What does correct posture look like in men? Correct posture is easy! Posture exercises will help you

Perfect posture is an opportunity not only to look attractive, but also to avoid many health problems. Slouching shoulders and hunched back provoke the development of diseases of the spine and internal organs, lead to poor circulation and others negative consequences.

How to correct your posture and learn to keep your back straight in any situation? You can get answers to these and other questions right now by carefully studying the article.

What is posture?

Posture of a person is a habitual posture (vertical position of the body), which is maintained at rest and during movement. Its formation begins with early years and continues throughout life.

Erect posture in a naturally standing person indicates the absence of diseases of the spinal column. It is important that the assessment of the state of the spine occurs in a standing position, with closed heels and apart shoulders.

Attention! Slouching back disrupts work respiratory system- the chest is compressed, and the lungs do not open when inhaling.

According to statistics, posture disorders in 70% of cases occur in children. school age(6-12 years old). Referring to the group with the highest probability of curvature of the spine, they need to strictly observe preventive measures and regularly perform physical exercises.

Remember that others evaluate us at the first meeting on outward appearance- and good posture will make you stand out from the crowd.

How to check your posture?

  • Check if it matches perfect posture with your. Stand sideways in front of the mirror, pull your shoulders back at a slight angle, pull in your stomach and straighten chest... See if you can draw a straight line from ear to ankle over your shoulder, hip and knee.
When you check whether you have an even posture or not, it is recommended to adhere to the recommendations:
  • Head and neck. Keep your head upright, pulling it up a little. If the line drawn from the ears passes through the front of the chest, then slightly push it back;
  • Shoulders and arms. Place your arms at the sides of your torso. If your arms spontaneously drop to the front of your chest, then move your shoulders back a little. Remember, are your hands positioned this way when you walk?

  • Painful sensations, discomfort. If you have a straight back, then the pectoral muscles do not tense and there is no pain. With a curvature of the spinal column, the muscles of the upper back have a heavy load, which causes discomfort, which intensifies in the late afternoon.

However, not all people with poor posture experience painful sensations, insofar as human body able to compensate for the acquired changes and literally "adjust" to them.

  • Look at your feet - is the over-pronation of the foot noticeable? If the arch of the foot is practically flat (flat feet), then it indicates a curvature of posture. Deformation leads to an increase in the load on the feet, which provokes their "flattening" (literally).
    It is important that flat feet are a clear sign of poor posture. Additionally, pain in the ankles, lower legs and even hips can be observed.
  • Rate your own mood! Scientists from San Francisco conducted a study with students based on general provisions body language. They proved that a stooped person has an increased feeling of depression, general lethargy appears, in contrast to someone who walks straight with his head held high.

Types of posture disorders

Types of posture disorders Inherent features
Scoliotic (asymmetric) It manifests itself in asymmetry between both halves of the body (right / left).

Other signs:

- the height of the shoulder girdle is different,

- different position of the angles of the blades,

Asymmetry of the triangular waist lines.

Interestingly, in the supine position, the scoliotic defect disappears.

Sagittal - associated with a decrease or increase in the bends of the spinal column. Different kinds posture


increases, lumbar lordosis decreases at the same time.

Other signs:

- shoulder girdle in a raised state,

- the shoulder joints are tilted forward.

Round back

The disorder is associated with an increase in thoracic kyphosis and the absence of lumbar lordosis.

An additional feature is slightly bent legs(the person does not realize this).

Round back

It is expressed in an increase in all bends of the spinal column.

An important sign is the stretching of the anterior abdominal wall (the stomach, as it were, protrudes forward).

Flat back

It is expressed in a decrease in each bend of the spinal column.

An important feature is the almost complete absence of the waist line.

Flat back

The disorder is associated with a decrease in thoracic kyphosis, but remains in a normal or enlarged state.

Outwardly, it is expressed in an increase in the level of inclination of the pelvis.

Reasons for stoop

Posture disorders are provoked by certain reasons, which can be:
  1. External (acquired). Associated with a violation of lifestyle, weakening of the muscle corset and incorrect position of the trunk during the day - lack of physical activity, improper nutrition, neglect of rest on fresh air.
  2. Internal. They are directly related to the dysfunction of internal organs and body systems - chronic diseases, sciatica, tuberculosis, defects of vision, hearing, etc. Internal causes can be acquired - injuries, fractures, bruises.

Less often, uneven posture is a consequence of congenital causes - intrauterine pathologies that disrupt the formation of the spinal column. The result is the acquisition of wedge-shaped vertebrae, the appearance of new (so-called, "extra") vertebrae, etc.

Interestingly, in children, the curvature of the spinal column can cause prolonged repetitive activities (for example, playing at the computer, reading or doing homework), if during their implementation the load is unevenly distributed over the trunk.

Remember that a beautiful posture is the result of long-term work on yourself, and identifying the cause of its curvature is an important stage in straightening!

Can you fix it at home?

How can you correct your posture at home? It is important to eliminate all negative factors leading to its distortion (for example, if your professional activity is carried out in sitting position, then every 1-1.5 hours, do physical exercises while standing).

For achievement effective result how to get rid of stoop, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Lean on each leg with equal strength... The even distribution of the load on the spine prevents it from flexing.
  2. Keep your shoulders straight and slightly back. Slouching, a person brings them forward, closer to the chest, which provokes a curvature of the spine.
  3. Try to keep your head upright. By following this advice, you yourself will find that breathing will become much easier.
  4. Shorten your time in high-heeled shoes (7 cm or more). It significantly increases

    load on vertebral column.

Do you often carry large items or heavy bags? To prevent disturbance, try to distribute the load equally in both hands, while trying to keep your back as much as possible.

How to straighten your posture at home? Do muscle strengthening exercises daily, wear a tight corset, and do hyperextension (exercises to extend the muscles in the back and hips).

At home - it is possible, but it is necessary to strictly adhere to the given recommendations. If you forget about them, then make yourself a reminder (for example, set an alarm on your phone or ask family members to monitor you).

How to fix a child's stoop at home? Here it is necessary to involve parents - it is important

that they monitor the position in which children perform homework, play, read and even dine.

How to correct posture - treatment

How to straighten your posture? Treatment is carried out after identifying and eliminating the functional cause of its curvature.

Methods on how to get rid of the slouch:

  1. Orthopedic appliances. Wearing corrective and supporting corsets, observing medical recommendations, will straighten your back.
  2. Performing exercise therapy. Healing exercises- the most effective method how to remove the stoop.
  3. Massage. It aims to withdraw muscle spasms and restoration of microcirculation, which is important for spinal deformities.
  4. Surgery. There are surgical techniques on how to straighten the spine, but they are implemented only according to the doctor's indications.

How to correct the posture of an adult? Use several methods at the same time - change your lifestyle, choose a corrective corset and exercise regularly.


There is a widespread misconception that surgery is a solution to the question of how to quickly correct posture. In fact, the elimination of deformities by surgical treatment is used extremely rarely.

When can a beautiful posture result from surgery?

  • ineffectiveness of other correction techniques,
  • complex forms of curvature,
  • pronounced stoop.

Surgical intervention is prescribed if the curvature of the spinal column leads to negative consequences for the body and the occurrence of pathologies.

How do surgeons straighten their back? The patient needs to undergo all medical and laboratory tests, a full examination and an x-ray. Taking into account the state of the disorder, its severity and concomitant pathologies, an operation is prescribed.

Orthoses and posture correctors

Formation of correct posture is possible with the use of orthoses and special correctors.


  • supporting,
  • corrective.

The purpose of orthoses is to relieve the load on the spinal column. Posture correctors are worn for about six months and are changed if growth increases (for example, when a child is wearing a brace).

The reclinator is used to treat hyperkyphosis, kyphoscoliosis and to prevent deformities of the spinal column. The corrector is not visible under clothes (it is put on underwear), the period of wearing it is up to 4 hours daily.

Manual therapy

How to align your posture? Manual therapy ("treatment with hands") is an opportunity to eliminate spinal deformities. The doctor, locally acting with his hands on the joints of the spine and muscles, eliminates disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Manual therapy is an effective way to correct a stoop in an adult. However, its appointment and implementation can only be carried out by doctors! When choosing a chiropractor, find out his qualifications and work experience.

Correction of posture with the help of manual therapy takes place in a course - a number of sessions is prescribed, during which a specialist examines the patient's body, identifies the cause of the deformity and eliminates it.


How to improve your posture? An effective way is physiotherapy - physical exercises that are recommended to be performed in combination. It is selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the structure of the human torso (for example, if you need to focus on exercises for cervical spine).

To complete classes, it is enough to use sports tape(alternative - elastic bandage), gymnastic stick, small dumbbells weighing up to 2 kg.

The most optimal set of exercises for strengthening the back muscles and straightening posture:

  1. Stretching (preparation). Take the ends of the gymnastics ribbon and pull alternately in different directions. Stand on one end of the tape, and try to lift the other as high as possible. Gradually complicate the exercise by winding the tape behind your back.
  2. Take a gymnastic stick, put it on your shoulders and throw your hand over it. Start by wiggling in different directions, then move on to the turns, gradually increasing their steepness and adding bends.
  3. Take a lying position and take dumbbells in your hands. Perform 10-15 swings alternately, then another 10-12 swings at the same time. After completing the exercise, remain in the same position, but spreading your arms in different directions.
  4. Roll over onto your stomach, press your hands to the sides of your torso. Lift your upper and lower body alternately. After a few runs, complicate the task - try to fix your torso in a raised state for a few seconds.

When doing a set of exercises for posture, observe regularity (for example, daily in the morning and evening) and accuracy. If possible, sign up for gym- modern exercise equipment and the help of an experienced trainer will help you align your posture.

Is it possible to straighten the spine with exercise?

  1. Spend 5-6 minutes daily to hang on the bar. While doing the exercise, do not strain your arms - try to relax as much as possible and stretch down.
  2. Stand up, take a deep breath, rise on your toes and stretch your arms behind your head. As you exhale, bend (not abruptly!) Forward. It's great if you can touch your knees with your forehead.
  3. "Cat". To straighten your posture with this exercise - Kneel down with your hands on the floor. Exhale smoothly while arching your back down. Then inhale while arching your back upward.
  4. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides (palms down). Bend slowly in different directions until you feel tension in the lateral muscles.
  5. Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Wrap your arms around your legs, resting your chin on your knees. Take your head back, and then return it to its usual position. It is important to repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

How to hold your back correctly - prevention for straight posture

To maintain perfect posture, you must:

  • organize correctly workplace(provide the right lighting, choose comfortable furniture, etc.),
  • control the position of the torso during work,
  • taking into account your own physique, choose an orthopedic pillow and mattress,
  • wear orthopedic shoes and comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement,
  • exercise regularly to develop your back muscles.

When thinking about how to control correct posture, it is important to note the prevention of injuries and other diseases of the spinal column. It may differ in content for men and women.

How to stop slouching a girl? Along with the above methods, start dancing, swimming, or gymnastics. Special attention it is recommended to devote to Pilates, originally developed to solve back problems.

Yoga classes will help a woman keep her posture. Exercise not only trains and strengthens the muscles, but also increases the flexibility of the spine. Can't attend classes? Remember the simplest thing to do - wearing a stack of books on your head.

How to stop slouching a man? According to statistics, men are 25% more likely to suffer from slouching compared to women. Effective method learn to keep your posture - start training on the horizontal bar (for example, pull yourself up, starting the bar in front of the chest).

A slouched man can be seen immediately, therefore, to eliminate the curvature, it is recommended to engage in the gym with dumbbells, leading them behind the back or to the belt line (exercises are performed in a sitting position).

Knowing how to maintain proper posture can help prevent curvature of the spinal column.

Remember best treatment Is prevention!


Video - how to fix a slouch?

Complications and consequences

What causes poor posture?
  • violation of the blood supply to the internal organs and vital systems of the body,
  • stretching the ligaments located in hip joint,
  • deformation of the chest,
  • the gradual development of signs of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) - general weakness and rapid
  • fatigue,
  • causes displacement of the abdominal organs from their places,
  • muscle pains appear, aggravated by a long stay in a standing or sitting state.

Poor posture can lead to a weakening of the muscle corset, which is directly related to physical activity person.

Is it possible to correct posture at 16, 20, 25, 30, 40 years old

Children, adolescents and adults can straighten the spine. The main thing is to take it responsibly, following all the recommendations and exercises. Regardless of age, follow the 30 minute rule.

It lies in the fact that one cannot sit in one place for more than half an hour. Get up every 30 minutes for at least 2-3 minutes - walk around the room, have tea, do a few squats.

Slouching in adolescents and adults can have the same cause. A regular warm-up for the muscles accelerates blood circulation, which leads to less stress on the spinal column.

Can posture be corrected at 40 or at 16? Yes, but it is necessary to control the position of the back even when walking. Keep her straight, knees relaxed and buttocks slightly clenched.

To correct your posture at 30, try to imagine that there is a thread coming from the top of your head that is difficult to pull you and your shoulders up. Remember to control yourself while sitting. Remember to keep your lower back in contact with the back of the chair.

Correcting slouching in adults is more difficult than restoring posture in adolescents. This is due to the fact that with age, the spinal column becomes stronger, and the body adapts to its deformation.

If a person has poor posture, then serious health problems can be the result. From an early age, you need to teach yourself to keep your back straight, but many do not attach much importance to this, stoop, which provokes a curvature of the spine. To fix this, here are a few tips.

How posture affects health

Correct posture not only makes a person attractive, but also helps to strengthen his health, namely:

  • reduces stress on the spine;
  • strengthens the muscles of the face and neck;
  • improves digestion.

Usually, beautiful posture are either athletes or people who are engaged in choreography. In our age of modern technologies, it is quite often possible to observe a picture when office workers are hunched over at a computer. But the result of permanent deformation of the spine can be negative consequences:

  • muscles that are not supported by the spine weaken and begin to sag;
  • back pain occurs;
  • the condition of the skin of the face worsens;
  • a double chin may appear.

Of course, the mental state also suffers. After all, looking at oneself in the mirror and observing a not very joyful picture there, a person can become depressed. Therefore, if a stooped back has become the norm for you, it's time to take care of how to keep your back always straight.

How to improve your posture

First of all, you need to watch your back while walking. To do this, follow these simple rules:

  • straighten your shoulders;
  • take them back slightly;
  • Keep your head straight.

This position of the shoulders and head must be constantly monitored. If you forget about it and start slouching again, you can wear a special belt to correct your posture for a while. Such belts are sold in a sufficient range in pharmacies. The main thing is to choose it correctly so that you feel as comfortable as possible in it. It is also necessary to perform at least three times a week special exercises allowing you to strengthen your back muscles. And while at home, you can do the following:

  • put a heavy book on your head;
  • try to accept stable position so that the book does not fall;
  • slowly, trying to keep your back straight, walk around the room.

This exercise will help strengthen the muscles in your back and will also develop the habit of keeping your back straight. And one more piece of advice how to get used to keeping your back always straight. When shopping at the store, divide them equally into two bags so that you have the same weight in each hand. This simple rule will also help you maintain good posture.

How to keep your back always straight with scoliosis

Unfortunately, a person who constantly slouches not only deteriorates posture, but also a disease such as scoliosis or lateral curvature of the spine may appear. Modern medicine identifies several main causes of scoliosis:

  • constant finding of the body in the wrong position with a crooked back;
  • malfunction of the digestive system, as a result of which muscles, ligaments and bones receive insufficient nutrition;

Also, a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to the appearance of scoliosis. To understand, you need to use the advice of experts.

  • More often you need to walk - this improves the blood supply to the spine.
  • Do not wear shoes on high heels... They violate stability and provoke a shift in the center of gravity of the body.
  • It is advisable to sleep on a semi-hard mattress. Sagging beds can cause the spine to sag.
  • When sitting at a table, try to keep your back upright. Find a comfortable work chair with armrests.
  • When sitting, try to keep your legs at right angles. They should stand firmly on the floor without clinging to the chair legs.
  • When working at a computer, choose for yourself correct posture, avoid straining the muscle corset.
  • Make sure your back is in the correct position at all times. While at work, at home, walking down the street, do not forget to keep your back straight.

Over time, these simple rules will become a habit, and correct posture will become the norm.

Posture correction tips from professional ballet dancers

Professional ballet dancers share their recommendations for correcting posture. Their advice is simple and effective.

  • The head must always be kept straight. At the same time, slightly push the chin forward.
  • Pull the crown of the head towards the ceiling, stretching the body so that it tenses like a string.
  • The shoulder blades should not protrude, the back should be flat. You need to keep your shoulders and chest straight.
  • Always, wherever you are, draw in the muscles in your lower abdomen. It should feel like you are wearing a very tight belt.
  • Sitting on a chair, you can put a tightly rolled towel under your buttocks. At the same time, the pelvis leans forward, supporting the natural curve of the spine. This position will not allow the stoop to develop.


A hunched over man with a drooping head, drooping shoulders and an awkward gait is perceived by others as an unattractive and insecure person. The lack of correct posture contributes to overstrain of the muscles and the spine, and as a result leads to diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.), joints and muscle pain(pain in the cervical, chest and lumbar spine). Stress from poor posture increases fatigue, changes anatomical features spine constricting blood vessels and nerves, causing headaches. Internal organs also suffer from poor posture. While slouching, your ribs press on your lower body, internal organs squeeze each other, their functions are disrupted, and you get sick. The inability to breathe deeply leads to heart and lung diseases, pressure on the organs disrupts the functioning of the liver, kidneys and the digestive system. Many sports injuries are also associated with poor posture. On the material side, improper posture reduces the quality of life, increasing the material and time costs of treatment.

How is posture impaired?

Men spend most of their time sitting or standing at work, at home, in transport, studying or just relaxing. The need for long-term adherence to a seated working position "sitting" (working at a computer, with documents, with clients), a sedentary lifestyle, are the cause of a violation of correct posture. The body adjusts to a more comfortable stooped position. In this position, the force of gravity in the body is not distributed correctly, degenerative changes occur in the spine. Slouching becomes a habit, and when you try to sit "straight", you actually squeeze the already contracted muscles and tendons that act on the curved spine, this causes pain and discomfort. Soon, you return to your previous stooped position.

How can the Correct Posture Trainer help?

Even with a well-trained back and neck, you maintain a comfortable and familiar hunched position. It is necessary to systematically form new habits - to walk with a straight back, straightened shoulders. Remind me to borrow correct position the body will be helped by the electronic exercise machine "Correct posture", which will give a light vibration signal at the moment when you begin to slouch. A feature of the device is that it not only helps to train the back muscles that maintain correct posture, but also develops the habit of keeping your back level at a subconscious level in less than 4 weeks without changing your usual rhythm of life.

What is the result?

Using the electronic exercise machine "Correct Posture" for only 4 weeks, you will stop slouching, train your back muscles, and develop the habit of keeping your back straight at a subconscious level. Correct posture in a man is an indicator physical development and good health. A man with correct posture enjoys the attention of others, feels better and becomes more self-confident. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of correct posture. You can drive active image life: traveling, cycling or alpine skiing, swim and for this you do not have to overcome fatigue, laziness, back pain! If your spine is curved, and in addition there is excess weight, then, perhaps, you just have to lie in front of the TV and suffer from numerous diseases.

There is a very important thing for maintaining health - it is the strength of correct posture.

Posture deteriorates due to many professional activities, especially in people with sedentary lifestyles. Poor posture often develops from childhood due to bad habits. In most Western countries, children spend an average of five hours a day in front of the TV, not to mention how much time they devote to computer games. The human body is not adapted for such a lifestyle. Your posture - how you sit, how you stand, how you walk - is unusually great importance for health.

But why is posture so important?

Everything is very simple. To function properly, your tissues and organs need two things - good blood supply and good nerve. The blood carries through the tissues nutrients and oxygen, and the nerves produce the electrical impulses needed to generate energy. Deprived of one of these factors, tissues will begin to degenerate and wear out. And what allows for innervation and blood supply? Your posture!

Imagine a watering hose. What happens if you pinch it? The water will stop flowing. The same happens to the vessels and nerve trunks in our body, when they are pinched, muscles spasm, innervation and blood supply are hampered.

Now imagine your own spine, you have twenty-six vertebrae, and between each of them there are vessels and nerve roots emanating from spinal cord... They provide nourishment to the entire body. When you slouch or sit in uncomfortable posture, nerve roots and blood vessels are squeezed by your vertebrae in the same way as a hose through which water flows is squeezed. We simply deprive our body of the ability to receive blood and nerve impulses by taking a bad posture.

What can wrong posture lead to?

Poor posture leads to poor health, chest muscles become flaccid, which in turn leads to bronchitis and breathing problems, abdominal muscles weaken, abdominal organs begin to malfunction, and this leads to many digestive problems. Many people experience a similar problem - a saggy belly - and try to get rid of it through diet. But even losing weight, they cannot get rid of the tummy. No amount of diet will help with flabby abdominal muscles if your posture is not good.

Let's start with diagnostics

A critical look in the mirror helps to determine if you are straightened enough. Stand up straight in a position that does not stress you. The soles are flat on the floor. A person with correct posture:

The shoulders should be on the same horizontal line, one shoulder should not be higher than the other.

The elbows should fit exactly into the bend of the waist; if they are higher than the waist, it means that you raise your shoulders too much; if your elbows are below the waist or stick out to the sides, you are most likely slouching. More information about your own posture can be obtained by turning sideways to the mirror.

Draw an imaginary line from the heels to the crown of the head. It should also be on: knees, pelvis, elbows and shoulder joint... A straight line passes through the lower legs and thigh bones, bisects the ribcage and, passing through the shoulder joint and neck, exits the crown.

Please note - the ribs should not protrude too much forward, being exactly above

Homo erectus, help yourself!

Algorithm for adjusting the correct posture:

Lift your feet one by one, twist your leg. Place it on the floor - the sole should be flat on the floor, the load is evenly distributed.
Straighten knees are located above the heels.

Bring your attention up and imagine your tailbone - this little "tail" looks exactly at the ground. Now you will notice that the pelvis has moved forward, and the belly and ribs hang over it.

In order not to bend in half, you need to stretch your stomach about the width of your palm. Place your palm on the hypochondrium of the same name (if the right, then on the right). There should be no bones under your palm - that is, thumb touches the lower rib, and the little finger rests on the ilium. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the ribs do not protrude forward, but are directly above the ilium.

We continue to move up (feel how the spine straightens from the coccyx itself, like a flower stretching upward). Make a circle with your shoulders and fold them back. Do it lightly - you don't have to pull your shoulder blades and hold yourself up with your upper back muscles. As conceived by the engineers of the human body, the hands should be held pectoral muscles rather than back muscles.

By the way, about the hands. If you did everything correctly, now your elbows are exactly opposite the bend of the waist (they do not touch iliac bones and do not stick out to the sides). The palms are slightly turned outward and are in front of the hips (not in front or behind them!).

Finally, the neck - think of the seventh vertebra (you can feel it with your hand). This is where the back ends and the neck begins. Try not to bend in this place, do not hang your nose! Imagine the neck continuing the straight line you just drew from the tailbone itself.

Sometimes a person has a desire to "turn up his nose" - to raise his chin, bending his neck in the region of the 3-4th vertebrae. You should not do this - it leads to a violation of cerebral circulation. It is better to imagine how someone has just built a wonderful straight structure for you, pulled up by the thread coming out of the top of your head. The chin should be exactly above the hypochondrium (the point in the middle between the collarbones).

It is difficult to imagine a successful man with a hump instead of a back. Such people immediately lose the sympathy of others, and this happens on an intuitive level. People with beautiful slender posture look healthier, more confident, strong, and sexy. It is not for nothing that the armies of all countries bring up correct and even posture, such a soldier evokes the feeling of a strong fighter.

What contributes to the development of poor posture?

  • Passive lifestyle. Working at the computer makes you stick out your chin towards the monitor, stooping your back, eventually forming a stooped back. In addition, in a seated position, the back muscles do not receive the proper load, they become incapable of maintaining an even back (read more about the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle).
  • Carrying the bag on one shoulder.
  • Wrong position of the body during sleep causes curvature of the spine. It matters what surface you sleep on: it should not be soft so that the body does not bend. Also .
  • Weak muscles the backs are not able to support the back properly, so for proper posture it is necessary to strengthen the back muscles.

As you can see, there are enough factors negatively affecting posture, so you should always monitor the correct position of the back, both while walking and in a sitting position.

What will help you to form the correct posture?

A horizontal bar is an excellent tool for building a healthy posture and strengthening your back muscles. You need to hang on the bar in a relaxed state for a straight posture and pull-ups wide grip to train the muscles of the back.

It has become a mandatory treatment procedure for people with scoliosis. Swimming relieves tension from the spine, which has a beneficial effect on posture.

Strong muscles abdominal help relieve unnecessary stress from the spine and facilitate the formation of correct posture.

If there is no opportunity to hang on the horizontal bar or swim, exercises that promote the formation of a healthy posture will come to the rescue:

  1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. We bend forward, touching the floor with our hands, trying to straighten our back as much as possible. During the exercise, the legs remain in a straight (not bent) position.
  2. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Make the maximum possible turn of the body to the left. Return to starting position... Make the maximum possible turn of the body to the right.
  3. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the back of the head (fingers intertwined). Keeping your back straight, we make the deepest tilt to the left without lifting our feet off the floor. We return to the starting position, tilt to the right.
  4. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. We start to make circular motion pelvis, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

Posture is the first thing you pay attention to. Don't let a negative opinion form about yourself - keep your back straight!

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