Football team training. Uefa coach: the most rewarding football training in spanish football

Hello again. I hope you understand that I am writing just for you. And I hope that the efforts are not in vain. If you like this site, then do not be indifferent, call your friends. After all, the more people become better at playing, the the game will become more interesting... Let's talk today about team training... A little background:
To my team ID, as I said, about a year. But all the guys are familiar for at least 3-4 years. and some personalities and more. It is very important. After all good team play, build on the whole on mutual understanding. And if you have been friends with the guys for a long time, then there will be understanding in the team accordingly.
What I would like to emphasize. First of all, the fact that the team should not have people who do not like to play, who always whine, oppress. Yes ... there are times when something doesn't work out, but it's all a matter of time. And if you pay due attention to training, then soon you will achieve success.
To be honest, my team trained at the very beginning of its journey, but then the fire went out. Everyone stopped training, and now we win games only because of the individuality of each player. Which is very sad. After all, when you see the fruits of team training, you immediately want to play. And acting together is much more interesting.
How do you create the perfect workout for your team? You need to at least start, and then everything will go on a knurled one. If all players want to be successful, then everyone will be pleased to spend 2-3 hours a day in training. When we had a question about training. Our whole team started to offer ideas. And in the end, we came to a common solution, finding the best option for us. What should be in a full-fledged team training, I think these are exactly the things:
1) Skill training, each player should devote time to his shooting. Be it a game on the Deathmatch server or on the training_aim_csgo2 map or normal matchmaking it doesn't matter, the main thing is not to forget about your individual skill.
2) Train doubles play and rapport. Games will help you with this. 2 × 2, 3 × 3 with your teammates. Such games help, not only to improve mutual understanding, but also to train the skill.
3). Correct distribution from the whole team. Helps you take the rounds you want. If the team thinks about the round together down to the smallest parts. Then in the end they will come to a very good and deliberate round. All that remains is to train him.
4) A very important thing, "Debriefing" I personally call it that. The team, after an unsuccessful game, does not disperse, but discusses its mistakes. Everyone answers the question, why did they lose today? What and who didn't like it. And what needs to be done in order to eradicate these problems. If the team starts watching a demo of this game together, it will be just perfect. You can assign your own person to each player. Let's say player number 1 is watching the whole game for player number 2. I think the point is clear. After watching, each player tells what mistakes he saw. You shouldn't pay too much attention to small flaws. As everyone knows, many players make mistakes sometimes. Anyway, there will be such ridiculous mistakes that will catch your eye. And it will be good if the person who made these mistakes listens to everything. And he will try to improve.
5) . More than once during the game, there were situations when they kill you, the tongue gets twisted, and the team does not understand where you were killed from, and the necessary exchange does not take place, and in a bad case, several more people from your team are killed. Usually, in such a situation, when the tongue gets tangled, I personally liked to say, right there, behind this X *** her 😀 and in the future, we have a point designation, called “FOR X *** her” 😀

In general, personally for our team was optimal training like this:
The schedule of games / trainings is 1/1, that is, one day we t and, which is very important, because when you give clear information, your teammates make informed decisions faster. Another day, we play.
Before the game, in an hour or an hour and a half, we created and configured the aim_map_6 map. And carried out championship 1x1 everyone with everyone. According to principle group stage... up to 15 or 20 rounds. This process is very fun and helps you to play out to the fullest before playing. After the game, “debriefing”, we had a player in the team who saw all the teammates' mistakes, except for his own. In principle, he was very helpful. It is a pity that he gave up this game. Since we have the same teams all the time. We had such a thing as preparing for an opponent. We watched demos of already played games, our opponents. And we prepared special rounds for this particular team.
That's all Dear friends... Again, some perfect workouts no, each team does everything to its own taste and color. The main thing is to do something, and you will definitely achieve success. I was with you again TigerHack. Until next time.

Mini-football is becoming more and more popular every year and is gradually coming out of the shadows. big football its technicality and brilliance of playing on the floor. Moreover, many football players in winter period go to train in the gym in order to improve the technique of ball possession, passing accuracy and endurance. Also, many guys play in the halls who participate in various competitions and local football leagues your region. Well, for those who are deprived of the opportunity to attend futsal training, but have an irresistible desire to train competently with their teammates, it will be useful to read this material, where we will consider the topic of how to conduct a futsal training! The material will also be useful for inexperienced trainers and for those who decided to train on their own!

Warm up

Each workout should be started with a warm-up that should last at least twenty minutes. We start the warm-up with a light jogging around the hall with kneading hands at the elbows and shoulders by waving them in different directions. This is followed by a warm-up of the body and legs: a football player runs at low speed and makes sharp jumps of his legs, imitating a blow, while trying to roll the body a little in the direction of the leg departure.

After that, you need to stop and rotate the body in different directions with different inclinations. It is very important to stretch the leg muscles well during the warm-up, especially the ankles, which are most often injured in futsal players due to the hard adhesion of shoes to the floor. Take a few circular movements ankle, standing on both legs, and several stretches of the muscles of the legs while sitting.

Strength exercises

When the body and legs are in good shape, it is necessary to work on the speed and endurance of the players. The best exercise to develop speed for futsal players is shuttle run, which needs to be regularly practiced to increase not only its speed, but also maneuverability.

After the shuttle, move on to another running exercise that runs the entire length of the gym. It is required from one end of the hall to reach the opposite side as quickly as possible and, without turning the body, return to the starting position in reverse. This exercise develops a sense of coordination when walking on the football field.

Ball work

The team should split in pairs and practice the accuracy of the pass, first while standing still, and then on the move. The distance between the players should not exceed two meters. After practicing the short pass, it is necessary to work on the clarity of the passes over long distances. To do this, it is necessary that the players stand facing each other at the polar ends of the hall and begin to quickly give passes to each other, first on the ground and then in the air. The exercise is carried out while standing in one place, and then passing through the area of ​​the hall.

After working out the pass, we move on to shots on goal. If there are two goalkeepers in the team, we divide the guys into two groups and assign each of them their own goal. If the goalkeeper is alone in the team, the practice of the kick should be carried out in one goal. Shots are practiced from different distances, first with pumping the ball to the kicker, and then from any points without rolling.

It is also necessary to develop individual ball handling technique. To do this, you need to put the goalkeeper on the goal and choose one player who will act as a defender. The task of the rest is to run out with the ball and try to beat the defender and punch the goalkeeper as quickly as possible.

Considering training famous teams, then you can see that they sometimes devote time to hitting the ball on the spot and while moving, as well as work out strikes with different angles and in different parts legs. You can borrow their exercises in your workouts.

Tactical exercises

These exercises are different types, and depend on the understanding of futsal tactics by the whole team. An experienced coach is usually involved in the development of tactics, but due to the lack of such, you can borrow tactical developments from well-known teams that can be viewed on the Internet.

V tactical exercises includes training in free kicks, penalties, corner kicks and outs. The essence of the tactics is that each player must know his position on the field during the rally and be able to predict the development of the opponent's attack in the event of a combination failure.

A feature of mini-football is the absence of specific positions on the field, so each player must be able to both attack an opponent and defend against him. In some cases, outfield players even need to take on the role of the goalkeeper in the event of his being sent off or injured.

All selected combinations should be played to automatism. Moreover, each player who is sitting on a substitute must immediately enter the game and understand what kind of playing the ball is now to be carried out. Therefore, it is recommended that fifteen minutes of training time be devoted to discussing tactics and the distribution of positions for each team player, depending on his personal playing characteristics.

The game

There is always sparring at the end of a workout. The players are divided into equal teams and play a regular game of mini-football for fifteen minutes a time with a change of gates. Of course it can be complicated game process and to limit the number of touches for the players when receiving the ball, which is very good for the mutual understanding in the team, as well as forcing them to think faster during the game.

End of workout

The workout always ends with a slow, relaxing run through the hall with breathing restoration. After jogging, abdominal exercises are performed, and, if possible, push-ups.

All players should definitely take a shower under warm water and dry themselves well with a towel so as not to go out wet, especially during the cold season.

V training process you can always add any exercises that you like and that are designed to develop speed and strength qualities... You should train for about two hours and preferably three times a week.

Successful and effective training!

Workout football team will be a very rewarding and engaging experience for anyone who has ever played football or was simply associated with it. New sports experience, helping the local team, playing in fast pace and the ability to influence the development of footballers are just a few of the benefits of coaching. Where to start for a person who has never coached anyone?

Understanding the basics of the game.

You do not necessarily need to learn everything at once, since a lot depends on the age and level of the athletes. To learn the basics, read the rulebooks, game highlights, and penalties manuals. You can watch matches and learn from other coaches to get a feel for the rhythm of the game.

  • Sports Interactive creates video games that provide experience in team coaching and club management. The game is called Football manager... If you play it, then you probably already have some knowledge of this craft. A good football coach:
    • Has good communication skills
    • Gives guidance
    • Helps players
    • Inspires them
    • Gives players some of the powers
    • Develops play potential
    • Motivates players
    • Knows how to listen
    • Disciplined
    • Submits personal example

      Decide if you will do this professionally. You can volunteer to become a coach. If you want to receive money for coaching, then you need to have certain qualifications and start in the lower leagues in order to then get to the leading championships and be able to provide for the whole family.

      The audience should like your team's play, as they came to support the team, and you should thank them. interesting match so that they can come back to the stadium later.

      Get your finances in order. One of the most important indicators of a coach's work for players and a club is financial and insurance management. Financial position is of high importance due to the fact that in professional football players need to be paid in proportion to their skills and role in the team, because good players get a higher salary, plus you need to buy new players from other clubs. A solid financial base helps the club develop. It is recommended to insure the club bus, sport equipment and even a football field.

      Read the media. The attention of many of the world's media is focused on football; these are television, radio and newspapers; greatest value have magazines. A monthly magazine dedicated to the English Premier League is published.

      It is necessary to attract the best medical professionals to the club. Football is associated with a large number of injuries, often requiring the help of a physiologist, therapist and physiotherapist. These specialists work for the club on a full-time basis. As a coach, you always need to know functional state and the willingness of the players, so pay Special attention medical aspects.

      Solve transportation issues. Transport is required in order to travel to away matches. Big clubs and national teams travel by plane and bus. Wealthy clubs have their own bus.

5 main exercises for a football player. Spanish coach tips

How to learn to play football better in an hour and a half. Let's talk about the features of the Spanish training system.

This is the concluding page in a series of advice from the Spanish coach on the development of young footballers. UEFA Pro coach Jordi Gratakos, who now runs Barcelona's Moscow school, told the Championship about typical Spanish football system methods of working with children and adolescents. The first two parts of the interview dealt with advice and caveats in the field of psychology, now let's move on to practice.

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We already know that the duration of a workout should not exceed one and a half hours and there should be only one workout per day. We also know that all exercises, including warm-ups, must be done with the ball. The habit of playing the ball should be developed from childhood, and the task football coach- to educate a football player, not an athlete. What to do after warm up? There are five basic exercises that need to be performed in a specific order. The duration of each is approximately 18 minutes.

1. Square

A key exercise that everyone knows. In a confined space, several players control the ball, one or two take it away. Standard options: four against one or two, five against two. The one who took the ball away is changing with the one from whom it was taken away. it important exercise for those who have the ball. Playing the square develops several skills at once. Among them: passing game, speed of thinking, technique, peripheral vision, concentration. This is not a simulation of a reality, a soccer match, an exercise to develop a set of skills. You can start playing square from the age of six.

2. Ball possession

This exercise requires more space. Players are divided into teams. Basic version: rectangular plot, approximately 20x30 meters. Three teams of six people play. They are mixed across the field. Let's call our teams "A", "B" and "C". The essence of the exercise is as follows: two teams, for example "A" and "B", have the ball, "B" takes it away. In total, we have 12 players who are in possession of the ball, six are taking it. When “B” takes the ball away from “A”, the teams change, now “A” takes away from “B” and “C”. A constant 12 by 6 ratio must be maintained to provide a numerical majority and the ability to play many passing options.

The difference from the previous exercise is teamwork. Previously, everyone played for himself, now you need to work in a team. This develops team thinking. The exercise, like the previous one, consists of three runs, 5-6 minutes each. There is a minute pause between calls. You can start at the age of six.

3. Positional play

This exercise is called the possession game in Spanish. It is similar to the previous one, but the players act according to their positions. There may be six or, optimally, seven. Central defenders, laterals, sixth and eighth numbers (central midfielders) and top ten. Five players take the ball away from them. After the selection, the teams do not change players, because the goal of the exercise is to develop connections between the players who are in possession of the ball.

In this exercise, it is important that the ball constantly changes direction and that the players open up for the pass. How well does number eight interact with number five, six, two, and ten? The tacklers constantly block the passing lines, you need to move and open up, offer yourself for the pass. There should be as many triangles as possible, because when playing in a triangle, you pass forward or diagonally, not across the field.

An important skill that develops in positional play is the ability to use the free space to open up and receive a pass. A common mistake is walking towards the player with the ball, approaching the ball. This is wrong, the closer you are to the player with the ball, the easier it is to cut you off, block the passing line. By approaching him, you create a problem for him. You need to move away from the player with the ball, staying on the pass line, then it will be easier for him to pass the ball to you.

The criteria by which it is determined whether the players perform the exercise well are the following: the speed of the ball, the frequency of the change in the vector of the ball, the use of space, the intensity of the passing game.

If there are less than 24 outfield players in the team, you can play not seven for five, but seven for four, then this exercise can be performed by two groups at once, each in its own half of the field. 22 field players are the minimum for an adult team, and all field players will be busy at the same time. This exercise can be used for a team over 10 years old.

4. Playing with cut-backs

Game with two teams. Two for two or three for three. Each team has small goals behind them, so this is an exercise for the result in the form of goals scored. Simultaneously with the teams, a free player acts on the field. He always plays for the team that owns the ball. If the ball is "yellow" - he is for the "yellow". If the ball is intercepted by the Reds, it is for the Reds. There can be two free players, if they play three on three.

Like all previous exercises, this develops a set of skills. Thinking speed, peripheral vision, ball handling speed, passing game. But it also helps develop one-on-one skills, improves dribbling and dribbling.

5. Football

Exercise to end your workout. Football is a seven-by-seven or eight-by-eight game with free players. Free players are essential for this drill, it adds intensity to the game, and the ball must move very quickly. You can increase the number to involve the whole team, let it be nine by nine and three free. A "match" lasts two halves of nine minutes each.

The important thing to remember when doing this exercise is that this is not football. V football match the result is important. In the exercise, the skills that the coach chooses are important, so the rules should be different from football ones. For example, free players are introduced, which add speed.

Another example. You play with 11 vs 11 squads, and in order to turn the ball into attack, the defenders must first give each other at least 10 passes. If we want to own the ball, we want it to be our style, we have to be able to do it. Do the passes in defense pose a threat to the opponent? Yes, but we have to show our style - we will not give rash passes and lose the ball, we will keep it. We like to own the ball, let them try to take it away.

Or one more example. Free players enter the field from the edge. And, playing the pass, they have to cross the entire field, from flank to flank. Only then can you play the attack. This also develops ball control, thinking, team play - in general, all the qualities a football player needs.

If someone is wrong, the exercise must be stopped. Not to criticize for a mistake, but to explain how it should be. For example, show where you need to be in order to use the free space and open up for a pass. The triangle is the key figure in the organization of the game. The more triangles there are, the easier it is to move the ball to attack.

Care should be taken to maintain maximum intensity in each exercise. If the exercise is done slowly, it will not be beneficial. Everything has to be done quickly. This is the only way to teach the players constant concentration and "involvement" in what is happening on the field.

At the end of the interview, we talked about the principles of playing on the defensive. In particular, the fact that the above exercises help to develop only one defensive skill: picking up the ball immediately after a loss. A natural question arises: what about positional play in defense? No way. Jordi explained that these exercises help develop game reading and ball handling skills. Everything else is secondary. “The player who lost the ball is closest to the opponent. At this moment, he is the main defender, no matter what place he occupies on the field. His task is to return the ball, and the rest help him. If you attack, then, having lost the ball, you take it away and continue to attack again ”. This is a concept that has brought many trophies to Spanish football in the last 10 years and which is still followed by most Spanish clubs today. Although in last years some coaches have found counterarguments against this model of play.

The end of a great idea. What does Guardiola's defeat at AS Monaco mean?

The tactic that brought trophies for almost 10 years no longer works. Is Guardiola ready to change?

A dog is a friend of man. In order for your dog to be an intelligent and competent friend, useful for you on a hike or in a city apartment, a guard dog in the country or in a garden, it is necessary teach the execution of basic commands and instill in him some useful skills. If you are preparing a dog not for a show, but for Everyday life, training - some the general course of training can be done independently at home... The basic skills and commands for controlling a dog are as follows.

  • Walk next to the owner.
  • Approach the owner on the command "To me" and return to the previous place.
  • Follow the commands to control the dog at a distance: "Sit", "Lie down", "Stand", "Place".
  • Bring the item on command "Aport" and give it on command "Give".
  • Do not take feed offered by strangers or scattered on the ground.
  • Stop unwanted actions.
  • Overcome obstacles.

By the beginning of the training, the dog should know his nickname, allow him to put on the collar and not resist when attaching the leash.
To practice with a dog, you must prepare the following items:

  • Muzzle
  • Collar soft
  • Strict collar (for large dogs)
  • Short leash 1.5-2 m
  • Leash long 5-8 m
  • A dumbbell stick, or a ball, or a dog's favorite toy
  • Small area rug

Executing the command "Side by side"

The dog, having received the order, must walk next to the owner not only straight, but also when turning, changing the pace of movement, and standing when stopping. This skill is practiced like this.

Take the dog on a short leash, hold the leash closer to the collar with your left hand, take the free part of the leash in your right hand. The dog is at the left leg. Say the command "Beside" and walk, allowing the dog to go forward, lag behind, move to the side.

As soon as the dog has overtaken you, pronounce strictly "near" and make a jerk with the leash back so that the dog is at your left leg. If the dog understood you correctly, you should stroke it with your left hand, give it a treat and say "Okay, next to it." Do the same if the dog steps aside or lags behind.

To check how mastered the technique, you need to catch the moment when the dog went forward or lagged behind, and, without making a jerk with the leash, give the command "Near". If the dog takes a place on your left leg on its own, then the technique is learned.

Next, you should complicate the task by saying the command "Nearby" when turning, accelerating, slowing down, switching to a run. Then work out the same technique without a leash. First, imperceptibly lower the leash to the ground, then completely unfasten it. However, you should abandon the leash only with a firm mastering of the technique. A contrasting method of exposure is recommended - at first the threatening command "Near", and if it is done - stroking, affectionate approval "Good" and a delicacy.

The training of large, strong dogs will be accelerated by the use of a strict collar. The pulling force of the leash should be commensurate with the size and weight of the dog. It is very important to establish contact with the animal so that it obeys the command under all circumstances.

Executing the command "To me"

The command "Come to me" should not be associated with something unpleasant for the dog, so as not to develop a fear in it. If the dog ran freely, but will come up to you on command, do not try to fasten the leash immediately, on the contrary, encourage it with a treat, stroke it and after a while let it go for a walk. At the first moment of training, you cannot punish the dog for the fact that he does not follow the order well and does not immediately approach.
The skill "Come to me" is practiced like this.

Let the dog go on a long leash at some distance from you and, while pronouncing the nickname, calmly give the command "To me", while showing the treat in your hand.
If the dog fits, he should be encouraged. If the dog is distracted, a gentle pull with the leash should be used. If it comes sluggishly, cheer the dog up with your actions, pretending to run away. In any case, when it comes up, be sure to repeat "Good to me" and give a treat.
As you perform the technique, remove the leash and complicate the situation, for example, give a command during the game.

Subsequently, the command "To me" must be linked to a gesture - the right hand, extended to the side at shoulder level, is quickly lowered down to the thigh. After a few repetitions, the dog will gesture on command.
The technique is considered to be worked out when, at the command "To me" or a gesture, the dog immediately comes up and sits down at your left leg.

Executing the Sit command

Commands for controlling a dog at a distance should be taught in two stages - let the dog perform all commands next to you, being on a leash, and when the technique is learned, give the command at a distance by voice and gesture.
The command "Sit" is worked out as follows.

Place the dog on a short leash to your left, then, turning half-turned towards it, give the order. Simultaneously right hand pull the dog up and back by the leash, and press on the croup with the left hand. The dog sits down. When trying to get up, repeat the "Sit" command, pressing hard on the croup of the animal. Encourage proper seating with a treat.

You can also practice this command with a treat. To the dog on the left, show the treat in your right hand and raise your hand with the treat slightly back above his head. The dog follows the hand, raises its head up and sits down involuntarily. Help her to sit up by pressing the croup with your left hand.

In the future, having seated the dog, move away from it to the side, repeating the order when trying to change the position. Controlling the animal at a distance, simultaneously with the "Sit" command, raise your right arm bent at the elbow at a right angle, palm forward, to shoulder level.

Executing the "Lie down" command

The starting position of the dog is sitting at the owner's left leg on a leash.
Turning to the dog, kneel down on the right knee, say the command, while pressing the withers with your left hand, and gently pull down on the leash with your right hand. Striving for a treat, the animal lies down.
Hold the dog in the prone position with your left hand, repeating the words "Okay, lie down", give the treat when the trick is done.

As soon as the dog has learned to lie down on command at the owner's left leg, you should begin to practice endurance. Give the command "Lie down" and slowly walk away. At each attempt of the animal to stand up or sit down, repeat the "Lie down" command and lay it down. Each technique should be rewarded. The gesture used for laying is the right hand extended forward, palm down.

Executing the "Stand" command

During the cleaning of the dog or during the veterinary examination, it is required that it stands for some time without changing its position. To do this, you need to work out the "Stop" command. Give the command to the dog sitting to your left and at the same time with your right hand make a slight jerk with the leash forward and upward, and with your left press the dog on the stomach, as if lifting it. Keep him on his feet for a while, repeating "Okay, stand", give a treat.
When performing the technique, the dog should not step forward with its limbs. Let it freeze rooted to the spot. Just as with the techniques "Sit", "Lie down", it is necessary to consolidate the "Stand" command by practicing exposure, and only then proceed to control at a distance by voice and gesture.

Executing the Place command

Being at a distance from you, the dog often takes off and comes up on its own. But it must be returned to its place by the team. They gave the command - lay the animal, and leave the prepared rug or your thing next to it. Back away slowly until the dog runs after you. As soon as he ran, slowly return with him to the left thing and with the words "Place, lie down" again put it next to the thing and again move away.
When the dog tries to leave the thing with a loud voice, give the command "Place" and return it. As you master the command, after some restraint with the command "Place", call the dog yourself with the order "To me". In addition, with a gesture of your right hand in the direction of the left thing, send the dog to it with the command "Place".

Executing the "Aport" command

Command means - take, grab, serve. This is a very important command for service dogs, necessary when recognizing things, searching the area, working on the trail. In your daily life, the command must be worked out in order for the dog to pick up and bring the thing to the owner.

The training technique is based on an innate reaction to grab a moving object. A toy or a ball can be used as a sorting object. Wave the toy in front of the sitting dog, accompanying your actions with the "Aport" command. If he is trying to grab an object, give that opportunity. Let him hold the object in his mouth for a while, at this time repeat "Aport, good." Complicate the technique - wave the toy in front of the dog, and when she shows interest in the subject, throw it nearby. Then with the command "Aport" and with a gesture of your right hand in the direction of the object, send to bring the thing.

If the dog picks up the fetch, but does not bring it, you can call him with the command "To me" or pretend that you are running away. The dog with the object will run towards you.
If the dogs bring the fetch, but on the command "Give" does not give up, offer a treat at the same time as the command "Give". During this time, exchange the treat for an item.
As you master the technique, send the dog for the subject not immediately, but after some exposure. The first time, having thrown the object, you can give the command "Sit" and hold the dog by the leash.

The technique is considered practiced when the dog, being at the left foot of the owner who has thrown the object, sits, and at the command "Aport" runs after the item, independently returns with it, sits down to the left of the owner and, at the command "Give", gives the item.

Forbidding command "Fu"

It is very important to work out this forbidding command. The command is absolutely obligatory for execution, since it is with this command that you can warn or stop the undesirable actions of the dog. As a rule, this technique is practiced with the use of painful stimuli - a jerk with a leash (for large dogs to wear a strict collar), a blow with a whip on the croup. In this case, it is necessary to measure the strength of the jerk and impact with the strength of the animal.

The technique is practiced on a walk. Let the dog go on a long leash, and as soon as it tries to run up to a stranger with a bark or to pounce on animals, it will try to pick up something from the ground (you can scatter something in advance), take a treat from a stranger, - give the command "Fu" and jerk slightly with the leash or hit the rump with a whip. When the command has been firmly learned, the dog can be released without a leash.

The "Fu" command is used in one more case. In transport, or for a walk in a busy place, the dog must be muzzled. Put it on with your right hand while holding the collar with your left. When the dog tries to rip off the muzzle, distract him from this by giving the command "Fu.

Overcoming obstacles

Once your dog has mastered these basic commands, he will be in control. It remains to teach her to overcome obstacles. While walking, do not miss an opportunity to give her the opportunity to jump over a ditch, a fallen tree, walk along a narrow bridge or board, or climb stairs.

When jumping over a barrier, give the "Barrier" command. At first, together with the dog on a leash, jump over a low obstacle yourself. Subsequently, just run up to the barrier close, but do not jump yourself, but force the dog to do it at the command "Barrier". Increase the height of the obstacle as you exercise. For dogs who are willing to grab the fetch, you can throw the item over the barrier and order to pick it up. Vicious dogs that run around your fenced area freely should not be trained in high jumps, so that they do not take their own walks behind the fence.

To train your dog to walk on a board, a log or a fallen tree with a gentle entrance and descent at a height of 1 meter, give the command "Forward". Taking the dog by the collar with your right hand, supporting it under the belly with your left hand, guide it along the log. Repeat several times. Don't jump off the log, but keep it from falling. Choose a wide plank or log first. You can make your dog walk across the board with a treat. In any case, praise and reward the dog with something tasty when performing the trick.

Start to walk up the stairs on the stairs with wide steps at a low height. At the command "Forward", step up the stairs with the dog on a leash. It is very important that the dog puts its paws on the first steps on its own. If she is cowardly, carefully move her paws to the next steps, continuously stroking and approving with the words "Okay, go ahead." When descending, call the command "To me", showing a delicacy. It is not recommended to send the dog up the stairs with the leash fastened, it interferes with it and may catch on.

At teaching your dog to follow basic commands do not overwork it by performing the same techniques, give commands clearly, calmly, without getting annoyed if you do not comply, re-order more strictly, do not shout, but do not change the commands. The encouragement should follow immediately after the execution of the move. As a reward, you can let the dog off the leash with the "Walk" command.

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