Archive of events (with files). How to enter Mai without entrance tests Two children at one computer

The Aviation Olympiad, held by the Sukhoi Company, aims to select pupils, future students, who want to link their lives with Su and MiG aircraft, to a special target group of the enterprise. The enterprise is very, very serious. From the first year, he "captures" students, establishes their own additional scholarships, and offers to start working immediately.

It is not easy to enter the target group of the enterprise. Almost all places are allocated through the established system of the Aviation Olympiad. It makes sense. The enterprise does not need random people. To pass the aviation Olympiad and enter the target places of the enterprise, a school graduate must navigate aviation technology, knowing, of course, general school subjects. Four sections of the Olympiad (mathematics, physics, Russian language, technical creativity) put a barrier to random people.

Students of our Center, whose legal capacity prevails over laziness, took an active part in the first round of the Olympiad on December 14, 2013 at the Moscow Aviation Institute. The results were not long in coming. During the New Year holidays, January 3, 2014, the Olympiad Organizing Committee published the lists of participants who passed to the final stage.Our students are there, five students:

Babin Victor Evgenievich (grade 10);

Korovianskaya Anastasia Denisovna (Koroleva - a royal gift),

Lavrukhin Arseny Olegovich,

Ruslan Mamedov,

Mudrik Dmitry Sergeevich.

Good luck! Victory! Diplomas! Awards! Arrivals!

This is a real New Year's gift!

Many thanks to Anastasia Denisovna for the operational information provided.

I also sent letters to other participants - I duplicated the message with some comments.

V.V. Lebedev.

Last year, our Center took part in the Sukhoi Olympiad for the first time. However, at that time I did not have a website yet. In order to have an idea of ​​what awaits our four participants in less than a month, I will give photographs from the last event. A year ago, Natalya Konstantinovna Markitantova (grade 11, awarded a diploma), Daniil Valerievich Zakharov (grade 11, awarded a diploma), Arseny Olegovich Lavrukhin (grade 10) passed to the final round. Arseny Olegovich already has experience of participating in this Olympiad, he feels like a fish in water in it. Actually, the fish in our Center is Anastasia Denisovna. But last year, due to other events, due to bad luck, many of which she could not take part in final round Olympiad "Sukhoi". This year Arseny Olegovich is ready to advise everyone, he is ready to help everyone.

This is how Natalya Konstantinovna performed before five members of the jury - employees of the Sukhoi firm. I will not stop asking: "Who dares to come out in front of such a jury? Who will not be scared?"

This is how the jury evaluates the work of the contestants. I will not tire of repeating many, many times: "This is far from the answer at the blackboard that has become boring for everyone. These are far from school teachers with lists of favorites and outcasts in their angry heads! Here they look only at work, at the ability to report material, at answers, at the ability to communicate , argue, prove ... "

Such Natalya Konstantinovna returned to her place in the hall after the lecture. Again I ask: "Is that how the students return to their desks after the answer at the blackboard?"

This is how the jury works with the participants of the competition. After the reports, everyone was launched into the hangar with aviation equipment, the Yak-40 aircraft was opened and placed at the full disposal of the schoolchildren. Each sat in place of both the first pilot and the second. We screwed up to the point that they dropped the upper escape hatch on our heads. But they found out how it opens. Here's an informal job! Again the question: "What prevents the school from understanding the needs of the students?" The answer is simple: "Papers! Work for a tick, strictly according to plans, not a step to the right or left."

After the award ceremony, they fed me so that I didn't want to leave. The tables are delicious, the music is playing, they talk about the company ...

This is how the certificate for training in the target group of the Sukhoi company looks like. Big, beautiful, honorable ...

This year's Olympics "Sukhoi-2014"

So I never heard the reports of Ruslan Dzhumshudovich Mamedov and Dmitry Sergeevich Mudrik. Well, no, and no trial! Schoolchildren, get out yourself. But if the work comes forward from our Center, then you should at least know what is in this work.

The jury and participants of the section of the Faculty No. 4 "Radio electronics of aircraft" of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU). For some reason, since 1997, the only graduate has entered this faculty from our Center. Why? Perhaps now the situation will change.

The strictest director of the Olympiad from JSC Sukhoi with a graduate of the last year. With our graduate, with Daniil Valerievich Zakharov, who caused everyone a lot of trouble with his Ukrainian passport, but who nevertheless received a certificate of referral to the target group. Our 2013 edition was very fun. I wonder how it will be this year?

The day before, on January 24, 2014, Anastasia Denisovna at 22.00 twice reported on the work at the screen in our favorite room 301, listened to the report of Viktor Evgenievich Babin, after which, with a sense of accomplishment, she retired to sleep off before a responsible event. The total number of rehearsals was not counted, probably about 20.

It was already dark outside the window, but Viktor Evgenievich nevertheless reported on the work, listened to general comments and also went home, but not to rest, but to finalize the report and presentation. It is very pleasant that the student is gradually drawn into the usual night mode of work for us.

Arseny Olegovich Lavrukhin went too far with the number of slides. Relays, contactors, processors ... I went too far, but I also reported to the Olympics, unlike other lazy and careless ones.

This morning is January 25, 2014. The boys left 20 minutes early. Naturally, I went with Anastasia Denisovna. Any our trip begins with a train. This is always the first frame if there is no crush. Today is Saturday, the carriage is free, so the first picture of this day appeared. Paper posters are never a bad idea.

We caught up with two boys at the Moscow Aviation Institute. The other two are scurrying around somewhere.

Here is our team. Mudrik Dmitry Sergeevich, Zakharov Daniil Valerievich in place of Lavrukhin Arseny Olegovich, because he does not want to be photographed, Mamedov Ruslan Dzhumshudovich, Korovianskaya Anastasia Denisovna, Babin Viktor Evgenievich. Last year there was one participant, then two more participants were added. And this year already 5 people work from our Center.

It is imperative to take a picture against the background of the poster of the Ot Vinta newspaper.

The team passed to pack up and move to the hangar. Gathered. Ready. We know. MAI learned by heart.

Through the checkpoint, security, turnstiles - into the hangar!

We have already been here more than once. Immediately for work, for repetition. This is the section of the faculty No. 3 "Control systems, informatics and power engineering". Arseny Olegovich is getting ready. Daniil Valerievich supports him, he is already a student, last year he reported here and received a certificate. Now there is a lot of free time, there is nothing to do, I passed the exam, I decided to remember the past.

Ruslan Dzhumshudovich also reports at this section, and Dmitriy Sergeevich - three hours later at the next one. Now there is time to watch the presentation many times on a computer.

A very strict jury. The section of aircraft structures is the most numerous, it has the most participants. From us - Victor Evgenievich Babin, 10th grade.

In this section, you need to know impeccably the design of the aircraft, features, advantages, disadvantages. It is necessary to offer something new, to analyze the technical proposal. The jury commission is required to submit a report on the work with the drawing.

The jury at the Faculty of Control Systems is the most numerous - five people. The chairman of the jury is the dean of the faculty №3. Three people from MAI, two people from Sukhoi. Last year Natalya Konstantinovna Markitantova performed in this auditorium, this year - Arseny Olegovich Lavrukhin. Last year, he also spoke here in the second stream of reports. The audience is familiar.

In another corner of the hangar, behind the Su-27 and MiG-29 aircraft, Viktor Yevgenievich Babin began a report on the features of the monoblock wing.

Faculty section # 3 has finished its work. The chairman summed up the results, but the results do not tell anyone. The month will be tormented! It will be announced in March. Such rules are at this Olympiad, as well as at many others.

The advantage of such events is communication with specialists. Arseny Olegovich found common interests with a specialist from the Moscow Aviation Institute. Real conversation-discussion of the report, prospects, recommendations, wishes. Any faculty will gladly enroll such a student. But the notorious USE got everyone and spoils the whole thing. Very often, those who are not trained by the faculty and want to see at home do not. They come in and fly out like corks from overheated champagne bottles on New Year's Eve.

Dmitry Sergeevich Mudrik repeated the report, now he is hanging around the hangar, exhausted from idleness, looking at the MiG-23. Report on the second shift, there is time.

In my opinion, Anastasia Denisovna is not enthusiastic about airplanes. In my opinion, her wings do not give wings. The girl is very attracted by the soft couch under the "Quant" sports plane.

The second session of the Sukhoi Olympiad has begun work. In this shift, I do not need to run between the audiences, Dmitry Sergeevich and Anastasia Denisovna are in the same section, at faculty No. 4 "Radio electronics of aircraft". The work of the section begins with the installation of presentations, with checking the operation of the projector, with meeting the secretary of the section. The secretary is the first to meet the participants, solve all organizational issues before the start of the section. The jury of the section gathers behind.

Ruslan Dzhumshudovich decided not to leave after the report, to listen to Dmitry Sergeevich and Anastasia Denisovna. Of course, you need to listen to everyone. The event is very important, it teaches you how to report and communicate correctly.

Dmitry Sergeevich, against the background of the Yak-38's nose and the Kvant's tail, is trying to cram in something from his report. A very correct position is to repeat the material immediately before the report. We have seen this many times.

Anastasia Denisovna worked out the report so that she categorically refused to repeat it. The girl is allowed to do this. She is always ready not only to perform, but to perform in an exemplary manner.

A jury commission is ahead. Five people. Chairman - Dean of Faculty No. 4 MAI. At this Olympiad, jury representation at the highest level... Above - only the rector. The head of the Sukhoi company comes to summarize the results of the Olympiad in March. The participants gathered at the end of the audience.

The Moscow Aviation Institute and the Sukhoi Company are holding the 9th Aviation Olympiad for schoolchildren in grades 10-11. The first round of the Olympiad was held on December 15, 2012. Information about the Olympiad can be found at.

Joint Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad for Schoolchildren

The Olympiad has been held since 2009 at the initiative of a group of Moscow universities, including the Moscow Aviation Institute. This year it is included in the list of school Olympiads under No. 22. The results of the winners and awardees are taken into account when admitting to universities in 2013. You can familiarize yourself with the terms of participation in the Olympiad, the regulations and the calendar of its holding.

In January - March 2013, the Moscow Aviation Institute hosts the Russian Aerospace Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics, mathematics and computer science.

Russian aerospace Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics included in the List of School Olympiads for 2012 - 2013 academic year under number 44. This means that the results of the winners and awardees of the Olympiad can be taken into account when entering universities in 2013.

Results of the Russian Aerospace Olympiad for Schoolchildren in mathematics and computer science for admission to universities in 2013 are not taken into account. They are carried out with the aim of identifying talented students and attracting them to study at the leading aerospace universities in Russia. The timing of the Russian Aerospace Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics and Informatics will be announced later.

The Russian Aerospace Physics Olympiad for schoolchildren is held in 2 stages.

The qualifying round of the Russian Aerospace Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics is over. With a list Olympiad participants, who became winners and prize-winners of the qualifying stage and admitted to the final stage, can be found ... Olympiad participants who become winners and prize-winners of the qualifying stage will be invited to participate in the final stage.

The final stage of the full-time Olympiad will take place on March 17, 2013 at the same time in all universities organizing the Olympiad on the same Olympiad tasks. You must have a passport, a certificate from the school and a fountain pen (blue or black).

At Moscow Aviation Institute, the final stage will begin at 10:00 at the address: Moscow, st. Dubosekovskaya, 4, Main educational building of the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Entering the university is one of the most exciting and crucial moments in everyone's life. Especially if you want to become a student of a prestigious university, and for admission every USE score counts.

So, for example, this year MAI showed itself a noticeable increase in the average score of enrolled students. According to the results of admission to the budget, the average result increased by almost 5 points for one exam.

How to increase your chances of enrolling in budget education at the Moscow Aviation Institute and protect yourself from the risks of failing admission and missing points for the desired faculty? Of course, you need to study well, attend Open Doors Days, know all the details on the conditions and rules of admission.

There is also an alternative way - winning the Olympics. To help applicants, we have prepared a basic guide to those Olympiads and projects, participation and victory in which can significantly increase your chances of admission. Or even provide a ticket to the Moscow Aviation Institute without exams.

Events run throughout the year, so watch, explore and get involved! In many of the events listed here, not only eleventh graders, but also schoolchildren, starting from grade 7, can take part. So if you do not enter in 2018, but later, you can still try your hand in advance. This will help you gain skills and invaluable experience.

How to enter MAI without entrance examinations

The winners and prize-winners of these four Olympiads will be able to enter the Moscow Aviation Institute without entrance examinations, it is enough to get 75 or more points in the Unified State Examination in a specialized subject.

1. United interuniversity math olympiad Created in 2009 for 11-graders on the initiative of a group of Moscow universities. Since 2011, the Olympiad has also been held in St. Petersburg and many other cities.

The first round takes place in correspondence from December to January. Example of last year's assignment.

Full-time tour takes place in February in many cities of Russia. The final results are published in April.

3. Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad "Zvezda"
The Olympiad was created in 2015, the organizers united the Olympiad for schoolchildren " Star - Talents in the service of defense and security"And the Multidisciplinary Engineering Olympiad" The Future of Russia ".

Participants solve tasks in subjects and tasks that are related to the problems of the real sector of the economy, engineering problems.

The Olympiad is held in person at schools, at the sites of the co-organizers of the Olympiad or partner universities;

Olympiad MAI and PJSC "Tupolev"
The Olympiad is held in person in two rounds. The first round is written and will take place before the end of 2017. The program of the first round includes tasks in physics, mathematics, Russian and aviation. The participants with the highest number of points are admitted to the second round.

The second round - oral, will be held in the spring of 2018. Tasks for the second round are given to participants who have scored a sufficient number of points after summing up the results of the first round.

Also, from the winners of the Olympiad, groups of candidates for targeted training from JSC Tupolev at MAI are formed.

In order not to miss information about the Olympiad, follow the news for MAI applicants Enter the MAI ».

Russian Aerospace Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

These three Olympiads will traditionally be held at the Moscow Aviation Institute in April 2018.

Winners and awardees of the Olympiad upon admission to the MAI receive extra points per individual achievements... In order not to miss information about the Russian Aerospace Olympiad for schoolchildren, follow the news for MAI applicants and subscribe to the page on the social network " Enter the MAI ».

School Olympiad in Computer Science and Programming

Participants can be eleventh graders Russian Federation and pupils of graduating classes of schools of other states. The terms of the problems will be in Russian. Correspondence qualifying stages take place at the beginning of the calendar year.

The best students will be invited to participate in the full-time stage according to the results of each stage of the Olympiad. The solution will be a program written in one of the programming languages.

The Olympics will be held tentatively in February-March 2018.

2 sections at the conference "Gagarin Readings"

Also, winners of the sections "Young Scientists" and "Young Engineers of the Future", which are held at the Moscow Aviation Institute during the conference "Gagarin Readings", can also receive an additional 5 points to the Unified State Exam.

  • The world of cosmonautics and aircraft construction through the history of the development of the MAI.
  • Design work youth design bureaus.
  • Physics and Mathematics.
  • Natural Sciences.
  • Computer science.
  • Social Sciences.
  • Ecology.

  • Young engineers of the future

    The scientific program of the section is carried out on the following topics:

  • Aviation of the future.
  • Rocket and space perspective and space ecology.
  • Aerospace youth projects.
  • Mathematics and informatics in engineering problems.
  • Applied Physics.
  • Aircraft modeling, 3D modeling and prototyping.

  • Anyone can participate in the sections, they are created to develop the intellectual potential of students and develop the skills of independent educational and cognitive activities of a research nature.

    The conference takes place in April, the acceptance of students' papers ends in March. To find out the exact dates for participation and promptly receive all information on the conference - you can subscribe to its page in In contact with and follow the news of MAI.

    Competition of works of schoolchildren ""

    Approximately from February to April 2018, the Moscow Aviation Institute will host the annual Moscow open city competition for design, research and abstract works of schoolchildren in astronomy, rocket technology and cosmonautics with the participation of the regions of the Russian Federation "".

    The organizing committee of the competition includes: the Russian Cosmonautics Federation, MAI, the Territorial Group of the North-Western Administrative District of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education, Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution No. 1155.

    On November 1, registration of participants for International Olympiad schoolchildren "The art of graphics".
    University of Printing
    01.11.2017 The remote stage of the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren in financial literacy has started in the capital.
    Information centre
    31.10.2017 This decision was made by the methodological commission of the "Higher Test" Olympiad in the "Physics" profile, which included employees of the newly created HSE Faculty of Physics.

    Olympiad Regulations

    Internet Olympiad- a competition for solving problems of increased complexity, which is held via the Internet.

    All interested persons are invited - students of grades 1-9.

    The duration of the Olympiad is 1 hour. ...

    All Olympiads are free.

    R Regulations on Russian Olympiads in Russian language 2017 -... Material for teachers. SPb APPO, MetaSchool

    How to set up your computer

    Time zone, date and time

    In order for the Olympiad to start on time for you, you need to set the time zone, date and time.


    Safari browsers released for OS X and iOS are supported.

    Two children at one computer

    How to participate

    Diplomas and certificates

    Participants who scored 91% or more points, become winners and receive 1st degree diploma.

    Participants who scored from 81% to 91% points II degree diploma.

    Participants who scored from 71% to 81% points, become winners and receive 3rd degree diploma.

    Participants who scored from 10% to 71% points get certificate participant.

    In order to see your diploma or certificate, you need to enter MetaSchool with a username and password and follow the Portfolio link.

    Diplomas and certificates will not be sent by e-mail or regular mail.

    Olympiad Organizing Committee

    Gvozdinskaya Lyudmila Gennadievna

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philological Education

    Puchkova Ekaterina Yurievna

    lecturer of the department

    candidate of pedagogical sciences, project manager

    teacher the highest qualifications, Lyceum No. 344, St. Petersburg

    teacher of the highest qualification, school number 246, St. Petersburg

    How to find your diploma / certificate

    In order to see your diploma or certificate, you need to enter MetaSchool with your username and password and follow the link Portfolio.

    Diplomas or certificates will not be sent by e-mail or regular mail.

    How to print / save a diploma / certificate

    The diploma and certificate can be printed on a printer, for this you need to enter MetaSchool with your username and password and follow the link Portfolio.

    If you don't have a color printer at hand, you need to save your diploma (certificate) as an image. For this you need:

    1. Login to MetaSchool using a browser Mozilla Firefox;
    2. Go to Portfolio, open a diploma (certificate or gratitude);
    3. Click on it with the right mouse button;
    4. Select command from the menu Save Image As.

    The resulting file can be printed at any photo studio or copy center.

    Information for teachers

    The teacher receives a Gratitude from the Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of St. Petersburg and MetaSchool for the preparation of three or more winners and prize-winners of one Olympiad.

    To view or print Acknowledgments:

    • the teacher must communicate his login to his students - winners and prize-winners (all participants are allowed);
    • students must follow the link My teacher and enter your teacher's login there.

    After completing these steps, Acknowledgments will appear in Portfolio automatically.

    The teacher can check who specified him as a teacher by clicking on the link My students.

    Thanks are not sent by e-mail or regular mail.


    To file an appeal, you must enter MetaSchool with your username and password, follow the link Support / Messages and write to Customer Support... In this case, be sure to name check number, which appears in the dialog (in the picture) and is duplicated below, immediately below the tasks.

    Attention! Everyone has their own control number!

    If you know your control number, it means that you succeeded before the end of the Olympiad and your results will be taken into account.

    Phone and email appeals will not be accepted.

    The appeal is filed immediately after the end of the Olympiad. If the Olympiad ended after 22:00 local time, the appeal is filed the next morning.

    The term for consideration of the appeal is one day.

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