Respiratory exercises for bronchial asthma. A full range of exercise therapy exercises for bronchial asthma

Breathing is life, and correct breathing- the guarantee of good health.

However, few people know how to breathe correctly.

Here comes to the rescue breathing exercises, which is useful for absolutely everyone: adults, children and the elderly. And even for those who suffer from bronchial asthma.

What is the use of breathing exercises?

Exercises for the respiratory system and bronchi are useful for all people, regardless of age or gender. Of course, asthmatics and patients with other respiratory ailments feel the greatest effect from it.

  • This technique has a general beneficial effect on the entire body, saturating every cell in the body with oxygen.
  • Respiratory gymnastics is recommended by doctors all over the world for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body.
  • Effective in the postoperative and recovery period.
  • Respiratory gymnastics teaches a conscious breathing process, helps to control it.
  • Tones the entire body, strengthens the muscles of the diaphragm, which are responsible for proper breathing.
  • With regular exercise, bouts of bronchial suffocation are much less common.
  • Soothes nervous system helps to cope with stress.


Like any physical activity, breathing exercises have their own contraindications:

  • Brain concussion;
  • Serious damage to the spine;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Mental illness;
  • Recently experienced heart attack;
  • Internal bleeding;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Kidney and gallbladder stones;
  • Congenital heart defect;
  • Other diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Extra caution When performing exercises, pregnant women must observe, however, pregnancy cannot be attributed to contraindications.

As you can see, bronchial asthma is not a contraindication. In contrast, breathing exercises can relieve symptoms.

Physiotherapy exercises for children and its features

The ability to breathe correctly is extremely important for a small growing organism, because it is - important condition development and growth of the baby.

Improper breathing naturally leads to poor health.

Teaching a child to completely cleanse the lungs, allowing air to circulate in the body - here the main task in this case. Inadequate, incomplete exhalation does not allow the processed air to come out, as a result, the blood does not receive the amount of oxygen it needs.

Recommended course duration physiotherapy exercises for a child - 3-4 months. In addition to the obvious positive effect on the body, physical education will contribute to the child's quick recovery from diseases such as ARVI, will alleviate the manifestations of sinusitis and chronic rhinitis. In addition, it strengthens the airways, diaphragm muscles.

Breathing exercises should be carried out in a well ventilated area, excellent option there will be a walk on the street, twice a day, after at least an hour after the last meal. Recommended for children from 2 years old.

Here are some of the exercises that your child may find useful to master.

Respiratory gymnastics itself is very tiring, as it activates many muscles. That's why optimal time one lesson will be 7-10 minutes. The child may feel dizzy, you should not be afraid of this.

  1. Hands are on the waist, a slight squat - inhale, on exhalation, the child straightens. Each time, the baby should go lower and lower, and inhale and exhale for a longer time. We repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  2. This exercise is done with your child. In a standing position, bend over, freely lower your arms and head. We clearly pronounce "Well, well, well," and at the same time we slap on the knees. This is followed by a full exhalation, straighten the body, arms up and inhale. We repeat at least 5 times.
  3. The child sits down, folds his palms in a tube and lifts up. Then calmly, slowly, exhales and pronounces the sound "Pf-f-f-f-f". We repeat 5 times.
  4. The kid sits down, puts his right hand on his chest, and his left hand on his stomach. Pulling in his stomach, inhales, puffs out on exhalation and pronounces "F-f-f" loudly. We repeat at least 3 times.
  5. The child imitates skiing, while exhaling loudly making the sound "Mmmm". The exercise lasts 2 minutes.

A set of exercises according to A. N. Strelnikova

Initially, this technique was created by a Russian singer for the most effective restoration of ligaments, but as a result, it turned out that these exercises have a beneficial effect on the entire body, including the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Strelnikova's gymnastics system, when performed regularly, can have a therapeutic effect.

Key points of this gymnastics is a very quick, abrupt, superficial inhalation, as if a person is trying to catch a scent that interests him. Exhalation, on the other hand, should be completely passive, requiring no effort. You can breathe out both through the nose and through the mouth.

All exercises are rhythmic, one-two-three-four count is used here, and quite quickly.

For people with bronchial asthma, special principles of exercise have been developed:

  • Deep breaths are not allowed
  • Breathing must be rhythmic
  • Exercise in the morning and before bed
  • Breathe in and out with your mouth.
  • With inflammation or exacerbation, active movements are made between breaths. This eliminates the appearance of cough when performing gymnastics.

Below are some of the most effective exercises for asthmatics:

  1. Palms... The exercise acts as a warm-up. The back is straight, the elbows are lowered, the palms are raised and open. At the same time, we take an active breath and clench our fists. As we exhale, open our palms. After every four breaths, you can pause for 10 seconds.
  2. Pump. Starting position- straight back, hands down. As we inhale, we bend down, as if trying to sniff the floor. The back must be round, freely relaxed. The neck is lowered and also relaxed. As you exhale, we straighten.
  3. Head turns... While inhaling, we turn our head at right angles to the body, thereby the chin and the line of the shoulders are on the same straight line. The shoulders are relaxed.
  4. Cat... We make a half-squat, while inhaling we squeeze our palms, while exhaling we unclench them.
  5. Hug your shoulders... The name speaks for itself. Left hand stretches to the right shoulder, right hand- to the left, thus we seem to embrace ourselves. We inhale during the hug, exhalation corresponds to the swings of our hands.
  6. Big pendulum... Especially effective. This exercise includes "Hug the Shoulders" and "Pump".
  7. Small pendulum... The head resembles a pendulum. The ear touches the left and right shoulder alternately, while the shoulders remain motionless. The inhalation is performed at the left and right shoulders.
  8. Steps... We walk in one place, raising our knees high. Inhale - raise the knee, exhale - lower it.

The most effective exercise when or when an attack is approaching, "Pump", "Head Turns" and "Hug Your Shoulders" are recognized. However, if they do not have the desired effect within 5 minutes, an inhaler and medication should be used.

Respiratory exercises are performed twice a day on an empty stomach or an hour after eating.

You should not do all the exercises at once, the load should be gradually increased.

Dizziness during exercise is an absolute norm and a natural reaction of the body to an abundance of oxygen.

It is proved that this complex is able to prevent asthmatic attacks, strengthen the immune system and get rid of the fatigue and stress accumulated during the day.

Gymnastics for asthmatics according to K.P.Buteyko

Physiologist Buteyko, while developing his respiratory gymnastics system, focused on removing carbon dioxide from the body using the technique of the so-called shallow inhalation, which is especially important in bronchial asthma.

Buteyko's exercises are quite simple to perform and do not require additional equipment for their implementation, but it is still better to conduct the first classes under the supervision of a competent specialist, since at first physical ailments are quite possible. It can be dizziness, and tremors of the limbs, and a feeling of slight suffocation.

It is impossible to say for sure how soon the patient will feel relief, everything is purely individual. However, some people notice positive dynamics after just a few treatments.

Unlike Strelnikova, the Buyteiko system assumes all two fundamental rules:

  1. Reducing the depth of inspiration, in other words, the main task is to make it more superficial;
  2. Increase the pause immediately after exhalation.

Most main result Buteyko exercises - bringing the depth of breathing closer to that of a healthy person. That is:

  • inhalation takes 2-3 s;
  • the exhalation takes 3-4 seconds;
  • the pause between them lasts 3-4 seconds.

The exercises below require special concentration, breathing should be barely audible, even better - silent.

Exercises should also be performed at least an hour after the last meal.

Preparation as an obligatory step. We take a comfortable position on a chair, the back is straight, hands are on our knees. We begin to breathe very shallowly and shallowly, abruptly, we breathe in through our nose silently and weakly. At least 10 minutes are given for preparation.

Everything following exercises are performed exactly 10 times:

  1. Inhale for 5 seconds, exhaling, completely relax all muscles. Then there is a pause.
  2. Inhalation begins with the diaphragm, ends with the chest, exhalation - vice versa. Both inhalation and exhalation take 7 and a half seconds, with a pause of 5 seconds.
  3. The same exercise, but first we perform the left and then the right nostril. The other nostril is pinched with a finger.
  4. The second exercise, we draw in the stomach as much as possible.
  5. We try to hold our breath for as long as possible. It is performed while sitting, standing, while running and squatting.
  6. The next exercise is done once. First, we hold our breath after inhalation, then after exhalation. We try to hold out without air as long as possible.

As a rule, after the first sessions, even worsening of the condition and exacerbation of bronchial asthma can be observed. In case of significant discomfort, you should definitely contact a specialist.

Regular and, most importantly, correct execution these exercises has a beneficial effect on the whole body, including the respiratory system.

Respiratory gymnastics, due to its effectiveness, can become an excellent addition to the main treatment with bronchial asthma, to alleviate the course of this disease.

But in no case should you limit yourself to this method of treatment, you can achieve a stable positive result by following the prescriptions of specialists and not forgetting about the basic therapy.

In contact with

Asthma is a serious disease that can be treated with the use of medications, as well as a complex of breathing exercises. Correct technique execution helps to improve the functioning of the respiratory organs.

Respiratory gymnastics in asthma increases the elasticity of the walls of the bronchi, blood flows through the blood vessels in a larger volume, carrying a sufficient amount of oxygen. In addition, she is effective way stroke prevention.

If done correctly remedial gymnastics, then it not only helps the body to fight the disease, but also has a positive effect on the body as a whole:

  • metabolism returns to normal;
  • the content of cholesterol decreases;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the heart works correctly, without disturbances;
  • the patient's nervous system becomes more resilient, stress is relieved.

If we talk about breathing exercises in general, it should be said that it improves the patient's quality of life.

In terms of the impact on the disease, the following positive effects of exercise can be noted:

  • gas exchange in the organs of the respiratory system is normalized, and the cells receive the required amount of oxygen;
  • with proper breathing, mucus leaves the bronchi better;
  • muscle chest become stronger and more elastic;
  • stagnation of blood in the lungs is prevented;
  • the appearance of adhesions is prevented.

What results are achieved

Breathing in bronchial asthma - important point worth paying great attention... If breathing exercises are performed correctly and regularly, you can achieve the desired results.

The bronchi are freed from mucus, ventilation and respiratory function of the lungs improves. Breathing correctly in asthma means minimizing the frequency of asthma attacks.

Correct exercise can achieve the following results:

  • the severity of symptoms decreases;
  • the breathing apparatus is restored and returns to normal;
  • the emotional state improves;
  • the impact of stress, which aggravates the disease, decreases;
  • sleep is normalized.

In order to achieve maximum results, experts advise doing gymnastics in complete silence. You should not turn on music, it is better to focus on inhaling and exhaling. The main principles of training should be regularity, correct exercise and a serious approach.

Basic rules for performing gymnastics

Breathing exercises for asthma, as well as for bronchitis, should be carried out in complete rest, without haste and regularly.

There are a number of rules for conducting training in bronchial asthma, following which you can avoid a heavy load on the body and achieve better results:

  • during gymnastics it is necessary to breathe through the mouth. If you do not follow this rule when performing exercises for the treatment of bronchial asthma, then the contents from the nasopharynx can enter the lungs, and the exercises will not only not give desired effect, but also harm the body;
  • with an exacerbation of the disease, exercises should be performed in between attacks. If you do not follow this rule, then severe cough and bronchospasm may appear;
  • breathing should be shallow so as not to provoke an increase in the symptoms of the disease. Emotions need to be controlled;
  • regularity is the main requirement for performing exercises.

Exercises are prescribed in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations given by the attending physician.

Respiratory gymnastics techniques

There are a large number of methods for carrying out gymnastics for asthma. The most effective is breathing exercises according to Buteyko and Strelnikova.

Performing these two types of exercises for asthma is available not only for adults, but also for children.

Please note: no matter what technique was prescribed to the patient, if an unpleasant sensation or cough appears during exercise, you should definitely tell the doctor about this for further correction of the exercise. Any of the techniques should not cause discomfort!

General set of exercises

Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma are performed in a complex manner. Workouts start with minimum load which is gradually increasing.

The main advantage is that gymnastics does not require special devices... It is enough to be in silence and strictly follow the rules of the exercises.

The main set of exercises includes movements that are used in any technique and help to normalize breathing:

  • As a rule, in asthma, phlegm and mucus accumulate inside the bronchi at night. To clean them, it is necessary, without getting out of bed, to pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest, while, as soon as the legs are close to the chest, you need to exhale with your mouth. On initial stage, approximately the first 10-15 days, the exercise is repeated at least 10 times, and then the amount gradually increases;
  • after completing the first exercise, you need to stand on your feet, hands on your waist. Should be inhaled maximum amount air with the nose, while the stomach should be rounded as much as possible. Next, a sharp exhalation is made, and the stomach should be drawn in as much as possible. If the exercise is done by an asthmatic person, then it is not recommended to perform it more than 10 times in one approach. If dizziness appears during execution, classes stop;
  • "Alternate breathing" - inhale in turn, then the right, then the left nostril. Constantly changing from one side to the other, repeat at least 10 times;
  • in order for the fight against asthma to be more effective, it is necessary to carry out deep ventilation of the lungs. For this, the patient sits on a chair, hands on knees. Inhale - open your hands, exhale - join your hands on your left knee and pull it to your chest. The same is repeated with the right knee. With complications of bronchial asthma, exercise is done no more than 10 times;
  • not only adults but also children suffer from asthma. Seating a child and getting him to do the exercises is difficult enough. Therefore, you can play with him. To do this, the child breathes in a large amount of air through his mouth, and exhalation should be slow. You can use a tube dipped in water through which the child will exhale. With this exercise, you need to observe that the expiration time gradually increases.

Correct exercise is a guarantee that asthma attacks will recur less and less.

Respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova is very popular not only among asthma patients, but also among doctors who recommend doing it.

Breathing exercises for bronchial asthma were developed by Strelnikova several decades ago. The main goal of the technique is not only to help a patient with asthmatic attacks, but also to improve health in general.

In 1980, information about the technique appeared in the then popular journal "Physical Culture and Sport", after which the technique not only became widespread, but also during its existence helped a large number of people cope with seizures.

According to doctors' observations, the help from the technique will be only if the patient performs exercises twice a day. In addition to asthma, classes help to improve metabolic processes, blood circulation, and the restoration of the nervous system.

The technique helps with pneumonia and congestion in the lungs. All parts of the body are involved in gymnastics: arms, head, legs, abs, even the pelvis. In order to correctly perform all the exercises, you need to use the recommendations and study the technique in more detail.

How to do Strelnikova exercises correctly:

  • the air should be inhaled only through the nose. The inhalation should be sharp. You should not concentrate on the exhalation, as this is distracting;
  • exhalation is carried out through the nose, while accompanied by certain body movements;
  • you need to inhale the air in the rhythm of the marching step;
  • all exercises are done on the count of 8. You need to count mentally;
  • you can do gymnastics standing, lying or sitting. The choice of position depends on the patient.

Examples of practical exercises

Consider a few exercises that every patient should master at the initial stage:

  • "Palms" - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. 4 sharp breaths are carried out quickly. In this case, the palms are clenched into a fist with each breath. When you exhale, the palms are voluntarily unclenched. The exercise is repeated at least 96 times. Please note - when performing this exercise, the body remains motionless, only the palms and the respiratory system work;
  • "Shoulder straps" - the exercise is performed while standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are pressed to the body at waist level and clenched into fists. With each breath, the hands seem to push something down. When inhaling, the hands return to their original position. The exercise is done in blocks: 4 sets of 12 times.

These are two exercises to start with remedial gymnastics. Further, they gradually add additional exercises... New exercises do not need to be done all at once, but introduced gradually.

The full set of exercises can be viewed on the official website of Strelnikova.

Please note: the proposed gymnastics is recognized as quite effective, and it is very important if at the time of the attack the patient owns it. With a severe attack, you can sit down, rest your hands on your knees, bending slightly, inhale and lean back, allowing the air to escape. Repeat 2-4 times and take a break for 10 seconds.

When a child develops a disease, many doctors recommend visiting exercise therapy, but, in accordance with Strelnikova's theory, it is prohibited, since it is physical activity that can cause an attack and aggravate the disease. That's why the best option breathing exercises will become in the fight against the disease. Exercises with a child are best done together, turning them into a game.

Despite all the positive aspects of breathing exercises, the patient should be observed by a doctor during the training period. He will monitor the patient's condition and, if necessary, prescribe medications.

Respiratory gymnastics according to Buteyko

Bronchial asthma can be treated with breathing exercises according to the Buteyko method. The method was proposed back in 1952, but is still widely used in the treatment of the disease.

The author believes that the main reason for the appearance of bronchial asthma is the lack of the necessary amount of carbon dioxide in the body. Taking a deep breath allows oxygen to enter the body, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide.

Due to the lack of carbon dioxide, bronchospasm develops, the flow of air decreases, which can lead to oxygen starvation.

Therefore, according to Buteyko, the inhalation in asthma should be shallow. Anyone can hold their breath, but learning to breathe shallowly is not.

The result can only be seen with regular training. The main exercises of the technique are based on a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the body and the accumulation of carbon dioxide:

  • full chest inhalation, holding the breath for 7.5 seconds. After a pause of 5 seconds, and everything is repeated from the very beginning at least 10 times;
  • inhale with the nostrils alternately: 10 times with one nostril, 10 times with the other;
  • in order for the lungs to work properly, it is necessary to carry out deep ventilation of the lungs. You need to take 12 extremely deep breaths within 60 seconds. Each breath takes no more than 5 seconds;
  • you can breathe in levels; at each level, a certain amount of time is allotted to inhale. This is the so-called rare breath.

All Buteyko exercises are performed in a standing or sitting position. After class, you need to take a comfortable position and relax. You should stay in this position until breathing is restored and becomes even.

Sound gymnastics

Sound gymnastics is indispensable for the restoration of respiratory organs in asthma. Exercises include not only physical education, but also teaching correct breathing using various sounds.

The sounds that the patient makes during breathing exercises have a beneficial effect on the body and help prevent asthma attacks.

The sound creates a vibration that, as it sinks into the chest, relaxes the muscles so that the patient can breathe better and have less asthma attacks. In order for gymnastics to be beneficial, not harm, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for its implementation:

  • each sound exercise begins and ends with the sounds "ppf". They are pronounced when the lips are folded with a tube;
  • a prerequisite is the pronunciation of the closed sound "mmm". This exercise is performed in a sitting position with your hands folded on your knees;
  • the sound should be made by the patient on exhalation;
  • the duration of the sound gradually increases from 5 to 30 seconds.

You cannot start gymnastics with complex exercises. There are several steps that must be followed one at a time. On preparatory stage the patient learns to pronounce the sounds "o", "u", "e". During the transition to the first stage, the sounds "d", "s", "z" are pronounced.

Sound gymnastics, like all other exercises, can be done only during periods when there are no seizures. Comprehensive treatment should include exercises related to physical activity, breathing exercises and sound exercises.

Respiratory gymnastics of yogis

Breathing exercises for asthma treatment occupy a special place among the medical medicine of the countries of the East. Yoga allows you to do breathing exercises with asthma in full.

In this case, not only the lungs are involved, but also the entire musculature of the respiratory organs, and auxiliary muscles. All yoga exercises are performed in a sitting position, legs crossed "in Turkish".

Respiratory gymnastics for asthma in children

Respiratory exercises for the treatment of bronchial asthma in children are somewhat different from those for adults. Exercises to restore breathing in asthma can be performed by a child from 3 years old.

Regardless of which technique was chosen as the treatment of the disease, the baby cannot be forced to practice. Everything is carried out exclusively in the form of a game.

The main task of the parent in this process is to teach the child to breathe through the nose. Asthma exercises for children are the same as for adults. It is advisable that in the first lessons an instructor will work with the child, who will explain how to do gymnastics correctly.

Contraindications to gymnastics

Respiratory gymnastics for asthma is an addition to the main treatment, but despite the fact that in most cases it has a positive effect on the body, there are situations when classes are harmful.

Therefore, breathing exercises for asthmatics should be stopped if:

  • the appearance of attacks of suffocation during exercise;
  • severe cough (dry or wet);
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • poor ventilation in the room. A prerequisite performing classes should become fresh air;
  • with oncological diseases, gymnastics cannot be done.

Following the basic rules, you can as soon as possible let not get rid of the disease, but reduce the frequency of attacks.


Carrying out gymnastics for bronchial asthma is an important point in the fight against respiratory diseases.

The correct organization of classes, their regularity is a guarantee that in the shortest possible time the patient will learn to breathe correctly and control his fear, which will shorten the duration of the attack.

Therapeutic physical education appointed by a doctor who observes the patient for a long time.

Bronchial asthma Is a chronic disease in which the lumens of the bronchi are narrowed (bronchial obstruction). Asthmatic attacks occur under the influence of allergens. Most often, they are manifested by suffocation: the bronchi are narrowed and it becomes difficult to breathe. The attacks are stopped with medication. Sometimes there are coughing attacks that go away on their own. The disease is rarely completely cured, but proper breathing in asthma will help make attacks less frequent and easier. Breathing exercises are recommended to help strengthen the breathing muscles and better control the breathing process.

Patients with asthma learn to breathe “incorrectly” due to their illness. Below are five major mistakes:

  1. Inhale with the chest. With this breathing, air enters the upper and middle part of the lungs more than the lower. The ribs rise and squeeze the diaphragm, the domed muscle in the abdomen, preventing it from working. This leads to a weakening of the diaphragm, which interferes with proper breathing.
  2. Incomplete exhalation. With incomplete exhalation, air remains in the lungs, which makes it difficult to fill the required volume during inhalation. Thus, a person receives less oxygen, breathing becomes faster, becomes shallow, reducing efficiency even more.
  3. Inspiratory hold. After inhalation, a reflex holding of breath occurs, and then a sharp exhalation. At the same time, the lungs and the circulatory system lays down additional load, which is completely contraindicated in asthma patients.
  4. Breathing through the mouth. Passing through the nose, the air is humidified, warmed and cleaned of foreign particles. The oral cavity cannot provide this. Breathing through the mouth requires less effort, and the person begins to breathe too often. At the same time, the oral cavity and larynx dry out, irritation of the respiratory tract appears, and this can lead to an asthmatic attack.
  5. Fast breathing. Breathing with asthma in frequency sometimes exceeds the norm. By inhaling more oxygen, patients exhale a lot of carbon dioxide. In this case, the composition of the blood changes, and not all oxygen enters the cells.

The correct breathing technique must be practiced by special exercises... Have health-improving effect and some asanas breathing yoga... Of course, proper breathing for asthma is not a reason to abandon the main treatment. Before starting to exercise, it is better to consult a doctor.... In general, breathing exercises are considered safe, but if some complications are present, they should not be performed.

Lung condition test

Before you start exercising, you can do a short test on the condition of your lungs. Inhale and exhale normally (2-3 seconds each), then hold your breath as long as you can. Normally, this value is 30 seconds. This test is recommended to be performed regularly, and if the results decrease, this may be an indicator of an inflammatory process in the lungs.

Features of breathing in yoga

I would like to devote a separate paragraph to breathing techniques in yoga, here are some of them:

  • Upper- when inhaling, the collarbones rise; the diaphragm, when lowering, presses on the stomach;
  • The average- breathing "with full chest", the entire chest is involved, without the participation of the abdomen;
  • Lower- breathing with the diaphragm, the chest must remain motionless;
  • Complete- both the lungs and the diaphragm are involved; this is how small children breathe.

Before doing the exercises, you need to ventilate the room or go outside, if weather conditions permit. In frost, rain or during the flowering of allergic plants, classes should be carried out indoors. It is advisable to practice in silence or turn on quiet relaxing music that will help you focus and tune in to the desired mood. Do not do breathing exercises immediately after eating. Also, during exercise, you need to control your condition - even healthy people may feel dizzy. You need to do the exercises 2 times a day. Regularity is important: it is better to do two or three exercises on a schedule than the whole complex every few days.

A set of physical exercises

These exercises are taken from yoga practices. They will help improve the condition of not only the body, but also the psyche, and overcome stress. Excessive nervous tension sometimes provokes seizures. The complex includes physical exercises for the muscles of the chest and spine, shaping correct posture... Posture disorders make breathing difficult in bronchial asthma. You will need a gym mat for all exercises.

  1. Mill- This exercise is aimed at the chest and shoulder muscles. Get on all fours. Hands should be right under shoulder joints... Straighten your back, stretch the crown forward and the tailbone back. Place one hand in the middle and raise the other back behind your back. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other hand.
  2. Bhujangasana(Snake / Cobra Pose) - This exercise helps you develop a straight posture. Lie down with your hands under your shoulder joints. At the expense of the back muscles, lift the body, stretch the top of the head up and forward. Stay in this position. Begin to straighten your arms, while you need to stretch your chest forward.
  3. Ushtrasana(Camel pose). Get on your knees, resting your hands on your lower back, bend back. If possible, reach your heels with your hands. Hold this position and smoothly return to the starting position.
  4. Balasana(child's pose). Kneel with your feet together, sit on your heels, inhale, raising your arms above your head. As you exhale, bend forward with your hands on the floor. The ribcage should touch the legs, and the head should touch the floor.

A set of breathing exercises

  1. The exercise is performed while standing. Take a long, deepest breath through your nose. Pull your lips out as if you are about to whistle, but without puffing out your cheeks. Take several short, abrupt breaths. At the same time, you should feel the tension of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Repeat 3 times.
  2. The exercise is performed while standing. Inhale, as in the previous exercise, while raising your arms above your head. Hold your breath briefly, then tilt with your hands. Exhale sharply through your mouth, uttering the sound "ha!" Inhale slowly while straightening, then exhale slowly with an incline.
  3. The exercise is performed while lying on your back. Inhale, as in the first exercise, while lowering your hands behind your head. Hold your breath for a short time, then bend your knees, wrap your arms around them, pressing them to your stomach. This is done on exhalation with the sound "ha!" Hold this position, then slowly return to the starting position.

Results of regular exercise

With the systematic exercise of the exercises, you can achieve the following results:

  • The musculature of the bronchi relaxes, as a result of which the lumen increases;
  • Sputum is excreted from the lungs and bronchi;
  • The muscles that are involved in the breathing process are strengthened: the diaphragm, intercostal and paravertebral muscles;
  • The patient learns to control breathing, which helps prevent attacks of suffocation;
  • Exercise improves general state the body, in particular the cardiovascular system;
  • Yoga helps relieve stress.

Exercise is not an excuse for giving up medications and physical therapy. They are aimed at improving the condition of asthmatics, alleviating the course of the disease.

Bronchitis and its heiress bronchial asthma are diseases that are very common in our time. They are treatable, but this treatment is long, and attacks occur frequently and sometimes at not very good times.

Fortunately, the patient can relieve his condition. Breathing exercises are still considered the most affordable and effective therapy. Respiratory gymnastics in asthma allows you to alleviate, and also serves as a good prevention of complications during the course of the disease. That's just in order to achieve a sustainable result, gymnastics is required to be done regularly. In this case, it is advisable to practice on fresh air if the weather and circumstances permit, or in a sufficiently ventilated area. Respiratory gymnastics for bronchial asthma has more than one hundred exercises. Below are a few that are most often suggested by doctors and used by patients.

Respiratory gymnastics for asthma treatment

  1. The exercise is performed immediately after waking up. Lying on your back, pull your knees up to your chest as much as possible, exhaling calmly through your mouth.
  2. Straighten, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Inhaling deeply, raise both arms approximately to the shoulders, spreading them apart, and as you exhale, quickly lower them, slapping yourself on your legs and exhaling sharply with your mouth.
  3. Slow step in place. Depict a step forward and slowly inhale, spreading your arms to the sides. At the second step, exhale strongly, noisily and lower your arms.
  4. Sit on the floor, legs closed and extended forward. Inhale with your mouth and spread your hands to the sides. Following this, slowly exhale, but create resistance to the outgoing air - pronounce the sound "f" through slightly parted lips. Hands come back.
  5. When performing, breathe through your nose! Straighten up, hands on the belt. Slowly draw in air, protruding your stomach as much as possible. Next - exhale sharply, trying to pull the stomach back as much as possible.
  6. For the exercise, you will need a jar or other container of water and a cocktail straw. Through it you need to inhale as deeply as possible, and exhale, lowering the straw into the water. Ideally, the exercise should be done five times a day for ten minutes.
  7. Standing, slightly raised on the toes, the hands are above the head and slightly pulled back, the fingers are intertwined. You need to get down on your feet, while leaning forward quickly and sharply moving your hands down, as when chopping wood. This movement is accompanied by a strong deep exhalation.
  8. Straighten, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands to your shoulders and take them slightly back, and push your spread palms forward, as if preparing to push something. Hug yourself sharply, slapping your back with your palms, while your elbows are just below your face. When clapping on the shoulder blades, inhale deeply, straining the chest, which is compressed with your hands.
  9. "Skier". Straighten up, legs slightly apart. Raise a little on the toes of your feet, bend forward and put your hands in front of your hands clenched into fists, as if about to slide down a hill. Then get down on your feet and sit down so that your stomach touches your legs. At the same time, the hands, like a real skier, are first lowered, and then pulled back. When doing a squat, you need to exhale, and, returning to the starting position, take a deep breath.
  10. Lie on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Exhale deeply so that during exhalation you can count to three, and draw in your stomach, and after such a long exhalation, inhale strongly, protruding your stomach.
  11. Stand on tiptoe, spreading your arms to the sides. Raise them up and bend back, lower onto your feet and bend forward, rounding your back. Standing like this, hug yourself, slapping yourself on the back, and exhale deeply. Repeat the hug three times.
  12. Inhale the air through your nose, but not with a single breath, but, as it were, in three pushes. And exhale through clenched teeth, pronouncing the sound "g" and "z".
  13. Straighten up, arms are along the body. Raising your shoulders slowly up, count to four, and then, lowering your shoulders and gradually relaxing them, you also need to exhale strongly, counting to four.
  14. Straighten up, bend your arms slightly. Spread your arms to the sides, taking a deep breath, and then, pulling in your stomach, bring them together, while exhaling, uttering the sound "sh".
  15. "Balloons". You need to take ordinary balloons and inflate them until the balloon bursts. Two or three balls are enough a day.

Many who have tried these and other exercises on themselves have clearly seen what miracles breathing exercises can do for asthma. Video exercises are common on the Internet, and everyone can choose the most suitable ones for themselves, as well as learn how to perform them correctly.

Method A. N. Strelnikova

Respiratory gymnastics in bronchial asthma successfully helps patients, therefore there are many other exercises, as well as whole author's techniques, among which the unique method of A.N. Strelnikova deserves special attention. Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with asthma is easy to perform and is based on forced breaths through the nose and the use of the most powerful respiratory muscle - the diaphragm. Strelnikova exercise improves air exchange in the bronchi and lungs, strengthens the respiratory muscles, allows you to get rid of phlegm and has many more advantages. This method is known even abroad. Strelnikova believed that the main role in the respiratory cycle belongs to inhalation as an active action. The quality of exhalation depends on it, and it is the exhalation that is capable of disrupting the rhythm of breathing, since it is an involuntary action. The essence of the Strelnikov method is to train a sharp and powerful, but at the same time short breath through the nose, and in 2 seconds you need to have time to take 3 such breaths. They are followed by a completely relaxed exhalation, without tension of the respiratory muscles, so that the body does not strain, but simply gets rid of unnecessary ones. In parallel, the chest is compressed, which improves natural nasal breathing and trains the diaphragm. Exercise is versatile and does more than just treat asthma. There are a number of diseases that can also be cured with this technique. These are head injuries, sinusitis, the already mentioned bronchitis and bronchial asthma, some skin diseases, for example, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, depression, headaches, neurosis, heart disease, vegetative dystonia, stuttering, osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, excess weight, disorders of the genitourinary system. The main steps to learn before starting the exercise to be more effective are:

  • learn to "smell the air", that is, inhale often and sharply;
  • learn to exhale with your mouth, while not trying to push the air out of yourself, but as if releasing it from yourself;
  • all exercises of the technique are performed at the expense of, so you need to be able to obey the rhythm;
  • when performing an active exercise, you need to take a breath at the same time;
  • the number of repetitions must be a multiple of four;
  • the state of health should be good, and the mood should be vigorous.
  1. "Palms": straighten up, bending your elbows. Put your palms in front of you in such a way as if you need to push something. Making a powerful short breath, clench your fists. Exhalation is involuntary, passive.
  2. "Epaulettes": straighten up, clenching your hands into fists and pressing them to your stomach at waist level. Taking a short, strong breath, push clenched fists towards the floor. With a relaxed exhalation, return your hands back.
  3. "Pump". In this exercise, you will inflate an imaginary tire. Straighten, legs apart shoulder-width apart, arms calmly hang along the body. Making a slight tilt, reach for the floor with your hands without touching it. During the bend, inhale shortly and noisily, stopping the inhalation together with the end of the bend. Then raise the body of the body without straightening, and again tilt according to the previous scheme. Bending down rhythmically and often, but not low, do not need to reach the floor. The back should be round. The "pump" has contraindications: people with spine and head injuries, as well as high blood pressure and stones in internal organs you cannot do this exercise. "Pump" - exercise is very effective and even stops an asthma attack.
  4. "Cat". Straighten, legs apart about shoulder-width apart, or slightly narrower, and then sit down slightly, turning the body to the right. At the moment of performing this action, inhale loudly and loudly. Do the same with a left turn. The turns are accompanied by grasping movements of the arms extended forward.
  5. "Put your arms around your shoulders." Inhalation is made with resistance, with slight compression of the chest. Straightening, raise your arms bent at about a right angle to your shoulders. Putting your arms around your shoulders so as to create moderate pressure on your chest, inhale sharply and forcefully, while your arms should not be crossed, but parallel.
  6. The Big Pendulum. This is a double exercise, it has absorbed the already familiar "Pump" and "Hug your shoulders." Stand with your legs apart slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Tilt without reaching the floor and inhale powerfully. Straighten immediately, bend slightly backward, hugging yourself and throwing your head back to the ceiling. Take another breath, the so-called "breath from the ceiling." The exhalation occurs between these inhalations. Cautions: in case of diseases of the spine, the amplitude of inclination and deflection must be reduced.
  7. "Turns of the head". Straighten up, arms along the body, legs slightly apart. You need to turn your head to the left and then to the right, and take a traditional strong short breath with each turn. Exhale, as usual, passive through the mouth.
  8. "Ears". The starting position is traditional. The head should be tilted to the right shoulder, during this, inhale strongly and loudly. Then - the same on the left side.
  9. "Pendulum head". Straighten up, arms along the body, legs, as usual, shoulder-width apart. The exercise consists of lowering the head (looking at the floor), and then raising it (looking at the ceiling). Both actions are accompanied by the habitual sharp breath. Caution: With head injuries and increased pressure in this and the two previous exercises, all movements are done smoothly and accurately.
  10. "Rolls". Take this position: the left leg is in front, and the right leg is behind. Body weight on the front, left leg. The leg is straight. The right one is slightly bent and set aside as a support back, on the toe of the foot. On the loaded left leg, sit shallowly, performing an intense breath, then straighten the loaded leg and transfer the body weight to the second, on which the previously described actions are performed.
  11. "Steps". Straighten, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Strongly bent left leg bring it as close to the stomach as possible, pulling the sock down. Keeping balance, do a shallow squat on the right leg, accompanying it with a traditional strong breath. Then change legs.

In the photo: Exercises according to the Strelnikova method

Caution: in case of heart disease: it is not recommended to raise your legs high. As you can see, all exercises are extremely simple, do not require special devices and physical skills, and at the same time they help not only from such a disease as bronchial asthma. Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova works wonders for many other diseases, and indeed it can be the prevention of possible ailments. Separately, it should be mentioned that breathing exercises for allergies are irreplaceable assistant, as it normalizes the chemical composition of the blood, enhances the body's resistance and increases its ability to adapt. Strelnikova's miraculous set of exercises won popularity even abroad for a reason - it really helped a lot of people. But there is another great method that must be mentioned. This is the method of Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko. He himself was sick with bronchial asthma, for a successful cure from which he invented his own unique set of exercises.

Bronchial asthma is a disease that requires constant monitoring of its condition. In addition to drug treatment, it is very useful to engage in special breathing exercises designed to relieve an attack. In addition, they will be an excellent prevention of chronic bronchitis.

The main rule required by breathing exercises in asthma is the regularity of classes. You should exercise every day, preferably outdoors, regardless of the weather conditions.

Indications and limitations for performing gymnastics

Breathing exercises for asthma are rapidly gaining popularity, being used not only to treat, but also to help with many other diseases. Even a healthy person will not hurt to carry out these manipulations, increasing their vitality.

There are many sets of exercises that allow you to choose the most suitable. In addition to the healing power, such gymnastics has a versatile effect:

  • enrichment of each cell of the body with oxygen;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • improving the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalization of pressure indicators;
  • slag removal;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

As a result of such positive changes in health, a person is more often in high spirits, thanks to getting rid of negative energy. Thus, everyone who wants to improve the condition of their body should try breathing exercises for asthma.

But there are also medical indications for performing a set of exercises:

  • any disease of the respiratory system;
  • heart pain;
  • increased pressure;
  • spine or joint problems;
  • stressful condition and depression;
  • headache.

The most important indicator for the implementation of the complex is diseases of the respiratory system, in particular bronchial asthma. But there are cases when gymnastics is strictly contraindicated. It:

  • any tumors;
  • injury to the spinal system;
  • hypertension;
  • urolithiasis.

To finally choose a complex breathing exercises, suitable for you, you need to see a doctor and undergo the necessary examination. Based on its results, medical recommendations will be given that should be taken into account.

General Exercise

If you are at the beginning of the path to mastering breathing exercises - these classes are for you. They effectively help to cope with the stress caused by the attack of bronchial asthma and serve as a good prevention against recurrent attacks.

  • Breathing out through the mouth is a full-fledged exercise, for which you don't even need to get out of bed after waking up. Starting position: legs bent at the knees. Start pulling them up as close to your chin as possible, while exhaling deeply through your mouth. Repeat 10-15 times. This exercise well cleanses the respiratory system, eliminating phlegm.
  • Alternating breathing - performed as in sitting position, and standing or lying. Cover one nostril with your finger, inhale deeply, then close the other - exhale. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, changing the nostril that you close.
  • Diaphragm breathing is another simple exercise that does not require special conditions. Place your hands on your sides, inhale deeply through your nose, puffing out your stomach strongly. After a second, exhale sharply also with your nose, immediately draw in your stomach. Do the exercise 10 times.
  • Pulmonary ventilation, for which you need to sit upright and place your hands on your knees. Inhale deeply through your nose, stretching your arms out in different directions. Exhaling, pull your left leg as close to your chest as possible. Repeat gymnastics alternately with each leg.
  • Intermittent breathing is prohibited for hypertensive patients. Breathe in air sharply, wait 3-4 seconds, exhale with the sounds "z" and "w".

Such simple exercises will help not only to defeat the next attack of bronchial asthma, but also to tone the body.

Strelnikova's method

This is one of the most effective exercise complexes for bronchial asthma. It was originally intended for singers as a voice training. Its effectiveness in asthma was discovered by chance, when the author of the technique, experiencing another attack without the ability to call for help, used her own program. This decision saved her life. So Strelnikova's gymnastics with asthma began to rapidly gain popularity.

The exercises that make up the technique do not require special physical fitness and special conditions... Ease and accessibility are the main advantages of this type of gymnastics.

  • The pump is an exercise that serves not only as prevention, but also very useful during the attack itself. Take any oblong object and begin to depict the process of inflating the wheel. Bending over - inhale, unbending - exhale. Don't strain yourself, keep it simple and natural. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Repeat the exercise at least 8 times, pause and repeat 10 more times.
  • Bends are a great preventative exercise. To do it, bend forward a little, lower your head and bend your elbows. Breathe in briefly and sharply through your nose and exhale in the same position. After two repetitions, pause for 4-6 seconds and re-inhale with an incline. Do the exercise alternating with rest until you feel a little tired.
  • Hug your shoulders - to perform it, bend your elbows and raise them to your shoulders. Turn your palms towards you, keeping them against your neck. Connect your arms sharply, while one of them reaches the opposite shoulder, and the other - the armpits. The exercise can be done on the go, observing a certain rhythm of steps.

Thus, the main movements of Strelnikova's gymnastics:

  • tilt-inhale, which is done abruptly, quickly and simultaneously;
  • hug-breath, which are performed repeatedly and rhythmically.

For exercises using this method to be especially effective, you need to learn how to:

  • inhale - imagine that you smell something, and you try to understand what exactly, taking quick and sharp breaths;
  • exhale - without straining to do it through the mouth;
  • keep track of the tempo - any rhythmic song that you mentally hum will help with this. Inhale loudly, exhale softly. Stick to the rhythm - 65-75 breaths for a minute. Normally, during the performance of gymnastics, you should take from 100 to 200 rhythmic breaths, making a pause of 4-6 seconds between them.

If exercise for asthma does not help to cope with an attack, you should immediately use your usual medicine. After that, you can start gymnastics only the next day.

Yoga for asthma

This is a set of exercises specifically designed to help with asthma.

  • Oxygenation - performed in the lotus position. Stare at the tip of your nose, pressing your tongue firmly against your upper teeth. Sitting in the most comfortable position for yourself, take 8 quick breaths. Next, inhale deeply through your nose, wait 3-6 seconds, then exhale slowly. Repeat 3 times.
  • Cleansing breath is one of the most powerful exercises. Stand up straight and take a slow, deep breath. If everything is correct, the wings of the nose should touch the septum. Next, fold your lips with a tube, and begin to slowly exhale air in small portions. The main requirement of the exercise is to inhale as deeply as possible, at which a slight tension is felt in the abdomen.
  • Relaxation - also performed while standing. Inhale slowly and deeply, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. After that, you need to sharply lean forward, exhaling the sound "ha" through your mouth. Straightening with a slow inhalation and arms raised up, lowering during exhalation.
  • Lung stimulation is an exercise performed while lying down. Inhale deeply through your nose, raising your arms as high as possible. Wait 2-3 seconds, then quickly bend your knees and lift. Wrap your arms around your legs, press them to your chest, exhaling with the sound "ha". Rest for 2-3 seconds, then inhale slowly through your mouth, raising your arms, straightening your legs and placing them back on the floor. Hold your breath and exhale through your nose, as slowly as possible, while lowering your arms. Repeat the entire cycle three times.

It should be borne in mind that after performing breathing exercises, you need to fully rest. You also need to immediately stop exercising at the slightest tension in the respiratory organs. Compliance with all the rules of gymnastics and reasonable care in its implementation guarantee high efficiency.

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