Logical questions about football. Sports football quiz

The fourth quiz on our project is dedicated to the knowledge of the rules of football. Below are the questions and the correct answers (highlighted in bold).

1. One of the most conservative parts football rules- the one that describes the football field. The last change to it was made in 1937 and added another markup element. Which one?
a. center circle
b. Arcs at corner flags
c. Dugu at the penalty area
d. Eleven meter mark.

2. The FIFA rules contain a classification of balls by size. How many ball sizes are officially used for different types competitions?
a. Three
b. Five
c. Seven
d. Nine

3. Imagine the situation: a player is removed from the field before the actual start of the match. For example, for an attack on a football player of the opposing team when leaving the locker room. How is this situation regulated?
a. The player is sent off without the right to be replaced. That is, his team starts the match in the minority.
b. The player is removed but can be replaced. In this case, the number of replacements will decrease by one.
c. The player is removed but can be replaced. At the same time, the number of replacements is preserved.
d. What is the removal? The match hasn't started yet. The player is given a verbal warning and the game starts as normal.

4. A bit of history. In 1846, the so-called "Cambridge Rules" of football were formulated, approved by most schools and clubs, and later becoming the basis for the classic rules of the Football Association of England. Many of their points are now surprising - they are so different from the rules adopted today. What was missing from the Cambridge Rules?
a. It is forbidden to kick a flying ball.
b. A fielder may take the ball with his hands, but only to stop it and then hit it. You cannot move with the ball in your hands.
c. When the ball goes out of the front line, the game begins with the team whose front line the ball came out of. It does not matter which team player touched the ball last.
d. The goalkeeper can only play with his hands, but on the whole field.

5. Stupid question, but still: how many pages does the current version of the official FIFA document "The Laws of the Game of Football" contain?
a. 210

b. 260
c. 310
d. 360.

6. It's no secret that almost everything related to size in football rules "grows" from yards and feet, that is, from the English system of measures. The size of football goals looks especially beautiful in this regard: their width and height are actually the same in value. But only the width is taken in yards, and the height is taken in feet. And what is the value?
a. 7 yards by 7 feet
b. 8 yards by 8 feet
c. 9 yards by 9 feet
d. 10 yards by 10 feet.

7. Let's talk about what usually causes a lot of controversy - about the offside position. According to the rules, a player of the attacking team is in an offside position if, at the moment of passing the ball, he is closer to the goal of the opposing team than all of its field players. However, sometimes such a position is not considered a violation of the rules and the game must continue. When exactly?
a. When an attacking player receives the ball immediately after a hand-in.
b. When an attacking player receives the ball directly from a goal kick.
c. When an attacking player receives the ball directly from a corner kick.
d. In each of the three cases above.

8. The player was sent off the field. What should he do?
a. Leave the field and do not enter it again.
b. Leave the field, sit on the bench and not rise from it until the end of the match.
c. Leave the field and any space adjacent to it, including technical areas, benches and stands.
d. Leave the field and go to the table of the match inspector, who fixes the removal and conducts an educational conversation.

9. Let's imagine a fantastic situation: a team scores an own goal with a direct free-kick (with the participation, for example, of a gust of wind amazing in strength and direction). What should be the actions of the judge?
a. Don't count a goal. The opposing team is entitled to a corner kick.

b. Goal count. Continue the game by kicking the conceded team from the center of the field.
c. Don't count a goal. Give the team the right to retake a free kick.
d. Goal count. After that, interrupt the match and take the team to the locker room due to adverse weather conditions.

10. Well, the last question about the last possible stage of a football match - penalty shootouts. How are the gates determined at which the series of post-match 11-meter kicks will be taken?
a. The gates are determined by the chief referee before the start of the match.
b. Gates are determined by the chief referee at the end of extra time.
c. Gates are determined by lot. The lot is cast by the team captains.
d. Gates are determined by lot. The goalkeepers of the teams throw lots.

Everyone, everyone, everyone

I am printing this material with the personal permission of my good friend from the People's Newspaper of Soviet Sports under the nickname parahodidet. I think the post will be of interest to Ukrainian football fans. Especially for those who like the intellectual program "What? Where? When?". So, the word is for the author of the Moscow television version of “What? Where? When?" questions on sports themes- a rarity. They didn't work out right from the start! Experts of the older generation testify: a long time ago a problem about Muhammad Ali was played in the club ... and literally on the eve of the broadcast, the editing cut out this minute of discussion for censorship reasons: great boxer publicly condemned the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan. Or here's another story: in 1979, a dachshund was dragged into the studio, a cage with a beaver was brought in, and experts were asked to complete this logical series. River dweller I didn’t like the discordant din and the light of the spotlights ... while a guess was being formulated around the spinning top about Olympic Bear, the beaver managed to bite through the brass bars of the cage and began to make attempts to get out into the wild ... the shooting had to be urgently interrupted.

But in the post-Soviet space there are several more Russian-language versions of the ChGK - Ukrainian, Belarusian, Azerbaijani. The most “democratic” is the Ukrainian one: along with high-browed intellectuals, “teams made up of stars of sports, politics, pop music, theater, television, etc. take part in it.” (as stated in the regulations). One of the most respected captains of the Kyiv club is, for example, Olympic medalist in hammer throw Alexander Krikun, and in right hand the well-known Alexei Mikhailichenko is usually located from him (for some time Oleg Blokhin also played with them).

I offer sports fans a small list of questions and answers played in neighboring countries in 2015.

Question: Some time ago, London City Hall set up unusual polling stations. The questions proposed are very different, for example in this paragraph - "Who is the best football player in the world - Ronaldo or Messi"? The city authorities expect that every fifth resident of the city will take part in the voting. Why did the city authorities begin to care who the best football player in the world is?

Answer: According to statistics, every fifth city dweller is a smoker. People at these points vote with cigarette butts - so the mayor's office reduces the amount of garbage on the streets.

Question: In 1925, the young ambitious coach Herbert Chapman came to the English football club The Arsenal. He told the management that even before the start of the championship of England, he would lift the club to the top of the table. What did Herbert Chapman change to fulfill his promise?

Answer: He removed the "The" prefix. Since all teams have zero points, they line up standings in alphabetical order, with "Arsenal" going first.

Question: In Spanish football there is a tradition - the clubs officially congratulate the winner of the championship. This year, a letter from Real Madrid came to Barcelona last. How else was this letter different from others?

Answer: Congratulating each other is a tradition, but no one obliges you to pay for postal services. Real Madrid sent the letter cash on delivery and Barcelona had to pay for all postage. Real Madrid made Barcelona twenty-four euros poorer.

Q: At the London Olympics on Sunday afternoon in 1908, runner Forest Simpson started with great reluctance, yet he won the race, set a record and became a champion. What did Forest Simpson, in protest, hold in his hand throughout the race?

Answer: The competition was held on Sunday. That's what Forest Simpson, the divinity student, didn't like. After all, Sunday should be dedicated to prayer! In protest, he went to the start with a Bible in his hands. With it, he ran the entire distance, finished and became a champion.

Q: West Ham have beaten Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester City and Liverpool this season. At the same time, the club lost matches against Bournemouth and Watford. What is the nickname given to West Ham by English journalists in this regard?

Answer: West Ham defeated strong teams, took away points from them. And he lost to weak teams, i.e. gave points. English journalists compared West Ham to Robin Hood, who took money from the rich and distributed it to the poor.

Question: In 1984, a chess game began between the Soviet émigré Viktor Korchnoi and the famous Hungarian chess player Geza Maroczi. In February 1993, the Hungarian grandmaster admitted his defeat on the 48th move. This game, which lasted seven years, still causes heated discussions and many questions from experts. What essential role this part was played by musician Robert Rollans, who did not know how to play chess at all?

Answer: This game, which raises many questions, was played between Korchnoi and a Hungarian grandmaster who died thirty years before. Robert Rollans, who did not know how to play chess at all, played the role of a medium.

Question: At the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, in the 1500 meters race, an athlete from Luxembourg unexpectedly won. However, after the gold medal was awarded to him, the frustrated champion put his head in his hands and cried right on the pedestal. Who brought the new champion to such a breakdown?

Answer: Naturally, it accompanies the awarding Olympic champion national anthem. The victory of the Luxembourger was so unexpected that the organizers did not have a recording of the anthem. The musicians of the orchestra tried to save the situation - but they played the anthem so unsuccessfully that they brought the champion to tears! The correct answer is musicians.

Q: The great striker Gerd Müller used to hang portraits of famous football players at his home. Each photograph was accompanied by a data plate, and only under one portrait was the plate left blank. Which player's portrait was accompanied by this blank plaque, and why?

Answer: Striker Gerd Müller hung portraits famous goalkeepers, and on the plates wrote down the number of goals scored by him. Only under one photograph was the number "0" - under the image of LEV YASHIN.

Question: The organization of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 was not as perfect as it is today. For example, swimming competitions were held not in the pool, but in the open sea, where the athletes did not have separate lanes. At a distance of 100 meters, the Hungarian Alfred Hajos was in the lead, and his main pursuer was a Greek swimmer, whom the local public furiously drove to victory. Shortly before the finish line, the Hungarian lost his way and swam in the other direction, but was able to quickly orient himself and win. And how did he understand that he was swimming in the wrong place?

Answer: The Greek swimmer was loudly supported by the stands. The spectators, unlike the athletes, had a better view of the finish point. And when the Hungarian swimmer lost his way, the audience calmed down, thinking that now the Greek would definitely win. But the opposite happened - the Hungarian was embarrassed by the suspicious silence, he raised his head, swam in the right direction and won.

Question: Statistics, as they say, knows everything. In 1962, this happened four times: on September 24 - at the 4th minute of the match with Lokomotiv. October 15 - in the eighth minute of the match against Neftchi. October 9 - at the 53rd minute of the match against Torpedo. November 5 - at the 34th minute of the match against Spartak. What is this about?

Answer: We named the year for you, the months too. Dates are also known. We didn't tell you the days of the week! On these dates, on Mondays, at the indicated minutes, goals were scored by famous football player Victor Monday - Monday scored Monday!

Host: Good afternoon, Dear friends! Football has been the favorite game of boys for a hundred years now. In the dictionary, the word "football" is defined as a team sports game on a special site (field) measuring 100-110x64-75 m with gates 7.32x2.44 m; there are 11 players on the field in a team; the object of the game is to kick the ball with the feet or any other part of the body (except the hands) into the opponent's goal.

Football is a confrontation between two teams, it manifests strength, dexterity, speed, quick reaction. One of the best football players of our time, the Brazilian Pele, said: "Football is a difficult game, because it is played with the feet, but you have to think with your head."
One of the first references to kicking the ball dates back to 2000 BC. Chinese warriors used it to improve their physical form. In 1027-256. BC. kicking a leather ball stuffed with feathers and wool was a popular pastime in ancient China.

In 206 BC-220 AD this game must have been included in solemn ceremonies in honor of the emperor’s birthday, and it was called “zu-chu” (“ball hit by foot”)

In 221-207 AD. a ball appeared, inflated with air, gates and rules of the game, in which ^
was 25 points. Teams could have at least 10 players.

A similar game was known in ancient Egypt as early as 1900 BC.

In the IV century. BC. The ball game was also popular in ancient Greece.
Among the warriors of Sparta, a ball game was popular - "epykros" - it was played with both hands and feet. The Romans called this game "harpastum" - a hand ball, the game was distinguished * by cruelty.

Thanks to the Roman conquerors, the ball game became known in the British Isles in the 1st century AD. and quickly became popular with local residents. The cruelty in the game of the Romans was passed on to their followers. The English and the Scots played not for life, for death.

Sometimes the head of a murdered robber or servant served as a ball. On April 13, 1314, King Edward II, under pain of imprisonment, banned the game in the city. In 1365, King Edward III banned football because the troops preferred the game to the perfection of archery.

But the game became more and more popular, it was played by artisans, street vendors and noble aristocrats.

AT early XIX in. in the UK there was a transition from "crowd football" to f organized football. The first rules were developed in 1846 in Rugby School and approved in Cambridge two years later.

And in 1857, the world's first football club was organized in Sheffield. Six years later, there were already 7 clubs, and their representatives gathered in London to develop uniform rules of the game and organize a national football association.

There were 14 points in the rules. They strictly determined the size of the field (200x100 yards or 180x90 m) and the goal (8 yards - 7.32 m, remained unchanged).

Until the end of the XIX century. The English Football Association made a number of changes to the rules: the size of the ball was determined (1871); corner kick introduced (1872); since 1878 the judge began to use a whistle; in 1891, a net appeared on the gate and an 11-meter free kick began to break through.

In 1888, the first professional championship was held in England.
In 1896 on Olympic Games ah in Greece, a demonstration football tournament was held with the participation of three teams - the Danish national team and the Greek cities of Thessaloniki and Izmir. In the final, the Danes beat the Izmir team with a score of 15:0.
In 1908, football became the official sport of the Olympic Games.

Football was brought to Russia at the end of the 19th century. from the British Isles, they called it "English game in the air" or "kick ball". At first, the game was perceived as fun for the public. Here is how the reporter of the Petersburg Leaf newspaper describes his impressions on September 13, 1893: “The essence of the game is that one party of players tries to drive the ball, tossing it with their foot, head - with anything, but not with their hands - into the gates of the opposing party . The playing field was completely covered in mud. Gentlemen athletes in white suits ran through the mud, now and then flopping from full swing into the mud. There was incessant laughter in the audience.”

But gradually football conquered Russia. Teams were created, championships of St. Petersburg and Moscow were held, international matches, and in 1912 the Russian team for the first time participated in the Olympic Games, where they lost to the teams of Finland and Germany, although there were many talented players in it, but the team did not have a coach, and therefore it turned out to be unplayable.

Recent decades domestic football was aloof from the world, for many years the USSR national team did not participate in the World Championships and the Olympic Games. Only after the triumphant tour of the Dynamo (Moscow) team in Great Britain in 1945, the founders of football were amazed at the magnificent game of the Soviet masters. Already in next year The Soviet Football Federation became a member of FIFA (International Football Association), and in 1952 the USSR national team took part in the Olympic Games in Helsinki, where famous match with Yugoslavia, in which the USSR team lost 1:5, but managed to level the score 5:5. However, this impulse took a lot of energy and the next day in the replay the Soviet team lost 1:3. In 1956, 1960, 1988 the national team became the champion of the Olympic Games (Melbourne 1956, Seoul 1988) and won the European Cup (Paris 1960).

Soviet clubs won the Cup Winners' Cup three times: Dynamo (Kyiv, 1975, 1987) and Dynamo (Tbilisi, 1987). Three Soviet football players were awarded the Golden Ball the best football player years in Europe: Lev Yashin (1963), Oleg Blokhin (1975), Igor Belanov (1986).
Host: And now, after a short historical digression, I propose to start our game. Teams are invited to the field.


1. Which country is considered the birthplace of football? (England).
2. Continue the football proverb: the match will take place ... (whatever the weather). nine
3. What was the name of the ball game in Ancient Rome? ("Garpastum")
4. What is the name of the penalty kick? (Penalty).

1. What was football called in Russia at the end of the 19th century? ("Kickball", " English game on air").
2. Continue the football proverb: the team wins, loses ... (Coach).
3. How many people make up a football team? (eleven).
4. What is the name of the football referee? (Arbitrator).

Questions for team captains
1. In what meanings do footballers use the word "wall"? (“The wall” is a kind of barrier that players build near their goal to protect them when an opponent breaks a free kick. Also
A tactical combination is called a “wall”: the player who owns the ball passes it to a partner, and he, with the first touch, returns the ball to the sender). 2. When does the referee give the players a red or yellow card? (Yellow card - a warning: for a rough game, a dispute with the referee, a shot on goal after a whistle, etc. Red - a signal for the removal of a player from the field for outright rudeness, abuse on the field, a serious violation of the rules of the game).


1. What does it mean - a goal is scored in the "nine"? (The ball flew into the top corner of the goal).
2. What does the phrase - "the player made a double" mean? (player scored two goals in one match).
3. What is a "dry leaf"? (the ball, twisted from a corner kick, flies into the goal).
4. What is "out" in football? (The ball goes out of the field, over the side line).
5. What do they mean when they talk about an "air duel" on the field? (The fight between attackers and defenders for a high-flying ball).
6. What does the term "double-ve" mean? (three defenders and two midfielders against five attackers).


During the draw, it turns out which team will start the game. Teams are given ™ emblems of football clubs of the world. In two minutes, the players must determine which club in which country each badge belongs to.
1. Bayern (Munich, Germany)
2. Barcelona (Barcelona, ​​Spain)
3. "Spartak" (Moscow, Russia)
4. Real Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
5. Dynamo (Moscow, Russia)
6. "Stuttgart" (Stuttgart, Germany)


1. Which football club, one of the strongest in the world, is called the currency? ("Real")
2. What does the traditional uniform of the Argentina national team look like? (White and blue striped T-shirt, black shorts)
3. Which team wears red jerseys with a white cross stripe? ("Spartacus")
4. What is the name of the largest in the world football stadium? ("Maracana", Brazil)
5. Which footballer was awarded the Order of Lenin and seven Orders of the Red Banner? (Lev Yashin)
6. In which football club does Yuri Zhirkov play? (Chelsea)
7. What is the popular name for the English football club Manchester United? ("Red Devil")
8. When founded international federation football - FIFA? (1904)
9. What club does footballer Ronaldo play for? ("Real Madrid)
Y. Name the head coach of the Argentine national team. (Diego Maradona)
11. What is the main striker of Barcelona? (Leo Messi)
12. Name the captain of the Russian team. (…)
(answers may vary due to changes over time)

Teams are invited to give definitions of football terms.

1. PAS - A player passes the ball to another player.
SHARP PASS - The player passes the ball to his partner so that the person who received the pass is in advantageous position to attack the opponent's goal. SHOOT - The player hits the ball hard, sending it low off the ground.

2. DISPATCHER - The player is the organizer of offensive combinations of his team.
STOPPER - One of the central defenders who is closer to
to their gates.
DRIBLER - A player who knows how to get around the opponent well, while "holding" the ball.

2. - a player standing at the gate, defending them, the last to have,
the opportunity to save your goal from the right goal. He can, deftly knocking the ball
with your foot or, throwing it with your hands, create an advantageous situation for attacking the gate

3. FRONT CENTRAL PROTECTOR - his the main task"neutralize"
opposing center forward. So he tends to keep on ^
his half of the field.

4. CENTER FORWARD - his main task is to score a goal. Therefore, he is most often in the opponent's penalty area, in order to take possession of the ball and shoot a goal from close range.

5. WINGERS - their duties include scoring goals on their own, as well as supplying their center forward with accurate passes from the flanks. The attacker is also obliged to help the defense if the opposing defender, against whom the attacker plays, joins the attack.

6. CENTER PLAYERS are the link between defense and offense: the midfield player must be versatile. Depending on the situation, he plays either defensively or offensively. He has good ball control and gives his comrades accurate passes, and sometimes from the middle of the field he hits right on goal.

Teams are given images of football cups and prizes. In three minutes, the players must remember the names of all the calls to write under what conditions they are awarded.
1.Cup " golden goddess” (given to the team that won the World Cup three times) 2. Golden Ball Prize (given to the best football player of the year)
3. Prize "Golden Boot" (given to the best European scorer who scored the most goals in the national championship)
4. Prize "Golden Goal" (given to those who score a goal in extra time)

1.What are the dimensions football field? (100-110x64-75 m)
2. What are the dimensions of the soccer goal? (7.32x2.44 m)
3.What is the allowable weight soccer ball? (from 396 to 453g)

Leading: And today, as sometimes old,
In the veins the blood plays, hot,
How do you hear distant beats
A booming soccer ball.

We are in a hurry to the stadiums today,
As if we are in a hurry to our youth,
They play on the green field
There they move towards victories big.
(Winner's reward ceremony)

We give you the opportunity to check if you answered the questions of our quiz correctly.

  1. By what parameter is a football player named after the competition? top scorer? number of goals scored
  2. What is the name of a goal scored by a player against his own team? own goal
  3. What is a "milk shot"? shot well over the goal
  4. What do fans often wave in the stands besides flags? scarves
  5. Which of the players claimed that “you need to play with your feet, and think with your head” Pele
  6. How many points does a team get for a win and how many for a draw? group stages football championships? 3 and 1
  7. The rules for this type of special kick in football were adopted in 1891. penalty
  8. How many geometric shapes does the surface of a soccer ball consist of? 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons
  9. What football role did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle have? goalkeeper ?
  10. Who is the record holder for performance in English Premier League? Alan Shearer

Some interesting facts about football

1. The football chant "Ole-Ole-Ole" comes from Spain, where the word "Ole" was shouted out at bullfights or flamenco dances. And there it appeared by transformation from the word "Allah", which was uttered during prayers by the Arabs who captured Spain in the 8th century.

2. Julio Iglesias was young football goalkeeper and played for Real Madrid. However, his football career interrupted at the age of 20 when he was in a car accident and was in the hospital for three years. He was paralyzed, only his hands worked freely. Iglesias learned to play the guitar and went on to become a famous musician.

3. During a football match in Brazil, the wind carried a group of skydivers onto the football field. One of the parachutists fell on the goalkeeper at the moment when the goalkeeper was preparing to take possession of the ball. As a result, the ball ended up in the goal and the referee, despite the protests of the injured team, counted the goal, explaining the appearance of the paratroopers by "the intervention of a higher power."

4. Football is officially banned in six countries, including Afghanistan, Kampuchea and Greenland. Interestingly, football (soccer, that is, European football) is allowed to play in Utah, USA, only on condition that the field is located no closer than 1.5 miles from the church. For baseball, golf, and American football, this distance is 0.5 miles.

5. It is known that the British are ardent football fans who are in awe of their football clubs, and for whom they are ready for a lot. But it turns out that at the same time the annual damage to private and public property caused by the British football fans valued at forty million pounds.

6. November 3, 1969 in the UK took place "the most unruly" in the history of football match. The teams of Tongham Youth Club (Surrey) and Howley (Hants) fought so rough for the local cup that the referee had to punish all 22 players, including one sent to the hospital, and even a line judge.

7. Longest football match played 1-3 August 1981 by two Irish teams football club Callinafersi in Kerry. The winner was revealed only after ... 65 hours 1 minute.

8. Fog is common in the British Isles. But the incident that took place in the meeting of two Scottish teams is unusual. The fog thickened so much that the players were looking for the ball, partners, rivals for a long time. At some point, it seemed to the referee that there were too many players on the field. First of all, he ran to the benches and saw that they were empty. The referee immediately interrupted the game. As it turned out, there were thirty players on the field at the same time.

9. Brazilian football team"Kakova", which had good results, was unexpectedly disbanded by order of the Minister of the Interior. The fact is that the team consisted mainly of police officers, and during matches with its participation, entire “outfits” of fans in police uniforms arrived at the stadium. The city began an orgy of crime. But in the stands, the order was exemplary.

10. A rather curious match took place in the Polish city of Bydgoszcz, which attracted many spectators. Reporters from local newspapers met with a team entirely staffed by representatives of the same family - the sons of a stonemason Osinski. And although 11 guys aged 15 to 28 lost, the audience warmly welcomed the "creator" of the team.
