How to run shuttle run correctly? Shuttle run How to shuttle run 4-9 m.

Shuttle run, its merits. Running and walking are natural exercises that a person uses according to the design of nature, as a means of transportation and providing vital needs. These exercises physically develop a person, stimulate muscle tone, harmoniously improve the shape of the body.

Shuttle running is developed by a person for the development of additional qualities (endurance, reaction speed, agility, ability to coordinate movements), in the preparation of football players, basketball players, boxers, athletes, and other athletes for competitions.

Additional qualities are developed due to the specificity of shuttle running: repetitive movements in the opposite direction with a sharp change in direction of movement at the end of the intermediate distance.

Shuttle Run Standards

Shuttle run standards for schoolchildren by grade

Exercise shuttle running in schools

Boys Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3
3x10 m (sec.) 9.9 10.8 11,2 10.2 11,3 11,7
4 × 9 m, sec 12,0 12,8 13,2 12,4 12,8 13,2
3 × 10 m, sec 9,1 10,0 10,4 9,7 10,7 11,2
3 × 10 m, sec 8,8 9,9 10,2 9,3 10,3 10,8
3 × 10 m, sec 8,6 9,5 9,9 9,1 10,0 10,4
4 × 9 m, sec 10,2 10,7 11,3 10,5 11,0 11,7
4 × 9 m, sec 10,0 10,5 11,5 10,3 10,7 11,5
4 × 9 m, sec 9,8 10,3 10,8 10,1 10,5 11,3
4 × 9 m, sec 9,6 10,1 10,6 10,0 10,4 11,2
4 × 9 m, sec 9,4 9,9 10,4 9,8 10,2 11,0
4 × 9 m, sec 9,3 9,7 10,2 9,7 10,1 10,8
4 × 9 m, sec 9,2 9,6 10,1 9,8 10,2 11,0

Used to assess the level of physical fitness of a person. The standards of shuttle running 3 * 10 m for schoolchildren are developed depending on age (7-17 years), gender and level of training (high, medium, low). For example, for boys of 7 years old with a low level of training, the standard is 11.2 seconds, and for girls 11.7 seconds. For a boy of 17 years old with high level training standard is 7.2 seconds, and for a girl 8.7 seconds.

In the TRP norms, the shuttle run 3 * 10 m is provided as compulsory exercise for the 1st age group(6-8 years old). To pass the standard of gold, silver and bronze badges, a boy must overcome this distance in 9.2, respectively; 10.1 and 10.4 seconds, and the girl for 9.7; 10.7 and 10.9 sec.

TRP standards for shuttle run 3x10m

Shuttle run 3 * 10 m (s)


Stage 1 (6-8 years old)
Level 2 (9-10 years old)
Stage 3 (11-12 years old)
Stage 4 (13-15 years old)
5 level (16-17 years old)
6 level (18-24 years old)
6 level (25-29 years old)
7 step and beyond

not carried out

Standards 3x10 for university students

Physical education lessons are also provided for students, and the standards may differ by university.

Shuttle run standards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

For entry into service under a contract

In special forces focus on the result less than 25 seconds 10 * 10 meters

Shuttle run standards for military personnel / 10x10m scoring table

< 30 лет

> 30 years

100 29,0 31,0
99 29,1 31,1
98 29,2 31,2
97 29,3 31,3
96 29,4 31,4
95 29,5 31,5
94 29,6 31,6
92 29,7 31,7
91 29,8 31,8
90 29,9 31,9
88 30,0 32,0
87 30,1 32,1
86 30,2 32,2
84 30,3 32,3
83 30,4 32,4
82 30,5 32,5
80 30,6 32,6
79 30,7 32,7
78 30,8 32,8
76 30,9 32,9
75 31,0 33,0
74 31,1 33,1
72 31,2 33,2
71 31,3 33,3
70 31,4 33,4
68 31,5 33,5
66 31,6 33,6
65 31,7 33,7
63 31,8 33,8
61 31,9 33,9
60 32,0 34,0
59 32,2 34,2
58 32,4 34,4
57 32,6 34,6
56 32,9 34,9
55 33,1 35,1
54 33,3 35,3
53 33,5 35,5
52 33,7 35,7
51 34,0 36,0
50 34,1 36,1
49 34,2 36,2
48 34,3 36,3
47 34,4 36,4
46 34,5 36,5
45 34,6 36,6
44 34,7 36,7
43 34,8 36,8
42 34,9 36,9
41 35,0 37,0
40 35,1 37,1
39 35,2 37,2
38 35,3 37,3
37 35,4 37,4
36 35,5 37,5
35 35,6 37,6
34 35,7 37,7
33 35,8 37,8
32 35,9 37,9
31 36,0 38,0
30 36,1 38,1
29 36,2 38,2
28 36,3 38,3
27 36,4 38,4
26 36,5 38,5
25 36,6 38,6
24 36,7 38,7
23 36,8 38,8
22 36,9 38,9
21 37,0 39,0
20 37,1 39,1
19 37,2 39,2
18 37,3 39,3

The shuttle run standards of 10 * 10 and 4 * 9 m are developed for military personnel and boys in grades 9-11. For schoolchildren of the 8th grade, the shuttle race is assessed 5 * 10 m, and for girls 3 * 10 and 3 * 9 m with a low level of development. For example, to get the grade "5", a 11th grade student needs to run a distance of 4 * 9 m in 9.2 seconds, and a student in 9.8 seconds.

Shuttle distance.

Shuttle running is used at distances up to 100 m with overcoming intermediate distances (most often 9-10 m) in forward and backward directions up to 10 times. Shuttle running requires more time and energy consumption when running the same distance, because the athlete has to run around the obstacle several times and reduce the speed to prevent injury when turning 1800 at the end of the intermediate distance.

Shuttle running allows you to train in the gym in unfavorable weather, because for this exercise, you need a small area with markings for the beginning and end of intermediate distances. If the weather is favorable, shuttle running training can be carried out at the stadium or any sports ground.

The most popular shuttle run distances are 10 * 10, 4 * 9 and 3 * 10 m, less often in the method of training schoolchildren, distances 5 * 10 and 3 * 9 m are used.When training athletes, the coach individually selects the shuttle run distance depending on the athlete's fitness and specificity tasks solved in the course of training.

Shuttle running technique. At each stage of the shuttle run (start, passing an intermediate distance, turn, finish), a certain technique is used.

Video how a coach trains future football players

And the technique of performing on the video how to properly run shuttle run from the trainer

The initial start is most often used high with support on one hand, but other start options are also allowed. After passing each intermediate distance in the opposite direction at the start, the technique of braking and subsequent acceleration is used. The start and turn lines are marked, the width of the lines is included in the length of the intermediate distance. Passing an intermediate distance includes correct setting the first step and the ability to increase the frequency of short steps at a distance, which is initially developed by fast jumping rope. At the end of the intermediate distance, mark this event, for example, by touching the ground (floor) with your hand and turning 180 °.

Turns require mastering a stopping step, such a step, apart from shuttle running, is most often used in basketball. Do not use any bumps or objects as a support when cornering. The athlete tilts the body towards the changed direction of running.

The finish requires equipping the place due to safety conditions: protecting the walls of the gym at the finish point with mats, there should be no objects in the finish area, a collision with which threatens to get injured. All elements of the shuttle running technique are developed by repetitions in slow motion.

    Shuttle running is a worldwide form of cardio exercise aimed at developing speed-power qualities athlete. When performing a shuttle run, the athlete must run the same distance in forward and reverse directions several times with a 180 degree turn at the end point of the distance. The most popular among athletes is the shuttle running technique 10x10, 3x10.


    This training method is useful in that it helps to increase the explosive strength of the leg muscles, improve the work of the entire of cardio-vascular system, the development of coordination and strength endurance. The shuttle running standards are used to assess the physical fitness of not only athletes, but also employees of various power structures.

    Usually shuttle run is carried out on short distances from 10 to 30 meters, however, in rare cases, the distance can reach 100 meters. Due to its versatile benefits, this exercise has gained popularity in fitness, crossfit, various martial arts, and is also included in the compulsory physical training program in schools, specialized academies under state bodies and in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Today we will figure out how to properly run shuttle run, as well as what is the practical benefit of this exercise on human body from the point of view of the all-round development of the athlete.

    Exercise technique

    The shuttle run technique has several varieties, the choice of which depends on the distance over which the shuttle run is performed: 10x10, 3x10, 4x9. However, at your discretion, you can increase the distance several times - be guided by your level of physical fitness and well-being.

    Either way, the shuttle running technique is almost the same for any distance. The only factor that should be taken into account is that in short-distance running, the athlete immediately begins to perform the exercise with the greatest intensity, using all his power potential; with a longer shuttle run (for example, 10x10 or 4x100), the first 4-6 segments should be performed at the usual pace, trying not to expend a lot of energy, so as not to be exhausted ahead of time. It is better to leave for the last most of the speed-power resources of your body in order to overcome the required distance in the shortest possible time period and show a truly outstanding result.

    The exercise should be performed as follows:

    Starting position

    The classic starting position: we put the supporting leg forward, we try to keep the whole center of gravity above it. The quadriceps of the supporting leg is tense, like a spring, the body is tilted slightly forward, the back is straight, we keep our hands at the level of the ribs. The start should be as explosive and fast as possible in order to overcome the first segment in the shortest possible time. We need strong and well-developed legs for a really explosive start, so pay more attention to exercises that develop explosive power quads: squats with a barbell with a pause at the bottom point, deadlift sumo, box jumping, jump squats, etc.

    Another option for the starting position is a low start:

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    Running speed

    During the race itself, we need maximum speed. To do this, after each step, you should land not on your entire foot, but only on your toe. To develop this skill, replace your standard cardio with jumping rope, then the Lisfranc joint will adapt to the constant landing on the toe, and shuttle running will be much easier.

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    At the end of each segment, you need to make a 180-degree turn. To do this, you need to sharply reduce the speed and take a stopping step, turning the foot of the front leg 90 degrees in the direction of the turn - this movement will slow you down, but will not completely extinguish inertia.

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    On the last stretch, you need to squeeze the maximum possible out of your body and make the last explosive acceleration, without thinking that you will need to stop soon, you should continue to increase speed right to the finish line.

    You can see a video of the shuttle run below. It very clearly shows the technique of performing shuttle running:

    Typical mistakes

    When learning the technique of performing the 10x10 shuttle run, many beginner athletes face the following problems that prevent them from getting the most out of this exercise:

  1. Incorrect load distribution. If you are shuttling 10 equal lengths, endurance usually comes to an end after the first half. To avoid this, you need to start running with medium intensity, with each segment trying to increase speed, using the explosive power of the leg muscles.
  2. The load volume is too large. Don't overdo your training volume when it comes about such high-intensity cardio, especially if you suffer from various kinds of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Chances are, YOU will get more harm than good.
  3. Stopping too slow before turning. You do not need to reduce the running speed in order to calmly turn around, you need to turn around in one movement, sharply turning your leg 90 degrees - this way you will retain the force of inertia and will not extinguish the speed to zero.
  4. Wrong breathing rate. During the shuttle run, breathe in the "2-2" mode, taking two steps during inhalation and two steps during exhalation. Breathe only through the nose.
  5. Do not forget to warm up properly, as shuttle running involves a huge number of muscles, joints and ligaments involved.

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Training program

This shuttle running program is designed for beginners who are just getting started with this exercise. It has only 6 workouts, between which you should take a break of 2-3 days, so that the body has time to replenish energy costs. However, by repeating it several times, you can significantly improve your maximum shuttle result. These workouts are best done in a running stadium or in a track and field gym. There you can accurately measure the required distance.

Shuttle speed 10x10

The shuttle run is part of the mandatory physical training program for the military in various units. The table below shows the current standards in force for the military, contract employees, and military from special forces, approved by orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Shuttle run 3x10

The standards for schoolchildren (boys and girls) are presented below. You can download and print the table by.

AgeThe level of development of the COP
shortbelow the averageaverageabove the averagehigh


7 11.2 and more11,1-10,9 10,8-10,3 10,2-10,0 9,9
8 11,4 —//— 10,3-10,1 10,0-9,5 9,4-9,2 9,1 —//—
9 10,4 —//— 10,3-10,0 9,9-9,3 9,2-8,9 8,8 —//—
10 9,9 —//— 9,8-9,6 9,5-9,0 8,9-8,7 8,6 —//—
11 9,7 —//— 9,6-9,4 9,3-8,8 8,7-8,5 8,4 —//—
12 9,22 —//— 9,1-9,0 8,99-8,5 8,4-8,3 8,2 —//—
13 9,3 —//— 9,2-9,1 9,0-8,5 8,4-8,3 8,2 —//—
14 9,0 —//— 8,9-8,7 8,6-8,1 8,0-7,8 7,7 —//—
15 8,5 —//— 8,4-8,3 8,2-7,9 7,8-7,7 7,6 —//—
16 8,1 —//— 8,0-7,9 7,9-7,5 7,4-7,3 7,2 —//—
17 8,5 —//— 8,4-8,2 8,1-7,6 7,5-7,3 7,2 —//—


7 11.7 and more11,6-11,4 11,3-10,6 10,5-10,3 10,2
8 11,2 —//— 11,1-10,8 10,7-10,1 10,0-9,8 9,7 —//—
9 10,8 —//— 10,7-10,4 10,3-9,7 9,6-9,4 9,3 —//—
10 10,4 —//— 10,3-10,1 10,0-9,5 9,4-9,2 9,1 —//—
11 10,1 —//— 10,0-9,8 9,7-9,1 9,0-8,8 8,7 —//—
12 10,0 —//— 9,9-9,7 9,6-9,1 9,0-8,8 8,7 —//—
13 10,0 —//— 9,9-9,7 9,6-9,0 8,9-8,7 8,6 —//—
14 9,9 —//— 9,8-9,6 9,5-8,9 8,8-8,6 8,5 —//—
15 9,7 —//— 9,6-9,4 9,3-8,8 8,7-8,5 8,4 —//—
16 9,5 —//— 9,4-9,2 9,1-8,4 8,6-8,5 8,4 —//—
17 9,7 —//— 9,6-9,4 9,3-9,1 9,0-8,8 8,7 —//—

Crossfit complexes with shuttle running

If your training process began to bore you, try to perform several functional complexes from the table below. This will bring something new to your program and diversify the entire training. The complexes are designed for fairly experienced athletes who have good strength endurance, since a beginner simply cannot cope with such a combination of aerobic and anaerobic loads, and even in such a huge volume.

Sometimes, in order to diversify the performance of the exercise, shuttle jogging is practiced with carrying 2-3 objects.


Views physical exercise for the competitive selection of candidates by the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. g. "On amendments and additions to the Manuals for the physical training of employees of internal affairs bodies, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. g."

3 km running

Running is performed both over rough terrain and in the stadium. Running starts with a high start and for the first 30-40 meters the runners run with acceleration (i.e. short and frequent strides), then switch to a swing step and 200-300 meters before the end of the distance increase their running speed and finish.

Shuttle run 4 x 20 m (s)

The run is carried out on a flat area marked with start and turn lines at a distance of 20 meters from each other. At the command "March" - from a high start to run 20 meters, touch the ground (floor) behind the turning line with your foot, turn around and run in the same way three more segments of 20 meters each.

Strength complex exercise (for men)

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

Squeeze out on your hands (touch the floor with your chest) 10 times in a lying position;

From the support lying 10 times, take the position of the support-squatting (knees between the hands);

Lie on your back, hands on the belt, take a sitting position 10 times;

From the half-squat, make 10 jumps upward, fully straightening the legs, arms behind the head (when pro-squatting, the thighs should be parallel to the floor).

Repeat the cycles of the indicated exercises without pauses for the number of times. For staff in the 4th medical age group, the dosage of each exercise in one cycle should be 5 repetitions.

Strength exercise (for women)

Runs within 1 minute. The first 30 s - from a supine position, arms along the body do maximum amount bends forward until the toes touch the hands. The next 30 s - turn to the lying position and perform the maximum number of flexions and extensions of the arms.

Grade physical fitness




Age groups

(up to 30 years old)

(up to 35 years old)

(up to 40 years old)

(up to 45 years old)


Strength complex exercise (number of cycles)




Age groups

(up to 25 years old)

(up to 30 years old)

(up to 35 years old)

(up to 40 years old)


Strength exercise (number of repetitions)

Shuttle run is the usual standard demanded for physical training. training in schools and universities. For track and field athletes, this is a great opportunity to hone control of their body when quickly changing the direction of a run with the highest preservation of the pace of movement. Today, shuttle running is a subspecies of training jogging available to anyone.

All standards of Shuttle Run 10x10 3x10 and 4x9

The shuttle run got its name from the association with the shuttle of the loom, in which it makes alternating back and forth movements between two points. So in this run, the athlete runs from the start to a certain point or line, having reached which he makes a U-turn and returns to the starting strip, which is at the same time the finish line.

Shuttle Run Standards for Schoolchildren


Shuttle run

3x10 m and 4x9 m standards for schoolchildren

9.9 10.5 11.0 / 3x10 m. Sec 10.0 11.0 11.5
9.1 10.0 10.4 / 3x10 m. Sec 9.7 10.7 11.2
12.0 12.8 13.2 2nd class / 4х9 m. Sec 12.4 12.8 13.2
8.8 9.9 10.2 / 3x10 m. Sec 9.3 10.3 10.8
12.0 12.2 12.4 Class 3 / 4х9 m. Sec 11.8 12.4 13.0
8.6 9.5 9.9 / 3x10 m. Sec 9.1 10.0 10.4
11.2 11.4 11.6 4 class / 4х9 m. Sec 11.5 11.8 12.2
8.5 9.3 9.7 / 3x10 m. Sec 8.9 9.7 10
10.5 10.9 11.5 5 class / 4х9 m. Sec 11.0 11.4 11.8
8.3 9.0 9.3 / 3x10 m. Sec 8.8 9.6 9.9
10.2 10.8 11.2 6 class / 4х9 m. Sec 10.8 11.2 11.6
8.2 8.8 9.0 / 3x10 m. Sec 8.6 9.4 9.7
9.8 10.2 10.6 7 class / 4х9 m. Sec 10.7 11.0 11.5
8.0 8.6 8.8 / 3x10 m. Sec 8.5 9.3 9.6
9.6 10.0 10.4 8 class / 4х9 m. Sec 10.6 10.9 11.4
7.9 8.5 8.7 / 3x10 m. Sec 8.4 9.2 9.5
9.3 9.9 10.3 9 class / 4х9 m. Sec 10.5 10.8 11.3
7.3 8.0 8.2 / 3x10 m. Sec 8.2 9.0 9.3
9.2 9.8 10.2 10 class / 4х9 m. Sec 10.4 10.7 11.2
7.0 7.7 8.0 / 3x10 m. Sec 8.0 8.8 9.0
9.1 9.7 10.0 11 class / 4х9 m. Sec 10.3 10.6 11.2

For students primary grades shuttle running is a game, but the standards are observed. In addition, children acquire initial skills in coordination of movement, learn to control their bodies. In middle and high school, students acquire more experience in races, with an increase in speed and loads, muscles are developed. The guys are becoming physically stronger and more resilient.

TRP shuttle run 3x10m standards


TRP 3x10 m. Sec

10,3 10,0 9,2

Stage 1 (6-8 years old)

10,6 10,4 9,5
9,6 9,3 8,5

Level 2 (9-10 years old)

9,9 9,5 8,7
9,0 8,7 7,9

Stage 3 (11-12 years old)

9,4 9,1 8,2
8,1 7,8 7,2

Stage 4 (13-15 years old)

9,0 8,8 8,0
7,9 7,6 6,9

5 level (16-17 years old)

8,9 8,7 7,9
8,0 7,7 7,1

6 level (18-24 years old)

9,0 8,8 8,2
8,2 7,9 7,4

6 level (25-29 years old)

9,3 9,0 8,7

The most common way to keep your body in good shape is by running. With its help, you can significantly improve performance. physical health... To diversify the training process, some use shuttle running. Improvements in both endurance and speed can be quickly noticed after such exercises.

Regularly doing shuttle running, the athlete gains speed using a specific technique of constant acceleration. Moreover, for correct execution such a run, it is necessary to maintain balance and show considerable dexterity in movements. A sharp change in the direction of the run contributes to the development of general body motor skills, and also helps to develop resistance to a constant change of pace.

Initially, using the shuttle method, cargo was transported along the river from one bank to another. Thus, it was necessary to constantly change the direction of movement in order to deliver as many things as possible. In the past, small boats had to make several crossings there and back a day. The shuttle run is built on the same principle. Starting his way at point A, the athlete must get to point B and return back, he needs to run this distance several times, depending on the established standards.

The standard shuttle distance does not exceed 100 meters in one direction. The athlete must overcome such small sections, periodically reaching the final point of the path, where he needs to make a sharp turn and run back in the other direction. It is important not to waste precious seconds while touching when changing motion. the main objective- complete the set number of turns and reach the finish line in the shortest possible time.

The most common are five types of distance. The standards of shuttle running in each case are different, they are usually applied in physical education lessons in educational institutions or at training camps in sports sections.

Table # 1. Shuttle Run Guidelines for Men and Women

Distance, metersMen (time in seconds)Women (time in seconds)
3x107,3 - 8,2 8,4 - 9,7
4x911,4 - 11,8 11,7 - 12,4
5x2020,2 - 25,0 21,5 - 26,0
10x1024,0 - 34,4 29,0 - 39,3
4x10060,6 - 106,0 -

For a change in shuttle running, various auxiliary items are sometimes used, which must be carried from one end of the distance to the other. This method is often used during competitions. This prevents the participants from cheating without reaching the line, since main task is to ferry an item to the other side by running and picking it up.

Shuttle run refers to one of the types of sprint races. However, many athletes prefer to run more long distance in a straight line, since such a task looks much easier than to overcome several short sections. During the shuttle run, the athlete needs to have time to develop the maximum possible speed, be able to brake sharply at the shortest distance, group correctly and start moving again from low start... In addition, this set of exercises has to be repeated several times during one race. Only a physically highly developed person will be able to overcome this path without injuries and at the same time spend a minimum of time.

Such training is considered as traumatic as possible. Since all muscle groups are involved during shuttle jogging, it is recommended to do a good warm-up for a few minutes before the session to prevent unpleasant injuries. Only after all the muscles have been warmed up can you start the main workout. The load during running goes not only on the body, but also on internal organs, especially the heart muscle and lungs are involved. Therefore, you should be careful when performing the exercises: at the slightest sign of malaise, you should stop training and, if necessary, consult a doctor for help and advice.

With the exact and correct execution of the shuttle running technique, you can pretty soon see positive results... Such training has the maximum positive effect on the entire body as a whole. Shuttle running helps to strengthen all muscles and bones, improves the circulatory system, contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, and develops overall coordination of movements.

Often, shuttle running is used in training in game types sports where the direction of movement of athletes can change dramatically. For example, these include rugby, cricket and others. Thanks to such training, players can quickly improve their speed indicators, work well on coordination of movements, and also develop dexterity. However, such activities will be useful not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people who are fond of proactively life.

Shuttle running technique

In order to get the maximum benefit from your workout, the correct shuttle jogging technique must be followed. After all, not only the speed of passing the distance can influence the final result, it is also important to overcome obstacles in the form of sharp turns with high quality.

For a start, many coaches recommend working out the technique of running at low speeds, so that later you can increase your pace. Thus, the athlete will develop a system for passing the distance, and, ultimately, it will be possible to save a couple of precious seconds. There are three main points to be aware of for a quality shuttle run:

- how to start correctly;

- how to run correctly;

- how to finish quickly.


Since the distance is less than 100 meters, the use of starting blocks is not necessary. Each athlete independently determines with a stand at the start, it is more convenient for someone to move from a low starting position, but someone from a high. In addition, you can choose the starting position based on the flooring. It could be asphalt treadmill or lawn.

To begin with, it is important to decide on the jogging leg, from this the correct starting position will be calculated. In order to more accurately determine the jerk leg, many trainers use a simple method. While the athlete is in a relaxed state and is unaware of anything, they lightly push him in the back and look at which leg he will fall on first. Thus, you can easily learn about the athlete's jogging leg.

The position of the body at the start should be similar to what a professional skater looks like. The supporting leg is rotated about 30 degrees and stands on the starting line, being in the most tense state, the free leg is located at the back of the toe. The back is straight, the lower back is not tense, it is in a static position, the body is slightly forward.

As soon as the start signal sounded, it is necessary to sharply push off with the supporting leg and, by inertia, throw the body forward. At this moment, it is important to catch the push with the whole body and lift the body up, while maintaining the jerk. For a professional athlete it is important to work out the starting technique with high quality, since the pace of the entire run will depend on this.

2.Running distance

To develop the highest speed, it is necessary to run a distance on toes, thus saving time that would have been spent on pushing at the expense of the entire foot. In addition, the correct decision would be to increase the number of steps: the more often the athlete runs, the higher his speed becomes. To work on this feature, you can use and perform jumps at maximum frequency.

Mastering the shuttle running technique is impossible without a high-quality study of the locking step. It is necessary to make a correct turn at the end point of each leg of the course. The faster and more accurate this step is, the sharper the change in movement will be, which means less time will be spent. Team games, such as volleyball, football or hockey, can be used to properly practice the correct technique of the stopping step.


For beginner athletes, it is recommended to choose the technique of rapid finishing at maximum speed... More experienced runners usually use a spectacular chest throw at the finish line. shoulder girdle, due to which you can break out into the leaders in the last meters of the distance. However, this method runs the risk of serious injury if done incorrectly. Therefore, if, nevertheless, coordination is not sufficiently developed, you should pay attention to the first method of finishing.


Quite easy to learn correct technique and perform high-quality shuttle running, training videos can be found in the public domain on the Internet, so it becomes possible to most accurately understand all aspects of training. Do not forget that any activity should be based on a thorough warm-up and correct exercises for shuttle running. Thus, it will be possible to more effectively affect the entire body as a whole.

Shuttle running is both the most unusual and most traumatic short distance running. However, if everything is done correctly and the running technique is followed exactly, then you can not only show good results, but also enjoy training process... This run is also good because it is versatile and useful in many other game sports.

What else is the shuttle run for?

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