver badges now provide additional points for university admission.

TRP standards for universities in 2015

In 2015, as an experiment, schoolchildren began to take the TRP in 12 "pilot" regions. TRP badges - silver and gold - began to be taken into account when entering local universities. This order has given rise to a number of misunderstandings.

Indeed, in St. Petersburg, for example, more than half of the applicants are newcomers. The city was one of the 12 "pilot" regions, and St. Petersburg universities added TRP points to the USE, but applicants from the Volga region or Siberia could not take the TRP at home and found themselves in an unequal position compared to applicants from St. Petersburg.

TRP standards for universities in 2016

That year, the innovation was extended to the entire country. Now universities in all regions can take into account the TRP badges, adding points to the results of the exam. You can also pass standards in all regions. True, it is not convenient to do this everywhere, because you can pass the TRP to receive points for the exam only in special testing centers. In Crimea, for example, only two such centers have been created for the entire peninsula.

How many points does the golden gto badge give in 2019

To begin with, bronze TRP badges will still not bring any bonuses upon admission. WITHhow many points does the gold and silver TRP badge in 2018-2019

One to ten (no more). As you can see, additional points for TRP badges when entering universities can be very different. It depends on the decisions of a particular university and the administration of the respective region. For example, the Kirov institutes give from three to five points for the standards of the TRP, but the Kazan Federal University - only one point.

Do you know how the design has changed and how it looks now? More on this in our next article.

This year, universities are enrolling applicants under a new scheme and adding points for personal achievements. Representatives of universities, institutes and branches of higher educational institutions spoke about the changes in the 2015 admission rules at the round table.


Sergey Umanets

Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow.
Director of the Tula branch

Irina Tsekhmistrenko

Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov.
Deputy Director of the Tula branch for educational work

Angelica Zhukova

Tula Institute of Economics and Informatics.

Anna Bolobova

Tula Institute of Management and Business named after N. Demidova.
Executive secretary of the selection committee

Nadezhda Stempin

Tula State Pedagogical University. L. N. Tolstoy.
Executive secretary of the selection committee

The admissions campaign will begin soon. Are there any changes in the procedure for admission to universities this year?

A feature of this academic year for graduates was the division of the USE in mathematics into basic and specialized levels. If mathematics is included in the list of university entrance examinations for any direction, then it should be mathematics of a profile level, the minimum passing score for which is 27.

It is also important that the Unified State Exam in Russian is enough to pass 24 points to get a certificate, but to enter a university, you need to score at least 36 points.

Another important innovation is that universities have the opportunity to set points for the individual achievements of applicants when enrolling. In addition to the total of points on the exam, you can get a maximum of 20 points. Additional points for individual achievement significantly increase the applicant's chances of admission.

Of these twenty points, a maximum of 10 can be obtained for an essay that graduates have already written in schools. The university checks the essay and gives its own mark (the assessment criteria are developed at the federal level).

The second 10 points can be awarded for sports achievements, participation in the volunteer movement, academic achievements. For what exactly and how many points - each university decides on its own, the same rule for all - the sum of all these achievements cannot exceed 10 points, even if the applicant has sports victories, a certificate with honors, and a prize in the Olympiad. In this case, he chooses those achievements that are most highly appreciated in this educational institution.

How do you find out what exactly a particular university is awarding points for, and how to provide evidence of your achievements?

All information on the registration of individual achievements should be posted on the university website as a separate document. When submitting documents, the applicant must indicate in the application for admission his achievements and submit diplomas, certificates, etc. confirming them. As for the essay, the university commission takes it in the federal information system.

An applicant can apply to several universities at once. How many educational institutions and how many specialties can you enroll in in 2015?

There are no changes here: 5 universities, with three areas of training in each. At the same time, enrollment, as before, goes according to priorities - each applicant who indicates several areas of training must rank them from more interesting for himself to less interesting. Documents can be submitted to universities, both in person and by mail or through an online application if educational institutions are located in other cities. When sending by mail, take into account the time: documents must arrive at the admissions office no later than July 24.

What is the enrollment scheme in 2015? What changed?

Traditionally, applicants for budgetary places are enrolled in two stages, and this year these stages have been quantitatively confirmed. In the first wave, applicants are enrolled in 80% of the total number of budget places, in the second - 20%. As before, only those who submitted originals of documents to the admissions office are enrolled. But if earlier applicants who did not bring originals to the first wave could not get into the second, since there were no places left, then this year there will definitely be 20% of places.

Nevertheless, it is very important for the applicant to correctly navigate where to submit the original of the certificate. We advise you to prioritize in advance and decide on the choice of a university. If you have high scores on the Unified State Exam and you understand that you have every chance of getting into the first wave of a particular university, we advise you to submit the originals of documents right there so as not to miss your budget place.

If you do not do this, an applicant with lower scores may take your place, and in the second wave there will not be enough places for everyone.

Have the deadlines for submission of documents and enrollment changed this year?

Yes, in 2015, admission of documents begins in all universities on June 19 and ends on July 24 for the first wave of applicants. The time for the end of acceptance of original documents, common for all universities, has been established: strictly 18.00 on 3 August. This applies to admission to budget places, and for training on a paid basis, the terms of admission are set by the decision of the organization. As a rule, this is the 20th of August.

Do universities increase the minimum USE scores set by Rosobrnadzor?

Each university decides this for itself: we have the right to increase the minimum scores relative to the Ros-obrnadzor scale, but we cannot lower it. In a number of educational institutions, these scales coincide, but many universities set their own minimum: for example, 30 points in mathematics instead of 27, 40 in Russian (the minimum of Rosobrnadzor is 36), and so on.

Has the number of budget places for applicants decreased in 2015?

As the statistics show, in many universities the number of budget-funded places, on the contrary, has grown. I would like to note that there are also budget places in the correspondence course.

Another interesting point: today there is an opportunity to study for free, even in commercial universities. Educational institutions have developed incentives for successful applicants: with a high score for the single state exams, the student is given a 100% discount for the first semester, and with excellent results from all sessions, you can not pay for the entire study period.

Is it true that now you can enter a university only on the basis of the USE results? That is, people who graduated from school before 2009 will have to take a unified state exam?

Yes, indeed, persons with only secondary general education can enter a university (both full-time and part-time) only on the basis of the USE results. In this case, the year of graduation does not matter.

We wish future graduates success in passing the exam and admission to the university they have chosen!

What will they give extra points for?

10 points- maximum for individual achievements:

  • silver / gold TRP badge
  • certificate of secondary general education with honors
  • participation / prizes in olympiads, etc.
  • volunteering
  • the status of the champion and medalist of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Games, etc.

10 points- the maximum mark for the final essay written in the final grade of the school. An essay written at the school will be re-checked by a committee of the university and evaluated in accordance with federal criteria.

A total of 20 points can be obtained in addition to the total points on the exam.

Admission dates-2015

  • July 19-24 - acceptance of documents.
  • 18.00 On August 3, the acceptance of the originals of certificates ends.
  • August 4 - order to enroll the first wave.
  • 18.00 On August 6, the acceptance of original documents for the second wave ends.
  • August 7 - order to enroll the second wave.



    It should be understood that this is a technical university with a very high passing score. In order for your application to be accepted, you need to get at least 50 points in the Russian language on the exam, and at least 65 in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science.

    Phystech, like all universities, will take into account the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and some other competitions. For example, the tournament of cities, the Lomonosov Olympiad, the Moscow School Olympiad, the Open Programming Olympiad, the new Olympiad that appeared in the list of the Ministry of Education only this year - TechnoCup and others.

    For a certificate or diploma with honors, gold, silver medals, Phystech will add 2 points. You will receive the same number of points if you graduated from music or art school. The university will take into account not only the golden TRP badge, but also sports categories, martial arts belts, the title "Master of Sports" or "Candidate for Master of Sports" (2 points).


    To participate in the competition, you need to score at least 70 points on the exam in Russian and foreign languages. An exception was made only for some areas (this is, among others, "Trade", "Management"), where 60 points are enough.

    Who will be admitted to MGIMO out of competition? Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of the Russian national teams that participated in international Olympiads, and some other Olympiads. Preferential admission is guaranteed to the winners and prize-winners of the Television Olympiad "Clever and Clever", the MGIMO Olympiad of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which is held in partnership with the editorial board of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the Lomonosov Olympiad in geography, and some others.


    At St. Petersburg State University, additional points in the portfolio will be awarded not only to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympic Games, but also to members of the Russian national teams. If these are Olympic sports, then 10 points will be added to the exam, if not Olympic - 5 points. The winners of the regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren can count on 4 points, awardees - on 3.

    At HSE, as in many other prestigious universities, the minimum score threshold is increased. In "mathematics" it is 75 points in a specialized subject, in "physics" it is necessary to bring at least 70 points in both physics and mathematics. At HSE, for an essay, which is always checked here, you can get up to 10 points, for a certificate with a gold or silver medal - 3 points.

    If you are a master of sports, then you will receive an additional 3 points for the exam, if you are a candidate for a master of sports, then 2 points. The HSE takes into account the Olympiads of the first and second levels, but there are several Olympiads of the third level, for which the university can also give extra points. This is, for example, an Olympiad in discrete mathematics.

    Top 10 universities with the highest average USE score (budget)

  • MGIMO - 95.4%
  • MIPT - 93.8%
  • HSE (Moscow) - 92.2%
  • SPbSU - 90%
  • VAVT - 89.9%
  • Moscow State University - 87.8%
  • MEPhI - 87.8%
  • HSE (St. Petersburg) - 87.1%
  • ITMO University - 86.9%
It's important to know
  • The results of the exam and Olympiads are valid for four years after the year of receipt, in other words, five years.
  • You do not need to submit certified copies to the admissions offices of universities.
  • Competition for leading universities has grown significantly. Now it is difficult to enroll even in paid branches. The highest GPA is usually at MGIMO, MIPT, HSE, St. Petersburg State University, MEPhI and ITMO University.
  • The most expensive education is at MGIMO (478 thousand rubles a year), Moscow State University (339 thousand rubles), HSE (338 thousand rubles), the Financial University under the government (316 thousand rubles) and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (295 thousand rubles .).

For the third year now, Russian universities have been awarding additional USE points for the individual achievements of an applicant, and Volgograd universities are no exception. There are several ways to earn a bonus, with each university taking into account different achievements. "AiF-Volgograd" found out what this year to focus on local applicants, depending on which educational institution they are going to enter.

Admission rules

The so-called portfolio of the applicant will help to earn additional points on the exam. It is compiled on the basis of data for grades 9-11 and can bring up to 10 points.

An addition to the USE results is carried out only in cases approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. These are volunteer activities, a golden TRP badge, a certificate with honors, prizes at the All-Russian Olympiads, a final essay, and sports achievements.

Each university decides for itself what to give additional points and how to distribute them among the selected disciplines. A higher educational institution can give all 10 points only for the TRP badge, without taking into account the certificate with honors.

“For the third year already, universities have taken into account the individual achievements of the applicant, and from year to year their number is growing,” says Maria Chiplikova, an employee of the admissions committee of one of the Volgograd universities.“There is also such a category of applicants who are enrolled out of competition - these are the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads, the list of which is published annually by the Ministry of Education and Science”.

However, there is one "but" here. Upon admission, the applicant has the right to provide a diploma of the All-Russian Olympiad and count on admission without competition to only one university. And other universities will have to reward the winner or awardee with additional points for personal achievements in accordance with the admission rules.

Benefits to the Olympians

With regard to sports achievements, then everything is more serious. Only the presence of the status of a champion or medalist of the Olympic, Paralympic or Deaflympic Games gives the right to additional points.

Also, a student can count on benefits if he is the winner of the world or European championship, the world or European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games. But if the winner enters sports-oriented universities, these results are equal to 100 points of the Unified State Exam.

Some universities provide additional points for the final essay. It is written by every 11th grade student, and based on the results of this work, the commission decides whether to admit or not admit him to the exam. After verification, the "December essay" is published on a special website. The university commission re-checks the essay and gives points for it (from 3 to 10) in accordance with the verification criteria and admission rules. You do not need to bring an essay with you, since the university has access to the portal where it is published.

Universities publish information about admission in October-November so that graduates have time to prepare a portfolio by the end of the academic year.

The all-Russian project "Ready for Labor and Defense" is presented in the form of a modern physical culture and sports complex, which is becoming more and more popular every year. What badge is issued after successfully passing the TRP standards, and what privileges does the participant who received it receive? This social sports movement has a different meaning for every citizen of Russia.

Some want to get confirmation of their excellent physical fitness and skill in various sports fields, others strive to be the successors of previous generations, because it was in the 30s of the last century that our grandfathers and grandmothers became the first participants in this program. The continuation of family sports traditions is always honorable and symbolic. Also, the owner of the insignia receives other privileges. So how do you get a TRP badge, and what benefits does it provide to its owner?

Receiving badges of distinction for participating in the TRP competition, the participant not only demonstrates his highest physical fitness, but also has the opportunity to take advantage of other privileges.

  1. Working people will receive additional days off vacation and a salary increase, the amount of which varies depending on the employer's decision.
  2. Orders for awarding TRP insignia also imply additional privileges for schoolchildren. These are additional points for admission. To find out how many points the TRP badge gives for admission, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of a particular educational institution. On average, universities add from 1 to 3 points, which can significantly raise you in the ranking of applicants competing for a budget place on the course. Many are interested in how many points Moscow State University adds. According to the data for 2020, you can count on an additional two points. Samara State University adds one point. In all these cases, we are talking about the golden sign.
  3. Gold insignia allow a student to count on an increased scholarship upon admission to a university. These privileges are confirmed by paragraph 44 of the "Procedure for admission to training", which has already approved the order of the Ministry of Education and Science back in 2015. More detailed information can be safely found out upon admission directly to the selection committee.

It is worth remembering that the successful delivery of the TRP complex is not only about rewarding with a special sign. It is of paramount importance to remember about the improvement of the inner "I" and oneself as a person.

During the preparatory period for passing the TRP standards, you temper yourself physically and mentally, increase your own dedication and improve coordination. The insignia demonstrate the desire for a healthy lifestyle and an active life position as a citizen of the great Russian Federation.

Types of icons

If you decide to participate in sports competitions within the framework of the all-Russian project "Ready for Labor and Defense", you should know that you can receive an award for successfully passing the standards in accordance with the requirements for specific exercises. A completely logical question arises about what badge is issued after the successful completion of the TRP? The reward corresponds to three levels, hence there are three different icons.

  • The golden insignia is the main and most coveted one.
  • The silver badge is ranked second in importance.
  • The bronze-colored badge belongs to the third level of difficulty.

In general, there is an insignificant difference between these three awards in requirements and standards, most often it is mere seconds.

To find out which badge you can apply for, it is enough to study the section of the official TRP website with standards, where the requirements for participants are detailed, depending on the age group and the complexity of the exercises.

What does the TRP badge look like?

For the manufacture of the modern insignia, the Tsamak alloy is used with the appropriate coating for bronze, silver and gold. The plating of the gold badge assumes the use of imitation gold with a high quality polish. All types of badges have 2 levels of relief and standard sizes of 24x24 mm with a thickness of 1.2 mm. In the image below, you can see what the modern TRP badge looks like.

The appearance of the badges was approved by the corresponding order. Each insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense", regardless of color, looks like a stylized multi-pointed star, in the central zone of which there is a sector of a special color, against which the rising sun and a running athlete are depicted. The color of this area directly depends on the color of the icon itself.

  1. Green background for the bronze decal obtained on the basis of the results of passing the standards of the TRP program in the framework of a sports competition.
  2. Silver decals stand out in blue.
  3. A running athlete with a red background is characteristic of the highest award for the best results in sports competitions within the framework of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" project. It's about a gold badge.

To cover each color zone, a translucent enamel is used, the properties of which allow the diverging rays of the rising sun to effectively shine through. A wide embossed edging in the form of laurel branches and parallel arc-shaped rays that emerge from them frames the central color zone with a running athlete. On both sides of the person are the ribbons of the flag of the Russian Federation. In red color on all signs there is an inscription in the form of the abbreviation "TRP". The coat of arms of the Russian Federation is located in the upper zone of the badge.

The lower zone of the sign contains a serial number from 1 to 11, which identifies the stage depending on the age category of the awarded participant. The serial number is also indicated in a separate color.

  • green for bronze insignia;
  • blue for silver insignia;
  • red for badges that are awarded to competitors for excellence in sports and fitness.

The reverse side of the insignia for achievements in the field of physical fitness, confirmed by the successful delivery of the TRP standards, is equipped with a special fastener, thanks to which the accessory can be easily and securely fixed on clothes.

How do you know which TRP badge you received?

To find out which badge of distinction for achievements in physical development received a participant in the sports competition "Ready for Labor and Defense", just go to your personal account and view the awards for participation in events in the My results section. If you have not participated in competitions yet, but regret to have an idea of ​​the level of your own physical fitness and the correspondence of your skills to the requirements, study the section with the standards.

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