Radiculitis. Exercises for lumbosacral radiculitis: step-by-step instructions What exercise therapy exercises for radiculopathy

Exercise for radiculitis of the lumbar spine is perhaps the most effective way to curb the disease, especially in the initial stage of its development. Principle here is simple: training strengthens the muscles, which in turn pulls together the vertebrae, not allowing them to relieve pressure on the intervertebral discs. Thus, the discs are deprived of the opportunity to move to the side and pinch the lateral branches extending from the spinal cord that innervate the lower extremities.

These branches (roots) in Latin are called radix'ami. Hence the name - sciatica. "It" is a suffix used in medicine to denote inflammation. That is, exactly what happens when the roots are injured by the contacting vertebrae.

Gymnastics with radiculitis allows not only to stop the development of the inflammatory process, but also to bring it to naught along with all the symptoms. It normalizes impaired blood circulation and stimulates the metabolism of mineral salts, vitamins and other substances necessary for nourishing the lumbar region. What , ultimately, relieves of the most annoying companion of sciatica - constant, excruciating pain.

The successful use of exercise therapy for radiculitis requires adherence to certain rules. They include a number of fundamental provisions:

  1. The entire set of exercises should be agreed with your doctor. It is also necessary to consult with him in case of any difficulties in the course of the treatment course.
  2. If you have serious pain in the lower back, do not start classes. Analgesics in the first stage are also not desirable. You need to focus only on your own capabilities.
  3. Start your workout with unhurried movements. Sharpness and increased loads are permissible only with sufficient preparation. This is the most physiological mode for the spine.
  4. All manifestations of the pain syndrome should be alarming: it is necessary either to slow down the pace of classes, or consult a doctor if the pain does not subside. He can change the configuration of the exercises.
  5. The number of repetitions of each exercise should be increased in accordance with physical capabilities with an orientation to the maximum by the end of the exercise therapy course.
  6. Conduct trainings regularly and purposefully: preferably several times a day, focusing on all the loads on the lumbar region. Only systematic exercises will lead to the desired goal.
  7. The gymnastics room for sciatica should be constantly ventilated, clothes should be spacious, not restricting movement.

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And the most important condition for achieving success is an extremely positive attitude.

Exercise therapy training course

The main task of this complex is to strengthen the muscular frame of the lumbar spine. This is achieved indirectly: all exercises are performed with tension of the muscles of the abdominal press, which pulls the lower back towards itself.

Each exercise should be repeated 5 to 15 times. At the initial stage of training, it is preferable to stick to the lower bar.

  1. The first exercise is performed on the back, in the "lying" position. Hands are extended along the hips with support on the heels, pull the feet of both legs back, put the palms of both hands on the stomach. While inhaling, tighten the press with a short breath holding at the maximum (the lower back should bend slightly). In case of pain, you can perform a lighter version - without bending the knees.
  2. The starting position is the same: bend your legs slightly at the knees with support on the feet. It is necessary to tear off the shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor with the transfer of the main load to the press, at the maximum, fix the position for a few seconds. Return to starting point, relax. Repeat the exercises 5-15 times, according to the above regulations. Complicated option - when performing movements, hands are folded behind the head.
  3. The exercise is performed with support on the back, arms extended on the floor parallel to the hips. Bend the left leg at the knee joint, raise it above the floor, fix the position for 2-3 seconds. Straighten the leg, thereby increasing the muscle tone of the abdomen. Do the usual number of repetitions and duplicate the same exercise with the right leg, then with both legs together. At the initial stage, 5-10 repetitions are enough for each task.
  4. Support on the back, hands along the hips, legs bent at the knees. Raise the left hand above the floor and stretch it out, palm on the right knee. Bend the right knee joint with the tension of the press, bringing it closer to the chest (the left hand must oppose this). Continue the "fight" for at least 10 seconds. Duplicate the exercise on the left leg.
  5. It is done on the floor in a supine position. The legs and arms are extended parallel to each other. Raise your legs, tearing them off the floor by 30 centimeters, fix the pose. Slowly, leaning on the press, lower your legs to their original place. To complicate the task, you can put your hands behind your head.
  6. The starting position is similar to the previous one, for balance, rest the palms of both hands on the floor and pull your knees to your stomach. Imitate cycling with your feet: as if with pedaling (you should "twist" 10-15 times in the directions "away from you" and "towards yourself"). Continue for 1-3 minutes according to the capabilities of the press.
  7. The load on the lumbar spine is carried out from the "lying" position. It is necessary to rest on the floor with your palms, tear your extended legs off the floor by about 25-30 centimeters, fix the position for a second. Spread to the side, and then cross your legs one over one in a horizontal plane, doing a kind of "scissors". To increase the load on the lower back, the exercise should be performed with the hands behind the head.
  8. Performed on the floor. Lie on your back, stretch your arms parallel to your legs. From this position, bend your knees a little, with support on the heels of both legs and the area of ​​the shoulder blades, tear the lower back off the floor and try to reach the "bridge" (the arc should be maximum possible). Fix the reached position for at least 5 seconds. Return to the starting position, rest and repeat the task at least 10 times.
  9. From a position similar to the previous one, bend the legs squeezed together, spread your arms to the sides, rest your palms on the floor for balance. Throw your legs first to the right, then to the left of the projection of the body with tension on the press and lower back. The number of repetitions is standard.
  10. Lie on your stomach, bring the backs of the hands of both hands under the chin. Lift up the right and left legs alternately with a delay at the maximum rise for about 10 seconds. 10-15 reps.
  11. It is also performed on the stomach. It is worth lying on the floor, spreading your arms wide to the side until you feel tension in the lumbar region, “throwing” your arms forward, as in breaststroke swimming, bringing your hands to your shoulders, then spreading your arms again. The number of repetitions is normal.
  12. Lie down with your back on the floor, stretch both arms straight forward. Then, with tension on the lumbar region, raise the right arm and left leg, hold the position for a few seconds. Relax and complete the same task with opposite limbs. Just 5-15 times.
  13. Without changing the position of the body in the previous task, put your hands behind your back, interlock by the "lock" method, lifting your shoulders, bring them together in the shoulder blades, and relax. Mode - up to 15 repetitions.
  14. Strengthening the lateral muscles of the lower back. From the same position “on the back”, bend your legs, wrap your knees with your hands, interlocking your fingers in a “lock”, pull your legs to your chest, tilt your body alternately to one side in different directions from 5 to 15 times.
  15. Modification of the previous exercise: the body of the body, with the knees drawn in, rises up, then returns to its place. Thus, the anterior and posterior muscles of the lower back and the sacral spine are strengthened.
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Systematic approach

In conclusion, it is worth repeating that exercise therapy for radiculitis of the lumbar spine gives persistent encouraging results only with systematic training. The greatest the therapeutic effect is achieved by combining physical exercise with additional procedures, such as:

  • Manual and physiotherapy;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Aqua aerobics;
  • Forced stretching of the lower back on the simulator.

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Hirudotherapy stimulates blood circulation well: leeches relieve swelling, suck out stagnant blood. Walking in the fresh air and dietary meals with a predominance of mineral salts and vitamins are useful. All this, taken in combination, is quite capable of stopping the disease and returning the victim to a normal, healthy life.

The set of exercises used for lumbosacral radiculitis includes exercises for the pelvic region and back, as well as for the lower extremities.

Exercise number 1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean to the left, hold for 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position. Lean to the right, hold for 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position. The maximum number of inclinations made to either side is 10–12. The exercise is performed at a slow pace. If you don't feel any discomfort or pain, then you can switch to an average pace. Also, the pace can be combined: first, inclinations are performed 4 times at an average pace, then 4 times at a slow pace and again 4 times on average. Movements should be smooth, without jerking.

Exercise number 2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward slightly, hold for 2-3 seconds, straighten up. Lean back a little, linger for 2-3 seconds, return to the starting position. The maximum number of bends made back and forth is 8-10. The exercise should be performed at a slow pace, smoothly, without jerking, and watch for pain.

Exercise number 3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Turn to the left, hold for 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position. Turn to the right, hold for 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position. The optimal number of turns in either direction is 10–12. It is better to do the exercise at a slow pace, but medium and combined are also suitable.

Exercise number 4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back, palms on the lower back. Make a deep bend forward, hold this for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position. Then repeat the slope. The maximum number of slopes is 8-10. The exercise is best done at a slow pace, inhale when bent over, exhale when returning to the starting position.

Exercise number 5. Starting position: standing, arms shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered along the body. Bend forward, pull your arms down, trying to touch the floor. Hold this for 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position. The maximum number of slopes is 7–8. When leaning forward, take a deep breath, when returning to the starting position, exhale. You need to perform the exercise at a slow pace, smoothly, without jerking, with extreme caution. With sciatica in this position, a lumbago may occur, and it will be quite difficult to straighten. A slow pace and smooth movement will save you from this kind of trouble.

Exercise number 6. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Make a rotational movement with the body from left to right, describing an arc, and, without stopping, from right to left, to return to the starting position. Rotational movements can also be performed from right to left. The pace of the exercise is slow, the maximum number of rotations is 5–6, the movements are smooth, without jerks.

Exercise number 7. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered along the body. Place the palms of the hands on the front of the thigh, bend forward so that the palms slide along the thigh to the knee. Touch your knees with your palms, hold for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. It is best to perform the exercise at a slow pace, smoothly, without jerking. When bending, inhale, when straightening, exhale. The maximum number of inclinations is 8-10.

Exercise number 8. Starting position: standing, feet together, hands on the belt. Do a half-squat, return to starting position. If it is difficult to perform the exercise with your hands on your belt, then you can use the back of the chair as a support. The maximum number of half-squats is 7-8. The movements during the exercise should be smooth, without jerking.

Exercise number 9. Starting position: standing, feet together, hands on the belt. Do a half squat. At the same time, stretch your arms forward. Hold in this position for 3-4 seconds, then return to the starting position. The maximum number of half-squats is 6-8. The exercise is performed at a slow pace, when half-squatting, inhale, when returning to the starting position, exhale. It is better not to increase the pace of the exercise, try to do all the movements smoothly, without jerking.

Exercise number 10. Starting position: standing, legs together, hands on the belt or freely lowered along the body. Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee, hold it for 2-3 seconds, return to its original position. Perform a similar movement with the right foot. The number of flexions can be 6–8, the maximum is 12. Movements should be performed smoothly, without jerking, to avoid painful sensations. When bending the leg, inhale, when returning to the starting position, exhale.

Exercise number 11. Starting position: standing, legs together, arms freely lowered along the body. Raise your arms and spread them to the sides, in this position, tilt to the left. Hold for 2-3 seconds, return to the starting position. Leaning to the left 3-4 times, change position and tilt to the right side. The maximum number of inclines is 10–12. You can alternate slopes left and right, doing 2 in each direction. The pace of the exercise is slow and medium, alternation is permissible, for example, slow - 3 times, medium - 4 times, slow - 3 times.

Exercise number 12. Starting position: standing, arms are freely lowered along the body, legs together. Raise your arms and spread them to the sides. Make a turn to the left, hold for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. After making turns to the left 3-4 times, start turning to the right. The maximum number of turns is 10–12. You can alternate turns to the right and left, making 2 in each direction. The pace of the movements is slow or medium, but you can also change it during the exercise.

Exercise number 13. Starting position: standing, legs together, arms freely lowered along the body. Raise your arms, stretch as far as possible, lower your arms, return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-12 times at a slow pace. When raising your hands, take a deep breath, when you return to the starting position, exhale.

Exercise number 14. Starting position: lying on your back, placing a small roller under your head. Bend one leg at the knee, wrap your fingers around and try to gently pull your thigh to your chest (fig. 42)... In this case, the lower back should be pressed to the floor, and the pelvis should be slightly raised. Do the exercise 3-4 times with one leg, then the other. The pace of the exercise is slow, the movements are smooth, without jerking.

Exercise number 15. Starting position: lying on your back, legs straightened, feet slightly bent, hands are clasped and are on the stomach. Raise straightened arms, without opening them, straight up (fig. 43)... Hold this for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-12 times at a slow pace. When raising your hands, take a deep breath, when you return to the starting position, exhale. If there is no pain, the exercise can be diversified: when the arms are raised, do not return immediately to their original position, but bring them further, trying to touch the floor with the interlocked hands. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the starting position.

Exercise number 16. Starting position: lying on your back, placing a roller under your head, legs are straightened, arms are freely located along the body. Grasp the lower thighs with your hands, pull your knees to your stomach (fig. 44)... Hold this for 3-4 seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise at a slow pace, the maximum number of pull-ups is 8-10. If there is no pain, then one more action can be applied: when the knees are pulled up to the stomach, do not return immediately to the starting position, but swing the knees in different directions 3-4 times.

Exercise number 17. Starting position: lying on your stomach, legs straightened, arms bent at the elbows, palms pressed to the floor (fig. 45)... Strongly resting your palms on the floor, raise the pelvic region. Hold this for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. The exercise is performed at a slow pace, as smoothly as possible, without jerking. The maximum number of movements is 5-6. When performing this exercise, you should listen to yourself if there is any pain. When they appear, you must immediately stop moving.

Exercise number 18. Starting position: lying on your stomach, legs straightened, elbows and palms to rest on the floor (fig. 46)... Resting on your palms, raise your head and shoulders as much as possible. Hold in this position for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. At the same time, the muscles of the back are very tense, and the arms do not come off the floor. The movements are smooth, without jerking, the pace of the exercise is slow. The maximum number of movements is 10-12.

This exercise completes the set of additional exercises that are used in medical gymnastics for lumbosacral radiculitis.

It is a common disease. Usually osteochondrosis becomes the cause of the disease. Lumbosacral radiculitis is most common; cervical and thoracic types occur much less frequently.

The main symptom of the disease is a sharp pain in the back, irrigating to the arm, shoulder, thigh, and lower leg.

In most cases, the disease is successfully treated with conservative methods, operations are done very rarely. Among the conservative non-drug methods, physical education takes the leading place.

Physiotherapy is the main assistant in the fight for the health of the spine. The main goals pursued by gymnastics in the treatment of sciatica:

  • stimulation of blood circulation in the affected area;
  • strengthening muscles;
  • increased mobility of the spine;
  • removal of pain syndrome;
  • prevention of recurrence of the disease.

Thanks to exercise therapy, the patient forms a strong muscle corset that supports the spine in the correct position, prevents the displacement of the vertebrae. Exercise therapy is used in complex treatment, along with drug therapy and physiotherapy. Physical education is allowed after the removal of acute pain syndrome. The set of exercises is selected strictly individually, performed under the supervision of a specialist.

Depending on the stage of treatment, physical exercise has specific goals:

  • At stage 1, with the help of physical education, pain, swelling, muscle spasm is relieved, and lymph exchange of tissues is improved.
  • At stage 2, it is important to restore all body functions, to increase the mobility of the affected limbs.
  • At stage 3, you need to form a muscle corset, train the muscles of the arms and legs.

Exercise rules

In order for physical education to contribute to the treatment of sciatica, certain rules should be followed:

  • Draw up and coordinate a set of exercises with your doctor.
  • Perform movements smoothly, slowly. Avoid sudden movements that increase pain.
  • First, perform the exercises in a lying or sitting position. Then you can start training while standing.
  • Begin training with a minimum number of repetitions, gradually increasing the number of exercises and repetitions.
  • Use alternating static and dynamic exercises.
  • Train regularly.
  • If acute pain occurs, exercise should be discontinued.
  • If training does not bring relief, you should discuss this with your doctor and adjust the complex.


Despite all the usefulness of physiotherapy exercises, sometimes classes are contraindicated, as they can worsen the patient's condition. Such contraindications are:

  • serious heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • exacerbation of sciatica;
  • general poor health of the patient.

Lumbar sciatica exercises

For sciatica, it is important to strengthen your core muscles. These are muscles that help stabilize the spine, pelvis, hips. These include:

  • rectus, transverse, oblique abdominal muscles;
  • muscles of the buttocks and thighs;
  • adductor muscles.

The trained muscles allow you to maintain the spine in an anatomically healthy position and maintain a beautiful posture.

Basic exercises for sciatica:

  1. Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees. When inhaling, hold your breath and tighten your abdominal muscles. When you exhale, relax as much as possible.
  2. The starting position is the same. Inhaling, tear off the shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor. The main load should fall on the press. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds, relax.
  3. Lying on your back, raise the leg bent at the knee, straighten it, stay in this position for 5 seconds. Then bend and lower the leg. Repeat with the other leg.
  4. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Raise your straight legs by 20-30 cm, hold for 5-10 seconds, return to the starting position.
  5. Lying on your back, bend your knees, tilt them left and right.
  6. Lie on your stomach, put your hands under your chin. Take turns to raise straight legs.
  7. The starting position is the same. Raise the upper body, lingering at the top point for 10 seconds.
  8. Lying on your stomach, close your hands in the lock behind your back. Raise your shoulders for 5 seconds.

reference: repeat each exercise 5-10 times.

When the patient reaches 15 repetitions, new exercises can be added. "Bicycle" and "scissors" give a good effect. You need to twist your legs and cross your limbs for 2-3 minutes. Also, the exercise "bridge" from a lying position is suitable for strengthening the spine. You need to bend over, leaning on your shoulders and heels.

Charging with sciatica

Patients with sciatica are advised to do morning exercises. It helps to maintain muscle tone, increase the mobility of the spine and limbs. Charging should be done after waking up before eating. Execution time is about 15 minutes. Movements should be smooth, performed at a slow pace, do not cause pain, do not cause discomfort.

A set of exercises for morning exercises from a standing position:

  • Tilts of the body back and forth, right and left.
  • Keeping your hands on your belt, turn the body to the right and left.
  • The starting position is the same. Perform circular rotations with the upper body.

Then move on to exercises for stretching the spine:

  • Lean forward smoothly, trying to reach the floor with your palms.
  • Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs. Try to reach your toes with your hands.
  • Lying on your back, press your knees to your stomach, wrap your arms around them. Roll smoothly on your back.

Repeat each exercise 5-10 times, depending on how you feel. After doing the exercises, you can lie on your back, relax and lie down for 1-2 minutes to restore breathing and heartbeat. Such simple gymnastics helps to increase blood circulation, energizes for the whole day.


In addition to exercise therapy, doctors prescribe physiotherapy for radiculitis. Physiotherapy has a stimulating effect on the body, helps to improve the processes of regeneration in tissues. Like exercise therapy, physiotherapy is prescribed after the acute period of the disease has passed.

Basic physiotherapy:

  • Electrophoresis... This is a method of affecting the affected area using low frequency currents. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs are administered through the patient's skin. As a result, the inflammatory process in the pinched nerve roots declines, and the damaged cartilaginous tissue is restored.
  • Magnetotherapy- treatment with alternating and constant magnetic fields. The processes of regeneration are improved, microcirculation in the affected tissues is stimulated. In addition, the pain syndrome is stopped, swelling and inflammation are reduced.
  • Ultrasound(phonophoresis). Treatment is based on a change in the electrical activity of cells, which leads to the normalization of tissue metabolism. It is performed with the use of analgesics, which are delivered to the tissues continuously or impulsively.
  • Diadynamic therapy- treatment with currents of different frequencies in different modes. In places of pinched nerves, electrodes are placed that stimulate the nerve endings. Thanks to this, an analgesic and myostimulating effect is achieved.
  • UHF... A high-frequency magnetic field is applied to the affected areas of the spine. In tissues, blood circulation increases, inflammation is relieved, and the body's immune defense increases.

Usually the duration of the course is 10-14 sessions. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated with exacerbation of sciatica.

Important: if you feel worse during and after physiotherapy, you should suspend treatment and discuss the situation with your doctor.

Physiotherapy methods have a number of contraindications:

  • Cancer tumors.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Acute infectious disease.
  • Serious pathologies of the heart, kidneys, lungs.
  • Kidney stones, gall bladder.
  • Bleeding and tendency to them.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis).
  • Individual intolerance to the current.

In any case, any treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician.

Useful video

Watch a video about remedial gymnastics for sciatica


Sciatica is a common disease of the spine. Due to physical inactivity, constant stress in modern society, the disease is getting younger every year. Drug therapy helps at the initial stage, but it cannot be used for a long time. Then remedial gymnastics and physiotherapy come to the rescue. Exercise is recommended throughout life. Thus, it is possible to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Dear Readers! If you have experience in treating sciatica, tell us about it in the comments to this article!

It negatively affects mainly the peripheral nervous system. The disease appears due to the fact that the nerve roots of the spinal cord are pinched. Often there is a disease in which unpleasant symptoms can be observed. In this case, the pathology has both stages of exacerbation and periods of remission.

It is extremely important to start fighting the disease in a timely manner in order to improve your well-being. In particular, you should familiarize yourself with the symptoms in order to know exactly how the pathology manifests itself.

You should not expect the disease to disappear on its own. It is imperative that you perform exercises for radiculitis of the lumbar spine in order to quickly restore the spine and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Many people face sciatica, and it can occur both in young years and in old age. Symptoms appear quickly and acutely, while the person feels stiffness in movements and pain in the area of ​​the affected area. After the first appearance, sciatica becomes chronic, and then periodically worsens. If you do not use medications, then you will not be able to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms. That is why it is important to choose the right medicines so that you can normalize your well-being.

It should be noted that sciatica is of different types. In particular, it differs in the place of localization. Cervical disease affects people between the ages of 25 and 40. In this case, a person complains of discomfort in the neck, stiffness in head movements, as well as numbness in the hands.

If radiculitis is present, then the pain is in as well. Often, the upper limbs may be affected, in particular, numbness may appear.

The lumbosacral region is often affected. In such a situation, the patient suffers from acute lower back pain, which is especially pronounced during movement. It is worth paying attention to the localization of the infringement in order to understand which department requires treatment. Naturally, it is not allowed to start therapy on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor.

You can highlight various provoking factors that lead to an exacerbation of radiculitis:

  • Nervous strain. If a person is often exposed to stressful situations, then he should not be surprised at the occurrence of sciatica.
  • Physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle cannot be called beneficial to humans. If you move a little, then you can face dangerous diseases. For this reason, it is recommended to take regular walks even when there is practically no free time.
  • Hard physical labor. Some people are forced to regularly overwork, spend all day on their feet, or lift weights. In such situations, it is extremely important to know when to stop, otherwise you may face negative consequences.
  • Hypothermia. A person must definitely take care to keep his health in good condition. To do this, you need to dress warmly and, if possible, not be in drafts. If you cool your neck, then you can face a disease such as sciatica.
  • Age. Elderly people are significantly more likely to suffer from pain in the spine. This is due to the fact that they have various chronic diseases, and the body cannot fully cope with its functions. In particular, salt deposition may occur, osteophytes will begin to grow, intervertebral discs will become thinner. In old age, it is imperative to carefully monitor your health, if you do not want to face various diseases later.
  • Neoplasms. Regardless of the nature of the tumor that has arisen in the spine, in any case, a person should immediately visit a doctor and understand what treatment measures will have to be used. Only in this case will it be possible to significantly improve the state of health and prevent the occurrence of dangerous consequences.
  • ... It often provokes the onset of radiculitis, which is why it is extremely important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner so that later you do not have to face complications.

If sciatica occurs, then a person should definitely take care of treatment. In this situation, it will be possible to significantly improve well-being and prevent deterioration in health. It only depends on the person how good his health will be. If you take good care of your health, then you can avoid the appearance of negative consequences.

Special exercises for radiculitis of the lumbar spine can quickly normalize well-being and generally improve a person's condition. In this case, one should adhere to certain recommendations so as not to aggravate the state of health.

In particular, the whole complex will need to be coordinated with the doctor so that the treatment course is as effective as possible. If there is significant pain in the lower back, then you should not start exercising. By the way, taking analgesics is not recommended, because they do not solve the problem itself.

You need to start your workout with slow movements. Sharpness should be gradually increased if the person is ready enough for this. This mode is most desirable for the spine.

All manifestations of pain syndrome are required to alert the patient. For a start, you should slow down the pace of classes or consult a doctor if the pain persists. A specialist may recommend changing the course of action.

The frequency of repetitions of each exercise should be gradually increased, because you cannot immediately load the body. The trainings themselves are carried out regularly and purposefully. It is recommended to do gymnastics several times a day, focusing on the load on the lumbar region. Only systematic exercises will allow you to achieve the desired goal.

The gymnastics room with sciatica must be constantly ventilated. In this case, clothes should be selected simple so that it does not hinder movement. If painful sensations arise, then it is better to refuse to do the exercises. After all, gymnastics should lead to a positive result, and not worsen a person's well-being. The exercises themselves will need to be selected depending on what state the person is in, as well as what result he wants to achieve. If you do gymnastics correctly, then you will be able to achieve positive results.

Useful exercises

Gymnastics with sciatica helps to strengthen the muscular frame of the lumbar spine. This can be achieved by improving the muscles of the abdominals, which tightens the lower back.

The regularity of exercise for sciatica is important. They should be done every day to bring about positive change. Each action is repeated on average 5 to 15 times. In this case, at the very beginning of training, you should adhere to the lower bar.

What physical exercises to do with sciatica:

  • The first action should be performed on the back, the person should take a recumbent position. Hands should be extended along the hips, while resting on the heels. The feet should be pulled back, and the hands should be placed on the stomach. On inhalation, it is necessary to strain the press, while the lower back should slightly bend.
  • A person must lie on the floor, then stretch his arms parallel to his legs. Bend your knees, leaning on your feet. The lower back should be torn off the floor in order to reach the "bridge". It is worth making an arc that will be as large as possible.
  • You need to lie on your stomach, put your hands under your chin, and then, in turn, raise your lower limbs. In this case, you should stay in the top position for 10 seconds.
  • Lying on your stomach, you need to imitate breaststroke swimming. The exercise should be done for 1 to 2 minutes.
  • A person should lie on his back, and then hug his knees with his hands. Be sure to bend in the neck area and then roll back and forth.
  • You should lie on your back, then clasp your hands behind your head and begin to lift the body up. It is important that the neck muscles tighten.

Exercise therapy for radiculitis gives positive results if exercises are performed correctly. It is worth consulting with your doctor about exactly what actions you need to perform. Physical education is obliged to bring an exceptionally positive result. If the state of health worsens, then exercise should be abandoned.

After gymnastics with radiculitis, many people feel better. That is why you should definitely choose exercises to strengthen the muscle body.

Any doctor will tell you that the best ally in the fight against radicular nerve inflammation is exercise therapy. A properly selected set of exercises will help strengthen the spine, develop its mobility, strengthen the back muscles, and normalize their tone.

What does physiotherapy exercises and gymnastics give for sciatica?

Exercise with radiculitis improves the metabolism in tissues, contributes to the disappearance of stagnant conditions in muscle tissues and internal organs. In addition, lymph and blood circulation improves against the general background.

Systematic, correctly selected exercises help to increase the stability of the muscle corset, increase the gap between the vertebrae. As a result, the compression of the nerve root decreases, its nutrition improves, and swelling is eliminated and metabolic processes in the body are normalized. Patients feel a decrease in the intensity of the pain syndrome, the mobility of muscles and tissues returns, and swelling in the area of ​​inflammation decreases.

In addition, exercise significantly reduces the risk of future spinal diseases.

Principles of prescribing exercise therapy for radiculitis

  1. When compiling a set of exercises, first of all, the following is taken into account: the patient's condition, stage and localization of the disease. It is also important to note that physical activity cannot be used in the acute stage of radicular syndrome, since this can only aggravate the situation.
  2. Regardless of the general condition of the patient, the exercise regimen should be gentle. The complexity of the exercises should increase gradually: from simple to more complex, and with a gradual increase in the load.
  3. Exercises must be combined. The course should contain both static and dynamic exercises. During classes, the appearance of slight malaise is allowed, but if acute and sharp pain appears, classes must be stopped immediately!
  4. Classes should be regular, not coursework, sometimes healing physical education is recommended throughout life.

Rules for conducting physiotherapy exercises and gymnastics

1. To minimize the load on the spine, all exercises are performed in the supine position, sitting or on all fours. In some cases, depending on the patient's condition, doctors may prescribe standing exercises.

2. At the beginning of the complex, the exercises are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the shoulders, arms and back. Further, the process includes physical activity, which helps to strengthen these muscle groups.

3. In the presence of a strong pain syndrome, exercises for flexion-extension of the spine are excluded from the exercises. They can provoke an increase in intradiscal pressure and aggravate the clinical picture.

Exercise therapy contraindications for radiculitis:

  • severe physical condition of the patient;
  • acute period of the course of the disease;
  • decompensation of the heart.

Therapeutic gymnastics with radiculitis has few contraindications, but you should not start it on your own. Consult your doctor and find the optimal set of exercises.

Exercise therapy for radiculitis of the lumbar spine

The high efficiency of exercise therapy has been proven in the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis. In this case, the lightweight starting positions for the patient are selected purely individually.

Here are some examples of starting positions for exercise therapy or gymnastics.

Before starting classes, you need to lie on an inclined plane with an angle of inclination of 20-45 degrees. The emphasis should be on the axillary region. You need to be in this position for at least 5-10 minutes. The result of this exercise is to stretch the spinal column, expand the intervertebral spaces and reduce the pressure on the nerve roots. For stretching, exercises such as mixed hanging at the gymnastic wall are also used, which are swinging movements on outstretched arms.

To unload the spine, the starting position is used: standing with an emphasis on the knees.

In case of cervicothoracic inflammation of the radicular nerve, exercises for the hands and forearms are performed with their support on the table, exercises for the legs - with support on the couch. In the future, provided that the patient's condition improves, initial positions are selected that complicate the exercise.

Examples of exercises for sciatica

For the lesson, prepare a stool or ottoman, knee-high.

  1. Starting position (I.P.): standing on one leg, the other bent at the knee on a stool. Bending your leg harder on the stool, bend back. Repeat 5 times for each leg.
  2. I.P .: Sitting on a stool, wrap your hands around your knees. Straighten your legs alternately, five times.
  3. I.P .: sitting on the edge of the stool, holding the seat with his hands. Lean back with your back straight, each time try to lean as far as possible.
  4. I.P .: lying on the floor on your back, arms extended above your head, legs straight. Raise your torso and legs at the same time, forming a right angle. Repeat 5 times.
  5. I.P .: lying on the floor on his back, clasping the legs of the stool with his straightened arms behind his head. Slowly, without jerking, raise your legs, start them behind your head until the socks touch the stool.
  6. I.P .: emphasis on straight arms, wound behind the back, on the floor, legs on the stool bent at the knees (grasshopper position). Lift your pelvis up until a straight line forms between your knees and chin.
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