Exercise boat for the back benefit. Exercise boat for the back and press - how to do it right and the benefits

Back boat exercise is loved by all those people who have been practicing it for a long time. This movement should be well known to fans of crossfit and bodyflex. She has several other names - Superman and Swallow.

She's well works on the main muscle groups, gives at the same time a feeling of lightness and pleasant fatigue... Those who have just started doing it note that the exercise is quite difficult to perform, but it gives a good effect.

In fact, do it by all the rules on initial stages not so easy. This movement is easy for those who are in good physical shape. Those who have started to practice it recently should try to follow all the necessary recommendations when performing in order to quickly master it and get desired resultslim figure and a toned belly.

The benefits of this movement - 9 facts

This movement involves a huge variety of different muscle groups... Which muscles work:

It also has many positive properties:

  1. Formation of perfect posture... Correct posture is not only aesthetic value, but also contributes to anatomical correct location internal organs Although greater efficiency for posture has;
  2. Strengthening the muscles of the corset... Promotes the formation of the correct position spinal column, prevention of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
  3. Development, primarily of the joints of the spine, as well as the shoulder and hip joints ... Stimulates the production of joint fluid and strengthens the cartilage layer.
  4. Improving blood flow in internal organs and tissues;
  5. Restoration of the disturbed process of "tension - relaxation" of muscles... Due to pain and spasms in the muscles of the back, this process is disrupted, and it can be difficult for the muscles to relax even at rest;
  6. Favorable effect on various systems of the body - the vascular system, the digestive system and others;
  7. Restoration of disturbed nerve impulses... Superman helps relieve muscle spasms, release nerve roots and restore normal organ function;
  8. This movement included by instructors of medical gymnastics in the composition of exercises for the treatment of various curvatures of the spine and osteochondrosis. In this case, it is necessary to contact a doctor to clarify the nuances of performing a swallow, since with different degrees of curvature, the types of loads and their number are individually selected for each patient.
  9. This movement also helps. Look about on our website.

Boat exercise technique

In the classic version of the exercise "Superman" lying on the floor, or simply "boat", uses the muscles of the press, hips, back, etc. At the beginning, a warm-up is recommended, in which any active movements can be included to warm up your muscles. Then, exercises are needed to stretch the muscles of the back.

How to do it right:

  1. We lie down on our backs, we stretch our arms parallel to the body.
  2. The legs are in close contact.
  3. At the same time, we raise our straight legs and arms up, leaning on the buttocks.
  4. We linger for a few seconds in the maximum position, lower ourselves, lie on our back and relax for three counts.
  5. We repeat the exercise three times to begin with. With each workout, we increase the number of repetitions.

Watch the video for more details:

You can try using various options superman poses, depending on what physical condition you are in.

Note! Do not forget to control your breathing - on the exhale, tension, on the inhale, relaxation.

Reverse boat exercise

This option involves the muscles of the thighs, back, abs, gluteus maximus and gastrocnemius. In general, this option is very similar to the usual one.

  1. We lie down on our stomach and relax. If your muscles are stiff, the exercise will fail.
  2. We stretch our arms forward, keep our legs together.
  3. We raise our legs and arms as we exhale, lifting them off the floor, trying to bend as much as possible. Important! We keep our legs and arms straight - they cannot be bent at the knees and elbows.
  4. We linger in this position for several seconds, while inhaling, we lie on our stomach. We rest for a few seconds. Breathing is free.
  5. We repeat from three to seven times - depending on your physical form.

How long to keep the boat pose in time? Start with a few seconds and, over time, work up to 20-30 seconds at a time.

Learn more from the video:

If you fail to bend strongly the first time, it's okay. It is enough if to begin with, you will simply lift your feet and palms off the floor... Each time you will be able to perform this exercise much better, since the muscles will stretch, and the hip and shoulder joints be developed.

Important! Pause between exercises. This is necessary so that the muscles can relax, and the relationship "tension - relaxation" is not broken. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you may get a muscle spasm. Once you get used to this load, the rest time between exercises can be shortened and done at a fairly high pace.

Boat in storm

If you are in good physical shape, then the exercise will most likely work for you the first time. If you did not often pay attention to physical education, then you will have to master the technique of execution for a certain time. But then the exercise will become one of the most beloved. Let's start to master it:

  1. We lie down on our stomach, stretch our arms along the body, legs together.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees, reach our feet with our hands and cover them with our palms.
  3. We bend as much as possible and begin to slowly swing back and forth. We keep our balance, don't fall on our side. We lower our legs and arms and lie on our stomach. Rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise several times.

The muscles involved in this exercise are the same as in the previous one.

Important! Breathing when performing Superman should be free. You cannot hold your breath, as it is harmful to the heart - vascular system... Before doing the "boat in the storm", you can try other, easier to perform versions of this exercise, for example, "boat in reverse".

Side variety

In this variation, the spinous muscle of the back, the longest muscle of the back, the lumbar and pectoral muscles work.

  1. We lie on our side leaning on our hand, with the other hand we take ourselves by the back of the head, with our legs we stretch downward.
  2. We raise our legs above the floor level, linger for a few seconds. We rely on the lateral surface of the pelvis and the lateral part of the thoracic region.
  3. We lower our legs and turn over to the other side.
  4. We repeat, to begin with, up to seven times, gradually increase the number of repetitions.

Pause for a few seconds between flips to the other side.

For beginners, the rest time between repetitions of an exercise can be increased to thirty seconds. This is necessary so that the muscles can fully relax. As you adapt, you can gradually increase the total amount of exercise and decrease the periods of muscle relaxation. Control your balance, do not roll onto your back or stomach.

Note! Do not hold your breath, breathe freely and regularly.

The following complexes have also shown high efficiency:

These exercises are used both at home and as part of the complex. physiotherapy exercises and in bodybuilding. The boat is a versatile movement that can make your figure slim and your posture perfect. To create a "fighting spirit" for classes, come up with some kind of attractive incentive. And then just start doing the exercise. And do not put it off "for later"!

Simple workouts are effective and efficient. A striking example of this is the classic boat exercise for the back. Performing it regularly, you can strengthen the muscle corset, form a beautiful posture and work out the abdominal muscles with high quality. In this article, we will look at how this exercise is useful. And also get acquainted with correct technique its implementation and varieties that will make training interesting and feel the work different groups muscles.

What muscles are involved?

Slouching and other posture disorders, osteochondrosis and back pain are such complaints, unfortunately, in recent times became the most widespread, and this is due to a sedentary lifestyle, improper body position while working at a computer and, as a result, weakness of the muscle corset. You can compensate for all these gaps if you regularly take time to work with your body. You can start with one boat exercise, gradually expanding the workouts and increasing their duration.

The boat is an effective and simple exercise that can be found in various complexes workouts.

Boat or Superman is universal exercise without age restrictions, while it has a healing and restorative effect. This effect is achieved through complex work following muscles:

Correct execution of the exercise allows you to engage and include in the work, in addition to the superficial muscle layers, also postural ones. What does it mean? The postural muscles are located much deeper in the body, in the immediate vicinity of the spine. Their main task is to provide the body with a vertical position during physical activity due to correct posture... Feature internal muscles is that in standard strength training they are quite difficult to work out. It is the static load during the exercise that enables them to work best.

Benefits of Exercise

Back boat exercise also has a beneficial effect on various organs, systems and areas of the body. So, how is the boat exercise useful:

  1. Provides strengthening of the muscular corset due to the formation of the correct position of the spinal column. "Side" effect - prevention of osteochondrosis and stoop.
  2. Superman exercise improves blood circulation not only locally in the spine, but also in all internal organs and tissues.
  3. It restores the mobility of the shoulder and hip joints, which are involved during the exercise, and ensures the production of cartilage tissue.
  4. The correct distribution of the load during the exercise, the boat for the back, restores the muscle corset to the ability to relax at rest. This is due to the restoration of the "tension - relaxation" process, disturbed in the muscles of the back.
  5. Forms a beautiful posture from an aesthetic point of view, helps to straighten the back and shoulders, as well as return the anatomically correct position to the internal organs.
  6. Improves digestive and of cardio-vascular system organism.
  7. When done regularly, the exercise helps to reduce waist circumference and helps to screw the misaligned umbilical ring into place.
  8. Helps get rid of fat in the lower back.
  9. The boat exercise is actively included in the complexes of therapeutic and recreational gymnastics for the spine. In this case, it is important to choose the right type of load and the regularity of classes with the attending doctor.
  10. Provides the restoration of correct breathing.

The boat exercise for children is also suitable, as it helps to form the correct posture and relieve stress from the spine.

Contraindications to the exercise

The boat exercise is universal and basic. It is successfully included in different types training programs, including in health and wellness. It is suitable for people of all ages.

Who shouldn't do the exercise? Contraindications for performing a set of exercises for the back, including boats, are:

  • osteochondrosis and other chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • ARI and some time after it, high fever;
  • high pressure;
  • heart attack;
  • tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  • malignant neoplasms.

The presence of any of the listed diseases requires consultation with a doctor, who will decide on the appropriateness of physical activity and its acceptable level.

Execution technique

How to properly do the boat exercise for the back so as not to injure it? The execution technique determines the effectiveness of the training. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the nuances.

Classic boat is performed as follows.

  1. Starting position- lying on your back with your arms outstretched. Legs are brought together, toes and heels are pressed together.
  2. We take a deep breath until the sensation of complete expansion of the diaphragm. In this case, it is important to suck in the stomach.
  3. Raise your legs to a height of 30-40 cm.
  4. Lift upper part torso and shoulders to the same level as the legs. The area of ​​support is the area of ​​the buttocks and sacrum.
  5. We hold our breath (at least 8 accounts), after which we lower ourselves to the floor and relax. The recommended number of repetitions is from 4, with a gradual increase in time in the extreme upper position.

A boat is more static than strength training... Therefore, the exercise must be performed slowly, without jerking, paying attention to breathing and how the muscles are stretched.

Reverse boat exercise (also called hyperextension on the floor) is no less effective. With its help, you can strengthen the muscles of the back and reduce the size of the waist and hips.

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Straight arms extended forward, palms down. The legs are also straight, the toes are stretched.
  2. We simultaneously lift the upper body and legs to a height of about 40 cm. During stretching, the abdomen and pelvis act as a support for the body.
  3. While holding our breath, we try to stretch out and stretch the body, directing our legs and arms in opposite directions.
  4. We exhale slowly and return to the starting position.

Varieties of boats

After mastering basic technique performing a boat, you can proceed to the complicated technique.

Boat in storm

  • Starting position - lying on your stomach.
  • We raise the body and legs up, stretching, grasp the feet with our hands.
  • We swing alternately back and forth, maintaining balance and not falling on our side. As we exhale, we lower our arms and legs, lie down on our stomach. We are resting. We perform the exercise at least 4 approaches.

Boat on the side

  • Starting position - lying on your side.
  • We lift the body and legs to a height of 10-15 cm from the floor (the bones of the pelvis and the lower thoracic region serve as a support). At the top point, the position of the body must be fixed for 10-30 seconds.
  • Then return to the starting position. The exercise is performed in several approaches for one side, then turned over and repeated on the other side.

When performing a complicated version, it is important to pay attention to breathing. An even and calm breathing cycle is a guarantee correct technique and cardiovascular health.

What else do you need to know about exercise?

Wellness effect boats depends not only on the number of repetitions, but also on the observance of the following points:

  • Regularity. Daily practice in the morning helps to cheer up and create a mood for the day. Exercising after a day's work will help you relax and relieve stress from your spine. Occasional classes are unlikely to be effective.
  • It is best to do the boat on an empty stomach in the morning or not earlier than two hours after eating.
  • Compliance with the execution technique in combination with correct breathing- the guarantee of the boat's efficiency.
  • It is recommended to end each workout with a relaxing vertical fold.

How to replace the boat?

The spine boat exercise is not the only exercise that can strengthen the muscle corset. Form an attractive posture, work out gluteal muscles and the press can be done with the help of a whole complex of physical activity.

Exercises for shaping posture and strengthening the spine:

  • Tightening the body ("snake")
  • Raising arms while lifting ("flight")
  • Walking on the buttocks

Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset and abs:

  • Plank
  • Reverse plank
  • Plank with leg raises
  • Twisting
  • Alternate lowering of the leg

Strong muscle corset and, as a result, beautiful posture- the guarantee of excellent physical shape. In addition to exercise in maintaining back health, it is important to follow simple but effective rules.

  • Always keep your back straight, posture and slouch.
  • During extended work at the computer, take regular breaks to warm up.
  • Bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting weights.
  • If you have to stand in one place for a long time, alternately shift your body weight from foot to foot to relieve some of the load from the spine.
  • Strive to normalize body weight.

Observe simple rules, drive active image life and include in working days physical activity... All this will help keep your back healthy and make your posture royal.

When it comes to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, special attention is paid to the spine. This is not surprising given the enormous influence that healthy spine affects the quality of life of a person, his well-being and general health.

But a diseased spine affects our life no less. Let's see who needs it and why physiotherapy for the spine, how to perform it and what you need to know about this method of treatment.

Specialists dealing with the treatment of diseases of the joints, bone and muscle tissues are often faced with situations when the improvement of the spine leads to the elimination of pain and improvement of the mobility of the joints, which were previously characterized by pain and stiffness of movements, etc.

Even simple gymnastics for the spine (if it is carried out regularly) can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the spinal column and all its tissues, since exercise improves the following indicators:

In what cases is exercise therapy indicated

The first and most important thing to know is that any exercise therapy complex (even basic or lightweight) should be prescribed by a doctor. This precaution is due to the fact that in the presence of any disease (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, etc.), the spine becomes extremely vulnerable to stress, and the result of self-medication may be deterioration general condition health and slower recovery.

The next rule, which also implies a visit to a doctor, is the selection of exercises taking into account the characteristics of the disease. Any ailment, including pathology of the spine, develops and proceeds differently in different people... This means that a set of exercises that is effective for a person with a traumatic origin of a lumbar hernia of the spine can be categorically contraindicated in a patient whose hernia has developed into cervical spine due to age-related changes.

Contraindications to exercise therapy

The main contraindication to exercise therapy for diseases of the spine is the absence of a doctor's prescription. Not knowing what caused your disease and whether it is accompanied by any concomitant pathologies, you can cause significant harm to your health by self-medication.

In addition, if after executing complex of exercise therapy you feel a deterioration in well-being (not necessarily back pain or pain in the damaged area of ​​the spine), be sure to inform your doctor or exercise therapy instructor about this.

During your initial consultation with your orthopedist, inform your orthopedic surgeon of any medical conditions you are aware of. Health problems such as impairment blood pressure, cerebral circulation, heart failure, etc. require correction of both medication for the treatment of the spine, and for correct selection complex exercise therapy.

Physiotherapy for a hernia of the spine

The purpose of exercise therapy for intervertebral hernia is to redistribute the load on the spine in such a way as to release the tissue "restrained" by the hernia, restore blood circulation in them and allow nutrients and oxygen freely penetrate into the tissues of the disc - this is important condition to normalize its functions.

In addition, exercise strengthens the muscle groups that physiologically support the spine. correct position, which relieves excessive pressure on the damaged disc and prevents the transition of the disease to a more serious condition.

Therapeutic exercises for a hernia of the spine can be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, and only after the disease has been removed from the acute period, and the pain syndrome and associated symptoms have been eliminated.

Basic complex of exercise therapy

Such gymnastics for the spine should be performed smoothly, without sharp turns or prolonged tension of the back muscles.

I. Unloading of the spine

Take a couple of chairs (stools) with a padded seat, place them next to each other. Get down on your knees in front of them and lie with your stomach and chest on the seats piled together. The hips and arms should be free to "dangle" - the weight of the body falls only on the chest and abdomen. Hold this position for 2-3 minutes, after which, without sudden movements, stand up on your feet.

II. Standing

I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hang freely along the body. Lean forward slowly so that the body is parallel to the floor (hands remain free and do not take any load). In this position, you can feel the tension of the muscle rollers in the lumbar region. If this feeling is painless, stay in this position for a minute. Return to the I.P., take a few breaths in and out, and repeat the exercise again. The number of repetitions is 3-4 times.

III. Lying on your back

I.P. lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet positioned as close to the buttocks as possible. Slowly and smoothly lower your knees to the side, "reaching" them to the floor. Alternate bending of the knees to the left and to the right, but at the first unpleasant sensations in the back, fix the angle of inclination, which is your "limit" and do not exceed it on subsequent repetitions. The number of repetitions is 6-8 times.

IV. Lying on my stomach

I.P. lying on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows, palms next to the head, pressed to the floor. Without raising your head and leaning on your palms, "step" with your knees, pulling them as close to the body as possible. At the end of the exercise, your body position should resemble a triangle: your head on the floor, your pelvis up, your knees under your belly. Keep your back straight. Having paused at the end point for 1 minute, “step with your knees in the opposite direction. The number of repetitions is 2-3 times.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

Therapeutic gymnastics at cervical osteochondrosis, thoracic or lumbar allows you to improve blood circulation in the tissues, which slows down the development of the disease, and with complex treatment (using medication and physiotherapy programs) it can even completely stop the pathological process.

Basic complex of exercise therapy

When performing exercises aimed at alleviating the condition with osteochondrosis, it should be remembered that prolonged loads and sudden movements are contraindicated. Focus on your own health and exercise, the implementation of which gives you discomfort or pain, exclude from the complex.

I. Walking on all fours

Get on your knees, with an emphasis on your palms, and walk on all fours - walk around the room, change the direction of movement (a few "steps" forward, and then back). Keep the floor covering warm and soft, or wear special knee pads to avoid injury to your knee joints.

II. Unloading the spine

Take a chair or stool with a soft seat (you can put a small pillow on the seat) and lie on the seat so that the problem area of ​​your back does not hang down, but is in stable position... Do not lean on your knees and hands - the limbs do not bear any load and are completely free. Relax your body, let your head "hang" - with the right position, you will feel a pleasant pulling feeling along the spine. In the area damaged by osteochondrosis, slight discomfort may occur. Hold this position for 3-4 minutes.

III. "Paperweight"

L Lay on your back, bend your knees and pull them to your chest. Place your palms around your knees and start swinging. At the extreme points of the amplitude, you should touch the floor with your shoulders and pelvis. Continue this exercise for 2-3 minutes.

IV. "A boat"

Lie on your stomach. With your arms pulled back, try to grab your raised ankles. After that, swing so that the touch chest to the floor on exhalation, and the pelvis on inhalation. Continue swinging for 2-3 minutes.

V. Rotation

Standing on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate your head gently in a frequent arrow 2-3 times, then repeat in the opposite direction. The head should "roll" from the left shoulder to the chest, then to the right shoulder and back. Make sure that there is no excessive tension in the muscles of the neck. After that, rotate your shoulders with your arms down - forward and then back. At the end of this exercise, you should feel warmth in your neck and shoulder girdle but by no means pain.

Important: When performing this exercise, watch your well-being: at the first sign of dizziness, noise or stuffy in the ears, nausea or disorientation, stop immediately.

Physiotherapy for scoliosis

Therapeutic gymnastics for scoliosis is an essential condition for the formation of correct posture, consolidation of the physiological position of the spine and elimination of complications, which often leads to scoliosis. The mechanism of action of exercise therapy is strengthening the muscles that hold the spine in the correct position and relaxation of muscle groups that "take" the spine to the side. If all the recommendations of an orthopedic surgeon or exercise therapy instructor are followed, the curvature is compensated rather quickly, and subsequently it is only required to maintain the result healthy way life and regular activities.

But exercise therapy for scoliosis requires compliance with some general rules:

  • all exercises should be performed in the corrective position prescribed by the doctor - the required position depends on the degree of curvature, its type and localization (thoracic, lumbar, S-shaped);
  • the exercise therapy complex should be selected taking into account the concomitant diseases, which are common with scoliosis, which disrupts the functioning of the chest or abdominal organs
  • cavity.

Basic complex of exercise therapy

This complex includes exercises that you can do on your own, provided that during and after the complex, your health does not deteriorate, and you do not experience acute back pain.

I. Unloading of the spine

I.P. kneeling with palms on the floor. For 2-3 minutes "walk", leaning on your knees and palms, without straining your back - it should sag slightly.

II. Lying on your back

I.P. lying on the floor, on your back. Relax for a few seconds, then gently stretch your heels down and your head and neck up. Make sure that the spine is not stressed;

I.P. lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, knees pulled up as close to the stomach as possible. Do with your feet circular motions imitating cycling. Beginning with the knees above the abdomen, gradually increase the angle between the thigh and lower leg so that the rotational movements are made as close to the floor as possible - in this case, the legs are almost in an even position. Lower your legs until you feel a load on your abdominal muscles - stop there and repeat the exercises from the beginning.

III. Lying on my stomach

I.P. lying on his stomach, face down. Stretch gently with your heels down and your head up. Repeat the exercise for 3-4 minutes;

I.P. lying on his stomach, face down. As you exhale, raise your head and upper body as high as possible, while spreading your arms to the sides and back. The fulcrum is on the abdomen. Hold this position for a few seconds and gently return to the SP. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times;

IV. Standing on all fours

I.P. standing on the floor, resting on your knees and palms, forearms and hips at right angles to the floor. Relax your back and "lower" it so that the lower back hangs freely, while tilt your head back - the chin is directed up. Then, without returning to the SP, arch your back in an arc, straining your back muscles, pressing your chin to your chest. Hold in the lower and upper position for a few seconds. Repeat this cycle 4-5 times.

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A set of exercises for back muscles

A man's back is enough vulnerability... Many people after 30 years old experience chronic pain associated with overloading the spine and the development of its degenerative-dystrophic diseases. But regular back exercises and developing a good muscular system of the spinal column can prevent the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as provide a reference V-shape for men and women.

Today there are many programs for training back muscles. It's hard to say which ones are the most effective. Each person can choose a complex independently, but in mandatory after consulting a doctor in order to exclude any diseases of the spine. You can do it on special simulators, or you can do it at home.

What muscles need to be trained?

All back muscles can be divided into three groups:

  1. Superficial muscles of the upper back.
  2. Superficial muscles of the lower back.
  3. Deep back muscles.

All the efforts of bodybuilding fans are aimed mainly at developing the superficial muscle group, since it is they who create the desired silhouette and back relief. But strengthening the deep muscle group is no less important, since it is they who form the muscular corset of the spine, protect it from damage, maintain the normal position of the spinal column and its bends, give stability to our body and participate in the movements of each individual vertebra.

Basic training rules

So that exercises for the back muscles are only beneficial and do not harm general health, in the classroom, you need to adhere to some rules and recommendations:

  1. Any set of exercises for the shoulders and back should begin with warm-up and stretching of the muscles of the whole body. This will warm up the muscles, make them more elastic and prevent possible injury during the main workout.
  2. People with a backache should start classes only after consulting a specialist. You can't start right away. power loads, it's better to start with the usual gymnastic exercises to strengthen the back muscles, and after that you can perform power training(but only with the permission of the doctor).
  3. If back pain occurs during exercise, then it is necessary to reduce the load or stop exercising. With an exacerbation of the pathology of the spine, any physical exercise is prohibited. A sore back needs rest until the pain subsides.
  4. It is not recommended to make sharp and abrupt movements. All elements of the exercise should be performed smoothly and slowly.
  5. Exercise should be done regularly. Ideal if every day, but 2-3 workouts per week will do.
  6. It is forbidden to use any analgesics before class, as you may not feel pain and damage the spine due to this.

Basic back exercises

Before proceeding to the exercises themselves, it is necessary to understand such concepts as basic and isolation exercises. These terms are used in bodybuilding. So, basic exercises are those in which several muscles and joints are simultaneously involved. They form the backbone of any training program.

Isolation exercises are those in which only one muscle is worked out, for example, the straight back or the lats. Typically, one workout should consist of two to three basic exercises and one isolation exercise. Next time we repeat two or three basic ones, and perform isolating exercises for another muscle. In this way, each individual spinal muscle can be worked out well.

Basic exercises:

  • pulling up;
  • barbell pull with a torso tilt;
  • dumbbell row with right and left hand;
  • vertical block pull;
  • thrust horizontal block to the belt;
  • traction of the upper block type to the pectoral muscles.

It is important that you are taught by an experienced instructor to complete all of the exercises described. He will show you how to get the most out of your classes and prevent injury.

A set of isolating exercises

As already mentioned, isolation exercises will allow you to work each muscle separately. One workout should not include more than 1-2 such exercises. As a rule, it is with them that the training ends. The following are exercises for developing the main spinal muscles.

Latissimus muscles:

  • rod thrust in an inclined position;
  • standing dumbbell rows with one hand;
  • pulling up;
  • thrust for the head on a high type of block;
  • traction of the horizontal block to the belt in a sitting position.

Trapezius muscles:

  • shrugs with hand dumbbells.

Lower back exercises:

  • deadlift type;
  • forward bends with a barbell;
  • hyperextension.

Fitness ball exercises

Fitball is a special large inflatable ball for fitness both in gymnasiums and at home. This is a unique sports equipment that allows you to work out the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks and legs. Also, exercises with fitball allow you to develop balance, improve coordination of movements, make the body flexible and get rid of extra pounds.

There are a lot of exercises with fitball, and everyone can create their own individual training set. Consider several exercises that are aimed at developing the dorsal muscle corset.

Exercise 1

It is aimed at strengthening the extensor muscles of the spine (deep group). I. p. - lying with our stomach on a fitball, leaning on our legs, bent at the knees, hands down, palms turned inward, head looking straight at the floor. Slowly from this position we raise our head and shoulders, we spread our arms to the sides to shoulder level. We linger in this position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

The number of repetitions is 5-10. After several workouts, you can increase the load by using dumbbells weighing 1-1.5 kg for each arm.

Exercise 2

Allows you to work not only the back muscles, but also the press. I. p. - lying with our stomach on the fitball, with our palms resting on the floor and "step" with our hands forward until the ball is under the knees. From this position, straining the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs, lift the pelvis up. At the same time, the fitball rolls to the level of the instep of the foot. We linger in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. We repeat 5 times.

Exercise # 3

This is an extension exercise. Only, instead of complex simulators, a fitball is used here. I. p. - lying with his stomach on the fitball, feet rest against the wall, arms extended along the body. Straining the muscles of the back and the press, we tear off the upper part of the body from the ball, we spread our arms to the sides. We linger in this position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. We repeat 5 times.

Barbell Back Exercises

As already mentioned, the bent-over row is one of the main basic exercises for the development of back muscles. It is also considered one of the best for working out the broadest dorsal muscles.

I. p. - standing on slightly bent legs, the body is tilted forward at an angle of approximately 45º, while the back is absolutely even. We hold the bar with a grip from above, shoulder-width apart, with our hands down. After inhaling, we hold our breath and pull the bar to the chest. Inhale and, as you exhale, return the sports equipment to its original position.

By changing the type of grip (top, bottom), as well as the width and angle of the torso, you can focus on certain areas of the back and better work out individual muscle groups.

Simple exercises to strengthen your back muscles

The exercises described above should be performed under the supervision of an instructor. Most of them require special simulators and sports equipment... But there are more simple complexes, which are suitable for strengthening the muscle corset at home.

Hip bridge

I. p. - lying on his back, legs bent at the knees, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended along the body. We tighten the muscles of the buttocks, hips and back and pull the pelvis up, lifting it off the floor. We linger in this position for 10 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. We repeat 10-15 times.

Side plank

I. p. - lying on your side, the hand is closer to the floor bent at the elbow. Straining the muscles of the back and abdomen, we tear off the pelvis from the floor, leaning on our hand. We linger in this position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. We repeat 10-15 times.


I. p. - lying on the floor with his stomach down. The arms and legs are extended along the body. Slowly lift the limbs off the floor and bend in the back. We linger in this position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position.

Summing up, it should be emphasized that every person who wants to have a beautiful figure and a healthy spine should pay attention to exercises to develop and strengthen the muscles of the back.

Hernia exercises lumbar spine - essential element therapy of this ailment. Physical exercises give such a result because when they are performed, blood circulation, nutrition of the vertebrae improves, muscles and ligaments of the spinal column are strengthened.

The process of hernia appearance develops as follows. The vertebrae are interconnected by special flexible cartilaginous discs. They consist of a pulp surrounded by a dense fibrous ring, due to which they are elastic. With increasing loads or with age, the surface of the discs shrinks, it gradually wears out, flattens, and the cartilage extends beyond the vertebrae. This process is called protrusion. In this case, pain and neurological symptoms are characteristic.

If the load is not reduced and there is no treatment, the fibrous ring of the disc ruptures, its contents bulge outward - this is the resulting hernia. This is a rough picture, but the principle of the appearance of hernias is exactly that. With a hernia, the vertebral nerve root is almost always clamped, due to which sharp pains appear.

The appearance of hernias depends on insufficient intake of fluid into the body, improper posture, physical inactivity, and nutritional disorders. Degeneration processes develop imperceptibly and gradually over many years, until back pain appears. Only then will a person know about his hernia. These pain sensations in the lower back intensify with the sharpness of movements, pass to the legs and pelvis.

To cure a hernia, medicines alone are not enough. Medicines can control the pain for a while, but the changes in the spine will remain.

Often, with the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, an operation is prescribed, especially when the hernia is directed towards the canal, if there is a possibility of spinal cord injury.

The value of gymnastics

Therapeutic exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine is absolutely necessary both after surgery and with conservative treatment. Only she is able to smoothly change the state of the elements of the spine. Massage is also used to help her.

By stretching the spine, the hernia is minimized. Thanks to the creation of a muscular corset, the discs are relieved of pressure and their height increases, the muscles themselves become stronger and become hardy. Finally, therapeutic exercises will reduce the weight that almost always accompanies hernias.

Best of all, a specialist will select an individual complex for you, he must also check your execution technique. You yourself can not calculate the load and cause a deterioration.

Fundamental rules

The wrong opinion is that physiotherapy exercises for hernias are contraindicated. It is unrealistic to restore the mobility of the spine and its strengthening without exercise therapy.

All exercises are done lying down or on all fours, never sitting or standing.

This is understandable: the vertical load on the vertebrae is always the greatest. For exercising, you need a gymnastic mat that will provide a moderate surface hardness. There should be no drafts, clothes should be light, natural.

Stretching of the spine, strengthening its muscles and general strengthening techniques are mandatory. In the acute period, classes are excluded. First, pain is relieved with medication. Exercises should only be slow and smooth, without jerking. The weight of the person himself serves as a burden, although special simulators can be used.

What is the key to success?

Gradualness is the main key to success: there should be no more than 5 repetitions, the loads are minimal to begin with, you cannot perform the whole complex at once. You need to go to workout at least 2 times a week, for a start, the duration of classes should be no more than 5 minutes. Physical education should be stable and regular.

If you quit exercising as you feel better, the pain will soon return because the muscles will become weak again. It is necessary to accept the fact that gymnastics must now always be performed. Before classes, it is highly indicated to carry out a lumbar massage to warm up the muscles.

You can not do the following with a hernia of the spine:

  • bends with dumbbells or other weights;
  • use of fitball;
  • any kind of twisting of the spine;
  • jumping, pushing, running;
  • you can not suddenly jump up from a horizontal position;
  • exercises cannot be performed in case of malaise, hyperthermia, internal pathologies.

It is also necessary to get used to the idea that the performance of gymnastics is carried out for a long time, the stretching of the spine should occur very gradually. In the end, you yourself have brought your spine to this state, which means that now be patient. Most importantly, don't get discouraged.

Types of therapeutic training

For the spine with a hernia, there are 3 modes of exercise:

  • for the acute period - sparing;
  • the recovery period is a treatment-training regimen that prepares the muscles for activity;
  • training regimen - aimed at creating a corset from muscles, and this increases the flexibility of the spine.

There are several methods of training with a hernia of the lower back:

  • yoga - its effectiveness has been proven many times;
  • the method of Dr. Bubnovsky - using special simulators;
  • Dikul's system - his set of exercises is aimed at maintaining muscle tone.

Stretching the vertebrae

The following exercises are used to stretch the spine:

What will help in the acute period?

Exercises for a hernia of the spine are permissible in the acute period, but special. Bed rest is respected, the bed is preferably wide, an orthopedic mattress is required. The most optimal position is on the back with bent legs or lying on your side. Exercises with the adoption of relaxing poses are allowed:

  • lying on his stomach with a roller;
  • lying on your back, put your feet on a special bench so that a right angle is formed in the knee, you can stay in these positions for 10 minutes 3-4 times a day.

When the pain subsides, exercises for the tension of the hands and feet are added - twice a day for 5 minutes. This is sliding with the feet and clenching the hand into a fist. Lying on your back, on a sufficiently elastic mattress, try to slowly bend your legs in turn. Even later, head rotations in a circle with a pose on all fours join.

The recovery period of the disease. In parallel with the treatment, after 2-3 weeks, when pain decreases, the exercises become more complicated: now gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine is aimed at increasing muscle tone. PI (starting position) - on the back or stomach. Isometric exercises for tension. The time of the tension pose is 7 seconds. So where to start:

  1. Exercise "Half-cobra" - lifting the head, lying on the stomach. Then also 1 or 2 hands according to fitness.
  2. Rounding the back while on all fours.
  3. "Boat" - raising the body and legs with arms outstretched forward from a prone position.
  4. Lying on your side, abducting your legs to the side.

Complete comprehensive program

Beginning the lesson, put a soft roller 3-4 cm in diameter under the lumbar spine. When performing the exercises, be guided by your pain sensations, when they appear, stop performing this complex.

You should not rush to records and give all your best to the last, this is not allowed.

What exercises can be done with a hernia:

  1. First you need to breathe in your belly. IP - lying on his back, legs bent, arms folded on his stomach. It is necessary with deep 10 breaths and exhalations, to control the movements of the abdomen with your hands. It is very beneficial for the heart and diaphragm.
  2. Abduction of arms and legs. The same IP, it is necessary to straighten the bent leg and take it to the side, while taking the opposite hand to the side. 10 repetitions will be enough. This exercise helps in muscle stretching and coordination of movements.
  3. Crossing your legs - lying on the floor, throw your legs alternately on top of each other, bending them at the knee. Clasp your hands behind your head. 10 repetitions. This strengthens the abdominal muscles. One of the more difficult versions of this exercise is with your thrown leg trying to reach the opposite heel with your hand.
  4. Rotation of the feet. IP - lying on your back, legs extended, shoulder-width apart. Rotate your feet and hands at the same time bent arms, 5 circles on each side.
  5. Calf stretch. IP does not change. Alternately pull the toe of the outstretched leg towards you for 10 seconds to stretch calf muscle... Reps 5.
  6. Grasping the knees with your hands - lying on your back, alternately pull your legs to your chest, clasping your knees. 5-7 repetitions.
  7. Sliding hands over the thighs. IP - lying on the floor. It is necessary to slowly slide your hand along the thigh, gradually bending the body in the same direction. At the same time, the other hand slides up from the other side. The exercise is performed 5-8 times.
  8. Lying knees twists, arms thrown back. It is necessary to lower the bent legs to the sides alternately to a state of comfort - 10 times. The heels do not come off the floor.
  9. "Home" - standing on all fours, back straight, socks on the floor. Slowly raise the pelvis up until an angle appears between the legs and the torso, the back is straight all the time - stand like this for 5-10 seconds, return to the SP. Legs can not be fully straightened, keep half-bent. Repeat 5 times.
  10. Abduction of the leg to the side - from a supine position, you need to raise the legs 10 times on each side.
  11. Exercise "Cat": standing on all fours, it is necessary to slowly bend the spine, like a waking cat - 10 times.

There are also 3 more classic exercise therapy with a hernia of the lumbar spine:

  1. IP - lying on your back with bent legs. It is necessary to hold your breath and strain your stomach while inhaling, then relax with an exhalation. The number of repetitions is 15.
  2. IP is the same. You need to raise your torso and legs at the same time for 10 seconds - "Boat". Repeat 15 times with a 10-second break.
  3. IP is the same. Bend your leg slightly, try to push it away with your hand, and push the hand with your knee at this time - such a tense movement lasts 10 seconds, followed by relaxation. There are 10 such repetitions with a 15-second break.

It is not recommended to choose any of the above exercises without consulting your doctor. Such actions can only further aggravate the situation.

The most useful exercises for the back are often very simple and do not require any equipment, such as the "Boat" exercise, familiar to almost everyone from school, or even from kindergarten.

It uses several muscle groups at once, and quickly enough helps to make the spine even, strengthen muscles and ligaments, and relieve pinching and clamps. Today, many bodybuilders include it in their training schedule, and doctors recommend it to young mothers and schoolchildren.

What are its features, and how is it so useful for the body?

New wave of popularity

For many years "Boat" was included in the selection of classic exercises of physiotherapy exercises for the spine. She was prescribed to correct scoliosis, osteochondrosis, disc displacement, strengthening lumbar muscles... Today, exercise is back at its peak and is recommended by top fitness trainers and podiatrists.

  • Bodybuilders and bodybuilders perform the Boat both at home and in gyms... Even when working exclusively with body weight, training relieves the back muscles and strengthens the muscle corset, and if you add weights or dumbbells, you can use triceps, latissimus, build up the so-called wings.
  • V female exercise is used to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and besides, it really helps to flatten the belly. The back is leveled, the spine is stretched, the woman gains grace.
  • Often, "Boat" is advised to young mothers who constantly carry their baby in their arms. Not only does the workout tighten internal organs, it also relieves back pain, prevents the development of diseases of the spine.
  • For children, this exercise is useful in that it forms posture, prevents stoop and scoliosis. Children spend a lot of time sitting, hanging over gadgets, carry heavy backpacks to school, and categorically refuse to do morning exercises... It doesn't matter, just 5 minutes a day - and many problems will be prevented or fixed at an early stage.

A few more useful properties

Despite its simplicity, such training gives positive result for many body systems, normalizes processes, helps to form a beautiful figure.

  1. The mobility of the joints develops, the processes of the production of cartilage tissue are activated;
  2. The work of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  3. The work of the nervous system is getting better, as pinching on the spine and in the neck goes away;
  4. Work improves gastrointestinal tract(muscles stretch, doing internal organ massage);
  5. The solar plexus area is strengthened, the umbilical ring becomes in place.

Execution technique

In order for the Boat exercise to be beneficial, you need to know how to do it correctly. One of key recommendations- do not rotate your head and neck in moments of tension, as you can damage the cervical vertebrae. Do not hold your breath, breathe regularly and deeply. All movements should be smooth.

It is advisable to warm up and stretch the muscles a little before training.

Here are two options:


In this case, the muscles of the thighs, back, abs and legs work. The exercise ranks as the best rated workout for back and lower back pain.

  1. Lying on the floor on your back, press your hands to the body.
  2. Bring your straight legs together, toes away from you.
  3. Raise the body and legs at the same time, only the buttocks should remain the fulcrum.
  4. Hold for a few seconds and gently lower yourself.
  5. Rest for a few seconds and do 4-5 more reps.

See how to correctly perform the boat exercise in the photo. Most often, the hands are pressed to the body, but you can try and raise them up above your head to make the exercise more difficult. There are many options, and how exactly to do it is not so important. You just need to understand which muscles are working in order to strain and control them, so the effect will be maximum.


The reverse boat is often called Superman. Indeed, in this position, a person looks like a flying superhero. The starting position is lying on the floor, but already on the stomach. An analogue is hyperextension. Triceps and deltas work, front dentate, gluteus maximus, soleus muscle, muscles in the back of the thigh, and are responsible for straightening the spine.

  1. Lie on the floor and relax.
  2. Stretch your arms forward.
  3. Bend at the lower back, raising your arms and legs. Do not bend them, keep them tense and straight, stretch back and forth at the same time, as if stretching the spine.
  4. Hold for a few seconds.
  5. Relax and repeat.

Exercise Superman is incredible, especially if you spend all day on sedentary work... For inflexible people, it may seem difficult, not everyone can raise their arms and legs like that. It's not scary, it is enough to start tearing off the feet and palms by at least 5-10 cm, over time the spine will get used to stretching, the joints will be trained, and everything will work out.

Exercise results

On average, in order to evaluate the effect, it is enough to practice for a month. It is advisable to do this regularly, at least every other day, but it is better to include the Boat and Superman exercises in your morning exercises. However, you can practice in the evenings, unloading and relaxing the spine and muscles around it, tired during the day.

According to reviews, back pain goes away after 5-7 daily activities, flexibility and plasticity appears. By removing the clamps, it relaxes nervous system, blood vessels are free, blood flows better to the brain. The person feels collected, energetic and active.

For the lesson you don't need anything other than a free area of ​​the floor, and, possibly, a gymnastic rug or towel. This means that you can try both of these exercises today or right now. You will immediately feel the muscles tense and stretch.

Watch the video on how to do the Boat exercise correctly:

So simple, and so effective!

The eternal problem of women is sagging breasts, ugly posture, stooped shoulders and fat folds on the sides. Agree, a beautiful toned body is the dream of absolutely any person, regardless of gender and age category. Most often, similar problems occur in women after childbirth and feeding: shape is lost, muscle tone weakens. And many simply spit on their figure, taking it for granted and inevitable.

This is a gross mistake. Love yourself, your figure, exercise, and you will again restore elasticity to your muscles. remember, that beautiful figure starts from the back, or rather, from the posture. A hunched back and lowered shoulders do not paint anyone - all this adds extra years, makes you an insecure person with a lot of complexes and a bunch of problems. Not to mention the fatty deposits below the shoulder blades, which only exacerbate the situation.

However, sometimes it happens that everything is fine with weight, but weakened back muscles spoil posture, and because of this, a stomach often appears - as a result of a curved spine. In order to avoid such problems, we recommend that even slender people watch their back and strengthen it with the help of special highly effective physical activity... We suggest not to wait for tomorrow and try the “Boat” exercise right now, which will help make your chest elastic, your back even, and your posture and gait regal.

What does the lesson give?

It works on the upper waist, abdomen and shoulders to help firm them up. The Boat exercise is very similar to a children's carousel and at first glance may seem quite simple, although it is not. It will be hard for physically unprepared people who are not at all friendly with sports.

But regular exercise will help you get used to it and strengthen your back. This exercise is especially recommended for people with a sedentary lifestyle. It pumps up beautifully abdominal Press, improves blood circulation, digestion, strengthens the area and removes fat from the sides.

In addition, breathing problems disappear. With this lesson, you will be able to permanently get rid of violations in the umbilical ring. You will forget about constipation, indigestion, dystonia, abdominal pain, insomnia, lethargy, acidity and pelvic disease.

Your muscles will regain firmness and your skin will become more elastic. In addition, the exercise "Boat" will cheer you up. The benefits of physical activity are enormous and tangible, as we can see. Overweight already after a short time will start to disappear.

Preparation before exercise

If you really seriously and for a long time decided to go in for sports, eliminate health problems, get rid of back pain and lose weight, then we advise you to carefully prepare. First, learn to relax and strain. back muscles, after that you can start the lesson. The main purpose of the execution is cyclicality and smoothing of abrupt movements (transitions).

Exactly correct preparation will protect you from injury and stretching. Do not overeat before exercising - it is better to train on an empty stomach in the morning. It is allowed to drink water. So, if your goal is to lose weight, then in addition to physical activities balance your diet.

Effective boat exercise for the back

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. We begin to slowly raise both legs 30 cm above the floor, without bending them at the knees. At the same time, we tear off the head, upper body and shoulders from the floor. We hold in this position and count up to 10 times. At the same time, the head looks only forward. The back and abdomen are tense. Relax and repeat again (in three sets). If you find it difficult to immediately raise your chest and shoulders, then you can simply bring the shoulder blades together. Watch your breathing.

Lesson number 2 for weight loss

Exercise "Boat" is done, Initial position: feet tightly adjacent to each other, legs together, lean on toes, hands along the body with brushes to the floor, and chin pressed to the surface (you can put a sheet).

As we exhale, we spread our legs, bend them at the knees and grab our ankles or feet with our hands. Exhale, hold your breath, unbend your knees and raise your head and chest. In this case, we tear off the hips from the floor surface. We bend the lower back strongly. Note that only the navel area remains on the floor.

Now we begin to slowly swing, as on waves, (back and forth) and count to ten. Then we relax and return to class. The main thing is not to overdo it, start with 3-5 times, gradually bringing up to 10. Exercise "Boat" for beginners will help to get in shape and drive fat reserves from the hips and waist.

In addition, it will improve the microcirculation of the pelvic and solar plexuses. You will immediately feel a surge of energy and a pleasant muscle soreness. Regular exercises normalize metabolic and endocrine processes in the body, which is very important when losing weight. In just a couple of months, you can lose up to five kilograms, strengthen muscle tone, get rid of the "orange peel" on your stomach and buttocks, and also forget about bad health forever.

Lesson number 3 on the back

The Boat exercise has a beneficial effect on the neck, spine, abdomen, waist and back. This option is done on the back. We wrap our hands bent knees, we tighten the spinal muscles and begin to swing. Do it for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.

Stretch your arms along your body with your legs straight. With a sharp movement, we reach with the pads of the fingers to the toes of the legs, without bending the knees. Professionals can touch their head to their knees by straightening their arms. Let's say right away that it will be very difficult at first, but do not despair and do not retreat. Over time, atrophied muscles will begin to succumb to you, and the result will be noticeable.

Final part

Exercise at least 10-15 minutes a day. Always watch your posture, try to sit upright and walk. Useful exercise The "boat" on the stomach and back will make the muscles developed and strong. And even in mature age you will not be afraid of spinal problems. And the admiration that you see in the eyes of the people around you will inspire you to further exercise. Now they will start working for your health, and this is doubly pleasant.

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